The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 03, 1904, Image 1

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    Vol. XVII. No. 23.
b.f. ntTnn
Editor and Proprietncw
It Will Pay You
Our Special Low Prices for
A big rebate give on
all you buy from regu
lar prices
A big and well select
ed stock to make your
selection from ", ...
Drop in and See
Robbers Escaped .With a Satchel
Containing Three Thousand
Dollars Farmers, Miners :
and Business men Join -Pursuing
Other News.
Fine LJght Sample Rooms.
Free 3 as
f SWWW f I Hotel
i Corvallis
Hammel, Prop.
T Leading Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. New :
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace. Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
Fine single ;
Hot and cold water t)h every floor.
rooms. Elegant-suites. Leading house in the "Willam
ette Valley. ' .'
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality
the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Portage, Pa., July 30. Charles
Hays, a drivei employed by the
Puritan Coal Company, was shot
and . killed today and Patrick
Campbell, the company's paymae
ter, was fatally wounded by three
men, who escaped after taking a
satchel containing $3,000 which it
was intended to pay the coal com
pany's employes at Puritan.
The two men - were passing in a
buggy,' when the - robbers, armed
with shotsune, ' emerged from
the woods, near the road and
fired at them. Armed oosses are
seeking the robbers and threaten to
lynch them.
' Kimball said be tnougnp tneir
assailants were Italians. They be
gan to use their shotguns before be
and Hays, who were bcth armed,
could get out their revolvers.
Kimball was also general super
intendent of the Puritan mills.
It is reported that two suspects
have been arrested at Beaverdale.
An Englishman whcsa name is
not known, was caught while run
ning, from a house in Pottage this
afternoon. He bad been seeu early
in the day, near where the hold-up
occurred, but eecaped.
Late this alternoon three Italians
were arrested and came from the di
rection "of Portage. "The men de
nied their guilt, end no money or
weapons were found on them.
The commission of Cambria coun
ty have issued a notice offering a
reward of $1,000 for the arrest and
conviction of the guilty persons. It
is estimated that 1,000 armed men
are scouring the country within a
radius of 1U miles of Portage.
It developed there tonight that I
the men in jail are not the men
who did the Portage hold-up; and
that the men wanted are secreted
somewhere in Lovett county, six
miles from the scene of the tragedy,
where Sheriff Lenhart and a half
hundred officers and twice that ma
ny armed citizens are now : search
ing every nook and corner. '-
From every quarter for over a ra
dius of 10 miles an army of farm
ers, miners and. business men and
officers are on guard. The men can
not get through - the lines. The
great pjpularity of Mr. Campbell
.and the .dastardly crime .have set
the' whole m'dUBtain' afireW v.-'." ! i
At 12-30-o'clock watchers on the
Fiaokstowo road saw two men, one
of them with a satchel, croes and
disappear in the bushes near the
grave yard there. The men on
guard called Jon the two men to
t-top. They refueed and 50 shots
were exchanged. Ine men were not
captured find disappeared.
Sheriff Lenhart returned at mid
night and is signing more men to
join the pursuers. The chase will
be continued all night.' 1 he orders
are to shoot any person who refuses
to halt. Armed men are rushing
in and out of the town every min
ute. Revolvers and ammunition
are being banded out to every
available man. The feeling against
the foreigners is growing bitter.
been shipped to New .York," where
it will be sold and, the proceeds
turned into the democratic cam
paign fond. It was marked "Par
ker and Davis, Gold Basis."
Murray M. Stewart, who brought
the bale here, sa d he hoped- the
bale would be bought by some good
democrat who would see that it was
manufactured into democratic cam
paign badges with an anti-trust mot
to. ,.' ' :
The cotton was grown by Deal
Jackfon a negro farmer, near Alba
ny, who, for years, haa raised the
first bale. It was bought by the
Georgia Cotton Company, of Alba
ny, at 15 cents a ' pound, and by
that concern sent to E. A. Cults, of
Savannah, to be sold here. The
cotton was classed "good middling"
at Albany, and this classification
was confirmed by the committee of
the Cotton Excbaoge. It brought
171 ceDts here. The bale was ad
dressed to Shearson, Hammill &
Y. . ., , .... '
- . f ,
Has Demomtiated That out in His
Own State of Indiana by Some
Wonderful- Potitical A
chievements A Good -"Mixer"
Co., N.
Plain and Fancy Chinavare
A large and varied line.
Orders rilled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
6B. Borning
XtD Glothes
For boys, little fellows and
young men see Nolan & Callahan.
Physician & Surgeon,
Omce up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly.
Middletown, N. Y. July 26.
If the experiment undertaken by
C. B. Ward, of New York, in prop
ogaling a new species of Angora
goats at Debruce, Sullivan county,
proves a success, it will mean a
great industry for that section of
Mr. Ward has purchased a large
tract of wild land at Debruce, upon
wmcn ne bas placed a herd ot im
ported white angora goats. He has
now gone to New Mexico in quest
of 2,000 goats from that state, and
proposes to cross the breeds, expect
ing to produce a superior species.
Several large land owners in the
wilds of Sullivan couunty are watch
ing the experiment with great in
terest, and if it results successfully
immense tracts probably will be de
voted to the goat-raising industry,
as the animal's wool brings about
50 cents per pound in the market.
- Portland, July 30. Portland Or
egonian : "There is probable cause
for appeal," says the certificate is
sued, by Judge Cleland postponing
the execution August 16 of Frank
Guglielmo for the murder of Freda
Garacie, and consequent! v tbepris
oner will have another chance for
his life. In the strict reading of
the jaw governing such cases, Gug
lielmo will be returned from Salem
penitentiary, wbere he now -is, to
the custody of the sheriff of Mult
nomah county The all important
certificate : was signed by Judge
Cleland and was received yesterday
morning by County Clerk Fields.
A copy was served on on Sheriff
Word and another copy was mailed
to the warden of the penitentiary
at Salem.
Attorney Ralph H. Moody has
been engaged to assist Dan R. Mur
phy and John F, Logan in defend
hog the prisoner. . Mr. Murphy
states that there will be little or
nothing to say about the case until
the supreme court passes on it in
October, and that if the judgment
of Ue lower Ourt is affirmed an
appesl may be taken to the United
States supreme court, in conse
quencNs of thfse various delays, Gug
lielmo may not be banged until a.
bout the end of the present year. Jg
Kingman, Ariz., July 30;
Heavy rains in the mountains east
of Truxton last night sent down a
wall of water 3O feet high through
the canyon, washing nut the Santa
Fe railroad track, embankments
bridges, telegraph poles and every
thing movable for a distance of 12
miles.' Great steel bridges were
taken from their fondations and
piled up against the walls of the
canyon. Massive stone abutments
were crumbled and carried away,
At Crozier everything movable.
mcluilng the station signal, tele
graph poles and box cars were piled
dp on the big steel bridge to the
west of the station..
At Hackburv thebumbhouse and
machinery was "destroyed and swept
into the valley miles away- The
big well was hlled to the brim -With
debris. ; .Houses . high - above all
heretofore known above high-water
marks were flooded and much dam
age done.
., Thousands of men have - been
hurried to the scene of the washout
by the Santa Fe, but it will be some
time before the water subsides
sufficiently to allow the workmen
to reconstruct the roadbed and
- Many lines of telegraph
down, and it will take jome
for repairs.
A report reaches Kingman
cloudburst at Cedar, a mining camp
80 miles south of here, which car
ried away part of a 20-stamp mill
gasoline pump engine, blacksmith
shop and other property. The shaft
of the Arnold mill was filled with
debris. The damage amounts
thousands of dollare.
Savannah, Ga , July 4. Savan-
Kitchen cabinets just received at
Hollenberg and Cady's,
Baseball Flayers and Foot Racers.
Louis T. Kroger, ex-champion long dis
tance footracer of Germany and Holland
writes, October 27. X901: "Dunne my
training of eight weeks' foot races at Salt
.Lake (Jity, in April last. I used Ballard
Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfac
tion. Therefore, I highly recommend
Snow Liniment to all who are troubled
with sprains, bruises or rheumatism."
25c, 50c, $1.00 Sold by Graham &Wor
thatn. .
chance this time against President
Roosevelt, and he would be glad to
get the chairmanship.
New York, July 28. New York
World: Twenty-seven years ago
when the girls in the lunch counter
at the Indianapolis Railroad station
said "Draw onel" the faucet in the
coffee urn was turned by a red-
cheeked, blue-eyed, . broad-shouldered
young Irishman.
Tomorrow, unless plans change
over night, or Judge Alton B. Par
ker sends a message to thecontrary,
that same Irishman, still red-cheeked,
will be made chairman of the
democratic national committee and
placed in charge of the Parker and
Davis campaign.
His name is ihomas laggart.. In
the' years between 1877 and the
present time he has been county au
ditor of Marion county, Ind., twice,
Mayor of Indianapolis three times,
chairman of the democratic state
committee and a member of the
democratic national committee. He
has grown in a business way, too.
He grew from the lunch counter in
the station to a restaurant of bis
own, then to the proprietorship of a
small hotel, then to a larger hotel,
and finally to the ownership of the
Grand Hotel in Indianapolis and a
chief interest in the resort at French
Lick Springs, Ind.
When laggart drew cottae, sold
sandwiches and handed out pie at
the lunch counter he was a smiling,
good-natured lad, full of energy and
with a faculty of making everybody
his friend. He has not changed.
His smile is just as cheery, bis eyes
tw'iDklejust as brightly and he
seems to grow more energetic as he
gets older. He is the- .sublimated
type of a "mixer." He knows ev
erybody in Indiana, knows about
everybody worth knowing in New
York and bas a great acquaintance
among politicians and statesmen in
all parts of the country. He has
been active iu politics in Indiana,
where every man is a politician,
since he walked there and got his
lunch counter job in 1877. He bas
won many fights from the republi
cans and bas been interested in a
large way in national democratic
politics since be became a member
of the democratic national commit
tee in 1892. ' : '
Taggart is just what be is said to
be a politician. He believes in
getting results. He does not theor
ize;-' He-does not plan complicated
campaigns. He gets out .; and gets
votes. : ; He can see an advantage as
quickly as any one, and a good deal
quicker than many. If be is placed
in charge ot tbe rarKer campaign be
will have an active canvass started
in ten day. He is familiar with the
methods of both democratic and re
publican national committees. He
knows the workers in all the states.
He makes no pretensions about his
own status. T He says the way to
win a campaign is to win it; and he
proceeds on that theory, without
bothering about the ethics of the
game. V
Taggart has had an ambition to
be chairman of the democratic na
tional committee since 1900, There
was much dissatisfaction among
democrats with ex-Senator James
K. Jones, who managed the Bryan
campaign in 1896, and Taggart said
be would like to try his hand at it
Mr. Bryan sent word that Jones
mast be reelected. He said it would
not be fair to take him from the
chairmanship because he lost in
1896. Taggart acquiesced cheer
fully. He did -what he "could to
help Brayan in Indiana. Then
when the present campaign came
on he frankly etated his ambitions
Usually the national chairman-
shiD is supposed to seek tbe man,
Taggart thought that folly. He
could not see why a man who
thought himself fitted to ran a na
- Portland, A ugust 1. "I am
not crazy; I am Elijah'."
Thus spoke Joshua Creffield,
prophet and founder of the "Holy
Rollers," to ministers of tbe Gos
pel who visited the prisoners incar
oerated in the county jail yesterday,
afternoon. He raised himself from
the cot on which he was lying,
propped his head on one hand, bat-'
ted his eyes at the men on the oth
ep side of the bars, made his state-
ment and lay down again. When
the ministers first stopped in front
of his cell, Creffield was apparently
asleep. As the men were about to '
pass on tbe apostle raised himself .,
from the cot and glanced at them
inquiringly. ,
"You have done wrong and you -should
repent," eai 1 one uf the min
isters. "You shotiM get this crazy
idea of teligion out of your head."
Then Creffield glared through
tbe bars from his "position on - the
cot and replied, in a stronger voice
than be bas used since bis capture: . -
1 am not crazy; 1 am Elijah I"
Creffield spent a comparatively
quiet day, save for times when he
was subject to curses and jibes from
tbe other prisoners. To these he
paid no attention. Accusations.'
oaths, ridicule, Barcasm were pour
ed into his ears from almost every'
other man incarcerated in the bas
tile. At times he turned over on
his cot to sneer at his tormenters,
at other times he batted his eyes
and worked tbe muscles of his face
as though about to break into a tor
rent of rage, but he spake no word,
not even in complaint to the jailer.
. The prophet awoke at an early
hour, and was Immediately given -some
nourishing food. ' After eat
ing be lay down on the cot again
and apparently fell asleep. Until
noonthe remained in this mood.
Shortly before 1 o'clock yesterday
afternoon be was given more food,
and was asked how he felt.
"I feel stronger he said. "I guess
I will be all right in a few days. I
am Elijah."
There was some color in the
prophet's face yesterday. It was
evident that he was feeling better
and he was recovering his compo
sure. Ibe pallid appearance of his
features when he was first brought
to Portland was partly due to fear.
He seems to recognize now that he
is safe, and although he does not
say so, it is apparent that the coun
ty jail is most welcome after the pit
beneath the Hurt residence in Cor
vallis. He did not renew the re
quest be made of Detective Hart-
man on the way to Portland, that
he be allowed to have a Bible in the
jail. He Beemed to want to spend
tbe day in rest. ,
In the middle of the afternoon
Creffield arose from the cot ' and
walked unsteadily around the cell.
Once more he was subjected to the
sarcasm of the other prisoners, but
he made no answer. : He remained
off bis feet for' about ten 'minutes
then lay down on the cot again.
An Oregonian representative vis
ited Creffield during the afternoon
but tbe apostle would not talk con
cerning the charge over his head,
or concerning his experiences dur-
lug 111 a poriuu nucu uo wh muiug
from tbe officers of ..the law. He
listened to questions asked him
with a peculiar look in his eyes and
seemed not to hear. At times be look
ed up quickly as though bringing
himself from a reverie, but he an
swered no question, except to say "I
am Elijah.".
"But there are other Elijahs,"
he was told. "Dowie says he is E-
lijah also."
"There are many importers." re
plied Creffifld. "I am Elijah." .
nah's first bale of new cotton has Jahen.
W. L. Douglas 3 and 3.50 mens fine
shoes-best in the world. Nolan Sc Cal-
tional contest snonid not say so.
He realizes' fully that it will be a
great thing to win with Parker, and
he said last winter before tbe nom
inee was settled that he believed
the democrats would have a good
Paris, July 30. Baroutsa de
Roques and her daughter, Mrs.
Majbrick, complain bitterly of the
persistent efforts of the press to ob
tain information concerning their
movements, which they are determ
ined not to give. The Baroness
has written from Rouen to the A-
merican embassy here saying that
privacy is the only thing she and
her daughter desire, and imploring
for protection bgainst inquisitive
Lincoln, Neb., July 29. Armour
& Co. have clo3ed 12 out of their
14 branch houses in Nebraska, Io
wa and South Dakota, from which
shipments have been made to the
South Omaha market.
Bay your harvesting
Nolan a Callahan's.
outfits at