The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 27, 1904, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
OQelal Paper of Benton Cotnstr.
There is a certain matter of which
Corvallisites should never lose sight.
It is a matter to which their present
. interests and hi .tire celfare are
closely .bound. They ottghtnotto
rest or give up until their town is
bountifully supplied with a flow of
pnre mountain water. A beautiful
stream of cold water with an ade
quate flow is in the hills, but a few
miles distant. The estimate of an
engineer who has constructed and
now owns more water works than
any other man in the Pacific North
west makes it certain , that the cost
is not great enough to place the en
terprise beyond the reach ot the
present Corvallis. The same au
thority says that there is plenty pf
capital not only willing but anxious
to invest in just such enterprises as
, is here contemplated. The chief
and only difficulty, according to H.
V.Gates, the engineer referred to,
is to find this capital , and interest
it in the plan. The way to find it
is to agitate and keep agitating.un
til the right man or men are attrac
ted. T' e Independent telephone
system, which is to be the best sys
tem in Oregon, is almost a fixed
fact, and it is well kiiown that the
movement for it was initiated by
the agitation of Robert Linderman,
Robert Wy lie and a few farmers
north of Corvallis. At first the g
itation was within a narrow circle,
but it spread and grew, and brought
a costly telephone system. A
small beginning is the source of
many a great enterprise. A small
lamp lighted Chicago into an aw
ful conflagration, a small rivulet is
the source of the mightiest river.
., one small voice is the beginnin g
of every great reform, and with the
conditions, favorable as they are, a
small agitation may inaugurate the
movement that will give a best Gor
vallis a best mountain water sys
tem. Remember Nolan 31 Callahan's
Great Reduction Sale of summer
Goods is now running in fall blast,
Bargains all along the line during
XtrasooD GlotHes
For boys, little fellows and
young men see Nolan & Cal
lahan. Blci'its 1; kpi ail kinWof ti'ila
Bird cages at Hollenberg & Cady.
Blackledge keeps large assortment of
Oregon Development League.
The Portland Commercial Club has is
sued a call for a convention of the Ore
gon Development League, to be held at
the Marquain Grand Theater in Portland
August 2nd and 3. All commercial,
agricultural, mining, stock-raising and
irrigation interests will be represented ;
every editor in the Btate will be invited
to attend as a delegate; County Commis'
sioners and Mayors of all towns and citi
es will also be called upon to name dele
gates. The Portland Women's Club will
look after the comfort of ladies accom
panying delegates, and, among other en
tertainments, have arranged for a trolley
ride on August 2nd. taking in the most
interesting and beautiful environs of
Portland, and on August 3rd ten street
cars will be provided for a trip over the
entire city.
The Southern Pacific Go, will sell tick
ets at tbe very low rate of one fare for
the round s trip, from all points on Oregon
Lines to Portland and return, for this
occasion, and it is hoped that every sec
tion of the state will be well represented
at the convention, to work in harmony
for the development of Oregon.
For Sale Cheap.
Two pianos, in perfect tune and good
condition, at,
fontanel ana Keturn.
Only $3.00. The Southern Pacific isl4l.xr : 3 - .t ..
now selling round trip tickets to Port
land from Corvallis lor f$, good goin-l"u
Saturday p. m, or any tram on ounaay 1
returning Sunday and Monday givin J
all lav siinriav in r'rvrt Inn n rp snrrt I
rT..-.nlirT,lifr,m Pnrtkrr
aFcrtland people a chance to visil
How its Drear Notes Fall Upon the
. Ears of the Convicts, Told by one
; . of Them. ,
"There is a melancholy story in
the verses printed below, which apv
pear for the first time in print.
They were written by J. F.. Elliott,
number 3,774 Oregon State Pen
itentiary,, who was sent to ' prison
from Umatilla county in February,
1897, for forgery. Elliott was dis
charged in 1898. .
The prison bell, the prison bell,
What bitter thoughts thy notes
- recall,
As on the morning air they swell,
In echoes round the massive wall.
Rousing perchance from some fond
The captive slumbering in his cell,
He wakes recalled to sadder themes
By the sound pf the prison bell.
The prison bell, the prison bell,
What bitter memories you awake,
What tales of woe thy sad : notes
tell, . ".- .-.; -: -
As on the felons ear they break,
Reminding him of that harsh doom
At which his heart and soul rebel,
Dark memories of this living tomb,
Marked by the tolling of the bell.
The prison bell, the prison bell,
God's curse upon thy iron tongue,
Fit emblem of this earthly hell;
Where every heart with anguish
wrung, : , ; .
Must listen to thy notes which toll,
For earthly hopes, a funeral knell.
And shudder in his inmost soul,
At the sound of the prison bell.
The prison bell, the prison bell,
Sad is the theme thy notesdeclare,
To those who know ; and feel too
All earthly hopes are buried here.
God grant their sins may be for-
And that they may forever dwell
With Him in blessed courts of
Heaven, -Where
never sounds a prison bell.
From S. P. and C. & E. Points to
the Seaside and Mountain Re
sorts for the Summer.
On and after June 1st, 19O4, the South
ern Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eestern railroad, will have on
sale round trip tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De
troit at very low rates, good for return
until October roth, 1904,
Three day tickets to Newport and Ya
quina, good goine Saturdays and return
ing Mondays, are also on sale from all
East side points, Portland to Eugene in
clusive, and from all Westside points en
abling people to visit their families and
spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside points
Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from
all Westside points, are also on sale to
Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over-privileges
at Mill City or any point east
enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and
Breitenbusch hot springs in the Cascade
monntains, which can be reached in. one
day. , '
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10. Three
day tickets will be good going on Sat
urdays and returning Mondays only.
Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will
be good going via the Lebanon-Spring
field branch ' desired. Baggage on
Newrv t , checked through to
Nev- - Vaquina tickets to Yaquina
onl. '-
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for
Yaquina and Newport. Trains . on the
C, & E. for Detroit will leave Albany
at 7 a m enabling tourists to tbe hot
springs to reach there the same day.
For information as to rates, with beau
tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and
vicinity can be obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany
W E Coman, G. P. A. S. P Company,
Portland, j
Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $3.75.
" : . Yaquina, 3.25
" ' " Detroit, $3.25
Three-day rate from Corvallis to New
port. $2.50.
Sixteen bead of high-grade Cotswold
ewes for sale at $2,50, and 8 head of
March lambs at $2, The sheep are worth
3-5o pel head. Also 15 head stock hogs
lorsaie. write or see me at farm 44
miles south-west of Philomath.
E. A. Miller.
Newport Pleasure Steamer.
The steamer L. Roscoe of Florence,
one of the best and most comfortably
furnished of the ocean-going tugs on the
Pacific Coast, has arrived at ' Yaquina
Bay for the season wid will do all kinds
of work on the Bay. such as transport-
iL R0seowin mv mil n r t-r?na nror
H" nng me . ounng sea-
ouuuas ana visitors to .Newport
especially those going on the regular
Sunday excursion can eniov the delishts
. - " 0
' UlP 0Ver the " mto the Waves Of
the broad Pacific.
Switch Board will Hasten .Work on
- Independent Line Something
. About it, - - ' .
. The $i,3Co-switch board lor the
new Independent Telephone Com
pany is to arrive this week from
Kansas City. Some delay bas been
occasioned in the work by the non
arrival of this part of the outfit, and
as soon as it comes there will be re
newed efforts put forth to hasten
the work of wiring and placing
phones in Corvallis. Several in
struments are already in place in
this city, and 125 have been receiv
ed, with a number of desk instru
ments, for which there has been
quite a demand amdng the business
people. , About 200 telephones
have already been subscribed for
inside the city limits, and canvass
ing for subscribers is going s:ead
ily on. as the wires are being put
up in each street. It is considered
likely that nearly, if not all, the
business houses in town ' will have
one of the new phones put in, as
otherwise they at a" disad
vantage in reaching the business
places that have the new instru
ments, to say nothing of the rural
lines, from the use of which, bene
fit is likely to result to the Corval
lis business firms.
Some difficulty is still experienc
ed in securing a ready supply of in
sulator pins from the Philomath
Mills, and material for the cross
arms, cannot for some reason," be
had on demand, all of which re
tards the work far beyond the time
limit. It is also certain, however,
that the town will be wired and the
lines in working order by the first
of the month. ' '
The central office of the new com
pany is to be located in the "upper
story of the Zierolf building, with
Mrs. DeVarney in charge, and
good service will be the watchword
of the new enterprise. ...
A Jolly Crowd at a Linn County Home
Saturday Evening.
L,ast Saturday evening a merry
party of friends assembled at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cald
well in Lihn county, in honor of
the Misses Cloy Buchanan of Ten
nessee, and Gladys Cooper of Ne
braska, The ' evening was ideal,
and the cooling breeze from the i
forest of stately firs close by was re
freshing. Miss Buchanan rendered; some
very fine selections on); the piano,
while Ross Evereit gave "numerous
laughable negro songs and many
other numbers on the phonograph.
Several young ladies assisted bv
Rollo Hulburt, sang a number of
selections. . Mrs. Durno earned 1
merited applause in therendition of
two piano solos, ,"The Piccaninies"
and the 'Merriest Girl That's out."
About 11 o'clock refreshments
were served and the older people
disbursed leaving the younger
folks the balance of the evening for
games, and general merry-making.
Much credit is due to the untiring
zeal of the host and hostess who
labored to make the evening one
to be remembered. .
Those present were, Mr and Mrs
J F Applegate, Mr and Mrs W F
Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. C -H Ever
ett, Mr and Mrs J P Durno, Mr and
Mrs G A Hurd, Mrs W J Wil
banks, Misses Buchanan, Cooper,
Patterson, Wade, Nordyke, Apple
white, Dubruille. Williams, Alice,
Vesta and Iila Hulbert, and Messrs
Hulburt, Wade, Applegate, Miller,
Butler, Ralph and Ross Gedney.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids for the construction of , a
sewer through block I4 County Addition
to Corvailis, will be received till 12
o'clock, noon, July 30, 1904, at the office
of police? udge, said city, in accordance
with ordinance No 168 and the plans
and specifications therefore on file with
slid police judge.
. Alex Rennie,
' ' ' P. Avery,
: - J. M. Cameron,
Sewer Committee.
For Sale.;
One lot and a seven room cottage with
bath in center of city. Sewer connec
tion if desired. Apply to . U " -"
" . . - Mrs. Mary Avery,
Sixth St., between Jefferson and Adams
To trade 40 acres eix miles from Cor
vallis for horses and cattle. Inquire at
this office. ;
For Sale.
Two and a half acres fine garden or
fruit land in Corvallis; nice, large house,
good barn, warehouse and outbuildings,
two good wells, pleasant and healthy
location Will sell at a bargain if taken
soon. Inquire ef or address v -J.
H. Hartley,
, Corvallis.
Brief Mention of Doings at Newport,
the Popular Resort. ' :
Every day excursion parties make
the trip to Otter RockSeal Rock,
Punch Bowl, tbe Light House, end
other points of special beauty oV in
terest. The Chemawa band, which
was at Newport earlier in the sea
son, returned yesterday to resume
the daily concerts for which if was
engaged. The band was called a-
way to furnish music at Chautau
qua but will remain at the beach
for .the rest of the season.. Three
dances per week are features that
attract the younger element, ana"
large crowds, enjoy surf bathing at
Nye Brook every day. ; Many Cor
vallisites are camped at Newport
and at Nye Brook, and every one
is having all .the pleasure that any
one' could hope for in an outing at
one of the most pleasant and . beau
tiful spots to be found on this coast.
Supervisors Claims. ' . .. .
The following claims have been filed
by the rpad Supervisors as salary for
quarter ending July 1st 1901, to-wit:
AT Wilson Supervisor Dist No. 1 $ 67.50
HM Fleming " - " 2 61.25
Dck Kiger , 3 13.75
H L Hall '. 4 44.25
Lewis Wentz " " 5 38.75
E M Dodele ' " 6 37.50
John Price (Sal 6 mos ) " " 7 62.50
CHSkaggs " " 8 52.5O
ACadwalader - " 9 42.50
OR Ballard " 10 68.75
JRFehler " 11 I25.OO
J is uanton " 13 50.00
EN Starr ' 14 73.75
DB Parley " 15 75.00
Jaa.M Herron " - 16 12.5O
Doke Gray . " 17 62.50
C E Banton '. 18 23.75
Henry Hector " 19 28.75
B W Harris " " 20 71.25
And unless-objections thereto are filed
on or before the August term of the Co.
Court the same will be ailowed as filed.
" By order of Court.,
Victor P Moses,
July 9th I9O4. : .
See Blackledge's fine couches.
For Rent.
House of seven rooms, barn and twelve
lots; known as- the McCaustland Block.
It does not pay to adver
tise continuously a poor ar
ticle, are advertised persistently
because they are uniformly
"Dutchess Quality" absolute
ly the best that money can
produce in material, finish
and workmanship.
We sell them under the
well-known Dutchess guaran
tee:. lo cents a button; $1 a rip. -Sold
only by
Best That's Grown
Is None Too Good.
When you are drinking
Coffee it is our gcod ,
fortune to hold the Sole
Agency for the famous
Chase 8c Sanborn
We have all the grades from 2oo
per pound to the highest 'priced.
Coffee sold by this celebrated firm.
Give Us a Trial Order
for one of their Coffees and you
': will use It exclusively. .
P. 111. Zierolf
Groceries, Crockery & Stoneware
Agt. for Libby Gut Glass
Rernant Sale!
" This is the season for closing out all short leng
ths "to rid ourselves of Summer goods and to make
room for new Fall stocks which are .now arriving,
so to make a clean sweep and to co it quickly we
have marked all remnan ts and broken lines regard
less of cost. There are- remnant of. Dress good,
Silks, "Wash Goods , i!FaUaUnens,v White Goods,
Towlings, QutingFlannelB, Ginghams, Flannelettes
'PrintSi Ribbons,". Jesy Embroideries ," Silkoleens ,
Muslins, Cretons, Curtain Nets Etc. - ' : - "
Special: All our 25, 30 and 3q cent Wash goods
at 19 cents. Some pretty shades for evening wear.
. Our new Dress Goods and Cloaks will arrive a
bout Aug. 1st. Hence the rush to clean up Sum
mer Goods. ,
We want your order for grocer- j
ies, provisions, etc.
We furnish a
the packing for you.
Don't forget the place
PHONE 483,
We vant too lo n Op!
And see our immense stock of Furniture,
Carpets. Mattings, Wall Paper, Etc before you
buy. We have some elegant
Bed Room Suits
Sideboards, Chiffoniers and
At prices that 'will astonish you. If we
not what you want in stock, we can get it for
you on the first train from Portland. Orders
by mail will recieve prompt attention.
Yours for Business,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Go to Blackledge's New Furniture
Store for your camp outfit. ,
Order Your Ice Cream
From The Celebrated Sunset
Creamery Company. : -Higheet
price paid for Butter fat, Eggs etc.
281 ist Street Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 52.
. Bargains in It nlic iinin i i; H
enherg & Cady's.
for Sale
A large' variety of household goods.
Must be disposed of at once, ' Call at
residence on 4th st. or inquire of the un
dersigned. Dr. L. G. Altmau.
Go to , "ElstlUd j windo wades
nice box and do t
Go to Dunn & Thatchers for girt bone
and shell and all other kinds of poultry
and etock remedies. v
With its companions, heart burn, flatu
lence, torpidity of the liver, constipation,
palpitation of tbe heart, poor blood, head
ache and other nervous symptoms, sal
low skin, fonl tongne, offensive breath
and a legion of other ailments, is at once
the most widespread and destructive mal
ady among the American people.' The
herbine treatment will cure all these
tronDies. 50c Dome, ooici Dy oranam
& Wortham. ,
Get jour camping outfits Euch as tents,
cots and stools at Hollenberg & Cady's
Bamboo furniture at Blackledee's rew