The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 23, 1904, Image 4

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The Coalings and Goings of PeJJptte
.Social Gossip, , Personal Men-,
1 . tion and Other ftem9 of
Public Tri.terest,
-li i
i -'"' i
i J. F. S'elwfr of Jefferson was a
bufcloeJS visitor Iu (Jcrvailla Wednee-
Bilob -Pritctt l.t Welnerdaj fr
Oakland. Crffifoiuiajl, He- wnii0 fetf
eet elx weeks or a month. -'03.3?
A new roof is now on duty at the
M.iT.-ifcratr dwelling, Pie; was -paton
this week by Adam Br.tbejra.y t ' "i
Mrs Milan Harper of Portland
habeeo'be guest tbls week of5 Oor-!
vallis frlecd". . . -
Mise Ma?gie McEte; 'zWlettTThurs.
day fpr her, home at N,e.sff rg, having
been the guest for 'Bevetal days of her
orutuec jame, la v-.-srvaiiis. (. -
: ', lr- :: r ; 'i ;V i
Subject tomorrow at M.E. cburcb
South, moroiog, "Frovideaee and Suf
fering evening, "Future Punisb-
TJuaaiy eenoci at W
a: m
Mrs. E. E. Mundy -w rived ihOQie
Thuradav from Portland-, iwnftra she
has been in the Ooo4 8n5arltaa ftoeH
pital for a surgical operation,
Miss Sarah Evans who baa been
for several years, a teacher In the
schools of Ohlcago, has arrived for a
Tlelt with ber father in . tbe southern
part of the county. .:
After a visit with tbe latter's par
en Mr; and"MrsrJrM.erber. M'1. autr
Mrs. Johnson left Thursday tor their 1
home in tfeBras'lra;-14-
R. It. Wtltebiai'Taalfy'S
turned a fe dayfl fgn . jfo ui.fc
Jog- up tbe gantlam. They left yea
teiday for a sojourn at Newport.
AuguslXhngwtio receaUy puo-
tt-w - property
in Job's a-ldlttop; is e.ggaged:i .mat
ing extensive Improvements to bis
place. Im-'i iu.Hi ) -.t , 'A .1 i'jt-.
Dr. Nawth Ql Philomath, rpaesed,
through town tbe other day, eDroute
to San Fraacfcico - to1- take a -Weia4'
course in bis profusion at a medical
-Mr. and MrZ-tP-Bbj-dd 'left
'lnurauay, t,o occupy their cottage at
Newport for the summer. , They are
to be joined .nex,tniweek.':byl "tb'tir
daughter, Mrs. Fortsoo aod child'en,
of Sacramento, California. '" '' '
enfSts at the E. B. Hfrnlnghome
Wednesday, were O. B. Ward well and
famllya'cid' Arthur Martin and -fanrilyn
all of Silver , -They 4 were ,n
routeitvj'au Wlog'at j 'wport.
1 j' ; '- - - K
with a bear and de9r already
slain, aod othr wild beusta aU tatJjjg
to tbe woods in a panic at the mere
sight 'of him. Con Gerhard la eojoylng
himself fbsCQUghtyat) BlaurtlyLane
county, wbere be is camping with his
Uusual Bfrvice at the Church of
Christ tomorrow. - Morning subject
"A Forward Movement," All wemb-t
ers are urged to be" present at ' this
service as matters -of lbtereat con
cerning, the work of. thg, .cQnilog yjar J.
will b& presdntPd. t-t -1
Th firstOregon grown water-
thlp TTnr rn Hlan'jlVBfl at thA Rnn-l
log grocery store yesterday. They
came from Souther Oregon in a dsr
load lot to Albafjy'iand brd'uiht
over by team lot tbe local5 matUet.
V i ;j
Miss Hattls Potts returned a fw
days ago from tbe bedside ot her sis
ter In Port'and, who has lust been the
subject of a delicate surgical' opera-'
tion, , There is little doubt now of the
patient's ultimate recovery, although
.tm th mum RnnrP'.i hnnBiI !
.v. r r rv.v.
Dr. Eshelman, supreme instruct
or, paid a. fraternal visit to tbe local
lodge of United Artisans. Wednesday
evening. Tbe gentleman has been a
physician in Salem fer.'"BomeUme, acd
Dr. Altman succeeds to the practice
that Dr. Eshelman had recently given
up In that city.
A huge 8Ddke six feet long and
three Inches thick was killed ' ! in the
hills near Sulphur Springs,, tbe other
day, by Avett Vacucrpool. A little
boy, after nodlng the reptile, reported
the fact to his father,. and ; .Mr. YapT
derpool shot It with a rifle. 1 ' It was
spotted in color, .and Is what Is known
as the gopher enake. - u ,
Miss Alice Hoi oiotr, who baa been
visiting Corvallis relatives for the fast
ten daye, p:ft Thyrsday ;fpt:a;itrIp .'to
Ioi?e Beich. . From there ehe eoea tn
Hood Blvrnfcf a -visit, "before raturn-
ing to ber hrme at Meeil.'a Park, JJew-
Mexico, wbere she holds a position as
professor in tbe State Agricultural
Her Mends .Jjf re. say -thaJk Miss
EtLel Alexatfier may return to -her
home In this city almost any day now.
She Is visiting at Nolex; WashlDgton-H
ana tnere was a severe electric storm
there a few nights ago. Miss Alexan
der is a webfoot girL and letters ffofh
her ocnslnB 6 tale thiui fiho refused- to
retire during the storm, and that tbej
had to bear fret company .until 1:30, 1
when tba fury of tbe tempest bad
at-o.tfd. . ..-
for Portland, to remain.
Born Saturday, to Mr. acd Mr
W. A. Bates, a daughter. ". J
is. Wyat of Albany, was aCor-
kylieht in tbe Burnett brick
is unaer iepalr. - . i
i :t -, i t . ' "
V -iiArthui Belknap reaves this after
noon for a few days visit at Newport.
-- ETC. Craven and family- are' v
occupy the Alt man residence
Fourth street in a few days.
-ThuKdW.E. Jates an hrm
llv- were DSBSe'eers for tfewDcrtf.' r.i
Dcbupy 4har!cbttoe lot the eummei
i i-Jh -S'tf-lie't" of 'JefTarson was
-tra9pacth. ;bal4ees, in Corvallli
Thursday aod Friday. j
HrCrawfoid left yesterday td
week at Cascsdia, for .. tha
i batefis of his health., ., , , s
-hpQk . at ,.the ad Jresa on youn
"Times.''' 'It'ehoTs how you stand ori
i;T-rMis8 Louise Cooper. returned ye?4
terday from a three weeks' . visit in
Mrs. Eiizibeth Belknap, daughter
aq'ii "l.ft'tV;aoq,'.'jea Ve Monday for an
outing or several weeks at .Newport.
7 -V t'J'-T- 'VI ' i '
i!;1ltniilawkin8 a:
nd Huh
son of 'Portland, tea' guests! -iiir the
bome, Qlf.rE.wellSafpri 'eeveral
A late letter from Pearl Bose, an-
Corvallis in the first days of Septem
berpreparatory to entering college.
: -cMrs. Estea' aod daughter, Miss
Estfs of SVTauI, arrived Thursday
and are guets of Dr. and Mrs. Farra.
Mrs. Estes is a sister of E. E. Cooper.
Tbe exterior oi tha Episcopal
church, including the roof, Is receiving
new coats of paint'. The colors are
green for the walls, an (if or the roof a
recfaish brown.
-of Philomath, passed
to oan x raocisco to taue a SDeciai
Softjee in igsfpibefo' It' a medical
Miss Minnie Watson of Davton.
ingtoo, and Mrs. Mae Landls. of
;Ore(jg,-arrlf d .ThtQSday apd are
guests tor a tew days or their taunt,
MrgAsa AJefaudePu j jux 1 k
Tonight, at Plymouth, many Cor
valli&ite will eatf ice eeam nd cake
with,thfl ; , ppngregationali8ts , who
are to' give "a social at the chaDel
tbetC wnafsci;-. t 'oUlfiv. rf
The; middle- cotuge 10D three that
aces on. Ninth street, just south of
lha.Qliia.pple white home, has been
purchased by Kev. P. A. Moses. It is
known she Jackson house, and will
be. used for renting purposes.
. The subject. pt the mowilngaer,.
Vlcfe'at tW Cbnrfregaifonkl fcnufchto-
and in the evening, "Are There Spe
cial Pt9yJ4eji&ee?.'VSuiBlay,afiBotn
there will be services at Plymouth
fchapel. ii , U A '. j- i!
' H-Thepfaeh crdp ''at' the E. Ct ti
ger orchard .will be ready for harvest
In about two weeksr L'Wbile the yield
is not up to the standard Tot Mr;-Kl-
, . Mrs. N..A, MaSIpw and daughter,
who recently arrived from the 'East
have gone to Brownsville for a fw
weeks visit with Airs. Mallow's son,
John Malldwe;"wiio lotmerly resided
athis place. i ,,
Iftyi-WUllams,,. probably
fleetest 'quarter 6f a mife runner
quarter of a mile runner west
visiting friends. The dajrtQrejhB
.... TJeer SuOOllDg 10
he . vlclnfty
of bis home in PolK county, aod bag-
i A i e a i t
lA t-clWnd thJaflweLk. Wt
BercbtolS waa elected; grahd mister
workmen-ofthe grand'lodle of A. O.
also ot Corvallis, was selected grand
usher ofthe grand, lodge of the De
gree of Honor.' - "
-Harold Strong and family are to
leye day for a1 Beoeral weeks out-
in- .n,i, kni.f tha
fltst ot September they expect to leave
for Brklev to-hera -in -one mora vear
Mr. Strong will complete his course in
law. . - .
c t f
J The steamer L. Koscde, of Flor
ence, one of tbe best and most com
fortably furnished of -tha -ocean-going
tugs on tbe Pacific coast, has arrived
at Yaqulna Bay for the season and
will do all kinds of work j on) the -bay,
such as transporting passengers, tow
ing ships, etc., says the Albany Her-
'Tha Burrell delivery team and
wagon performed a rath9r unusual
running stunt, Thursday morning. At
the George Fuller residence, where par
cels were being - delivered, tbe horses
started, and loan adjoining street they
jumped the -college ditqh and proceed
ed on their way without even having
up'aettke vehlcleJ A wdodpile loom
ed up, in the ..way; however, ad in at
temptlng'to go over It" the wagon turn
ed over and the animals were caueht.
TNotltffHBgfe resulted, with the excep
tion cf a broken bolt or two.
... J - -U-,:
Given His Time-
rjNotJceis Vereby given that my eon,
Belford Nois, aged 16 years has been
J given -his time by we, and that hereafter
r will not be , responsible fortebts con
traded by hfm. Dated at Blodgett, Ben -ton
County, this the 27th day of June
-- '- ' William Noifl,
itfl yusrerd.
vHAf it hk:&
-v?i. ataju
j .'( n.TT by
; v Jd-'j"
ried "tofliSutB-jiB-isibBa uoJ-o.
i 15
5 u. ts-x. 4 i sh j. v c i'n mi
ttel Yo'
this elate
dence that Vjf.dgeArJieT jwill car
ry New York by a rqusipe , majori
ty i": -t!J tsaatit t o a at uauiwu u?
Mr. RooseVt'baa 'neve-Beetf1
srais'.'iw-nen so ran ior Tnayor "in
18S$!he obtyn60,485ptes,nlfe
JErMrdtetMiVM oTSiWU' 'to -1888
artd'lEldteih98J00plSti:-l892,, as
str-aht-te'tbHcanrdfdatea; 1 l,;
I -When Mr? BEwfevelt'ab ror'gotu
erhd'r in 5898 eJvBi'lhegTamo.ur'df
hi3(siDPwracod tfoaWea 1.ltm
to- bfeM.' Mr? Croke-r's Vah' Wick Nov
2 bVDlytl7,28e ipldFarity.-!,--Tw3
yeasefofti Mr.fMcKSsileyliatliaf
led the efat iby 268,000. - J TtflSSS
Governor Morton carried th&' State
by lob.UUU, aod-tbe republican can
didate forjeeretary, pf j8tate;iRa e
lected .by 90,000 in 1895. , '
Mr. KooseVeU'tf -bdariie1 aVpresi-derlt-has
nbfBtrehgthbned chitifiitf
bis5 own state-iOn thebta Mfe"
hpse8keDd' hfira.'i'Neithfeif0 Pta';
nor OdelHifce 'hiai1 ConBervatlve
bdslne8B'teeb dietmetr himi ' (:rThJ
independent iroters JiaVe - been dfs-
appoi&ted tmcJ dWgaeted at hia col-
tivated alliancs.witji..the , most no
torious spoilsmen of his oarty Lou
Payne erng- tbei'lift:eB't.'r;J-,a';;'
J6dfeeParket Har the'1fefiate
krid sfeefm oiF1 h'ii' owd J patty ! atfd;
jthe, respect ot lhe independeat vo
jters. Heiws eleetedi -toi-tbre-iB-preiBeTcoartibyitha
unaaioiioas vote
bf.; bo the parties, and earned thest&He
lor chief judge of tbe ' eouit of .apfc?
peals- by, 67,ooxp the ;Tearv after f tbe
greatlajidslideto.-McKioley' xi'.ii u
The democratic party is ortited
find :entnsiastic for.-,- its. candiidate
for .presideot. . The. inast.erfal man
her in which with a few simple;
strong, honest words he brought
Order out of cMos'at. St. Louii and
reunitsd and revivified - the; : party,
bas. opfetled the way to another 'Til
den and Cleveland Campaign's )-:. .
' New Jersey and Copnecticpthave
tbe 'fiied habit of ypjting with New
York in presidential elections. The
dembefatic leade'ra in n tbosa' states
4re confident that tbey .'wlll -dd so:
tihis'veari -"The ! 'Uomibtitioo K6f ek
nioves any donbt that msy have
existed as to'-" West'" Virgioia""and
jlaryland, aud with the South sol
id the carrying.of any one of the de
niable Western states ' will" send
i dge Parker to the; White House.'
' 1.L will ouwurnc rVyv; uciiiuui .y-P
if the whole upioil to. jlearrjV.tKat
3j v'.dge Parker wijl go Into the cam
: inn with 'atl bis heart and mind
-f-ihat he WiU' be 7the'leader as well
the candidate. -
tt will; agreat:: andi inepiring
b ttle. , - .
Eldor"a7JIa?, 'Titty IS.-i-Par meH
all over the Middle WWlfareJc6ECf-"
plainiog of the -scarcity of farm
help and are willing, to,. make:. sl-
x'J ti'a .Iff' - i-
mun any Kinu 01 conceetiuns auu
grant all kinds of privileges to hired
men, if they Will '-'only Bta'y and help
out tur alter harvest, as- an . ex
ample '6f'"'thS inducements " which
are offered the following sarcaetic
advertiBemen't" which 'recently ap
peared in a local toe wsDaper will
ehow:! -y-l -; J
i "WANTED-Thrte hands to
work on lbe fa'rm.. To the right
parties we will pay 893 per month.
besides furnishing board,-olothes,
laundry service, automobiles aod
saddle horse?. The hired man will
not have to rise before 8 o'clock,
1 when all chores' will have been done
by the proprietor .:' ; They ; will be
furnished with separate rooms, con
taining hot and cold 'water,- epeak-
ibg tubee; and soap and towels by
the score will be furnished gratis.
Breakfaot wlirbe served in the par
lor at. 8 o clock on the American
plan, and at 8:30 the proprietor
will see that the chlKtren' hitch up
the teams and bring them to tbe
frbnt door, eo that the help1 may
ride to the fields.- J
,"A bov will-be hired to" carrV
icfe-cold lemcmade en .warhi';' days.
hot coflee when tbe weather is chii
ly, and it will also be his duty to
dig worms for those iwho. prefer to
fish. f Cigars will be furnished , af
ter each meal, Lobster sal adj frui
ices, pickles and beer will be served
at high noon. ' At 4:30 all work for
the day oeases, the gentlemen tak
ing a bath while the proprietor does
the chores. A six-course dinner
will be served at six o'clock. , After
dinner there will be music, recita
tions and speeches.
ck, ,jniy xi, iiew ... lorfe-t
Ocfataln'lV'bans .off
' BeUfountain Items '
.-Harvest is neas i Somfeomschines'
will start ,np.byJhe, aSih, ,
Mrs. Shopgh has been quite, sick
the- past fen days, but is improving
Ta th abserice. 1 of Dr.'lBannet f)c;
Pernot of Corvallis, is.ip'jatenxjance-.
icGeoTgeiEelly of Bakf: City Is vi
siting tots ststee, MrfeST- EFawcert;
oirthL'S place.'ti i - - f.'f-t 1
v.J - -i;oi 'y'j .- r
The.yratecnal(,U;a)oni of Aimerical
met, ,rast. Friday fcjre,nir)g;foi the,pjBr
rose of"; installlnW , thii:,nafScBrw,
Ilg&t jrptresbrnenti ereirved.Jtf,'J
f l,li6tf,wli6,Taf!tended'the locikfat
Stepson's Chapel fesf 'Ttiursd'ay
eveBiBg'Wpart' haVftJSTjentifpteS-
asHA BMUIIU : Jll$lltyi3 flUJB.
r f vr.y't I ?:. . vtir.'ji'.i-r-r
; ,jyirst Thrpio, Independence : "t
.siteii henjchildrentv MrsiSja.-Tbarp
and.MA.E,Stajhthi9 weeb.iiSbe"
is 73ryfiaifs of age.i She iwill i visit
herT,dughtera afe PendtetodJ! and
Spkaebeforeoretinrffling-to !i
Drenheisyflkirig , a'a Je,,d,f y.f
Chicaaoiiffulr; lfliAi'isijso'iat' ib.j
IheJOffily Ne'ws feomKNi-ai?-Chwa&g;
8SBS2-ltfU!J.-1 Si Itl SW.'M IS ,B:3;;'
Hard .ggbito ai h as dbeen cointj otv
tor. eeyer&i aula: jthe-Htfeighnof-hood
of Tone Scha, eight milesat
of TaTche Kiao. It is rumored
that tbe Kussia'b'B:-lbV9 rid last
n'ebtB; ..ercajjement , was,2l00.
anese.bave also begn , in, active pon t
jWino. na. rvuanaea qt J.4f.)
neng.where there havhsea mflpju-f
minor cWJ-lf;K,,,, irc-Ud
' Ail alone -Ofonatkin'si-OBt.aad;
Proerees alone , tna '.'miirldij'i iniHi
Is a viofent 8ratiimatf;on dFtne: mucous
membrane of the Wfrid: pipe'whfeh' sbine-1
times: sstend.'to the. JarvuxJand brobeSiat-'
tubes; ;aod,is- one of the most , danraronai
uiscscs oi uuuureq. . it ,airflp9C always,
comes on' in th'4Itirig6t: l Give' fieqrient'
small doses oil Kallarrt's Horehottrid Syr
up and; apply: Ballard's Snoirt Lihi'meHt'
externallv to the throat, sfc, o1-l;i-.
SoldjbGraham.&Wbhai j ls
CWr fully
I .1
tend .for! '.; Rheum-
; "l: i. y
' hr:' - i.iul i .i;ti.'-: n: I v i
O, G, HiKbee,.panville, IU. wrltesDecf
. Hioit' '"About 2 Vears aea I was "laid'
np foi' fowiitobnths- vnth- rhenma'tism-. ; 'I
tried iBallard's Snow Liniment ; one bot
tle cored me. I can cheerfully, recom
mend it to all.suffpring fronj, like; afBio-r,
:. PORTIASD, :OCtL 1?, 1902. ' "
I consider Wine of Cardui superior
to any: doctoHs imedieine I ever need: -and
t know- whereof I epeak.- I suf
fered' for nine inontha with suppressed
menstruation -yliib, completely pros
trated me. Pains -would shoot t)irough.
my back and sides and I would hare
blinding headaches. My Jimbs Would
swell up and I would feel so weak X
could not stAnd upi;-. Ilnatnrally elt '
disconraged for I seemed to be beyond
the: help of physicians,, but Wine- of
Cardui came as a CJqd-send to me. , I,
felt a change for the better within a
week, .after nineteen days treatment!
I menstruated without suffering, the
agonies I uinallydid and soon became
regular and without, pain. Wine, of
Cardui -is simnly wonderful and I wish '
tht,jaU suffering women know, ot 1U
ffood onalitias.
treainier. Portland LBconom3oIagu
i l 't V-i i-'lr-3I"It.f.I1.I 1
' : Periodical headactes tell ot fe
male , weakness. - Win? qt Cardui ;
cures permaneByy iiineteen out of
every twenty, cases of irregular
menses, bearing - down pains -or
any fernale weaknessi: ilf tou are
disconraged -and., doctors ; have;':
railed, that is tbe pest reason, in.
the world you should try Wine of
Cardui Jnow. Remember 4iiat
headaches mean female weakness:
Secure a $1.00 bottle-of Wine of
R eal Estate GO:
l .: -. .... , .-,Hi-
j . -
ri'.V Are you looking for! a. Home . j
! Or a gofl41nveatme'nl.?.... ,
If so we taker pleasure in stiowiiig-you
over tie onntry aad f ara 'onfidjenth-we
can eive "you the. right- price oa , some--)
We Save tracts from s to 1500 acre?.
(: B
We have Frnitlainds; Hop lands, Fkrml"' t? c V - r - 7 '
lands, Poaltrv -ranehes, Stock J -ranches i Corvallis-. ,4a St. J.OUW!:arjda letwn,
?nd,Tiniber lands,- ,' .Ranging; inr-price
from a" to 1 125 per acre an iq-
cation and improvements. - -
?-- We also have a nice list bf city proper
ty.. "U)ts from I75 to $500 each. - Resi
dences from $350 to 3000 each according
to location and improvements we- also
have some good business locations. - ,
Offices first door south of reading room.
White & Stone, Corvallis Or.
1. ''-i
.'fv- -
i , T -t -J !...':! !.r v
T l frorri ,th Wari itles:vtehve In
sfoc ( we tj
; , i: Rycroft Iast , ... . ;-,'
tl,.., ' r Patent Cqrona.;Colt
t;r. "iThey,:rieed.1P9 breaking ip;rV
3 ii l B: 11. 1
j ii
tr f.n n .r. - j; ....i ti i -J;i
' it 'ri-.;--.f j, tli a 5
1 '''jj
i i x- :r sciMf
f ofyqirfs.;il;
-br.-.RAliifr-5s.!o -;ais-ltl-p larjaroiiii "'. . .ua.-.
t ..'..77:. , . 1 1 i J . - f 1 r.T
.1 cc
i rt: ; :u
nr.-; ii )
Is s td tti-ibi M?oii;-"r.v wii
VV .il.l M11 1 1 1 1
Stock of 6 Bodes at Biii Bargain I
Office I a ie.rbtf' B iilitd ir litis
- - ; - - 1- ', ?:..' ! v f .n:-,
r ,, CQUVALLIg, QR. . .-.
? . i , ' . . ' I j j- y- ? T ' v
Office at "ffiistpn's Hardware Store, ,!'
r- ".-''';" 6!T; Address, 3oi i i.: '.' L
Vain -ti'rTVii.cfr' ' Ar 61! tlVirltf ftf
tive Stock. '-J Satisfaction- gUaranfefedi
Twerrty .years-experience. 0 ;. 1 : ; 3 v.
' c '" I'.-Cffi: ' i'.'-.t , Oi-J-Oif.i n
:n if
i) , ; .; rrc i. .
Ti-ip'- Rates fibi
"l ;Ji-'BWntftW
icmnt '-WdiM'i Fal.- r
' r : ;:-j?ir'iW:; i' JV1V. .;D:SJ i
First nlaasioke on t FaieciSRoe
iO, 17 lSJnly l,: 2: .3;:A;Bgnat
8, D, 10, Sep 5, 6; QcJogj - 4,: 5;
gobd 90 dajfl ;wib-ictp ' ;Ovet dyi.Vii
ilegee at rates- ran gi n s f r p.aa, .$ 7
to $82.50 aQoording .to:;r.oaJe; ohoS-s
en." '. Passengers will have privilege:
of starting on any date which will
enable to reach destination within
ten days from tbe sale date. : - In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
GorxaHfs & pastern
; Time Card 'Number' 22.'
t ForYaqnina: .- -" "
; -' Train lea.9is Albany J.CTiai4S p. m
i,&iti .! s-??1 ' CorroliiaUi.iW'rut53), p.
i arrives Yaquina. . ...... 5:40 p. m
t : tUtmnOAfgi 'J ''' ' ' '
I - leaves Corvallis f , go. ai
Arrives Albany...... .,..1,12:15 p. nt
4 from Detroit:
1 tfryrv-r'.T :klS vm r
Train. No, r arrives in'AIbanvm time .
to'tonnect Wrth'S'F south' bbunaL trainy 1
as well as eiviriK two or threi.tiotiM iti r
Albany before departure of S P north
bouriditrein; .'1 U'lfQ l Eli 'i iHlt-
.7 i .. ----- .
-! Tftan 2metswitU theSPrain8
at GoralHs nd Aibenw.-cmpfrdireotser- f
vice .-te9eSfW?M beaches.; ,
. ! Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbuah . and
dtner mountain rusom leases i Albany at
noo 9. m.yiBaclrin(! Detroit at fo,r giv-
ing aojple:time,to preach Asa Springs, the .
same day,. , if .t., . G .. J(I 8 '
1 1 For fiuther information apply) to, , ) ;
i h, . ' .-i: rEOWlSTQNS,.
" " ' Manager.
H, H. Groaise, Agent Coryallia. t:.
Thos. Cockrll. Agent Albany. . V .
TO. H;.Newth,
.i.. Physician Rnd'&pi?6'n' '..V. 1
; e' V,-:T.'H';l'rW; 1 l'I ir
1.3 CM) !(
i-JlU-J i v
i - H: ov
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wutic-tft 'o iiJiJjif.rtn
11 T'.'J'.B ! '"iii""!'if" '
y - kjvv. yj ui uuc uir,
vltBt::l M:IS ieJlf-Xl-H .it
hp3i9l""q -i ;;.Ti-,-!3i.3!nnf 'i"
i a - sip b e -Toiititf vm.-JiA
- v - -T ' " ' ' -tt- "
,Jtl6ti' is ' vydrilH5 aTpoand
3JlOa Vl-ail.. ;fl II
of cure.f
Prevent any abnormal ,
cbnttitibri of ih6 eyes pi 1
fcropetfy :,ttk ' glasses
an ytiUl preVent kftie",
isa'rtjme yearkj of ais- ;'
Ul-'! .t .'! .i.OiORK.-.h t'.-t
! i .f;cfi !j J -: i. .:.ili i
rrPi tt:si i bU-.': ' o t-.r q
-. CV.1
. o:o - r C ' J
: i'i e nn:;
f. v):.
I V. :1
J is:
i oil
Reispolislbflity, $100,000
- - peals in Foreign and Domestic ; . ;
buys County, City ind School .
. ii,- !:Jtii:
Pritidal CorTCSpdndents.
Ixndon A San rau-
eisco Bank IJjmted..
.- . . ..- t
NEW VftTtK-Mssnri. .T 'P Htaron A
;CHiaAOO National Bank ot Tfce.'Repab-' -IXNTX)N,-
E&.lAmiion & skn -Franctico " ' '
fti; .-; I -i : 1 : 1 : ; - - ." - - -
w umce over postomce. xisjsiaejice vor-.
9ifthbTjeftera'ttreetBV' HoiuiB-10 to '
i2.a m.1 : toi 4 pi, m". 1 Orders may le '"
eft at Grabftm & WoTtham':drng:BtoreO .
- j -!:::?' : For ; Sale. Vp .-'-
" A few choice Poland China pigs'.r' "both. '
sexes, from registered stock, f 5 per head -inquire
of Robert Wylle, Lewisbnrg,