The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 23, 1904, Image 1

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    "ttonntyVw v
II Jl 1-1 1 -t! J" I '
Voli'r-Xyilv N6r 1 7 a Hai airsa cA' ia :r
i i i i
ii t
i. )
4 -I ro
ami i .jjic.'j
7 . -M .
. , I i i.-L!C
Novelty Trimmings?
f V5
. J I,
jr.; -J ;
n i ail
Gbodsand Shoes.
mu vyr t Vi? . . . 5if . . 5 "y 11 1
Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms.
VWX ' - - - - ' .ni'iiMiWiiiW'.M
; f iySpv:;, , .Hotel, s.
I fe'l f Corvallis I
S Leading Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. NewW
'. ,cro"Ad DISASTER NjJfj1
. r ' r CHICAGO, on.,,-.'! w-iii-l,
iLo a t'MW'i:') n.!!Jatt,'ft af o ta A.
i 1 s "!6 n t asin.A is-:j teir.':s..
Fifty: Peesona: Werei A lea fejurodw
t Train Dashes Hea4-0a" ItjI a '.
! Hfeav!y:ti6al Tisin on Their
1 " iK lietuin from a Crphi ;
I Outing..
i Chinaeo. Julv: 15. rAa scarsion
lrain on the Chicago and Eastern
lilmoiB Kaiirdadwnicn waB narry
ing bk tei-tfc&Tc4t'tt1i orielhdoa-
and -of tbe:teferryWakT6 P the Doi
tetn ub - v Gb aet :'t(Goii BregatibB al!)
Sanday'Bebooi fan-t tfoardV rahfed
Utd a f reigbt r tiaifitetWeenKicft-
sons iwere kaied'nd fifty 'injtfred.
f moog the dead are many 'women
nd ohiMten? ' . - '
The SuBdaV-SChool 'fehildten and
their children assembled at the
ohaDel this ' morninsr. ' A "sps
train on tbWtJhidagb Eastern
Illinois, consistine of ten. coaches
J j l i : u-.i i .
ana a uaggga u&r);..uau uwu uubi.'
ered. Under toVdlrectioo of Supt
Booth. Qf , thetSonda school atjaey
bqinded tfeei- trainf at.- Xhir-ty-awt
streetnd in three hours were on
the backs of the Kankabee river, at
Momence, 111. It was .4:3Q .when.
tne urea travelers recurnea 10 , me
coftofees :apd. the "i trip .back i to tile
citBbeffirin Ptitn rf --rtai.Jtnisir:t;'j:
e city, was peached tc-iXhenf ''the1
conductor. received.ocders to. d witch
the .traut-AOhthe Eesbtiack,i: wMch
is the regular soutb-bobnd trackuJ
theitti ope;fr-rme-" I AM3 tne
e89rguliDri AuJRl'BruBje"W.idV:
liiTbe Bcene aetbe reckXWas tiifc'
edve vfei Bdrdred5 aaireb't fena
half aa" mby weed'were '-Tohfahig
arouad: the kkii sdrEnii'wb:
fghtt-i'-Ar ana-then sotiief Ihe'
cbS3in Would igcogaks 4fef- lady -ol'o'ne'Of
tbtdr eosopaqio'De S it' was
carrteasfi'om h wrckage ' 6P lie
and caress it. Mothers gathered ;
tfeeii KKte o"beB'a&d'"a- into
tbe fieide tbsiae thef BigtesX Jte'j't
i"M9a:y''woImen weWtiarteff ftm
tbeir childrea w f be ' cfonlaeiorf and
inpeded'the w6tk of reseuft!--Ilun-dti
ds If ai nted ;abd - were' ; feared
b t4eir compnioiis." - -sS-I
Whfele families? wttre: iped But
il:tt& diaataro!kBlest'SfiBW8il
t twf VJjHIAl. J si UboUJ.l.'Jii at
-3K ?
a v.
.;iJT.Til.t SHtd
ii'tbe digaster.i'Cbarlesi Steward
his wf and blld, fwe're 'armdng IBe
rrat vichm8 tafcenv trom tne wreeK.
They were recognized akhost kriine;
dwterv 6d i identified' kff ithelr
ievfeKbori.1 ' .SJi..-;3 n pit
two children "composted anotbeffam -
iiy 4Baf weW wipea-m He -Wreck ecT; a'wgH as:rie'StewarfBiete
taMBttttf'Ch fiWSodrj of -the
wfevid trfcifn; and 2 were- titled si'
rnbt'loBtStif. i-' t Sa&mtsscKA i
t it is said thattbe attack' wobKt
have been clear had the freight
train not broken at the critical Ele
ment when it was leaving the track
sj'i sl tZl -Lira rsttai'-
Strikei-Rswme Wdrk-? ti :ifr
iAH.Ate Ici'Befe-ETOPJoy'dd1 iff 4
: e I ? c: their'' News";c -'' ? ?
3&.Si iff--..i::'.'(rvbi-t ?.Tji;ifvi
CHe:tackirig'li6uei'sempioye8 fceg'iffi
nine' d ays a go,3 a noV wh ich bas;' 'rl-!
mttraRzeS tbe f packing ; rndustry
torouga-.tae cotiiji..ry-, wae seiueu
here- HoBtebV' at1 'k conference' ;63
tween 'rerrfesentatfves 6f 7tHe-' iablcV
ere,rtrEcial9:of :the' Itf eatcnttera' Un
lied1' fnidfes 'eMnrbed at; the' sBtwJS?
tya-rds.ul.-The.wbe(le cdntrovexsywul
be submitted 'to a bpkrd -of arbi-
Leading Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened
brick buUding. Newlviirnihed, mti-niodern con-
veniencel.tFurnace Ifel tV Electric Lignfe FirJB Es-
capes. Hot and cold water on" every floor. Fine singl
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
cute vui,i.ey..
QO per-.:day. ,:
: t .:-. 1
Oar ad.; ui.6ur''lgb6.oli.e.ia&M';,.i 'yz :
'eyeiry' day. Your money .exchanged ' 3
."for Value and ;QaaUiyl.'-3ihXj4-t.i-.-V
BiwLine FreslinBniceries
would be clear to Gienwood, three
miles . norths In a few .flrtnutes Jh1
t?difi was iW
uorLiiwiru luuruov, . . - , ,
.,-.-1 i
; scarcelw two) ruijes naq DjBen;oov-3
ered when,-ronnding a curve, tne
rear half ofaicoalfaud freicbt train
was encoiKitered... The -freight was
attempting ta put off tjie.jtapk; on
a sliding, hut pad .broken i,n two.
Before the tiralri "men could get the
rear cars off the track the excursion
etVfctkfiMI f
'' The baggage cavwas liftadrhigh
in; the aifarM 1,691 on! ib M ithe
first coadii f Ttail ScOacjs44Pat
tered andfelncAitrfea. TlJe;llt!dnd
and third coaches were telescoped
and ehatteredi 1 1
Then ensued WSjAlfcf.atiio and
death. WomiA WiWalrtD, in-
iared and dyinz, screamed in ter-
rorf.v lany were pinioned i neDeatn.'
wreckage, injthe first (;twp; coaches.
Fire' was1, communicated, from, the
engine to Vnrf wreck' of the baggage
car, but it was; fprtunatsly extin
guiehedjfiy'tbe passengers; before it
reached the dead and dying.' Near
ly all those iivthe ix rear coaches
were thrown from. tbeir; .seats, and
many were cut by "shattered glass,
i'PiirtiamFrtrfrlv 180eV6o QW
tnalrSherirP-m 'MtCfelland of
Roseburti, isISthe "city'' todaf 'ind
refibrtt the capture ;vest'eray:1 St
RdBBtiur'g'of J R. -W flKams," who
itf We "supposed murdeter ;bf a (K
maii- at Grante PasS laSt 'weeK'The
woman was found in-''ner 'nome,
jeith her beadbf ftten to e jelly. The
idescrirjtion. of Williams" was . sent
out and when .SJierra Mcuieiiana
vesterd a v met Williams on the
street of Roseburs be noted a flaw
in's right eye' that an
swered to one of the two maiapoiate
in the description. ' The other point1
tta3 two front teeth fitted witn gold
-.iClielftiidu stepped Jip - t'the
et'anger' and took hold of bis chin
with the remark: "Jjet me see
vour teeth." . Williams reached for
his revolver, but the 'shentt bad tne
"drop '-on 'him, and ' with :tne as
sistance of two- bystanders arrested
him.: The sheriff of Josephine coun
ty, wa nptified by wire , and. . carne
te' Reburjl n the frref jtraifln
A iittlepgirtwhdjwaffcarpyiog'rfiilk'
to the house of the murdered wo1'
man at the time the crime was
committed is thei most impoitatit
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinaware
Beyond this but wereoiured. -the Port Arthur fleet., T
intfeieAa!l)teJ x f-t on was discovered in the
. TAmeno!bUrain Reiaa the Tsnear at 3 o'clock this
woik of rescue led by the trainmen
The;, feeight;, j egine-.raiiu;aeiit tai
(ilenwoou, wnereii wa,s .Bumqfxon
ed, frote'1 Chicago- and " Chicago
witness in the case.
' A1 large and varied line.
: fi o i .;r ; iy t
Orders Filled Promptly aiid Com
plete; riVisit our StoiTed64li r( J
r. .vi a t -." V ; vn c; . bu t: 1 1 1 -"'V t ' , -SI
HeiRhts. .With the aid of axes and
iron bars the dead and injured were
released and placed on the grass
beside the track, - '.i n; - r"3u --' '
DarkuegB had by thisi time spread
over the scene and bonfires were
made beside the wrecked coaches,
for the purpose of jllumioatioa.
weeping s.fiwljj sUrfoaided
the teEeaeI.: 'JMsnawfTTioQf.trie
V TMbTJuly M ThV'Vladivos
tok squadron has overhauled a Tap
tnese steamer eastward .of Tsu gar
Straits. The nabfe'of 4he vessel
captured and.her fata has :BOt:iyet
beeniearoBd.f ? ,,, ; f,t i .m s v
r v. Tbj .Vladi.vaatok equjB4roD,-Qnao
compaeied by torpedo Jjoats.enter,
ed, the Pacific Ocean, today at-7 ,o
clock, ,Its destination is unknown is suggested jt poesibly.plaos
to raid the east coast .ot Japan and
then either return to Vladivostok,
escapine, to ithe southward, or at
temptme to form a lunctlon with
The squad
Straits of
Tsugar at 3 o'clock this morning.
steaming rapidly eastward
! 5 At 3 ey m; it w a'' reported u off
Tappi Cape,: and at 7 a. mi : observ
era at: Hakkodate .- discovered and
reported to Tokio that it was: then
steaming eaBt. '.
W amines have gone out to the
shipping along the eastern coast of
edly seeking covers i If ta expected
that most of the shicDine will be
Warned before the;, Russiahr ships
can do mvicn' damage, ,f .a raid is
fnt.pnrlBrl r. :- if- . s : run , i nu
; Ordinarily, a lack o ,coal-would
the reeqeii 'jajnannouraei 1 1 Ordinarily, a, lack bE.coal-would
. ' Hdmeopathist '; : ' V
Offlce cor Srd and Monroe eta. Resi
dence cor Srd and Harrison bu.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 3 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 335.
Physician & .Surgeon,
Office up -stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. : Tele
phone at residence, 104. 1 -' - -.-
All calls attended promptly.
relief train from Chicago was on the
way,,- 'TNeaEly. ftllthehdedyweteun-i
Dieted untilSfie metfbf U J relief
train had ipui ; inifwdCriouiS of OBird
work. Twenty-(odrjaei4lj;fipdieffj
were beside the track, and. ten of
the fninred drieraidt'i61-have "receiv
ed mortal burtfr.a Tit -was fnldBig-ht
when the relief train, with the liv;
iog and dead, eteanpeint.olhe.En
glewood station'.'. ," ", "; "
. 'There twenty -of tbe injured were
transferred to hospitals. At Tbir
fy-first Btreet the hysterical and
panic-Btricken women and children
who escaped with their lives got off.
A crowd of 5,000 friends received
oasibie that' tbe Kussians possess
a comer 'ian'MmVoaaiiii. toe Pa.
- i tl"j XU to ill
Cbronick) tbis'niGminff Dubliebes a
dBpa&.jfrom ita lrawliiieorreB
ponded nloder Ba&.gf Jnly I.M
lnic- idbi me" "remioruBiiieiiiB tor
whicn' GeieratOkbas'ilieBnvwait
J-qg' are' tjo'w being disenibarlted'uitt
dar the ot;tioa of :Bevea;: Japan'
ese'.oruieere.:, -v , -. -: . :
AirtBh'.'landing ! of jroopsi' tbe
dispatch says, ia also- being effected
to the north of Port Arthur, and
important events may be looked
for this week. - 1
'Pendipg fheMecisTn of -'tnb VrrJH
en back'tfr-woVk-Jis rapidly ra'poV-:
Bible'by1 the5 packers! and ft fsgeerl
oy tne pacreis tnat n tne;oia em
ployes are to be re-instated within
40 days lrom-;tbQ dote 'Werk Is re
sumed,. , it any ot theJormer em
ployes are still UbemploVedlit "the
expiration iof that -time, .such- :per
BODSjre ; nave, tbet yjvilege 2 ot
submitting t heic. ca$e ,o. the arbl
tratlon board for fiettlement.
The strikers wUlTBlDrb Hdfwork
.-i -soon' '5aB' tbWtian be1 "n'otl
fied of the peaceable - adjustment
the treubla, ana it a expected- that
by -Friday morning 'everything - will
be in normal Shape at all the plants
in the diHerent cities where the em
ployes-ere on -8trlke?J 7V 0 m' '
idalf an hour after ' the :debisi6n
had beer reached tonight tor arbi
tiatei Ms'sf Dob nelly the; -strike
leader; bad' sot Intd cohimuriicatioh
by iong-distailce telephone with the
leaders of the--strikers in, outside
cities, and had notified them tbat a
satisfactory settlement . had . been
reached and directed the strikers to
return 40 work as soon as possible,
The settlement of; , thej diffieulty
by arbitration wasu brought by -, the
allied craft of the tackyarde,c who
would have become involved in the
controversy had it continned much
longer. The representatives -of these
unions wmcn represent apput i4uwy
men, got togethfr,,I,y;esterd8y; a.nd
Bent a final appeal to the packers
asking for; a. three-eide,, cpnference
today between . tne, packers, the
strikers a,nd, themselves, in a . final
effort to arrange some sprt.Qf.aflree-
aient .which , would, .prevent . the,
strike : spreading to the affiliated
Ainions. 1 he appeal of -the allied
trade's anions received ' s ' favorable
tes'pbbse from the packer's , snd .'tc.-j
; ids agreement, reacneu ai to
night's conference, is practically the
same as. the proposition, made la3t
Satuirday tu the . packers ' br' , Mr,
Donnelly. ; The only difference ' is
that in Saturday's communication.
Mr. ' Donnelly 'insisted, that ' the
strikers be taken' back' to work
within seven days. This the pack
ers refused, although they accepted
every other demand made by Mr.
Donnelly. When the men return
to work it will be under exactly the
same conditions as prevailed before
the strike was declared, - with the
exception that the question of a
wage scaje Wyi be decided by arbi
tration aThe bid wage seala under
which the union worked .last, year
expired May 28' Since that time nu
merous conferences have been held
between the packers and the union
in an effort to settle" upon a new
schedule, bat. without -. advance.
Nine days ago it was decided to call
a strike bringing" the employers to
a rsvtil sausstel,Ja etnlf B&tiori inileV, ' ,' -V
gbod-6yes- twltrifeet" CompiSDionff
sbe;baarded:A (raia- andatarteiqoa s !
hr jopflaey trajttoe;,-: , &fie -3 .?.
not,g.o to, Ameri.jjttU jher.res-,
ence ther? is odns'iderrimperatlve-"
ly-'necessary;-5 ai r 1 2-3uiu;.--j
adise,ion American, newsnaoers.!' ,
Panay Island, ao is judge of the.
uiaviibt wum caiautisuou lucre uu
df Amekan ocoopation, and "after '
aa ab&eoce lSveayears!i8 visitliiir
a-xormjeromojiB inis ciiy.3r f
: ?v.e, ti.aye,B.torle8 eyer day Jtha.t 7
would" "be" seneatlbn'B 'in' our noma '
courts? 1 he Econttnuedi "i fiad' "ar ;
oaiss'only Bhort time rago: where a -map
killed kw viiei bi -.daaghtsraj 1
his servants and tw ,6b unEvCocks
with his Bolo. ,.lHejas.bIr9Ughtbjr .
fofe'me'iaaVee,nte'ncd' io"deth ' by '
th'jpgarrdW -whic'fi :r8iratnsle8!:t,ha i
viotiid and at the" Satna: time (i)et -ceftthe
spiflgl column with a sharp -sjteel.
indnping death. . I, -
more numane tnaa Hanging, .-
uQ3t Pong;' a bandit, ' killed 13 , '
women1 near Uapix tnl order that
hie dugbtorT : wad - recentlyJ died,' "
miht:bve ssoBjpany iftn-fter iea:v: ;
,enly joajpey. rWen.fU;tei8lis.
ana ine Jiaiivc uuiiBiaumary were
"Our courts, I ler;-woaia'B6rri a -
little irregnlar-to an American law- .
yer, yet we rnageopepsejus
tice in a pietty fair way, and as
was never known before in , lbs isl-, ,
ande. The court is the whole thing.
There is no jatevenfita: ariital
casesoc I pereciaUy;:onvieted;and
eeDtenced six ptisoneraitoi death;::
The proceedings .o. thetnirts;arei '
in Spanishv which requires- two iai '
terpreters, i A" reporterAan4aByielv
completeithe.Murtic.ateetimooy- '
generally, is allinthenativetongviev- j
Tbia iB-idnterpreted into-SpaniBO', .
and lben byi another? interpreter j
translated tame;" : r'C?
j vTfae cadeot fchsPMlippteeJcoBit T
is still ihe, old Spanisit coder: which" '
establishes the, - death . penalty for '
many effenses: i iOfferjseaBgadst: :
chaHtity are; dismissed u'iun'the fori J
givenesa of the 'womaD; ' the court ' " .
baving jio dieccetion.: The ifirat-
case of that kind w men: 1 had was ,
that. of a brown-skin? girl: naamed
Lola against a young FUipino nam-'i 1
ed Antonio; The feet question: ask-u . -.
ed by the defendant's counsel waa u
Lolo,-- do?yOu ; forgive Antonio?'
The giri, said J Xesj'ii and . they 'all: :
got up and marchedrout of couit-vl :; ;
didrnot -understand tbe .ptocedurej ; :
and was goingt9;have tbem br"oughti 1 ;
back until the interpreter explainr
ed thematter tame. :-h;:.i. j, .v.a- -I
"Nearly all our attorneys ift 0 a-m j
tives and re looked up, to by the -,
common pe,ople1r;;hey;arf Bfer0w4: i :
and smart, but never object toiaayw
evidence presented or motions made,
Lconsequently-the-oourtifl overload
ed with motions, r there; being no
way to'srinV them ioff 'Admission
to the bar is by examination before
an American commissioner and two -
native lawyers-appointed as exam- - -
.j r, '. "-j i
Wall paper at Blactledge's store.
: Trurb'.'tJorn wall, July. ,20.A-Mra.
' Maibiiclsis.fteej - She left here at
11:43 today on ner way 101 r ranee.
not terminated' With the clanging
of doors at Aylesbury prison, where
she spent more" thab' fourleeriyears
of her life-i'. ::It nclcsed . - before -tha
doors of the-white' dbnvent ,rdf 'thd
Sisterhood of ibe Epiphany in this
little town'J-'with. the , black-robed
eiEters softly nttering their blessings
and good wishes for - her: future.
With two companions, Mre, May
brick entered the carriage of Miss
Dalrymple, secretary ot the sister
hood, and was driven rapidly to
. The rainlhaabee'nyerj
to gardens and spriug grime.,, '
; Wild black berries are. ripe and a :
great many have been goiDg-up the
Luckiamute t camping: until , they r
gf t a ;BUpplyK .- I-;--1 iC . .i:tu
'Monday there was ra crew of a-:
bout a' dozen men with camping 1
outfit went up the Luckiamute. r
.They- have camped about three '
miUB below Bpaulding s logging '
camp. - Tney'are surveying lor tne
Capitol Lumber Company arid their ! '
object iB to survey for a railroad to1- -strike;
the timber or, 1 trie Upper -Luckiamute'and:
then "' on " to the '
Siletz basin.: -'' ! L ni 1 : ; '-11
M!rs Ella,' Wetls, -and . daughter' .
are visiting. .relatives fa the & yalley, .
Binding' has begun in tha "valley '
and will bs general next week.' ': '
Tbe grain inot-Hp to the- aver-
'Mr. Logan,' "the" new 'miller", has
justii received a lange shipment: of .
new machinery lor the mm. .-tte
is goiog to put in the sifter process
and make the mill first-class in ev
ery respect.:- . - -
1 ' Howard Bush has been ;runnine
jiis disc plow for several days plow
ing the land wmcn tie - mowed lor
" v-. : ' . - 3 -..1-, -. :TJN0.-
Kitchen cabinets just received at
Hollenberg and Cady's, - '