The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 20, 1904, Image 4

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Te Comings and Goings of Peop le
Social Gossip, Personal - Men
tion and Other Items of
Public In.terest
Miss Cirroll Euber of Monmouth
arrived Saturday, acd U tbe guest of
Gorvallia friends.
John Curornlogs of Haisey, left
yeatelJay for Newport for a few days
7Mfc- - ; '
3Ir. bliI Mrs. Harley Hall retorn
d Sunday from a few days' visit with
datives in Folk county,
Mr, acd Mrs, J. K. Weatherford
were lu towa for a few, hours' Sun
day. '
Theodore Garrow left Sunday for
Portland, where he will enter a buai
aees college.
George Hurd return d Sunday
to Port'aod, after a two weeks' . visit
with Beoton county relatives.
MU Leoca Scott returned to Ya
qulna Friday after a few days' visit
with friends.
Walter Wella ariivtd yesterday
from Portland for a visit with Cor
Tallls relatives.
Tbe Insurance of 82,000 held by
Ibe late A. J. Locke In the A.O.U. W.
wag paid to the widow last Saturday.
The annual treating of the OAC
board of regents occurs at tbe col
lege at two o'clock this afternoon.
Eev. Father Springer left ' Mon
day for Portland. After a brief visit
there, he leaner for St. Louis for a
iz weeks' visit.
Mrs. F. P. Sheasgreen was a pas
senger to FottUnd Sunday, where she
w'l) nt'enrt tbe eesMocs of the gracd
Jodtre cf the D. of H.
-A. jidge la the circuit court grant
ed a divorce to Mattie J. Spaulding
from Dr. J. Spauldlng at Racine, Wis
consin. One charge was that he forced
Isr to coik a cat. ,
The cooler weather cut down the
jaseenger list ou the regular Sunday
excursion ovr the O. & E. to New
port Sunday. But 03 persons went,
c5 whom eight were from Corvallia.
Paper bangers have added ma
terially to the appearance cf the local
Sell telephore office. A change in
the switchboard so tbat'it runs north
and south affords more room and bet
ter light fot tbe operators.
The $5,000 insurance belli by'the
late James Dunn fca been paid over
m mi r o ru i it rrta Am mint- nr hi hi
was in the Maccabees and $2,000 in
ihe A. O. U. W. The last of the sum
was pa'd over last week.
"Victor Spencer returned to Port
land Monday, after a tea days' visit
at the home or his parents. He re
turned to tbe Eistekle drug store of
which be Is in charge with the proud
distinction of having slain bis first
La Thursday Mr. ard Mrs. J.
H. Yautis were married fifty years
and they celebrated tbe occasion ar
Summit, with a very sumptuous wed
ding dinner. Their guests weie. Fred
"Saclio, Harry Uaroard. Emil Wisnos-
hey, Mr. and Mrs. H, Harrison, O. M.
Mattoon, Mrs, L. M. Matoon and little
New scales and a small yard with
a strong fenee have been placed in
position on tbe south side of the old
esrrfsge factory building now uecd as
a wate house by Bodice & Beck. Tbe
scales and tbe fenced enclosure are a
part ot the fixtures of the etock yard
that ie located at the warehouse site
by the new firm.
Mre. Mary McFadden and her
on, Tom, formerly of Corvallls, but
who have resided for the past II
moitns at mortn rjecct. uoos county,
are now located In Portland, where
they are living with Frank McFadden
; a son and brother. During tbe 11
Jnooths they resided at North Bend,
the population of the town Increased
Irom 600 to 1,200.
The scheduled days for the freight
al. a.. " a. n n i
Thursdays acd Saturdays. It leaves
. Albany la the morning, and after
Baking the trip to Wren or Nash
ville, as exigencies may require, re
turns tbe eame day to Albany. Tbe
purpose ot tbe train is to relieve the
passenger of freight work and iocld
- ental ewltchtog, in order that tbe lat
ter may mere satisfactorily handle
Aft seaside travel.
3n a letter recently received by
relatives la this city from A. O. Hor
ton who graduated from the pharm
acy department of O. A. C. In June,
the young man states that he is now
very pleasantly located In Prlnevllle,
being chief cleik in the principal drug
store of that city. He Is In receipt of
a very good salary with prospects of
an advance in the near future. This
position was offered Mr. Horton sev
eral weeks before he completed his
college course, thus showing that grad
uates from this department are ap
preciated abroad es well as at home.
F. B. Overlander has been ap
pointed depnty game warden for this
Miss - Edna It vine Is expected
home today from a visit at the 8tei
wer home near Jefferson.
E.F. Peroot epent' Sunday with
bis family In their new cottage at Nye
Creek. . . ,: v
'The date In the address on- your
"Times' tells how your subscription
etand3. Look at it. " ,
Mrs. J. O. Sutton of Salem, is
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs; T.
Barnhart, in this city.
The Applegate-Smlth party re
turned Monday from Alsea, having
killed one lone deer during the outing
in that section.
After a visit since Commencement
with her parents, Mrs. Bertha Henkle
McGultom leaves Friday for her home
at Athena.
Meeting of the W. O. T. TJ. at the
Reading Boom parlors tomorrow at
3 p. m. : All are cordially Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. ML. Adams and
daughter left Saturday to spend a few
days at Yaquloa.
Tbe. grand lodge of the A. O. TJ
W. is in session in Portland. Jesse
Spencer acd Fred Clark are delegate
from the local lodge. They left . for
Portlatd Monday. . r , -
The five-year-old child of H. Nel
son, who resides In King's Valley, died
Monday. The interment occurred yes
ttrday in tbe King's Valley cemetery.
Mr. Nelson Is a late arrival in the
county. , , , - . '
i -
The first Oregon peaches seen in
tbe local market this year were on
display at the Hodes grocery Monday.
They came from tbe C. Stone orchard
across the river, and were of the early
ajexanaer variety. -
"Mamma," said the pretty fiufTy
balred girl, "I think I ought to go to
cooking Bchool, don't yon?" "It Isn't
necessary my dear, replied the moth
er, "I cap teach you to cook." "But
that would never do, mamma," protest
ed the fair daughter, "you only know
bow to coon 'the ordinary things that
people really eat."
A drive to Albany acd return in
tbe evening is a popular amusement
among Corvallisites. ' Among those
who made the trip Monday evening
were, Mabel Sheasgreen, Louis Ir
win, Edna Thrasher, John Sutherland,
Bessie Shobe, of Oregon City; Bose
Chtpman, Archie Van Cleve and Bush
They say Henry G. Davis, nearly
81, Is too old to run for the vlce-piesi-dency
cf the United States. Yet be
was, in case of the letter's nomination,
to manage Gorman's campaign. Who
Is ir, though, that says he is too old?
Who, but people who can find no oth
er flaw to pick? ;
A surprising number of improve
ments are in progress about town just
at present. Numerous new residences,
croes walks new, with needed loads ot
gravel dumped on either side; new
barns, with fresh coats of paint, new
woodsheds, additions to residence?,
new roofs, new pqrehes, new fences,
and many other improvements make
one believe that Corvallls is in earnest
in Its declaration that a general clean
up is now on.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark were
passengers Monday for Portland,
where Mr. Clark goes as a delegate
to the grand lodge of the A. O. TJ. W.
After the session is over, Mr. and Mrs
Clark go to Baker City for a camping
trip in the Blue Mountains with their
son Mert and family. They will be
absent several weeks.
With the publicity given the sto
ry ot the French ball at, Spokane, it
may be certain that there is a frantic
hurrying home of absent wives, and a
strenuous hustle of erring husbands to
be absent when the loved spouses ar
rive. Naturally enough every hus
band in Spokane, who cannot estab
lish an alibi, will be regarded in the
household as steeped in guilt, and will
have penance to do for months to
come. The story ef the ball is print
ed in another column.
Philomath Items
The case of small-pox has rcoov
ered and has been released from
Mrs. M. Lytle, who was one of
the pereona exposed, is sick with
symptoms of the disease.
Dr. C. Newth started Tuesday,
July 1 9th, for San Francisco to
spend several weeks in post-gaadu-ate
work at the medical department
of the University of California. Mrs
Newth accompanied him.
Mrs. Smith,of Independence, was
in Corvallis last week visitiDg her
sister, Mrs. Allen.
Mre. Bradford is attending Chau
tauqua at Gladstone Park, and will
visit friends in Portland before her
Mr. and Mrs. H. Love of Junc
tion City, visited Mrs. Love's moth
er and other friends in Philomath
last week.
Born, July 13th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Albin, a eon.
Rev. Lowdy of Spokane, Wash.,
bas accepted 'the pastorate of the
Radical U. B. church, at Philo
math. Phixomite.
" Spokane, Jul 16. Assisted by
3O women from the Tenderloin, ten
kegs of beer and five dczen bottles
of champagne, 35 Spokane men
held a wild orgie in the Turner ball
last night. It was privately tipped
off as a select French ball, with in
vitatioDs limited to fifty. . Before
the affair ended its features would
have shamed the Moulin Rouge in
some forms of licentiousness. . ,
At 5 o'clock , this morning the
patty brtke. up. An -: insufficient
supply of backs . was easily -overcome,
many of the women climbing
on top of the vehicles, while others
bestrode the horses and were thus
conveyed to their homes in the
Tenderloin. ,
Originally the affair was planned
as a rally r for a ecore of . business
men, whose wives and families are
at summer resorts.; But other men
heard of it and pleaded for, invita
tions and finally the 50 limit; was
decided upon.. The gathering" in
cluded, business men, bankers, phy
sicians and several members of the
Spokane club-. ' '
. Down in the Tenderloin five par
lor bouses closed their doors in or
der that the inmates could attend
the select French ball. After a few
hours of revelry the women tired of
plain dancing and began acrobatic
stunts, for which they were loudly
applauded. One of these ; was a
band daDce, the performers endeav
oring to keep waltz time while bal
ancing on, their bands. ,- Another
favorite pastime was a champagne
shampoo, until the floor was too
gummy for dancing.
. ' : Beet baiau, or Chopped Beets. '
Cold boiled or baked beets, chopped
quite fine but not minced, make a nice
ralad when served with a dressing of
lemon-juice and whipped cream in the
proportion of three tablespobnfuls of
lemon-juice to one-half cup of whipped
cream, and salt if desired. Good House
keeping.' - :;!.:...., .,.
Be Helped Himielf to a Tip of Tn
Dollars for Bedns V e c o m
tiiss; and Boneet.
. "The tip-exacting Pullman car por
ters are the recipients of a gooa
many knocks from press and public,
tmt they are not the worst in. the
world," remarked a commercial trav
eler to a Washington Star man.
"They may have a pretty fierce way
of drilling for tips, but when it comes'
to the matter of honesty I knowt-on
of them that's there with the goods,
as the saying goes. j "
"I left San Francisco, or, rather,
Oakland, on the Santa Fe line for
Chicago at ' 8 o'clock in the evening
a couple of weeks ago last Sunday.
The gang that I met in 'Frisco had
been rather too enthusiastic in giv
ing me a good time of it out there
on the day of my departure, so that
when I woke up on ihe train silong
toward 7 o'clock the next morning
the sleeper bunk felt pretty warm
and my coppers a whole lot warmer.
The nearest, in fact, the first stop
at vhich I would have a chance to fix
thtise hot coppers out was Mojave.
ani so I hustled into my. clothes to
be ready to hop off the train during
the stop at Mojave for one of those
kat en jammer alleviators.
'"I. asked the Pullman conductor
how long the train would stop at
Me'-iye, and he replied that the stop
wonld last ten minutes. I raced into
the station cafe xWhen, the train
pulled into Mojave, and instructed
the man in charge of the bar to rig
me up one of those long. long damp
things. He went ,at the job in a pret
ty scientific manner, and the piece of
wet work that he set before me was
a rare thing to find right alongside
of the California desert. It was such
a fine and effective creation, in fact,
that I asked him to frame up an
other one, and I got away with this
with equal joy. Then I leisurely
strolled to the door to take a look
at my train and saw the end of it
curling away in the rarefied distance
on its way toward the land of the
rising sun. It had pulled out without
notifying me.. I hustled into the
ticket office to ask the man in the
window when I'd be able to corral
another eastbound train, and he said
that it 'ud be along at 8 o'clock the
next morning the mate to the train
that had departed without me; there
was only one of the overland ex
presses per diem. So there I saw my
self stuck in Mojave, Cal., the most
miserable little sand dune on the
globe, for a full twenty-four hours.
"But' that wasn't the worst of it.
I had left my Gladstone bag wide
open on my bunk, with my wearing
apparel thrown around the section
every which way, and in the ""bag I
had placed, on the night before, $200
in gold coin, the stuff being too
heavy to carry around m my pockets
with any comfort. ' "T
De8 Moines, la., Jaly 17. As 3
result of the excitement over poli
tics, indnced by attendance at the
democratic national convention, in
St. Louis, R. E. Moorely, a promi
nent capitalist and bank president
of Salt Lake City, lost his reason.
Moorely was given a hearing be
fore the board of commissioners for
the insane. He was a loyal sup
porter of Judge Parker, and joy ov
er his nomination unbalanced bis
P. ' "IfiodThedlbTd'sBIsek.DniiiKlit V
: a good medicine for liver disease. 1
It enred my pon after he had spent .
: 100 with doctors. ItiaaUtbemed-'. M
. Seine I take." MBS. CAROLINE '
. ujuiii , rvmaoorg, w. va.
; 7 If your liver does not act reg
nlarly go to your druggist and
-. secure a package of Thedford's '
Black-Draught and take a dose,
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
-; bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
-: and causes a healthy secretion '
of bile. -f ,i . - . .
fy Thedford's' Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of lm-.
s purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
Jfevex and all manner of sick
.. ness and contagion. Weak kid-
"v neys result. inBright's disease
I which claims as many victims
. as consumption. A 25-cent
-VgHwkage'of Thedford's Black
Draught should always be kept "
. in the house. . . . :
" "I used " Thedford's Black- .
Draught for liver and kidney com-'-
plaints and fonnd nothing to excel
j blehead, m.
Styles Right
Prices Right
Stock Right
Type Right
Plain Printing
'Fancy Printing
Corvallis, Oregon
Rem. Estate Co.
Are you looking for a Home . ,
' Or a good Investment?
If so we take pleasure in showing yon
over the country and are confident we
can give yon the right price on some
thing will suit jon.
We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres. -
We have Fruit lands. Hop lands, Farm
lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches
and Timber lands. - Ranging in price
from $7 to 125 per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements.
We also have a nice list of city proper
ty.. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi
dences from $350 to $3000 each according
to location and imorovemente we also
have some good business locations.
Offices first doorsonth of reading room.
White & Stone, Corvallis Or.
From the many styles we have in
stock we present style No 74 .
Rycroft Last "
' Patent Corona Colt
They need no breaking in
Man's All
Wool Suit
Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants?
Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line of
ready made clothing. , We will save you money. '
hunters Supplies, fishing Cackle.
Sporting Goods.
Stock of 0 Rodcs at Big Bargain
Office la Zierolf Baildtaij, 0fillvs. O
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
E. K. Bryson,
Attorney- A t lau:
Reduced Round Trip Rates Ac
. count World's Fair.
First class tickets on sale Jane
16, 17r18, Jaly 1. 2, 3, August
8, 9, 10, Sept 5, 6, 7, Oct. 3, 4, 5,
Gorvallis to St. Louis and return,
good 90 dajs with sop over priv
ileges at rates ranging from $67,50
to $82.50 according to route chos
en. Passengers will have privilege
of starting on any date which will
enable to reach destination within
ten days from the eale dat9 . In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
CO. ' .
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
l For Yaqnina:
Train leaves Albany. ...... 12:45 P m
" arrives Yaqnina........ 5:40 p. m
1. Returning: - ,
leaves Yaqnina.... 7:15 a. m
Leaves Corvallis..... 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany............ ia:is p. m
3 For Detroit: ,
JUeaves Albany. i:00p. m
Arrives Detroit. ; 6:00 p. m
4 from Detroit;
Leaves Detroit ......6:30 a. m
Arrives. Albany. ....... .,..,11:15 a. m-
Trin TCn. 'r arnvnin A1mhv in 4)ma
to connect with S P south bound train,
as weu as giving two or three honrs In
Aiuany uerore aeparrure 01 ft r norm
bound train. . - i
Train n nnnotiitVi tlwQPtMlna
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breiteubuso and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv
ine amDle time to reach the Sorinira the
same dav.
For farther information apply to .
r: . Edwin Stone,
"'' ' Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell. Aeent Alhsny.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
"An ounce of preven
tion is worth ajpound
of cure."
Prevent any abnormal
condition of the eyes by
properly fitted glasses
and you'll prevent at the
same time years of mis
ery and pain. - 7'
The Jeweler and Optician.
Gun Store...
Responsibility. $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
' Exchange. ,
Buys County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
London & San Fran
cisco Bank Limited.
NEW TORK Messrs. J. P. Korean St Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENG. London San Francises
Bank Limited.
C'ANAD V UoionBank of Canada.
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 pi m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drag store.
. , X VI . WK. ......
A few choice Poland China pigs, both
sexes, from registered stock, $5 per head
inquire of Eobert Wylie, Lewisburg.