The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 20, 1904, Image 2

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    Gorvaltts Times.
Official Paper of Bentai County
Because he is nearly 81, they say
Henry G. Davis is too old to run
for the vice-presidency of the Unit
ed States. When age is resorted to
by critics as a blemish, it is almost
a sure sign that the man criticized
is without real faults to point out.
The time was, when venerable
years stood for sound judgment and
unusual wisdom, and the young
were taught to respect and honor
them. Those were , days when
fathers knew . more than smart
young sons, and when the mothers
and not the daughters ran the
household.But this is a 20th cen
tury, and the world is swifter now
than it used to be. Things like the
Constitution, the Declaration of In
dependence and a parent, our smart
young bustlers now declare out
worn and too ancient for our world
power pace.
And so, Henry G. Davis, in spite
of the fact that even with his four
score years he was the least wearied
of all the men in the St. Louis con
vention, who walks vigorously and
erect over his farm and directs ev-ery-operation.
who does all things
that any other man of "50 or 60
does, he is called too . old to be
vice-president of the United States.
Thus, in the change and sweep of
the times, age, that was once a vir
tue, in the merciless minds of some,
has become a crime. No . matter
how vigorous or how . strong yet, a
certain figure in a man's years is
the deadline, and after that, he is to
be buried alive. Our fathers and
mothers must be thrust aside, be
cause they are in the way of we
smart young folks. How long will it
be at our present increase of pace un
til we will dig graves for ihein
while they yet live, fashion tomb
stones while they still look, and
write on the stone,
' '.'Our Father and Mother, -'
Buried alive here because
too old."
How refreshing it would be for
all if some of the old fashioned no
tions about age and the merit of age
would come in vogae again. How
refreshing, since every man knows
his time to be called old, and to be
thrust aside perhaps before he is
ready, is swift and surely coming.
It is notorious that Oregon, in
late year?, has been outstripped in
growth by her neighbor states on
the north. Seattle, Spokane and
Tacoma are well known to people
in the East who never heard of
Portland. Organization is the life
breath of progress, and success comes
to those who help themselves. Ore
gonians slept and dozed while Wash
ingtonians were active in pushing
the claims ot their state for settle
ment and development. If the pop
ulation and wealth of the one was
slower than that of the other in de
velopment tbe reason is manifest.
If Oregon would go to the lore the
way is easy and the task simple.
The Portland Commercial club pro
poses the organization of the Ore
gon Development League, a society
to bind all Oregon together for a
bigger, better state. The plan in
dicates an awakened Portland, and
the possibility of an awakened Ore
gon. The time is opportune be
cause of the unparalleled opportuni
ty afforded by the coming Lewis
and Clark fair. It is the time of
all times to reach for success, for it
will be the time when it is easiest to
grasp it. Corvallis, and every town
in Oregon should, and doubtless
will send a full delegation to the
Marquam - meeting, there to join
hands for a greater Oregon, a state
for which nature has done so much,
and her people, so comparatively
little. - "
Portland and Return.
Only $3x0. The Southern Tacific is
new selling round trip tickets to Port
snd from Corvallis for $3, good , goin
Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday
returning Sunday and Monday givin
all day Sunday in Tortlacd. The sam
im rptnicnt fcrrlits licm Tcrtlandgiv
a roruana people a chance to visi
Voting for the Handsome Silk Flag
Progressing. With Interest.
- The big silk flag that . is "to be
given away is interesting many
people, judging by the votes that
are being cast at the various stores
where ballots are given with each
25-cent purchase. There are nine
stores where one may secure : these
blank ballots, and nearly every
lodge and society in town has . its
name on the list where the result of
the voting is made known every
week. The contest closes August
31, and the institution or organiza
tion that has the largest number of
votes to its credit," when the . last
count is made, is the one that will
be awarded one of the handsomest
silk flags that has ever been seen in
Corvallis. :
; The list of votes up to the pres
ent is as follows:
0. A. C, 3000. '
': Public School,. 4873.
W, of W., 1034.
Maccabees, 91.
A. O. U.W., 74.
Artisans, 8.
G. A. R., 52.
1. O. O. F., 45
Lions, 541.
Rebekahs, 1046.
D, of H.. 22.
K. of P. 1016.
Eastern Star, 143.
Firemen, 4364. .
M. W. A., 997.
Bird cages at Hollenberg & Cady.
Boy your harvesting outfits at
Nolan a Callahan's.
From S. P. and C. & E. Points to
the Seaside and Mountain Re
; " 1 sorts for the Summer,
On and after June 1st, 19O4, the South
ern Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eestern railroad,, will have on
sale round trip tickets from points , on
their lines to Newport, -Yaquina and De
troit at very low rates, good for return
until October 10th, 1904,
Three day tickets to Newport and Ya
quina, good going Saturdays and return
ing Mondays, are also on sale from all
Bast side points, Portland to Eugene in
clusive, and from all Westside points en;
abling people to visit their families and
spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside points
Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from
all. Westside points, are also on sale to
Delroit at very low rates, with stop-over-
pnvilepes at Mill City or any point east
enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and
Breitenbusch hot springs in the Cascade
monntains, which can be reached in one
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points uatil October t, Three
day tickets will be cooil Kohtu ,n . Sat
urdays and returning 11. .n lays only.
Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will
be good going via the Lebanon-Spring
field branch if desired. Baggage on
Newport tickets checked through to
Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
only. ' .
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for
Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the
C, & E. for Detroit will leave Albany
at; am enabling tonriEts to - the hot
springs to reach there the ' same day. '-'
For information as to rates, with beau
tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and
vicinity can be obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany
W E Coman, G. P. A. S. P Company,
Portland, ' ' :'
Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $3.75.
'' " Yaquina, S3.25
Detroit, 3.25
Three-day rate from Corvallis to New
poit. 2.50. v
XtraooD Glothes
For boys,y little fellows and
voting men see Nolan, & Cal
lahan. -
Blcikla li kiepi a'.l kin Is of tiVie
For Sale
Sixteen head of hich-srade Cotswold
ewes for sale at $2.50, and 8 head of
Marcn umbs at ?2, The sheep are worth
3.50 per head. Also 15 head stock hogs
for sale. Write or see me at farm. 4
miles south-west of Philomath.
E. A. Miller.
Baseball Players and Foot Racers.
Louis J. Kruger, ex-champion long dis
tance footracer of Germany and Holland
writes, October 27, 1901: "During my
training of eight weeks' foot races at Salt
Lake City, in April last, I nsed Ballard's
Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfac
tion. : Therefore, I highly recommend
Snow Liniment to all who are troubled
j w ith sprains, bruises or rheumatism."
1 25c, 50c, $ 1.00 Sold by Graham & Wor-Itham.
And Very Pretty New Drop Curtain
- at Corvallis Opera House.
The next time Corvallis people
go to the opera house they will see
a new drop curtain. . The work of
painting it began Saturday, and will
be completed today. 'The : artists
are Deed & Funk of Sacramento,
California. sThe firm is doing work
of the kind all through the valley,
having a contract for 39 curtains on
their list, including Medford, Rose
burg and many other towns. ;:The
centaal scene is one of the prettiest
ever seen at the opera, house. A
pair of curtains, hung like portieres
are draped back, exposing to view
a beautiful river scene, said to be a
section of the upper Columbia river,
The water, with its foliage effects
and other settings produce a pleas
ing scene. The picture is surround
ed -with advertisements of Corvallis
business establishments. . . , :
v Mrs. Lee's Tea, .
One of the most pleasant social
events of the season was the Tea
given Saturday afternoon by Mrs.
M. Elston Lee at her elegant home
on Third street. 1 he house was
beautifully decorated with sweet
peas, roses and carnations. After
an hour spent in exchange of pleas
antries the conversation was inter
rupted by a reading by Mrs. . Hay
ward. This was followed by a vo
cal duet rendered by Mrs. Lake and
Mrs. Woodcock and recitations by
Miss Mary Nolan and Miss Alice
Wicklund. In serving a delicious
luncheon, Mrs Lee was assisted by
Mrs. Charles Lee, Mrs. Hay ward,
Miss Wicklund" and "Miss Nolan.
The guests were; Mesdames Laf
ferty, Brunk, Helm, Lee,!. Cannon,
Crees, Wilkins, Taylor, Rennie,
Simpson, Cathey,s Woodcock, Bur
nett, Beach; Johnson, Smithr'Wil
son, Wilson,' Cathey, Berchtold,
Hardin, Wells, -Yates, Kniseley,
Huston, Callahan, Hay ward, Mc
Kellips, Bryson, ' Kline, ; Davis,
Smith, Davis, Rickard, " Hayes,
Lake, Wilson, Nolan, r -Fischer,
Elgin, Altaian, Dolph, Farra, Lilly
Thorp. ' Misses Horning, Thorp,
Kline, Briggs, Nolan, Briggs.
See Blackledge's fine couches.
For Rent.
House of seven rooms, barn and twelve
lots; known as the McCaustland Block.
Kitchen cabinets just received at
Hollenberg and Cady's,
Painting and Paper Hanging."
. All orders promptly filled. Phore
05. Samuel Kerr. .
Remember Nolan Q. Callahan's.
Great Redaction Sale ' of summer
goods is now running in full blast.
Bargains all along the line during
July- ; , . :
' ; We r. ted. . ' "
To trade 40 acres six miles from Cor
vallis for horses and cattle. Inquire at,office.
For Sale.
Six good young cows. One registered"
Jersey Bull, five head of joung stock,
one good fanning mill, one good covered
light wagon, one 2 horse power cross cut
saw, one good broad-cast seeder will sow
40 acres per day, and numerous o'her ar
ticles. All wi:l be sold cheap.' Time gi
ven to all. Call and see me; yZ mile East
of ferry.
'..)'., ". C.H.Kverett. '
For Sale. '
Two and a half acres fine garden or
fjuit laud in Corvallis; nice, large house,
good barn, warehouse and outbuildings,
two good wells, pleasant and healthy
location' Will sell at a bargain if taken
soon. Inquire ef or address
- J. H. Mattley,
Sheriffs Sale.
Xotice is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an execution and order
of sale of attached property issued out of
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County, under the seal of said Court,
and bearing date of June- 30th. 1904, upon a
judgment duly rendered by -said' Court in an
action m which George W. Henkle was Plain
tiff, and Cynthia A. Mitchell was Defendant, on
the 13th day of November, 1894, in favor of said
plaintiff and against said defendant, for the
sum of Three Hundred and no 100 dollars iu V.
S. Gold Coin, with Interest thereon, in lltte gold
coin, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and
for tbe farther sum of Fifty four and 65-100 dol
lars, costs and disbursements; and for tbe sale
of the real property hereinafter described; and
which said judgmeut was duly docketed in the
Judgment docket ot said Court on the 13th day
of November, 1894, and thereafter duly assign
ed on said Judgment docket to Peter Rlckard;
which execution issned thereon Is tome direct
ed and delivered and commands me to satisfy
said above sums of money due thereon by the
sale of said real property described as follows
towit : Lots Nos. 161 and 163 in Block No 41.
in Brown's Addition to the City of Philomath,
in Benton County, Oregon.
Now therefore In pursuance of said execution
and order ot sale, 1 will on tbe 13th day ot Aug.
ust, 1904, at the hour of one o'clock p. m.of said
day last aforesaid, at tbe Court House door,
in the City ot Corvallis, in Benton County, Ore
gon, sell the above premises and all the right,
title and interest of the said defendant in said
suit therein at public auction to the highest
bidder, for C. S. Gold Coin, cash in hand, to
satisfy toe-amount dueon said execution and
order of sale, cos ts and accruing costs.
July 16th, 1901. " v.
, M. P. BIKXETT. .
, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Supervisors Claims.
, The following claims have been filed
by the road Supervisors as salary for
quarter ending July 1st ig04, to-wlt:
A T Wilson Supervisor Dist
H M Fleming .
HI. Hall
Lewis Went
E M Dodele -
1 $67.50
2 61.25
John Price (Sal 6 iqos ) "
A Cadwalader "
OR. Ballard " ' "
J RFehler- - ' "
11 125-00
J E Ban ton "
13 50-00
D B Farley - "
73 75
Jaa.M Hereon . "
Doke Gray
C E Banton ' "
Henry Hector .-
BW Harris "
And unless objections thereto are filed
on or before the August term of the Co.
Court the same will be allowed ss filed.
By order of Court. J. '-
w ; .w Victor P Moses,
- . i -. Clerk. ..
July 9U1 I9O4.
, Bridge Bids Wanted
Bids will be received by the county
court until 10 o'clock a m Saturday July
23, 1904, for the construction of a bridge
across Muddy, at Grange Hall, nine mi'
lee south of Corvallis.' Plans and speci
fications are on file at the office of the
county clerk. All bids must be accom
panied qy usual deposit. The court re
serves the right to reject any or all bids.
! i ' . ' Thog. Jones,
Co. Surveyor.'
Corvallis, Oregon July 15, 1904.
There was a very brief session
of the county court Monday. The
petition for the Baker road near
Sulphur Springs, was continued.
The petition of W,Kimball for a
gateway through the lands of A.D.
Huard in , Alsea was dismissed for
lack of jurisdiction.
Sunday Excursions to Newport.
The C & E R.R. Co. will run regular
excursion traiuB to .Newport and Yaquina,
leaving Corvallis at 7-30 sharp. Boat
leaves Newport at 5.30,. train leaves Ya
quina at 6.10. Pare for round trip from
Corvallis or Philomath, 1.50. -...
Blackledge keeps large assortment, of
Best That's Grown
Is None Too Good.
When you are drinking v
Coffee it is our good
fortune to hold the Sole
Agency for the famous
Chase & Sanborn
Higb Grade
We have all the grades from 2oc
per pound to the highest priced.
Coffee sold by this celebrated firm.
Give Us a Trial Order
for one of their Coffees and you
will use it exclusively.
P. IU Zierolf
Groceries, Grockery & Stoneware
A$t. for Libby Gut Glass
y. It does not pay to adver
tise continuously a poor - ar
ticle, '
are advertised persistently
because they are uniformly
"Dutchess Quality" absolute
ly the best that money can
produce in material, finish
and workmanship. -
We sell them - under the
well-known Dutchess guaran
tee: ; :
lo cents a button; $1 a rip. -Sold
only by
tffi? ? ?
A Few
Here are a few Plums during
- " -v
. 15c and 20c Lawns, Dimities and Batistes at 9c.
v 25c Japanese Crepes, 16c.
25c Linen Suitings, 16. K '
' 20c Etamines, 12c. ' ' -
50c Wash Silks, 38c.
20c Madras Suitings, 12 Jc. -
36-inch Queen Percales, 11c, 15 quality.
' ' 20 pieces Jouvian Ginghams, 7c.
25 pieces good bleached Muslin; 6c.
; 20 pieces fancy; Challies, 5c.
. ' Boys 50c and 65c Wash Suits, 39c.
Boy's 25c Wash Waists. 19c,
$2.50 and $3 Ladies' Tan Oxford?, $1.90.
- t Men's $1.25 Crash Trousers, 69c.
A few Men's 7.50 Summer Suits, $4.90.
Deep cut on Shirt Waists, Wash Skirts,
Under Muslins, Straw Hats and Parasols.
AM TOU - d
We want your order for grocer
; ies, provisions, etc.
We furnish a nice box and do
the packing for you.
Don't forget the place
Have You Seen
Our large new stock of Furniture, Carpets and wall
paper. We are receiving new goods every week and
can make you prices that will defy competition. If
1 1 1 - C " 1 .
you nave a uouse 10 imnisa
Let Us figure on Your Bill
Perhaps you are needing some new shades? well,
we have a nice line of them, or you may want some
"new carpet or matting to replace that old one. If so,
we will guarantee to suit you or refund your money
C we are here for business and will take pleasure in
showing you through our store whether you buy or not
Corvallis, Oregon.
Go to Blackledge's New Furniture
Store for your camp outfit.
. Order Your Ice Cream
' From The Celebrated Sunset
Creamery Company. Highest
price paid for Butter fat, Eggs etc.
28r ist Street Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 52. .
Bargains in Bamboo fur r U if si H
enberg & Cady's. -
Tor Sale
A large variety of household goods.
Must be disposed of at once, Call at
residence on ,4th st. or inquire of the un
dersigned. Dr. L. G. Altmau.
Go to Ekcilcdge'E for wicdew shades
our Mid-summer Clearance Sale-
Go to Dunn & Thatchers for girt bone
and shell and all other kinds of poultry'
and stock remedies.
With its companions, heart burn, flatu
lence, torpidity of the liver, constipation,
palpitation of the heart, poor blood, head
ache and other nervous symptoms, sal
low skin, foul tongue, offensive breath
and a legion of other ailments, is at once
the most widespread and destructive mal
ady among the American people, Tbe
herbine treatment will cure all these
troubles. 50c bottle. Sold by Graham
& Wortham. ' - '
Get jour camping outfits such as tents,
cots and stools at Hollenberg & Cady's
Bamboo furniture at Blacklcdee's new