The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 16, 1904, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
. Social Gossip. Personal Men-
tion and Other Items of
Public In.'terest
Thursday f
, Stewart's
r an outing
family lert
at Caacaifl.
George Hankie was a Philomath JiJ
visitor Wednesday ana Thursday
Miss Agnes Kleeker arrived Wed
nesday from Portland for a visit with
her aunt In this city.
Mr. a"d Mrs. Tnoma9 Callahan
returned Wednesday from a sojourn
cf several days at Newport.
O. J Blicklrdge acd finally left
Thursday morolcg for a month's
ramping trip at Fish Lake.
Mra. Walter Wiles and little
daughter are attending Ctautauqua
it Gladstone Park. '
Mrs. Lucy, Francisco was a pas
seogei to Newport Tbur:day for a
summer outing.
Superintendent Denmaoaad fami
ly lef; T76doc3diy for a camping
trip In the Alsea country. ' -
Fifty-five passengers came In on
the West4(ie train Thursday, most
of whom were headed bayward.
A carload of sheep left Corvatlls
for Portland Thursday. Tbe shipper,
was William Gellatly.
MUs ModeataRofeadortlefc Wed
nesdav f jr Jefferson for a visit with
Ml-'BLyle Stelwer. .
Mrs. A. B. Cordley and little
daughter left Thursday for Newport,
where tbey will spend the summer.
Dick Kiger and Ralph Davisgon
leave this week to join the Johnson-Beonie-Bryson
party in tbe AUea
D. M. Smith and Louis Hollen
berg returned Wednesday from a busi
ness trip to Portland.
' Misa Gertrude Springer left
Thursday for her home in Portland,
after a two weeks' visit with her
brother. Father Springer.
-Aln d.lve ot lOG.oC", Taet of ash
and maple arrived Thursday at the
Strong buwuiiil from t'ua liadauiaker
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson t f
Burt county, Nebraska, have arrived
for an expended visit with the lat'er's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Meeker.
Tnomas Whltehorn and family,
and Mrs. M. P. Burnett and baby left
Thursday morning for an outlog at
Wednesday there were 65 acd
Thursday 85 Newport passengers . o
the westbound train a it left the
Oorvallls depot.
Mrs. Mosby has arrived from 8an
Francisco, to join her husband who
is employed In one of the Corvallis
tailoring shops.
J. Hash end family of Alsea, were
in Corvallis Wednesday and Thursday
While here they purchased a bill of
furnltuie at a local establishment.
Theodore Garrow arrived from
California Thursday for a visit with
relatives. He goes from here to
Portland, where he will enter a busi
ness college. -
Mr. and Mrs. E. Woodward and
daughter have gone Into camp on
their ranch near Philomath, for a per
iod, ot rest and recreation..
The ' Presbyterian Missionary
society members were delightfully en
tertalned at the home of Mrs. H. F.
Fischer, Wednesday afternoon.
- Charles Wright, who has been an
employe at the brick livery stable tor
sometime, has accepted a position In
Albany, and left Thursday.
A roaa cow, advertised In tbe
last issue of the Times as about to be
sold from the pound, has been recov
ered by the owner. Advertising did
Bom, to the wife of Clarence Al
- blu, at Philomath, a eon. Mr. Albin
is aeslstant agent at the O. & . depot
in this city, but Mrs. Albin has been
residing la Philomath. .
Miss Gladys Richardson of Ho
qulam. Washington, a former well
known student at OAO, is with rela
tives at Monroe, and Is expected In
Corvallis shortly for a visit at tbe
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Well6her.
Dr. Boberts and sister, Mrs.
Campbell, aie expected in Corvallis in
a few days. They will be at the Oc
cidental, and will remain two or three
- weeks. Dr. Roberts is quite v well-
known hereabouts as an optician who
has visited Uorvalliu in the past on
various occasions.
There was installation of Rebek
h officers at their lodge Monday ev
ening. They are : Noble grand,
Mrs. Ellen Mundy; vice grand. Miss
Sadie Dixon; recording secretary. Miss
Lillian Ranney; financial secretary,
Mrs. Emily Heckle; treasurer, George
Bids are called for la this Issue
tor construction of the Spangler-Wiley
sewer lateral. . . .
New type has been' received for
plain and fancy job printing at the
"Times" office. x
The For Sle," "Ii08t" and
"Want" ads In the "Times" are always
fresh and readable. Look over them.
. U. 4. clacBledge and family are
at Caeeadla on a four weens camping
trip.. They U-fc Thursday. j,
A new awning was placed
in position Thursday In fnnt of tbe
repair shop of Dillej, the fixer. '
Dr. Cathev was a hnsiness visit
er In Portland from Wedcesday until
. la the probate court the estates
of Man ha J. Walker and W. D. Arm
strong have been .- finally settled and
the bondsmen released. - - '. v
Clarence Wilson and wife, who re
side near Mount View, are to remove
to Corvallis next' week, where, they
will hereafter reside, .-
William Baker and family left
Thursday for a camping trip to Alsea.
They and tbe.Denman's are of the
same party.
The date to which your subscrip
tion 4s paid appears Id the address on
yoor "Times." It looks good to you
and your neighbors for it to show that
you are not la arrears. . -
Miss Mary Hurt arrived Wednes
day from Ohio, and is at the home of
her brother, Victor Hurt, for an Inde
finite period. She was met In . Port
land by Mr. Hurt. ,
The family of Ed Starr of Bell
fountain, are to reside In Oorvallls this
winter, for educational purposes. The
Hunter house has been secured for
their occupancy. .
Tbe smallpox quarantine at the
Jones house In Corvallis was raised
yesterday, and tbe place was fumigat
ed. This clears Corvallis of the dis
ease, at least, for tbe present. , .
George 0. Dickey has arrived with
his family from Jackson county, and
Is .camping near Mary's River bridge.
He wants farm or other work, and
Mrs, Dickey will do plain sewing, nurs
ing or other work that may be requir
ed In Oorvallls homes. V
Somebody took a bell from a cow
tied at Mary's River bridge Wednes
day night. Whether the act was a
joke or otherwise, is not known. If
the bell is returned to the family
camping at the place, no questions
will be asked.
A new edifice stands stately and
stauncb, on lots at the rear of
Mrs. Martha Burnett's residence. It
is a family barn, with all the details of
architecture symmetrical and , techni
cally correct. The designers and build
eis were Brady and Bruce Burnett.,
Some of the finest cherries seen
In this vicinity were brought from Mc
Minnvllle by D. O. Rose, Thursday, on
his return from attendance at a meet
ing of tbe Fire Relief Association. The
fruit was cf the Lambert variety and
remarkable for size and superior
flavor. . . - - . - ,
The lawn at the Nolan residence
was . beautiful . Wednesday evening
with electric lights and decorations of
bunting. The occasion was a lawn so
cial given by the ladies of tbe Catho
lic church. The function was popu
larly attended, and the sum of $65.75
was realized, xne retresnments were
candy, ice cream, cake and coffee.
With the Lewis 'and Clark Fair
commission offering to buy Benton's
exhibit in case she makes one at the
1905 exposition, it would seem that
every citizen who has an extra , fine
growth of wheat, of oats, ot corn, . of
potatoes or other product of Held or
garden would take care ot the same
and place it within the reach of those
to gather a county exhibit., xnecom
mlsslen proposes to give credit to ev
ery individual who contributes a sam
ple; v Save the best things and notify
the committee. ': ?'
Police' Judge Greffoz and Chief
Lane, with an elaborate commissary
and munition department, left yester
day for a two week's hunting trip. It
is expected that they will wind up
somewhere in the vicinity of y Frank
Seits ranch. For deputy police judge,
durinsr his absence. Judge Greffoz
leaves Justice Holgate, and Officer Os
burn is to be acting chief. O. B. Con-
nor relieves Officer Osburn as night-
watch, Burt Van Hojsen is in charge
of the Greffoz jewelry establishment.
The following real estate trans
fers have been filed for record : Mar
tha Burnett to Ida B. Callahan part of
lots 11 and 12 in block 7, county ad
dition, $350; James Price and wife to
Mrs. Dollie Smith 38 acres near Wells,
$1500; 8. L. Henderson and wife to
W. T. Small and Son part ot lot 4,
blcck 11, $1; C. E. Small etal to S.L.
Henderson north 1-4 of lot i, block 11
$1; E. B. Bryeon et al to J. F. Ovlatt
and wife four lots In block 13, Job's
addition, $133; W. A. Wells and wifs
to Gabriel Long block 10, Job's addi
tion, S500; Marion Hay den and wife
te Ole B. Reed land in Alsea, $160
Amos Vance to Nannie E. Emery
lots at Summit, $300. .
XtrajsooD Clothes
For boys, little fellows and
young men see Nolan & Cal
Blcakledge keeps all kinds of table
Said to Have Mads New York. Illi
nois, Wisconsin .. and Other
States Doubtful Bryan
WiM Support the
Washington, Jul? 11. Almo3t
without exception eastern papers
today express the opinion that Par
ker's telegram on Saturday gives the
democrats some chance of suc
cess in the - election - this year,
whereas, had that telegram not
been sent, and Parker had entered
the campaign on the platform a
dopted at St. Louie, Roosevelt would
have had a walkover. It is admit
ted that Parker's declaration for
the gold standard has strengthened
"-Ihini in the East, ' bat destroyed his
chances of carryibg the Western
states. It ia likewise admitted that
he will draw back Into the party
many gold 'democrats who could
not stand for Bryan and 16 to 1,
though the oarty at large is - evi
denced by the action of the conven
tion, even yet reluses to repudiate
the Chicago and Kansas City plat
form. "
Parker's action is declared to
make New York a probable fight
ing ground, and placing Indiana, i
Illinois and Wisconsin-in tbe sec
ond place. At the same time tbe
nomination of 1 Davis as 1 Parker's
running mate makes democratic!
success in West Virginia quite prob
able, and poesibiy will make Mary
land again in the democratic col
umn. It is apparent that Davis was
selected because of - his enormous
wealth, because the party ' had to
have some source of campaign funds.
.New York papers today ' freely
comment upon the fact that Par
ker's telegram was Bent to Sheehan
and not to Hill. . They interpret
this to mean Parker has shaken off
Hill, and will insist the campaign
will be conducted throughout in a
straight forward manner.
' Lincoln, Neb., July 12. W. J.
Bryan today gave out the following
statement: ,
"I shall vote for Parker and Da
vis, the nominees of the democratic
national convention, and shall do
bo for the following reasons;
"First Because the democratic
ticket stands for opposition to im
perialism, while the republican tick
et Etneds for an imperialistic poli
cy. On this q aet tion, w hich wss
tbe paramount issue uf 1900, and
which must remain an important
issue so long as as an attempt is
made to hold colonies under tbe
American flag on this issue tbe
sod mention was unanimous, the
pin form emphatic, and I have no
don t that the candidate will carry
ou' the platform.
'.Second Mr. Roosevelt is inject
ing tbs race issue into American
pou. ice, and this issue, if it becomes
net nal, will make it impossible
to V nsider questions that demand
solution. The election of tbe dem
ocra ic ticket will put a quietus on
this subject. s h --:
"Third -Mr. ' Kooseveit stands
for the spirit of war. His friends
preeent him as a mao of blood and
iron; He believes in strenuousness
and inculcates a love for warlike
things. Tbe democratic ''ticket
stands for peace, for reason, and for
arbitration rather than tor force,
conquest and bluster. -
"Fourth Tha democratic plat
form declares in favor of the redac
tion of the standing army, and as
this plank was unanimously adopt
ed, there is reason to believe a dem
ocratic statement on this - subject
would bring some advantage to the
people. For these reasons, I feel
inr-4-iflrirl im cnnnnt!nr fVia fi r V a ' '
America Railway.
Railwav mileage in the United State
has passed the 200,000 mark, which is
nUwMT mileace ot toe
IrllC till" - w
world. Railway Kews
- Tall Men in Iudlaaa.
A record of the height of Indiana
soldiers m the civil -war shows that
out of 118,254 there were 15,047 5 feet
10 inches high, 8,706 5 feet 11 inches
6,679 6 feet high, 2,614 6 feet 1 inch,
1,357 6 feet two inches, 406 6 feet 3
inches, and 336 over & feet 3 inches
Commenting on these statistics. Dr.
Gould, actuary of the United States
sanitary commission, writes; "It is
evident" from our statistics that the
Indiana men are ifie tallest of all na
tives of the United States and these
latter the tallest of all civilized countries."-,,:
. For Sale-
Sisteen head of high-grade Cotswold
ewes for sale at $2.50, and 8 head of
March lambs at f 2, The sheep are worth
3.50 pel head. Also 15 head stock hogs
for sale. Write or see me at farm 4
miles south-west of Philomath.
.- E. A. Miller.
P "I find Thedford's Blaek-Drxngbt
, a good medicine for liver disease. 1
It cored my pon after he had a Dent 11
$100 with doctors. It is all the med-
MABTIN, Farkersbuig, W. Va.
If yonr liver does not act reg-
ularly go to yonr drnsrsrist and
- secure apackage of Thedford's
Black-Drsheht and take a dose -tonight.
This great family
medicine frees the constipated -
- bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught :
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid-
; neys. A torpid liver invites i
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick-
, sees and contagion. Weak kid- v
neys result inBright's disease,
which claims as many victims ,
as consumption. .- A 25-cent
package of Thedford's Black
Draught should always be kept .
- in the house. .
"I used Thedford's Black
Draught for liver and kidney com
plaints and fonnd nothing to excel "
blehead, I1L ' '
v Corvallis
Styles Right
Prices Right
Stock Right
Type Right
Plain Printing
Fancy Printing
Corvallis, Oregon
Real Estate Co.
Are you looking for a Home
Or a good Investment?
If so we take pleasure in showing you
over the country and are confident we
can give yon the right price on some
thing will suit you.
We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres.
We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm
lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches
and Timber lands. Ranging in price
from $7 to $125 per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements;
We also have a nice list of city proper
ty.. Lots from 75 to $500 each. Resi
dences from $350 to $3000 eachaccording
to location and improvemente we also
have some good business locations.
Offices first door south of reading room.
White & Stone, OorvalU0rf
From the many styles we have in
stock we present style No 74
- Rycroft Last
Pateut Corona Colt
They need no breaking in
: Man s All j HENKLE j Every j
' Wool Suit DAVIS !
:"ro00 j GorvalliS. Guaranteed
Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants? ;
Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line of
; ready made clothing. We will save you money.
' . . . '.'I-.
The Jeweler and Optician.
Runters Supplies, Tisbing Cackle,
Sporting Goods..
Stock of Bodes at Big Bargain
Office la Zierolf Batldius;, 0ftlUs.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
E. R. Bryson,
Attornei-Ab-L'J, w.
Reduced Round Trip -Rates Ac
- count World's Fair.
First class tickets on sale June
16, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, August
8, 9, 10, Sept 5, 6. 7, Oct. 3, 4, 5,
Corvallis to St. Louis and return,
good 90 dajs with stop, over priv
ileges at rates ranging 'from $67,50
to $82.50 according to route chos
en.' Passengers will have privilege
of starting on any date which ' will
enable to teich destination within
ten days from the sale date. ' . In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
Gorvallis & Eastern :i
Railroad .
Time Card Number 22.
a For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 p. m
. ' " Corvallis 1:45 p.
" arrives Yaquina 5:40 p. m
I Returning: ..... , . '
Leaves Yaqmna. .......... 7:15 a. m
Leaves Corvallis.. .........11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany. ......... .12:15 p. ia
3 For Detroit: . .
Lieaves Albany.... ..;....... IXU p. m
Arrives Detroit.. . 6.-00 p. m .
4 from Detroit: ' .
Leaves Detroit.. ...... ...,.6:30 a. m
Arrives Albany tf 11:15 a. m '
Train No. 1 arrives in Albanv in tim
to connect with S P south boand train,
as well as giving two or three hoars in
Albany before departure of S F north
bound train, v. .
v Train No 3 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches,v-
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1:00 pMn. , reaching Detroit at 6jx, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs tbe
same day. - -
For further information apply to -
. Bdwin Stomb,
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell. Aeent Albuny.
C. H.'Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
- Philomath, Oregon.
"An ounce of preven
tion is worth a pound
of cure." .
Prevent any abnormal
condition of the eyes by
properly fitted glasses
and you'll prevent at the
same time years of mis
ery ana pain.
Gun Store.
Cobvalus, Oregon. '
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Buys County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND I London San Fran-
SEATTLE f cijM;0 Bank Limited.
NEW YORK Aletisrs. 3. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO Notional Bank ot Tlie;Repub-
LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco
. Bank Limited.
CAN AD 1. UnionBank of Canada.'
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
.. For Sale.
A few choice Poland China pigs, both
sexes, from registered stock, $s per head
inquire of Eobert Wylie, Lewisbnrg,