The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 13, 1904, Image 2

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    Oorvallis Times.
Official paper of Bentes County. ,
If Judge Parker's telegram to the
St. Louis convention doesn't put
him in the White House, it ought
to. It gives himja characterization
for honesty and candor . that ' the
words of his eulogists in their nom
inating and seconding speeches
were powerless to, paint. His coun
trymen know, now, from his own
act, that he is no humbug, no strad-
dler. no mountebank, but a man of
stern and nigged truth. I regard
the goldstandard as firmly and irrevo
cablyestablished" he wired, and shell
act accordingly, if the action of the
convention of today shall ; be rati
fied by the people, As the plat.
form is silent on the subject, my
views should be made known to the
convention, and it it proves un
satisfactory to the convention, I re
quest you to decline the nomination
for me at once, so that another may
be nominated before adjournment."
The convention was yet in ses
sion. The telegram might mean
the withdrawal of the nomination,
and its bestowal on another. To
Alton B Parker, it might j jnean
loss of the coveted nomination of a
great party lor a great office. - It
might mean the loss a term at the
head of the American nation, the
proudest place that is allotted on
thia earth to a mortal. But for all
this, the New York iurist. by his
bold act, refused to be a party to
ruse or deception. Otherwise stat
ed,, his famous telegram is, "I
would rather be honest with my
party and honest with my country
try men, than be president." No
political incident of the present or
past time is so eloquent of the. rug
ged virtue of the man who stood as
its central and masterful figure.
Accused of . silence, Alton B
Parker has spoken, and in a way to
carry -unquestioned .conviction to
the hearts of his countrymen. The
two sentences of his telegram are a
potential utterance in his behalf,
not for what they say, but because
of the time, the method, and. the
matchless motive for their saying.
1 he bt. Louis convention very
properly treated the money ques
tion as a dead issue, and made no
reference to it in the platform. The
country is on the gold standard, the
gold standard is "firmly and irre
vocably established and will so
remain as; long. as the senate re
mains overwhelmingly republican,
even were the democratic party 'a
,ipit against it, which it is not, and
never was. Indeed, with gold j
flowing from the Alaskan and oth
er mines into the channels of busi
ness in an unprecedented stream,
there is not the occasion or need
that there was for the use of silver
as standard money. The demo
cratic contention was never for a
money of particular color, but for
, a greater volume of it. This -volume
has, as an effect ot gold discover
ies increased from about $24 to ov
er $31 per capita, or ' about 30 per
cent and this, with the advantage
that has inured to business, with
legislation permanently establishing
the gold standard, and with two
verdicts of the people on the. sub-
iect, has effectively killed the fin
ancial question as an issue. No
body complains at the absence of a
monev plank from the St. Louis
platform except leaders of the op
position who hoped the democrats
would resurrect the ancient money
corpse and use it as a club with
which to beat out democratic brains.
The St. Louis convention was wise,
in more ways than one.
Portland and Return.
Only $3.00. The Southern racihc is
now selling round trip tickets to Port
land from Corvallis for fe, good coin
Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday
returning Sunday and Monday givin
all dav Sundav in Portland. The sam
a rrsrgtment applies frcm Fortlandgiv
a Po rtland p eople a chance to visi
Remember Nolan Q Callahan's
ureal Heoocuon sale or summer 1
goods is now running in full blast. I
Bargains all along the line during
To the Westward As Told by Philo
mite Doing Well now.
Mention was made in Saturday's
Times of the smallpox case in which
MrJ Hawkins, of the vicinity of
Philomath, figured. The story of
Hawkins and Speedie is thus told
by a Philomath correspondent:' Mr.
Hugh Hawkins, who has been work
ing at the Benton County Lumber !
Company's mill, took sick July ist
after a hard days work in the sun
and supposing his sickness; to be
due to being overheated, laid off un
til after the Fourth. On July 5th a
physician in Corvallis was consulted
and pronounced the case smallpox
aud the chief of police ordered him to
return ; to the mill, where he was
working. ' He did not want to in-
tect the mill crew, so consulted an
other physician who said it was not
smallpox. He then, in company
with Peter Speedie of Philomath,
went to Albany, where the authori
ties arrested them and put them
both to sleep in the same, bed, and
then turned tbeta loose on their
promising to eov home.. v They did
not wish to carry the infection to the
mill, so Went into the woods west of
Philomath and- hired a man to get
them a horse and supplies so they
could go to some unfrequented place
in the mountains and camp out un
til -Mr.- Hawkins was well.: Mr,
Speedie sent for a physician and was
vaccinated and got ready to go with
Mr. Hawkins. ; - But the county au
thorities hearing of it, . quarantined
tham at a cabin two miles .west of
Philomath where they , are faring
very well. The county is furnishing
supplies for them to camp with and
several ladies in Philomath have
sent them cooked provisions. 2 5 --
There are. quite a number of peo
ple in Albany, Coryallis and Philo
math who wens exposed whils.Mr,
Hawkins was traveling round, the
country, but it is hoped that the di
sease was not far enough advanced
to be communicated to others. Mr.
Speedie who was forced to sleep with
Mr. -Hawkins at, Albany : being
promptly vaccinated, it is hoped that
the disease will not spread..
For Sale.
Six good young cows. One registered
Jersey Bull, five head of young stock,
one good fanning mill, one good covered
light wagon, one 2 horse power cross cut
saw, one good broad-cast seeder will sow
40 acres per day, and numerous other ar
ticles. All will be sold cheap. Time gi
ven to all. Call and see me; mile East
of ferry.
' C.H.Everett.
From S. P. and C, & E. Points to
the Seaside and Mountain Re
sorts for the Summer."
On and after June ist, 19O4, the South
era Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eestern railroad, will have on
sale round, trip .tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De
troit at very lotf .rates, good for return
until October 10th, 1904,--
Three day tickets to Newport - and Ya
quina, good going Saturdays and return
ing Mondays, are also on sale from all
East side points, Portland to Eogene in
clusive, and from all Westside points en
abling people to visit their families and
spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside points
Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from
all Westside points, are also on sale to
Detroit at very low rates, with Stop-over-
privileges at Mill City or any point east
enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and
Breitenbusch hot springs in the Cascade
Dion n tains, which can be reached in one
day. '
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10. Three
day tickets will be good going on Sat
urdays and returning Mondays only.
Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will
be good going.vfa the Lebanon-Spring
field branch if desired.. Baggage on
Newport tickets checked through to
Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for
Yaquina and Newport. ' Trains on the
C, & E. for Detroit will leave Albany
at 7 a m enabling tourists to the : hot
springs to reach there the tame day.
For information as to rates, with beau
tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and
vicinity can be obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany
W E Coman, G. P. A. S. P Company,
Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $3.75,
" " " - Yaquina, 3.25
" " Detroit, $3.25
Three-day rate from Corvallis to , New
port. $2.50.'
Baseball Players and Foot Racers.
Louis J. Kruger, ex-champion long dis
tance f 00 tracer of Germany and Holland
writes, October 27, 1901: "During my
training of eight weeks foot races at Salt
Lake City, in April last, I need Ballard's
Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfac
tion. Therefore, I highly recommend
Snow Liniment to all who are troubled
with sprains, bruises or rheumatism."
25c, 50c, $1.00 Sold by Graham & Wor-
List of Warrants Ordered Drawn at July
Term of County Court.
'vThe following bills were allowed fcv
the County Court at its regular July
term A. D. 1904, towit: - -. - : ,
- Xewis Wenlx donation work ;
;. diet no 5 $ 72 00
'DokeGrsy donation work dist
no 17 - - - I5as
ft G Brown assessment list 2 70
J D Wells janitor - ' -. 4000
. O J Blackledge ins premium -. no 00
; IF Yates -rf - " no 00
Victor P Mosea . no 00-
E E Wilson " no 00
! E R Bryeon 110 00
i JN McFadden " . no 00
. Robert Johnson ' ' no 00
W R Dixon wood court house : 81 25
: P S T & T Co telephones 4 45
i Graham & Wells stationery , 5 82
F L Miller mdse poor ; . : a ' 10 20
i L G Altman exam- insane 5 00
V R H Gellatly gravel 5 25
' Horning Bros blacksmithing 14 60
r R R Gilbert road work li - j j 2650
; J H Simpson road supplies ; 16 10
' Hector Bros (travel : - -: 3000
; O W Beck with running coferry 24 00
A Wilhelm, & Sons mdse roads 17 85
Benton County L Co lumber; , 365
j Peter Bilyeu moving scraper 1 1 5o
; Monroe Childers gravel -.- 15 21
1. EN Starr road work : 6400
Hubert Hodes fuse roads -. 90
;. J E Smith & Co mdse loads - 6 25
; B W Harris donation road work
no 20 ; :
J H Miller road work .
: Arthur Miller
11 25
12 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
12 00
16 00
24 00
12 00
15 00
10 00
1 50
3 00
15 00
2 00
64 50
42 00
I 40
7 00
17 24
39 15
14 00
29 50
3 00
S EBeal '
W H Hopson
Wm Rickard
Ralph Cady
J C Wood
B W Harris
F Seabrook ,
C Hollenberg
H C Portway
Frank Cole
Benf Potts '
Fred Darby .
Chaa Miller
. W,H Hopson
RM Gilbert
1 L Blakeslen
R M Wade & Co mdse roads
J A Carter
; J J McDowell road work
I John Rickard rent ferry cable '
" Hoskins Lumber Co lumber
, J T Phillips blacksmithing .
J B Fields road work "
Ohas Bardwell " .
Yidito Bros, team roads
City Transfer Co drayage
E M Dodele donation work dist
no 6 1
, H M Flemming donation work
dist no 2 -
E M Dodele donation work dis t
2 50
19 00
no 6 ; .(.-- : a
John Price donation work dist
no 7
John F Porter election booths
47 50
2 50
5 00
5 00
.2 50
- 400
7 00
3 00
2 00
2 50
7 00
2 CO
O J lreese "
" M Ek rent voting place . 1 1 .
Wade Malone election booths
J A Wood - "
ThoB Casey rent and booths .
Willard Price election booths
John Carter - " ; .
H Dnderhill reg voters
C J Ralls rent and booths
S A Tharp election booths
R S Irwin salary com -H
Underbill j p fees exam insane
- Chas Skaggs const fees
; E Bennett county physician
G E Lilly house rent poor
W H Malone care poor
J Senger shoes for pauper
7 3o
11 20
7 50
5 50
16 00
6 00
6 95
,4 75
j E Michael- run ferry -
C A Gerhard stationery . '
; T C.Baker tax rebate "
J R Fehler donation wcrk dist
no 11 . 344 00
.: Richard Brabham road work ; 5 61
R H Huston, hardware . . 483
1 Benton Co L Co lumber ; . . 64 57
Henkle & Robinson . drayage 1 00
C A Gerhard stationery ' 1 25
D B Farley expense gravel load-
- er - . i 10050
T V Yidito const fees 800
J D Harris salary road viewers
Sulphur Spring road ' 8 00
WD Barclay salary road viewer
Sulphur Spring road , . .800
Thos A Jones surveyor Sulphur :
Springs road 10 00
. - ' ATTEST: ' ... ' 1 ' '
-.-i . '-. Clerk.
By J. F. Irwin, Deputy. ;
. At the kommers of the Borussia
student corpi, which wm held at
Bonn, EmpeTor William, who was
present referred in a speech to the
empress of Germany, who witnessed
the kommers from the gallery of the
building-. Alluding to the presence of
his wife, the emperor said:
"The chroniclers record that when
our forefathers met in tournaments
it was perfectly natural that a circle
of illustrious ladies should ' witnesa
their deeds and with pride the victor
received the wreath presented by a
lovely hand. It was thus also atWart -burg,
when they seized the harp and
lyre and sang in competition.
"Never before,, so lohjr as the hia
tory of German. universities has been
written, has any university received
such an honor a is conferred to-day
upon that of Bonn. In company with
the beauty of Bonn and surrounded
by ladies of princely rank, her majes
ty, the empress, the first princess of
the land, has appeared at a students
kommers. This unprecedented honor
has been accorded to the city of Bonn
and to the Borussia student' corps.
I hope and expect that all the young
members oT the Borussia corps upon
whom the eye of , the. empress has
rested to-day have received an inspira
tion for the rest of their lives. I call
for a strong salamandr for her majes
ty; hurrah!"
For Sale. .
Two and a half acres fine garden or
fiuit land in Corvallis; nice, large house,
good-barn, warehouse and outbuildings,
two good wells, j pleasant and healthy
location- Will sell at a bargain if taken
soon. Inquire f or address ,
- J. H. MatUey,'
; Coryallis.
A. L. McFadden Goes to the Courts for
Damages Ten Thousand Asked.
A. L. McFadden has gone to the
courts for redress for the damages
sustained in the false charge of for
gery recently brought against him
in the Multnomah county court by
J. B, TillotsQTK It will be rememb
ered that in the latter case the jury
was out only long enough to make
Up a verdict of acquittal, and that
when the result of . the first ballot
was ascertained there was loud ap
plause among thejurymen. 1" In de
fending himself; against Tillotson's
charge, Mr. McFadden was at large
expense, besides the . damage sus
tained in a prosecution of which
he was not guilty. He has brought
suit for-damages "in 'the- -sum . of
$10,483. . The facts relative to the
case arejhus told in a dispatch to
the balem Journal:
A suit for $19,438 for false ar
rest ana imprisonment was hied in
the state circuit court yesterday by
A. Li McFadden and against J. B,
Tillotson, a well known contractor.
McFadden' was - at onetime em
ployed by lillotson as bookkeeper
and agent . In his j- complaint - he
set forth that he was arrested at
Chitwood, Lincoln county, on Tan
uary 13, 1904 at the instigation of
Tillotson on a charge of unlawfully
forging and mdorsinga bank check,
He was brought to Portland and
connnea in tne city jail, ' and was
released on Si, 000 bail.
The plaintiff says that there was
no probable cause for his arrest or
for the preferment of a charge
against him, and avers that it was
done maliciously and to injure him!
He was tried in the circuit court
and wasx acquitted ; on May 2nd,'
1904 McFadden besides , asking
$10,000 general damages, seeks to
recover $483, which was the cost
of his trial for attorney's fees and
witnesses fees. J. O. Stearns, W.
o. Mcradden and .rercy Kelly ap
pear as his attorneys.
Buy your harvesting outfits at
Nolan a Callahan's.
Bl cat ledge keeps all kinds of tvble
Bird cages at Hollenberg & Cady.
to Bls(kkdpe' for window shades
Best That's Grown
Is None Too Good.
When you are drinking v
", y Coffee , it is our good
' , , forturje to hold the jSole
Agency for the famous
Chase & Sanborn
We have all the grades from 2oo
per ponnd to the highest priced
Coffee sold by this celebrated firm
Give Us a Trial Order
for one of their Coffees and
will use it exclusively. -
P. M Zierolf
Groceries, Grockery & Stoneware
flgt. for Libby Gut Glass
It does not pay to adver
tise continuously a poor ar
ticle, are advertised ; persistently
because they ; are' uniformly
"Dutchess Quality" absolute
ly the best that money; can
produce in material, finish
and workmanship.;.
We sell them under the
well-known Dutchess guaran
lo cents a button; $i a rip.
Sold only by
A Few
Here are a" few Plums during
15c and 20c Lawns, Dimities and Batistes at 9c.
- 25c Japanese Crepes, 16c.
- - 25c Linen Suitings, 16.
20c Etamines, 12c.
50c Wash Silks, "38c. .
' 20c Madras Suitings , 12 c.
. 36-mch Queen Percales, lloC 15 quality.
- 20 pieces JJpuviaa Ginghams, 7 Jc.
25 pieces good bleached Muslin, 6c.
20 pieces fancy Challies, 5c.
. . Boys' 50c and 65c Wash Suits, 39c.
Boy's 25c Wash Waists; 19c,
$2.50 and $3 Ladies' Tan Oxford?, $1.90.
. Men's $1.25 Crash Trousers, 69c.
A few Men's 7.50 Summer Suits, $4.90.
Deep cut pn Shirt' Waists, Wash Skirts, .
Under Muslins, Straw Hats and Parasols.
We want your order for grocer
: - ies, provisions, etc.
We furnish a nice box and do
the packing-f or you.
Don't f orget thb place'
Our Stock
, In every department. We have three largft rooms jam
full from floor to ceiling and are prepared to give you bar
gains in
Furniture, Carpets,
Matting, Mattresses,
Springs, Cots, Writing
Desks Bamboo Furniture
111 Wall Paper, we have the largest stock in Beit
ton county and are prepared to suit the most fastidious either
in design or pattern. We are
square and everybody will get
Yours for Business,
Go to Blackledge's New
Store for your camp outfit.
. - Order Your Ice Cream
From , The Celebrated - Sunset
Creamery Company. - Highest
pries paid for Batter fat, Eggs etc.
281 ist Street Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 52.
- A Suitable Reward.
Will be paid for the return, or in
formation that will lead to therecov
erv of a Llewellyn setter, black and
white, disappeared from my place
three weeks ago. (
Bargains in Bamboo furniture at Hol
lenberg & Cady's. . . ' :
our Mid -summer Clearance Sale
Is Complete
doing business strictly on the
a square deal.
Go to Dunn & Thatchers for girt bone
and shell and aU other kinds of poultry
and stock remedies.
With its companions, heart burn, flatu
lence, torpidity of the liver, constipation,
palpitation of the heart, poor blood, head
ache and other nervous symptoms, sal- A
low skin, fonl tongue, onensive areata
and a legion of other ailments, is at once
the most widespread and destructive mal
ady among the American people. The 4
herbine treatment will care all these
troubles. 50c bottle. Sold by Graham -1
& Wortham.
Get your camping outfits ench as tents, J
cots and stools at Hollenberg & Cady's
Bamboo furniture at Blackledee's new
store. .... . "