The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 09, 1904, Image 2

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Gorvallis Times.
OOelal Paper of Benton Coanty.
I This Year Game Warden Announces
That he will pay no Attention to
v New Law.'
The national democratic conven
tion has been in session at St. Louis I no thev are to be able to
since 10 o'clock Wednesday, John I China pheasants this season,
Sharp Williams of Mississippi, was
temporary, and Champ Clark of
Missouri, is permanent chairman.
Thursday the report of the cotn-
The way is at last clear for lo
cal sportsmen to know whether or
It is
a matter over wnicn tney nave
thought much, for until a few days
ago, it was the declared purpose
of the game warden to attempt an
enforcement of the celebrated law
tnittee on credentials was adopted of the last legislative session, which
over the objection of Mr. Bryan by prohibited pheasant shootingfor a
. J v I term of years. This law, it will be
a voie uj. nunc iuau iwu i " remembered, was announced as
terday, the convention was called having passed the house, then
to order at n, and after listening passed the senate, and was duly
' to a speech by Captain Hobson of signed and in due time was filed by
Merrimac fame adjourned until
eignr. o ciock lasi mgw uj ucai lative committee for revision of the
report of the committee on . plat- journal proceeded with its work,
form, which it was declared would I the discovery was made that the
i, :o rtiiriticr ThrAaxTi vote in the house for the measure
session, Bryan was given a great
ovation which lasted 12 minutes,
and which merged into, an enthu
siastic demonstration for Parker.
All the dispatches from St. Louis
seem to indicate that Parker will
be the nominee.
Mysterious Disappearance A Loud Re
port -The Dead Found,
was 30 yeas and 21 nays, instead of
u veasas was reported by .1 tne
clerk at the time the bill was de-
clared passed. As a majority, or
31 members is necessary to pass the
measure, a questiou arose as to
whether or not the new law would
be effective. The matter went on
for some time, the game warden ser
ving notice that he would consider
the law effective until there was
official declaration to the contrary,
and that arrests would be made for
violations. A few days - ago the
attorney general rendered an opin
ion to the effect that the law, be
cause of the action in 1.' the lower
house of the legislature, was void,
publication of that
A Pretty Home Event and Numerous
Guests in Attendance. -Peterson
-With Revs. Hershner and Moore
officiating, the ring ceremony was
performed in an impressive manner
at nine o'clock .Wednesday morn
ing that united for life Miss Aileen
Peterson and Mr. Warren B. Hart
ley. , The event took place at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A.F.Peterson, on ninth
At Inside Figures for Those who
.v Have Students for the College.
Present indications are that there
will be six hundred students in the
Oregon Agricultural College next
year. The demand for. catalogues
and general information, which is
without precedent, justifies the esti
mate. Families from valley coun
ties, Eastern Oregon and Washing
ton are already engaging houses in
unusual numbers for the school ses-
street, and was witnessed bv about son; ana u is nouceaoie war ouiia
40 guests. . r ; .. 4-
Promptly at the appointed hour,
to the strains of a wedding , march
skillfully played by Mrs Cecile Com
mings, the happy couple entered
the parlor,- and etanding beneath
an arch of asparagus and white per
rennial peas, were pronounced man
and wife. ;The bride was tastily
gowned in cream albatross, and her
maid was Miss Bertha1 Wright, ; of
Shedd Station little Agnes Peterson
acting as flower girl. Arthur Belk
nap was best man. , Congratulations
over, the .wedding party sat down
to a delicate breakfast prepared in
the dining room, the latter being
beautifully decorated in pink and
white. - v ; v:'- ' ' -
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley are well
and favorably known in this city,
and have the best wishes of many
friends. They left on the eleven o'
clock train for the Bohemia mines,
where they will spend the summer,
returning in the autumn to Portland,
where they will reside.'
One by one. the young chicks
went, nobody knew where, or how.
It was down at the big prune or
chard. Mysterious disappearances an(j sjnce the
t. A . n kn 1 .....
tuuuuucu aum uay iu nay, iuu uic opinion, the game warden, in a
family was kept agog with specula- Uptt an Alhanv dealer, announ.
tion and worry at their unexplained that he will be guided by the
going, at. last a nunarea 01 tne opinion, and that pheasant shoot-
young birds were missing, and by ; he nermitterL tohetrin Ort-
this time everybody was desperate. ober lst and end November -?oth.
Sy and by a suspicious hole was Ae nI1rP(i hv the. Alhanv Herald.
iuunu m iuc vitiuny ui iuc uik.u the game warden says:
House. May be, in tne dim snad- "Ar-fYrdinsr to an otrinion deliv-
ows of the night, tne young chicks ered by the attorney general of the
were being carried down that hole. state the law f ailed to pass. The
It was only theory, but a plan was resuit is the law remains as before.?
at last hit upon to test it. bunfcen It is in order now for those who
Japanese mines have destroyed shoot pheasants to have guns and
many a Russian warship, and Har- dogs ready for the coming October,
vey faargent's gopher gun Has, and there is not a bit of doubt but
when it didn't have a human hand
to work on, annihilated many a ro
In the mouth of the hole, a go
pher gun was placed. - It was load
ed to the muzzle, and so adjusted
that the trigger would be sprung
if passage of the mouth of the hole
was attempted. Before dawn, the
they will do so.
Prom S. P. and C. & E Points to
the Seaside and7 Mountain Re
sorts for the Summer.
On and after June ist, 19O4, the South-
night air rang out with an explos- era Pacific in connection with the Cor-
ion. In the morning, the biggest, vallis & Eestern railroad,- will have on
stripedest skunk in those parts lay sale round trip tickets from points on
dead in the hole With the top Ot his their Hnes to Newport, Yaquina and De
nead blown on. troit at very low rates, good for return
And the gun, with its threaten- until October 10th, 1904
mg muzzle a-gape, stood ready to Three day tickets to Newport
be loaded tor another enemy.
and Ya
quina, good going Saturdays and retarn-
Washington Official Visits Oregon Ex
periment Station Dr. Allen.
Dr. Allen, chief assistant to Dr.
True in the supervision of the ex
periment stations of the United
States, with headquarters at Wash
ington, D. C, made an omcial in?
vestigation of the Oregon station
this week, looking over the work,
examining the accounts and other
wise delving into the operations of
the station. The work of the Ore
gon station, Dr. Allen said, is much
above the average of stations of its
class and financial backing. The
problems the station is working on,
he declared to' be emphatically
practical, and all tending in the di
rection of usefulness and benefit to
agriculture. The experiments by
Prof. Peruot in canuing cheese, he
. commended in highest terms, de
claring that the ultimate outcome of
. the work is certain to be spectacul
ar in results. These experiments,
he says, are attracting wide atten
tion in the bureaus at Washington.
A plan, also developed by Prof,
Pernot for perpetuating cultures for
controlling the flavor of butter is
also commended by Dr. Allen as a
very excellent discovery, and one
destined to be of great practical val
ue in dairying. b orage plant in
vestigations and plans for farm ec
onomics by Dr. Withycombe, with
co operative worn in the same
line by Prof. Kniseley, were like
wise highly commended by Dr. Al
len, as were other features of the
experiment station work.
nr. Allen lelt yesterday to con
- tmue his visits to other stations.
From Corvallis he oes to the
Washington station at Pullman,
, 1 and thence eastward through the
northern tier of states. Last year,
Dr. Allen made the trip through
the southern tier of states, and Dr,
True visited the Corvallis and north
. em stations.
ing Mondays, are also on sale from all
East side points, Portland to Eugene in
clusive, and from all Westside points en
abling people to visit their families and
spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside points
Portland to Eugene inclusive, and - from
all Westside points, are also on sale to
Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over-privileges
at Mill City or any point east
enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and
Breitenbusch hot springs in the Cascade
mountains, which can be reached in one
day. .'' -
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10. Three
day tickets will be good going on Sat
urdays and returning Mondays only.
Tickets from Eugene and vicinitv will
be good going vfa the Lebanon-Spring
held brancb it desired. .Baggage on
Newport tickets checked through" to
Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for
Yaquina ard Newport. - Trains on" the
C, & K for Detroit will leave Albany
at 7 a m enabling tourists to tbe hot
springs to reach there the same day.
For information as to rates, with beau
tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and
vicinity can be obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany
W E Coman, G. P. A. S. P Company,
Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $3.75.
" " j Yaquina, 3.25
" " Detroit, $3.25
Three-day rate from Corvallis to New
port. $2.50. -
And Approved New Countv Officials
J. H. Wilson to Expert Books.
A session of the county court
was held Wednesday, -nut tew
matters came up for attention, and
adjournment was taken until the
1 8th inst. ' The bonds of the newly
elected officials were presented and
approved, and are as- follows: M;
P. Burnett, sheriff, amount of bond
$10,000; Victor P.j Moses, clerk,
bond, 910.000; i. i. Vincent, re
corder, bond, $3,000; S. N. Wil
kins, coroner, bond. $3,000; W. A.
Buchanan, treasurer, bond, $20,-
000. '
T. H. Wilson was appointed to
expert the books of county officials
at a cost of $150.
The petition of T. C. Baker and
others for a road in the vicinity i
Sulphur Springs, was continued,
and the same action was taken with
reference to the Kimball gateway
The Doidge petition was continued
for the term. -
few years ago are being refitted for
service again.
It is understood that there are
parties in town, who have determin
ed to build to order, on the install
ment plan, cottages and even more
pretentious residences for those who
expect to patronize the college.
These parties claim they can provide
very habitable dwellings for small
families or larger ones at figures
ranging from $3 50 upwards. It is
claimed by those who have looked
into the project that the savings in
rent and tuition in four years will
easily pay for a comfortable home
in Corvallis. It ' is accordingly
claimed that the proposed plan for
building new cottages will result m
material increase of attendance in
coming years at the college. -
Blcakledge keeps all kircs of table
Xtra60oD Glothes
For boys, little fellows and
young men see Nolan & -Cal
lahan. --
' ' Portland.
Wheat valley 78
Flour 3.90 to $4 05 per bll.
Potatoes $ ,75 to 1 00 per cent
Eggs Oregon. 19 per dos.;
Batter 13 c per ' lb. - ' - .
Creamery 17 to 2oper lb. - -
Wheat 75 per bushel.
Oata 321034 - '
Flour 1.05 to i.3oper sack
Butter 12 to 15 per lb
Creamery 50 per roll
E2gs i6J perjdoz
Chickens 1 iper pound
Lard 11 per lb
Wool 20
Bird cages at Hollenberg & Cady.
r " For Sale.
Six good young cows. One. registered
Jersey Bull, five head of young stock,
one good fanniDg mill, one good covered
light wagon, one 2 horse power cross cut
saw, one good broad-cast seeder will sow
40 acres per day, and numerous other ar
ticles. All will be sold cheap. : Time gi
ven to all. Call and see me; mile East
of ferry. .
.. rl; C.H.Everett.
Kitchen cabinets just received at
Hollenberg and Cady's, -
Portland and Return.
, Only $3.00. The Southern Pacific is
now selling round trip tickets to Port
land from Corvallis for $3, good goin
Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday
returning Sunday and Monday givin
all day Sunday in Portland. The sam
arrangement applies from Portlandgiv
a Portland p eople a chance to visi
Best That's Grown
Is 1 None Too Good.
When you are drinking -Coffee
it is our good
fortune to hold the Sole
Agency for the famous
Chase 8c Sanborn
Bargains in Bamboo furniture at Hol
lenberg & C&dy's.
Get your camping outfits such as tents,
cots and stools at Hollenberg & Cady's
With its companions, heart burn, flatu
lence, torpidity of the liver, constipation,
palpitation of the heart, poor blood, head
ache and other nervous symptoma, sal
low skin foul tongue, offensive breath
and a legion of other ailments, is at once
the most widespread and destructive mal
ady among the American people. The
herbine treatment will cure all these
troubles. 50c bottle. Sold by Graham
& Wortham. '
We have all the grades from 2oo
per pound to the highest priced.
Coffee sold by this celebtated firm
Give Us a Trial Order
for one of their Coffees and you
will use it exclusively. -
P. IH. Zierolf
Groceries, Crockery & Stoneware
A$t. for Libby Gut Glass
msd$umnier Sale
Our Great Mid-Summer Sale
will begin Wednesday July
6th and continue 30 days.
- This sale will be a strong
temptation for it has reduced
the price of absolutely every
article in the house, except
Douglas Shoes, Hawea $3.00
Hats and Our Own Overalls.
All Summer Goods will
sold regardless of cost.-
Our New Fall Stock will ar
rive early, we must have room
for it, hence this great slaugh
ter. . ".
ABE-M - 6016
n nimmri o I
We want your order for grocer
ies, provisions, etc.
We furnish a nice box and do
the packing or you.
Don't forget the place
Our sample line
clothing is 'now in.
of swell summer
OAC Pressing Co
Go to Blackledge'8 for window shades
father bpm ger returned yes
terday from Portland, accompanied
by his. sister, Miss Gertrude
Baseball Flayers and Foot Racers.
Louis J. Kroger, ex-champion long dis
tance footracer of Germany and Holland
writes, October 27, 1901: "During my
training of eight weeks' foot races at Salt
Lake City, in April last, I used Ballard's
Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfac
tion. Therefore, I highly recommend
Snow Liniment to all who are troubled
with sprains, bruises or rheumatism."
1 thain. x
Look Here.
- I have a good stock ranch for sale two
hundred and ninety five acres with un
limited ontrange, a small house and barn
also a small orchard. This place is in
the Belknap settlement one half mile
bom postoffice, six miles from Monroe,
four miles from r Bellfountain, - 3
mues rrom cnnrcn. nce to. suit pur
chaser. " . . . !
. Two miles from school. Enquire of
' A. W. Hawley,
Painting and Paper Hanging.
All orders promptly filled.. Phone
05. Samuel Kerr.
. Wall paper at Blackledge's store.
It does not pay to adver
tise continuously a poor ar
ticle,; J ,
Our StocK
1$ Complete
In every department. We have three large rooms jam
full from floor to ceiling and are prepared to give you bar
Furniture, Carpets,
Matting, Mattresses,
Springs, Cots, Writing
Desks Bamboo Furniture
111 Wall Paper, we have the largest stock in Ben
ton county and are prepared to suit the most fastidious 'either
in design or pattern. We are doing business strictly on the
square and everybody will get a square deal
Yours for Business,
are , advertised persistently
beeause they are uniformly
"Dutchess Quality absolute
ly tne best tnat money can
produce in material, finish
and workmanship. ,
We sell them under the
well-known Dutchess guaran
tee: .- V.r-v
lo cents a bntton; $i a rip.
.;" Sold only by - .
rsry? .TKlin a
Go to- Blackledge's New Furniture
Store for your camp outfit.
v Order Your Ice Cream
From The Celebrated Sunset
Creamery Company. Highest
price paid for Butter fat, Eggs etc.
281 ist Street Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 52. '
, A Suitable Reward.
Will be paid for the return, or in
formation that will lead to the recov
ery of a Llewellyn setter, black and
white, disappeared from my place
three weeks ago.
- M.P.Burnett.
Goats for Sale.
Inquire of John F. Irwin . at the coun
ty clerk's office.
Save Your Wood.
All persons wishing wood cut in
the city can be accommodated on
ehort notice. I have a gasolene
outfit and it will cost you no more
and Have your wood.
W. E. Boddy,
Phone 031.
Go to Dunn & Thatchers for girt bone
and shell "and all other kinds of poultry
and stock remedies.
. Stop in and see oar swell line of sum
mer clothing. OAC Pressing Co.
Send your curtains to- the Corvallis
Steam Laundry. We will call . for your
work every day in the week. 1 V
Bamboo furniture at Elackledge's new J
store. .