The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 29, 1904, Image 4

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Tbe Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
Born, Buoday, to Mr. aod Mrs.
Bruce Burnett, a son.
X. H. Wellsber was a business
visitor at Monroe Saturday.
Mr3. Glasf 31 J returned Satur
day from a visit to Alrlte. -
Clarence Cblpman Jr. is holding
a position as waiter at Hot Lake.
Children's day Is to be observed
at the Methodist cnureb. North, on
SuDday July 10th.
Archie Tan Cleve lefc Monday to
spend tbe summer at the Gellatly
farm near Philomath. '
Hubert Gellatly of Philomath,
was reaewiog acquaintances with Cor
vallis frietds Mouday'
Miss Grace Glaseford Is now en
paged as clerk in tbe confectionery
establishment of M. T. Starr,
Rev. P. L. Moore and family left
filoodiy tor a two weeks' ouiiog at
Newport, where they have a cottage.
Miss Bessie Dil'ey closed a suc
eeBsful term ot school at Box, Benton
eounty. Thursday, and has returned
to her borne in this city.
One said tbat tbe re has been a
scarcity ot drunks since election and
another replied that they are getting
In practice for local option.
Forty five little girls are wanted
to ride In the Liberty car during the
parade an tbe 4th. Names should
be left with Mre. B, W. Johnson.
James Flett arrived In town the
&8t ot the week troin his chlttlm
ranch on Five Rivers. He returned
today, accompanied by his family.
The four vacant lots in the block
In which the residence of S. L. Hays
'3s located, have been purch-iaed by
W- A. Wells. They are oflered at
K-eale for S 650.
Gerald Tuttle, a forraei CAC stud
nt, employed now lu a Portland drug
store, aDd Miss Smith of Pendleton,
were married at the home of tbe
bride's f areata.
Ivan Daniels has arrived from
Chicago for a visit with bis mother,
Mrs. Espey. The family is to leave
1 lo a few datvs for Wa'erloo, for a
aamplng irlp.
- The two vacant lots just across
the street from tbe J. M. Cameron
home has been purchased by Ed Bux
ton, who expects to build on the pro
Srty. The price paid was 500.
A letter to F. L. Miller relates
teat Mrs. Miller and Max arrived
afelv in St Louis Friday, and that
they are having a most delightful
Hip. They will be absent two months,
Horace Locke has accepted a
position as traveling Faleeman for the
Dodd Implement house of Portland,
His run will be as tar south as Ash
land, and will make it tour times a
Two former OAO students were
merited In Salem last week. Tbe
bride was Miss Elsie Mae Bates, who
figured as a vocalist In the Oollege
musical department, and Bay Slmeral
who left college two or three years
The date has beeu made for tbe
annual game ot football between OAC
and University of Washington teams.
It Is to occur at Seattle on Ootober
15tb. The date is the same as tbat
on which the game was plajed in
Oorvallis last season.
Account Mardi Gras and Oar
nival to be held at Portland June
28 to July 9. 1904, inclusive. Bound
trip tickets will be sold by Southern
Pacific Company, Corvallls to Port
land at 83.85 Including admission
ticket to Carnival. Bale dates June
27 and July 6tb. Limit 6 days but
sot good after July 10th re
E. E. White has purchased ot
V. E. Klce the west bait of the latter's
75-acre tract of land a half mile west
of town. Mr. White will build a resi
dence and occupy his new possession
- In the near future. Mr. Bice has, la
turn, bought the three acres that Jim
Horning recently purchased tor a
. home and on which he has had a
barn erected. Mr. Bics will move
his dwelling from the site It now oc
cupies to the Horning tract.
Mrs. CaU?han, aged C6, who re
sides rext door south cf the
.' Opera Iioutc, fell on the stioet near
the Seckler house on Third street
Sunday, breaking her arm in two
places. Dr, Ca.hey attended the in
juries and the patient is resting easily
With her daughter, Mrs. Callahan ar
rived only a week ago from Medford
and was temporarily located here,
awaiting the decision of the son re
gatviiK the permanent settlement
itha fam'Jy tfcl3 Ut. -
. Darwin Nash of Nashville, was In
the city Satniday. -
E. A. Hornaday and - family have
gone to Nashville for an extended som
mer vacation.
, A gold watch charm recently ad
vertised for in tbe "Times" as lost,
has been restored to the owner.
Bridge Carpenter Gilbert was en
gaged Monday io placing new decking
on the Oak Creek biidge, a mils west
of Corvallis. .
Mrs. O. E. Sox and little son re
turned Monday to their borne lo Alba
ny after a viBlt with Mies Louise Web
ber ot this city.
Invoicing tbe stock in tbe J. D.
Mann furniture store has been in pro
gress for the past four days, and will
be completed by this morning.
A special meeting of the Coffee
Club Is called for tomorrow, Thursday,
at four o clock, to consider matters re
lating to the celebration. The busi
ness Is important and a if ull attendance
is desired. ' -
Tbe steam laundry is now in com-1
rlete running order again, and besan
operations yesterday morning. An in
cident of tbe removal la the addition
of new appliances aod machinery and
an increase of capacity with assurance
that better work than ever will be
done hereafter. .
The eigbt-montb8-old infant of
Mr. aod Mra. W. J. Newton died in
Portland Monday, and tbe interment
took place in Locke cemetery yester
day afternoon. The funeral party ar
rived with the remains by the West
side train. Bev. Mark Noble conduct
ed the funeral service. ;
The marriage ot Miss Emma Mar
tin and Balph Merchant occurred In
Portland the 15th. The bride Is sec
ond daughter ot Mr. and Mrs W. P.
Martin, wbo resided for many years
in this city. Mr. Merchant is employ
ed at the store of Olds, Wortman &
Saturday night an Albany confet
ti seller on the outskirts ot the carni
val grounds threw some confetti in
the face of an Albany woman accom
panied by her husband, when the lat
ter requested him to stop. He delib
erately did it again, and then some
thing happened. The smart Aleck
young man was given a thorough
whipping, and tbe husband was uni
versally endorsed for a good job.
The tie vote for constable in Al-
sea precinct remains unsettled. The
candidates were Lon Bycrafc and
Thomas Bradley, and both were cited
to appear last Saturday at the clerk's
office for settlement by lot of which
should have the office. Neither can
didate, however, appeared at tbe hour
named, and tbe default makes it ne
cessary tor the county court to ap
point a man to fill tbe vacancy. -
The Independent Telephone Co
has an office now, and there is regular
communication with Philomath and of
tbe farmers' line north ot town. The
office Is on the second floor ofthe Zle-
rolf brick, and Miss Adams is in
charge. Tbe Philomath line has sev
eral subscribers In Philomath and a
long the way between tbe two towns,
and new phones are being put In eve
ry day. Tbe progress of construction
on tbe local Bystem is more or less re
tarded by delays in the delivery of
There is guessing locally over the
question of how big tbe crowd will be
at the coming celebration. One man
In position to know figures out tbat
more people will be in Oorvallis at that
time than have been In attendance at
any local celebration since the 4th
when they had tbe sham battle. tThe
latter Instance was about a dozsn
years ago, Tbe fact that Dallas and
Lebanon are the nearest towns that
are celebrating makes it likely tbat
Oorvallis will have a very large crowd.
An innovation on the usual cus
tom has been planned by the general
committee for public convenience at
tbe celebration. Many will approve,
but others, ot course, will kick. There
are always thoee who Kick. A man
wbo fell heir to a fortune of $100,000
kicked because the inheritance wasn't
all money instead of part real estate.
Tbe proposed innovation is temporary
seats to be placed at tbe outer edge of
the pavement along the principal
blocks on Main street. It will be a
resting place for tbe aged, infirm and
weary. It will be a place for mothers
with babes in their arms to rest tor a
moment. They won't be able to see
much, but they will get that precious
few minutes of rest tor which people
in crowds bo many times long It the
not miaatternoon or a 4th ot tiuiy.
The eeats are to be placed In position
Saturday afternoon, and will be avail
able tor the sacred concert Sunday
All persons using water for flowers,
lawns or garden will oblige the Company
by turning off the water promptly at nine
o'clock. While we keep steam up all
night we do not keep the pumps running
all night, nor are we expected to. We
quit pumping between ten and eleven at
night, leaving the tanks full, ' When a
number of hose are allowed to run all
night there is little water left in the tank
by morning. Should there be a fire,
which is liable to occnr any night, there
would be bnt little water for the occasion
and if there was there would be no force
to fight fire with, either from tank or
pump with so many hose open.
Corvallis Water Co.
Goats for Sale.
Inquire of John F. Irwin at the coun
ty clerk's office. '
eagle '
July the
There is a sort of "'Hurrah Boys" from the influ
ences of which we cannot escape. The summer is
- fully nponus; vacations have begun or are being
arranged for. We have a store full of wearables
appropriate for the season and at appropriate pri
ces. This glorious day will ' be celebrated at our
. ptore from June 28th to July 4th and during this
time all our summer goods will be sold at sweep
ing reductions. ' " ' ; '
"Beet goods," lowest prices". is the store's con
stitution. ' We fight high prices as our forefathers
fought for freedom. ' You will have money left to
celebrate if you let us supply - your clothing, dry
goods, shoes, hat?, furnishings, etc. ,
- Philomath Items
Philomath had a good many vis
itors last week on account of the
commencement exercises at the two
colleges and the snnnal conference
of tbe Radical XI. B. church.
The Farmers' Telephone line was
finished into Philomath laBt Tues
day, -r V
At the school election last Mon
day Mr. Wright was elected clerk
and Mr. George Bennett director.
A large delegation left Phil
ore ath this week to attend the Lib
eral United Brethren Conference at
Salem. ' -i !
S. Wat-kins, financial agent of
the Ridical College has gons to Sa
lem with authority to make tbe
conference an offer for the brick
building and grounds.
Philomite. '
Bellfountain Items.
Early hay is now being cut and
put in the barns. ,
A. H. Buckingham and wife
have returned from a week's visit
in Portland.
Mr. Spaight and daughter Lulu
started for California on the 22d.
They will remain moet of the Sum
mer. Dr. Molt's sons are in the neigh
bor! ood lookiDg after their t horough
bred horses that A. P. Starr has had
the past two years.
V . C. Bees expects to go east of
the 'Mountains to work through bar
L ?t Sunday morning three deer
vien-d the home ot S. A. Tharp.
They were very gentle. -
Tuesday one of Dick Dunn's
teams ran away with a mowing ma
chine.. Lie Bash was thrown off
aod run over. He was pretty bad
ly bruised up, , but not seriously
Alex Patterson got a hand badly
smashed by a tailing branch. . He
was sawing in L. G. Price s camp
and a hanging limb fell and struck
his hand. -
The sawmill is running at Hos
kins this week. Uxo.
Philomath Item.
Moore & White have the con
tract to supply the lumber for the
new parsonage.
Mr. J. E. Henkle, Hill aed eon,
and F. P. Clark, are all connected
with the new Rural Telephone line.
Mr. Kitson has been very ill the
past week with pleurisy. His son
from Wasco came to see him.
Mrs. Weed is visiting her par
ents at Hood River.
Jess Moses will start East io a
few days to visit friends aud see the
St Louis fair.
Mr. Fallerton and wife of Ha'i-
sey, have been enganged to teach
lu the public school next year.
Born, June 23rd to Mr. and Mrs.
W. Howell at the Benton County
Lumber Company's mill, a son.
Find any kind of 4th of Jnly fire
works that you want at H odes'
gun store.
- Screams
Notice for Bid 8.
For building a school house in
district No 18, to be finished , by
Oct. I, iq"4. Plans and specifica
tions may be seen at the home of
the district clerk. The directors
reserve the right to reject any or
all .bids." Bids will be received up
to 2 p. m. July 2, 1904. -
J. M. Gilman, '
Clerk, Bellfountain.
Growing Acbes and Pains.
Mrs. Josie Sumner, Breraond, Texas,
writes, April 2, 1902; "I have used Bal
lard's Snow Liniment in my family for
three years. I would not be without it
in the house. . I have used it on my lit
tle girl for growing pains and aches in
her knees. It cured her right away. I
have also used it for frost bitten feet.
with 'good success. It is the best liniment
1 ever used." 25c, 50c. si. 00. sola bv
Graham & Wortham.. -
Real Estate Co
Are you looking for a Home
Or a good Investment?
If so we take pleasure in showing you
over the country and are confident we
can give you the right price' on some
thing will suit you. .
,We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres.
We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm
lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches
and Timber lands. Ranging in price
from $7 to $125 per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements.
We also have a nice list of city proper
ty. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi
dences from $350 to $3000 each according
to location and impiovemente we also
have some good business locations.
j Offices first door south of reading room.
White & Stone, Corvallis Or.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Matter of the Estate v
W. D. Armstrong, deceased.)
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as
executrix of the Last Will and test
ament of W. D. Armstrong, 'deceat e d,
has filed her final account, as such
executrix with - the clerk ot the county
court ot the state of Oregon, for Benton county
and the said conrt has fixed Saturday the 9th
daT of July. 1904. at the hour of 2 o'clock in
the afternoon as the time, and tbe county court
room in the court house in uorvauis, Oregon,
as the place, tor hearing any and ail objections
to the said account andsefctlement thereof.
Dated mis Jane 11, 1901.
Anna M. Armstrong.
Executrix of the last will and testament of
V. 1). AruMtroDg, deceased.
Notice of Guardian's Settlement.
j In theMatter of the Guardlarsnlp
Martha. Walker, Insanso.
Sotlce Is hereby given that;the undersigned
asguadlanof tiie person ani estate oi
Martha J. Walker, a per son of an
sound mind has filed final his ac
count as such guardian with the clerk of the
eounty court of the state of Orwm. for Benton
county, aod the said court has fixed Sa'-nrday
the 8th rtay of July, 11KH, at the hour .. one
o'CtCR m she afternoon as the time, and the
county conn room in the court house in (ior
vallis. Oreeon as ihe place, for Bearing any ana
ail objections to said account aud for
settlement thereof.
Dated this Jane 11. 1901, .
Jesse C. Walter,
Quardlao of Martha J. 'tt allter, Insane.
Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days
from a severely bruised leg, I only found
relief when I used a bottle of Ballard's
Suow Liniment. I can cheerfully re
commend it as the best medicine for
braises ever Bent to the afflicted. It has
bow become a positive necessity npen
myself. D. R. Byrnes, Merchant, Do
versville, Texas. 25c, 50c, )i.oo. Sold
by Graham & Wortham. . .
For Sale.
A." number of -first class : farm
horses, weighing from 1,300 to 1,
500. All will be disposed of at reas
onable prices. Inquire of Jesse
Wiley, Corvallis.
See Blackledge's fine coaches.
flothers, -Attention!
v We offer you for two weeks only.
Boys and Children's Suits at
Norfolk, Vestee, Two and Three
piece Suits, of the Banner Brand,"
the kind that please the boys and,
suit the parents.
AH colors and many different tex
tures at
Man's All
Wool Suit
Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants?
' Let us quote you prices. Call and see our' line
ready made clothing: We will save you money.
i -
1 e- w-
' attorney at law.
Office la Zierolf Baildia?, J rillis.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box ir.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. . .
E. R. Bryson,
Attorney- At-Law.
Gor allis & Castern
Time Card Number 22.
l For Yaquina:
"Train leaves Albany. ...... 11:45 p. m
' " Corvallis 2:00 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 6:2o p. m
t Returning:
Leaves Yaquina..... 6:45 a. m
.. Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
- Arrives Albany .12:15 p. m
J For Detroit: ' ,
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit. 12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit i:0o p. m
Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m
Train No. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. .
Train No a connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to ; Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush . and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to
- ': Enwts Stons, '
- ' . Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell; Agent Albany, -
; Suit "
"An ounce of preven
tion is worth a pound
of cure."
Prevent any abnormal
condition of the eyes by
properly' fitted . glasses
and you'll prevent at tbe
same time years) of mis
ery and pain.
The Jeweler and Optician.
CoavAXLia, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND f London San Fran-
SEATTXK r cigoo Bank ijmlted.
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. IXNDON, ENO. London San Francisco
Bank Limited.
CANADA, UjiionBank of Canada.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham' s drug store.
Reduced Round Trip Rates Ac
count World's Fair.
First class tickets on sale June
16, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, August
8, 9, 10, Sept 5, 6, 7, Oct. 3, 4, 5,
Roseburg to St. Louis and return,
good 90 days with stop over priv
ileges at rates ranging from $67,50
to $82.50 according to route chosen.-
Passengers will have privilege
of starting on any date which will .
enable to reach destination within
ten days from the sale data. In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
Co. - -
Bring your honey and buy chew
ing gum in Corvallis on the 4th.
Everyone else will be here. ..,