The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 29, 1904, Image 1

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    County Clerk's &4
1 J
Vol. XVII. No. 19.
b. f. utvnra
Editor and Proprietor
Bave VouSeen
Our New Arrivals
. Free Bos. - Fine Light Sample Rooms.
Leadmg Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. New :
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat,
capes. Hot and cold water
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
Rates: $1 .00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Our ad., but our goods change hands,
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Plain and Fancy Cbinaware
A large and
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
B, Eorning
Offlce cor 3rd and Monroe ete. Resi
lience cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 335.
Dress Goods,
Novelty Trimmings
Silks, Embroideries,
Lace Belts,
Collars, White
Goods and Shoes.
Clothing, Hats,
Neckware, Shoes, v
Shirts, Underware.
Call and See
J. C. Hammel, Prop,
Electric Lights, Fire Es-
on every floor.- Fine single i
and Imported.
varied line.
G. 11. FAKRA,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly.
- I
Three Chicago Union Men Enter
His Room He Tells Visitors .
.He Will Deport More Men .
Butte Miners Donate
- $25,000 to rest the '
Act of Depoita
. . tion.
T1, T . TTT1..I '.legal test to be made on the Colors
III,, neD24.-Wh1ledoprenrt.ftourt decision upholaV
Governor James' H. Peabody, of
Colorado, was alone in his - room at
the Auditorium Annex dressing for ,
the dinner of the Illinois Manufac
turers' Association last night, three
men entered unannounced. -Questioned
as to their identity and pur-,
pose, the spokesman of the "party,
who gave his name as Emil Arnold,
and bis business as editor of a Chi
cago labor paper, stated that they:
bore a Bet of resolutions passed by
the board of business agents of the
Building Trades Council, professing
to represent 35,000 men,, and that,
they intended to stay until the gov
ernor had perused them. The gov
ernor read the document which ac
cused him of being a menace to the
peace and prosperity of his state,
and eaid: s . ? - ' . ,
"We mourn the fact that we are
unable to duplicate, .with regard to
ybu.'your acts of deportation', and,
bting thus situated, we order that
the charter of the organization be
draped in mourning during your
etay in the city. We deplore the
fact that that of jour caliber
could be accorded a seat .in a gath
ering of representative citizens of
the country who have come togeth
er for the purpose of nominating
one of their number for the highest
position to which any- one can as
pire the chief executive of a free
be nnisbrd reading, v v-
To this interrogation Arnold,
h m the governor persisted in ad
dressing as "Benedict," replied:
"We are bere to siy that we re
gret our inability to deport . you,
but we suggest that you leave this
city and state as quickly as poesi
ble, if you place any value on your
Audreseiog the committee, the
governor said: - , ;
"I suppose, you would like to see
me driven from this - city, but I
want to say to you that I came here
last Sunday, and made arrange
ments to stay until Friday. I will
stay until then; when .1 expect to
take the Burlington train for Den
ver. Wete it not for .the fact that
the condition of affairs in. Colorado
requires my presence, I would re
main in this city" Indefinitely. I
shall file your resolution with the
collection of . scurrilous literature
lately received by me. ,
"Your resolution represents noth
ing but lies. I have never opposed
honest labor unions in Colorado
but there have been labor men, so
called, in my state, who were and
are dynamiters, anarchists and mur
derers. : If you-indorse such meth
ods as have been employed in Colo
rado, I shall be compelled to place
you in the same class. On mv re
turn to Colorado, if . occasion re'
quires, I shall continue to deport
these disturbers of the peace.
The governor did not tell his
friends of the incident until a short
time before his departure from Chi
cago tODight.
Denver, Colo., June 24. William
D. Haywood, secretary of the Wes-
ern X ederation of Miners, who has
been absent from his office for the
past week, resumed bis duties in
the federation headquarters today,
having received assurance that no
warrant has been issued for his ar
rest and that none will be.
The federation officials are en
deavoring today to arrange so that
such goods in their Cripple Creek
and Victor Union stores as were not
ruined by the marauders, may be
distributed to the wives and chil
dren of the miners who have been
deported. Secretary Havwood says:
"The most , important work be
fore us now is the relief system
We must see that the wives and
children of the deported miners are
properly cared for. We will make
an effort to send some one out into
the district to take charge of affurs.
"Another important work before
uiatfje concentration' of relief to
deported men now in Denver. ForH
tbis reason we are figuring on rent
ing or purchasing a restaurant. We
areatirg care of almost' 200 min
er aad it is imperative that we cen
tralize our felief forces." v -It
is reported from Cripple Creek
that 20 union miners," who were
working in" the Portland mine at
the lime of the enforced shut-down
T . p : Aaa
fehrtickels'and ad eZiul
to leave the distrinL
Butte, . Mont., June 24.-The
Butte Miners' Union baa decided to
donate $25,000 to the Colorado min
ers to assist them in " pressing the'
ing the military government in sus
pen ding the' habeas ; corpus, and al
lowing, President Moyer,"of the Wee?
teo Federation of Miners to . re
tnuin in jail without charges' bav
iDg been placed against him. The
right of Governor Peabody and
General Bell to deport miners -without
trial will also be tested by - the
Batte miners. .
St. . Louie, Tune 25. Colonial
i girl by Meddler-Springtide, 5 years
ol?i owned by Otto Stifel, of St.
of 8t, Louis, running in the name
of ,C E. Rowe ? &, Oo., won the
World's' Fair bandicap at the
World'sTiir grounds today in 2;09i.
Tne Eastern champion,, Hermis,
wa second, three lengths -behind.:
Moharib, owned by John W. Schorr,
wis eix lengths behind hi oof Col
onial girl won the race very easily.
The handicap whichwas a mile and
a liuartefj bad a value of $4f,500
tor.the winner. The track was In
fa- condition, but about six seconds
slqw. ; - 5g-'V-.;V "' i vP-.'i-v-'
The race was a victory for the
West, and with it : went the largest
stake ever raced for on the Ameri
can turf. The stake, 1 large as it
was, represented but a part of the
financial results of, the winning.
Money was dumped into the hands
Q&r&axtfr 1 60 bookalakers iiS 'Istim
TV ) r imYi ri 1 n-- nv ' 1 ii irfiii n..i 11 I
was on Hermis
After the race. Otto Stifel ' pre
sented to Jockey Booker $10,000.
Tangier, June 25. Ion Perdica-
ris and Cromwell Varley, who were
captured by the bandit Raisuli,
have iust arrived, f erdicaris was
greatly pleased with the reception
accorded bim by the townsmen,
who met him in great numbers
Perdicans suffered many hard
ships while in the hands of Raisuli,
although he said he did not think
that these were the fault of the
bandit chief, and that he bsd every
comfort under the circumstances.
Varley appeared to be as cheer
ful and bright as if he bad j ust re
turned from a picnic.
PerdicariB was received at his
town house by the authorities, the
admirals of Mb fleet, and numerous
personal friends. His Moorish ser
vants made a great demonstration
of joy, kissing their master's hands
and clothes. Much credit is due to
the two sheriffs of Wazan, Mulai
Ali and Mulai Hamel, who have
devoted much time in efforts to se
cure the success of the negotiations.
Mulai Ah was - in communication
with RaiBuli constantly, thus insur
ing the safetv of the captive, while
Muli Hamel traveled between Tan
gier and Benairos.
Nothing unusual occurred during
the exchage of the prisoners, who
started immediately for their homes
The delay in turning over the pris
oners was apparently merely amis
take as to tne date set tor tneir re
Ta Che Kiao, Lao Tung Penin
sula, between Kaichou and Hai
cheng, June 22. The Japanese
forces are. 12 miles from rort Ar
thur, the whole male population of
which, from the age of 15 upwards,
is under arms. The women are as
sisting in the work of completing
the defenses. Civilian cycliEts oc
casionally establish communication
with the outside world.
London, June 25. The Japanese
legation this afternoon - received a
dispatch from Tokio, announcing
that a detachment of the Takushan
army surprised and routed a squad
ron of Russian cavalry, ten miles
southwest of Tan Sao Kow, on the
Ta Che Kiao road, at dawn, June
23, and also occupied the heights
north thereof, expelling the Rus
sians, who left 67 dead on the field.
Go to Blackledge'g for window shades.
Struck Russian - Fleet in Right
Time-Torpedo Boats Slipped
Into v Port Arthur After
-.. . - Nightfall aud Caused
- Great Destruction
Other News.
Tokio, June 24. Admiral Togo
re ports an engagement at Port Ar
thur last Thursdaj in which a bat
tle snip ot the reresviet- type was
sunk and a battleship of the Sevas
topol type and a first class cruiser
of the Diana type . were damaged
The Japanese nleet was practically
The report is general here that
the Port Arthur fleet came out of
the harbor Thursday and engaged
the Japanese fleet
Chicago, June 24. A special to
the Daily news from Chef 00 says
Another demonstration took
place off Port Arthur yesterday
Firing, began from the forts about
10 a. m. and continued until 10 p m.
The programme was about the same
as on the previous day. '
The destroyers and torpedo boats
pursued the same tactics, "and an
auxiliary cruiser lay oft the iBlands
until the firiiig had ceased, when
it proceeded eastward at full, speed
- . . n nn ' j l . - .
, At o:cv p. in. me same evening;
firing began heavily from the bluff,
with much activity of the search
lights, indicating the approach of
torpedo boats. A little later the
sound of more distant firing was
beard,, evidently from the land side
of Port Arthur, continuing until
:30 this morning
Dunne that period there was an
almost uninterrupted thunder as of
-Fi- - -. - . J. 3" V
Haiti m, i a aViH xml lotf . fii ntr . nnrlc.
tuated TWith "crashes .a or siegl
gQns. , ' ' ; ""
It is probable that what took
place is a general shore action
with a naval demonstration. It
seems as though.-' the Japanese in
tend to wear out the defenders by
continued night ' activity, before
making a fioal simultaneous sea
and laud attack.
Rome, June 24. Advices receiv
ed by the government late last
night from Tokio state that trans
ports with 10,000 men and 48 field
guns have left Sasebo to reinforce
the combined armies of Generals
Kuroki and Oku on the Liao Tung
peninsula. Tne transports are stat
ed to be under convoy of a Japan
ese squadron.
... Tokio, June 25, Admiral Togo,
reporting further on his success at
Port Arthur, says his patrol boat
discovered the battle ship Peresviet
and seven other vessels, accom
panied by nine torpedo-boat de
stroyers, near the entrance to Port
Arthur harbor. Xhe patrol boat
warned him wirelessly, and he im
mediately advanced his entire fleet,
except those engaged upon special
The admiral then discovered that
the Russian fleet consisted of six
battle ships, five cruisers and 14
destroyers, the commander haviDg
evidently planned a dash by sun
down. The Russians stopped outside the
entrance to the harbor, and after
nightfall a fleet of Japanese torpedo-boat
destroyers resolutely at
tacked the Russian ships, and suc
ceeded in torpedoing and sinking a
battle ship of the Peresviet type,
and disabled the battleship Sevas
topol. A cruiser of the Diana type was
observed, burning. It was towed
into the harbor Friday morning,
and it was evident she had sustain
ed serious damage. The torpedo
destroyer Shirakumo was bit by a
ehell, which fell in the cabin, kill
ing three-men and wounding three
others. Tbe Cbidori, a vessel of
the same class, was hit behind the
engine room, but no casualties re
sulted there from, lorpedo boats
64 and 66 were Blightly damaged.
Mukden, June 25. Last night
100 Chinese bandits, excellently
armed and equipped and led by
Japanese officers, attempted to blow
up with dynamite the bridge over
the Koulan river, three miles south
of Kerson and 157 miles northeas
of Makden. The ; attack was re
pelled by border scouts. According
to the inhabitants of the vicinity
there have been numerous previous
attempts to destroy this bridge. The
bandits are said to figbt. splendidly
and to bs entirely different from the
m-organized brigands of 1900.
Coquille, Or., June 24, -Earl
Steel, about 23 years of age, is be
hind the bars in the county jail,
held for the murder of his infant v
child. He was married in April -
IaBt to Miss Phoebe. Simmons, of
Coquille City, who yesterday gave'
birth to a child. Dr. Russel was
summoned at the confinement, and
he testified before the coroner's in-
queBt as follows:
-A stranger told me Steel was
looking for me. Upon fiidiog Steel
I asked him what the-trouble was,
and he replied: 'Mv wife : is ill, . -
tin ally telling me sh had. bowel
trouble. On entering the house I
found Mrs. Steel in acute labor
pains and knew the nature of the
trouble. Steel remarked:
" 'Doctor; you must save her and
her little Bisters from disgrace. Do
it, and no one wil know anything
about it. If you' don't, I will.
"I tried to reason with him and
finally be agreed not to do as he in
tended. While attending the moth
er he said: . 'if you don't, I will kill
that baby. Not wanting to be a
lone, I went to the courthouse two
blocks away for a witness and met
Sheriff Gallier. ' He advised me to
see a lawyer. I returned to the
bouse, accompanied by . witnes
ses, telling them on the way that !
was almost certain bteei had done
away with the baby. Upon enter
ing the bouse iX made a rapid ex
amination of the bed and clothing;
and. finding th baby missing, I
asked the husbaud what s had. be .
come of it. - He replied it was gone:
Upon searching the room I found
the baby in a bedroom closet in a -
eaefc with its skull crushed. The
mother asked me to relieve her euf-.
fering, referring to poisoning. ; She
did not' want to live." - - - -
Medford, Or:, June 24.'-A5 L. .
Morris has just returned '! from tlhe '
strike of gold on the headwaters of
Thompson! Creek, near Grayback
Mountain. -He brought with him
over $75 iri gold taken from tbe
ledge which shows' on the surface
over 4,500 fyet long. . The.Briggs
boys have taken out $18oo and
have as much more in sight.
Most of the people going in leave
Medford and go by the way of Jack
sonville, crossing the divide at the
herd of Williams Creek. ' This
route is only 50 miles from Medford.
Hundreds of people are leaving.
and the town is in great excitement.
Claims ars being staked and placer
locations filled.
H. E. King washed $16o from
four pans of placer dirt last Sunday
on his location 8oo feet from the
Briggs find. The ledge is 45o feet
on the Oregon side of the Califor
nia line.
A townsite has been located and
tents are being pitched.' Not since
the days of Gold Hill or Steamboat
Springs has so much interest been
manifested in a gold discovery. It
is claimed that the ledge is the
same as the Steamboat strike, but
tbe values are much higher and the
ledge larger.
Pendleton, Or., June 26. Mrs.
Christina Clark died yesterday at
the home of relatives in the Cold
Springs country, about 25 miles
from this eity. Mrs. Clark was
born in tbe southern part of Indi
ana, June 'I'l, 18U1, and therefore
was aged I03 years and 4 days, be
ing one of the oldest wonaeu in this
state. She came across 1 he conti
nent with her husband, arriving in
Oregon in 1849. She settled ia
Yamhill county, and resided on a
farm there until 1897, when she re
moved to this county.
New Sawmill
Two miles west of Buelah church
All kinds of rough lumber constant
ly on hand. Orders promptly
filled. . Address, Otis Skipton,
R F D No 2, Corvallis.
Send your curtains to the
Steam Laundry. We will call
work every day in the week.
for your
For Sale.
Two good, second hand, farm wagons,
three and a quartet- axle. They go at a
bargain. Inquire of Jesse Wiley, Corvallis,