LOCAL' LORE. NEWS OF COR V ALUS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Coining an J Going of People ' , Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items Public Interest. of The voting contest fargoddpss of liberty closes tbls evenly. Misses Hazel and Mollis WaUh,' of Yaquina, were CoivjUIs visitors this week. Joseph Yates left Weioesday for Brownsville to attend tbe Oregon Pi oneers' plcdc. Ivan Dinfels Is expected in Cor villla to spend tbe f Jurtb witn bis mo ther, Mr?. Epey. . . MUe Minnie Woldt left Wednes day for a three weeks visit with rela tives at Summit. " E. S. Hornaday and famllv left yesterday for Nashville, to ielde on a laach lu that locality. Mrs. H. F. Fischer sriived home Saturday frpm Baswell springs, where she baa been for Bometime. 'W. E. Yates. w!fa and daughter, Miss Mlaa, left Thursday for Browns ville, to attend the Pioneers' picnic. The bara of Mr. A. E. Bell bag been removed to tbe rear of bis lots, and a roomy addition la to be added. Miss Adelaide Gr?f fez is to arrive from Portland the fore part of tbe month, for a two months' visit with jtxienae ami relatives. . Nelson Thompson and family, re cent arrivals trom toe Hiaat, are mov ing iato tbe dwelling vacated tbls week by E. 8. Horoalay and family. H , Actio? undar special dispensation, tbe local lodge of the order put two oand'diteg tbr iugh all tbe degre s of Odd Fellowship, Tueeday night. ' Dr. Harpf r aad Seyraore Ohlpman, who were seot as dela7at.es from (be local lodge of tbe order, returned Sat urday from attendance at tbe Mason ioOiand l 'dje, held at Portland last Week. Mlas Opal Viilism3 and Mr. Pool, of Junction City, were gueet9 of Cor vatlla fneoda ooe day this week. UTiaa IVDITd ma lu a f.ihmn. nnniil t r f"l -A, (J. student. ii. w. nan and taamviert oy wei nesday morniog's boat for Poitlaod. Numerous friends regret their depar ture from this city, where they have resided fir about 12 ytara. ' The Life Wilson house, on Eigh th street is undergoing a thorough system of repi'S, The building la to , be movel foi w-rloo th lots, porches added, and other Improvements made. EiJ (Jummlogs, who went to Port land several days ago to seek a loca tion iu the tousorlal line, ba not jet found a place to his fincy, and is woiklog la a shop there until be can find a suitable one. 1 Quite a number of youns p:oDle of Corvallis went to Newport Wednesday The train was run from Albany, and. was an excursion given by tbe Baptist and Methodist Sunday schools of that city. Four well-filled coaches were in the train. Miss Alice Watters has iseufd in vitations for, a social, to be given at ner nome on the astn. The guests will be members of the junior league or tbe Methodist church, and tbe pur pone of the gathering will be to raise funds tor carrying on the w ork of tbe society. Miss Eva Milner who has been confined to her bed for several weeks with typhoid fever, Is improving quite rapidly. Mrs. Miiners recovery is now assured, although she gains strength very slowly. Mrs. Jones, an other typhoid Victim in Jobs addition, is also on tbe road to health. The steam laundry expects to be ready for business in the new quarters en north main street, Monday morn log. Tbe plant has been enlarged to meet tbe increase In business, ahd many Improvements made in other re spects. A larger force of hands will be necessary before many months, in order to meet the demands cf custo mers. Account Mardl Gras and Car nival to be held at Portland June 2$ to July 9, 1904, inclusive. Bound ttip tickets will be sold by Southern Pacific Company, Corvallis to Port land at 83.85 including edmleeion ticket to Carnival. Sale dates June 27 and July 6tb. Limit 6 days but not good after July lOita re turning, Johnny Wells did not expect to llnd tbe county jail afloat Sunday eve ning when he weut in to .'telthe pris oners, out h? did almost. DuBoia. the elder ot the two men io confine ment, claims to be a Seventh Day Ad ven'ist In belief, an! ba desired to wash the jail floor, Sunday. To this Mr. Wells objected because ot the day being the Sabbath., However, when Mr. Wells returned id the evening, and stepped into the jail corridor he splash ed in wat?r several inches deep on tlseftaor. DaBols had turned on the ' N. B. Avery left yesterday tor Portland, to lemain. Miss Anna Jones of Pai-dey, Southern Oregon, arrived Sunday and is a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Harris. After a visit of several daya with Corvallis friends, Miss Mabel Jont:ScfceatiHar the Treasury of the Halt leit yesterday tor ner borne in Marlon county. At Congregational church: Sun day, a. m., "Christian Constraint;" Sunday, p. . m., -Down la Water Street." ' Theodore Booseveit of New York was nominated at Chicago for tbe presidency Thursday, - and Senator Fall banks of Indiana, for; vice president.;-' -, New coats of paint add to the ap pearance ot tbe Woods, Collom and MeMihon houses in the southwest part of town. The work was dune by C. A. Hyiand. ' , Prof. T. B. Crawford and Bev Frank E. Moore wera among those who went to Salem tbls week to at tend commencement at Willamette University. - ; - -. y Young potatoes from Hood Bivpr acd California have been on sals in tbe local market for some time. They bring four cents per pound, or at tbe rate of $2 40 per bushel. The first chittlm buyer of the sea eon wab in town Thursday. He want ed bark, but was eciimp in his figures. His best offer was four : and a half cents per pound. Local buyers are doing better than that, having pur chased several thousand pounds In small lots at five cents. . v: :. Miss Eatherlne A., Turney, form erly teacher in the public schools of Coivallts, has been elected to a fine position In the public schools of Los Angeles, with a handsome Increase In salary. Miss Turney is a sample of the Corvallis 'girl abroad, and hex numerous friends in this oommnnity take a deep Interest io her attainment and consequent advancement.. Some delays have been encount ered in getting tbe machinery in order after the removal of tbe steam laun dry. " Several new machines and ap pliances have been added, and the work of adjusting them all takes more time than was anticipated. It is ex pected now that everything will be in readiness, and that the plant will re sume operations next Monday. Over 1.800 persons wera reported as injured by explosives in various 4th of July celebrations last year, and it is probable that five times as many ac cidents occurred as wore noticed io the newspapers. Ward Irvine, aged nine, begins the list this year, with a mouth acd cheek and upper lip badly powder burned. The fire cracker was a big one, and be picked it up to see why it hadn't exploded. . John Qinn arrived Tuesday from a five weeks visit East. He left Port land on tbe same train with the Per nots, but saw nothing of them in the East. He visited for a time at bis bovhood home nsar Knoxvllle, Tennes see, after an absence of thirty years. The country is p orer tbers than I thought it was," Mr. Qann said, evi dently contrasting conditions with tbe more famillaV environments of his home in Webtoot land. Mr. Qann was at St. Louis where he spent three days at tbe exposition. The show is is a big ooe, be saye, and so extensive that more than three days must be devoted to seeing it all. Niu Chwang, Jane 23. During the fighting at Huahahuingko last Saturday the Russian casualties exceeded 2oao. Among the dead are said to be five officers of high rank, and it is rumored that one of these is a major-general command ing a division. ' A POSITIVE NECESSITY. Haviner to lav uiion tor bed for li days from a severely bruised lee, I only fonnd lelief when I used a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment.. I can cheerfully re commend it as the best medicine for braises ever sent to the afflicted. It baa bow become a positive necessity open myself. D. R. Byrnes, Merchant, Do versville. Texas. 25c, 50c, Ji.oo. Sold by Graham & Wortham. - . For Sale. ' Two good, second hand, farm wagons, three and a quarter axle. . They go at a bargain. Inquire of Jesse Wiley, Cor vallis. : -For Sale. A number of first class farm horses, weighing fromv 1,300 to 1, soo. All will be disposed of at reas sonable prices. . Inquire of Jesse Wiley, Corvallis. Send your enrtains to the Corvallis Steam Laundry. We will call for your work every day in the week. Just received the finest line of cloth- ine. We bought this from the . best manufacturers and every suit is guar anteed. Call and eee us for clothing. See our men's suit at $10, it is a marvel. Henkle & Davis. Great Redaction Sale. We will sell for cash during the month of May 500 pairs ot shoes, broken sizes, meng womens, misses and children's at greatly reduced prices, in order to give room for a new stock of goods, which will arrive about June ist. Come early and get your choice from 25 cents np. Sals lasts through May only. ' -( J. E. Henkle. MUTILATED MONEY. How the Government Restores lit jnred Bills and Coin. State Is Freaeatlr Attempted, etimea with Sc Ciuiea. There are several experts employed by the government to inspect the cur rency offered for redemption. In fact, every person employed in the bureau is in some degree an expert, because one of them has to pass on the genuineness of the money presented for redemp tion, and this is a difficult task. Re member, that this money comes to the treasury, as a rule, only when it is so badly worn that it -will not pass cur rent., ;Thi dirty," torn, greasy, rag-g-ed money the experts'have to handle and decide whether it was issued by the government and should be redeemed at its face value or whether it is the work 3f counterfeiters and should .: be re jected.' It is not at all to the discredit. f the experts of the bureau that some xgus money has got past them and ' aeen detected in one of the oflice&'to rtich the pieces of the money go for urtner examination. This does not ccur often. The peculiar province of one woman s not to detect bad' money though she an expert at tnat but to put to- rether torn pieces of money sent for dentincatiou and redemption. These pieces of money come from all parts t the country- and arrive under most- extraordinary conditions. This is not surprising, in view of the fact that they eome from experiences with fire and water and gastric juices and many oiner powerelul agents. A not infre quent accident to money is to be left in. a stove, whence it is taken in a badlr charred condition,, with, only ahes 1,0 represent, the greater part- of it. Often it is used by rats to make their nests; or, buried in the dampness of a cellar, it rots away! or, swallowed by a eow, it- rescued from her stomach a slimy mass of paper. . !;V:-r::: : Here are the rules of the treasury for the redemption of mutilated money: For a piece of currency greater than two-fifths of the original note, one- half the face value of the note is given. h ot a piece as great as three-fifths, the whole value of the note is given. For a piece two-fifths in size of the original nothing is given. But this last provi sion is limited by the law, which gives discretion to the treasury department to give full value for a note if the own er can. prove to the satisfaction of the authorities that the note, or the miss ing part of it was destroyed. This last provision, opens the door to possible fraud, and many are the efforts made by dishonest persons to take advantage Of it. . ' 1 X : .- ' The fragments of money which come to the treasury are turned over to one of the experts and sorted out under the microscope for identification. They are picked apart and each tiny piece is assigned to its place like a part ot a. puzzle. I his is usually done on glass, and the fragments are eventual ly put. between pieces of glass to hold themtogetherwhile they are measured to .see whether there are two-fifths or three fifths of the note identifiable, or whether it is so little that, the owner can recover nothing. Sometimes it is a very serious matter to the owner; but the poor are not the only applicants for assurance to recover damaged money, t lae time W. K. Vanderbilt's- beauti ful. I ome at Newport was burned, Mrs. Var - erbilt now Mrs. Belmont sent in oi nut. $1,000 in mutilated currency, oul svf which it was able to identify- for reot uiption all Dut a traction of the ; sur.-.. if- ;.me of the experiences of the re- deH!':ion division with wouid-be thieves are interesting. One man in Kan: ;is sent to thetreasury the halves of some small bills with the edges nice ly charred, accompanied by an affidavit from the sender that he had put. the money in his pocket, hung his coat on a fence1 and that the coat, had been. burned to the destruction of part of the notes. It happened that the treas ury had redeemed the other halves of these notes just 2 years befoce for a money broker in"Xew York, and, think ing the case suspicious, had kept an eye out for the possibility of attempted fraud. The Kansas man was a person of good.business standing, and his bankers threatened the treasury offi cials' with dismissal if they questioned his affidavitigThey put the case in the hands of the department of justice and eventually the -man pleaded guilty and was fined $l,00O.-' - A bank in Alabama received from a depositor a fragment of a ten-dollar bill, and the treasury people paid five dollars for it. Later came a claim ac companied by the other part of the bill, a little charred, with an affidavit saying the sender had burned the remainder of the note by mistake.' A Chicago man sent in fragments of two $30 bills- and one ten-dollar bill, with an affidavit telling how the other halves had! been destroyed; and'in the same mail the other halves of -these notes came in from a Chicago bank. : A special agent- caught the maker of the affidavit, who proved to be the tool of some swindlers, and he was. sent to prison for a year and a- half. Wash-' ington Star. J Crematories for Dlseaaed Allnaln. . Crematories for the destruction of animals which have died from infec tions and contagious diseases have been erected in several parts of Si lesia. . . Beet Salad, or Chopped Beets. Cold boiled or baked beets, chopped quite fine but not minced, make a nice falad v.-hci fsrved with a dressing of lemon-jnice and whipped cream in the proportion cf three tablespoonfuls of lemon-juke to cne-half cup of whipped cream, and salt if desired. Good House keepinsr. ,- REDUCED EXCRSION RATES. From S. P. and U. & E. . Points ' to j the SeaEide and Mountain Re- -.; eotts for the Slimmer.' v j On and after June 1st, 1904, the Sooth- ! 'era Pacific in connection with the Cor-! vallis & Eastern railroad, -will have- on ' sale ronnd trip tickets from points on 1 their lines to Newport, Yaquina. and De troit at very low rates, good - for return j until October 10th; 190, ' ; !j v s'! Three day tickets to Newport and Ya quina, good going Saturdays and return ing Mondays, are also on sale i from all East side points, Portland to Eugene in clusive, and from all Westside points en abling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside.' , : Season tickets from all Eitstside points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all Westside points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over-privileges at Mill City or any point east enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breitenbusch hot springs in the Cascade monn tains, which tan be reached in one dav. . '." ''" ' ' Season tickets will be good for return from all points until October 10. Three day tickets will be good going on ; Sat urdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets from jugene and vicinity will be good going vfa the Lebanon-Springfield branch if desired. Baggage ' 00 Newport tickets checked through to Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina only. -" . ; ' ' ; , :' ' Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis lor Yaquina and Newport. . Trains on tbe C, & E.' for Detroit will leave ; Albany at 7 a m enabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same day. For information as to rates, with beau tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and vicinity can be obtained on application to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany W E Coman, G. P. A. S: . P Company, Portland, ' '" ;i " " . Rate from Corvallis to Newport, J3-75-. " ' ; Yaquina, 3.25 - " " Detroit, $3.23 Three-day rate from Corvallis to New port. $2.50. , E. E. WHITE R eal Estate Co. . Are you looking for a Home . Or a good Investment? . :.: J If so we take pleasure in showing yon over the country and are confident we can give you the- right price on some thing will suit you. ; -' We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres. We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches and Timber lands. Ranging in price from $7 to 125 per acre all owing to Iot catibn and improvements. We also have a nice list of city proper ty. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi dences from $3bO to $3000 each according to location and impiovemente, we also have some good business locations. , Offices first door south of reading 1 00m. ; White & Stone, Corvallis Or. . HERBINE Will overcoms indigestion and dyspep sia; regulate the bowels and cure liver and kidney complaints. It is the best blood enncner ana mvigorator in tne world. It is purelv vegetable, perfectly harmless, and should vou be a sutierer you are from disease, you will use it it wise. ' . R. N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr. Co-r coa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla., writes: ''I bave used your Herbine in my family, and. find it a most excellent medicine. Its effects upon myself have been a marked benefit. I recommend It unhesitatingly." 5OC. Sold by Graham & Wortham. . - - - Growing Acbes and Pains. Mrs. Tosie Sumner, Bremond, Texa writes, April 2, 1902: "I have used Bal lard's Snow Liniment in my family for three years. I would not be without it in the house. I have used it on my lit tle girl for growing pains and aches in her knees. It cured her right away. I have also used it for frost bitten feet, with good success. It is the best liniment I ever used."- 25c, 50c. $1.00. Sold by Graham & Wortham. . Notice of Final Settlement. In the Matter ol the Estate ) ot W. r. Armstrong, deceased.? Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as exeoutrix of -the Last Will and testament- ot W. I). Armstrong, deceased, has filed her final account, as such eifciitrlx with the clerk ot the county court ot tlie state o! Oregon, lor Benton count; and the said court has fixed Saturday the 9th any of July. 1901, at the hour ol 2 o'clock In the alternoon as the time, and the county court room In the court house in Corvallis, Oregon, s the place, lor hearing any and all objections to the said account andsettlement thereof, mted this June 11. 1901. Anna M. Armstrong. Executrix ot the last will and testament ot W. 1. Armstrong, deceased. Notice of Guardian's ' Settlement. In theMatter ot the Qaardlanshlp V Martha. 'Walker, Inaanso. Kotloe Is Hereby given thathe undersigned as guadian of the person anl estata of -Martha J. Walker, a person of nn Eoand mind . has filed final his ac count as such guardian with the clerk of the county court of the state of Or-n. for Benton county, and the a&ld court has fixed Saturday the ftth day of July, 190, at the hour o t one o'clock tn the afternoon as the time, and the eonnty court room in theooart house in Cor vallis, Oregon as the place, tor Hearing any ana 11 objections to a&ld account and for aetOflment thereof. . . Bated this June 11. 1904, - Jesse C. Walker, . Qoardlan of Martha 1. fi alker. Insane. See Blackledge's fine conches'. 0 Money THE WHITE -HOUSE Norfolk, Vestee, Two and Three piece Suits, of the Banner Brand, the kiod that please the boys and suit the parents. All colors and many different tex tures at , S. L. KLINE'S, REGULATOR : OF : LOW Man's All Wool Suit' $1000 HENKLE & DAVIS Gorvallis. Are you goino; to buy a suit or a pair of pants? Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line ready made clothing. v We will save you money. 1 1 m i m E. W. S. PRATT, - The Jeweler and Optician. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office iu Zierolf Bailitae. 0 rviUig. 0 ' P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALLIS, OR. Office at Huston's Hardware Store. . P. O. Address, Box 11. ' ; Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. ; ; ":;i'ff E. R. Bryson, Attorney At-Law. Gor aHis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 22. a For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany. .. ....12:45 p. m ' " Corvallis...... 2:00 p. m " arrives Yaquina 6-J2o p. m t Returning: ' . - ' Leaves Yaquina...: : 6:45a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany. 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany. . . . . . .. 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit... . ; 12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: ' : Leaves Detroit .." l:0o p.'m Arrives Albany............. 5-55 P-m ' Train No. i arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. Train No 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. . Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the same day. - -1 Fox further information apply to '' , - Edwin Stone, " ' Manager. H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. Thoa. Cockrell, Agent Albany, npthers, Attention! We offer you for two weeks only, Boys' and ChUdrerrs Suits at Saving Prices: : PRICES Every Siul Guaranteed "An ounce of preven tion is worth a pound of cure." Prevent any abnormal condition of the eyes by properly fitted - glasses and you'll prevent at the same time years of mis ery and pain. A4' WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY CORVALIJB, OrKGON. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic :-!;',;.,'.- : Exchange. ;j.Buys Connty, City and School BAH l-BAXCISCO 3ISCO y (.VfY-.i. POBTLAJfD London A San Fran- BEATTUB TAOOMA J claco Bank limited. NEW IOBK-Messrs. j. I . Morran s to. CHICAGO National Bank of Xlie;liepub- C- " - -! - . . TjONDON, EVG. London A San Francisco Bank Limited. . . vA A.U A. t, iuon uaiiM oi vanaoa. . . - H. S. PEKNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store. Reduced Round Trip Rates Ac count World's Fair. .." . - First class tickets on sale June 16, 17, 18, Joly 1. 2 3, August 8, 9, 10, Sept 5, 6, 7, Oct. 3, 4,- 5, Roseburg' t) St. Louis and let urn, good 90 dajs with stop over priv ileges at rates ranging from $67,50 to $82.50 -according to route chos en. Passengers will have privilege of starting da any date which r will enable to reach destination within ten days from the sale data.' ' 1 In quire at Agent Southern Pacific Co... ,-. : rL' i Bring your hooey and buy chew ing gum in Corvallis on the' 4th. Everyone else will be here.