The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 22, 1904, Image 3

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i fcilTSTtlWincnts in ttta column chanted for
M thetateofli ceou per line.
Miss Starr of Portland is visit
ing relatives in this city. "
"The annual meeting of the OA
C regents occurs July 20th "
Mrs. James Bier left yesterday
for a week's visit with friends at
Bruce. '
Miss Luella Van Cleve went
to Tangent Friday for a brief vis
it. Miss Bessie Shobe of Oregon
City, has arrived for a visit at the
Chipman home.
Mrs. Charles Elgin of Salem,
arrived yesterday, and is a guest
at the Elgin home.
ML-s Thia Johnson of this city
left for Kings Valley yesterday for
a two weeks visit with Miss Ethel
Mrs. J. W. Howard and son,
left Monday for Eastern Oregon,
after spending the winter in Cor
vallis. Miss Agnes Watt returned to
herhome in Portland Monday after
a week's visit with Miss Helen
her home
La'e Methods of Electric Wiring Being
For Both Pnpils and Teachers
Tartar Will Conduct One.
Mae Smith returned to
in Salem Sunday after
Commencement week
with Miss Mary Sutherland.
W. I,. Sharp received the
check warrant of $3,000 in favor
of the children of the late James
W. Dunn who was a member of
the K. O. T. M.
Dr. L. G. Altman and family,
who have been respected residcn
of Corvallis for many years, areto
leave the latter part of July for Sa
lem, to reside.
Mrs. Thos. Callahan' and her
mother, Mrs. Burnett left yesterdey
for Portland to attend the Annual
Pioneers' Re-union in that city.
They will return the last of the
The result of the voting contest
for the silk flag is as follows: O.
A. C, 1774; Public School, 1426:
Fireman, 995; Knights of Pythias;
9951 Woodmen of the World, 199;
Rebeccas, 214.
A well is being dug and a new
house is being built iu the D. C.
Rose orchard. The building is to
lA n tms r- r .ici .3 r-f nr n . r r .,"11 Vva
occupied by Mr. Rose and family
this autumn.. Work on it is to begin
in the near future.
The stringing of the wire be
tween Corvallis ahd Philomath, via
the Independent system, was com
pleted at 10 o'clock Monday evening
The line was expected to be in
working order by Saturday evening,
but delays were encountered that
' prevented. Communication. will
probably be established. today.
Invoicing incident to a change
in ownership in the J. D- Mann fur
niture store, begins tomorrow
morning. The process will require
a few days, after which the estab
lishment will be conducted by Hol
lenberg & Cady, mention of whose
purchase of the establishment was
made in a recent issue of the Times
The Village Improvement so
ciety wishes to make public, ac-
1 1 1 . C it. . .1 . . " - - c
,Kuuwicuumcui ui iuc . uurauuu :. ui
'itie.'c ta their funds, trie iiet -nrrv
1 rp(!s at . the entertainment o-iven .
. Hinder the auspices of the" depart-
' "teems-of elocution and vocal, music
ifct the College chapel on ' the even
ing of 13U1 inst,.: We wish especial
ly to tender oor .thaHks -to Miss
Crawford and Mrs. Green for the
"generous gift and" to President
Gatch. ; '
Sewer flushing was in prog
ress, all day Monday. The Van
. Buren,' . main, which was not con
' nected for flushing purposes until
recently, received its maiden in
voice of city water on that day. All
1 - the . older laterals were likewise
: ' given a thorough washing. In the
- case, of a few of the new laterals
connections with the water system
are not yet complete, but they will
be in a few days, and then they
will receive prompt and periodical
, flushing.
Special acknowlegment is of f ered
in behalf of the Christian Mission-
ary Alliance of New York, for the
' generous gift of $600 recently sent
by Mrs. Louisa Crees, trustee in be
half f the late Mrs. Rebecca Kelly
who passed away about two years
ago, leaving property
The members of the engineering
staff at the college have been en
gaged tor several days in changing
the system of electric wiring. ';'. The
old system is what is known as the
direct current, it being changed in
to the alternating current system,
Under the old reeime Ihere was a
diop'of 25 per cent, in
in the transmission from the power
station which is near the , Mechan
ical hall to Cauthorn hall, , while
as now arranged the loss is very
small instead of the bare copper
wire which was in use ; insulat
ed wire of a much smaller diameter
is used.
The alternating System is used
tor lighting the other for power "
transmission. As now installed the
change from the one to the other
may be expected without so .much
as stopping the machines while the
economy of power thus made is of
considerable importance. The de
velopment .of the alternating system
and modern methods of insulation
is what has made possible ' tbe
transmission ot electric " power for
long distances, and hence the utili
zation of the wafer power even
though it be situated many miles
from the city where such power
may be necessary.
The change is made at the col
lege in order that the apparatus
there may be in . accord -with the
modern practice, where many young
men seek training in that branch of
technical education.
Prof. Tartar, of the Corvallis
public schools, will probably con
duct a summer . school again this
vaca ion, He has planned to open
a term on the 5th of July, and con
tinue it for six weeks. He will give
a vacation of a month before and a
month afterward, before the regu-
l' ""u" :tr 'fell term of school opens. The
parents, who desire conditions and
failures removed in order that pu
pils may be fully prepared to enter
a higher grade, . and move along
with the regular classes at the be
ginning of the autumn term. It is
also desired to make preparation
for taking examinations for certifi
cates. .The plan was tried last; va
cation time, and it was so favorably
received that.Prof. Tartar had -all
the pupils he could handle. The
public school pupils will only be
taught during forenoons, and the
afternoons will be devoted to coach
ing . teachers. Next Monday after
noon Prof. Tartar will be at the
public school building from one to
four, where any who desire terms,
information or advice can find him.
The opportunity is a very favorable
one for either pupils or teachers
who need good coaching in order
to have a fair start with the coming
vear's work. '
Plais for Athletic Sports in the Af
ternoonWhat the Prizes are.
All the committees for the 4th i
ot July celebration are actively at
work, and the .details- are gradually
being perfected It looks now as if
an enormous crowd will be in at
tendance, beginning on Saturday
and continuing until after the close
of the three davs programme on
Monday evenine. The committee
on athletic sports has prepared a
program for Main street Monday
afternoon, . The list of events with
the prizes for each, is as follows:
1-30 p. m. 100 yard dash, $7.50.
440 yard run, $10. - ;
ioq yard dash, boys under 15
years, $3. , -' - '; - , v;
, 220 yard, dash free for all,' $7.50.
2:30 p. m. Hose race, 1 00 yards
carry 300 feet of hose, lay 150 feet,
and get water, 1st prize, $60; 2nd,
$20 '
4 p. m. Wheelbarrow race, 50
yards, $5. "' v . :. .
Sock race, f 5. .
Toadies race, 50 yards, $5. ;
Girls race, 50 yards, under 15
years,. $3.
50 yard dash; f or men over 60
years, $5. .
50 yard dash for men weighing
more than 200 pounds, $5.
5:30 p. m. Tug of war, 10 men
on side, $10. -
At Hotel Corvallis Wednesday
, ening. .....
The members of the Ladies
Chorus with : their husbands and
friends met at Hotel Corvallis Wed
nesday evening. .. After a short
time spent in conversation, an im
promptu program was given. I here
were instrumental selections by Miss
Anna Walker, ' Mrs. Bryson and
little Miss Hammel and a vocal so
lo by Miss Edna Allen. . Rev,, F.
L,. Moore gave an interesting ; talk
on the relation of music to scientific
research. Two numbers were then
given by the Chorus. Rev. E. F.
Green then followed with an in
structive talk on the relation of
music, to sympathy and. thought.
At ten o'clock the scene was chang
ed and a beautifully decorated din
ing hall, attracted the party for an
hour, while a banquet was served
befitting the occasion. After re
turning to the parlor two more se
lections were given by the Chorus.
The committee consisting of Mrs.
E. F. Pernot, Mrs. Berchtold and
Mrs. Woodcock deserve" credit for
much of the success of the evening.
.Mr. Watkms ot, Portland, was
among the guests
The Ladies Chorus was organ
ized last September with Mrs. E. F.
Green as director. Since the first
appearance at a reception at Cauth
orn Hall, they have sung at many
public entertainments and . have
been received with favor.
Another Fifty Dollars Added to It
Apostle Is Much Wanted.,,..
Sheriff Burnett is sending circu
lars abroad in the effort to locate
Creffield, : The circulars give notice i
that a reward of $350 is in the sher
iff's hands to be paid for. the -arrest
and conviction of the fugitive apos
tle. Of the sum, $200 is offered
outright for the arrest, and an ad
ditional $150 for the arrest and con
viction. The $200 is a sum con
tributed by private subscription.
largely from persons whose families
have become victims of the falla
cious teachings of the bogus high
priest. Of the other $150, $100 is
offered by the county court, and the
balance by S. L- Kline. It is fig
ured that the increased reward will
interest suentts and. detectives in
the search for Creffield with a pos
sibility that his hiding place might
be discovered. Contrary to reports
current, the officers have no clue to
his whereabouts, and , but a vague
idea of where he might be. Brooks
and Levens are known to be at Se
attle, but theJ officers are Convinced
that their chief is not with them.
The circulars sent out by Sheriff
Burnett announce that the reward
will hold good for the'period of one
year. - They also give a description
of Creffield, which is as follows:
Edmund Creffield, alias Joshua"
Creffield is about 30 years old, very
light complexion, light hair may
be smooth-shaven if not beard will
be very light? weight about 135
pounds, height 5 feet 6 inches, No.
5 shoe, may wear black suit, or
may wear blue colored blouse with
belt run around it, also very often
wears brown leggins. He is almost
sure to have a Bible with him. He
talks broken as if Swedish, but is
German descent.
Commencement . Exercises Last Week
. at Philomath College. ,
Philomath College closed one of
its most, . successful i. year s work,
on Wednesday 15 inst. The Bacca
laureat Sermon was delivered on
Sunday June: I2 by Rev. Moore,
pastor of the M.E. Church, Corvallis.
The sermon was highly appreciated
by the large audience th&t filled the
chapel. The evenings were largely
taken op with various class and.
hierary txtrcisff. J On Wednesday;
morning 15 inst. occured the grad
uating exercises. - The clase - ad
dress was given by Dr.Cross.a Con-.
gregauoam pastor . . 01 rpruana.
It was a masterly setting forth of
the claims and superiority of wis
dom. .Tbe class was the largest in.
the history of the - institution.
Twentv-one received diplomas, and
Prof. O. V. White received the De-.
gree M. S. The board of trusties
mit oh the 14 inst. ; President
B.E.Eonerick retires to take charge
of The Oregou Search Light: Prof.
I.E.Caldwell was elected President
and nearly all the faculty retained.
The Business manager. Rev. J.R.
Parker reported that he had secured
over four thousand . dollars since
January in cash and subscriptions,
whereupon the board of trustees
authorized, the enlargement and
improvement of the main College
building. This improvement will
cost from six to seven thousand
dollars and will be of modern de
sign. Tbe friends of the College
seem very enthusiastic over the fu
ture prospects of the fchool. . The
coming school year opens Sept.. 27.
' a Student.
Crowds Went to see Them A Sunday
Afternoon Meeting on Kiger's
.Horse-racing continues to grow
in- favor thereabouts. One race
Saturday and three f Sunday have
been' added to the racing record.
Saturday's race was between Tom
Vidito's pinto and George Brown's
black horse, named "Nig." The
same animals were formerly match
ed in a 300 yardjrace and-, the pin-
In- Saturday s race the
distance was half a mile and the
black steed was an easy winner.
Sunday's racing was on the Ki
ger track, and all the spare popula
tion of the town was there, y The
estimated attendance is 400 or more,
The opening contests were a 300
yard and a quarter dash. The)
first was between Fred Porter's
bay mare and Mr. Hopkins . mare,
for a purse of $5, contributed by
the spectators. Porter's mare was
an easy winner. The second quar
ter was between the same animals
for a $5 purse, also contributed
by the crowd, and the -. Hopkin's
mare took the prize.
The big event in Sunday's meet,
however was a mile race between
George Brown's "Nig" and. Gene
Tortora's bay mare, known as the
Cook mare. The match was made
Saturday afternoon for a $100 -a
side, and a $20 forfeit was put up.
Tortora, however, was late appear
ing at the track, and when he came
his mare was barefoot. It was his
purpose to abandon the race, and
the deposit was forfeited. Later
All persons using water for flowers,
lawns or garden will oblige the Company
by turning off the water promptly at nine
o'clock. While we keep steam tip all
night we do not keep the pumps running
all night, nor are we expected to. We
quit pumping between ten and eleven at
night, leaving the tanks: full, ' When a
number of hose are allowed to run all
night there is little water left in the tank
by morning. Should there he. a fire,
which is liable to occur any night, there
would be but little water for the occasion
and if there was there would be no force
to fight fire with, either from tank or
pump with so many hose open.
Corvallis Water Co.
OnMonroe picnic grounds, Sat
urday Jane 11, K ofP watch charm
FioJer please leave at Times office
and receive reward.
Whoop 'em up in Corvallis on
the 4th.. Just the place to get your
money's worth of fun. - .
- -V
For Sale.
I self dump hay rake, used one season.
1 hand ' ' good, strong.
131-2 by 11 Bain wagon, without bed.
-1 14 inch gulkey plow, extra shear. .
On farm of J. Pimm, 1-2 north, of Phi
lomath.. ... .
',' ' ' W. M. Castle. .
Lhowever, a race was made at $-?o
leavine property in trust to . a stde, and it was run. The racers
'-Mrs. Crees for Christian and Mis- J came down the stretch with J'Nig" I " For Sale.
1 TM . 1 clitrit1r in tli l&nA Knf V. A rr- I . " 1
b10uv u,K. me property was v Ta7V M "1 r 1 Six cows with" young caUej. Abo
iT! f L the,1!! : ttCll iaXlJtd - lef cows, all IhortLns except two
auu jHi'Lccua acm iu mc aotiav lur - ' which are Terse vs
. their general work in the home and All bets, including the mam stakes j . 3 ' j ,
foreien -fields - : were declared off. - I ' . ' - :V b'lj0Ce'
joreu uciui. , . . Corvallis R, F. D. No 1,
" For Sale.
First class cedar posts for sale. In
quire of
B. F. Ireland & Bro,
Corvallis B F D No. 2
Wall paper at Blackledge's store.
Excursion Rates to Yaquina Bay.
On June 1st, the Southern Pacific Co,
will resume Bale of excursion tickets to
Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both sea
son and Saturday to Monday tickets will
be sold. This .popular resort is growing
In favor each year, hotel rates reasonable
and the opportunities for fishing, hunt
ing and sea bathing are unexcelled by
any other resort on the Pacific Coast. ' ,
W. E. Coman, . ,
Gen, Paseenger Agent.
Send your curtains to the Corvallis
Steam Laundry. We will call for yoar
work every day in the week.
For Sale.
Team, harness and wagon, new. '
:V J. J. Cady, College barn.
Goats for Sale.
Inquire ot John F. Irwin at the coun
ty clerk's office.
Have you heard the news? A
three days celebration in Corvallis,
all for the price of one.
We make - special rates to families.
Corvallis Steam Laundry. Call op Main
274- - ;
Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new
.Blcakledge keeps all kinds of table
Its free forall, and you are ex
pected to be here. Where? Why,
at the big celebration in- Corvallis
of course. -
lUc Sell Sorosis
' Sorosis Sights are visions of
f sio-htliness. No mprfi wnrrl-
jingle that, but the expression
ot stjiisn-loving women every
where. And its truth will
will impress you startlingly
j when you let your eyer glad-
w den at the sight we've assem-
S bled for today,
i Such style of . cut every
latest " effect with 6hapely
yoke and proper flare the
straight - f r o n t without a
wrinkle. -
", Such qaality of material! , The rustling richness o
silk itself is in this mercerized sateen.
Such frillful fancies in the trimmings, ruffles and
tucks, sherrisgs and plaits, render irresistable the
dantines of Sorosis.
; , But it's the price that makes this sale significant
to the thriftiest among you.
Isn't this economy figuring? Prices $1, 1.25, 1.50,
2, 2.50 up to 5.
Regulator of Low Priees.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry,.
Ranches, write tor Our special list, or come and
see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all .
i the reliable information you wish, also showing
- you oyer the country. -
(. Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
, , Corvallis and Philomath. Or..
' South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. ' $
Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
. Art Calendars. Sofa Pillow Covers,
' And other Photographic Novelties.
Jop Iouid Slos for Ter;
x I v ew SPrillg Style
Ml $3.50
rf?' ' Unexcelled in style, mater-
' I? ial and workmanship. Absolute-
' A? ly guaranteed in every particu-
Special in Men's Spring Suits.
Every and in fact everything in this
ti t h suit is perfect. -.
and it certainly does to' try on one of them means
good-bye tailor, and money saved. Come
and be convinced now!
, Oregon.