7 . ' ' " V : nfv Aft w-v ft.X : i: j i -j 1.1 r m ; SBMI-,WBBZ Vol. XVII. No. 17. CORVALLIS, ; OREGON. JUNE 18. 1901. B. r. IR TINTS -Editor and Proprietor. Raoii Seen : Our New Arrivals FOR GENTS Clothing, Hats, Neckware, Shoes, ...... -.- ' .. Shirts, Underware. Call and See lb Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms. If jg c ov-'. r" kitm c Hotel - I M$hr feSW ' Cbrvaliis 1 $ t . ' Ibi-:-t y -OS c c-Ham' Prop- 1 Leadiog Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. New; brick building. ylfurnished, with modern con- veniences.. Furnace Heat, , Electric. Lights, Fire Es-j capes. Hot and cold water orTevery-floor. Fine single; rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam-: Si ette Valley. Tfntnr,. di 1 An B1 ficr J Rates.: $1,00, $1.25, and WE BO NOT OFTEN CHANGE , Our ad.,' but our goods change hands v every day. Your money exchanged "' for Value and Quality is the idea.' Big Line Fresh Groceries : ' - Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Cbinaware A large and varied line. - Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store we do the rest. B L. G . ALTAIAN, M. I. Jlomeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe ste. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. ' Sundays 9 to 10 A. M, hona rejl Si Dress Goods, Novelty Trimmings, Silks, Embroideries, Lace Belts, Collars, White Goods and Shoes. inn rvn j per uay. f)oriliti3 G. R. FARE A, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All calls attended promptly. SHOT TO DEATH FRANK GUGLIELMO SLAYS HIS LOVE, FREDA GUA- RASCIA. ' Because She Rejected His Love by Her Father's Wish Captured , by Postmaster Alcorn at " .' . Linnton---Flees on a v Bicycle, j-" ' Portland, Jane 15. Portland Or egonian : Driven to desperation by the thought that he coal d never possess the object of his affections, Frank Guglielmo, a handsome young Italian ealoon keeper of 22 years, Shot to death pretty 16-year- old Freda Gurascia, about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, -while she was ousied about the humble little home of her parents, at 324 Harri son street. After committing" the crime, the murderer immediately fled to his ' ealoon, , at First and Market streets, where he grabbed what money he had, and, jumping on a bicycle, rode to Lion ton, where he was captured by Postmas ter J. Z. Alcorn, soon after his ar rival, and while attempting to a void apprehension by fleeing into the mountains. ; Police headquarters was notified of the murder a few -jninutes after' its occurrence by Police Officer P. Fones, who j was ? passing i near the scene of the shooting on a South Portland car, ' and, telegraph and telephone messages were sent to all the surrounding .towns, with the re sult that a reply was- soon received from Linn ton to the effect that the murderer had been seen at that place.- Detectives Vaughn, Hart' man and Weiner were soon speed ing to Lianton in a big automobile touring car, and, although the nine-, mile run mas made in the remark able time of . fifteen minutes, the murderer, was. arrested, by Mr. Al corn before the detectives arrived, and 55 minutes alter the . party of officers left Portland they were back at the police station with the pris oner. He was safely locked up and put under the careful surveillance of a watchman. Guglielmo is the only witness of his terrible deed. When the police officer and several neighbors rushed into the house shortly after the shooting, the murdered girl was ly ing on the kitchen floor, gasping fox breath, an ugly ballet hole in the back part of her head, and the blood freely flowing from her breast, where she had ; been shot through the heart, telling only too plainly that she was beyond all hope of as sistance. As the horror-struck neighbors rushed to the side of the prostrate form of the girl, she look ed pitifully uprat them, and moved her lips as though she wished to speak, but to do this she was pow erless, and died a few seconds later. According to the story of several children playing about the house, the two fatal shots , were fired al most immediately after Guglielmo entered the house. Concetta Gua- raecia, the little 10-year-old Cousin of the murdered girl, was standing on the kitchen porch when Gugliel mo mounted the steps. She savs that Guglielmo stepped up to her and a9ked who was in the house, and that she answered:- "Only my big cousin, Freda.'' ; ' " "Ran out in the yard and play," the child eays was Guglielmo'e only response as he stepped into the kitchen, v '. . X be next instant, Concetta says, she heard two shots fired in quick succession, immediately after which Guglielmo rushed out of the house and ran down Harrison street. Po lice Officer Fones also saw the mur derer as he fled down the street, but knowing nothing of the murder at that time, paid no attention to him. 1 ' ' "At 5:45 o'clock while "Mr. Al corn was drawing a bucket of waler at the spring behind bis house, at Linnlon, he Saw Guglielmo come scorching down the road to Linn ton on his' bicycle. When he re turned to the house, Mrs. Alcorn told him lhat the police had tele phoned her that Guglielmo was wanted for murder, and to look out for bin. Why! He just rode into town on a bicycle and went into Refra no's ealocn," answered the surpris ed postmaster, and the news was immediately telephoned to Captain John T. Moore, at the Portland po lice s-tation.;--,. We don't know just how to go about it," said Mrs. Alcorn. ''There is no one here who will try to ar rest him except my.hubband.. How will we get him?" . . . . - "Take him dead or alive,'V; re plied Captain, Moore. "Order him to surrender and, if be .offers to - re siBtrshoot him. a He is wanted for murder and don't let him get away." - Mr: Alcorn, armed with a 32 cal ibre Smith & Wesson, revolver, im mediately started to arrest the mur derer and, knowing that Guglielmo owned a ranch back in - tha hills from Linnton and . would probably soon strike out in that direction, mounted a little hill overlooking the town and the surrounding hills.. "Guglielmo left, the saloon company with another, man and struck off into the brush soon after I reached the top of the hill," said Mr. Alcorn, "and I ran up the bid smelter track and through the brush to head him off.. - He saw me and ran further back into the brush. I shouted to him to come out or I would kill him, but ha made no re ply. I Blipped quietly, along and doubled back on. my track through the brush and suddenly came upon him, much to the surprise of both of ue. He was only a few feet away and I threw my gun on. him , and oriedtJ;ii . , . ?You might as well give up. You can't get away and, if you, move, X'll kill youJ . He stepped toward me and pulled bis gun from his pocket, but we were so close togeth er that I instantly had my gun in his face, and with my left ' hand . I seized the hand in which he held the gun and be made no further fight. - "At the muzzle of my revolver I marched him bank to the postoffice, where with my .revolver in my hand I sat and guarded him in tront of the building until the offi cers arrived , lrom Portland and took him back to the city. "I asked him how he got into the trouble, but he made no reply. He would not speak to me, but to another Italian he talked a little in his native tongue; - He appeared nervous, especially when he asked if the girl was dead and was told that she was. He asked , for a drink of water and I had it brought to him. In response to my offer to give him his supper, he said he was not hungry and lit a .cigar and as sumed a composed appearance as though nothing unusual had hap pened. When the officers arrived he gave some instructions about expressing his bicycle back to Portland in a cool-headed manner . and climbed into the automobile between the de tectives, and puffing at another ci gar, was soon out of sight on - his way to Portland. - . - "He kill my daughter because I not let him come to my house," said Guiseppino Guarascia, the girl's father. "I go into' his saloon one day,' ' he continued in T -his .broken ifinglisn, "and say to him to no come to my house, I say my little girl only 16 years. She too young to have husband. You . get other lady.' He say, 'All right, I no take,' I know he no good man and I no want my girl to talk to him, and the old man gulped back a lump in his throat and brushed the tears out of his eyes. - Chicago, June 15 Admiral To go's squsdron captured, a number of rice-laden Chinese jdnks which were attempting to run - the block ade into Port Arthur last night. They were confiscated - and prize crews placed aboard to take them to Sasebo. ' - -; V-r ' St. Petersburg, June 14. Em peror Nicholas has received the fol lowing dispatch- from Kuropatkin, dated June 13: "This morning the advance of two Japanese divisions was discov ered northward from Pulantien. The advancing forces -at 2 p. m. were observed to extend irom the village of Vandchou along the val ley of the Tasea, one division ad vancing by the Tasea Valley. The enemy halted at 4:30 p. m., occu pying the villages of Taotsiatung, Changtsialung and Luitsiatungand the heights southward of Vand chou. - r - "I have not received detailed in formation of our losses today, but Lieutenant Tcherephkin and several soldiers were wounded. According to our intelligence no advance from the Japanese from Siuyen toward Taling Pass was observed today. SIX HUNDRED LOST EXCURSIOTEAMER BURNS : TO THE WATER'S EDGE. V. Caught from an Overturned Pot of Grease Women and Children" . Are Trampled Under Foot -While Others Leap to ; . y Escape Heat Oth- ; - erNews. ' - One of the most appalling disas ters in the history of New York, in its episodes, and deeply pathetic in the tender age of most of its vic tims, took place today in the EaBt River, at the entrance to Long Isl and Sound within a short distance of the New York shore, and within sight of thousands of persons, the majority of whom were powerless to minimize the extsat.of the catas trophe. . ' : "'By. the burning to the water's edge of the Slocum, a'three-decked excursion steamer, more than 600 persons, the majority of whom were women and children, were burned to death ' or drowned by jumping overboard or by beingthrown into the whirlpools by the-lurching of the vessel and the frantic rush of the panic-stricken passengers. Four hundred and'; eighty-five bodies have been recovered, and are "now being tagged at the morgues of Ballevue Hospital and Harlem." ; JJivers were sun busy at a late hour, taking bodies from the hold of , the vessel, which : they ' say, is choked with the remains of human bodies, while the bodies of scores who leaped, or were thrown, into the river, have not been recovered. It is variously estimated that theie were between 1500 and 2500 per sons on board the General Slocum, when she left the pier at Third street. ".- : ; The fire is eaid to ' have " broken out in a lunch-room on tha forward deck, through the overturning of a pot of grease. :'- The wind was high, an.d all efforts to subdue the fire weretutile. i The life preservers were too se4 curely fastened to their holdings to be available, and stories are told of frantic efforts made to cut them loose, but even if ' they could " have been torn down they were too high up for the children to reach. It is also alleged that ho attempt was made to get out the fire apparatus at the first cry of "fire," though Captain yanshaick says he imme diately rang the bells for getting out the apparatus.' According to several statements, ho attempt was made to lower boats or life-rafts, North Brothers Island, where the vessel was beached, contains a scarlet fever ward. The patients who witnessed the disaster were Ordered in doors, and the - doctors hastened to the rescue of those who had been washed ashore, but some scores of persons died while they were being attended to. Captain Vaosbaick and his two pilots, Edward Van wart and Ed ward M. Weaver, have been arrest ed. The General Slocum left Third street; East River, at 9:30 o'clock this morning, having on board the Sunday school excursion of St. Mark's German Lutheran Church, located on Sixth street.' Her des tination was Locus Grove, one of the many resorts on Long Island sound. . The excursion was in charge of Rev7 George C. Haas, pastor of the church.. Captain William Van schaick, the-commander of the boat, was one of the best excursion-boat captains in New York harbor. He has commanded the General Slocum for almost the entire time since she was built in 1891. . The steamer after leaving her dock, proceeded up the East River, all three of her decks being crowd ed with merry-makers. Bands played, and the great side-wheeler was decorated with flags from stem to stern. The steamer's whistle was blow ing for assistance and tugs and oth nearby craft answered to the call. Before any ot the boats could reach the burning steamer, the frantic women and children began to jump' overboard. As the fire increased, the struggle to gain a point nf van tage at the stern became frightful. Women and children crowded a gainBt the aft rail until it gave way and hundreds were pushed off into the river. Alter this there was a steady stream of persons who jump ed or were thrown into the water. London, June , 16. The Tokio correspondent of the London Daily Chronicle cables that the Japanese ' have defeated a force of 8000 Rus sians near Fouchon, 70 miles uorth' of Port Arthur. The Russians are' declared to have 1000 killed and wounded, and fled toward Tashi chias and Kaiping, retreating in great disorder and leaving all their guns on the field. ' . - The Daily Chronicle's correspond ent at Tokio cables the eame news,'' adding that the Russians, to ' tha: number of 7000 men, are now in flight.;. , .X;--;; ..v ... - " v ' Tangier, June 15. French occu pation is the only remedy for the serious internal condition of Moroo CO. A revolution is f.--n;Ueal!y cer tain within a coup)-" of months,' and it will be euppoit by the en tire educated class. The Sultan's authority is virtually con-existent, and until the country is occupied, . Europeans are on the edge of a' vol cano. . Should France avoid her re sponsibility, America or Great Brit ain "may be forced into energetic ac tion, thus creating a situation sim- ilar to that existing in Egypt. V - New London, Conn., June 9. ' The "Lilly and the Ross" were married in reality today by Justice 1 T ' rs.euoen.uora. "We want to set married,", hum med Mr. Rose, blithelj , as he and, Mies Lily Blossom walked into the justice's office. The bride? Oh,', her name now is Luv Blossom, . and mine? Well, I'm Jack Rose.V "How truly fitting, and in the merry month of Jane," murmured Justice Lord. "And where does the bride come from?"' "From Kansas.- New Rapide. Kan., sir," she said. ; ''From Kansas, and with such a pretty name," whispered the justice almost inaudibly to himself. "Sir," Miss Lily Blossom said, we came to be married, not to dis cuss geography. I'm thirty, a spin ster by occupation, she added, "for I understand your law-requires all this information." "And, I I'm a business' man of St. Paul," said Jack Rose proudly; '"lis really the wedding of the lilly and the rose,' . about which we have heard so much in song," quoth the justice deftly" tying the knot which transfomed the lily in to a rose. . " 'Tis a great pity the sun should not shine upon suoh a union of the flowers," gallantly said -Justice Lord, crumpling a handful of new bills and stuffing them in his pock et. "We're satisfied to have our cer emony pertormed by you, Mr. Lord, declared Mr. Rose; "the sun' will come later." Together the two roses left for New York, going thence to St. ' Paul. '" ' Chefoo, June 8. Chinese arriv ing from Port Arthur say large ves sels cannot pass in or out of the har bor. The Russian torpedo boats leave the harbor occasionally for half an hour, but the larger ships cannot get through the entrance. Three hundred and fifty mines have been laid in the roadstead. The Japanese fleet is bombarding Port Arthur daily from a consider able distance off shore, fearing to come cloBe, because of the Russian mines. Only five of the nine largest Russian ships at Port Arthur are capable of going to sea, and steam is kept up only on three of the five sound vessels. AH the guts from the damaged ships have , been re moved to the forts and th? bailors from these ships have f one to the front with the troops, the Russian warships, which . formerly were painted black, are now painted gray, as are the vessels of the Jap anese fleet. ; Tokio, June ; 9. Admiral Togo reports that on Tuesday night, Jane 7, he Bent eight small torpedo boats from the battle ships of his squadron to make a reconnoisance of Port Arthur harbor. The boats went far inside -the heads and were exposed to the Russian fire. One sailor and one petty officer were killed in the. operation, but the boats eecaped undamaged.