The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 15, 1904, Image 3

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t1 the rate otLi cenl'u-
M1 thi rate otLi cen P
"ZmIs" Pearl ITofT Shedds
is visiting friends.
Miss Katherine Hbrgan of Sa
lem, is the guest ot orvi .
tives. ,
k.. t Tt Patterson arrive'
Bill. . ' - . .
Sunday from Baker City, and is th
guest of relatives.
of Portland is th
guest of her brother, whox.v
member of this years graduate
class at OAC. , '?
Miss Frances French of Al
.' fVi truest - of Mr
Dany, u" o. .
and Mrs. Cecil Cathey . duringl
was issued
A man ia& """" . ,
Monday to C. N. ; Baldwin and
Miss Mary Shaffer of Philomath.
Elmer Wills of Heppner. is a
;,ltnr His broth-
LOinmenceBicuiv"""" . j
er Reuben, a former student, is to
attend college next
Mrs. Leander Wells of Port-
:a iTBctcrflav to attend
Commencement. She is the guest
of her son at Cauthorn Hall.
at, anH Mrs. Cuooer arrived
yesterday from Grant county, to
witness the graduation of their son.
ft.T vioi tic vote in the re
cent election over in Alsea. The
office was constable ana ine wua!
Aniac T.rn Rvecraft and T. E. Bar
clay.' They received the samej
number ot votes.
The exercises at the college be
gin this morning at 10 o'clock
sharp. The program is as fol
lows: Music, -Praise the Lord.
Orchestra; song, "Italia." Ladies
Chorus; oration. "Message From
the Farm." Maude Elizabeth Cock
rnn. salutatorian: vocal solo, "The
Maids of Cadiz," Miss Agnes
Watt-: oration. "Industrial Educa
tion the Watchwo-d of Today,"
Meigs William Bartmess, valedic
torian; song, "In Liberty's Name,"
Glee Club; address. Hon. ' George
H. Durham; song. "Vikings and
the Northwind," Chorus; presenta
tion of Diplomas, Hon. J .
Weatherford. president of the board;
degrees conferred; vocal selections,!
(a) "A Madrigal." (b) "Roses af-l
t o " Mice AatlPSi Watt: bene, n
LCI xvaiu. ; , 1
dictioa. , .
Why it was done, nobody
knows. It was one ot those acts
of pure cussedness that is without
excuse and beyond explanation.
Somebody did it between six
o'clock Saturday night and the
same hour on Sunday." The rope
that swings the gravel ferry boat to
the big wire cable and hold it on
its course as the boat crosses and
reorosses the river is not metalic.
With a nocket knife, somebody cat
two strands of it and nearly severed
a third, expecting no doubt that as
the boat struck the current the re
maining strand would part and the
craft with its load of gravel teams
be left to drift down stream. What
the outcome" might have been is
only conjecture. Fortunately, how
ever, parties on the boat Sunday
afternoon, discovered the cut, and
reported the fact to Chief Lane, and
a new rope was provided in time i lomath
for the boat to be used by the grav
el teams when they began hauling
Monday morning.
On Monroe picnic ground?,
urday June 11. K of P watch cb
Finder plpa-'e leave at 1 imea
and receive reward.
Go to Blackledge's for window si
Whoop Vm up in Corvallis
the 4th. Jaht the place to get yo
monev'a, worth of fun.
Ttll vour neighbors that Corval
lis will celebrate three days.
For Sale.
I self dump hay rake, used one season.)
I hand " ' " good; strong;
1 3 1-2 by ii Bain -wagon, without bed.
I 14 inch sulkey plow, extra shear.'.
On farm of J. Pimm, 1-2 north of Phi-
V. M. Castle.
Wheat valley 79
Flour 3.90 to $405 per bll.
Potatoes $ .75 to 1 00 p3r cent
Eggs Oregon. 18 per doz.
Butter 13 c per lb.
Creamery 17 to 2oper lb.
Wheat 75 per bushel. s
Oats 321034
Flour 1.05 to i.3oper sack
Butter 12$ to 15 per lb
Creamery 50 per roll
Eggs 16 per doz .
Chickens n per pound
Lard 1 1 per lb
Wool 20
Our sample line of swell
summer clothing is now in.
ing Co.
For Sale
First class, second growth fir wood of 1
uniform length, no round sticks. Guar
anteed 128 cuhic feet per cord. Leave
orders at P. M. Zierolf.
D. S. Adams.
Our sample line
clothing is now in,
of swell summer
OAC Pressing Co
tailor made
i OAC Press-
Firecrackers, bombs, rockets and
all other kinds of fireworks at
Hodes Gun store. .
Find auy kind of 4th of July fire
works that you want at Hodes'
gun store.
For firawotks with which to cele
brate, go to Hodes gun svore.
For Sale.
A few choice Poland China pigs", both
sexes, from registered stock, $5 per head
inquire of Robert Wylie, Lewisburg
fk A FUSniVIS flfiUca&nx.
Having to lay upon my oea lor 14 aai
from a severely Drmsea ie?, 1 oniy ioui
lelief when I used a bottle ot cauaj
Suow Liniment. I can cheerfully
commend it as the best medicind
bruises ever sent to the afflicted.
bow become a positive necessitJ
mveelf. D. R. Byrnes, Merehs
versville, Texas. 25c, 50c, tt.o4
bv Graham & Wortham.
test 1
i-lk-ltn II
new mf 1
the ord'
1 First class
qmie 01 ...y
, Wall paper jji.Blsclil
1 a .' A
Excursion Rates to Y.'
June fet, the feoutherA
resunftgaie of excursion
iori andtfcwna :Jtfl
Isonind SaturdayJKna?y
ifbesold. Ti
A in favor call