The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 11, 1904, Image 4

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Tbe Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of-
Public Interest.
Wheat 75. data 32. ,
Ben-Elgin returned to CjrKon,
Miss Letba Pattern of HaWey, is
fleitlog Mrs. George Irvine. '
Miss Estella Klllin of Portland Is
the gueeo oi Miss Mabel Wftbycombe.
Mr, aid Mr. Kv D. Gilbfr: of
Salem are guests of Miss E Jna Irvine,
Miss Mabel Jones of Brooks, ar
rived yeeteidiy to attend comrnence
mect. There wlil be eervieea at the
Catholic cbureb tomorrow at 8 a. m.
aud at 7;30 p. nj.
Mrs. F. E. Smith of Salem, is ex
pected today for a visit with her par
sers, Mr. ana JUr?. it. M. uilDrrc.
Salem Journal Mtss Maude Mc
Bee of Corvallls arilvtd yesterday to
visit friends.
D. W. Prltehard od family are
moving to Portland this week.
E. B. Bryson returned Thnreday
from a trip to Salem and Portland.
Mrs. Warner and Miss -McKoigh;
of Sclo, are guests of Mre. A. J. John
son. ; ' -: . ' j
Wilbur Weeks of Salem, a former
O. A. C. student 1? a .Commencement
Miss Frances Belknap arrived
Weduesiiay from Eastern Oregon,
where ehe has tesn teaching school.
Mr. and Mre. EJ Cummlogs ar
rived Monday from Cottage Grove,
for a visit with Mrs. Cummlogs' par
ents, i : ,.. J r
Mi and Mrs. Gene Simpson ex
pect the first of next week to occupy
a new home purchased recently of Mr.
Minor in Jobs addition.
Dr. Withycombe, Prof. Oordlej,
Prof. Eol8ely and Prof. Kent left
Wedaetday far S'ajton, to hold a I
farmers institute.
Mia. Frank Porter arrived from
Portland Saturday for a three weeks,
visit at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs Charles Blakeslee.
A neat eix-r )nm cottage is belug
built by John Bier on the lots just
back of his residence. When com
pleted the new dwelling will be oc
cupied by Mr and Mrs. James Bier.
Miss Evans of the Corvallis
chools, is In this city, the guest of
Urs. Lur Campbell, while on her
way to Dor borne : in California. Al
bany Democrat.
W. Glfford Nush of Portland, a
former Corvallls man, has published
, "Tbe Students Technique" embracing
Bis method oi exercises for piano
technique, in which be has no super
tax in tne state.
Horace t'ree3 nas arrived from
Washington for a visit with his par
ents and Blsttrsiu this part of tbe
state. It bun been many jeirs since
be left CorvHliifi. Mr. Crees bas a
valuaMs farm iii Whitman county.
Officers for tho athletlo union f r
the ensuing year were elected at a
meeting of the etudent body at the
college Wednesday. They are. Prof.
Oordley, president; Mies Smltb, sec
retary; Kalph Sbepard, treasurer,
. aad rrJf. Johnson, general manager.
. . The Baptists will worship at the
i -Armory tomorrow morning. There
, win ue no service at tne cnurcn. rne
usual meetings at 7 and 8 o'clock
will be held in the evening at tbe
church. All are invited.
One of the ewellest new rigs that
nas been in Corvallis this season is
that of R. H. Huston. The vehicle
Is a pneumatic tire Bailey Whalebone,
ana. ine steed is a ependid animal
kuowd as ne:on u., a trutter ot no
mean record. The whole outfit is
one tbat at'rao s every eye as It pass
ea alone Cr iva'lts streets.
The regular missionary meeting
oi tne congregational cnuren was
held at the residence of Mrs. Lucy
Francisco Wednesday aftErnooo
About thirty nve ladies were present
and the afternoon was enjoyed by all.
Selections were read by Mrs. Nichols,
; Mrs. Green. Mr. Berchtold and Miss
euwcmq. ajccjuiij ui ma mob mort
log was given by Mrs. Jackson and
Mis. Francisco. Mr. 'Huff and Mrs
pnjtser oi nymoutn were present as
Wfctor3. Light leueshmeDta were
v Commencement week at OAC be
giO tins evening and extends over
next Wednesday. The graduating
class is as follows: vHelgs Bartmess,
Hood itlver: O. W.-Beaver, Salem
H. C. Brodie, Lente; J. C. Burns, Cle
one; John Buster. Sheridan; Carrie
Byerlee, Hood River: Claud Cate
HUisboro; Jesse Clark,, Newberg
Maud Cockran. Aurora; Percy Cupper
Monument; Lucy Dilly. Wren, T W
Eapey, Oystervilie; Etta Fuller. Cor
vallle;AS Hall, Cleone; Blanche
Hershner. Greebaui: Ernst Hinrichs,
Hood Klver: Dave Hint-el, Portland
Alva Horton, Bridal Veil; John How
ard, Prlnevllle; E P Jackson, Cleone
Guy Moore, Prlnevllle; Nellie Pate,
Jefferson; C L Proebstal, Portland
3 O Klnebart, The Dalles; Juanlta
Bosendorf, Independence; ' Leena
Busk. Mllwaukle; T W Scott, Carson
Washington; C L Sbepard, Salem
Cecil Staats, Airile: Inez St. Germain
Tuba, Washington; Mary Sutherland,
Bhedd; I M Underwood, Grass Valley
guest of friends.
, .- .
Boderlck and Darwin Nash of
Nashville, are guests cf Bert Piiklng-
ton. ' i 5 . i
; 1 -
Albert Wyatt is with relatives at
Perry dale, add is expected home to
day. . ; ;- VV . " ' :.-
Light rains "the ". past few ' days
have been welcomed by all. Farmers
say more rain is needed. r
Miss Fae Wisecarver, of McMlnn
ville, arrived yesterday to spend com
mencement with Miss Louise Gilbert.
Mrs. M. Jacobs, Miss Sarah Ja
cobs and Mr. H.F. Fischer left Thurs
day fur BoswelLSpriogs for an indefi
nite stay.
Tbe faculty and seniors at tbe
college are to play base ball thisafiet-
nooo. The game will take plane at
2:30, on tbe football field, and will un
doubtedly be Interesting.
There will be no Sunday school
or service In the Presbyterian cbnrcb
Suneay morning. Kev. Dr. Holr; of
Portland, wlil preach in the evening,
Special music for tbe occasion.
The county board of road viewers
is to examine and report en a county
road petidoned for by T. C. BaKer and
others In tbe vicinity of Mountain
View. The order was issued at last
week's meeting of the county court..
A residence property and several
lots just west ot the William Baker
house In the southwest pait of town
has been sold by John Blckard to J.
B. Irvine. Tbe purchase price is
$900. Tbe deal was negotiated by
Ambler & Watters.
Charles Hansen of Summit, was
before an examining board at tbe court
bouse on a charge of . insanity, Inure
day. . The complaint was made by his
wife, who charged abuse and violent
threats. Dr. Cathey was the examln
log physician and after Investigation
he declared Hansen to be of sound
mind. The latter was released
W. J. Dunlap the well-known O.
A. O. football player on' last tali's
team, chopped telephone poles across
the river tbe other day. The axe
glanced, and the blade struck him in
the foot. The wound is two inches in
length and is just in front of the ankle.
It is deep, and will keep Mr. Dunlap
off duty for several days to come. The
injury, however, is not necessarily of
permanent character, and within a few
weeks tbe well-known guard will be as
good as ever.
One of tbe features scheduled tor
Commencement week, is not to happen
It is the competitive drill In which the
various companies of tbe cadet battal
ion were to have contested, the date
having, been set for Monday afternoon
It develops that the examination by
the State Beard of Pharmacy for
pharmaceutical graduates Is set fo
the same hour, and as several of the
cadet officers are members of the
ptarmacy class, the d ill has been de
clared off.
-Tomoirow, Sunday afternoon, an
excursion train Is to run from Corval
lls to Albany and return, carrying
those who desire to witness the base
ball game between Albany and Salem
teams. The fare'for the round trip is
fifty cents, and the admission to the
game ia 25 cents. The two teams are
in the lead in tbe Willamette Valley
League, aed are hot contestants for
the championship. The train . will
leave Corvallis at 1:30 and return im
mediately after the game.
At Monroe.
Born, Saturday to the wife of R.
H. Hewitt, two daughters.
Bom, to tbe wife of John Brown,
a eon. - -
' Jobnnj Martin is. bow having a
ne new house: bnilt on what is
kDown as the old Oliver " farm
north of here. He is hauling
1 amber from Corvallis. .
The M. W. A picnic occurs tc-
dav. iThe largest crowd ever as
sembled together in this .little
town ia expected. A beautiful $25
banner will be given by Monroe
camp to the best ' drilled , team.
Neither time nor money have been
spared to make this the ' greatest
picnic ever held in the county.
Ben Pierce bas retnrned to
ell after a few days spent in
roe. - : - X.
Colorado Springs, Colo., lone 8
A special to the Gazette from Vic
tor pays: - .
Eight unknown men, armed with
shotguns, rifles, pistols and sledge
hammers, entered the office of the
Victor Record at 11:45 o'clock to
night, ordered tbe men to throw up
their hands, broke up the machine
ry and then told the men to get
out of the district as fast as tbey
could. There is no clue at the pres
ent time to the identity of tbe men
. George Key nor, proprietor of the
paper, was at lunch and f oreman
Walter Sweet was in charge of the
men.; : They were busily engaged in
getting out tbe : morning paper,
when suddenly eight heavily , arm
ed men opened the front door-, and
walked back tothecomposingroom.
They : leveled their, guns at r the
startled men who were : at work,
and the leader called out: "Line
up now and thrbw up your hands."
The men quickly obeyed. -
The men then wrecked two lino
type machines, several job presses
and all the equipment of tbe office.
Thev Fmashed the telephone and a
typewriter. When their work of
ruin was completed, tbey marched
the Record employes out on the
sidewalk and told then: to get out
of the town. -
, The printers walked north and
the eight men Started off toward the
' Tbe Record has been known as
the organ of tbe Western Federa
tion of Miners in this section.
The men have not decided wheth
er they will leave ' - ;
From S. P. and C. & E. Points
the Seaside and Mountain Re-
ports for the Summer. '
On and after June let. 1904, the South
era Pacific in connection with the Cor- ;
vallis & Eastern railroad, will have on
sale ronnd trip tickets from points, on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De
troit at very low rates, good for return
until October iotb, 1904., v " . - ' " t
Three day tickets to Newport and Ya
quina, good going Saturdays and return
ing MondayB, are also on sale from all
East side points, Portland to Eugene in-
clnsive, and from all Westside points en- j
abling people to visit their families and
spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside points '
Portland to Eugene inclasive, and from
all Westside points, are also on sale to
Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over-privileges
at Mill City or any point east
enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and
Breitenbusch hot springs in the Cascade
mountains, which can be reached in one
Season tickets will be good for return
from all poihts until October 10. Three
day tickets will be good going on . Sat
urdays and returning Mondays . only.
Tickets from Eugene and. vicinity will
be good going vfa the. Lebanon-Springfield
branch if desired. Baggage on
Newport tickets checked . through to
Newport; oh Yaquina tickets to Yaquina f
only. .
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis tor
Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the
C, & E. for Detroit will leave . Albany
at 7 a m enabling tourists to . tbe , hot
springs to reach there the same day.
For information as to rates, with beau
tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and
vicinity can be obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany
W B Coraan, G. P. A. S. P Company,
Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $$. 75.
" " : t Yaquina, 3.25
V . 1 " Detroit, I3.25
Three-day rate from Corvallis to New
port. $2.50. . ,
iUe fiave Cut tbe Price
Trom $2lto $5 reduction made on each suit
in tbe store
Efci Tin jSasaKNyi
If you want to save money
on your summer suit don't
overlook this chance.
, While the above sale lasts
we will sell ail summer trous
ers at a d'scount of
The aove clothes are all
finely tailored and of the lat
est style and mixtures
tbey must go before the
of July v .
Regulator of Cow
St. Louis, June 8. Don Manuel
Severa, a Spaniard who was intro
duced last Sunday when the bull
fight was attempted as the favorite
matidor of the king of Spain, was
shot through tbe heart today by
Cailton Bass, knowq as "the 'Amer
ican Matador." Bass and fiv oth
er bullfighters who witnessed the
bo iling were arrested. Theshoot-
ng resulted trom a quarrel reeard-
dm tbe bnllfigbt fiasco Sunday,
wh a the authorities stopped tbe
li and the angry crowd burned
tb- arena structure.
An opening feature of Commence
ment is the debate this, Saturday ev
ening, between the Jeffersooian and
Feronian literary societies. It is for
tbe Gatch ptiz, and is the final strug
gl9 in a series ot seven debates in
which all tbe societies have participat
ed. The question 13, "Resolved, That
Every American Boy Should Receive
Military Training." The JeflersonI
ans have tbe affirmative, and their
team is, Hall, Selleck and Moore. Tbe
Feronian team is Miss Gilbert, Miss
Adams and Mis3 Jones. The debate
takes place In college chapel.
New deeds filed for record are: J.
P. McBee et al to Benton county, land
tor road purposes, $20; F. L. Read et
ux to Walter B. Read, 160 acres in
Kings Valley, $500; John B. Fields to
E. N. Miller, two lots In block 13, Job's
addition, $60; Annie Lemlsy and hus
band to Louisa Crees, two lots in
block 2. N. B. & P. Avery's addition,
$150; Elizabeth F. Buxton and hu;
band to W. H. Dllley, 2 lots in Helm's
addition, $650; N. O. Dodge and wife
to H. Jj. Mack, 47 acres near Pasty
At the Opera bouse next Tuesday
evening the Seniors will present their
annual play. They have selected "The
Rivals" made famous by Joseph Jef
ferson, and will give a creditable pro
duction. Guy C. Moore and Miss Inez
St. Germain will appear in the leading
roles. Tickets will be 35 and 50 cents
and are on sale at the usual place
The cast follows: Sir Anthony Abso
lute, Robert Proebstel; captain Abse
lute, C. C. Cate; Faulkland, J. O. Wit
ty; BobAcres, Guy Moore; Sir Lucius
u. x rigger, u. J. Shepard; Fapr, W. H
Wicks; DaviJ, J. C Rlnehart; Thomas,
D. O. S'aats; Mrs.' Malaprop, Inez St
AS Wells, Portland; William Wicks. jGeimaln; Lydia Languish, Etta Ful
Corvaliis; Isabel Whitby, Corvallis; J ier: Julia Melville. Mrv Smrmrlanri
Jnlin Thnma Wirl.r HnmmrvniA r.. t, ki nrui.un
j i jjuuj', Asaun rr u i i .
Real Estate Co.
Are you looking for a Home
Or a good Investment? .
If so we take pleasure in showing you
over the country and are confident we
can give yon the right price 'on some
thing will suit you. . , "
. We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres.
. We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm
lands. Poultry ranches. Stock ranches
and Timber lands. Ranging in price
from $7 to 125 per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements. . ,
We also have a nice list of city proper
ty. Lots from 75 to $500 each. Resi
dences from $3;o to $3000 each according
to location and improvemente we also
have some good business locations
Offices first door south of reading room
White & Stone, Corvallis Or.
At C ;llege of Philomath -Corvallisites
Were on the Program.
Commencement week for the
College of Philomath began Thurs
day (evening with the graduating
exercises ot the Music department.
The program consisted in a major
part of piano solos rendered as
graduation numbers by Miss Win-
nifred JNewth. , miss JNewth s ren
ditions were in two instances es
pecially difficult, but were skill
fully manipulated and were highly
Miss Mabel Cronise, who has,
duting the winter and spring terms,
done excellent work for the Col
lege as principal of the musical de
partment, sang beautifully, "The
Better Land and September.
Miss Edna Irvine, who has dur
ing the year, been in charge of the
department of oratory read,
"Legend .Beautiful. Miss ' Ir
vine certainly possesses elocu
tionary powers of extraordinary
merit, and as a teacher, she is an
. Another pleasing feature on the
program was a violin solo by Miss
Verna Kerker, with Mordaunt
Goodough as accompanist. Miss
Kerker's execution surely bespeaks
a career in the ' musical profession
that is destined to be a decided at
traction. . '. t
An en ertaining little number
of the program was a reading,
"Kentucky Babe" by Mrs. L. B.
; Miss Alice Knerr of Corvallis,
rendered valuable assistance as ac
companist to "Miss Cronise. '
Will overcoms indigestion and dyspep
sia;, regulate the bowels and care liver
and kidney complaints. It is the best
blood enricher and invigorator in the
world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly
harmless, and should you be a sufferer
from disease, you will use it if you are
R. N. Andrews. Editor and Mgr. Co
coa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla.,
writes: "I have used your Herbine
my family, and find it a most excellent
medicine. Its effects upon myself have
been a marked benefit. I recommend it
unhesitatingly." 5OC Sold by Graham
& Wortham.
Growing Acbes and Pains.
Mrs. Tosie Sumner. Bremond, Texas,
writes, April 2, 1902: "I have used Bal
lard's Snow Liniment in my family' for
three veare. I would not be without it
in the house. I have used it on ray lit
tle girl for growing pains and acbes in
ner, knees. It cured her right away. I
have also used it for frost bitten feet,
with good success. It is the best liniment
I ever used." 25c, 50c. $1.00. Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
'"Mans Alt HENKLD Every
Wool Suit DftviS Siut ; 1
$10.00 . corvallis. Guarantse1
-J'Uliuuj. 1 1 11 11 nnm r.-in imnl (mmmiimmimmmmmi:
. Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants ?
Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line i
ready made clothing. We will save you money. j
' I.,,,,,,, . ,.,. ;
Now is the time to think about
Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses
You were to treat your eyes to. 1 Come
to me and I wili fit your eyes, guarantee
the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to
make good my guarantee.
The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays.
Office la Zierolf Baildiaj, O wviU'S.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. , Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
For Sale.
A cow, half Durham and half Jersey;
good milker and in fine condition: be
fresh in six weeks.
B. B. Barnes,
. Granger, Benton Co.
. Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Matter of the Estate )
ot J
W. D. Armstrong, deceased.)
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as
executrix of tne Last Will and test
ament ot W. D. Armstrong, deceas e d,
has filed her final account, as sncn
executrix with the clerk ot the- county
court ot the state of Oregon, lor Benton county
rtiiI h stiid mTinhM fixed Saturday the 9th
day of July. 1904, at the hour of 2 o'clock in
the afternoon as the time, and the county court
room In the court house In Corvallis, Oregon,
as the place, for hearing any and all objections
tothe eaid account andsettlement thereof.
Dated this June 11, 1904.
Anna It. Armstrong,
Executrix of the last will and testament of
W. D. Armstrong, deceased.
E. R. Bryson,
' Attorney- M-law .
Corvallis, Ohegon.
Notice of Guardian's Settlement.
In theMatter ot the Guardianship
Martha. Walker, Insanso.
Notice Is hereby glren thatj;he undersigned
as guadian of the . person and estate of
Martha J. Walker, a per son of
sound mind bas filed final his ac
count as such guardian with the clerk of the
county court of the state of Or-"n. for Benton
county, and the said court has fixed Saturday
the 9th day of July, 1904, at the hour one
o'clock in the afternoon as the time, and the
county court room in the court bouse in Oor
Tallls, Oregon as the place, for near lug any ana
all objections to said account , and for
settlement thereof. -
sated this June 11,. 1904,
Jesse C. Walker,
' Quardlan of Martha J. W alker, Iatana.
See Blackledge's fine couches.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons that the
undersigned has been duly appointed execu
tor of the lust will and testament of Guilford
Barnard deceased, by tne County Co rt of
Bentou county, for the state of Oregon.
All persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby requited to present the same
to me, properly vended as by law required
within six mouths ot the date hereof, to the
undersigned - at his residence near Monroe,
Oregon, or at the ofliee of Yates & Yates, in
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated tills 7th day of May, 1904.
Bobert Kyle.
Executor of the last will and testament of
Guilford Barnard, deceafled.
Notice for Publication.
Tltnhpr Land. Act June 1878.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
March 23rd. 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands In the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toall the Public Lind states by act ot August 4,
1892, Howard L. Bush of Hoskins, county of
Benton, state ot Oregon, has this day filed In
this office his sworn statement ho. 6388, for the
purchase of tne 8. W. X of S. W. a of Section
No. 20 In Township No. 10 South, Bange t.o. 6
West W.M., and will offer proof to shDW that
the land sought is more valuable for Us Umoer
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before ictor
P. Moses, County Clerk. Corvalli.i, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturdi y, the 11th day of June,
He names as witnesses:
Edd O. Frantz, of Hoskins, Oregon. fcs
Abe H. West, " "i
Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon. ,
David H. Simpson of PeeDee Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands are TCOuested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 11th
day of June, 1904. .
r Algernon S. Dresser,
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondent.
PORTLAND : f London San Fnm
SEATTL.E f cisco Bank Limited.
NEW YORK Messrs. J, P. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco
Bank Limited.
CANADA. UnionBank of Canada.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drug Btore.
Notice of Publication.
Timber Land Act June 3, 18T8.
United States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Corvallis, Oregon, Marcn 3rd, 1001
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3, 1878. entitled, "Au act for the sale of
timber iaaas in tne states ot uaiirorma, uregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory" as extend
ed to all the Public Xand states by act of Aug
ust 4, 1892, Benjamin F. Totten . of Corvallis,
county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement No.
6377, for the purchase of the S. &. X it Section
No. 30, in Township No. 13 S. Eange No. 6 West,
and will otter proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable tor its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Victor P.
Moses, County Clerk. Benton connty. State ot
Oregon, on Friday, the third day of June, 1901,
He names as witnesses: - v,-
Johu L Eexford, of Corvallls, Oregon.
Martin Butler of " "
Abraham Coon, of "
ntonaa Coon of lnavale,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 3rd
day of June, 1904.
Algernon S. Dresser,
' Beglster.