The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 11, 1904, Image 3

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    locL l6ke.
( AdterUjeroena In thU column clurad for
K the rate of IS censa per Une. .
Roy Grier of Hillsboro is the
guest of friends.
- Miss Florence Tongue of IIiHsj
boro is a guest at the Withj come !
home. ';
United Evangelical church
Children day services at 8 p. m.
No preaching service at 1 1 a. m. j
Charles McKnight arrived ;
from Marshfield Thursday, for a
Commencement .visit with former
student friends.
Tames Flett left " yesterday
morning for Tiis Lincoln county
ranch. The family vis to follow
the latter part of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Handsaker,
of Eugene, who have been visiting
at the home of their son, Rev.
Handsaker, leave today for Lewis
ville. Miss Mattie Piatt of Chester,
Pennsylvania, who has been visit
ing relatives here, leaves today for
Alameda, California, where she
will visit friends until August.
Rev. Heppe, late of Iowa,
preaches the baccalaureate in the
Armory tomorrow. The Ladies'
Chorus has two numbers on the
program. The service begins at
Bert Yates has accepted a po
sition on the Portland Evening
Journal, and is to begin his new
- duties in a short time. He arrived
from Portland yesterday.
The county jail has two in
mates. It is a case of father and
son behind steel bar as pals in crime
.They are George HL. DeBois, aged
52, and his son Erwin, aged 19.
They were bound over for larceny
Irom seaside cottages in Lincoln
county, where they were brought
out yesterday for safe keeping in
the Benton jail. They will be tried
in July. j
Wool has advanced to twenty
cents in the local market. Thirty
thousand pounds was shipped away
by a local firm Thursday. Only a
few small lots remain in the grow
( ers hands, and these will be closed
out at the higher figures within a
few days. Most of the clip went
at eighteen and a quarter to eight
een and a half.
The College Glee Club met
Wednesday evening and elected
officers for the ensuing, year, They
are, A. Bouquet, president; Otto
Herse, director; and W. T. Shaw,
secretary-treasurer,. This evening
at six o'clock members, number 12
will be banqueted at Hotel Corval
lis, and later they will appear at
College chapel.
There will be no services at
the Church of Christ tomorrow
morning. Junior Endeavor, will
meet in the afternoon at 3. At 7
o'clock the V. P. S. C. E. will hold
a farewell for its members who be
long to the OAC graduating class.
At eight o'clock the pastor will
preach. Subject, "After College,
"Uncle Sam" Handsaker of
Eugene, met by appointment, on
Thursday, in this city, James Rob
inson, a well to do farmer, who re
sides near Wren, Benton county.
Fifty one years ago these old pion
eers crossed the plains together,
when six months or more was re
quired to mike the journey. Need
less to say the visit was a pleasant
Another of Creffield's victims
is to be sent awav from her home
today. She is Miss Mav Hurt, an
estimable young girl who has be
come so far entangled in Creffield's
nonsensical creed that it is deemed
best to remove her to a place where
she will not be constantly in con
tact with other members of the
sect. An order of the county
court yesterday, in answer to a pe
tition, commits her temporarily to
the care of the Boys & Girls Aid
society at Portland. Under the
order all her rights are not sur
rendered, and she can at any time,
when sufficiently recovered, return
to her home. . Miss Hurt is to be
taken to Portland today by Sheriff
Miss Mabel Davis entertained
about twenty friends at Whist
Wednesday evening. The guests
were received by Mr. Forrest
Smithson. In the dining room,
Miss Pauline Davis presided over
the punch bowl. Prizes were award
ed for highest and lowest scores at
whist, Miss Loutee Cooper receiv
ing first honor, and Mr. Karl
"Steiner," the consolation. At the
close of the evening, dainty re
freshments were served. Miss
Davis' guests were, Miss Helen
Steiwer, Jefferson; Miss Edna Ir
vine, Miss Danneman, Miss Mabel
, Withycombe, Miss Cooper, Miss
Lulu Spangler, Miss Juliet Cooper,
Miss Bessie Danneman, Miss Edna
Groves; Messrs Bert Pilkington,
Merrill Moores, Karl Steiwer,
tjank Groves, Harry Jenkins,
Sam Damon, Forrest Smithson, Ed
Wilson and Walter Kaupisch.
In the Late Election Official Canvass
Wednesday State Results,
The late election has passed into
history, and the period of quiet that
always follows such contests is now
on. In the state, local option car
ried by a majority of 5.000 and the
primary election law ana state prin
ter amendment to the constitution
were adopted by still larger majori
ties. The election ot the republi
can state ticket by increased major '
ities together with the return of
Williamson and Hermann to con
gress are also results of the ballot
battle- Hermann's majority -.of a
bout 2,300 last year is increased
this time to something less than
6.000. ,
The legislative complexion is but
slightly changed as a consequence
of the shake up, the result being a
still further increase of the republi
can majority. According to the
latest returns, there will be six dem
ocratic and 24 republican senators,
and ten democratic and 50 republi
can members of the lower house.
Judge James Hamilton is elected
judge in the Second judicial dis
trict by a majority ot about 1,500
having carried every county in the
district, each of which is republican.
In the Third judical district, Bur
nett, republican, and William Gal
loway, democrat, are elected circuit
judges, the latter having defeated
B L. Eddy, formerly of Corvallis.
and Judge Burnett having defeated
Judge Boise, the veteran jurist.
The official count of Benton was
made Wednesday. Justice Holgate,
of Corvallis, and Justice William
son, of Fairmount precinct, with
the countv clerk made the official
canvas. The tally sheets of e: ch
precinct were recounted, but no
change in figures resulted from the
canvass. The majorities for the va
rious candidates, together with
those for the initiative measures,
are as follows: Local option, 380;
primary election. 426; state printer
amendment, 726; Hermann, for
congress, 200; Moore, for supreme
judge, 248; Bailey, for food com
missioner, 285; Hamilton, tor cir
cuit judge, 51; Avery, for senator.
59; Burnett, for sheriff, 269; Moses,
for clerk, 8; Vincent, for recorder,
337; Buchanan, for treasurer, 270;
Davis, for assessor, 84; Denman,
for superintendent ot schools, 551,
Rickard. for commissioner, 45;
Jones, for surveyor, 90; Wilkins,
for coroner, 108. Thejull returns
by precinct is to be found in anoth
er column.
In Corvallis, the election was one
of the quietest that has been held
in years. A considerable crowd
was present on the street during the
day, but at the polling places there
was less buttonholing than is usu
ally seen. On account of the polls
being kept open an hour later than
formerlv, the result in the Corvallis
precincts -was correspondingly de
layed, but this was atoned tor by
the fact that there are now tele
phone connections with every pre
cinct, except Willamette, and the
result on most of the candidates was
known within a short time after
midnight. The clerkship remain
ed in doubt, however, until the
counts were finished at Philomath
and in Corvallis, precinct No. 1,
where the canvass was not complet
ed nntil about six o'clock in the
In the Corvallis precinct but few
straight tickets were voted. In one
of the largest precincts but eight
tickets without scratch were cast.
The scratching was as liberal on
one side as the other, apparently,
all voters on the county officers
standing almost entirely for the
man, their acquaintanceship or
friendship for him, rather than for
his political affiliations.
For Sale.
First class cedar posts for sale. In
quire of
B. F. Ireland & Bio,
CorvalliaKFD No. 2
For Sale
First class, second growth fir wood of
uniform length, no round sticks. Guar
anteed 128 cubic feet per cord. Leave
orders at P. M. Zierolf. ' ,
D. S. Adams. -
Our sample line
clothing is now in.
of swell Gammer
OAC Pressing Co
For Sale.
A few choice Poland China pigs, both
sexes, from registered stock, Ss per head
inquire of Robert W.ylie, Lewisbnrg,
Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days
from a severely bruised les I only found
relief when I used a bottle of Ballard's
Snow Ijniment. I can cheerfully re
commend it as the best medicine for
braises ever sent to the afflicted. It has
now become a positive necessity upon
myself. D. R. Byrnes, Merchant, Do
versville, Texas. 25c, 50c, fi.oo. Sold
by Graham & Wortham. .
Escaped the Asylnm and Traveled
'- Afoot to torvallis Her Condition.
A tedious journey of thirty odd
miles on foot, with nothing but a
few strawberries to eat, was an act
Tuesday by Attie Bray, one of the
Holy Roller girls, recently sent
from Corvallis to the insane asylum.
The trip was from the asylum farm
to Corvallis and the distance was
covered between four in the morn
ing and seven in the evening. 'Con
sidering that Miss Bray is a frail
young woman, suffering with a
religious mania, the feat takes on
the character of the unusual. She
managed to escape from the attend
ants at the asylum farm about four
o'clock in the morning, and at once
started for Corvallis. How many
of the roads she traveled, she was
unacquainted with is . not known,
but she managed -to thread
them with, sufficient certainty to
reach the Albany bridge " at two
o'clock in the afternoon. Passing
over it, she found a secluded spot
on this side, and there rested until
four o'clock, after which she " re
sumed her journey. A few minutes
after seven o'clock she passed
through Corvallis and made her
way to the home of Victor Hurt,
south of Mary's river. -There1 she
was given food and kindly treated,
and her arrival reported to the auth
orities. . x
Miss Bray is apparently not im
proved in mental condition. When
taken to the sheriff's office, pend
ing the return to Salem, she re
fused to be seated in a chair; but
insisted, while she waited, in sit
ting on the linoleum with which the
floor is covered. -She was asked to
sit on a chair but persistently re
fused to do so. Then a cushion
was offered her, but this too, she
declined. '
At the home of J. D. Wells,
where she was taken to wait the
arrival of an asylum attendant, she
manifested the same stolid disre
gard for the conveniences that
sane people are wont to utilize. She
sat on the floor with her head bow
ed. Asked by Mrs. Wells if she
was sick, Miss Bray replied in the
negative, adding that she was only
engaged in prayer, During most
of the hour or two that she was at
the house, she maintained this at
titude. When food was offered her
at the dinner hour, she refused it.
She started for Salem in charge of
an asylum attendant early in- the
afternoon of Wednesday.
The case, though not in any
sense unlike nearly all the-others of
the sect, is deplorable. Miss Bray
is a graduate of the Corvallis pub
lic schools, and is of estimable
character and amiable disposition.
Her gentle traits always endeared
her to those with whom she came
in contact. Her victimization by
the despicable teachings of the vil-
lian Creffield is a condition that ev
ery respectable citizen would like
to see avenged.
Death in the Cooper Home, North
Town Father in Montana.
The three weeks' old infant in
the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Cooper who reside near the W. G.
Davis place, north of town, was
buried in Odd Fellows cemetery
Thursday. The little one died
Wednesday from the effects pi a
violent attack of whooping cough
The funeral occurred- from the
home at 10 o'clock Thursday morn
ing, and was conducted by Rev.
Frank L. Moore. The father was
absent from home during the illness
and death of the babe,- and at last
accounts, the news had not reached
him. He is shearing sheep at an
isolated camp in Montana, and it
was impossible to communicate
with him in time for him to attend
the funeral. " In the same family a
year or two ago, one of the chil"
dren was burned to death. It
j played too near a hot stove, the
clothing took fire, and the little one
ran out in the yard, and was so
burned that it subsequently died in
great agony.
Excursion Rates to Yaquina Bay.
On June 1st, the" Southern Pacific Co,
will resume sale of excursion tickets to
Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both sea
son and Saturday to Monday tickets will
be sold. This popular resort is growing
in favor each year, hotel rates reasonable
and the opportunities for fishing, hunt
ing and sea bathing are unexcelled by
any other resort on the Pacific Coast.
W. E. Co man,
Gen, Passenger Agent.
For Sale.
Sis cows with young ' calAee. Also
six beef cows, all Shorthorns except two
which are Jerseys. .
W. S.Locke,
Corvallis R. F. I). No 1,
Freeh bread -at Dunn & Thatcher's,
Big Corvallis Establishment ttf go to
New Firm Mann's Furniture Store.
. The well known furniture estab
lishment of J. D." Mann & Co, is to
change hands on the 25th inst A
contract confirming the terms of
the transfer was signed and deliv
ered Thursday morning, and there
is little or no chance for a hitch
that will prevent the final consum
mation of the deal. Tht purchas
ers are Louis Hollenberg and J. J.
Cady. . Mr. Hollenberg arrived a
couple of months ago Irom Arkan
sas, witn bis family and ' has since
been looking diligently for an in
vestment. He is a former Iowan,
and at one time was engaged ex
tensively in the mercantile business.
He is a man of extensive means
and a fine personal character. " Mr.
Cady, the other partner in the new
firm arrived about three years ago
from Nebraska, and has since been
employed at the college. The
firm name is to be Hollenberg &
Cady. The deal was negotiated by
the real estate firm of Ambler &
The members of - the retiring
firm are J. D. Mann and D. M.
Smith. Mr. Smith has what he
considers to be a better business
opportunity elsewhere, and it is
understood that the sale of the
Corvallis business is ' for the pur
pose of engaging in the ; other. The
establishment under their manage
ment has done an immense and no
doubt a profitable trade. The second
hand portion of the establishment
will be temporarily continued by
the old firm until it can be closed
out. The new firm will occupy the
two north rooms, at the present lo
cation in the Fisher brick. Both
Mr. Smith and Mr. Mann are citi
zens whom Corvallisites regret to
More Reward for Him His Capture
Would Net Four Hundred Dollars.
-Renewed interest has been
awakened in, the whereabouts of
Creffield, the bogus apostle. A
week or two ago, a certain report
to which some credence , was at
tached, seemed to indicate that the
man wanted was in ' hiding at a
certain point in the Northwest,
and that a diligent effort might re
sult in his discovery. The reward
offered is so small as to be insuffi
cient to induce detectives and oth
ers to spend time and means in a
search that in the end might turn
out to be fruitless. With a number
of his victims in the asylum for the
insane, and with a growing belief
that Creffield continues in commu
nication with some of his Corvallis
followers, a general desire is mani
fest for the further pursuit and
possible capture of the fugitive.
Those in position to know, say
that the very success Creffield has
in eluding the officers has an un
fortunate effect upon the unbalanc
ed minds of the members of his
sect. On this- account, and for
other reasons, an ehort to increase
the reward, has resulted in raising
the sum to $400, which will go to
the person or persons who bring
the guilty man to justice. .Of the
amount, $100 is offered in Multno
mah county, an additional $100
has been in Sheriff Burnett's hands
ever since Creffield -escaped from
Corvallis, and these sums have
been further increased by another
$100 raised in subscription in Cor
vallis, and $100 appropriated for
the purpose by the county court of
Benton.-- The order for the latter
amount was made at', last week's
session. The order recounts that
Creffield is a criminal out of the
ordinary that at large, he is a
menace to the peace and happiness
of the community, Jthat six of his
followers have been committed to
the insane asylum from Benton
county, and that the sum of $100
be placed in the hands of the sher
iff to be paid for the arrest and
conviction , of the said Creffield.
Goats for Sale.
Inquire of John F. Irwin at the coun
ty clerk's office.
Have you heard the news? A
three days celebration in Corvallis,
all for the price of one.
We make special rates to families.
Corvallis Steam laundry. Call np Main
Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new
Blcakledge keeps all kinds of table
For Sale or Trade.
r A new piano.' Enquire of Miss Hattie
Potts. -
For Sale.
A light driving team, harness and
buggy. Miss Hattie PotSs.
me Sell Sorosis
Such quality of material! The rustling richness of
silk itself is in this mercerized sateen.
Such frillful fancies in the trimmings, ruffies and
tucks, sberrisgs and plaits, render irresistable . the
dantin ess of Sorosis. - .
But it's the price that makes- this sale significant
to the thriftiest among you. V
Isn't this t-conomy figuring? Prices $1, 1.25,, 1.50,
2, 2.50 up to 5. -
Regulator of Low Prices.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for our special list, or come and
see us. We shall take pleasurein giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance.
, Corvallis and Philomath, Or.
3 South Main St., Corvallis, Ore.'
Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, jj
And other Photographic Novelties. L
Jop fouQd S)os for Tep
Special in Men's Spring Suits..
Every and in fact ever thing in this
Stitch s , suit is perfect.
and it certainly does to try on one of them means
good-bye tailor, and money
and be convinced now!
' Sorosis Sights are visions of
I sightliness. No mere word
jingle that, but the expression
of stylish-loving women every
where. And its truth will
will impress you startlingly
when you let your eyer glad
den at the sight we've assem
bled for today. '
Such style of cut every
latest effect ; with shapely
yoke ; and ; proper flare the
straight front ; without a
wrinkle. T ?
New Spring Style
Unexcelled in style, mater
ial and workmanship. Absolute
ly guaranteed in every particu-
saved. Come
- tr
Corvallis, Oregon.