LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. . The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items of Public Interest. Wheat 75. Oats 32. James Martin and daughter of .Bruce, were business visitors la town, Thursday. Charles Blraggs, tbe 8ummlt blacksmith, wets a CuivaUia visitor Tuesday. Miss Carrie Ditmeman is expect ed home from Clem, next week, to ttend commencement. Mrs. Aora Hlncey aDd baby are TlBitiDg relatives In Portland. They left Monday. Miss Margaret Snell. ent rtained the girls of the senior cla?s Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John Smith entertained a number of ladies at tea Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock. Among the young ladles graduat ing f torn St, Mary's College at Port land in a few weeks is Miss Mary Nolan or this city. J. E. Marcio was adjudgfd lnfaoe Thursday morning and in the after noon was taken to Falem in charge of J. D. Wtlla and Miofred Seits. Workmen era employed In erect ing a cew house and bara for Johnny Martin, on his place near Monroe. Teams aie hauling the lumber from Corvallis fortha purpose. After a dty spent in this city, Mrs. Bauetllfe of Pittsbursr. PaihihIv- vania, left Thursday to continue a tour of the Ceast. She was accom panied as Ui as Portland bv Mrs Henry Gerber. Married Wednesday, at the home oi tne orida's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wittschen, at Turner, O'egoo', Wis Virzene Wtt''e?r and Ernest Redd. Numerous friends In this city extend congratulations. For the many kindnesses render ed by frleDds and neighbors during the leceot illness and death of their Infant daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wells wish to exteid to all their heattfelt tbaakp. The seniors of OAO were excused Wednesday from further studio. Tbe reason for the action was that the teachers felt that the members of the elaes ceed a rest before the excite ment of commencement sets in. Walter Locke was in town on crutches Thursday. While engaced in breabiog a colt, on the farm north of.town. Wednesday, the nnlinnl llc. played unuwully "activity with his neeie. lfce D0ue in Mr. Locke's ankle 13 thought to be craehed. Tbe restaurant on South Main street bss a new partner in the busi ness. Miss Louise Oleman has dis posed of her half interest to Mr. Beck Irom PcrtUod. The deal was made Dy W hire & Stone. The other part ter is Jim Sing. The caps and gowns to be usei by the senior girls at commencement have arrived and are being inspected by the prospective wearers. Tbe gentlemen of the class of '04, are not to weur the gowns and caps this year. Eugene K. SUipworth, a former resident of this city, died Sunday at Eugene of consumption at the age of 47. He practiced law in Independ ence, Orvallls aad Euerene. He ran for brute senator In 1802, against Dr Driver, being defeated. He was a member cf the A. O. U. W. MUs Ediih Aldersoo, who was a teacher two years ago in the Ca-vallis public school, and who was re-elected to the position U year but resigned to accept a position as Baker City, has just been re-elected to fill the same position in the school at that place. Slo Alia the second grade, and is a very popular teacher. Miss I hel Wright and Mies Georgia Her'-:rt returned a few diys ago from C i rots, California, where t bey were : e-1 3? delegate3 from OA O to the raeifin Coiet conference of tbeYourj Womens Christian As sociation. They report the meetings as having been very successful as well as CDjoyable. Mrs. Fred Hall, who left Cor vallis last Sunday night for Stockton, California, arrived at hei destination safely and she Is much pleased with the country. In a letter to her par ents in this city, ehe states that the weather at Stockton la very similar to that of Corvallis and vicinity when she left here, the days reither too warm nor tco ccM. with co. i, pleas ant evenings. Jay Turley, aa CAC freshman of 1S95, has the honor of submitting the most feasible plans yet suggested for Irrigation and reclamation of a larae portion of Arizona: The Santa Fe New Mexican recently published a paper prepared by Mr. Turley for the New Mexico Irrigation commission, which report occupies a large part of three pages. Recent 'developments have divulge the fact that of all the reports submitted by civil engineers from all parts of the United Sta'es, Mr. Turley's Is moot likely to be adopted. Miss Daisy Brown is clerking In Mdner & Wellsher's this week. Leslie Lilly lert Thursday for bis home at Hot eburg, after a three weeks' visit at tbe borne of his father in Corvallis, Miss Linnie Small of Silver Lake, a former popular OAC girl, arrived Wednesday for a commencement vis it with Porvallla fi lends. C'arence Jorv of Biodgett has sold his farm to Meriitt Pratt. The consideration was $1610, and Mr. Pratt took possession Taetday. Mrs. January and two children arrived Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs, January's grandmoth er, Mrs. Elizabeth Martin. W. J, Howell of the Farmers Ho tel, Mt yesterday for bi9 homestead ou the Ydcbats. He will be absent a week or ten dys. The teacher3 of the public schools held an iDfartnal dinner party at Hotel Corvallis . Weinesday evening. The occasion was enjjyed by half a dczen teachers W. E, Yates and family leave In a few days f jr Brownsville, where they will spend a week In attendance at tbe Pioneer's picnic - . The Church of Christ wlil observe Children's Day next 8uuday. There will be special services at tbe Sunday school and a program by the children at 8:00 p. 111. . Ambler & Watters have sold the Clarence Jory ranch of 120 acres near Blodgett to W. V. Ptatt late of Color ado. Some stock goes lu with it and the pi ice paid was $1,600. The first session of the annual couventfon of the Benton County San day school was held at tbe coDgrega tlouel church at 2:30 Thursday after noon. A number of delegates are in attendance from the various Sunday schools of the county. The sessions close at noon today. The roof has been r. moved from the remaining half of tbe carriage factory, and the two upper stories have likewise been taken off. There will now be a building two stoiies high, with the tower still in position, and the structure has been leased as a warehouse. A roof is being placed on the north half of the building, wfcioh has recently bad Jihe. upper two stories torn away. At the college chapel last evening there was an entertainment given for the benefit of the Village Improve ment society of this city. The fea tures included etereoptican views of famous musicians, with brief sketches of their careers, and illustrations were given by local musicians, with both vocal and instrumental selections. An edmtsslon fea of ten cents was charged. the funds to go to the improvement society. The affair was in charge of Miss Snell, who deserves credit tor the success of the evening. Real estate deals recently nego tiated by Ambler & Watters, include the following : A house and lot in Philomath, to William Castle, son of Bishop Castle of the TJ. B. church, for S700, the property Unknown as the McCullough house. Possession is to be given July 1st. Also, the L. Van Blaricom 40 acres three miles south of Philomath, to F. G. Miller, late of UKiauorna, tor 900, possession given immediately. A son of Mr Miller pur chased a 320 ac e ranch of Mc Ambler about six months ago, which is proof mat tne jKiiitri are well pleased with Oregon. Mcs J. N. Dolpb, wife of the ex- senator, Is the guest of Mrs Chester Dolph and children, in this city. The tormer bap recently returned from New York, where she spent the winter with her daughter. In her honor, a reception was given by Mm Chester Dolph at the home of General and Mrs T. J. Thorp, in Jobs Addition, Wednesday afternoon from three to six The Effrtir was a very pleasant one for those present. Dainty refresh ments were served by Miss Thorp and Miss Daphne Dolph. Many eld time friends cf the honored guest were presect at Wednesday's funtion, which recdeted the occasion one of special pleasure to all. Methodist Conference. LosAngeles Calif. Account above rrmferenre lif StnuiVi ern Pacific fin. will mat-a TfAnnaA -af& on the certificate plan from main line points in Oregon south of Portland, and passenger will purchase tickets to Los Angeles, for which agent will collect tie highest one way rate, giving a special reCeint. On nnCAtitatiAn rf duly executed, by original purchaser, Southern Pacific agent at Los Angeles will sell return tickets at one-third fare. toaie dates Irom Oregon points will be Anril 10th to Mav -7th ind . j , , aw JVIaV Q. 12- TrV Tft 91 Oh anrl m . TUo. last day ou which certificates wiil be 1 a f . . . uunorcu ior return at reduced rate from Los Angeles will be June 5th, 1994. Eat ice cream and cake with the Rus sians every evening. Blackledge keeps large assortment of matting. Great Reduction Sale. We will sell of May 500 parrs of shoes, broken sizes, men's womens, misses and children's at greatly reduced room for a new stock of goods, which will arrive about June ist Come early and get yonr choice from 25 cents op. aie taste tU rough May only. J. E. Henkle. THE ADVENTISTS. SOME OF THE FEATURES OF THE CAMPMEETIXG NOW - IN PROGRESS IN V CORVALLIS. Many Good Speakers Present, and Many Interesting - Addresses ' Given The Affair Iligh ; ly Successful. People are daily arriving at the Seventh- Day Adventist ' camp ground in Job's addition. Fully three hundred people are now en camped in the little Cotton city, and the time each day from 5:30 o'clock a. m. ' to -nine nVlnnfa- at. night is taken up in praise and de votional meetings, sessions of .the Conference. Dreachins and raviiml ' - -o - - services. The preaching services nave Deen mil 01 interest, as promi nent ministers set forth the rliatino. tive points of doctrine which have made the Seventh Day Advents church a separate body from other religions sects. On Monday nia-ht W. A. of Washington, D. C, in a stirring address. Dicta red the refill great Armageddon. Showing the interest 01 many public men in the pending crisis. The thema nn Tuesday evening in the sermon by vy. u. wnite, President of the Pa cific Union Conference, was the "Eastern Question," the speaker clearly showing by his exegesis of the eleventh end twelfth chapters oi tbe Book of Daniel that when tha great world Powers withdraw sup port irom the Turkish .Empire, and the "sick man of the east" is forced to retire from European soil to the SuLati's possessions in Asia, tbe last great event hat nne hnfnrn earth's history closes will be pasl; ana me next thing to look lor is tbe clash of arms in the bst'le nf Armageddon. The "oigns .of the Times" -was dwelt upon in a forceful manner by VV. J. Burd en on Wednesday even ing. Tb ese themes of thrilling interest will be discoursed upon each even ing during- the campmeeting; A subject of special interest "Last-day Tokens." is announced for Kat.nrriair evening. Elder J. N.Loughborough, tne nrst minister ever ordained , to the Seventh Day Advents ministry, will deliver this discourse. The charts used in connection with this subject will make the sermon of more than ordinary interest. The interest has increased from the beginning of the campmeeting, both among tbe campers and with the people attending from tbe town. Resulting from the revival efforts each day many persqns old and young, have been converted and songs of praise and victory are he - rd. - 'I he business sessions of the Con feie ice have been characterized by nt animity of sentiment among the debates, and not a word of dis co l has been heard in the discus 8ici) of the many items of business wm. h have come before the body. The officers elected for the West ern Oregon Conference are as follow-: President, F. M. Burg, Port laud, Oregon; Secretary and Treas-ure-, V. C. Raley, Portland, Ore gon; Missionary and Fi-ld Edu cational Secretary, G. W. Pettit, Montavilla, "Oregon; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Edith Staibuck, Mt. Tabor. Ortp-on: TCxernrivn f!nm- mittee, F. M. Burg, V. R. Sim mons, D. W.. Emmron, J. E. Graham, G. W. Peltit end H.' J. Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 22. a ForYaquina: Train leaves Albany 125 p. mi ' " Corvallis. 2:00 p. m " arrives Yaquina 6:2o p. m 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina.... T...... 6:45 a. m Leaves Corvallis ...11:30 a. m Arrives Albany t. ia:is p. m 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany y:oo a. m Arrives Detroit 12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: . Leaves Detroit i:0o p. m Arrives Albany.. 5:55 p. m Train No. 1 arrives in Albanv in time to connect with S P south bound train. as well as giving two or three hours in AiDany netore departure of S P north bound train. Train Uo 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser- i w iicwwiiiuiu aujaveuc ueacnes. Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush anri. other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time'to reach the Ssrinea th same day. For further information apply to ; Edwin Stonb, Manacer. H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany. Painting and Paper Hanging. All orders promptly filled. Phone 05. , Samuel Kerr. Dirksen. , - ' At the session of the Conference held at nine o'clock, Tbnisday, the following resolution wis adopted: Resolved that we extend a -vote of thanks to the S. P. R. R., the C. & E. R. R. and the O. R. & N. T. Co. for favors extended to our Con ference. in the reduction of fare to the campmeeting, and also a like expression to Mr. Wilkins for the free use of the grounds upon which our camp is located; and to the city and citizens of Corvallis fof courte sies extended to us while among them. . ' The campmee'ing will continus till Sunday evening, Juoe 5th, ; P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALLIS, OR. Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. O. Addrejs, Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty yearsexperience. "I find Thedford'B Blaci-Dranght a good medicine for liver disease. It cured my eon after he had spent $100 with doctors. It is all the med icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE JUAKTLN , Parkersbnrg, W. Va. If your hjer does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Tliedford's ' Black-Drausrht and take a dose ! tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated -bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black -Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright 's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. - A 25-cent package of Thedford's Black Dranght should always be kept 111 the house. "I used Thedford'B THaelr- - Draught for liver and kidney com plaints and found nothing to excel it." WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar blehead, 111. E. E.WHITE Real Estate Co. Are you looking for a Home Or a good Investment? If so we take pleasure in showing you overthe country and - are confident' we can give you the right price on some thing will suit jou. We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres. We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm lands, Poultry ranches, Stock ranches and Timber lands. Ranging in price from 7 to $125 per acre all owing to lo cation and improvements. We also have a nice list of city proper ty. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi dences from f 350 to $3000 each according to location and improvement we also have some good business locations. Offices r6t door south of reading room. White & Stone, Corvallis Or. HEREINE Willpvercoms indigestion and dyspep sia; regulate the bowels and cure liver and kidney complaints. It is the best blood enricher and invigorator in the world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and should you be a Bufferer from disease, you will use it if you are wise. . ' R. N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr. Co coa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla., writes: "I have used your Herbine in my family, and find it a most excellent medicine. Its effects upon myself have been a marked benefit. I recommend It unhesitatingly." 50c. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Growing Aches aiid Pains. Mrs. Josie Sumner, Bremond, Texas, writes. Anril 5. loosr "T lnw -pol lard's Snow Liniment in my family for uirec years. 1 would not De without it in the hnncuv T Yidtta nn.l it is. tie girl for growing pains and aches in m Luitu iicr rigiiL away, x have also used it for frost bitten feet, with ornnrl enenoca T f i tz Vi o VaQf ... .w . .J wtct .lUliUCU I ever used." 25c, 50c, fi.oo. Sold by vjrauara oc- wormam. E. E, WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Zierolf Building, CorvtUis. O Wanted. 50,000 pounds of wool for which I will pay the highest cash price, . J. E. Henkle, -Philomath, Or. : For Sale." A cow, half Durham and half Teraev: good milker and in fine condition: be fresh in six weeks. ' B. B. Barnes, Granger, Benton Co. TROUBLES Hie Rape gut tbe Price ON SUMMER CLOTHING Trom $2 to $5 reduction made on each, suit in tbe store .. . HanSchaffncr Hood Tailored Vi(U 1W if OartSskaSMi lUix Man's All Wool Suit $10,00 HENKLE & DAVIS Gorvallis. Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants? Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line ready made clothing. We will save you money. GOLDEN Now is the time to think about Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses You were to treat your eyes to. Come to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee the fit, and will be here .from 7 to 6 to make good my guarantee. E. W. S. PRAT, The Jeweler and Optician. Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in -stock, grain, fruit and poultry f Ranches, write for our special list, or come and ft see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all e the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. j AMBLER & WATERS. Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, I Corvallis and Philomath, Or. & See Blackledge's fine couches. Notice Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persona that the undersigned naa been duly appointed execu tor of the last will and testament of Guilford Barnard deceased, by the County Co rt of Benton county, for the state of Oregon. All persons having claims against said es tate are' hereby requited to present the same to me, properly verified as by law required within six months of the date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence near Monroe, Oregon, or at the ofhee of Yates & Yates, In Corvallis, Oregon. Dated this 7th day of May, 1904. Bobert Kyle. Executor of the last will and testament of Guilford Barnard, deceased. Notice for Publication. Timber Land, Act June 1878, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, March 23rd. 1904. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" asextended toall the Public Land State by act of August 4, 1892, Howard L. Bush of Hoskins, county oi Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office bis sworn statement xo. 6386, for the purchase of the 8. w. of S. W. , of Section Ho. 20 In Township No. 10 South, Eange No West W. M and will offer proof to shsw that the land sought is more valuable for its timoer or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hlB claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk, Corvallli, Benton Coun ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11th day ot June. 1904. He names as witnesses: Edd O. Frantz, of Hoskins, Oregon. Abe II. West, " ..j Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon. David H. Simpson of Pee Dee Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 11th day of June, 1904. . Algernon S. Dresser, - ' Kegister. If you want to save money on your summer suit, don't overlook this chance. : While the above fala lasts we will sell all summer trous ers at a discount of SO PER CENT The above clothes are all finely tailored and of the lat est style and mixtures but they must go before the 4th of July 5.1. Regulator of Cow Prices. J ' Every Siut Guaranteed OPPORTUNITY. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon fai . y- . t . . uiiiwj over pubLumue. .residence uor Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be efl at Graham & Wortham's drug store. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Zaw.' JNotice of Publication. Timber Land Act June 3, 187S. United States Land Office, Oregon Cftv, Oregon. Corvallis. Oregon, March 3rd, 1901 i iiereoy given mac la compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory" as extend ed to all the Public'Land states by act of Aug ust4, 1892, Benjamin F. Totten of Corvallis, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his . sworn statement No. 6377, for the purchase of the 8. &. it Section -No. 30, in Township No. 13 S. Range No. 6 West, and will offer proof lo show that the " land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone ' than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk, Benton connty, state of Oregon, on Friday, the third day of June, 1904. He names as witnesses: John LBexford, of Corvallis, Oregon. Martin Butler of " Abraham Coon, of ' " Thomas Coon of lnavale, " Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 3rd day of June, 1904. Algernon S. Dresser. ' Register. Iline