The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 04, 1904, Image 3

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' Advertisement! In thl column charged for
at the rate of 11 oenu per line. .
' Services at the Catholic church
tomorrow at 8 a. tn.
; Services both morning and ev
ening at the Episcopal church to
morrow. Mr.. and Mrs. P. C. Cherry of
Astoria, are guests until Monday,
of their son who is attending OAC.
Mrs. Edith Howard-Zurcher
has arrived from Enterprise, for
Miss Lura Small has arrived
from Portland, and is the guest of
Miss Mary Jones returned
from Eastern Oregon, Wednesday,
where she has been teaching school.
The infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Porter iff seriously ill at
the home in this city.
Mrs. Jay Bowerman nee Liz
zie Hoover left yesterday for her
home at Condon, after a brief visit
with former student friends.
Mrs. Hannah McFeron of Hal-
sey, arrived Wednesday, for an ex
tended visit her daughter, Mrs. B.
A. Cathey.
Miss Bessie Irvine has retired
from the telephone office. Her
place has been filled by Miss
Maybell Sheasgreeu.
Miss Ida Hubbard of Suver,
came up Wednesday to officiate as
nurse at the bedside of Mrs. J. L
Jones, who is very ill with typho:d
fever at her home in Job's addition.
Miss Berta Grier and Charles
Lyon were married last Saturday,
at Ashland. - Both are former
residents of Corvallis, and have the
good wishes of many friends here.
Mrs. Will McCullom, nee Miss
Bertha Henkle, is expected to ar
rive tomorrow for a visit with her
parents in this city. Her home is
at Athena. Eastern Oregon.
Richard Dunn has been ap
pointed guardian of the three min
or heirs of the late James Dunn.
His bond has been fixed at $11,600
with P. Avery and John Rickard
as sureties.
Sarah A. Wilkinson has been
appointed administratrix of the es
tate of James A. Wilkinson with
t i r i i T o T
uuuu uxeu ai piu,uuu. i. o. ire
land, William Park and Manly
Currier are the appraisers.
Mrs. Lavina I. Morgan has
been appointed guardian of Elsie
Mae Miller and Hermann Perry
Miller, aged respectively, fourteen
and fours years. They are the
children of J. H. Miller and V. E.
Davidson formerly Mrs. J. H. Mil
The Corvallis brick yard will
begin operations for the season on
Tuesday next, weather -permitting.
W. 'C. Corbett is in charge, and the
output of brick will probably be in
the neighborhood of 300,000, and
of tile, 50,000.
Those who attend the recital
given by the department of instru
mental music at College chapel this
evening June 4th, will be well re
paid for their time. This will be
the last recital given by this de
partment this year, and a program
of unusual interest has been pre
pared. There will be an opening
number by the college orchestra,
followed by some splendid select
ions for violin and piano. These
recitals are free to the public and a
general invitation is hereby issued,
Doors will close at 8:15 instead of 8
as heretofore announced.
A magnificent silk flasr has
been placed on exhibition at the
store of Nolan & Callahan, and is
attracting general attention. The
flag is worth $100, and is to be
given away by the merchants of
Corvallis. The plan is, that with
each 25-cent purchase at any store
that is participating in the affair, a
vote is given the purchaser and he
or she may write on the vote the
name of the organization that he
wishes to have the flag. At the
end of each week the ballots are
counted at the various stores, and
the result announced. One may
vote for OAC, the public schools,
or any lodge or organization. The
final count of votes takes place Aug
ust 31st, and the organization that
, has the crratest tmtnlw l11r
o .v.. j uimvLO
will be awarded the flag. Every
one should take an interest in the
matter and help out the plan, so
that some worthy organization may
be made the proud owner of one of
the handsomest flags in town.
Opera Honse the Scene of a Pretty
Event Last Night
Last night, at the Opera House,
another class of high school grad
uates made their bow to the public,
and passed out of the routine of
youthful duties to assume their po
sitions in the busy business - world.
There was the usual large crowd,
and the flowers were many and
beautiful.' The program was as
. Eighth Grade.
Music......... Orchestra
Invocation ..Rev. F. L.Moore
Inst. Solo Winnie Michael
Salutatory Pearl Vincent
Recitation.. Marion Hornady
Class Prophecy Zeta Johnson
Inst Solo Misses Cathey and White
Recitation. ...Hazel Egerton
Inst Solo..... Pearl Horner
Presentation Diplomas Mr. Denman
Music .. Orchestra
Ninth Grade.
Essay Alta Altman
Recitation Walter Corbett
Inst. Solo Cleo Johnson
Recitation Margaret Evers
Essay Ina Simpson
Recitation M abel Cady
Duet, Misses Woldt and Buchanan
Recitation :.Nellie Witham
Essay v. Bertha King
Vocal solo '. Miss Spangler
Class Prophecy Vena Rickard
Violin Solo Winnifred Gates
Valedictory '. . Lora Hansell
Pres'n Diplomas Geo. E. Lilly
Music Orchestra
, The diplomas were presented to
the eighth grade graduates by Su
perintendent Denman and to the
ninth grade pupils by George E.
Lilly. The Opera House was
handsomely decorated for the oc
casion, and the class colors were
much in evidence.
The following resolutions were
adopted by the Oregon ' State
Grange. In part ihey are:
Whereas, the thirty-first annual
convention of the Oregon State
Grange has been one of the most
enjoyable and profitable in the his
tory of the order, in the state of
Oregon, therefore be it
Resolved, that the officers and
delegates attending hereby express
our high appreciation of our . sat
isfaction upon the generous treat
ment, we have received at. the hands
of those who have had our welfare
in charge during the past week.
We are not unmindful ot the many
favors shown us on every side and
most particularly wish to express
our heartfelt thanks to the various
transportation companies.
Also we most' earnestly . thank
the board of regents, officials, fac
ulty and students of the Oregon
Agricultural College, for without
their aid and assistance our pleas
ures and enjoyments would have
been greatly lessened.
To the citizens of Corvallis
we also owe a share of our thank
fulness for the generous spirit of
hospitality during our stay here,
and to them is due one of our deep
est debts of gratitude.
To the Oregonian and other pa
pers of Oregon we also extend
thanks for courtesies extended and
we realize that the newspapers have
awakened to the great importance of
the grange, as an educational and
social factor among our people.
Also to all others who may have
been instrumental in contributing
to our welfare and happiness dur
ing the session of the Oregon
State Grange are tendered our most
sincere expressions of gratitude, re-
1 alizing as we do that our interests
have been foremost in the minds of
all during the past, and that they
only high regard for our- work in
the future.
Respectfully Submitted,
Eugene L. Thorp,
A. C. Davis,
J. C. Schulmeic,
Mrs, E. D. Pai.mer.
On the Morning of Decoration Day At
Philomath College.
On the morning of Decoration
day. the faculty and students of
Philomath College conceived the
unique idea of breaking a cruse of
spikenard on the heads of our liv
ing heroes while so many would be
decorating the graves and embalm
ing the names of out loved l and
honored dead.
A program was hastily extempor
ized, posts were dispatched to the
veterans of the city, Messrs Archi
bald, Boles, Henkle, Hummer,
Jackson, Lewis, Canady, Seton,
Sheak, Dexter, and. Sheak, and
summoned to the callege campu?.
. The veterans were seated on
chairs on the veranda of . the col
lege. A concourse of citizens
thronged the campus. The bat
talion pf cadets commanded . by
Lieutenant tillwell of the second
Oregon, 'paraded .'the i campus and
executed with skill and precision
many graceful military evolutions
culminating with 'present arms"
to the veterans. "The ladies, al
ways conspicuous,, in every bene
ficent seance, appeared upon the
stage, and wreathed: each fc veteran
with garlands of "roses and ivy.
President. Emeritk than addressed
the heroes paying them the high
est tribute ot honor-, i J. he - battal
ion then fired a salute of three vol
leys. Capt Lewis, being too feeble
to attend, it was decided to march
to the residence of the veteran' of
the Mexican; ariSi! civil wars 'and
honor him in his home. Comrade
Boles on his tricycle, headed the
procession, followed . by the veter
ans in command ot Prof. White.
then came the cadets and a mass of
citizens. Captain Lewis was
crowned, the salute was fired and
the white-haired was moved to tears
with the demonstrations of honor,
and the eloquent and touching ad
dress of Pres. Emerick.
The veterans, cadets and citizens
marched back through the streets
of the city to the college - campus
where Lieutenant Stilwell, the hero
of Manila, was honored with a
wreath, and a "hip hip hurrah,
Stilwell," which closed the occasion
of honoring living heroes.
Rummage Sale at the Carnival.
Cattle for Sale.
Milk cows and heifers in considerable
numbers. Inquire of John Stahlbusch,
Stop in and eee our swell line of sum
mer clothiDg. OAC Pressing Co.
Our sample line of swell - Bummer
clothing is now in. OAC Pressing Co
For Sale.
A few choice Poland China pigs, both
sexes, from registered stock, Ss per head
inquire of Robert Wylie, Lewisburg.
For Sale.
Young stallion, weight 1425 two years
old June 1 1 1'f fi5 barn.
Having to lay upon my bed lor 14 days
from a severely bruised leg, I only found
leliefwhenl used a bottle of Ballard's
Suow Liniment. I can cheerfully re
commend it as the best medicine for
bruises ever sent to the afflicted. It haa
now become a positive necessity upon
myself. D, R. Byrnes, Merchant, Do
yersviHe, Texas. 25c, 50c, Ji.oo. Sold
by Graham (SeWortham.
Mrs. Green's Class Recital a Success
- The Programme. -
. A large and appreciative audience
in College chapel Tuesday evening
listened to a well rendered program
of vocal numbers," and applauded
each to the echo. The : staee was
beautifully decorated with potted
plants and flowers, and the scene
wasvmost pleasing. The program
was as follows: t
The Garden of Eden........ Adams
N ' jiiMiss Mabel Matteson.
Voices of the Wood...... Rubinstein
Miss Anna Walker.
(a) Were I a Star...:......Hawly
(b) Daisy Time... ........Denza
Miss Una Stewart.
Resting Place......... Schubert
J. G. Kilpack.
Queen of the Night...... Torry
LViolin obugato by Prof. Turney.J
v . , Mrs, a . JL,. Miller.
The Heavenly Song Gray
t Mrs. F. Berchtold. .
Only a Bunch of Violets, DHardlot
Mrs. M. S. Woodcock.
April Rain Woodman
Miss Edna Allen. .
(a) Where did you Come From.
Baby, Dear? Dudley Buck
(b) . Dream Lullaby Burnham
1 Mrs. E. F. Pernot.
Wheat valley 80 to 81
Flour 3.90 to $4 05 per oil.
Potatofs $1.00 to 1 40 per cent
Ezgs Oreton. 18 per doz.
Butter 17! to 20 c per , lb.
Creamery 17 to 2oper' lb.
1, Corvallis.'
Wheat 75 per bushel. ' N
Oats 30t032
Flour 1.05 to i.30per sack
Butter 12 to 15 per lb
Creamery 50 per roll
E?gs 16 per doz
Chickens isper pound
Lard 13 per lb
Wool 16 to 17
Wall paper at Blackledge's store.
A girl to do general housework
on farm. Clara M. Harding.
R. F. D. No. 1.
Many Interesting Events on the
; The Commencement exercises at
the College begin one week Irom
today. The program follows: .
-. Saturday, June 11, 8-00 p. m,,
College chapel Debate, Jefferson
ian and Feronian Literary Societies
for the cup.
Sunday, June 12, 10-45 a- m 1
in Armory Baccalaureate sermon,
Rev. William H. Heppe, D. D., of
Salem, Oregon.
Monday, June 13. on Campus,
2-30 p. m. Competitive Company
drill, for the colors.
8-00 p. m. in College chapel
Entertainment by departments of
Elocution rod Music.
Tuesday, June 14, 2-00 p. m., on
Campus Senior Class Day exer
cises. 8-00 p. m., at Opera House
Senior entertainment.
Wednesday, June i5r 10-00, a.
m. in Armory Graduating exer
cises. Address by Hon. George
H. Durham of Grants Pass, Oregon.
8-30 p m: at Hotel Corvallis
Reunion of Alumni.
Our sample line of swell tailor made
summer clothing is now in. OAC Press
ing Co.
Just received the Gnest line of cloth
ing. We bought this from ', the best
manufacturers and every suit is guar
anteed. Call and eee us for clothing.
See our men's suit at $10, it is a marvel.
Henkle & Davis.
For Sale or Trade.
A new piano. Enquire of Miss Hattie
Iron beds at Blackledge's new furci
nre store.
For Sale.
Vetch, speltz, timothy and rye grass
seed. Poland China hogs, Shropshire
sheep. One fresh cow a pair large geese,
two-horse tread power in tunning order.
Timothy and vetch straw bright from
barn. ' 1
, I4.I1. Brooks.
For Sale.
Six cows with young ' caUes. Also
six beef cows, all Shorthorns except two
which are Jerseys. .
W. S. Locke,
Corvallis R. F. D. No 1.
To the Voters of Benton County:
Acceding to the wishes of a large
number of patrons and friends of our
public schools, I submit my name to the
voters of Benton county for the office of
county school superintendent.
,. Very Respectfully,-
: - ' ' v S. I. Pratt.
Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7, 1904.
Fresh bread at Dunn & Thatcher's,
. Lost.
On road between Bruce and Cor
vallis, an open face nickel cat
watch, Waltbam movement, no
661684. Finder please leave at
Times omce and receive reward.
Go to Blackledge's for window shades
Excursion Rates to Yaquina Bay.
On Tune 1st. the Southern Pacific Co.
will resume sale of excursion tickets to
Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both sea
son and Saturday to Monday tickets will
be sold. This popular resort is growing
in favor each year, hotel rates reasonable
and the.opportunitiea for fishing, hunt
ing and sea bathing are unexcelled by
any other resort on the Pacific Coast.
W. E. Coman,
Gen, Passenger Agent.
Goats for Sale.
Inquire of John F. Irwin at the coun
ty clerk's office. ' .
For Sale.
First class cedar posts- for sale. In
quire of
B. F. Ireland & Bro,
Corvallis RFD No. 2
For Sale
First class, second growth fir wood of
uniform length, no round sticks, Guar-,
anteed 128 cubic feet per cord, j Leave
orders at P. M. Zierolf. 1
D. S. Adams. "
We make special rates to families.
Corvallis Steam Laundry, Call op Main
274. .. . . " : v
' Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new
store. y -
Blcakledge keeps all kinds of table
:: ': .: 5 s.i.7.7
For Sale; --.-.-!.; u .;
Poland China boar,; 22 .months old
subject to register. - :.i:'.a ir'
. if Alfred Blckneli; :
S miles north'bf CorvaHisl' .'' 1 ' "f
- ! ! Ki;: -i JJ'-'; 'il l '
i . ,,. ; i!For Sale.
A light driving team, harness- and
buggy, jih: - i;- Miss. Hattie Potts, r
me Sell Sorosis
, ... Sorosis Siehts are visions of
1 4 ...... r
As,.- f sightliness. No mere word-
f . jingie that, but the expression
ui sinsu-iimug women every
,: where. And its truth will
will impress you startlingly
, when you let your eyer glad
; den at the sight we've assem
bled for today. . L ;
Such style of cut every
latest effect with shapely
yoke and proper flare the
straight front without a
wrinkle. , "
Such quality of material! The rustling richness of
silk itself is in this mercerized sateen.
Such frillful fancies in the trimmings, ruffies and
tuckp, sherrisgs and plaits, render irresistable the
dantiness of Sorosis.1
But it's the price that makes this sale significant
to the thriftiest among you.
Isn't this economy figuring? Prices $1, 1.25, i.50,
2, 2.50 up to 5.
; Regulator of Low Prices.',
. .....fS
Iftow Open
bipmati' Commercial
New Room,
New Furnishings,
Everything Complete.
S South Main St. Corvallis, Ore. , .. ,'' J'l
Carbon , Platinum and Platino Portraiture
r - : I
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, .. . ,
And other Photographic Novelties. ' 4
Jop Ioupd Sl?o?s por Tei?
New Spring Style
Unexcelled in style, mater- J
ial and workmanship. Absolute
ly guaranteed in. every particu-
Special in Men's Spring Suits.
Every ' ; ahdin fact ever) thing in this
Stitch ' " suit is perfect.
and it certainiydoes to try on one of them means
good-bye tailor, and money saved. Come - - & A
and be convinced now! , i .; ir"V
Corvallis, Oregon."