The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 04, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. XVII. No. 14.
Editor and Proprietor
Race VouSeen
Our New Arrivals
Dress Goods,
Novelty Trimmings,
Silks, Embroideries,
Lace Belts,
Collars, White
Goods and Shoes.
Clothing, Hats,
Neckware, Shoes,
Shirts, Underware.
Call and See
j Free Bus. ' Fine Light Sample Rooms.
f ;
Leading Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. New;
brick building. yllurnished, with modern con-;
veniences. " FurnaeeHeat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-j
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine singles
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam-:
X ette Valley. . : ';
Rates: $1 .00, $1.25 and
J H-
Our ad., but our goods change hands
ever' day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line, Fresii Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy CWnavare
A large and
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
rest. ,
E. B Borning
Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Besl
dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, II,
hone rail ,
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
$2.00 per day. :
Z-Z5'-Z7 ZZZZZyZ? Z'-Z?
varied line.
. G. R. FARRA,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly. "
A Michigan Bride-Groom Changes
His Mind Society to Prevent
Swearing on Streets
Other Newe. ;
New York, May 28. Wall ttreet
is having such a period of business
depression as it has not experienced
in several years and one result of it
is that hundreds of clerks have been
dismissed in the last ten days or
two weeks. Men who have - not
known a "day of idleness in a ecore
oi years now find themselves with
out employment and with no pros
pect of anything to do until the
dawn of another day of prosperity
in the street.
One of the largest operators on
the Stock Exohange said yesterday
that on a conservative estimate be
believed that no less than 2.500 em'
ployees had been dismissed by the
brokerage and, banking houses in
the last two weeks.
This operator" called attention . to
the fact that only about a hundred
thousand ' shares were traded in
' There are more than twelve
hundred banking and brokerage
houses in Wall street," said the op
erator. "When you : divide the
business of yesterday among , all
this multitude of interests it must
be patent at a glance that every day
means an enormous lo?s to the op
erators. Every house has found it
absolutely necessary to make re
trenchments in one way or another
In most cases this has been ac
complished by the discharge of as
many clerks as could be spared, and
at present that means practically
the whole force in all but the very
largest brokerage houses.
"Among the reasons for the gen
eral depression in Wall street trad
ing perhaps the most potent grow
out of the enormous losses sustained
by the public in the , industrial
group, ine blow that was given
to investors in Steel alone was suffi
cient to turn the public away from
Wall street for a considerable
period. The public lost millions
in bteel common atone, and tnat
has made the people wary of all
classes of stock." ..'!--
The firm of J. P. Morgan & Co,
was among the first to reduce it?
working force when the "hard times"
hit tbs street. Others followed suit
in rapid succession. The firm of
W. B. Franklin & Co. sent notices
yesterday to. all of their- force of
clerks and stenographers informing
them that they must either accept
a 20 ner cent cut in salaries or take
vacations without pay.
Kalamazoo, Mich., May 26. His
wedding set for 7 p. m. yesterday,
Lee Long,, of Marcellus, one of
South Michigan's most prominent
merchants, appeared at the home of
his bride-to-be, Miss Etolie Mum
ford, daughter of th9 Rev. A. W.
Mumford, of Pawpaw Methedist
Episcopal church, and stated to her
that he had decided not to marry.
Later when the guests had all as
sembled he came back and said be
would marry her, but the bride re
fused to listen to his appeal; and
despite the insistent pleadings of
her parents remained obdurate in
in her refusal. The wedding feast
was served, but there was no bride
groom or wedding. The return of
a lover who figured in a school-day
romance almost at the hour set for
the marriage is said to be Iargly
responsible for the incident. .
Reduced Round Trip Rates
fii count World's Fair.
First class tickets orr sale June
16, 17.V18, July 1, 2, 3, August
8, 9, 10, Sept 5, 6, 7, Oct. 3, 4, 5,
Roseburg to St. Louis and return,
good 90 days with stop over " priv
ileges at rates ranging from $67,50
to $82.50 according to route chos
en. Passengers will have privilege
of starting on any date which will
enable to reach destination within
ten days from the sale data. In
quire at Agent Southern Pacific
Co. - 1-
Waterbury, Conn., May 26. W.
E. Haskell, of Boston, who Eays he
is a "reformed ' commercial travel
ler," was passing through Water
bury's central Green the other day.
Just ahead of him were two pretty
and : handsomely gowned 'young
women. One of them stabbed her
toe and said "damn." i :
, "Great snakes !" said Mr. Haskell.
As a result of this the reformed
drummer to-day laid the founda
tion of the Waterbury Anti-Profanity
Society, in which he has already
interested several prominent mer
chants. The. aim of the society is
to suppress profanity upon the pub
lic thoroughfares.
. Mr. Haekeil says Maine - is the
hardest swearing state in the Union:
"It's awful in Bangor," he eays,
"but I never heard nice girls swear
until I came Jo Waterbury." -t . .
Baltimore, May 3o. Mayor Rob
ert M. McLane, of this city shot and
killed himself this afternoon. H;s
bride of lees than two weeks was
awakened by the discharge of the
revolver, which McLane evidently
fired while standing before a mirror
dies'iog case. Mrs. McLane and
other members of the household
rushed to the mayor s assistance
but he did not regain consciousness
and expired within an hour.
No caue for the act can be as
signed by the members of McLane's
family. Since the fire last February
he has been kept assiduously at
work administering the affairs of
the city, besides endeavoring to di
rect the rehabilitation and rebuild
ing of the burned district. This,
together with criticisms by his
political opponents, are thought by
many to have caused temporary ab
eration of the mind.
From S. P. and C. & E. Points to
the Seaside and Mountain Re
sorts for the Summer.
. On and after June ist, 1904, the South
ern Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad, will have 'on
sale round trip tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaqnina and De
troit at very low rates, good for return
until October ioth 1904,
Three day tickets to Newport and Ya
qnina, good goin? Saturdays and return
ing Mondays, are also on sale from all
East side points, Portland to Eugene in
clusive, and from all Westside points en
abling people to visit their families; and
spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside points
Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from
all Westside points, are also on sale to
Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over-privileges
at Mill City or any point east
enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and
Breitenbuach hot springs in the Cascade
moantains, which can be reached in one
Season tickets will be, good for return
from all points until October 10. Three
day tickets will be good going on Sat
urdays and returning Mondays only.
Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will
be good going vfa the . Iebanon-Spring-field
branch if desired. Baggage on
Newport tickets checked through to
Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
oisly. : ' -" . -'. - .
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for
Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the
C, & E. for Detroit will leave Albany
at 7 a m enabling tourists to tbe hot
springs to reach there the same day.
For information as to rates, with beau
tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina and
vicinity can be obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, manager C &E; Albany
W E Coman, G. P. A. S. P Company,
Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $3.75.
" " Yaquina, 3.25
" - -" Detroit, JP3.25
Three-day rate from Corvallis to New
port. $2.50.
Chicago, June 1. Abel Gabin
ska, a Ruesiau, 24 years of age, was
arrested tonight after he . had at'
tempted to shoot a man named
Drank Adams, whom he bad never
seen before. He fired several shots
at the police officer who took him
to the station. ' ' , '
He declared to the police after be
ins arrested that he had been sent
toXthicago by a society in St. Louis
with instructions to "kill fat and
prosperous-looking men." A paper
found in hi? pocket contained the
names of Mayor Carter H. Harri
son and Alderman Honore H.
Palmer. He would not admit that
he intended to assassinate these
two men, but said his instructions
made it necessary for him to kill
"five fat and prosperous men."
Send your curtains to
the Corvallis
Steam Laundry. We will call
work every day in the week.
for your
Fleet Inactive No Immediate Ad
vance Expected Rumor Cur
. rent of Battle at Fort Arthur
London, June 1 A special dis
patch from Rome says a telegram
Koo Kaon tKavn (tti rv Trvlyi-
.-""" i
reporting that General Kuroki
has completely defeated General .
rvuropatKin'8 toices near oaimatze.
All the Russian positions, east of
Hau Chang have been T abandoned
according to the telegram. Sev
eral guns have been taken and the
whole force of Cossacks captured.
Chefoo, June 1 An unconfirmed
rumor is current among t,he ' Chin
ese that a battle . . occcurred six
miles from Port Arthur yesterday.
At Sea, off the Shang Tung Pen
insula, on board the steamer Hai
mun, by deForrest ' wireless ' tele
graphy, to Wei Hai Wei, June 1
Later details from the zone, of the
Japanese military operations show
that the task assumed by General
Baron Oku, when he undertook his
forward movement against Port
Arthur, was one which few gener
erals would have coveted.
Thefourth Japanese division,
upon " whoseU shoulder fell the
brunt of capturing the well nigh
impregnable Russian works at
Kinchou, had to cross a space over
a mile and a 'half before it reached
the enemy'sgmain position. Dur
ing this advance it was swept at
effective range by the concentrated
fire of every Russian gun placei
along a line six miles in length 1
No troops could maintain an ori
ginal formation in the face of such
a deadly fire, and it was not to be
wondered that the Japanese lines
seemed to melt away in sections.
. It was in advancing against the
apex of the defenses of Mauchiag
ine that the issue was longest in
doubt, and for a time it seemed that
the Russian fire was too strong to
overcome. However, the sheer
weight oj numbers finally told and
after 15 hours the first link in ' this
great chain gave away, and the
whole system of defense was shat
tered almost immediately after
ward. The second position which is now
being held by General Stoessell, is
by no means as strong as that car
ried last week. The hills along
which are mounted numerous guns
are at right angles to the Japanese
advance, whereas tne ivlnchou po
sition was magnificently chosen,
being open only to the guns of the
fleet. . . -
The second line cannot long be
held and the Russians must fall
upon Port Arthur as soon as Gen
eral Oku resumes his forward
movement, as the Japanese can
outflank the second line and place
cannon that it will be rendered un
tenable. General Kuroki's lioeB
of . communication are reported
threatened by a Russiad force at
from 1,000 to 5,000 mounted men.
These men came originally from
Vladivostock by way of the Gen
san road, and have penetrated the
country as far south as Hamheuhg,
Four Japanese flying columns are
now in pursuit and a number of
clashes have all ready taken place
with minor casualties on both sides
. The Japanese division previously
reported as being landed' at Kau
ping and which was reported to
have been assigned ', the duty of
protecting General Oku's army
from a descent of Russians from
the north, has dashed northward,
and is now in communication with
General Kuroki. It will be used
probably in an attempt to flank
General Kuropatkin's column.
The fleet remains inactive, con
tenting itself with repairing dam
ages received at the many ' bom
bardments of Port Arthur. Many
of Admiral Togo's best ships have
been detached in couples and sent
to basebo, where the bottoms have
been scraped, boilers and engines
overhauled and supplies replenish
ed. AU are now in readiness to
take part in the final operations
which are expected to result in the
capture of Port Arthur.
Your correspondent with the
Japanese army "Kurokl's" 'under
date of May 30, sends a dispatch
stating that there are no signs that
an immediate advance is expected.
Reports from the scouts indicate
that despite the rumors of a Rus
sian attack current in the ranks for
a week, the Russians have no inten
tion of moving from their position
at Liao Yang. It now seems, cer
tain that Generol Kuropatkin will
try to hold the Liao Yang forts as
he regards them the key to Muk
den and. he has been ordered to hold -the
latter place at all hazards. .
Paris, June 1 The correspond
ent in St Petersburg of the Echo
de Paris says: '
"A friend or General KuroDat-
(kin's tells me that before
his" de-
parture the General sa?d
The first month it -wjII be said
that I am inactive; th s-i-oud that
I am incapable; a. il h third that
I am a traitor, became we will be
J repulsed and beaten, although that
will not Beriously affect the result
of the operations. I shall let peo
ple talk, firmly adhering to my
resolution not to march before July
when I shall the overwhelming
masses that I need."
Liao Yang, May 30 (delayed in
transmission). The Japanese lost
2oo men killed and a number of
horees in tbe fight at Vatangow to
day. The Russians opened fire at
8 in the morning, and after two
hours and a half the Japanese pre
pared to crush the force which had
been harassing them for 2i days.
It was a eight worthseeing, when,
at the word of command, the Rus-
sian squadrons formed and rushed
like a whirlwind across the terribly
cut-up country, clearing away all
obstacles, the Japanese at the same
time trotting along the frightful
roads. Having passed the railroad
station, the troops came under the
fire of the Japanese machine guns,
but withdrew without . suffering
much loss, ' - '
The Fourth and Sixth Companies
of the Eighth Siberian Cassacks
furiously charged the Japanese cav
alry with lances, attacking both
flanks. In a few minutes they
literally cut the whole squadron in
to pieces his was the first time
the lances were used, and the
etruck terror into -the enemy. . In
some cases tbe lances pierced the
riders through and wounded their
horses. Some of the' lances could .
not be withdrawn from the bodies
into whieh they had entered,
The Japanese infantry, number
ing four battalions, of 3oo men to a
a company, and a squadron of cav
alry, attempted to advance, but the
Russian batteries opened fire, and
soon the slope up which the enemy
was advancing was covered with
black spots, and the enemy was
forced to scatter and retire. Some
of the Japanese cavalry were won
derfully dashing, charging . with
shouts upon tbe Russians, who met
and scattered them. .
A Cossack who had lost his lance
and sword wrenched a sword from
a Japanese officer and cut off the
officer's bead.
Tbe Cossacks picked up boots
which had been taken off by the
Japanese in order to facilitate their
flight, and flourished them on their
lances as trophies.
The Japanese used the trick of
displaying dummies; but the Cos
sacks did not waste a shot on them.
Look Here.
I have a good stock ranch for sale two
hundred and ninety five acres with un
limited outrange, a small house and
also a small orchard. This place is in
the Belknap settlement one half mile
from postoffice, six miles from Monroe,
four ; miles from Bellfountsin, 2j
miles from church. Price to suit pur
chaser. Enquire of
A. W. Hawley,
For Sale. -
I self damp hay rake, used one season.
1 hand " , ' good, strong.
1 3 1-2 by 11 Bain -wagon, without bed.
1 14 inch sulkey plow, extra shear.
On farm of J. Pimm, 1-2 north of Phi
lomath.. . ,'
W. M. Castle.
Seventh Day Adventists.
Will hold regular service at S, D. A
Hall East Main street between Wash
ington and Adams streets each Sabbath
or Saturday, as follows: Sabbath school
at 2 p.m., Bible study 3 p. m.
Preaching as announced from time to
: Rev. C.J. Cole,
.' Pastor, .