LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings o People Social Gossip, Personal . Men tion and Other Items of Public Interest. Miaa Grace Oatch visited Albany f deeds durtog the week. Banker Leese Irft Wednesday (or a few days stay lu Portland. ' Mrs. Wads Malone of Aiwa, pass ed through this city Monday eorJiite to Portland. August Fischer Is having an ad dition built onto bis teiltlenoe In . South Corf a'lls. : Dr. Atnslle returned to Portland Wedaeeriay, after a few dys' visit - Bmlib. Today the ladies ot the Coffee . viiuv Triti cuj'jjr men anuuai iiiuurc lu 111 t . v. 1 1 -. I I - i n Avery,s grave. The event is la Honor of the 21st bUtbday ot the. club. George W. CUxton, traveling re preventative of The Oregon Dally Journal, was In this city from Thurs day until yesterday, looking after business connected with bis paper. Saturday, Mrs. A. L. Kotseley . entertained 20 friends la bonor of her sletf rs, the Misses ' Brtggs, who are vtslttog bere. Their home is in Battle Cie k, Michigan. Two hundred of the college catalogues were hastily placed la bindings Wednesday, tor tbe visiting grangers. The rest of tbe edition will be ready for distribution today. A party consisting of Prof, and Mrs McKelllps, Prof. Globs and moth er. Mis Helen Holgate and Dr. Lester are to leave today for Elk City on a Ashing trip. Tbey will return Mon day. Two dray loads of cereal foods to be used by the campers la tbe Ad- venHst crnnp meetings arr'ved Wed nesday and were taken to tbe grounds lo Job addition. Another new gravel walk is be. ing laid across tbe court house block from tbe rear of tbe court house out to tbe i til. and thence to the south east comer ot the block, to a con nectlon with the raala concrete walk Salem bad a May festival which tbe public did not patrociz) and now the people who workel hard fir months to give Salem a floe enter tainment will have to dig into tbeir own pockets to make up tbe deficit of $300. Telegram. A team belonging to Duncan Plttman took a spin down Main street Wednesday. The animals were hitch td to a wagoo, and another wag en was fastened beblod. The team took fright near Dunn's store and made things bum as tbey sped down bila strtet, but no damage was done, Albany Democrat: Rev. W, Sherman Wallace, who recently grad uated from tbe .Rochester. N. Y. tne ologlcal oollege, has ieturaed from his Iorm6r home at Lebanon. He has accepted the pastorate of a Baptist churoh in Tacoma, and will move to tbat city to reside, Albany Herald: Mrs. Alfred U. Schmidt yesterday entertained tbe Jays Bees club and a few invited guests at her home in honor of Miss Grace Gatcb of Corvallls. Tbe hours were spent delightfully by the bappy company, the principal recreation betug tbe New American, a game very much eDjoyed by all. Miss Gateh is very popular in Albany social circles and bcr stay here is being made very pleasant. The work of repairing and im proving the electric light plant at the college, which will begin soon after the close of school, will be quite ex tensive, and will probably consume the greater part ot two months. Be sides tbe new switch board, tbat will cost 8850. there Ja to be a large alter nator dynamo Installed tor produc ing lights, and the two dynamoes now in use, will be plaoed Bide by side and used for extra power. . Tbe large wire that Is now lo service will all hare to be taken down and spooled, after wblch it will be dleposed of, and small wire placed la position. This Is made necessary on accauot of tha fact that tbe new dynamo will carry voltage ' than does the present dynamo. The work will be both difficult and scleo. tlfla in nature, and will be under the supervision of E. O. Hay ward, the elceuil expert at the ocllege. Mlea Bertha Thraeber will return to her bonaoia Corvallis best week from San Kraneieco, If she is able to untertake tbe trip. Keoently an ab scess formed on tbe limb tbat has caused Miss Tfcrisber so much trouble,atd It was thought that an other surgical operation would be necessary last Sunday. Tbe abscess broke, howevnr, but San Francisco suri'eons now state th'it nn more can . bs d t cIUc a cure, as the ' bona in tbe limb bas become to diseased tor medical skill to be ot further avail. The news has been most de pressing to the many Camilla friends Of M s young lidv, and much sym paihy ia folc f.r her iu her trouble. Five surgical operations - have bean peformed on tbe lltnb, end for a time it ma r oped a oaiplere cara hsd been eff-'ctfd. Picnic at Willamette Grange hall next Friday. . . - . - ' Mrs. Mile J Starr bas returned from a month's visit in Portland? Tb Evangelical parsonage bas just been brightened by a fresh coat of paint.. : T A new roof is being placed on tbe Tuoclcliffe house this week. Tbe residence is owned by Alfred John son. . Eugene boasts of a rose tbat measures seven inches aerose and 21 inches In circumference. Ma't Georae. bas purchased a Ave acre tract of land across the riv er from tbe terry for $600. The tract formerly belonged, to Dr. Rowley. Many Corvalltsltes are planning to attend the grange picnic at Wil lamette Grange hail next Friday the 3rd lost. Tbe tailor shop of C. Graven has been ramoved to tbe building the first door south ot the Zierolt grocery A subscription paper was in cir culation among the students Wednes day tor tbe purpose ot raising tunde to seoure tbe result of -eich event at tbe Forest Grove meet Monday. Among tbe improvements being made about town tbts week, is a new coat ot paint on tbe Schoel house, in the western part ot town, and repairs to the creamery roof, which was re cently damaged bv fir?. Miss Joyce Herahnf r, who recent ly suff-red quite a severe Id jury to an eye by being struck with a pebble thrown by a pupil ot her school, dur ing a picnic of the classes, is nearly recovered and no serious results from the accident are now expected. Mrs. Mary Ebner, who figured in a trolley car accident in Portland about Christmas time, and who has since been an Invalid with paralysis of the nerves, caused by tbe shock, has greatly Improved, and returned to Corvallls from Portland Wednes day. Hopes are entertained tor her entire recovery. There Is to be a big picnic under the auspices of the grange at Willam ette Grange Hall next . Friday, the 3rd Inst. A good speaker who will discuss . matters pertaining to tbe welfare of the agricultural classes, will be in attendance, aud there will be other Interesting features. All tbe candidates on all the tickets are in vited to be present and are expected to attend. The people of tbe vicinity are noted tor their hospitality, and everybody who goes is sure to be cor dially welcomed. Thursday afternoon at the First Methodist church, there was a meet lug of the G. A. B..W. R. O., chU dren of tbe public schools, and teach ers and friends. Tbe affair was plann ed by the Relief Corps ladles, and was a most Interesting meeting. Speech es ot a patriotic nature were made by Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Crosk, Mrs. Horner, and Mrs. J. nor p,-and an address was delivered by General T. J. Thorp. The school children eaog three selections, and the meeting closed with "Amer ica sung by the audience with much spirit. The nrst ot tbe Adventlst camp- meetings was held Thursday night at 7-3o. Out in Job's addition, where the meetings era in progress, there are about eighty small tents, besides the large tabernacle tent and a small er one for overflow meetings. There is a dining tent, a kitchen tent and a toilet tent, and everything Is neat and attractive about the whole grounds. Tne tents are all new. and tbey are laid off in streets, the same as a city is arranged, and the effect is mo:t pleasing; Thers will be many force ful and prominent speakers present during tbe meetings, and the attend ance eo far has been very satisfactory The program tor Memorial day this year will be unusually attractive. The line of march will form at the G, A. R. ball at two p. m., in tbe follow ing order; the G. A. B.t the ladles ot tbe W. R. C, the college cadets, the college band, anckchildren ot the pub !lo schools. At Mary's river bridge the procession will halt, and flowers will be east upon the water in honor of the sailor dead. The march will then be resumed, and at Crystal Lake cemetery services will be held in hon or of the unknown dead. Decoration of tbe graves will then follow. In the evening at the First M. E. church memorial program will be rendered as follows, selection, quartette; reading. Miss Hansell ; whistling solo. Miss Daisy Rose; address, Mr. Davis of Portland; address, R9V. Green; song America, audience. Judge James Hamilton, who always a weloome visitor in Corvallls, was in town Wednesday. Daring the six years he has served as judge ot tbe district, the jurors and witnesses at the various terms of court, have had opportunity to observe how Judge Hamilton has shortened v court terms and saved thousands ot dol lars to taxpayers. His record has not only the approval of all men who have coma in contact with his court but Includes an announcement made in the Oregonian that of all the judges lauregon, Judge Hamilton, by certain report of the supreme; court was ma only judge whose decisions nad not met with a reversal. These things, together wLh his genial dis position and manly qualities make multitudes of friends tor Judge Ham- utuu, waerever na goes, and strength ens bis candidacy for ra-electlon to a position that Is universally cjneaded 10 os8:riiTiy and warily non-partisan. I impression maae who ine macnine Ta iga Hamilton laft for B weburgji were likely to rcaist the ' action of Wednesday. light, air and strong chemical solu- BOOX TYPE WRITERS. USED IN RECORDING PUBLIC DOCUMENTS IN STATE DE PARTMENT AT WASH- . INGTON. In Use in Twenty Eight Counties in Oregon-Seven Constantly in Operation in Multnomah . ,-... County. T. T. Vincent, ' recorder, under stood what he was about when he petitioned the commissioners of Benton County ta purchase a book type writing machine for use in making records in the recorder's office, in which petition he . said, "Type . writing machines Tiave bsen invented fir writing on books, and tbe records made by the sam are far superior to written records, as evidenced by the work done by said type writer in the - clerk's office." Information gathered on the subject, proves conclusively that Recorder Vincent was right, and that he has behind him the order of William R. Day, Secretary ofSlate in President's .McKinley 'a cabnet, and subsequently a member of the celebrated Paris Commission. This was an order installing book type writers in the State Department at Washington, for use in copying rec ords to be laid away in the govern ment archives. It baa tbe effect of placing before the people of Benton county in its true light, the certain "four columns" in the Corvallls Ga zette devoted to politics, which re- ently undertook to make the pub lic believe that the records made by such machines are not durable be cause the "ink wonld fade." Book type writers are being used in the court house for record work in 28 counties in Oregon. In Multno mah county, such machines of the kind are constantly in use by the county clerk, and all the deeds, mortages and matters of record are recorded with book type writers. Three hundred and eighty book type writers are in usa in tbe coun ties of Ohio, and it ta confidently asserted by those in posit lton to know that 85 per cent of the coun ties in everv state in the Union are using machines of the kind, for all recording purposes. The question of permanency of type written records has been set tled beyond the peradventure of a doubt. -The legislature of Massa chusetts appointed a commission of expert chemists who reported to the legislature in substantially the same findings as the government chemists, and on the strength of thiB report, a law was passed legal zing records written with book type writers in Massachusetts. This was necessary in that particular sta c , because of a law on the statute book i of ancient date, providing for 1 :cording with pen andlfek. -ok type writers have bcome such 1 necessity in counties for recor ding work that county commission ers have been purchasing the ma- chi - for the county officers, be liev -sr them to make a more per- mari ut record, and saving fully one third in the number of. books required, and consequently in tbe vault storage space. Board of county commissioners have purcha sed for tbeir respective counties, all the machines installed in Wash ington, Oregon Idaho and Montana, wuth the exception ot two counties. In he oase of the two counties ex cepted. tbe officers purchased the machines at their own expense and have provided tnem for the free use of the county. One of these offi sera is Victor Moses of Benton county, and the. other, the county recorder of Jackson county Minions ot dollars nave been in vested in the book type writer business and thousands of machines are in use. The colloseal propor tion ot this business and use pre cludes any question of the perma mency of the product Not only are they in use In the counties of the various states, but are used in the recording work of such cities as New " York and Chicogo, and in the work of the historical aocietie a of the United States. They are also need in government depart ments at Washington, where they are used in making records of pub lic documents filed in the archives of the State department. An edi torial from the New, York Sun, April 18, 1899, entitled "The Type Writer at Washington'," has the following: '-Perhaps the strongest opposition to the type-writers adop tion was shown in the-department of State where only after numer ous scrutinizing tests'and compari sons had been made by authorizad agents, was the record typa writer, permitted to supplant the pen. One of the testa referred to involved the question as to whether or not the ARE MADE TO WEAR AND TO RESIST "WEAR That's ono reason why they're '. so popular. Of course you know the . ' warranty. 10 cents a button. $1 a Rip . jHsk for ttutn at , ; KallOn P. HI. ZT6R0EF For Groceries and Crockery. Finest line of China and Cat Glass to be found in the City. ' ', ; Agent for Chase & San born high grade coffee. Produce taken . in-' exchange for groceries. ; Phone 71. - tion as sitiafactorily as would tbe writing done with Suid ink. At the Columbian University it was sought . by the chemists to ascertain which was the more per manent the imprint made from tbe ribbons or the writing done with the ordinary fluid ink of tbe Stite department, aud in each case sam ples of penmanship and type writ ing having been tested side by side the later offered much stronger re sistance to tbe acids. While the pen writing was almost entirely effaced, the type -writ ing ehowed scarcely any sierjs of im pared legibility. A striking ad vantage claimed for the machine is that the stroke of the ty pe forces tbe ink below tbe surface of the paper, and places it beyond the reach of chemical agents, so that acida or alkalies, which will not destroy the paper itself, can have uo apprtoabie effect upon the type written characters. - In Commending the machine to Secretary R. Day, the chief clerk of the State department aaid: "So far as adaptability of tbe record type writer is concerned, to the work for which it ia designed, there can be no question. It is adaptable and and in the bands of a fairly good operator, will prove an economier of both time ane space. MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Bntr None Clnb. 176 Warren Avenue, v Chicago, III., Oct. 92, 1902. For nearlv f oar rears I iuffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor imiited on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. . Do not go on Buffer ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Wanted. 50,000 pounds of wool for which I will pay the highest cash price, J. E. Henkle, Philomath, Or. For Sale. A cow, half Durham and half Jereey; Kood milker and in fine - condition: be fresh in sis .weeks. " " ( ' B. B. Barnes, Granger, Benton Co. Man's 4ll Wool Suit $1000 HENKL0 &DAVI6 Gorvallis. Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants? " Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line ' ready made clothing. We will save you money. A GOLDEII OPPOBTMTY. Now is the time to think about ; Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses ; .You were to treat your eyes to. Come ' ' . to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee . the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to make good my guarantee. E. W. S. PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. ( , HOME-SEEKERS! IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. . AMBLER & WATERS. Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, Corvallis and Philomath, Or. Growing Acbes and Pains. Mrs. Tosie Sumner, Bremond, Texas, writes, April 2, 1902: "I have used Bal lard s Know umment in my lamuy lor three years. I would not be without it in the house. I have used it on my lit tle girl for growing pains and aches in her knees. It cared her right away. I have also used it for frost bkten feet, with good success. It is tbe best liniment I ever used." 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold by Graham & Wortham. HERBINE Willovercoms indigestion and dyspep sia; regulate the bowels and cure liver and kidney complaints. It is the best blood enriuher and invigorator in the world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and should yon be a Bufferer from disease, you will use it if you are R." N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr. Co coa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla., writes: "I have used your Herbine in my family, and find it a most excellent medicine. Its effects upon myself have been a marked benefit. I recommend It unhesitatingly." 50c. Sold by Graham & Wortham, . H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Zierolf BaUdimj, CorvilUs. O E. R. Bryson, Attomev-At-Law, Notice t Creditors. Notice is herabr iriven to all Dersooa that tao undersigned has been duly appointed execu tor of the last will and testament of GuiUord Barnard deceased, uy tne uouaiy ua ri 01 Benton county, for the state of Oregon. All tieraons haTine claims against eald es tate are hereby requited to present the same to me, property verified as by law required wiminsix naonuis oi tne aate nereoi, to tne undersigned at his residence near Monroe, Oregon, or at the oihee of Yates & Yates, in Gorvallis, Oregon. Dated this tin aay oi ubj, ivua. Bobert Kyle. Executor of the last will and testament ot Guilford Barnard, deceased. Notice for Publication. Timber Land, Act June 1878, United States Land office,- Oregon City, Oregon, Uju-ch 23rd. ISO. Notice Is hereby given that In cempliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the States of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended toall the Public Land States by act ot August 1, 1892, Howard L. Bush of Hoskins, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofnce;his sworn statement so. 6386, for the Surchase of tne 8. W. X of S. w- H of Section o. 20 in Township No. 10 South. Range No. 8 West W. M., and will offer proof to shaw that the land sought Is more valuab le for its limber or Etone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk, Corval Iij, Benton Coun ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the Uth day ot June, law. . . He names ss witnesses: . Edd O. Frants, of Hoskins, Oregon. Abe H. West, ' "i Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon. David H. Simpson of Pee Dee Oregon. ' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said Uth day ot Juae, loot. . Algernon S. Dresser, Regis, lcr. Every- SiuU Guaranteed : Wanted. At the City restaurant, an elderly woman to work in the kitchen and wash,, dishes. Also good waitress. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY CORVALUS, OlUBGOX. Responsibility $100,000 Deals ia Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and Schoel Warrants. Principal Correspondent. SAX FRANCISCO "J PORTLAND ( XoBdon A Sm Vn. 8KATTXE f ctaeo But Umltea. TAOOMA 1 NEW YORK Mean. J. P. Morgan ft C. CHICAGO National Bank of The.Bepab. LORDOII, KXC. Loiinoa ft Sam Frmnctoo Bank IJmited. CANADA Unioa Bank of Canada. E.E.WHITE Real Estate Co. Are yon looking for a Home Or a good Investment? If so we take pleasure in showing' yoa over the country and are confident we can give you tha " right price on some thing will suit you. We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres. We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches and Timber lands. Ranging in price from $7 to $12$ per acre all owing to lo cation and improvements. We also have a nice list of city proper ty. Ijts from $75 to $500 each. Resi dences from lobo to 3000 each according to location and improvement we alse have some good business locations. Offices first door south of reading room. White & Stone, Corvallis Or. Notice of Publication. " Timber Land Act June S, 1878. . United States Land Office. Oregon Citv, Oregon. Corvallis. Oregon, March 3rd, 1901 Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the ptovislons of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled, "Au act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory" as extend ed to all the Public Land states by act ot Ang nst 4, 1S92, Benjamin F. Totten of Corvallls,. county of Benton, Btate of-Ore'gon", has tuts day filed lu this office his sworn statement No. 6377, for the purchase of the S. . X if Section No. 30, in Township No. 13 S. Bangs No. S West, and will otter proof io ehoiv that the land sought is more valuablefor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim Ui aaid land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk, Benton conuty. State ot Oregon, on Friday, the third day ol June, Mot, He names as witnesses: John L Bexford, ot Corvallis, Oregon. Martin Butler ot " " Abraham Coon, of ' ' Thomas Coou of lnavale, Anv and ail parsons claiming adversely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claims In thl o;fice on or bjforo said Scd day of June, rjvl. . Algernon 8. Dresser, '