The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 28, 1904, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
eoctal rarer or BcatM Omtf.
somiia, ausoi, but es, un.
Democratic Gounty Ticket.-
Far Saaatar
r Sheriff ' : :
" . M.T. Bwtwtt.
. . . Yicta t. Mmm.
Far Kacw4r
' Hormc LcKc
Iw Comwisatoaar
Ffr McltoH.
Far Sckaol Smprita4at
. S. L Fratt.
For TrcaMurar
' " W. A. lacfcaman.
Far Assessor
Tk bbs Davis. ,
For Svrroror
" ' -, T. A. Jonat
For Coroner
O. J. BlacKIedge.
It is the view of the people that
the judiciary should not become
partisan. . Students of history know
that it was very largely the partisan
acts of the judiciary of the time that
destroyed the old Federalist party:
It is a common &lways and
universally expresfijJhat politics
shall never enter into the selection
of those who axto sit in adjudica
tion of the vesttfS fights of the- in
dividual, or pass upon those delicate
"questions involved in the trial ; of
causes. ' It is pronouncedly the
feeling of all citizens that the purest
the best and the most capable men.
with entire disregard to their poli
tical affiliations, be placed upon the
In a service of six years, Judge
James Hamilton has demonstrated
that he is worthy of re-electtoh. In
the dischasge of his duty, he has
met every requirement that his
people could have asked . of him.
His re-electioa would not be an ex
periment. . The Oregonian announ
cement recently that, for- a certain
period Judge Hamilton, of all the
circuit judges In Oregon was the
only one whose decision had not
met with a reversal by the supreme
court, is familiar to all. A person
al pride is certainly felt by every
citizen of Benton county in this an
nouncement that it is the judge of
our district, whose record is the
best, and a personal desire to have
lhat distinction continued is proba
bly in the mind of all. It is in fact
a distinction of which to be justly
proud, and that feeling of home
patriotism so inherent and manifest
in the American citizen, everywhere
and always, would naturally make
the desire universal that Judge Ham
ilton be continued in his present po
sition. .
There is, however, another rea
son that causes the candidacy of
Judge Hamilton to appeal power
fully to every citizen. It is the com
mon desire of all to have public
offices administered at the latst pos
sible cost, consistent with effective
service. Every dollar saved in
that way is a dollar less to be' col
lected in taxes from the people.
Keeping in mind the splendid re
cord his decisions have made in the
supreme court, it becomes interest
ing to know that during Judge
Hamilton's six years the court ex
penses of Benton county have been
reduced to almost onehalf what
they were during the six years im
mediately preceding his term, here
are the figures: Benton county in
the six years prior to Judge Hamil
ton's term, paid jurors $5,079. 30,
and court bailiffs; $706, making a
total of $5,785.30. During Judge
Hamilton's six years the cost of
these two items was in all, $3,289.
04, or but a trifle more than one
half the cost of the preceding term.
All are familiar with the facts of
how this saving was effected by
Judge Hamilton, and is morally
certain that the count of the votes
at election time will show that they
appreciate his efforts in their behalf
in the line of economy.
Blackledge keeps large assortment of
matting. .
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
Send your enrtains to the CorraHis
Steam Laundry. We will call tat your
work erery day in Uie week.
' The masterly campaign with the
roads of Benton as an issue, has
suddenly flattened out, - and "it"
now begs the road, supervisors that
"it" has so often accused of rob
bing the taxpayers, to .'stand in."
May 6th, "it;' said, "The, con
census of opinion among, farmers
! seems to be that the greater portion
of this large sum $$15,495 has vir
tually been squandered in unprofit
able experiments in road making."
May 24th, "it" said "If 'squan
dered' isn't the proper word to de
scribe the use that has been made
of the money paid in by taxpayers
to be applied on road work, what
particular term will answer ' that
purpose? The money is gone; so
are the roads."
Was the money stolen? -Have
the people of Benton county elected
only thieves as road supervisors,
and only thieves as members of the
county court? -'It" boasts that
"it" has not said anything reflect
ing on the character of the gentle
men on the democratic ticket," . but
"it" has repeatedly insinuated that
"thej gentlemen"- who are road
supervisors and members of the
county court . aire common, every
day scrubs incompetents and scoun-i
drels. :
Men in office are just as much'
entitled to respect as men out of
office. , Bill Jolly, ; Dick . "FehlerJ
Albert Zierolf, Gene Dodele, W. X.
Reed, John Miller, Cadwalder and
the otnersare just as deserving of
consideration as are the "gentlemen
on the ticket." If , as "it" claims
it be wrong to criticize cundidates in
campaign time, then what is , it; , to
accuse the road supervisors of steal
ing, especially when the accusiations
are made with a view to helping
out the candidates ? . ; .,-, ;
The real inwardness of this whole
business is pretty well understood
in Benton county, "it" told a lie
on Watters in the campaign of four
years ago, and "It" afterwards con
fessed to Watters that "it" had
lied, and said . "if ' wouldn't
do it anymore. Thenin "its" news
paper it said that the reason "it"
had confessed that "it" lied was be
cause Watters weighed 160 pounds
and it" only weighed 120. That
made "it" mad and the result is all
this attack on the county court, all
this howl about the roads of Ben
ton county, afl these published state
ments that the road money of the
county has been "squandered," all
these insinuations that the road
supervisors are thieves. While "it"
was in, Frisco studying "dramatic
art," there were no complaints in
the Gazette about the roads or the
misdoings of the county court,
Telt Burnett is known all over
Oregon as about the best sheriff in
the state. The fact that he does all
the tax collecting without assistance
has been published broadcast in the
newspapers, and has been commen
ted upon by people everywhere.
Would he be a better sheriff if he
were of some other political (faith ?
What figure does his politics cut
when it comes to the discharge of
duty ? Is it the political brand he
wears that makes him the best sher-.
iff in the state? Is it not the man
and his tried and well known mer
its, is it not his qualities, his know
ledge of how and his willingness al
ways to do the business properly,
that gives him unchallenged repute
at home and abroad?
Iron beds at Blackledge's new furci
ure store.
For Sale.
Yonng stallion, weight 1425 two years
old Jun e ' 11 1 m feed barn.
For Sale.
Vetch, speltz, timothy and rye grass
seed. Poland China hogs. Shropshire
sheep. One fresh cow a pair large geese,
two-horse tread power in tunning order.
Timothy and yetch straw bright from
barn. -.
L. I,." Brooks.
Methodist Conference. LosAngeles
Calif. ' ,
Account above conference, the South
ern Pacific Co. will make reduced rate
on the certificate plan from , main line
points in Oregon south of Portland, and
passenger will purchase tickets to Los
Angeles, for which agent will collect the
highest one way rate, giving a special
receipt. On presentation of this receipt
duly executed, by original purchaser,
Southern Pacific agent at Loa Angeles
will sell return tickets at one-third fare.
Sale dates from Oregon points will be
April 19th to May 7th inclusive, also
May o, is, 16, 19. 23, 16, and 30. The
last day on which certificates will be
heaoted for return at reduced rate from
Los Angeles win be June 5th, 194.
'-;'' AS tO tATES. ?
"It" says Lawyer Yates has been
"bitterly" attacked. Well, hasn't
he bit affidavits to ' prove to his
conscience that he hasn't done any
thing wrong?. Hasn't he. read
these affidavits to his 'conscience to
qniet it down so he could sleep?
It isn't the Times that has attack
ed Lawyer Yates; and that cunning
"gentleman" is deeply grately for
the fact that so little has been said
in his case.
The Times did mention that
the lawyer has jobbed, uncounted
delegates at republican conventions
in promises that hejnade and didn't
redeem, but that is only a minor
marten. He doesn't even carry ! af
fidavits to prbve that he didn't do
it, and certainly he finds no fault
with the Times For saying it.
. The Times has made no mention
of Lawyer Yates' record as district
attorney, of things connected there
with that he ought to have done
but didn't, and of things that he
did that he ought not to have done,
and nobody is more grateful for it
than the lawyer and his friends.
The Times did say that ' Delegate j
McClung was nominated by Yates
for commissioner, and that he didn't
get even Yates' vote, but Mr. "Mc
Clung says the same thing, and the
lawyer doesn't deny it.
; Not one word has been said
about the insurance money the law
yer collected for the. soldier's: wid
ow, or about the $1 100-fee paid by
Mrs; Geary for it," land there will
not be. It was George Denman, then
county i superintendent, not: the
Times that told the facts about the
incident, all over the county, at the
time it happened, which was also
about the time Lawyer Yates got
mad at Denman because the latter
wouldn't - longer continue " Fred
Yates as one of the beard of school
examiners, and swore that Benton
county wasn't big enough to hold
both he and Superintendent Den
man politically. If the lawyer, his
friends and '"it" objects to the
publicity given the incident, it is a
matter between' , themselves, and' is
no concern of the Times'. ;' 'r, '
In the above and many : other
matters, the Times has been len
ient, merciful, generous, and no
body knows it-better, or appreciates
it more than Lawyer Yates himself.
If not, let him say so over his own
signature in "it." and illustration,
can be made of what a "bitter per
sonal attack", on this lawyer would
really mean.
The true test as: to whether or
not a man should be elected assess
or, is not the question of . whether
or not he is a republican a demo
crat, a prohibitionist, or a socialist.
The latter considerations should
cut no more ice than a question of
wheter or not the candidate's hair
be brown, black or red.JThe office is
one of serious importance: The man
elected to fill it should be bright,
active, and a good judge of values.
He should have clerical ability
enough to make perfect descrip
tions of property, to the end that
all assessments should be as free as
possible from -flaws- These quali
fications are all present inv Thomas
Davis, who would, if elected, bring
to the office an experience in affairs
a knowledge of property values, a
fairness of mind and excellence of
judgment and discretion that would
be sure to give to the people a per
fect service in the assessor's office.
For Sale. ;
A first class sewing machine in good
condition.Also a fine walnut diningtable
Inquire at Times office.
To the Voters of Benton County:
Acceding to the wishes of a large
number of patrons and friends of our
public schools, . I submit my name to the
voters of Benton county for the office of
county school superintendent.
Very Respectfully,
S. I. Pratt.
Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7, 1904. -
Bummage Sale at the Carnival.
Our sample line of swell summer
clothing Is now in. OAC Pressing Co
Stop in and see our swell lloe ol Bum
mer clothing. OAC Pressing Co.
Fresh bread at Dunn & Thatcher's,
Is the state tax of ' Benton ' this
year $24,745? Is it a fact that this
enormous tax takes dollars oat of
the pocket of every taxpayer in the
county? Is it not likely that if there
were fewsr jackleg lawyers and more
sound,. tax-paying business ymen
and farmers in the state legislature
that extravagance could be checked
and this outrageous state tax be
reduced? Would it not be a good
plan to elect to the - state senate
from Benton-a man who has every
reason to set his influence and vote
against - legislative extravagence?
Is there one single reason why a
Benton county taxpayer should de
sire the defeat of Punderson Avery?
Is there one doubt in the: world.: as
to whether or not he would oppose
every scheme and job to swindle the
people? ' '.'
"It" boasts that "it" says noth
ing that reflects on the character
of the "gentlemen on the democrat
ic ticket." No; but "it" defames
a lot other, "gentlemen" with in
sinuations that they are common
thieves, robbers and incompetents,
and acuses them of "squandering"
the' public money, -; 5 One "gentle
man"' is ordinarily as good as . an
other "gentlemen,"; and a repub
lican road; supervisor is just as
much entitled to consideration as is
a republican candidate! . ;
Horace Iocke was born in sight
of Corvallis and practically all his
life has been spent in Benton coun
ty. He is a Benton county boy in
every respect, and his candidacy
should appeal to every young man
and every old pioneer. He is quali
fied for the office of recorder, he is
willing and anxious to help himself ,.
and he deserves the enthusiastic and
popular support that he is receiv
ing. ,
It turns out that the State Depart
ment at Washington has, for sever
al years been using type writing ma
chines in making records for gov
ernment archives, and that the rea
son why the machines are installed,
is because the record is more dura
ble, and more economical, both in
the cost of books, time . and space.
In another column is an article that
contains ' interesting information,
especially in view of the silly state-"'
ment recently published to the'effect
that records made by such machines
are not durable.
"It" expresses great fear, and as
a measure of extreme precaution
proceeds with much minuteness to
explain, that some awful stories
are to be sprung thus late in the
campaign, when there will be no
opportunity to get the affidavits
into action. What a t tormentor
this little thing we call " conscience
is! - - " '
: Ladi es don't buy your spring dres
goods and furnishings until you first ex
amioe Nolan & Callahan's select stock.
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
a Vox Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 P- m
" Corvallis 2:00 p. m
; "'arrives Yaquina........ 6:2op.m,
I Returning: '
- Leaves Yaquina..'........ 6:45 a. m
' Leaves Corvallis. , . 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany : . 12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m
' Arrives Detroit 12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leavea Detroit.. ...........I:0o p. m
Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. .
- Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
: Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbuah and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7o a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
. For further information apply to
Edwin Stonk,
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
Notice for Bids.
For building and completing a school
house in District No ' 3, contractor : to
furnish all material. To be finished by
September 25, 1904. Specifications may
be seen at the Times office. The di
rectors reserve the right to reject any or
all bids. Bids will be received until
June 5th, 1904.
By W. S. Alcorn,
Kings Yalley,
course every man isnt a dashing young fellow with leanings toward
tbatraIVa'tyeiy one that can wear extreme styles, anyhow.
Thowotild I00K out of place. Fully half the good,
dressers go in for the conserv- . ... . - -
atjvejjYTe do not mean by
that something that's out of
date. ' On the contrary, out :
conservative coats are right
up to the' minute,' only the . i
cat isnt the kind that people '
will turn around and look at!
Of course,-we have ; the -ultra" '.
stales, tpo, for the nobby
youth the -.sort that will
bring out the ejaculation:'
i "Gee! but he's dead swell."
1 If you don't want that sort
of thing, we commend our : '.
; regular conservative suits, the Arvon three-button sack or the three-button
I double-breasted Tudor, or, may be, the straight-front sack, wtiicK
lever your ; tate f decides. . You' won't be a swaggering
Beau Brummel just a plain e very-day man with real smart clothes on. 1
- Our Teas that we sell at 25c
50c, 60c and 75c:a pound; and
our coffees that we sell at 15c
20c; 25c, 30c and 45c a pound
can not be matched elsewhere
in quality and price. Try them
at the
PHONE 483,
s': - -
Stock of 6 Rodes at Bid Bargain
Stoves, Ranges,
Cooiing Utensils
Washing Machines
Wringers, Etc.
Are being closed out at absolute cost.
Commencing now and continuing until sold
out. Come early an d secure good selections
D. matin $f 0o.
Furniture and Carpet Store.
Fhysician and Surgeon.
Office, Boom 14. First National Back
Building, Oorvaiiis, Or. Office Boors,
10 to ia a, as., a to 4 .
T7 1 are very. . careful in
W V selecting our Tea's top
Vn -w-w ntiilw Vi X svVk nmiA l4-W? W V
UU.J unij mgu. giant? dui v njr
PURE TEA. And in buying
coffee w e buy only OLD
CROP drinking coffee'.
6un Store...
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office fit Baractt brick CorvaUis, Ore V
: :