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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1904)
Vol. XVILNo. J4. -CORVAULIS, " OREGON. MAY 28. 1904. Baoe 2ou Seen Our New Arrivals Dress Goods, Novelty Trimmings, Silks, Embroideries, Lace Belts, Collars, White Goods and Shoes. FOR GEN S JillUiUlUJUUMUJUlUlUUt SSBVBj TrvBvBaBBBssBjsBSBSBj WWwW.WPPWwW Clothing, Hats, Neckware, Shoes, Shirts, Underware. Call and See J. H. HARRIS. is FIGHT WITH BAIiDITS SHERIFF SHACKELFORD PUR . SUES a IMNAHA - POSTOF FICE ROBBERS. lifa was threatened on account of hia filing on a certain tract of land. rereooa wno Knew f omens says be was peacebly disposed. He was bright inan and poke several languages. Hia age was about So. Efforts Being Made in Illinois Check the Evil. Free Bas. Fine Light Sample Rooms. ;ft V; J?r? ' Corvallis JsJ' ' ill T - Hammel, Prop. LeadiDg Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. New brick building. ylfurnished, with modern con veniences. Furnace Electrift Tio-nts. Fir TCk. capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam- 5 ette Valley. V , J Rates: $1 .00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. H Sheriff a Horse Waa Shot From Under Him Their Horses and : -1 Outfit Captured, butt Ban dits Escape to the "r . ) Mountains Other ' " "". -:- : 7 - Newe. Portland. Mar 2s. Oregdnian: News of a pitched battle between postoffice robbers and officers of Wallowa county was brought to this city-yesterday by J. C. Shack elford, of Imnaha. The sheriff ov ertook the robbers in the wilds of i canyon and, though they were . two to one and heavily armed, he engag ed them in a fierce battle until hie horse was shot from under him Retreating for aid, he gathered a posse and again engaged the band' its in a running fight, bat in the darkness and brnsh the bandits managed to eseape. Officers of the county are still on their trail, and every effort is being made to effect their capture. The two robbers are believed to be ex-eon victs named ' Gale and Hartley. A few nights ago they rode into Imnaha and held up the postmaster, helping themselves to government funds and supplies from the store. Mounting their horses, they made for the moun tains witn their booty. Before an alarm could be raised they disap- peared. Sheriff bhackelford started on their trail and on the afternoon following the robbery he unexpect edly met them face to face in i canyon several miles from Imnaha The robbers opened fire and Sheriff Shackelford returned the eompli ment. The fight was a running one but it was coming to close quarters when the Sheriff's horse fell, pierc ed by a ballet from the -rifles of the robbers. As the bandits rounded the cliff, the sheriff fired a parting shot and saw one of them fall. He was evidently only slightly woun 1 ed, for he clambered to his horse a gain and the two disappeared. The sheriff relumed to Imnaha and raising a posse of deputies, started back on the trail of the robbers, The nest day their camp was dis- covered in a precipitous canyon, The horses and outfit were captured by the officers, but the officers could not find the men. ' They were locat ed about dark, returning to camp They opened fire on the posse from a high cliff. The fire was returned by the officers, bat before the latter could scale the cliff the robbers bad succeeded in luding them. . The starch was continued tor several hours, but no trace of them could be found. It is believed they atole new mounts from a bunch of horses that was found the following day, and made their way to some refugi in the mountains. WE DO NOT OFTEN CHANGE Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Cbinaware A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store we do the rest. 6, Be Horning North Sidney, N. S. W., May 2o. Thirteen lives were lost today when the British steamer Turret Bav, coal-laden, bound from Sid ney to Montreal, during a fog struck on the rocks, 19 miles uff Cape North, the northernmost point Cape Breton,- and sank in deep water within 2o minutes. ' Only nine men were eaved. Aftr the impact the steamer backed off into deep water. N The crew attempted to cut the boats clear, but while thus engaged the vessel plunged down, bow first carrying every man aboard with her. Some of the men straggled to the surface and clung to floating pieces of wreckage. Fourteen per sons were taken off the wreckage by the life-savins crew that put out from the island, but five of them died before reaching the island The vessel was built in 1894 steel, was of 2211 tons and owned by William Peterson, of Newcastle on-Tyne. v-,- -v -5v I Homeopathist dence eor 3rd and Harrison eta. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, G'. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104., . -. . - All calls attended promptly. to MATTED STRANDS AND BLOOD STAINS MAY SEAL WIL LIAMS' FATE. at Cottaee Grove. Or., May 22. Louis Poitreus, a farmer living Loraine, was found dead this morn' ing near his doorstep, face down DranrUta Jiak Learlolataro to Hake Iltiett Sale of tkeDng DHBlooM : How MaVms Ave .. .... Alarmed ,ly- tho rapid spread of the cocaine habit' in Chicago and the at tendant demoralizing consequences, druggists ili t lie city, allied with others from over the state, nave begun a con; certed movement against the promiscu ous sale o the drug.-- The legitimate dealers are unanimously of the opinion that legislative action is necessary to reirulate tne present reckiessioistriDu- tion of cocaine, and the matter received no - little J attention at the recent meeting " of the Illinois Pharma ceutical association at Jacksonville. A resolution. was passed which favors transferring she present law govern ing the matter from the civil to ve pharmaceutical code. In this way, says the, Chicago Tribune, it is beuevea tne sale of cocaine by unscrupulous deal ers could be better regulated and the evils resulting from a. too general use of the drag reduced to a minimum. , - One of the leaders of tne movement looking to legislation for the curbing of the traffic is Walter H. Gale, of CM- eago, president 01 tne atate associa tion. L . 'I do not pretend to be conversant with the dstails of the trade," says Mr. Gale. "Reputable pharmacists do not engage in it. but we all know that there are many disgraces to the profes sion who make large profit thereby. The evil results are enormous, espe cially in the ease of cocaine, which is the most deadly of all these drugs. It is true that there is a law on the statuf e book prohibiting the sale except on prescription, but it is inef fective; Druggists who know their customers have nothing to fear. If questioned it is easy for them to say that they sold the stuff on prescrip tion, which prescription they have not preserved. It is probably impossible actually to eliminate the evil by legis lation, but something can be done to curb" it. - My idea, is to procure the pas sage of a law something like that in force-m -Pennsylvania. Aecording to it is an onense to sell deleterious drugs to uny one known to be addicted to their use, fiends,' in fact. Further more, anv friend or even acquaintance of the fiend, can notify the drug stores 111 the locality, and if the druggists persist in selling to the fiend, on pre scription or otherwise, he can be pun ished." " A high pharmaceutical authority. questioned on the subject, said : ; Tne cocaine fiend has no morals, He neither knows the meaninjr of truth nor comprehends the rights of property. He will never hesitate to steal anything he may lay his hands on in order to procure the dru?. The men tal effects are peculiar and erratic. once knew an intellis-ent younir man who became addicted to the habit. "He was able to do his resrular work all right, but outside of that he relapsed into almost idiocy. This, I understand, was a typical case. The physical effects include emaciation, debility, and un earthly pallor. An ever present symp tom is a peculiar, glassy stare. The effect of cocaine on-the eyes manifests itself often in a remarkable manner what is known as 'cocaine bugs,' symp toms somewhat similar to delirium tremens. The drug sets on the pupils and so interferes with vision. The vic tim sees spots before his eyes, which, under the influence of a super-excited imagination, he takes for bugs. I have seen a man tear off his coat, roll up his sleeves, and start to picking; these imaginary insects from his arms. A favorite method of taking cocaine nowadays is in snuff. Thus it is pleas- anter to administer than with the hypodermic needle, and equally, if not more, effective. Many tricks are re sorted to by the sellers of cocaine. Often the druggist wfll give the habit ual customer a ticket, on producing which he can obtain what he desires. Such a ticket will be good with all the druggists who compose this evil fra ternity. Knowing their man, they have nothing to fear." A man who formerly worked in a levee drug store, doing a large cocaine traffic, spoke strongly of the evff con sequences. "Cocaine fiends are the lowest of the low," he said. "There is nothing they will not stoop to. in order to obtain the drug. Steal? They will steal any thing. I have often had men come in with perfumes, drugs, and the like, which I knew they had stolen from some other store, and try to trade them for cocaine. ' We have had cuspi dors, several of them in a day, stolen from the store, unquestionably for the The Dalles, dr.. May 25. Straight to the vital of the Williams murder eaee went ' Henry McGinn, attorney for the thin-lipped pris- u . , , it minium Kiaijuo, wees uut sa uuiu. oner, when he made his opening Tu di8arranged the chain of evl address to the jury this morning. J". L:uKlT jH-J -1L TRIAL Of WILLIAMS Found in an Empty Grave Strong Circumstantial Evidence Intro- -; duced at the Dalles The.:-" Defense Is Defiant. grayish, close-clipped bsard making him look a few '-.years younger, . hot it showed more clearly the thin and sharp-edged lips, which lend an sic of cunning to his face. He rested one elbow on the table and kept his mouth constantly covered with . his hand to the despair of an artist who vainly v endeavored-to eketoh him." " The rapid progress of the' ease' was a surprise to the prosecution, who had calculated that the cross examination would be long and te As a consequence their expert wit- neeees, the chemist and. doctors,' who will testify that the skin. and. hair found in the seven-foot grave on the Williams homestead, belong to human beings and not to dogs aa- Williams claims, were not on hand. No conclusion , as to his eudden , p"T?e- rectories are never j 11. u 1 i .i,l , t saf e, which is one reason why they are death can he had "until the coroner's chained to th(, - jury tomorrow. It is reported that The fiends have certain mcetin? rortreus had had a leua Wltn SOine 'places on the levee, old shanties or of his nearest neighbors over the j shacks where they meet and pass killing of some of his cattle and it around the drug, the needle, and the is possible that he met with foul STmft box- Apparently they enjoy play, as it was reported that his ; "ompany. their degradation." "Gentlemen," cried the lawyer as he faced the 12 men, "the state ot Oregon cannot prove death in this case. The prosecuting attor ney knows it. There are suspicions but nothing more." And on this single point bangs the fate of Normon Williams. There are no producable bodies of the missing women. The corpus delic ti is wanting. Upon a few strands of matted hair and a blood-stained gnnny sack disinterred after being buried in the ground for four years, the prosecution must rest all the fabric of circumstantial evidence with which it hopes to overwhelm the defense, and the defense defies tbem. All attempts to pile up suspicious circumstances, previous convictiocs of the prisoner or evidence of his sa- tamc character for easy inspection by the jury are baffled by the de fense. ''Alma Nesbitt and her mother may be alive," says the de fense to the prosecution. "First prove that they are dead, then prove that Norman Williams murdered them." So the prosecution with its 40 witnesses is bending every effort, first to show that the wisps of hair found in the grave belong to Alma and her mother, and, second, to build around the prisoner such a chain of circumstantial evidence that from it there shall be -ne es cape. - How strong this chain must be is a matter of doubt. With public sentiment in an en tire county so inflamed that 25 men out of forty confessed to having an unalterable conviction that the de fendant was guilty, it would seem that the technical and legal merits of the case might be entirely over looked. - The defense must win an overwhelming victory to win at all. The net result of the prosecution's efforts today bas been to prove con flicting statements on the Dart of Williams as to the date on which he last saw the missing women. S. Bolton,' deputy county clerk, testi fied that the prisoner told him that be bad driven the women to the de pot in Hood River on the morning of march 9, and that they had tak en the tram for Portland from there. Against this the prosecu tion had placed the testimony of the O. B. & N.'s train dispatcher, who Btated that the only morning train passed through Hood river a bout 5 o'clock A. M. By other evidence it was shown that Williams left in a team from Hood river in the evening before, bound for his ranch, 20 miles away and the conclusion was drawn that it would have been impossible for him to have made the drive there and back on a stormy night in time to catch the train, even if there bad been any reason why the trio should drive all night nearly to return to their starting point in the morning. It was shown also by the livery stable keeper that, while Williams in this case professed to have re turned with the women at 5 o'clock he did not return the team until af ter 8 o'clock, at which time he was seen driving into town along the road which led to his homestead. In another case it waa testified to that Williams told J. B. Goit, a surveyor that he had not seen the missing women since Alma's birth day, January 25, on which day a little reunion had been held by the girl's Oiegon friends and neighbors in her homestead. This story waa also told by William3 to other per- pont, but was contradicted-by the version told to Bolton and, the proscution say?, will be torn to tat ters tomorrow by the evidence of many witnesses, including John Hall, United States district at Port land, who is to arrive tonight All through the day the prisoner sat motionless beside his. attorney. Ha had been elean-sbaven early in the morning, the absence of the denes which the dieHct attorney had planned to present, und he was forced to call such wiuu.-- as ho had. ... "The evidence will show,", said Mr. Wilson, "that for a year or tvtv previous to tneir arrival in Oregoa William and Alma NeBbitt knew eadh other intimately in Nebraska -By some means or other William-: ' gained her entire trust and confi dence and persuaded ber to accom pany him to Oregon. Later on ho suggested to nor that it would be a wise plan to take np a homestead in the valley south of the Dalles. Later in the summer of 1899, Alma . took up a homestead." The story was then recited of the coming of Alma's mother to live 1 with her daughter, of the trip to Portland of the two women and Williams, of the return to Hood River, and of the disappearance ex the women and Williams into the inky blackness nf a stormy night on March 8, 1900. "That, gentlemen," said Mr. Wil son, "was tne last time the women were seen, dead or alive." Jackson, Miss., May 25. Fire in Yazoo City today destroyed every business house of any importance, together with a large number of pri vate resideuces, the principal hotel and the passenger station. ' The fire started at o.dU this morn ing, ana ournea until o o ciock mis afternoon, destroying 200 buildings. The burned district is ' three blocks wide and 12 blocks long. The esti mates of the loss are between $2, 000,000 and $2,500,000.. 1 ne water supply was in adequate and efforts to stay the flames were futile. A citizen named Chamblish was killed by falling walls and May or Holmes was severely hurt, hia condition tonight reported as pre carious. In the afternoon the fire spread to Latonia, a residence district, where it destroyed some of the fin est homes. The Yazoo county court house and the Kicks Memorial Li brary escaped destruction, and the vaults of the banks and the postof fice protected their treasures. Yazio City is 40 miles distant from. Jackson, and has 6,000 inhabitants. lbe total insurance is between $800,000 and $1,000,000. Seattle, Wash., May 22. George Clafwha, a Port Madison reserva tion Indian, who is thought to be about 80 years of age, has a private cemetery on the reservation. Not that Chafwha has been a "gun" man, but that he is much related. Chafwha has gathered all the rela tives he can trace and adopted oth ers for the purpose of burial, interr ing tbem in his private grounds. Last week the old Indian tear fully decided that the unkempt condition of his cemetery was a dis grace to bim and his ancestry. It could Dot disgtace poi-t-?ru , tn-i-ause the family is practically run out. Chafwha summoned all the In dians on the reservation and gath ered a few from Bainbridge Island, which lies across Port Orchard and Agate Passage from the reservation. To the braves he expressed a deBire for a fence that would enclose his cemetery, and the willing perform ers spent two days erecting posts and stretching a wire netting. When the work of protecting his cemetery had been completed, old Chafwha took the assembled Indians to a white's house that he had se cured for the occasion and gave them an extensive banquet. Claf wha planned the affair as a potlatcb, but he was unable to bear the finan cial strain of giving presents to all his guests. The eating and drink ing, however, continued for a day or two, and the completion of ' old Clafwha's private cemetery . was made a holiday for the reservation Indians.