LOCAL LOBE. CHlTTIlt TALK, i AjV-rartJasmenta ts this column charged '.tor M tbe rue ollS cent per line. T 1. T." Hf,csn 1 Konir ante doing business in town Monday. Dr. George Ainslie and sister are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. , Miss Addie Hecker, ot wells, was the guest over Sunday of Miss Ella King. Miss Katherine Meiring, of Salem, was the euest of Corvallis friends the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Waldron of Ore- con Citv. have been euests of Corvallis friends this week. Mr. Handy, of DesMoines Iowa is a guest at the home of his cousin Rev. Handsaker.- Chittim peelers are much in evidence now a days. Loads of them pass through town nearly every 1 day,- bound for the neighboring hills. Henry Cummings and family are to occupy the Denman resid ence the coming year, during the absence in Pittsburg of Mrs. Den man and Miss Anna Denman. The juvenile performers in the late production of "Queen Esther" enjoyed an outing Saturday after noon with Mrs. I. K. btmth as chaperone. Mrs. Brunk and Miss Bessie Danoemau returned Saturday from attendance at the grand assembly of the Rebekah lodge at Astoria. 1 hey report the session a very success ful and interesting one. and the at tendance large. Walter Bartges, the old O. P. conductor, accompanied by his wife has been a Corvallis visitor for several days. They left Tuesday for Philomath, and today are to leave for their home in Ashland, where Mr. Bartees is engaged m the mercantile business. Norns & Kowe s circus was the attraction in Corvallis Friday. ' The huge tent, and the usual num ber of side shows, were pitched on the flat near the S. P. depot, and there was a large attendance at both the afternoon and evening performances. The trained ani mals did some splendid work, and' this feature alone was worth the price of admission. All the second hand goods ava , ilable abontlown have, been .rented by the Adventists' for use in "v their camps in Jobi addition during the coming meetings. The grounds in the western part of town are already thickly dotted with 4ents, and 500 or more Dretnern ot tne taitn are expected to be in attendance from May 26th to June 5th. George Wallace, the well known section foreman, - who was for several years in. charge of the O. & C. section at Corvallis in the old time, died on the 17th inst at Silver Lake, Southeastern Oregon His malady was heart disease. ' He -was buried on the 19th at Silver Lake. His wife was Miss Kittredge, a Benton county girl, who with a daughter, survive him. In the College chapel on the evening of May 28th, an entertain ment in the lecture line will be given under the auspices of the Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. The speakers of the evening are General Joubert and Captain McDonnel, battle- scarred heroes ol the Boer war. The admission will be 35 cents, and there is no doubt that the af fair will be intensely interesting to all who attend. WILD WEST INCIDENT. The Woodmen's steamboat ex. cursion to Jsaieni Sunday was very successful, and according -to all accounts was very much enjoyed by the excursionists. Two hundred people, accompanied by the Corval as cornet Dana lett down the river at seven o'clock. At Albany a few people joined the party, and still others were taken aboard at Inde pendence, at Buena Vista' and when the Steamer Pomona pulled into her dock at Salem -?oo souls were aboard. The arrival at Salem was at 11 o'clock, and the start for the return trip was at four. It was five minutes to twelvewhen Corval lis was reached. bam Moore, residing a mile northwest of this city, and who embarked in the fancy poultry business less than a year ago, has 1000 young chickens now in his poultry yards. These were hatch ed in incubators, and are thrifty ana gooa rustlers. Mr. Moore in tends, next year, to have 2,000 broilers ready for the Lewis & Clark fair, and in case the latter is not opened for another year, as some people predict, he will try to . have 4.000 young chickens ready for the hungry visitors who will be in Portland for the big event, Mr, Moore pins Us faith to the fancy poultry business, and thinks there is a fortune in it for the person who goes about it in the proper way. A Few Suggestions as to Present and . Future Prices. "The season for peeling chittim bark has arrived and the : output this year ' promises to. be larger than usual, as scores of men, wom en and children are bard at work in the region where chittim trees abound. A special and peculiar knife has been invented for peeling this bark and is for sale by some dealers in this city. It has a stout straight blade, with a broad, sharp end, which greatly facilitates the starting of the sheet of bark from the limbs, after it has been slit I down one side by a small blade projecting at right angles from the back of the main blade. ; The price to be paid for chittim bark this season is 3 1-2 to 4 cents per porin.i. which is not so much as ought to be paid, but is a slight ' advance on the old price of 3 cents, for which tons have been sold. A ' settler who lives in the vicinity of a grove of chittim trees and has a -large tamily can make quite an addition to his income by gathering the bark as his family can render as sistance in peeling and drying it. There is no diminution in the de mand for the bark, wh ch is an Ex cellent physic, and still retains its good qualities which induced the Francescan Brothers of early days to give it the name ot cascara sa grada," sacred bark. Probably some day wheu chittim trees have become scarcer, the bark will bring a higher price." Oregonianr1 . In parts of Benton and Lincoln counties any news -concerning- the chittim business is read with much interest at this time, being the opening of the peeling season. Still, the enterprising reporter, in his zeal to give the readers of his newspapers the mental food which they wish to sample, ought to of fer that which is true to name. The statement in the above clipping as to the price to be paid for bare this season, is doubtless an assumption merely. It may be said that the market has, as yet, scarcely opened up, and while there is no. disposi tion to discourage the , wisdom of any reporter, it is indeed a wise person who can state - wifi assur ance ot the Uregonian reporter, that ''the pr'.ce to be paid for chit tim bark this season is 3 1-2 to 4 cents." The tact is. that this early in the season Corvallis deal ers are paying 5 cents per pound for ehir;Lrn bark,". X, ... . It seems likely that an unusual amount of bark will be placed on the market this season owing to the relatively, high price of year. This, together with the possibility of buyers entering into a compact to hold the price down, constitutes the sole basis for the assumption that the price will be low this season, Bark peelers un derstand that they cannot know beyond doubt what the price, will approximate, but among the in fluences which would naturally give the commodity an upward tenden cy, is, hrst, that there is no ade quate substitute for medical pur poses; that 11 is becoming scarce while the demand, by physicians and others is increasing; that the bark may be preserved indefinitely and that there might be a dispos ition to purchase a greater supply than there is needed for immediate use, and thus in a measure prepare for the time when it shall be diffi cult to obtain fresh supplies at any price; and lastly these conditions being understood, the speculator not heretofore a purchaser,, may be expected to see that the commodity is not sold to any combination of dealers at a price much below that of last season. It is commonly be lieved that within a short term of years chittim bark will reach a figure compared with which last year's prices shall appear insigni ficant. ' - Faithful Eog Killed by. Cougar While : Defending a Child. - , The narrow escape of a child from the jaws of a famished cougar, the fatal encounter of a faithful dog which essayed to defend his .child companion and the final death of the monster wild animal , and the : con necting details, constitute a thril ling story of pioneer life,' the scene of which is near the line of Benton and Lincoln counties, in ;the Fall creek settlement." . Eckley Beals is arancher who resides with his wife " and several children on Digger creek, a tribu tary which empties into the " Alsea a short distance above the mouth of Fall creek. A few days ago while the older children were ' at school and the father was away from home 1 small child scarcely able to talk wandered a short; distance from home accompanied by a large and savage old dog. Subsequent events rendered it conclusive that the little tot and the dog unknowingly ap proached near to where a large cougar lay in wait to pounce upon its prey, which . in all . probability would have been the child had not the dog seen and attacked the ani mal. Upon its . return home-the little one gave an indistinct account of the attack by the dog upon some thing and of the disappearance of the contestants down into a deep canyon. . However, not much im portance was at the. time attached to the child's narrative. i This happened on Friday 'f and on Sunday the family had begun to feel, uneasy respecting the where abouts of the dog, more especially' as Mrs. Beals remembered to have heard the dog howl as if in distress, the previous Friday, but at the time supposed that some person had struck, the animal. However, no search was immediately made. . Sunday afternoon while on his way to Sunday school Mr. Beals found the remains of a sheep cover ed with leaves and fern. This cir cumstance convinced him that a cougar was in the neighboroood, and he notified Otto Dieckhoff , who with other persons and his dogs went out to hunt down the varmint. In a short time the dogs came upon a large cougar- which essayed to fight the dogs bat was presently compelled to seek safety in a tree Upon the hunters arrival the animal came down to battle with : the dogs and if possible make his escape But the dogs understood their .busi ness and the cougar was speedily treed again, and several shots brought the animal to the ground, last dead. The cougar was a very large one but in poor condition. His stomach however, was abnormally distended as a result of his recent gorge. The animal was conveyed to Mr. Dieck hoff' s home where the. cougar, the hunting party and the dogs were photographed by Mrs. Dieckhoff. . All the circumstances led to the belief that the Beals dog had been killed by this cougar. . Search was made in the vicinity of the Beals house, and down in the canyon in dicated by the child, the remains of the dog were found. Only the head and the , larger bones of the body remained. . THEY WERE-ENJOYED. O Thursday and Friday Evening Pro grammes Close of Institute. At the Opera House Friday ev ening an immense audience crowd ed and jostled and hurried to gain admission in order to listen to the musical programme that was sched uled as a feature of. the . institute week. Not a seat was left, and many people were standing when the first number : on the program was given by the OAC orchestra. Following this. Ruthyn Turney rendered one of his own excellent compositions with splendid effect. being accompanied by Prof. Good- nough. Another number by the orchestra was followed by a .-solo Dvuttof. L tlerse, who was called back for still another song. The orchestra was again cheered. and , Prof. Goodnongh followed with a : splendidly rendered piano number, being obliged to respond to an encore. A final selection was then given by the orchestra and the ladies'.- chorus sang "'Annie Laurie," as the closing number. The entire program was meritor ious and has since been the subject of much complimentary discussion about town. . -. Friday evening a crowded house greeted lieorge L. raul, who was on the institute program to give Corvallis people a treat in elocu tionary work. The program' was, selection, OAC orchestra; , "The Uncle," George L. Paul; dumb bell drill, Philomath College; music orchestra; "Ostler Joe," George L. Paul; club swinging, Mr. Betz; "The Tell Tale Heart," George L. Paul. Mr. Paul appeared to advantage in each of his numbers, and did not disappoint in the least, the ex pectations of his many friends. The program throughout was well rend ered and thoroughly enjoyed by all present. : Ule Sclli $oro$i$ PETTICOATS ' Look Here. I have a good stock ranch for sale two hundred and ninety five acres with un limited outrange, a small bouse and also a small orchard. This place-is in the Belknap settlement one half mile from postoffiue, six miles from Monroe, four miles from Bellfountsin, 1 miles from church. Price to suit pur chaser. Enquire of A. W. Hawlev, Pathmark. . - 16 hands high; weight, 1,200; dark bay; Pathmark will make the season from the 13th of Anril in Corvallis. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of each weeK. ine rest 01 me time . at Jesse Brown's twelve miles south of Oervallis Pathmark .0382, Record r.xyz sired by Pathmont 2:09 X sired of Pathmark 2:11 Bell air a-H dam Juliet 2-22 by Tybolt 2-27 ; sires of the dam -of Volo 2-20. Tybolt was by Altamont, 3,600. dam Nellie Kohler by Mike. Biro of the second dam of Klamath, 2-07 14. Terms 1 15, $20 and 25. Good pasture free of charge for mares from a distance. Will net be responsible for accidents. . -Jesse Brown. i , ,. , ' . I Poland China boar. Painting and Paper Hanging. Lwt , ?,. All orders promptly filled. Phone . 05. Samuel Kerr. Wanted. - AgirLto do general housework on larm. uiara M. .Harding. R. F. D.-No. 1. In Answer to Challenge, Prof. S. I. Pratt, ' Philoma'h, Oregon. ' ' 2 My Dear Sir: Your letter of May oth. in which you as an "independent canT didate" for school superintendent ot Benton county, Oregon, chal lenge me to a joint canvass, receiv ed, in reply to the same, permit me to say that the canvass of Ben ton county tor the - candidates, on the republican ticket, in this cam paign is in tile, hands of the chair-? man of the republican county cent ral committee. I have, therefore, turned your letter over to him for his consideration. You will no doubt, receive his reply in due time. His decision in this matter will determine my course. Very respectfully, Geo. W. Denman. : (' Sorosis Sights are visions of sightliness. ; No -mere word-1 jingle that, but the expression of stylish-loving women every ! where. And ; its truth will will impress you startlingly when you. let your eyer glad den at the sight we've assem bled for today. Such style of cut every latest effect with . shapely yoke and proper . flare the straight - front- without a wrinkle. Such quality of material! The rustling richness of silk itself is i-i this mercerized sateen. ' Such frillf ul fancies in the trimming?, ruffles and tuck?, sherrisgs and plaits, render irresistable the dantine of Sorosis. ' But it's the price that makes this sale significant to the thriftiest among you. C Isn't this f conomy figuring? Prices $1, 1.25, 1.50, 2, 2.50 up to 5. " : - : S. L. KLINE'S, Regulator of Low Prices. Cbipman's Kcmmercial RESTAURAOT. New Room, New Furnishings, Everything Complete. . Inquire of John F. ty clerk's office. Goats for Sale. L--' Iryin at the coun- For Sale. First class cedar posts for sale. In- qaite of ' . v . B. F. Ireland & Bro, Corvallis R F D No. 2 A Business Chancs.- "' Any person dssirous of making asy money through the excusive , sale by counties of the most useful tool etrer in vented, can secure such an opportunity by a small investment. See W, H. Mc Comas at Occidenttl Hotel. The Rummage booth will be - full of bargains, '' ! . " Our sample line of swell tailor made summer clothing is now in. OAC Press ing CO. Go to Blapkledjie's for window shades ' Don't forget tonight famous Hazel wood ice cream at Miles Starr's; Bricks of ice cream can be ordered at Miles Starr. Be sure and get the famous Hazel wood ice cream. - - "Nolan & Callahan's new spring stock is now complete in all departments. - 53053 Fanion 34473. Imported black Fereherpn stallion win make the season of 1904 as follows, Hon., Toes, and Wed., Farmers Barn, Corvallis; Thuer., McFadden Farm, Brace; Fri. and Sat., Monroe: : Terms. $15, the season, S 20 to insure. T. K. Sawcett, Owner. Corvallis, Ore. For Sale. 22 months old Alfred Bicknell, 5 milea north ol Corvallis. Hazelwood ice cream is the famous pare kind that melts in your month, and tastes better than any other. Dont miss the living pictures May 2 j. Found. ', A ladies black serge jacket. Owner can secure same at Starr's confectionary store. ' The drill of national ' flowers Friday. For Sale First class, second growth r wood of uniform length, no round sticks. Guar anteed 128 cubic feet per cord. Leave orders at P. M. Zierolf. D. S. Adams. Have your fortune told renowned gypsy. -. by Zingara, See Blackledge's fine couches. We make : Special rates to families. Corvallis Steam Laundry. Cftil up Main Carnival May, 25, 26 and ''27 at the Opera House.- Admission 10 cents. Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new store. NEXT BOOR NORTH OF SMALL & SON. CLARENCE CHIP MAN. EMERY'S ART STUDIO South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture 1 O. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. A. Q. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. 1 - - Art Calendars, ' Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties. ' Blcakledge keeps all kinds of table At Zierolf a Alfalfa, ' Red -Clover, White Clover, Timothy, Orchard, Vetch, Rape Dwarf Essex and all other kinds of garden seeds. Look for the name Crouee & Braade ger on your spring suit. , Jop loupd SI?o?s por T)ei :': v. I'-'- & vv ew Spring Style fXi -J- $3.50 (piSs. Unexcelled in style, mater- ' fcH, 1 ial and workmanship. Absolute - l ly guaranteed in every particu- "Special in Men's Spring Suits. Every and in fact ever) thing in this Stitch : suit is perfect. ; - ITS MADE TO FIT and it certainly does to try on one of them means good-bye tailor, and money saved. Come Ift and be convinced now! CorvaJlis, Oregon. X