The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 25, 1904, Image 1

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    Vol. 'XVII. No. 14.
B. F. IBTTtm
Editor and Proprietor
Our New Arrivals
Dress Goods, ;
Novelty Trimmings;
Silks, Embroideries,
Lace Belts,
Collars, White
Goods and Shoes.
Clothing, Hats,
Neckware, Shoes,
Shirts, Underware.
Call and See
Offers -Big Reward for Lake
ty Murderer State Will
$2500 For Slayers
Sheep $300 Apiece Is
Pledged from the-;-'
Free Bus.
Fine Light Sample Booms. -
V - .lw - g-
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leadiog Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. New
brick building. ylfurnished, with modern con
veniences ' Fnrnao.ft TTfiflt. "El in T,io-ht.s Fire V,a-
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the W mam- 2s
ette Valley. I
llflt AS? ftl OH 1 OR an A 9. Art Vww Aatr '.'
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinaware
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
Office cor 3rd and Monroe sts. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison eta.
- Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 3 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
- G. R. FARRA,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham- &
Wells drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104. '
All calls attended promptly.
Salem. May 20. A reward
$2,500 has been offered by Gover
nor Chamberlain lor the arrest and
conviction of the murderer of
Creed Conn, of Lake county, who
was killed near Silver Lake two
months and a half ago. -
A reward of $300 has been of
fered for the conviction of each of
the men who participated in the
killing of 2500 hundred sheep' in
Lake county on April 28.
This oner of reward is made
without express authority of law
but the governor feels confident
that if convictions should be secur
ed and the rewards earned, the leg
islature would not hesitate to ap
propriate money for the purpose.
Secretary of Sttte Dunbar and State
lreasurer Moore joined, with the
governor in promising to lend their
aid in securing the appropriation if
the rewards should be earned.
With a view to suppressing law
lessness in Lake county, Governor
Chamberlain has had copies of the
offer of reward printed and has sent
them to be posted in d liferent sec
tions of that county. He has also
written letters to the sheriff and dis
trict ' attorney, urging them to
do all in their power to apprehend
the outlaws and pievent a repetition
of the crime."
The governor was induced to take
this action by letters received from
prominent citizens of Lake county.
In these letters it was stated that
the men who killed the sheep threat
ened the life of any person who
tries to apprehend them or who of
fers a reward for their conviction,
and for that reason men living in
that vicinitj dare not tike steps to
bring the criminals to justice. They
appealed to' the governor to take
some actioo in behalf of law-abiding
people who live in constant terror
10 a land wiie re tney nave laoorea
for years to build their homes. "
The governor considers it. im
practicable to send militiamen to
Lake county, for the desperadoes
operate in a region very thinly set
tled and where it would beimpoesi
ble for militiamen to capture a
a criminal familiar with every mile
of the wboin country. . The Gover
nor s hope is that this offer of re- j
ward will induce some person who
ha? or may secure information to
divulge the same to the end that the
criminals may be taken into custo
dy. The reward would be paid to any
person giving the iofrrmation, even
though he be an accomplice who
Governor Chamberlain's letter to
District Attorney to L. F. Cono, a
brother of the murdered mau, is as
"Although I have been unofficial
ly advised that a condition of law
lessness prevails in Like county, I
have believed and still , believe that
the local authority s, aided by
the citizens of the county, ought to
find a remedy for existing evils. I
have believed and etill believe that
the rigid enforcement of the law by
local authorities will speedily put
an end to acts of vandalism aod
lawlesness. This opinion is con
firmed by the tact that no official
appeal haB been made to me for ex
ecutive interference.
I am iust in receipt, however, of
a complaint from reputable citi
zens near the place where acts of
lawlessness have been indulged in
who believe that greater efforts
ought to be made for the apprahen
sion of those who nave been . guilty
of the destruction of property and
other acts of violence. From this
source ! learn that deadlines have
been established by the lawless el
ementofthe community, and the
owners of sheep are warned by them
that if they cross the same they
must incur the penalty of death as
well - as the loss of property.
Threats are made that persons who
undertake ta discover the identity
of those who have been engaged in
the destruction of property of the
citizens of. your county will be as
sassinated.. ; -Under
these circumstances I have
deemed it my duty to appeal to you
and through you to the law officers
of your'coonty," to use your Utmost
efforts rigidly to enforce the law,
in order that those who have been
engaged in the ruthless destruction
ot property may be speedily identi
fied,. apprehended and brought to
Without any request from the lo
cal authorities for my interference,
but acting upnn the suggestion of
citizens of your county who are de
terred by threats from offering re
wards for the apprehension of men
who : have been engaged in the
wholesale slaughter of sheep and
I th fipfltrtintirm nf nrnnfirtVi and in
hope of assisting in the arrest and
conviction of the criminals, have
concluded to offer rewards, pledg
ing the faith of the state to the pay
ment as eoon as the legislature con
venes.. : - ' : -
I inclose you notices ot these re
wards,, and I truet you will have
them -posted in conspicuous places
throughout your county. I sincere
ly trust every effort will be made
by you not only to apprehend those
who have been guilty of the wanton
destruction of proDerty, but to pre
vent a recurrnce of such acts in the
future." t i ,.;
February 2 Band of 3000 sheep
slaughtered by masked .men near
Silver Lake; clubs and guns were
used. . .' ' ,
March 4 JV- C. Conn, a wealthy
Silver Lake merchant, went out af
ter breakfast, from his home at Sil
ver Lake, to visit a horse that
had been poisoned, one of a valua
ble team. Seven weeks latar bis
body was found ia the ' pasture,
within a short distance from town,
perforated by two bullets. The ver
dict of suicide, brought in by a cor
oner s jury, was unsatisfactory to
Conn;e friends. They allege he was
murdered to cover up the crime of
the sheepslayers, about whom Conn
was supposed to know too much.
He had been subjected to a number
or peny persecutions, particularly
after a trip to Lakeview, where he
consulted with his brother Lafe,
who is prosecuting attorney.
April 28 A party of nine men
rode up to a band of sheep belong
ing to Parker, Price, Mulkey and
O'Farrell. They wore barley sacks
for masks. Out of 2700, 2300 sheep
were killed outright: the' balance
scattered to make food for coyotes.
The offer of reward is as follows:
Whereas, It has been charged
that there is reasonable ground to
believe that J. C. Conn, late of Sil
ver Lake, in Lake county, Oregon,
was assassinated on March 4, 1904;
Whereas, It has been charged
that on April 28, 1904, a band of
about 2500 sheep were shot and
killed by masked men in said coun
ty, the herders thereof blindfolded
and compelled to stand by while the
property of their employers were
destroyed. ' -
Now, therefore, J, tieorge Ji.
Chamberlain, as governor of the
stats of Oregon, hereby offer re
wards as follows:
$2500 for the arrest and convic
tion, or tor information wmcn will
lead to the arrest and conviction cf
the murderer or murderers of said
J. C. Conn; ...... !
$300 for tha arrest and convic
tion, or for information that will
lead to . the arrest and conviction,
of each and every one of the men
who destroyed or participated in
destroying said sheep on or about
April 28, 1904.
The payment cf these rewards is
conditioned upon an appropriation
to be made by the legislature, which
I promise to do all in my power to
bring about in case sal(l rewards
are, or any part thereof, earned.
Given under my hand . and the
great seal of the Btate of Oregon, at
the Capitol, in Salem, this 19th day
of May, A. D , 1904.
F. I. DUNBAR, Sec. of State.
Houses Float Among Trees, and
1 People Cry fr Help Several
: Towns Inundated People -:
-. J and Stock Have Been
i . f Drowned River
: W - a Mile Wide.
Denver, May 20. A cloudburst
at the. head of the Cache la Poudre
river caused that stream to over
flow its banks, and meager reports
received here indicate that great
damage has been caused by the
flood and several lives lost. The
rush of the flood caused the dam
which holdB the water of Living
ston Lake, 65 miles above Fort Col
lins, to break, and this added vol
umes of water to the flood which
swept down the ' Cache Poudre.
At Fort Collins the river is now
over a mile . wide, and already a
number of the frame dwellings of
the residents of the Russian colony
of 600 have been swept from their
foundation. About one-halt of the
people succeeded in getting out of
their houses before the Hood was
upon them. The remainder are. how
ever, tonight in a perilous position.
Their houses can plainly : be seen
floating among the trees, 1 and
shouts ani other signals of distress
seen and beard. A few of the hous
es hove entered the current of the
river and been swept down stream,
and perhaps ehattered or sunk and
their occupants drowned.
Rescue parties are in readiness to
leave Fort Coll ns with the first
break of day. The floods in the
Cach la Poudre and other streams
are due to heavy rains today.
Livermore, Belleview, La Porte,
Wellington and a portion of Fort
Collins are under four to five feet
of water, and in some cases the wa
ter reaches to the eaves of the hous
es. Five iron wagon bridges and
two railroad bridges in the vicinity
of Fort Collins have been swept
awav and two miles of the Colorado
& Southern tracks washed out,
Several thousands acres of beets
and vegetables have been destroyed,
and hundreds of head of livestock
drowned. The water system of the
city of Fort Collins has been sen
ously damaged, and all of the irri
gation canals and ditches badly
washed. Twelve big reservoirs a
long the Cache la Poudre are threat
ened with destruction. A foot of
water covers the floor of the sug&r
factory .. Wreckage of bouses, house.
hold goods and carcasses of dead
animals are being carried by Fort
Fmm Greeley, about 25 miles
east of Fort Collirjs, comes the in
formation that a number or wagon
bridges between there and Fort
Collins have been washed away
and tha Colorado & southern rail
way bridge at Timnath, about mid
way between the two towns is
wrecked. No trains were sent ou
on that line tonight.
Ibe mcne la rouare river runs
through one of the most thickly-set
tied and richest-agricultural die
trictB of Colorado. A large portion
of the northern part of the state
irrigated from this stream, and
number of immense reservoirs have
been constructed for the purpose of
storing the water. Should the force
of the waters rush weaken these
sufficiently to cause a break aod re
lease the stored water, the result
could be nothing but disastrous.
Wire communication with the flood
section is fitful, and all the towos
along the upper river have been en
tirely cut off.
out, and its tracks have been weak
ened on the line between Cheyenne
and Greeley, Col. -v .
In Cheyenne the long embank
ment on which runs the Union Pa
cific track has been pierced in two
places, the embankment is hold
ing the flood, and the water has ac
cumulated to a depth of 20 feet and
extending over a space two miles
wide and several miles in length.
Pueblo, Colo.. May 20. The
heaviest hailstorm saen in this city
tor many years started at I 0 clock
this afternoon. Hail that weighed
more than three ounces fell to . a
depth of an inch. Considerable
damage was done, and hundreds of
windows were broken.
The principal business houses in
the city having skylights and tile
roofs are all damaged, and many
merchants suffered loss of stock
from the hail "pouring uir. h the
broken skylights. Suni ot i e hail
stones measured 14 m lies in cir
cumference. In seveiai instances
the largest stones punctured shing
led roofs and fell clear through to
the floor. Nearly 100 persons were
injured by being Btruck with big
hailstones. To Mexican children
living at Salt Creek were reported
London, May 21, A dispatch to
the St. James Gazette from Kobe,
Japan, dated today, after confirm
ing the report of .the stranding of
the Russian protected cruiser Bo
gatyr on the rocks nearthe entrance
to Vladivostok, adds that thee Bo-
gatyr was subsequently blown up
by the Russians to prevent her fall
ing into the bands of the Japanese.
The Bogatyr, which according to
the Kobe correspondent of the St.
James Gazette, has been destroyed.
was a fine modern cruiser of 6750
tons displacement, and 2o,5oo nor
mal horsepower. She was built at
the Vulcan Works, tStetin, Germa
ny: was completed 'in 1902: was
4163-4 feet lone; bad s44 feet
beam, and drew 20f feet of water.
The armanent of the Bogatyr con
sisted of 12 six-inch guns, 123-inch
guns, six 1.8-inch guns, two 1.4
inch guns, and two smaller rapid-
fire guns. She had torpedo tubes,
her armored deck was two inches
thick, and she had - five inches of
nickel-steel armor over her gun po
sitions. The speed of the Boeatvr
was estimated to be over 23 knots
an hour. She could carry lloo tons
of coal, and her crew numbered 58o
New York, May 21. The United
States battle ship Kentucky anch
ored off Tompkinsville today, hav
ing made the world's record run
for a warship from Hong Kong and
Maderia to New York. The total
distance steamed was 12,698 miles
from Hong Kong, at an average
speed of 12.o7 knots. The whole
distance was made under natural
draught. The Kentucky has been
in commission a li tie more than
four years, and her. first run was
out to the China station. She has
been the flagship of the squadron
for three years, and bre flown the
flag of Rear-Admiral Evans for
more than two years. She left Ma
nila on March 13, docked at Hong
Korjg March 15, and sailed for
borne on March 29.
Liao Yang, May-2o. Two slight
ly wounded prisoners, who escaped
from the Japanese camp after the
battle of Kiu Lien Cheng have ar
rived. They say that the Japanese
are treating their wounded prison
ers with the greatest humanity.
The camp from which these prison
ers escaped, contained 45o wounded
Russian prisoners.
The queen of the carnival will
crowned Wednesday evening at
o'clock. The mayor will . present "
with the keys of the city.
Denver, May 20. A telephone
message to .the Associated Press
from its correspondent at Cheyenne,
Wyo say b that .the crow river,
which runs through Cheyenne, is
running full as a result of heavy
rains today. . Eight to 12 miles of
the main line of the Union Pacific
railway and eeveral rxiles of the
roadbed of the Colorado & Southern
railroad have been washed out.
The river in Cheyenne has spread
out over the lower section', now
flooding the dwellings and business
houses. :
Six persons are known to have
been drowned.
The Union Pacific track at Bu
ford, 26 miles west of Cheyenne, is
washed out in many places. Two
of tbat comp&ny'd bridges have gone
PeDdleton, Or., May. 21. Mrs.
AnDie Engle, wife of John Engle,
committed suicide today by drown
ing in the Umatilla . river. The
body W8S found this afternoon lodg
ed in the brush a short distance .
from the point where it is supposed
the woman jumped into the river.
Acute melancholly and ill-health
are given as the cause. Mrs. En
gle had been ill for fvrnl y-ars,
and. during thelat six ti.on'h- was
extremely despondent, rsise'ufts
note as followe:
"This awful pain 1 can't stand
any more, even for my boy's sake.
I go 10 the river to end it all. God
bless you both."
: 1 bat Mrs. Engle bad premedi
tated suicide is shown by the fact
that she bad tagged many of her
personal effects, bequeathed them to
friends and relatives. She left a son
Claud, in San Fransisco, arid two
sistersio Spokane. . She was 5o
years olJ.
Just received the finest line of cloth
ing. We bought this from the best
manufacturers and every suit is guar
anteed. Call and see us for clothing.
See our men's suit at $10, it is a marvel.
k Henkle & Davis.
Eat ice cream and cake with the Rus
sians every evening.