The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 21, 1904, Image 1

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    fiaue !u Seen
Our New Arrivals
Dress Goods,
Novelty Trimmings,
Silks, Embroideries,
Lace Belts,
Collars, White
Goods and Shoes.
Clothing, Hats,
Neckware, Shoes
Shirts, TJnderware.
Call and See
NeedleB Sank into Flesh Mysteri
ous Oil la Rubbed into the
Wounds Which Causes
Great Pain Other , ,
. " News. i
Free Bus.
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
0 W Q
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in Oorvalhs.f Recently opened.. New
brick building. y If urnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire, Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every' floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. . .. ,v
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Ciiinaware
third of the ticket in the election
today were scratched. A count of
nearly all the straight tickets shows
Speer, democrat, is elected mayor
by tolly 8,UU0 plurality. .
lbe democrats are claiming SJ o
the 16 aldermen, and all the super
visors. If the face of the returns
shows Speer's election, as it is be
lieved, they will, the republicans
declare they will contest the elec
tion. The republicans allege 7O
per cent, of the scratched tickets
are for Springer, and that he is e-
lected by 2,000 plurality.
Chicago, May 17. When -"DoO'
tor Hannieh, leader 01 the eun
worshippers' cult, is placed on trial
on May 26, charged with "piactic-
me medicine without a license," he
will have to face serious charges of
torturing bis patients by using a
machine carrying 20 needles attach
ed to a spring. lhese are sunk
deep into the flesh, and inysteriouB
oil is rubbed into the wound. This
is said to cause great pain and re
sult in horrible blisters and running
sores-: ,
tteorge liilbert said ma wile was
thus treated by two of Hannish'a
women helpers, and that she was
subjected to the ordeal even after
she was 0:1 the verge 01 death irom
starvation and pain; that even the
day upon which his wife died these
two women came to the house and
would have "treated" her but he
drove them away.
Dr.. Mary McKibbon -Harper says
she was called to attend Mies
Reuase when she was taken to the
hospital just prior to being ad i Ode
ed insane and taken to Elgin, where
she is now confined. Dr. McKib
ben-Harper says she found Miss
Keusse s back in a inghtlol condi
tion, caused evidentlo by the needle
treatment. Her back was literally
covered with soree, and she groaned
and wept con tin Dally from the pain
From members ot the cult it was
learned that followers afflicted with
any ailment were tortured.
"Yes, we plunge needles into the
flesh and then rub oil in the
wounds," admitted Dr. J. H. Lowe,
a dentist. . "The needles go far into
the flesh, and' then' the' oil ' causes
blietsrs and sores to form. This
draws poison out of the syatem and
cures tne patient.
Mrs Isaac Henry strong, a high
priestess of the sun worshippers
not only admitted, but boasted that
the sick and afflicted were punished
with needles and burning oil. "It
is one way to subjugate the . flesh
and to drive out the devil," she
said : "There are sot enough pores
in the skin to let in all the sunshine
that the system needs, and bo the
needles are used for this reason."
While Hannish denies that he
tortures his followers in . order to
teach them what he terms "flesh
subjugation." he alludes throughout
all his literature to the ordeal, and
those who stand it , without crying
out in pain are lauded for their
"master over the body. .
iSt. Louis, Mo., May 17. Gener
al Nelson A. Mile?, who is here St
tending Good Roads convention,
expresses he belief that the Ruseo-
Japanese war will
volve other nations
"I believe that the war, will be a
long And desperate one," said Gen
eral Miles.
"In the next great war," said
General Miles, "I believe the auto
mobile will, to a large extent sup
plement the horse. There are now
100,000 automobiles in the United
States, and the number is increas
ing rapidly. Their speed is be
coming phenomenal. Automobiles
can be used on bad roads as well as
Child Killed in the Row Indian
Ponies Spreading Mange and
Trouble Is Feared Wheu.
: Orders to Kill Animal
Is Carried Out
Other. News.
John Day, Or., May 18. Indians
from the Upper Columbia river are
'rovinor in laree bands over the hills
eventually in-'and along the streams of Grant
London, May I7. Reuter's Niu-
chwang correspondent wires under
Monday's date that the Russian e-
vacuation of Niuchwang has been
completed. , ;
The evacuat on was made in per
fect order, General Kondratzvitch
leaving with the last regiment. The
Japanese advance will be resisted
at Haicheng and Liaoyang, where
7o,ooo men are now encamped.
Tbloling, 2oo miles north of Niu
chwang, will be the next point of
retirement if the Russians are de
feated at Liaoyang, while the Cos
sacks will harass the Japanese com
the Japanese are now within 15
miles of Haicheng.
Niuchwang is now guarded by
300 Chinese police. Everything is
quiet and orderly.
. -'f he Japanese force at Kaichau
is reported to be at 2o,ooo. This
army is thoroughly equipped and
has uot been forced forward enough
to render it unfit for its best fight
ing. The advices state that re
markable system now- prevailes
with the Japanese, who conduct
themselves as would campaigners
of years experience.
Japanese warships appeared off Kai
chau, 20 miles southwest of here to
day and shelled the place while
troops were landed. Their strength
is not known. The Japanese are
expected to arrive here tomorrow
and take possession of the town,
having gained, as far as this city is
concerned, a bloodless victory.
Washington, May 17. Various
temperance organizations have be
gun a campaign to make the Pana
ma canal zone prohibition territory .
President Roosevelt is daily receiv
ing letters to this end, and is referr
ing them to the canal commission.
Ad mirl Walker chairman of the
commission, when asked the leasi
biliij of prohibiting the sale of liq
uor by a congressional committee,
paid such a course would be absurd
for the reason that it would be im
possible to enforce the regulation
The drinking on the strip was. not
considerable; While the people use
light wines and beer almost uni
versally, there is comparative! v lit
tle drunkenness.
was not secured at Dijville, an j n
arrests have yet been made on the "
charge of selling liquor to the In
dians, although certain persons are
under suspicion. - '
Excitement in this vicinity is "
running high, and much,, indigna- .
tion is felt against the government
agents who permit these predatory
bands to rove from the reservation.
Their failure to exsreiae more care
ful supervision over their charges is
likely to result m a pitched battle
should the Indians return. The
ranchmen are well armed, and will
protect their homss and their herds
at all hazard. - .
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
6 B Banting
L.ld. ALTAIAN, M. D.
Offloe cdr 3rd and Monroe eta. Rest
deneecor 3rd and Harrison ste.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P M. Sundays 9 to, 10 A. M.
bona rei hu .
G. 11. FA TlH A
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh." Tele
phone at residence, 104.'
All calls attended prompUv.
Chicago, May 17. Prince Pu
Lun. ot China, made an address in
Chinese to an audience of 7UU stu
dents at tbe University of Chicago
yesterday. His remarks were in
terpreted by General Wong, a Yale
graduate. 1 he prince said:
"From the time I landed at San
Francieco during my entire visit to
j our country I have been most sur
prised to find that every man ' and
woman in America is educated.
This I believe is the basis of the
success of the American people."
General Wong also spoke, mak
ing a plea for the easy admission to
the United States of Chinese etu
deute. He said:
"One-fourth of the Chinese stu
dents who were in this country
when I was in college at Yale have
since fallen in battle, shot in front.
To get shot in front is something
thev learned in America."
; county, terrorizing the settlers and
scattering the mange with their
herds of woree than useless ponies.
Great uneasiness exists here and
fears are expressed that tbe degra
dations of the savages mav result
in seriouB hostilities.
Already much damage to the
stock interests has been -done,
and if something - is . not done to
check the incursion of the Indians,
the losses to ranchmen will mount
into the thousands by reason of the
spreading of disease ' among the
vast herds of cattle and horses
which are on the Grant county
range. . .
Inspector George Irvin, of Mon
ument, inspected a number of In
dian ponies when they first reached
the county and fonnd ten of them
badly diseased. He wired the state
veterinary for instructions. That
Officer being sick, Secretary of state
Dunbar wired Irvin to kill the die
eased animals, providing it could
be done at county expense.
There are about 5U0 Cay uses on
the lowor John Day river, and al
though the Indians are expected to
resist, Inspector Irvin says he will
carry out his instructions. It is
believed by ranchmen here that a
serious clash will occur immediate
ly following any attempt to kill the
diseased ponies.
A large number of braves got
drunk at Dayville, 50 miles west
of this place, last night, and a hot
fight ensued, in which guns, bot
tles, clubs and knives were freely
used and a number of the partici
pants badly wounded. - Later two
of the bucks engaged in a duel near
the South Fork bridge, using their
spurs as weapons. One of tbe In
dians was so badly lacerated that
death ensued shortly afterward.
This seemed to Bobar the Indians,
and, binding the body of the dead
warrior on the back of a packhorse,
his bead on one side and feet on the
other, they 3truck out over the
mountains toward the Columbia in
the direction of Arlington. It is
said that a second body, believed to
be that of a child, was carried a
way by the retreating Indians. In
vestigation shows that the liquor
Walla Walla, Wash., May 18.-'
Mrs. William Nave, wife of Derjuty
Sheriff Nave, of Wallula, Wash.,
lies in horrible agony at St. Mary's
hospital, while her physician is ap-.
pealing to Walla Walla residents
for 100 volunteers to eiva contribu
tions of skin to grafi o 1 Un body,
one-fourth of wbic 1 a-i been
burned off. The las;, iw . days a
dozen people, to whom the case had
become known privately, have given
up from six to 17 pieces of skin.
Unless volunteers come forward ,
for this wholesale grafting, Mrs
Nave must die.
Two months ago she fell down
stairs with a lamp, frightfully burn
ing herself. A generous response
is. expected from people here. Mrs.
Nave's own daughter has given 14
pieces. ' The operation is the first
of the kind attempted here, and is
probably the most extensive tried-,
on the Pacific Coast.
Chicago, May 17. Three high
waymen attempted to rob a United
States registered mail wagon early
today near the Chicago and North
western railroad etatioo. The ac
cidental discharge of a revolver frus
trated their plans, and they escaped
after a duel with the police.
When the driver of the wagon, E.
J. Graff, was driving past an al
ley three men ran into the street in
front of the team. Two of the men
tried to stop the horses by grabbing
the bridles, and the third undertook
to climb on the seat. The one who
was making an effort to get on the
seat fired a shot which was appar
ently accidental, and the horses
jumped. Graff plied the whip at
the same time and tbe team lunged
ahead.' Shots were fired after the
wagon but the driver would not
Two policemen saw one of the
men and fired at him. The high
waymen returned the shot and ran,
making his escape. The other men
slipped away during the revolver
Just received the finest line of cloth
ing. We bought this from the best
manufacturers and every suit is guar
anteed. Call and see us for clothing.
See our men's suit at $10, it is a marvel.
. Henkle & Davis.
Quincy,- Mass., May 17. The
battleship Rhode Island was launch
ed today at the yards of tbe , Fore
River Ship & Engine Company.
After the vessel had left the ways,
the launching crew experienced an
unexpected disaster. The great
craft had attained such headway
that she could not be stopped in
deep water, and her anchor failing
to hold, her stern was forced into a
mud bank. Three tngs made fast
to her as soon as possible, but the
tide tell rapidly, and they were un
able to move her. The company
sent to BoEton for additional tugs,
and it is expected the battle ship
wouid be released before the next
flood tide. A naval inspector who
was on the scene expressed the o-
pinion that the bottom was soft, the
ship would not be damaged in the
Good Health
Shi Wren
London, May I9 The Daily
Telegraph's Niu Schwang corres
pondent under date of May IS says:
"After driving out 1500 Russians
and destroying the railway, the
Japanese re-embarked from Kai
chau, the combined fleet heading
southward.' '
"The Russians re entered Niu
Schwang with lpoo infantry, but
all preparations are made for anoth
er hasty evacuation. '
Denver, May 17. At least one-
Mukden, May 17. Couriers
bring word here that the Russian
fighting line is steadily neariog
Mukden, where Viceroy Alexieff
still maintains his headquarters.
The commanding officers will not
comment on the reports.
The Japanese are known to be in
almost striking distance and are
advancing in three columns 30
miles to the northeast. Numerous
small engagements are being fought
without decisive results.
Children especially are fond of dainties,
and the housekeeper must look carefully
to their food.
As good cake can be made only with
good eggs, so also a cake that is health
ful as well as dainty must be raised with
a pure and perfect baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
in the preparation of the highest quality
of food.1 It imparts that peculiar light
ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc.,
and what is more important, renders the
food wholesome and agreeable to young
and old.