The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 18, 1904, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of .
Public Interest.
Mrs. S. ' A. Ncrthorp Vof The
Dalles, arrived Monday and la visit-
lag at the home ot A. C. Tuoleon.
The Missee Briggs arrived Sat
uriay from Michigan ana are guests
of their sUter, Mr. A. L. Knteeley.
Nell Npwhousa left Monlav for
Toledo, where be ie to be employed
tbere for a time In overhauling a fan
mill la the vieloity.
Id the absence ot Rev. Fraok
Moore, the pulpit of the M. E. church
was filled Suridiy by Rev. Fields .of
Ex-Senator Cbarlee Orosno of
Lioool county, va? on the streets dur
ing tbe Doon hour Monday. He . was
enroute to Aetrrfa to attend tbe
Mb ran Simpson, the well kuown
Elk City Sabermai, aod a plooeer
cltlzaa of Bentoa was in town Mon
day, homeward bound from a visit
with Polk county relative'. ' '
A euffleleot earn of money has
been raked by subscription to build
a new sidewalk around the Baptist
church, and tbe work is to be done
Marlon Fraotz of Kings Valley
passed through town Monday en-
route for Astoria to attend tbe praod
lodge ot the Odd Fellows and Be
bekahe. After a residence of more than a
year lu California, Mr. and Mr?.
Oeoit Oatbey and child, arrived Sat
urday, aod will remain. Mr. Catbey
has taken a place at J. H. Simpson's
hardware aed grocery establisbojeat.
Mrs. Sarah Elgin and . Mtsies
Melvetia and Sophia Elgin returned
Monday from Eugene, where they
attended the fureral ot the late Fred
n fTMof-nn Urioa Qnnhla 1?lffn nlll
return to Salem in a few days.
They are to build a new school
house in Kings Valley, and th?dliect
ors are asking f . r bids. Tbe ad
vertisement ran be seen in another
eolumD. The plans and specifica
tions are at the Times office, where
contractors can see them.
It is expected that tbe water ia
the Willamette will be at a sufficient
ly low stage iso that gravel hauling
from the city and county gravel bar
across tbe river can begin tomorrow,
in which event a number ot teams
will be put iu the service at once.
William Mackay, ex-sheriff of
Benton oouuty was in town tcr a few
hours Monday, enroute to Nome,
wbore he has mining interests. Many
old Corvallls friend wera delighted to
. see tbe ex-sheriff. He expects this
autumn to return to Benton county,
to reside. " .
Merrltt Pratt, a former resident
ot Benton arrived Sunday with his
family of eight from Colorado, and Is
looking for a location. About 13
yfars ago, he resided for several
years In tbe violnity of Philomath
lie letc, and for a time resided at
Araphee, Nebraska, going later ' to
Local business men are agitating
the question of holding a Fourth of
.July celebration in Corvallls. The
annivereary f tbe country's birth was
not observed in Corvallls last year
and it is probable that a movement
for a celebration this year will be In-
. ugurated.
Up to Monday, more than 175
tickets bad been sold for the Wood
men's steamboat excursion to tun
Sunday from Corvallls to Salem and
return. The limit allowed is 200
passengers, so that persons who' want
to go, should apply for tickets early,
or they will have to remain at home.
Considerable mystery surrounds
tbe disappearance from tbe pastura ot
' a spaa of horses owned by Jobn
Ooos, mention ot which was made in
tbe Times last week. Though care
lul search bas been made everywhere
no trace of tbe animals can be eecur
ed. A description of the animals
appears eh e where.
Ed Clark, for a long time in Hue
ton's hardware store at Corvallls.
has left Vale, Oregon, to accept a po
sition as cashier of a bank at Glenn's
Ferry, Idaho. He has been since Ian
July in the back with his brother, El
mer at Vale. . Tbe latter position has
been accepted by Elwood Clerk, who
until recently has been employed in
Eugene Guard : Tbe body ot
F red Houston, son of B. F. Houston
of Mohftwlr. arrived nn tha afrirnonn
train from Union, Oregon, where he
died Tbureday of typhoid fever. Fred
Houston was 23 years of age, a pop
ular student of the Oregon .Agrlcul
tural College, aod was at the time
of bis death assistant on the OAC
experiment station at Union, A squad
. ot uau cadets accompanied tbe re
mains which were met at the train by
H. W. Kauplachr sreot Sunday
with Portland relatives. , . .
Mr. B. P. Hah of Polk county,
was a CoivalUs visitor Morday. ' ;
E. Kleppln of Salem, vl&Itfd Cor
vallls friends over 8unday.
Mrs, A. K. Milner U suffering
with a severe attack of neuralgia.
-Mrs. J. D. Frje of Grants Para,
is visiting at tbe home of Be v. P. . A.
Moses. , . . . . .- .
Monday evening, " Mrs, Lura
Campced gave a dinner party to a
number cf friends at Hotel Corvallie.
Mrs. Eugene Simpson,, who has
been in San Fraocleco , ior sevi rti
weeks, is expected home tomorrow."
Mr. Wesley Hinton and Mr?.
Clifford Balls, cf Monroe, weie gueuts
ot Corvallls relatives tbe last of the
week. ' . f: -
Charles and Oliver Ingram of Oli
ver City, were guests from Wednesday
until Friday ot their slater, Mrs. T. H.
Wellaher. , .-"
Mrs. J. G. Tunison acdson ot The
Dalles arrived Monday, and are
guests ot Mrs. Tunison's mother. Mrs.
E. A. Martlo. '-'" '
' Saturday afternoon, Miss Blanche
Hammel entertained 30 fiiends at Ho
tel Corvallls. The. occasion was very
Charles and Lee' Kennedy are to
go to Portland this week, where they
have secured a j jo of caipentering at
$3.50 per day. - '
There are 37 members to this
year's giaduatlcg : class at O. A. 0.
Commencement will take place on
Wednesday, Jure 15th.
Gene M. Simpson has boutrht the
Alva Miner property, to Job's addition,
and is to engage more extensively in
the fancy poultry business.
Mrs. Joseph Greenberp, who bas
been visiting relatives in thiscl'y for
ten days past, left last evening for her
hbme in San Francisco.
-Two candidates were Initiated in
to the order of Lions at a meeting of
tbe lodge Monday night. There was a
programme and a general good time,
-At tbe senior picnic Saturday,
Miss Maud Cochran bad the misror-
une to fall and sprain her knee. The
wrench was so severe that Miss Cooh
ran will be confined to her room for a
week. .
Bellfountain Itejns.
BellfounUin, May 14 Rev.
Handsaker of Corvallis, rilled tbe
pulpit here last Sunday. .There
was a pood attendance and among
other. things a ladies quartette
from Philomath favored - "as
with two selections that were-well
appreciated. - -.
The . chittim craze , is now on.
Among those who are engaged
most entensivcly in peeling the
bark, are tbe Migses Barclay.
The Roosevelt club met st the
Hall Thursday evening. Tbere
were several republican candidates
present. Tbe speaker of the even-
icg was E. H. Bslknap.t
.-.".Miss Larkin ot Eugene, is visit
ing frienda and relatives at this
place. ' . .
Our neighborhood was disturbed
last Thursday . evening by some
boys from Portland, who supposed
they were past the limits of the law
when they reached the mountains.
They did some reckless shooting
while id the vicinity of Tommy
Fawcett's place, for which they were
arrested and fined $50 lot their fun.
That's one reason why they're
so popular.
Of course jtou know the '
- ' : warranty. : "
10 cents a button. $1 a Rip
Hsk for tnem at - -
At Monroe.
Charles Baird's house burned
last Tuesday evening. Hia wife
being alone saved but little that
was in tbe home. . It took fire Jn
the kitchen while she was getting
Born Wednesday, to the wife of
Ben Pierce, jr., a boy.
The ball given here Friday night,
May 6th, was a perfect success.
There will be a grand ball given
by Monroe camp W. O. W. . Friday
night May 20th. Everybody cor
dially invited t come.
Several of the Monroe boys are
going to B -llfountiin Sunday, May
15, to play a practice game of base
ball. They have ordered their suits
and expect to break some of them
in then.
Mre. B. F.
from Lowell.
Pierce is now here
Miss. Bessie Danneman and Mrs,
H. M. Brunk left Monday- for Astoria,
to attend the grand . lodge of tbe
Bebekahs In session there this week.
Miss Daoneman will visit in Port-'
land before returning home. . , j
-x Nearly all the holes are now dug
jr tbe independent telephone ' lice
between Corvallis and Philomath,
and tbe work ot setting poles is soon
to begin. The number of poles re
quired between the two towns Is about
After an absence cf five months
spent In visiting her children in East
ern Oregon, Mrs. Buth Clark arrived
home Saturday. As is well known,
Elmer Clark is the nomine for county
treasurer in Malheur couaty, and ex
pects to be elected, .
The Corvallls publlo school closes
Jund 3d. Examinations were in pro
gress Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day. The commencement exercises
occur June 4th, and ic Is the purpose
to have tbe eighth aod ninth grades
teceive their diplomas on the same ev
ening. -
The seniors ot O. A. 0. bad a pic
nic Saturday. With a 6team engine
as the drawing power, three wagons
loaded with merrymakers and . provi
sions were taken to the picnic ground
west ot town, and there tbe day was
spent as only seniors know how to
spend a jollj day out of doors. A
young lady operated the engine, and a
picture of the crowd and train was tak
en as a souvenir of tbe bappy occa
Boss Floley, who has been inBec-
tou on a vacation, left yesterday tor
Bourne, Baker county, where he is ae-
sayer tor tbe E. & E. mines. His vaca
tion was Incidental to a strike by the
miners but matters have all been set
tled and operations that tor a time
promised to be laid aside tor the sum
mer are to be resumed at once.
Miss Joyce Hershner, formerly jot
Corvallis, Is in a Portland hospital.
and the prospect is that she will lose
the sight of one eye. , She Is teaching !
id au jiiaaiera uieguu ocuooi, ana was
but recently on a picnlo with her pu
pils. A stone, thrown with much force,
by a small boy, struck her In the eye.
The Id jury proved to be severe, and
she was taken at once to a Portland
specialist, who sent her to the hospit
al. Later developments are awaited
by friends and old classmates in this
city with much solicitude.
J. C. Lowe, chief constructor ot the
Kansas City people who are heavy
stockholders In the independent tele
phone system to be built in Corvallls,
arrived Monday, and is to begin oper
attons at once. .. He has been with tbe
Kansas City people tor a number of
years, and has built systems in Ne
brasRa, Oklahoma, Kansas and many
other states. His experience and the
tact that it is a central energy system
that is to be built, Insures tor Corval
lls a service better than that of any
town in the valley, if not in the North
west. Mr. De Tarney is now here and
Is in active charge of the business end
ot the enterprise. As the Independent
system Is largely a local enterprise, it
is prooaDle that local citizens will give
Pndleton, Or., May 13. Crim
inal information was today filed a
gainet J. J. Murray, charging him
with giving liquor to 14-year-old
Annie Githecs. Murtay, a veterin
ary surgeon, was arrested in Ritz
ville, Wash., a tew weeks , ago and
brought back to this city. He is
implicated in a dipgnsting affair,
wherein Annie GitheriF, daughter
of Postmaster Githecs, was taken
to Adams, spending a night in de
bauchery. Others in the affair were
Hugh andAnnieRobie, half-breeds,
who bave already been - arraigned.
the hearse and a large crowd of sym-lit their support, especially eluce in sup
nath.! A ManJa fTI.A I l-t . I .1 I. . 1 ,1, . . . .
rwucmu uiwua- lua uuiiai ipuK f puruuK ic, iuev wiu Better weir Ber-
, cemerery. vlc
place af the I. O. O. F.
2825 KeeleySt.
Chicago, 111., Oct,, 2r1902.
I suffered with falline and con--
r-estion of the womb, with severe
ains uirougn tne groins, i bui
cred tarriblv at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
:md rushing ot blood to the Dram.
What to Sy 1 knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, bnt I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven, bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs." Bnsh is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
- For advice in cas3 requiring
special directions, address, giving
symptoms, "The Ladies Advisory
Uepartment, The Chattanooga
Medicine Uo., Uhattanooga, lenn.
Call On
Man's All. HENKLE 1 Every 1 j
Wool Suit DAVIS Suk 1
flO00 j Gorvallis. jGuaranteedl
. , Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants? i
Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line o i
ready made clothing. We will save you money.-
' V
For Groceries and Crockery.
Finest line of China and
Cut Glass to be found in tlie
Agent for Chase &, San
born high grade coffee.
Produce taken
for groceries.
in exchange
Will overcoms indigestion and dyspep
sia; regulate tbe bowels, and cure liver
and kidney complaints. - It is the best
blood enricher and ' invigorator -in the
world. It is purelv vegetable, perfectly
harmless, and should you ' be a sufferer
from disease, you will "use it if you are
wise. ' -
R. N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr. Co
coa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fhu,
wntes: "I have used, your Heroine m
my family, and find - it a most excellent
l-medicine. Its effects upon myself have
been a marked benefit. I recommend It
unhesitatingly." 50c. Sold by Graham
& wortham. ; ;
H. S. PERN6tT v
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets..: Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft st Graham & Wortham's drug store,
Office in Zierolf Buildin?.Jorvillis. O
E. It. Bryson,
Attorney-At-Law, .,
Notice t ) Creditore. -- - 1
Notice is hereby given to all persons that ta
undersigned ha been dujy appointed execu
tor of the last yrlu and testament ot Guilford
Barnard deceased, by tbe Couaty Co rc of
Benton coumy. for tbe staie of Oregon
All persons having claims aeainst said es
tate are hereby requlied to present the same
to me, properly verified as by law required
within six months of the da;c hereof, to the
undersigned at his residence near Monroe,
Oregon, or at the office of Yatea & Yates, in
Corvallis, Oregon.
uaiea tnis rn aay or May, iwj4.
Robert Kyle.
Executor of the last will and testament of.
Guilford Barnard, deceased. ' . ....
Real Estate Co
, Now is the time to think about
Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses
You were to treat your eyes to. Come
to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee ;
the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to y" ,
make good my guarantee. H ;
The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 1878,
United States Land Office, . "
Oregou City, Oregon,
Hjreh -23id. 1904. ,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ot tt.e 'vet of Congress of
Jane 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands In the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toall the Public Land State by act of August 4,
1892. Howard L. Bush of Hoskins, county of
Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his sworn statement so. 6386, for the
purchase of the 8. W. H of S. W. X of Section
S'o. as in Township Ho. 10 South. Eange So. C
West W. K., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuab le for its tlm oer
or stone than for agricoltaral purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before Victor
P. Hoses, County Clerk, Corval 11.?, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11 tn day ot June,
1904. ;, ., , ..- ,; ... ., .
He names aa witnesses: ' ,
Edd O. Franu, of Hosklns, Oregon.
': Abe H. West, ' "1
Lincoln Allen of Klns Valley, Oregon. -David
H. Simpson ot PeeDee Oregon. '
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 11th
dsy ot June, 190. ,
- Algernon S. Dresser,
- Register.
Are you looking for a Home '
" . Or a good Investment?
it so we take pleasure m snowing you
over the country and are confident we
can give you the right price on some
thing will suit you, ,
We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres.
We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm
lands, Poultry Tanches. Stock ranches
and Timber lands. Ranging in price
from 7 to 125 per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements.
We also have a nice list of city proper
ty. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi
dences from $350 to $3000 each according
to location and impioveraente we also
have some good business locations.
Offices first door south of reading room.
' y White & Stone, Corvallis Or.
Notice of Publication.
Timber Land Act June 3, 1S7S-'
; United States Land Office, -Oregon
City. Oregon.
' " Corvallis, Oregon, March 3rd, 1901
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
Jane 3. 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon
Kevada, and Washington Territory" as extend
ed to all the Public Land states by act ot Aug
ust 4, lb92, Benjamin F. Totten of Corvallis,
connty of Benton, state of Oregon, bas this day
filed in this omce his sworn statement No.
6377, for tbe purchase of the S. &. X if Section
No. 30, in Township No. 13 S. Bange No. e West,
and will ofier proof io Bhow that the land
sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Victor P.
Moses, County Cleik, Benton connty. State ot
Oregon, on Friday, the third day of J une, loni,
l He names as witnesses: :
John LBexiord, of Corvallls, Oregon.
UartlnBntlerof .
Abraham Coon, of ...-
Thomas Ooon of inavale. -- -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 3rd
day or J tine, iu. -
!.:. Algernon S. Dresser, "
. .. - . - Beglster.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for our special list, or come and
see us. We shall take pleasure in giving y ou all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country. , "' J " ' ' . "
: v Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Corvallis and Philomath, Or.
nnnnin cv nm
uuooio - a - nuMLO
The Great Tented Amusement Enterprise that Fulfills Every Promise
Circus - Menagerie - Museum - Hippodrome
aiil! Gjwbibit in eorwal
Mav 20th
y Rings, Elevated Stage Kings
A Multitude of New Features Never P presented in America.
The World's Greatest Acrobats.
Europe's Premier " Comedy High
Wire Artists.
Most Sensational Aerial
Heroes ot the High Horizontal
the High
Most Remarkable . Contortionists
- ; Extant. - ..
Tbe Foremost Trick Cyclists.
Performing Elephants, Camels, Lions, Tigers, Hyeneas, Tapirs, Llamas
Buffalos, Kangaroos, Ostriche. Elk, Deer, Popies, Goata and Monkeys.
Herbert Rumleys School of Educated Seals Quartet of Cake Walking Horses
iTor no!cir Rpiii nf Cnmpdv Elephants -
Enchanting Pony Ballet ' . . ; One Hundred Startling Acta
Royal Roman Hippodrome Million Dollar New Menagerie . .
. . A Mighty University of Natural History
. . . - : . Olympian Stadium
Mammoth Aerial Enclave
P.DAkin firki r fi iTTCBiNft' STREET PARADE r
a e aatav - - - - - - - . ..
win Leave anow uxouiias vciy uiuiumg . - .
AdolU, 50c Children, 25c - OneTicKet Admits Ton to Everything