The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 14, 1904, Image 3

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    LOCAL LORE. rr
i aitwrtleemeott in this enhram hriri;ror
t the rate otli oeau per One.
Wool 15 to 16 cents-
Wheat 75-
Miss "Ethel Linvilte attended the
funeral -of her uncle James McClain
who died at Buena Vista Friday.
She returns today, ,
Mr. -and Mrs. Willard Gilbert of
Dallas, were guests f Corvallis
relatives this week. They retur
ned home Wednesday.
Miss Edna Groves crrived yester
day from Hood River, where she
lias been a successful teacher in the
public schools of that place.
Yesterday afternoon, from two t
five, the ladies of tbe'Congregatioe
al Aid Society were very pleasaet
1v itertained at tea, at the home
)f Mrs- Thomas WKtehor.
Tfhe pupils of "the- Corvallis ased
Plymouth Sunday schools are to
johi in a picnic at Plymouth tins
afternoon. A feature will be a
' baseball came between Philomath
and Plymouth players.
At eight o'clock this morning
teams and hayracks will be at the
Congregational church to carry to
Plymouth Grove the children of the
Sunday school classes and their
teachers. Lunch 'baskets will form
a. feature of the rpicnic when the
merry crowd reaches its destinations
The classes of Miss Grace Heff,
Miss McCormick-and Miss Fuller
ton of the public school were given
. picnic in Avery grove, on Mary's
liver yesterday. The occasion was
one of unallowed pleasure to the
young pupils, all of whom contri
buted to the picnic dinner that was
'pread under the trees at the noon
At Opera House this, Satnrdar Night.
-It is something ont of the or
dinary for the great drama, Faus
to be presented with its wonderful
light and scenic effects in the small
er towns la the past, tms cele
brated play has been for the . city
theatre goers only, notwithstand
ing the fact that people in the
smaller towns have been eager to
see it! Tonight Corvallis people
will have opportunity ef seeing it
for the first time, when it will be
presented by the Palmer Qompany
carrying its own special scenery-tor
the entire four acts, and appliances
for introdacing the necessary light
Faust, as every sbedent knows is
the masterpiece of tkat great schol
ar and poet Goethe, -who has been
likened $0 a monarch of the realm
of intellectuality, -seated upon a
throne, where he -summoned f . om
the depths of his rich imagination
the three central figures. Margaret,
Faust and Mepbistopheles, cloth
ing them in the characters which
have enriched literature, drama
and opera. Many -critics : place
Faust ahead of the Shakespeare
plays, and all critics concede that
it is one 01 the greatest dramas
It depicts a human soul torment
ed bv all the demons of hell. I
abounds in dramatic situations and
its tendencies are enobling, refin
ing and moral.
Theompany .carrii s itSD wn band
and orchestra, and will . give a con
cert on Main street at 3 p. m. today
Reserved seats 50 cents, on sale at
Graham and Wortham's.
Gala Afternoon en Coliece Hill la-
section of Cadet Battalion-
The battalion of cadets of the
Oregon Agricultural Collesre was
inspected Wednesday by Major Lee i
Febiger, Inspection General's De- j
partment, U. S. A. .1 At . this time
of the year -"there are only ; about j
three hundred cadets present- - The j
battalion was drilled ia the schools I
of the battalion and company and
also reviewed and inspected. There
were about three hundred visitors
present, among whom were Dr. and
Mrs. HIH..of the Hill Military Acad
emy which has prepared for the f prohibition.
Agricultural College many of its best '
students. There were also several Dr- w- HlU of Hl" Military
veterans of the Civil War on the Academy spoke to the students in
ground during the various maneu- college chapel Thursday. Referring
vers which continued " about two
hours. They expressed consider-
Death of Fred C. Houston The Inspec
tion Other News,
Frank E. Edwards,- former in
structor in chemistry in - the col
lege and who for the last year has
been in Berkeley, California, has
returned to Corvallis. Mr. Ed
wards is a graduate of- OAC and
was for four years instructor of
military science in the college. -
Mr. Tiffney the Prohibition
lecturer was a guest of J, B.Horner
Mr. Tiffney spoke to the boys
while at supper, on the subject ot
to their visit to Portland last May
at which time the cadets were
And Eanioment Coming New Tele
phone System Seven Directors
The affairs of the Independent
telephone BVBtem for . Corvallis are
moTing alonit BwiftlyV All the pre
liminariee incident to organization
have been disposed of, and the com
pany is now permanently establish
ed. A stockholders meeting was
held Wednesday evening at which
a board of seven directors was elect
ed. The board consists of thiee lo
cal citizens, as follows: A. J. John
eon, Z. H. Davis and Robert John
son. The other members of the
board are, Mr. Foots, president of
the Kansas City company, whicn
subscribes 75 per cent of the capital
Mr. iBernardi. Mr. Be Varney, of
the -same company, and Mrs. De
Varney. All of the stock has been
taken, and there is plenty ot money
available for all DuroOcee. The e-
quipment has been chipped from
Kansas City, and is now en route
to Corvallis. A large number of
telephone poles baa been contracted
for and thediggingof holes for a line
to Philomath is now in progress.
Nobody can tell just how long it
will be before the new system will
be in operation, but some of those
connected with the organization es
timate that it may all come around
within two months. Every busi
ness place in town is a subscriber to
the new system, and in a brief can
vass for resident subscribers, the rt
eponse was surprising and gratify
ing. A further canvass of the homes
of the town is to be made.
Resolutions of Condolence. ,.-
Whereas, it has pleased the Su
preme Ruler of lie Universe to re
move from out midst our late
brother, James Dunn, and s- j
Whereas, It -is but just, that a
fitting recognition of his many vir
tures be had: therefore be it,
Resolved By Corvallis Tent No.
11 K. O. T. M. of Corvallis, Ore
gon. That in -the death of James
Dunn, this Tent has lost a faithful
member, who was ever ready to
proffer the hand of aid and voice of
sympathy to the needy and distres
sed, to uphold the law, and where-
ever duty called he was ready to
respond He died in the harness of
Resolved That hereafter sympa
thy of this tenf be -extended to the
family of their affliction.
Resolved That these resolutions
be spread upon the records of this
Tent, and a copy thereof transmit
ted to the family of our deceased
brother and to each of the papers of
this city. '
S.N. Wilkins.
W. L. Sharp
H. C. Mangas
Stop in and see our swell line of sum
mer clothing. OAC Pressing Co.
For Chief of Police.
I respectfully announce myself a can'
didate for the office ot chief of police of
Corvallis to be voted for at the annual
May election.
W. G. Lane.
For Sale.
Vetch, speltz, timothy and rye
seed. Poland China hogs, Shropshire
sheep. One fresh cow a pair large geese,
two-horse tread power in 1 unning order.
Timothy and vetch straw bright from
L. Iv. Brooks.
For Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of chief of police,
subject to the decision of the voters at
the eoming city election.
F. R. Overlander.
For Sale.
A first class sewing machine in good
condition.Also a fine walnut diningtable
Inquire at Times office.
; Painting and Paper Hanging.
5mN orders promptly filled. Phone
Samuel Kerr.
Send your curtains to the
Steam Laundry. We will call
work every day in the week.
for your
For Sale;
Young stallion, weight 1425 two years
oW in June Abbottslfeed barn.
See $Iackledge's finelconches.
Don't forget tonight famous
wood ice cream at Miles Starr's;
Hszeiwood ice cream is the fameus
pure kind that melts in your mouth, and
tastes better than any other.
A brown shepherd pap came to the
Taylor creamery last week, where be can
be lonnd by the owner.
Our sample line
clothing is now in.
of swell summer
OAC Pressing Co.
Our sample line of swell
summer clothing is now in.
ing Co.
tailor made
OAC Press
able interest in the improvement of
tactics and implements smce the
American rebellion. One man sta
ted that words can never' tell the
story, so that people in this age may
fully understand the suffering of
that four-year's war which with
modem improvements and tactics
could have been - ended in six
months. "For" said he "the guns
now shoot harder, further, faster
and with greater accuracv than
those old muzzle loaders, which re
quired nine movements instead of
two to load for action." But there
was a sort of homesick, far-a-way
look upon the faces of the veterans
while the sea . breeze played with
golden fingers upon the strains of
band music; and one of them said
with a' sigh. "That's rich music. It
carries a man right o'ff the earth;
but when it comes to making ' sol
diers, it kn'tjtalk to a fellow with
the eloquence of the old fife and
drum," and while the comrades
were gathered into a group and get
ting their pipes ready for action.
one of their number remarked; "To
be sure, these are not West Point
graduates, but they are handsome
men. They are educated soldiers;
they are college bred farmer
soldiers. They are the sons of the
old soldiers ; and they have learned
to conduct themselves like civilians
in peace and like soldiers in' war.
They fire the last salute over our
graves, and when we are ho more, the
country will be m safe hands." The
military- department has ceased to
talk for publication so the inspec
ting officer emphatically declined to
be interviewed upon the doings of
the day. But he stated that the ap
pearance pfjhe young. .menspgaks
well for the northwest climate; and
his eyes twinkled as he remarked
that the girls have taken to athlet
ics ana neipiui drills almost as
readily as the boys. "The north
west," he said, "is giving the world
a nne lot of very able bodied men
and women, and m this respect is
destined to stand in the advance
line of racial excellence."
Futhermore it is his belief that in
a country where every man is a
sovereign and a soldier, more should
be done by the general government
for the training of jnen in the es
sentials of good soldiery. Thev
should be instructed more in mili
tary science as well as in tactics;
and students who drill regularly for
the betterment of military protec
tion, should be supplied by the
general government with uniforms
and other accoutrements and conve
niences necessary to superior at
tainment in our country's defence.
guests at Hill's Academy. He said
"the last time I looked into
your faces,- you" were all busy
but now as your are here with the"
doors shut and ' the windows so
high that you cannot jump out,
and as your president has given
me an hour and a half to talk with
you, I will try to get even with
you " " After cbipeL exercises he
visited Cauthorn Hall. - -
Great Reduction Sale.
We will sell for cash during the month
of May 500 pairs of shoes, broken sizes,
men's womens, misses and children's
at greatly reduced prices, in order to give
room for a new stock of goods, which
will arrive about June 1st. Come early
and get your choice from "25 cents up.
Sale lasts through May only.
J. E. Henkle.
Tbe big special features of the
Norris & Rowe Greater shows that
will exhibit here Friday May 20th,
is the astounding array of athletes,
acrobats, gymnasts and equilibrists
men of marvelous, magnificent and
mighty muscle, who do daring and
seemingly impossible feats in mid
Go to Blackledge's for window shades
' Notice of Election.
Notice is hereby given that tbe annual
election for the City of Corvallis will be
held on Monday the 16th day of May
1904, for the election of a chief of police,
police judge, treasurer, one councilman
from the first ward, two councilmen from
the second ward, and two councilmen
from the third ward. Said election wil
begin st'q o'clock a. m. and will con tin.
oe nntil 6 o'clock p. m. without closing
the polls.
The following has been designated as
the polling place, council chamber, City
Hall situated on tbe southeast corner of
Fourth and Madison streets, and the
following persons have been appointed
to conduct said election judges, Caleb
Davis, Joseph Yates, R. H. Colbert-
clerks, Bobt. Johnson and W. Dillev.
Given under my band and seal this 28th
day of April, 1904.
" ' Police Judge.
Fred C. Houston '02, died Wed
nesday, after a long illness. The
remains will be taken . to Eugene
where the funeral will take place.
Most of the seniors are quiet busy
ily engaged in preparing the - play
which will be given .some. time. ' in
the near future. .
ine nre practice Tuesday even
ing caused the usual amount of i
excitement among the boys at the
Hall as well as people ; in ". town.
Wheels were in demand for a while
that is until they were all gone,
then they started out on foot.
The OAC" cadet battalion was
inspected Dy : tne government in,
spector. Major Febiger Wednesday
afternoon. The classes m the af
ternoon were excused and besides
being warm, the day was an ex
ceptionally fine one. A large
cro d of spectators-' was gathered
on the hill to witness the maneuv
ers of the battalion, among whom
were. Dr. and Mrs. Hill of Port
land.'" ;
The Y. M. and Y. W. Cv A. will
give an entertainment. Friday ev
eningln the Armory consisting of
a trip through the torrid, temper
ate and frigid zones. Lunches will
be served in each zone. " Bring
your large straw hat and summer
clothes for when you get to Pana
ma you will find it very warm also
your overcoat and umbrella if you
intdnd seeing the north pole. Ad
mission tree. .
The seniors are preparing for a
picnic baturday evening. J. C.
Clark and Ernest Henriech were
out the, other evening looking for a
shady spot.
?acte Jlbouf fiWrts!
Sometimes a woman puts' on a new hat
and a new jacket and 'wears them with an
old skirt-one of those kind that tag " down
on one side or is about 4 inches shorter in
iront than behind-you know how she looks
There'd be a big difference in her appearance if
she'd come and jet a "Skirt Here" they 'er made right,
made to hang right, made full enough, not too fulljbut
jut enuh to be the latest style, made just like an
individual tailored sTdrt. , 1 : . -.. .
These skirts are made from ma
terials suitable for all seasons of tho
year. Some are plain cloth others
of pretty mixtures, perfect fitting
and-correctly tailored.
Worth $2.50, $3 $3.50r $4 and $5.
' .; Regulator of Low Priees.
Bricks of ice cream can be ordered at
Miles Starr. Be sure and get the famous
Hazelwood ice cream.
Nolan & Callahan's new Epnng stock
is now complete in all departments. .
For Police Judge.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of police judge at the
city election to be held May 16, 1904.
E. P. Greffoz.
5353 Fanion 34473.
Imported black Percheron stalli on
will make the season of 1904 as follows,
Hon., Tues. and Wed., Farmers Barn,
Corvallis; Thuer., MoFadden Farm,
Bruce; Fri. and Sat., Monroe. Terms.
$15, the season, 20 ta insure.
T. K. Fawcett, Owner.
Corvallis, Ore.
Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of chief of police at
he coming city electim to be held May
16, 1904 and if elected will endeavor to
see that the laws are enforced to the
best of my ability.
Lee Henkle. -
For Sale.
- Poland China boar. 22 months old
subject to register.'
Alfred Bicknell,
5 miles north of Corvallis.
l For Sale.
Good seed oats and cheat hay far sale.
. T. Logsdon. .
When the new Norris & "Rowe
Shows, Trained Animal and Circus
combined makes its appearance in
Corvallis, Friday May 20th, the
children will have no cause to com
plain of lack ot fun for tbe owners
have secured the services of twenty
of the laugh provoking, jesting
fellows known to all juveniles as
. Wanted.
At the City restaurant, an elderly
woman to work in the kitchen and wash
dishes. Also good waitress.
A Business Chance,
- Any person dssirous of making easy
money through the excusive sale by
counties of the most useful tool etrer in
vented, can secure such an opportunity
by a small investment. See W. H. Mc
Comas at Occidental Hotel.
A ladies black serge jacket. Owner
can secure same at Stan's
. "Carnival of Nations."
The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid So
ciety will hold a Carnival of Nations and
a Rose Fair. All ladies are invited to
bring roses and compete for the three
prizes, best collection of roses, best flor
al piece and best single specimen . Car
nival is to be held May 25, 26, 27.
We make special rates to families.
Corvallis Steam Laundry. Call np Main
Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new
store.' '. .
Blcakledge keeps all kinds of table
. At ZierolP a Alfalfa, I Bed Clover,
White Clover, Timothy, Orchard, Vetch,
Rape Dwarf Essex and all other kinds of
garden seeds.
. Look-ibr the name Crouse & Brande-
ger on your spring suit.
ebipmati's Commercial
New Room,, .
New Furnishings, -
Everything Complete.
next door north of Small ,& Son.
" ; South Main St., CorvaMisy Ore.
Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
. Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers,
And other Photographic Novelties.
Jop ouT)d Sf?o?s for Tei
New Spring Style
Unexcelled in style, mater
ial and workmanship. Absolute
ly guaranteed in every particu-
Special in Men's Spring Suits.
Every - and in fact ever thing in this
Stitch suit is perfect.
and it certainly does to try on one of them means
good-bye tailor, and money saved. Come tff A
and be convinced now I Pi V
Corvallis, Oregon.