The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 11, 1904, Image 4

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I hi Comings and Goings of Peop le
Social Gossip Personal Men
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
Mrs. J. H. Simpson returned
v id&y from a vlett cf several days
George Simpson, after a vUit of
.- era! days la Corvallis, went to
i r-rttaod Mocday.
Surveyor GeDeral Da'y was Id
t a Monday, auditing accounts at
t; college. H8kftf:r Poitlaad in
Mr. acd Mrp. P. C. Franklla ar
r ed Sunday, from Anactrtee, fcr a
visit with relatives.
AmoDg old Corvalllaltes on 8uo
J ty'a excursion was Judge Hufford
ad fais bod E 1 Hufford, and bis
daughter, Jeseif.
Adams Brother began the erec
tioa Monday or a two etory dwelling
house for Mrs, B. C. Millar at the
corner of Monroe and Ninth.
The Modern Woodmen are to
gtve a steamboat excursion a week
from next Sunday. The trip will be
to Salem and return.
Andrew Palmer, who wa operat
Mooat The Dallesjast week, is im
proving in condition, and as soon as
recovered, he is to be brougbt to Cor
vallle. Be wa? for many year) a res
ident of Benton.
A carload of potatoes from the
Clyde Beach farm across the -, Wil
lamette, It ft Satur lay for Be Idlog,
California. Tbe shipment is the sec
ond of the kind from the same farm
within recent we: lis.
M ;se Neugass, and hie sister Mrs.
Greeuberg, of San Francleco, were a-
aong (hese who came from abroad to
attend the tuutral of the late M. Ja
cobs. Mrs. Greenberg will remain for
aotne time, but Mr. Neugass returns
immediately to San Francisco.
The Infant child of Mr. a'.d Mrs.
R. M. Davlason was buried in Crystal
Lake cemetery Saturday afternoon.
The little one survived but a couple
of days. On the trip to Corvallis Mr.
Xavis8oa learned on arrival at Albany
that tbe casket had by mistake of the
trainmen, been put eff at Jefferson
A delay cf several hours in a'racge
meuts was tbe consequence. Mr.
Davi-eon returued borne to Oregon
Cky Immedia'ely after tbe Interment.
. On account of a serious relapse
In her case, Mrs. Ebrer was taken
back to a Portland hospital Friday.
She came t j Corvallis a couple of
weeks Bgo, raving been up to that
time In the hnpital as a result of a
atie?t car accident five months ago.
Seme alarm is felt among relatives
wad friends In regard to her condi
tion. Tbe accident broke no bones
and appareaty harmed no vital organ,
hat the shock seems to bave almost
destroyed a portion of the nervous
flarley Hall, supervisor, began
roaiwork yesterday in road district
nnmeftT 4. Jesse Brown's Pathrnark,
s been entered in the northwest
racfog circuit, and will leave Corvalli
Doct'june 1st, and will not return
again until November. He is in good
condition for fait time, and that much
re expected of him. He will be in the
races at Yakima, Seattle, Whatcom,
WatH Wal'a, Salem; Spokane and
other point.
Mr. ai d Mrs. H. S. Pernot and
Miss Kertha Davis of Corvallis, and
K. A. Pernot arid family cf Granger,
eipecf fo loave today for the Ea't.
As hitherto stated in these columns
Dr. Permit la to do post graduate
work in an Eastern nodical college,
and with Mi?. Pernot is to visit the
St. Loi;is Exposition. Miss Davis
will visit relatives In various Eastern
Btates. She will be absent four
months or more. E. A. Pernot and
family fjo to Mr. Z'on, Oldo, and are
to raturn to Benton la two months.
It ws a very crclerly and behav
ed lot of people that visitei Corvallis
ou th excursion from Portland Sun
day. Tie arrival ov.r the C. & E.
wh at lv,' o o'clock and the departure
dovru the Westalde at half past three.
There were 11 coaches in the train,
e-trrlng about 800 people. Immed
iately after arrival, many of the pas
sing rs Cocked down to Main street.
while others walked on College hill
audtook a view of the College
grourd-t and buildings. All were
quler during the stay in Corvallis. A
.e l former Corvaltisites were among
thj excursionists.
The cPv election occurs next
Hocdiy. The offices to be filled are
chief oi police, police judge, city treas
urer, co-jncilnian in tbe south ward,
and two in each tbe middle and north
wirJj, far no names are men
tloned for counellmerj. For chief
there are three candidates, viz. Lee
H-m:j, Fred Overlaader and W. G.
L ...-. E. P. Greff oz is tbe only can-
dlaie fer police judge, and William
McLa'jan the only aspirant for the
ii-ew!rer-!i!p. The retiring members
ot t ccuncli are, D. O. Rose, in the
sr.ih "aid, VVlllia'h Oreea and James
Tal.T la the middle ward and In the j
i '.vntu, L e Uackie and Aueuet!
Don Holgate la visiting relatives
In Gfls city.
MleeBoell entertained tbe Ladles
Guild of the Episcopal church at her
home last Thursday afternoon. ,
A marriage ' license was Issued
yesterday to M. J. Vernon and L. P.
Tom.of Alsea.
Tbe funeral party which went to
Portland 8unday with the remains cf
the late M. Jacobs, returned home via
the Westside yesterday, i
Woodman hall was the eeene of
festivities Saturday night. Tbe occa
sion was a basket social, and many
people were In attendance. . After lun
cheon there was dancing for a brier
season, and it was near midnight
when guod-byes were said. Thirty
dollars was netted.
John Goos is looKlng everywhere
for a span of his borsej. They were
in a pasture en the Ann Smith place,
and when he went to look for them
laet week, they bad disappeared.
Seaich In every direction has failed to
discover them, and John ia wondering
where they could have gone. His ad
vertisement appears elsewhere.
-In the city council Mocday night,
a liquor license was issued toB. Woldt
for a period of six months, ending with
tbe first Monday in December. The
applications of William Broders and
Julius Wuestefdr, were not granted, as
is usually tbe practice, but were re
ferred to a special committee to take
testimony and report at the next meet
ing of the council. .
The charred remains o a burned
building that etands on Main street
near Blackledges furni ure store has
been condemned by tbe board of fire
delegates and chief engineer, and or
ders will shortly issue from the police
court for its removal, on account ot
the fact that it Is a menace to adjoin
ing buildings. The property is owned
by Mrs. Groves and othets.
A message received in this city
yesterday announced that Hiea Hous
ton, who has been III for the past
month, could not survive the day
Mr. Houston was a member of the
1902 graduating class at O. A. 0. and
has since been employed at the expe
riment station at Union. He was a
bright young man and had a promis
ing future.
A number or chutlm peelers are
hurrying out cf Benton this weeK for
forests in wbicb they are to operate
during tbe summer, ill acd William
Spencer and their families left for
Chehalis by this morning's boat, tak
ing along a team. In their party is
Cas Harrison, Dick Baldwin, Clarence
Taylor and Mr. Lagrane. Ed King
left Monday morning for the same vi
cinity, taking two or three men with
An ordinance passed the city
council Monday night, giving a fran
chise to tbe Independent Telephone
company. A former franchise in the
same interest was repealed. The new
franchise Is for 25 years, and contains
suitable provisions tor guarding the
interests of the city. Free U3e of the
poles for an electric fire alarm system
is provided tor. It is estimated that
a free alarm system with 10 boxes, lo
cated In various parts of town would
cost about $300.
At last week's meeting several va
cancies on tbe election boards were
filled. The new appointees are, J. A.
Gilkey. Clerk, Corvallis No. 1; W. T.
Nichols, clerk, No. 2, Corvallis Har
ley L. Hall, Clerk, No. 4, Corvallis;
David Vanderpool, clerk, Soap
Creek; E. Mulkej, clerk, Blodgett;
G. W. Smith, clerk, No. 12; Robert
McFarland, judge, Summit; Doke
Hughes, judge, Willamette; A. M.
Grey, judge, Philomath. Atlast week's
meeting, the county court issued scalp
bounty warrants, aggregating $18, for
the months ot January, February,
March and April.
JNew deeds hiea lor record are.
George W. aloora and wife to Adeline
Trees, one lot in Hoffman's addition,
SI; Adeline Trees aid hus
band to George W, Moore, one lot In
Hoffman's addition, $1; Peter Herkess
and wife to Anna E. Campton, 60 acres
southwest of Corvallis. 84,800; J. E.
Rainwater and wife to F. H. Hughson,
one and one-halt acres near Albany,
$40; Annie Lemley and others to Eli
za Nichols, two lots in Dixon's addi
tion, $1,000; Millard Long to Mattie
A. Wortblngton, small tract near Phil
omath, $250 ; F. L. Moore and wife to
M. Hall, east one-third of lot three,
College Hill, $475; A. B. Mason and
lfe to Mary E. Dixon, 25 acres near
Philomath, and four lots in Brown's ,
addition to Philomath, $900.
Will overcomB indigestion and dyspep
sia; regulate the bowels and care liver
and kidney complaints. It is the best
blood enricher and invigorator in the
world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly
harmless, and should you be a sufferer
from disease, you will use it if you are
R. N. Andrews, Editor and Mer. Co
coa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla.,
writes: "I have used your Herbine in
my faintly, and find it a most excellent
medicine. Its effects upon myself have
been a marked benefit. I recommend It
unhesitatingly." 5OC. Sold by Graham
& Wortham.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
en at Uranam & Wortham'B drug store.
Office In Zierolf Building, Corva.ll is. O r
Telephone Officers Elected iu Kings
Valley Notes at Bellionntain ,
and Summit News. ,
At King's Valley.
A. C. Miller's loggers are doing
good work below Hoskine.
Dick Dunn has started a ohitt'm
peeling camp on his timber land up
the Luckiamute. He eo'd to Joe
Brown four of the b it beef eteers
that have ever been taken fiom
the Valley. They were three years
old and weighed 5562 pounds and
brought Dick $270.
Mr. Castle tbe ttock buyer was
in the Valley laBt week-
John Price has a brick mason
from Corvallis building a new fire
place in his dwelling.
Sol Tat urn, Frank and Gare
Pluokett have gone up the Luck
iamute to peel chittim.
The Hoekins and King's Valley
teleDhone company completed or
ganization and elected officers last
Saturday. M. L. Frantz was elect
ed president, Lincoln Allen vice-
president, Oeorge Dodele, secretary,
H. L. Bosb, Frank Pluukett and
George Dodele trustee?. The com
pany has not vet arranged to con
nect with 'the Airlie and King's
Vallie line. Stockholders of both
lines in the Valley so far as we can
learn, deeire to connect and if Mr.
Statts of Airlie, who is president
and manager of the Airlie line does
not object, we think satisfactory ar
Tangeicetits will be made.
D. L. Eddy, a magnetic doctor,
is treating M. L. Frantz's baby,
Ed and Dora Plunkett are sell
ing their belongings and intend to
travel (his summer for their health.
The frosts have damaged the hop
yards and strawberries have been
bligh'ed. Fruit does notjappear to
be dan aged to any extent.
At Summit
Mr. and Mrs. Baker are visiting
in Albany.
School is in progress with Andie
Pugh as teacher.
Mrs. Adams of Yaquina, is cook'
in the dining car at this place. She
boards the bridgemen.
Mrs. R. L. McFarland returned
from the valley where she had been
visiting relatives.
H. Heron has bought the How
ard farm.
R Coote expects ti leave for Sa
lem 'o have his eyes treated and al
so inet his wife on her way from
Ke . where she has visited her sis
ter. Mrs. Steidle.
Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald
we) - over from Shotponch this
we k. They are pealing cascara. ,
J hn McCoy, 1 formerly, of this
plac , who took carbolic acid with
suio.dal intent, is still alive. . ;
Mr. Dilly of Corvallis, is on busi
ness at Summit.
At Bellfountain.
Born to the wife of George
Hall, April 30th, a son.
The Roosevelt club will meet in
the Hall on Tuesday evening the
1 2th inst. Speakers from abroad
are expected to be present.
The picnic given by the Bellfoun
tain Grange will be held at the
Bellfountain campground May' 28.
Owing to the condition of the
north road, W. H. Malone's freight
team has been coming through onr
burg; a much longer drive but
better road. . -
Rural telephone patrons held a
meeting at the hall one evening
this week. .
Ray Starr has given up his job
at Oregon City and has returned
home and is now a gentlemsn f
Ed Tozier will haul lumber for
J. W. Walters this summer.
Rev. Davis of Albany passed
through our village this week en-
route to Alsea where he will take
charge of the Baptist church. : -
The little child of Marion
is still very low.
Mrs. Etta Buckingham is
ing with rheumatism.
x. :
; Louisville, April 28. Laboring
under the hallucination that she
bad been ordered by the Lord to
drown her ten months' old - child
Clara Cooley, tbe dsugbter of'Mld"
Cooley, a well-known rs'dtnt of
this oounty, took the babe to the
Ohio river end followed out tbe In
struction which ibe brlUmd the
Lord had given ber. Tbe mother
went to tbe home ef Leonard Brown
with tbe baby's b idy elwtebed ia
btr arms. . Sue hud walked tbne
mile from the river to the home Qt
Mr. Brown with the oarpiie.
When she reached the bott
Mr. Brown she unhesitatingly
of of what ebe had dune,
B. P. Stoker wa summoned,
the child had long since ceased to
live. Dr. Stoker called Coroner
Cootes, of Jtffersouville. No tffort
has been made to arrest the woman
who had always before been regard
ed as sane. 1
Clara Cooley is 27 years of age
and was always thought well of by
ber neighbors.
This morning before going to the
river with the child to do what she
thought bad .been commanded by
tbe Lord she stopped at tbe resi
dence of Mr. B owu. At tbat time
she appeared sane and give no in
timation of her intended act. As
she departed she said tbat she was
going for a walk and that she would
be back in a short time. She was
not seen from that time u ntil ebe
returned to the home of Mr. Brown
with the lifeless form of her babe in
her ai ms.
"I wa told last night that I
should offer my baby a sacrifice
to the Lord, even as Abraham of
fered Isaac," said the mother to
day. "I know I did right, and it
is a pleasure for me to feel that I
resisted the inclination to retain my
baby when tbe Lord wanted it. It
is a delightful feeling to know that
one has done or.e s doty."
Growing Aches and Pains.
Mrs. Tosie' Sumner,' Brenaond, Texas,
writes April 2, 1902: "I have used Bal
lard's Snow Liniment in my family for
three years. I would not be without it
in the house. I have used it on my lit-
tie girl tor growing pains and acnes in
her knees. It enred her right away.
have also used it for frost bitten feet,
with good success. It is tbe best liniment
lever used." 25c, 50c, si. 00. sold bv
Graham & Wortham.
Blackledge keeps large assortment
) Look Here.
I have a good stock ranch for sale two
hundred and ninety five acres with un
limited outrange, a small house and
also a small orchard. This place is in
the Belknap settlement one half mile
from postoffice, six miles from Monroe,
four miles from Bellfountain, 3)4
miles from church. Price to suit' pur
chaser. Enquire of
A. W. Hawlev,
Notice ti Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons that the
undersigned has been duly appointed execu
tor of the last will and testament ot Guilford
Barnard deceased, by tbe Coanty Co rt - of
Benton county, for the .state of Oregon.
All persouB having claims against 'said es
tate are hereby requited to present the same
to me, properly verified as by law required
within six (souths of the date hereof . to the
undersigned at his residence near Monroe,
Oregon, or at the office of Yates & Yates, in
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated thli 7th day oi May, 1904.
Robert Kyle.
Executor of the last will and testament of
Guilford Barnard, deceased.
Real Estate Co.
Are you looking for a Home
' Or a good Investment?
If so we take pleasure in showing you
over the country and are confident we
can give you the right price on some
thing will suit you.
We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres.
We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm
lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches
and Timber lands. Ranging in price
from $7 to 125 per acre all owing to lo
cation and improvements.
We also have a nice list of city proper
ty. Lots from $75 to $500 each. Resi
dences from I350 to $3000 each according
to location and impiovemente we also
have some good business locations.
Offices first door south of reading room.
' White & Stone, Corvallis Or.
City Treasurer.
I announce myself a candidate for tbe
office of treasurer of the City of Corval
lis, subject to the decision of voters at
the next annual city election. '
Wm, McLagan.
Notice of Publication. - - .
Timber Land Act June 3, 1S78.
United States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Corvallis, Oregon, March 3rd, 1901
Notice is hereby given that la compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3, 1878. entitled, "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory" as extend
ed to all the Public Land states by act ot Aug
ust 4, 1892, Benjamin F.- Totten of Corvallis,
county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his Bworn statement No.
6377, for the purchase of the S. B. X it Section
No. 80, In Township No. 13 S. Bange No. 6 West,
and will offer proof lo show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Victor P.
Moses, County Clerk, Benton connty. State ot
Oregon, on Friday, the third day of June, 1904,
He names as witnesses: '
John L Bexford, of Corvallis, Oregon.
Martin Butler of '
Abraham Coon, sf " '
Thomas Coon of lnavale, "
Any and aU persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 3rd
dav of June. UM.
Algernon S. Dresser,
Mans iftl I1BNHLB Every
wpo'f"11 F ibAVlS- j Suit !
S'O'W j Gorvallis. Guaranteed i
Af fm gdiae k bay a suit or a pair of pants ? I
1 Let US pt ym ptkm. Call and see our line o j
ready mad elothiag : W will gave you money. " j
Now l& the time to think -about
Cbat Pair of eyeglasses
Vou were to treat your eyes to. Come
to we and I will fit your eyes, guarantee
tbe fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to
make good my guarantee.
The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays.
lie ;OM-SKBRS!
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for our special list, or come and
see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all :
the reliable information you wish,, also showing ",'
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
3 uorvaiiis ana rniiomatn, Ur.
The Great Tented Amusement Enterprise that Fulfills Every Promise
Circus - Menagerie -
10UI GsbilM In KOrwallis
Friday May 20th
2 Rings, Elevated Stage Kings
A Multitude of New Features
Tbe World's Greatest Acrobats.
Europe's Premier Comedy High
Wire Artists.
Most Remarkable' Contortionists
- Extant.
Performing Elephants, Camel?, Lions, Tigers, Hyeneas, Tapirs, Llamas
Buffalos, Kangaroos, Ostrichs. Elk, Deer, Ponies, Goats and Monkeys.
Herbert Rumleys School of Educated Seals Qnartet of Cake Walking Horses
Herr Geisler School of Comedy Elephants
Enchanting Pony Ballet ;, . One Hondred Startling Acta
Royal Roman Hippodrome Million Blar New Menagerie
' 4 , , A Mighty University of Natural History .
Olympian Stadium Mammoth Aerial Enclave
Grand Gold Glittering Street Parade
Will Leave Show Grounds Every Morning at 10:30 . -Adults,
50c Children, 25c One TicKet Admits Yon to Everything".
Museum - Hippodrome
Never Ff. Presented in America.
Most Sensational Aerial
Heroes ot the High Horizontal
. . Bars. .
The Foremost Trick Cyclists.