The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 11, 1904, Image 2

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    Oorvallis Times.
OffieU Paper tot Bern tern County.
Opponents of Victor Moses are
fighting the proposition that the
use of his $175 type-writing ma
chine effects a saving and is other
wise desirable in keeping the rec
ords in the clerk's office, and' they
seek to lessen the important bear
ing Mr. Moses' capacity and . fit
ness in this respect has on his can
didacy for clerk. ; Why not give
this deserving yonng man credit
for everything he is entitled to?
Are decent young men so plentiful
in this country that merits they
may have shall be assailed and
made light of, to the end that there
shall te no incentive for the youth
of the country to be capable, true,
earnest and deserving? For the
sake of encouraging young men
to be worthy, is it not better to
commend rather than condemn
their merits, if merits they have?
Indeed, since Benton county has
so much cause to regret that there
is hoodlumism in the world, is it
not wise, when a decent, discreet
boy like Victor Moses, spends his
good money and endeavors to serve
the people of Benton county with
fidelity and truth, that whatever
he does that is good should not be
criticized, scorned and made light
of? -In short, is it not time for the
people of Benton county, united in
the cause of decency to stand to
gether, and resist the coarse effort
to cry down the merits of a young
man whom everybody in Benton
county knows has always done the
best he knew how to do, and serv
ed his fellow citizens with the best
service that his means, his brains
- and his application could provide.
An eminently successful educator
a man thoroughly acquainted with
all plans of school work, capable of
instructing teachers and assisting
them in the many' difficulties to be
met with in their work, a man of
high moral and christian character.
Such is Prof. S. I. Pratt indepen
date candidate for school superin
tendent. Prof. Pratt was born in the state
of Michigan in 1862 and after ac
quiring a liberal , education, began
teaching twenty-four years ago. In
1888 he came to Oregon and acted
as principal of the public school at
Newport for three years. He went
to Multnomah county in 189 1 where
he taught for two years.
For seven years beginning with
i893 Prof. Pratt was the efficient
principal- of the Corvallis public
school, during which time Corvallis
stood in the front rank in the pro
ficiency of her public schools. " As
evidence of excellent work, a gold
medal was awarded Corvallis at the
Omaha Exposition. In 1900 Prof
Pratt took charge of the Philomath
public school, and so thoroughly has
he organized the work that Philo
math is often mentioned as having
one of the best managed schools in
the state. Prof. Pratt stands for
solid work in the school room, and
if elected to the superintendency the
schools of Benton county will enter
upon a period of educational ad
vancement never before ex perienced .
Go to Black ledge's for window shades
Iron beds at Blackledge's new furci
ure store.
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting dose.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis. Ore
B. A. CATHEY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Boom 14, First National Bank
Building, Corvallis, Or. - Office Honrs,
10 to 12 a. ra.. 3 to 4 p. m.
Just received the finest line of cloth
ing. We bought this from the . best
manufacturers and every suit is guar
anteed. Call and eee us for , clothing.
See our men's suit at $10, it is a marvel.
Henkle & Davis.
Seventh Day Ad ventists. .
Will hold regular service at S, D. A,
Hall East Main street between Wash
ington and Adams streets each Sabbath
or Saturday, as follows: Sabbath school
t a p. m., Bible study 3 p. m.
Preaching as announced from time to
time. .
Rev. C. J. Cole,
See the Living Pictures at the Carnival.
TXftN B1H BOWS WHY? . , .
Reports from all- quarters are to
the effect that the - candidacy of
Thomas Davisps v4rypopulay. He is
from a family that in all" time has
stood as the embodiment of, honesty
and fair dealing, both of which are
vital assets in the assessor's ' office.
It is highly important that one citi
zen should not pay more and his
neighbor less "than a just share of
the taxes. It is essential that a
man in Corvallis should pay neither
less nor more taxes in proportion to
what he owns than is paid by his
fellow-citizen in Alsea. -The fair
ness, frankness and fine judgment
inherent in Thomas Davis, as evi
denced by a lifetime spent in Benton
county are a perfect guarantee that
if he be elected there will be equity
and fairness in all these things. He-j
is young, he is active, and his
knowledge of values and affairs is
unquestioned. ' His purpose is
lof fry and his guiding motivean in
tention to do what is right and just
between man and man. Who wants
more in an assessor? Who wants
less? On such a platform andunder
such propitious circumstances , ' wh o
is it that would want to 'turn Thom
as Davis down, and " what is , the
reason.;-,, -., ;. ' . .,'.,.
When questioned concerning the
Four Georges Company the advan
ce agent informed the opera house
management that if the show did
not "make good," they were au
thorized to return the peoples money'.
This is a proposition that very few
traveling companies will make, and
speaks volumes for the quality of
the entertainment that will be given
at the opera house tonight.
The M. W. A. team will give an ex
cursion on Sunday Mav 22nd from Cor
vallis to Salem, Round trip, $1. Boat
leaves Uorvallm 7 am, returning 10 p,
E: R. Bryson,
For Sale. . . ,
A first class sewing machine in good
condition. Also a fine walnut diningtable
Inquire at Times office.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
All orders promptly filled. Phone
05. Samuel Kerr.
Send your curtains t't the Corvallis
Steam Laundry. We will call for your
work every day in the week.
For Sale. :
Vetch, speltz, timothy and rye grass
seed. Poland China hogs, Shropshire
sheep. One fresh milk cow, a pair of
large geese, a pair of turkeys or trio, a
two-horse feed power in tunning order.
Timothy and vetch straw bright from
barn. .
L. L. Brooks.
For Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of chief of police,
subject to the decision 'of the voters at
the coming city election.
F. R. Overlander.
For Chief of Police. '
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for the office of chief of police of
Corvallis to be voted for at the annual
May election. ,
Rummage Sale at the Carnival.
Gorvallis 3c Eastern
Time Card Number 22.
3 , For Vaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 P- m
' ' Corvallis , 2:00 p. m
" arrives Yaquina... ..... 6:2o p. m
t Returning: " - - 1 -
Leaves Yaquina ' 6:45 a. m
Leaves Corvallis.,.,.. 11 30 a. m
Arrives Albany .12:15 p.
3 For Detroit: . . -
Leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit.-. ..... .........12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit: ...
Leaves Detroit..... ........i:0o p. m
Arrives Albany.. 5:55 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
Train So 3 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbnab. and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a.m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stonk,
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. -Thoa.
Cockrell, Agent Albany,
City Meets County's Proposition The
Late James Dunn. - '
The' city of Corvallis meets the
offer of the county court tor a suit
able recognition , of the , recent
public service of the late James
Dunn. 3 It - will -r share with
ty the county the expense , for
medical attendance and cost -of bur
ial, and will contribute, an equal
proportion for theT purchase of a
monument, if one is io be provided.
The city council ordered such act
ion at a meeting Monday night,
and appointed a committee - to re
present the city in the premises
The committee is, Punderson Av
ery and William Crees. ,-
The council's action in the mat
ter was by unanimous vote. There
was but -little discussion of the
matter. When it was proposed,
one member asked what the total
expense would be, and the answer
was, that the medical attendance
and funeral expense footed up
$214 50, and that it was proposed
to add a monument which : would
cost $100, making a total of, $314.
50. ' The county court was. quoted
as having offered to pay one-half
the total if the city of Corvallis
would pay the balance. ; The sen
timent ' was universally favorable
to the plan, the only question be
ing one of how the motion should
be worded. As finally voted on it
ordered that, the city meet the offer
of the county court, and that a
committee be appointed to 1 carry
out the plan.
Strayed or Stolen.
John Goos, who resides four miles
south of town, has lost a span of horses,
either stolen, or gone estray. Any in
formation in regard to them will be well
rewarded. ,J "
Fresh bread at Dunn & Thatcher's,
- Go to Dunn & Thatchers for grit bone
and shell and all other, kinds of poultry
and stock remedies.
. Japanese articles for sale at the Jap
anese booth.
Lewis and Clark among the living
pictures May 25th.
Visit the gypsy camp.
Take a cooling drink with Rebekah.
Various articles for sale at the art
booth, ' '". ,
Call On
p. m. zieROEF
For Groceries and Crockery.
Finest line of China and
Cut Glass to be found in the
Agent for Chase & San
born high grade coffee, r
Produce taken in exchange
for groceries. -
Phone 71. "
We Rave Tor Sale
Defiance seed wheat, and choice
baled cheat hay at Corvallis
Flouring Mills.
.. ' For Sale. . ::
Good seed oats and cheat hay for sale.
;'- T.IiOgsdon.
; Ladies don't buy your spring dress
goods and furnishings until yon first ex
amine Nolan & Callahan's select stock. "
- .i :.i Pathmark. - '--
16 hands high; weight, 1,200; dsrk
bay; Pathmark will make the -season
from the 13th of April '-. in Corvallis,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of each
week. The rest of the time at Jesse
Brown's twelve nules south of CervaUis
Pathmark .0382, Record 2: sired by
PaOunont 2:09 sired of Pathmark 2:11
, Bell air 2-14X dam ' Juliet 2-22 by
Tybolt 2-27; sires of the dam of Yolo
2-20. Tybolt was by Altamont, 3,600.
dam Nellie Kohler by Mike, sire of ' the
second dam of Klamath, 2-07. Terms
$15, $3o and 25. Good pasture free of
charge for mares from a distance. Will
net be responsible for accidents, j
- - . ., Jesse .crown
State Grange Eloborate Preperations
- - for Their Reception...:.
. . t . -
- Indications now are that the thirty
first annual session of the Oregon
state grange, to be held in Corvallis,
May 24th to the 27th, will thclar
gest gathering of that character
ever assembled in the State. One
hundred grangers will be represen
ted by delegates selected in the
usual manner and .several granges
will be represented by visitors so
that in all probability there will be
no less than two hundred present.
Inasmuch as the meeting Jprecedes-
the session ot the national grange at
Portland, it is regarded as doubly
important that the patrons ' of hus
bandry throughout the state be able
and fully represented in numbers as
well as intelligence, so that all the
varied interests of "the man with a
farm" may be properly and fully
protected. E. P. Wolcott,' master
of the state grange of Kentucky, has
been invited to sit with the .state
master G. B. I,eedy in directing the
deliberations of the session, while
past master R. P. Boise, Jacob
Voorhees and W. M. , Hilleary will
give special care to all matters that
look toward better legislation, and
treasurer Joe Hirshberg will care
fully supervise the finance of the
association. Owing to the special
importance of the session, the 'meet-.
ing will hold one day longer than
usual, beginning at 10 b'clockTues
day and continuing till the follow
ing Friday. The session will be
held in the Agricultural Hall, and
two banquets will be spread. The
first will take place on Tuesday
evening at the reception g iven by
the granges of Benton county, and
will be enlivened with fine music
addresses of welcome and responses
by Judge R. P. Boise, of Salem,
Mrs. Clara Waldo, of Macleay. and
others. The other banquet will be
'Flora's Feast," which will imme
diately precede installation of officers
on Thursday evening. ,
The hotels have offered the
special rate of $1 per day, and have
agreed to canvass the town for ex
tra rooms, should the usual quarters
be overtaxed. . So there need be no
concern given to visitors as to suit
able quarters The Southern Paci
fic and C. & E. have given their
customary one and one-third rate
over their lines, and it is . learned
that owing' to the central location of
Coryallis, which is known as the
"heart of the valley," many will
come by private conveyance. Com
mittees representing Corvallis grange
the Agricultural College and the
City of Corvallis will be at all trains
to meet guests and participate in
their reception.
The officers of the Oregon State
Grange are as follows: Master, B.
G. L.eedy, Tigardville; lecturer,
A. T. Buxton, Forest Grove: Treas
urer, H. H Hirschberg, Indepen
dence; Secretary, Mary S. Howard,
Mulino; Executiue Committee, B.
G. Tweedy, Tigardville; G. R. Ste
phenson' Portland; Legislative
Committee B. G. Leedy, Tigardville
J. Voorhees, Woodburn; W. M.
Hilleary, Turner.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 1878,
United States Land Office,
Oregou City, Oregon,
J Much 23rd. 190.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ol the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands In the States of California Oregon
Kevada and Washington Territory" bb extended
tonll the Public Land States by act of August 4,
1892, Howard L. Bush of Hosfcins. county of
Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his-Bworn statement No. 6386, for the
purchase of the 8. W. X of 8. W. of Section
No. 20 in Township No. 10 South, Range No. 6
West W. U., and will oiler proof to show that
the land Bought is more valuable forits timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
P. Hoses, County Glerk, Corvallis, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the nth day ot Jane,
He names as witnesses:
Edd O. Frantz, of Hoskins, Oregon.
Abe H. West, " "j
Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon.
David H. Simpson of PeeDee Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 11th
day of June, ISO.
Algernon 8. Dresser,
For Sale.
Poland China boar. 22 months old
subject to register. j
: Alfred Bicknell,
5 miles north of Corvallis.
To the Voters of Benton County:
Acceding to the wishes of a large
number of patrons and friends of cur
public 'schools, I submit my name to the
voters of Benton county for the office of
county school superintendent. ' -Very
' "' S. I. Pratt. -
: Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7, 1904.
Our ladies fine shoes and oxfords at
$2, 2.50, 3.00, and 3.50 are the strongest
lines we have ever shown. ' ,
Nolan & Callahan.'
Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of chief of police at
he coming city electjta to '.be held May
16, 1904. and if elected will endeavor to
see that the laws are enforced to - the
best of my ability. - .
Iee Henkle.
Something New.
back is the latest wrinkle ot
custom tailoring, and Crouse & Brandegee, .the manufacturing tailors of
Utica. New York, with their usual progressiver.ess. have incorporated this In
two or three of their new season's styles. Their idea is to meet the wishes
-.- . . , 1
of all classes of patrons. Nothing new is attempted In the tailoring line' or is
Offered by the custom tailors that is not put forward by CrOUSO (EL
Brandeg'ee m their ready-made servics.' -
Sold Exclusively by
Our Teas that we sell at 25c
50c, 60c and 75c a pound and
our coffees that we sell at 15c
20c 25c, 30c and 45c a pound
can not be matched elsewhere
in quality and price. Try them
at the
times Office for Sob Printing.
Fine new stock of GUNS, SPORTING GOODS
Stock of 6. Bodes at Big Bargain
stoves, tanges,
Cooking Utensils
iWashing Machines
Wringers, Etc,
Are being closed out at absolute cost.
Commencing now and continuing until sold
out. Come early and secure good selections
3. u. matin io.
Furniture and Carpet Store.
Less" things are stylish Just
row. The Horseless carriage
..... v -4 :
started the hobby, wireless
te'.errcphy put further zest Into
it, and now we have the seam-
less back. : It'satOOd
idea, too. ' Did you
ever look closely at the back
of your coat and see how the
seam breaks up the pattern
the fun of the thing, and youTl
catch the Idea. The whole .
77 1 are very careful :
Wsr selecting our Tea's to
buy only high grade strictly
PURE TEA. And in buying
coffee we buy only OLD)
CROP drinking coffee.
Gun Store...