LOCAL LORE. ( Advertisements in this column charged r 'or at the raw out oeou per line. Wool 15 to 1 6 cents Wheat 75. Mrs. G. R. Farra is a Portland visitor. Born, at Oregon City Wednes day to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis son, a son. E E. Raber left yesterday for a six weeks' visit with his brother at Canton, Ohio. PASSING OP M.-JACOBS. Died at the Family Home Thursday Evening Funeral Tomorrow Basket social this evening given by Modern Woodmen of America is free to all. Come and bring your baskets. A telegram to his son in this city announced that Mr. and Mrs. a. JL,. Kline left New York City Thurs day, for Corvallis. It is supposed that their daughter accompanies them Mrs. F. P. Morgan had in stalled in her home. Tuesday, a new piano, a present from her huS' band who is looking after the dis posal of some land interests there Mr. and Mrs. L, N. Price, now of Irving, Lane county, but form erly of Southern Benton, have been guests of Corvallis relatives and friends. They left for home yes terday. 1 More than four feet of rainfall fell in Corvallis from September 1st to. May 1st. The figures are 51 54 inches and are the greatest for the period during the history of the weather bureau at the college. The next highest was in 1896-7 when the rainfall was 45.47 inches. The figures for the same period last year were 38.25. The total rain fall for the month of April was 1.82 inches. The highest temper ature was 86 degrees on the nth, and the lowest, 30, on the 23rd. The ereatest rainfall in 24 hours was 26 inches on the 24th. The number of rainy davs was 14, clear . 11, part cloudy, 13, cloudy, 6. There was frost on the first, 6th, 7th and 23rd. Housebuilding is very much in evidence now. Charles Heckert has a cottage already enclosed for Geo. W. Fuller, is at work on one for Elva Minor and is shortly to begin another for Elvin Witham. The Fuller cottage contains five rooms, and is to cost about $700. The Minor house is a seven-room cottage and is located on the W. A. Wells block in the northern part of Job's addition. It is to cost about $800. The Witham house is to be built on the Witham farm and will contain eight rooms, and will be one of the best dwellings in that vicinity. Its cost will be about $1,200. The lower prices of lumber, : and the certainty that the figure will be higher in the future has given con siderable impetus to building operations. MONUMENT FOR HIS GRAVE. After a long and useful life ol more than four score years, M. Jacobs, ex mayor of Corvallis, and during his active years, a prominent merchant and influential citizen, died at the family home in this city Thursday evening. His ill ness began tour weeks ago, after a day of unusual exertion He was taken ill with bladder trouble in the evening, and was no better for several days. After that, he was better for a day or two, and on one occasion was up and about the house- His illness, however be came more violent, and for the past two or three weeks, he has linger ed along until the end. which came suddenly and quite unexpectedly, at seven o'clock Thursday evening. The funeral is to occur from the family residence at 11:30 o'clock tomorrow. The service will be conducted by Dr. David Lavine of Portland, and will be under the auspices of Barnum lodge, I. O. O. F. .After tae luneral service, the remains will be taken via the West side train to Portland, where the interment will be made in the Jew ish cemetery Monday morning. The members of Barnum and Al pha Rebekah lodges are requested to meet in Odd bellows hall at 8 o'clock this, Saturday evening to make arrangements for the funeral. 'Th; deceased was 82 vears of age. He was a native of Russia, but came to the United States at an early age. He settled in Corvallis in 1858, and engaged at once in the mercantile business, being senior member of the well known firm of Jacobs & Neugass, which for a long time was one of the most prominent mercantile firms : in the Willamette Valley, doing a wide and profitable trade. At the same time. Mr. Jacobs, with a mental horzon wider Jtb an that of most men, took a high place in the esteem and confidence of the people and was a citizen of much influence. About the year 1890. Mr. Jacobs retired from active business, and with the advance of years, , led quiet ute. He served a term as mayor of Coryallis, and was pres ident of the college building" as sociation which secured the means aud built the administration build ing at the Agricultural college, the the latter of which was a condition upon which the college was perma nently located at Corvallis. He was a man just in all things, amiable with all people, and a wide circle of friends mourn with his family in his passing. County will pay- Half Also Funeral Expenses The Late James Dunn. ' In recoenition of his last service VICTIMS OFl CREFFIELD. Two More Young v.- Asylum Mi to- his lellow citizens, -Benton coun ty takes the initiative for placing a monument at the grave of the late James Dunn, and proposes that all expenses incident to his last sick ness and death, be paid irom public funds. The county court Thurs day made an order offering to ? pay lor one-half of a $ 100 monument and an equal J proportion of the funeral expenses, provided the city of Corvallis will pay the remainder. The cost ot medical attendance and burial lees, includes an ; undertak ers bill of about $83, the fee of the surgeons for the operation and sub sequent attendance, $100, s and other minor bills, that aggregate, $214.50.' The monument at a pro posed cost of $100, raises the ex pense to $314 50. It is considered certain that the council will respond with equal promptness to the de mand of a large section of the citi zens, woo urge it, ; ana at the first meeting of the council make an appropriation covering the offer of the county. Several council- men, who have been interviewed on the subject, have declared them selves favorable to the plan, and it is expected that action will be tak-1 en to complete the plan when the councilmen come together n a regular meeting Monday night. Ever since the appearance in the Times of a portion of a sermon in which Rev. Carrick suggested that the community should erect a mon ument over the grave of Mr. Dunn the subject has been freely discuss ed on the streets, and so far as heard without the expression of a single unfavorable opinion. In fact, sentiment seems unanimous for the proposed action as a fitting recognition of Mr. Dunn's last service to the community in which he wes so long a citizen. The action of the court was tak en after a visit from a delegation of citizens, headed by R. H. Huston. Representations were made of the well remembered facts in which Mr Dunn lost his life, and the argu ment made that the county owed it as a public duty to see that the orphan children, after the sacrifice of "their father, be not called upon to pay the expenses that a defense of the peace 01 the community entailed.- Each member of the court promptly declared himself favorable to the plan, and by unanimous vole the order was made as above stated There was a the county jud morning. It w fieldism, in " wh" women were und to sanity. ' One aged 22, whose p. the Coast, and t omen Taken to the s Bray and Miss eley. , . ; elancholy scene in 's office yesterday the fruit of Cref- h two voune r examination as as Attie Bray. rents reside on other was . Rose oeeiey. agea 2,f whose mother is aeaa ana whosefiatber is in un known parts, ing board wa Watters, : Dr The ' ; examining County fjudge Cathey : and Dr.. Farra. Both girls were bare headed, and during the . examin ation, Miss See y remained stand ing, because of the fool notion in the Cretheld cried that a chair and other furniturtf ' is contaminating. One young gill at a former , exam-' ination remaifced seated, on the floor for the same reason The question by the board were all gently and kVidly asked. Of ten they were riol answered, though J3 iss Seeley, whcl is now the lead ing spirit in the ftith. talked freely. Miss Bray . was asked .. if , she did not want tojgo home, and she said 'no." . Wfcen asked if she be lieved Creffielil was good,, she said "be is a nrnj of God," When asked. concerning her future plans. she remained always silent, , though the question peated, the admitted that she er hat. but declin- hy. - ere perfectly rational subiects, but when s trequently re- Iquirer sometimes pressing it. Sb had destroyed ed to explain , Both girls : on all ordinal the subject of their particular belief was touched epon, a complete con suming , deluMon was manifest. ueep sympathi was observable in the faces and Apices of the members of the board as well as among others present for th melancholy plight in which the teachings of Creffield have placed tlegirls.'Bothgiils have had situations fes help in Corvallis homes, but kch left . her place, and had taken I room at the farmers Hotel where itfis supposed they in tended to spenIL their time idly, on Creihelds planithat "God will pro vide." Miss pray is a graduate ot the Corvslis public ; schools. Both were committed to the asylum and were taken! to Salem by Sheriff Burnett yesterojay afternoon. AT OPERA HOUSE. .'.The Four Georges Company scored a hit last night in their two sketches and their specialties. "A Tip on the Suburban" is very laughable and although played here only a short time ago, was thorough ly enjoyed by the big audience which greeted this little company with the big show. Katherine is indeed a boneless wonder. Her contortion act is the best that has ever been seen here. Agnes George's singing" was also a feature of the specialty. Miss Mar ion George the violin virtuoso, pro ved herself to be a master Jwith the instrument. Besides her first piece, a classic she played two always popular pieces, "My Old Kentucky Home" and "The Last Rose of Summer," which alone were worth the price of admission. Robert V. I,awerence is a come dian of high order. His work in the two sketches was very good and his Hebrew monologue excel lent. Mr. Iaverence also does a singing stunt that will bring him the "cush." The George family consisting of five people ended up the specialty part of the program with solos and duets on brass instruments, ending up with a catchy march in which all took part. Little Ellis George is a crackerjack with a cornet. The last spasm as the program called it, was, an Irishman's Pipe : Dream, a comiedetta in one act that would drive away any ' case of blues. The Four Georges Company has - won a home here, and can have , crowded houses whenever they come. The Transcript, Willows, Cal April 2.9, 1904. Four Georges Company, Wednesday Evening. Miss Marion George is rapidly coming to the front of musical geni uses. Although she can command the highest salary of any lady violin player on the stage, and all the big musical centers, New York, Boston, New Orleans, San Francisco, and in fact everywhere she has played the press and public have been unani mous in declaring that her power on this beautiful instrumentis .marvel ous. Unly a short while ago in Salt Lake City when the big Mor mon convention was on, she played in the famous tabernacle, which held 13,000 people, and time after time she had to respond to the tu multous applause of the delighted throng. She can take you back to your childhood by' her beautiful rendering of simple old time airs, or she can charm the heart of mu sical enthusiasts by her skilful play ing of classical pieces. She is the happy possessor of many beautiful gowns and diamonds, but her chief treasure is her famous violin, which cost over 52,500. She will play at the Opera house on May 1 1 and if you wish to hear the violin played by the only legitimate successor to Madam Norma Naruda, you should secure seats early, Great Reduction Sale. . ...... We will sell for cash during the month of May 500 pairs of shoes, broken sizes, men's womens, misses and children's at greatly reduced prices, in order to give room fqr a new stock of goods, which will arrive about June ist. - Come early and get your choice from 25 cents up. Sale lasts through May only. J. E. Henkle. For Sale. Young stallion, weight 1425 two years old June- Abbotts feed barn. 4 See Blackledge's fine couches. Ice cream season opens at Starr's May 5th. Saturday. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that the annual election for the City of Corvallis will be held on Monday the 16th day of May 1904, for the election of a chief of police. j.olice judge, treasurer, one councilman from the first ward, two councilmen from the second ward, and two councilmen from the third ward. Said election wil begin at 9 o'clock a. m. and will contin ue until 6 o'clock p. m. without closing me polls. ine following has been designated as the polling place, council chamber, City nail situated on the southeast cornel of Fourth and Madison streets, and the following persons have been appointed to conduct Baid election judges, Caleb Davis, Joseph Yates, R. H. Colbert- clerks, Robt. Johnson and W, Dilley. Given under my hand and seal this 28th day of April, 1904. E. P. GREFFOZ, Police Judge. Ice cream and home the Sale May 25th. made candy a Nolan & Callahan's new spring stock is now complete in all departments. ' "Carnival of Nations." The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid So ciety will hold a Carnival of Nations and a Rose Fair. All ladies are invited to brine roses and compete for the three prizes, best collection of roses, best flor al piece and best single specimen Car nival is to be held May 25. 26, 27. .0 -. ' 1 .3.: 11111 11 LmUki 3 For Police Judge. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of police judge at the city election to be held May 16, 1904. E. P. Greflbz. 53t53 Fanion 34473. Imported black Percheron stallion will make the season of 1904 as follows, Mon., Tues. -end Wed., Farmers Barn, Corvallis; Thusr., McFadden Farm, Bruce; Fri. and Sat., Moiiroe. Terms. $ 15, the season, 20 to insure. T. K. Fawcett, Owner. Corvallis, Ore. We make special rates to families. Corvallis Steam Laundry. Call up Main 274, THERE ARE ALL - KINDS OF TROUSERS. But the only kiud you ought to wear-because they're the best--is the famous. We sell themin this town, and have the largest stock and greatest variety you ever saw. Come in and pick out one of the choice patterns for next Sunday's wear. - Or if you want a cheaper grade for exer day, we have that kind too. No other store can offer you such bargains. " For Sale by Methodist Conference. LcsAngeles Calif. Account above conference, the South ' ern Pacific Co. will make reduced rates on the certificate plan from main lines points in Oregon south of Portland, and passenger will purchase tickets to Los Angeles, for which agent will collect the highest one way rate, giving a special receipt. On presentation of this receipt duly executed, by original purchaser, Southern Pacific agent at Los Angeles will sell return tickets at one-third fare. Sale dates from Oregon points will be April 19th to May 7th inclusive, also May 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, and 30. The last day on which certificates will be honored for return at reduced rate from Los Angeles will be June 5th, 1994. r Personal. Young lady with best of references desirea to correspond with a vsingle gen tleman or widower who is in business or is in comfortable financial circumstances Strictly confidential. Address . P. O. box 580, , Portland, Ore. 50c Shirtwaists Silks 39c We have never had a more attractive assortment of shirtwaist silks, and never have you been able to by i hem so cheap. . - For on Tuesday May 3rd "we place on sale for one week oblv. tbia beautiful line of Eilks at a rxw a mm 3gc Not an old piece in the lot AH bright and new this spring. ; Including Black and White, Pink. Blue Tan, Green and all of the popular shades of this season. . - S. L. KLINE'S, Regulator of Low Price - Cbipman's gommercta. RESTAXJRAIXT. New Room, New Furnishings, Everything Complete. NEXT DOOB NORTH OF SMALL & SON. CLARENCE CHlPMAN. f EMERY'S ART STUDIO j 4 ; '7 South Main St.; Corvallis, Ore. i Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture t ; .0. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. Art Calendars. Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties, Portland and Return. Only $3.00. The Southern Pacific is now selling round trip tickets to Port land from Corvallis for $3, good going Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday, returning Sunday and Monday giving all day Sundav in Portland. The same arrangement applies from Portland giv- all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new store. ' Blcakledge keeps all kinds of table Al Zierolfs Alfalfa, 1 Red Clover, White Clover, Timothy, Orchard, Vetch, Rape Dwarf Essex and all other kinds of garden seeds. For Sale. Best Plymouth Rock or Brown Leghorn coctcreis or eggs. J. B. Irvine. Corvalfia. Look for the name Crouse & Brande ger on your spring suit. Jop It;ouid Stjos for fe) A. t v Is New Spring Style X& I Mi $3.50 fpgjjf Unexcelled in style, mater - 'WSi'.f H ' an workmansmP- Absolute- tt A ty guaranteed in every particu- Special in Men's Spring Suits. Every , and in fact ever) thing in this Stitch . suit is ; perfect. IT'S MADE TO FIT and it certainly does- rto try on one of them means good-bye tailor, and money saved. .Come r. 1 A and be convinced now! piV- Corvallis, Oregon.