Gorvallis Times!" Official Paper of Beatoa Coontr. COBTALUS, OBEOOK, MAT 7, 1904. PAY IT - ' .. With proper appreciation of the situation, the county court has unanimously agreed to pay one-half the expense of a monument and the funeral expenses of the late James Dunn provided the City of Corval lis pays the other half. There . is absolute justification in the action of the court, and the city council at its coming meeting should, as it dbubtiess will be equally prompt in the ' discharge of this public duty. James Dunn met his death while assisting the city and county officers in preser ving the peace. He lost his life and his three motherless children lost their father. He fell mortally wounded as he stood by the sherifEs side in a service that was not of private character, but for the public peace, The sacrifice that his chil dren have to meet, ought not under any circumstances to have added to it the trifle that burial and a fitting monument may cost. In giving up their father, his, protection and companionship, they gave enough. The people of Corvallis and Benton county, do not ask them to give more. In its prompt recognition of Mr. Dunn's service .at this its first meeting since the melancholy Sun day morning, and in the equally prompt action the city council is sure to make at its first opportunity there will be fitting tribute to the memory and the final public act of a brave citizen. Its effect will ' be wholesome, in the lesson it will send down in the future, when the silent stone the city of the dead tells the simple story of how James Dunn fell. FOR ECONOMY'S SAKE. There should, be careful scrutiny of any man who is to stand as the spokesman for Benton county in the state legislature. The legisla lafure is the last place on earth to send men prone to subterfuge, scheming and dodging, : The leg islature, during sessions, is the re- finrt of ilpsicrnincr 1rhSviefe Vir f-, 1, wj hatch out schemes for preying off the people. It is the Mecca of grafts and grafters, and the brood ing ground of those who are will ing to pay a price for unholy leg islation. It is a place where there is barter and traffic in which a vote is swapped for a useless appropri ation or vicious law in exchange for dollars or for a vote for some other unholy scheme or job. It is the place where the schemer, trick ster, and dodger finds a ready market for his wares, and it is be cause of this that men sometimes ' seek election to the legislature. The net result of the frauds pract- I iced there, is appropriation bills and other legislation so profligate that there seems no end to the length of extravagance to which the practice will go. If there is one thing more than another that this state of Oregon needs, it is honesty and stamina in its legislators. If the question of what are his party affiliations were laid aside, and that vital question, is he honest, reliable and straight-forward made the test of election, there would quickly be. an end of the rotten conditions that prevail biennially at Salem. The question of whether the leg islator to be elected be a democrat or a republican cannot have the slightest effect on the pocket book of any man in Benton county; but the question of whether or not he is conservative and substantial and will set his vote and influence against the reckless spending of the people's money is of vital and par amount importance to every man in the county. The state tax that Benton county has to pay this year is practically $25,000. It averages perhaps $12.50 for every voter in the county. To some taxpayers this mere item of state tax takes hundreds of dollars of their money. It is a scandalous, an unpardonable condition, that is the net result of filling the legislatures with unre liable and scheming men, who thrive on jobs ind schemes and who vote appropriations here and there regardless of the cost, because not they, but the people have the bill to foot. The people can help themselves in these matters if they will try. They can cut off the grafts and turn - the grafters down if they will stop sending dodgers, schemers and tricksters to the legislature. See the Living rich res at the nival. , Car- v : VP TO THE PEOPLE. ' ; ( J Corvallis never, in all its history received as much unenviable ad vertising abroad as it got last week. All the smaller newspapers of the state, as well as the larger ones, commented on the late tragedy, and naturally enough, in such a way that Corvallis as to an orderly, law abiding town, was placed in an ugly light. Many of the com ments were ' of hostile charac ter, many sarcastic, and the effect of all is tp leave in the public mind of the State of Oregon, a false impression as to the real con ditions. Following as it does, the undesirable advertising abroad that has resulted from the irrational behavior of the Holy Rollers, and incidents that resulted therefrom, the town suffers humiliation and disgrace abroad, that will take many months of quiet and order to overcome. With Corvallis a col lege town, where hundreds of young men and young women are sent by trustful parents elsewhere in the state to be educated in those things that make up a wise and useful citizenship and a properly balanced society, it is all very unfortunate if not very injurious to the inter ests of both the school and the town. ' ' ' " As has been pointed out in these columns, the responsibility is in part upon the citizens themselves. It is wrong to attempt to place all the blame on' those in public place, for unless the officers are well sup ported by a well defined public sen timent in the law enforcement that they undertake, an effective sup pression of hoodlumism and other improper conditions is impossible. A strong article covering this idea, reprinted from the Portland Ore gonian, is to be found in another column. The logical and only con clusion that follows is, it is up to the people of Corvallis to say wheth er or not they want hoodlums on the street at night, who ought to be in bed whether parents want them to be or not. It is up to the people of Corvallis to say whether or not they intend longer to tolerate con ditions in which these hoodlums are permitted to have intoxicants either over a saloon bar. or from the hand of the low scrub, who himself buys it at the bar and carries it to a waiting crowd of smart youths in a back alley or in the public street. It is up to the people of Corvallis to end these conditions and to save Corvallis further disgrace and humiliation at home and abroad, and they have their means of mak ing thesfact known... ,' Let every man in the town make up his mind that there must be an end of these things, let him say so to his neighbor, and left both and ' all others remain agreed and united on the subject throughout all future time, standing ever ready to sup port and sustain the officers when penalties are applied, and there will be no more folly, no more unen viable advertising, no more blood shed. Wall paper at Blackledge's store. jFor Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office ol chief of police, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming city election. F. R. Overlander. For Chief of Police. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the office of chief of police of Corvallis to be voted for at the annual May election. W. G. Lane. Rummage Sale at the Carnival. Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 22. 2 Forvaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 P- m ' " Corvallis 2:00 p. m " arrives Yaquina 6:2op. m I Returning: - Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m Leaves Corvallis ...11:30 a. m Arrives Albany .12:15 P. m 3 For Detroit: .. Leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit 12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit..: i:0o p. m Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S if south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. Train So a connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the same day. For further information apply to Kdwin STON8, Manager. H. H. Cronlse, Agent Corvallis. Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany. - WBY TBEY WAITS HIM: ' " The question is occasionaly raised as to why, with a majority against them, democrats are .sometimes el ected to office in -.Benton - County. There is one, and but one answer. In naming men for the various positions, it is the policy of demo crats always to put forward ; men especially and peculiarly fitted for the place. ' There, for instance, is Telt Burnett, for sheriff. . Where would a body of citizens go to get a better man for the position? He is an expert bookkeeper, and can, with out aid, keep the intricate system of accounts, incident to tax-collecting. He is quick and industrious, and collects the taxes, no matter how fast the taxpayers come, without the assistance of a deputy. Of course, the work sometimes keeps him employed until midnight or after during the rush of tax-collecting, but as long as he does it, the county is that much the gainer. He is so quick, so correct and so expert in these matters, that he is the' only sheriff in Oregon that attempts to collect taxes without assistants. He is always in his office, and deeply intent on his duty. In ; the preser vation of the peace, he is not flighty, fractious and unreliable, but cool, calm, determined and brave, as all Benton County have ample reason to know. He is the same obliging, attentive official, the same courteous pains taking sheriff to every man v who enters his office,' whether the caller be republican, socialist, prohibi tionist or democrat. He is, in fact, a perfect type of man for the place, and with all due respect to his op ponent, the question is, why vote against Telt Burnett? Why turn down a man when he is literally the best sheriff in Oregon in the dis charge of his duty ? : As a sheriff, he is not a democrat, but a man, a complete 1 man, and thiat is why he is voted for by all parties, and why a great body , of the' people, re gardless of party, want him contin ued in his present position. '. For Sale. ' A first class sewing machine in good condition. Also a fine walnut diningtable Inquire at Times office. Painting and Paper Hanging. All orders promptly filled. , Phone 05. ;' Samuel Kerr. Call On P. m. ZTGROCF For Groceries and Crockery, Finest line of China and Cut Glass to be found in the City. ... Agent for Chase. & San born high grade coffee. ' Produce taken in exchange for groceries. Phone 71. . OJe Rave Tor Sale Defiance seed wheat, and choice baled cheat hay at Corvallis Flouring Mills. For Sale. Good seed oats and cheat hay far sale. T. Logsdon. Ladies don't buy your spring dress goods and furnishings until you first ex amine Nolan & Callahan's select stock. Pathmark. ' 16 hands high; weight, 1,200; dark bay; Pathmark will make the season from the 13th of April in Corvallis, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of each week. The rest of the time at Jesse Brown's twelve miles south of Cervallis Pathmark .0382, Record sired by Pathmont 2:09 sired of Pathmark a:ir 4, Bell air 2-14 dam Juliet 2-22 by Tybolt 2-27; sires of the' dam of Volo 2-20. Tybolt was by Alfnmont, 3,600. dam Nellie Kohler by Mike, sire of the second dam of Klamath, 2-073. Terms 15, $20 and S25: Good pasture free of charge for mares from a distance. Will not be responsible for accidents. Jesse Brown. REGISTRATION , ENDS SATURDAY Fifteenth Falls on v Sunday Attorney ,' General's Opinion, , . . ; At five o'clock next : Saturday evening, registration comes to an end. The law provides that it shall end on the 15th, but the 15th falls on Sunday. In response to an inquiry from Clerk Moses," Attor ney General Crawford has . decided that registration should, end on; the 14th. -.The following is from the attorney general's letter:,. '"7;;. ; "Replying to your inquiry as to whether your registration books should be closed on Saturday the 14th or Monday the 16th, permit me to say that I am of the opinion that they should be closed on Sat urday. The 15th of May falls on Sunday, and the supreme court of this state . has held that Sunday is at common law, as adopt ed and enforced in this state, a non judicial day." Therefore any jud icial act done on that day is void, and I am inclined . to the opinion that the registration ot voters is partly judicial m its nature. The clerk must decide whether the, ap plicant is an elector . from the evi dence produced before him. There fore the clerk cannot . perform the duties required of him as registra tion officer on Sunday. The stat ute provides that he shall register electors between the first Monday in January and the hour of five o'clock May 15th, at which time the books shall be closed' To do this and on a judicial day, the books will have to be closed on Sat urday. In this . matter, the law fixes the date and the hour and says it must be done prior to that time. The time cannot be ex tended except by virtue . of some law expressly warranting the ex tension, and I find none. The date fixed on a non-judicial day, and there being no law extending the time, the books must be closed on the last judicial day of the per iod fixed, which in this . instance is Saturday. The direction to the county clerk to close his register at the date fixed is mandatory, and therefore all returns by notaries public and justices of the peace of electors registered by them, must be filed with the county clerk prior to the time he closes his reg ister. He cannot, : after having closed his books, open them to placevthereon, returns rom notaries, etc." - - '-. The attorney general's letter was received by Clerk Moses yesterday morning. Send your curtains to the Corvallis Steam Laundry. We will call for your work everv day in the week. - : Notice for Publication. Timber Land, Act June 1878, United States Land Office, . Oregon City, Cregon, March 23rd. MO. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" bb extended toaU the Public Land State by act ot August 4, 1892, Howard L. Bush of Hoskins, county of Benton, state ot Oregon, has this dav filed in this office fals sworn statement no. 6386, for the Snrchase of the 8. w. X of S. W. X of Section o. 20 In Township No. 10 South, Bange No. t West W. St., and will otter prooi to show that the land &ought is more valuable forits timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Hoses, County Clerk, Corral lta, Benton Ooun I, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11th day ot June, 1904. ' r He names as witnesses: , ' Edd O. Frentz, of Hoskins, Oregon. Abe H. West, ' " Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon. David H. Simnson of PeeDea Or won. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in thjB office on or before said 11th aay or june, lyu. Algernon S. Dresser, Register. For Sale.. Vetch, speltz, timothy and seed. Poland China hogs, sheep. One freBh milk cow, rye Shropshire a ' pair of l large geese, a pair of turkeys or trio, two-horse feed power in tunning order, Timothy and vetch straw bright from barn. L. L. Brooks, For Sale.' Poland China boar. 22 months old subject to register. , Alfred Bicknell, 5 miles north of Corvallis.. , To the Voters of Benton County: Acceding to the wishes of a large number of patrons and friends of our public schools, I submit my name to tbe voters of Benton county for the office of county school superintendent. Very Respectfully, , S. I. Pratff Philomath, Oregon", Mar." 7, 1904. Our ladies fine shoes and oxfords at $2, 2.50, 3.00, and 3.50 are the strongest lines we have ever shown. Nolan & Callahan. Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of chief of police at he coming city election to '.be held May 16, 1904 and if elected will endeavor to see that the laws are enforced to the best of my ability. JLee Henkle. 1 Something New. tomisim i4 (Ma wma, tnu, k t. custom tailoring, and Crouse & Brandegee, the manufacturing tailors ct .'. . Utica, New Yferk, with their usual progressivejjess, have incorporated this lit two or three of their new season's styles. Their idea Is to meet the wishes . , . .- . ' '; -':-.:- " ' I of all classes of patrons. " Nothing new is attempted in the tailoring line or Is, ! offered by the custom tailors that is not put forward by CrOUSO (St, , Brandegee in their ready-made service. v Sold Exclusively by ; ; flttcbe Bodes Grocery; g Our Teas that we sell at 25c 50c, 60c and 75c a pound and our coffees that we sell at 15c 20c 25c, 30c and 45c a pound can not be matched elsewhere in quality and "price." Try them" at the ' I HODES' 5 PHONE 483, Pioneer Fine new stock of GUNS , SPORTING GOODS FISHING TACKLE, CUTLERY, Etc KKWIXCi MA.CMXK EXTRAS Stock of 6. Bodes at Big Bargain si B ? if i m J Seasons Opening Saturday,, May 7 AT MILES STARR'S Special Taney Brick made to Order for occasion College Trade Particulary Solicited Less" things are stylish just , row. The Horseless carriage started the hobby, wireless , telegraphy put further zest into ' 'I i rA rrw haw the seam' less back. . It's a good . idea, to6. Did you ever look closely at the back, of your coat and see how the seam breaks up the pattern of the cloth? Do it now for the fun of the thing, and you'll catch the idea. The whole -.' , ; .: hart l ih latest wrinkle of ' 771 are very careful in EW selecting onr Tea's to buy only high grade strictly PURE TEA. And in buying Feoffee w buy only OLD CROP drinking coffee. GROCERY, CORVALLIS, OR. Gun Store... 31 i 1; 3 ,:-fy ICE CREAM