i WW Vol. XVII. No. 11. CORVALLIS, OREGON. MAY 7, 1901. Editor and Proprietor Our New Arrivals m Dress Goods, Novelty Trimmings, Silks, Embroideries, Lace Belts, Collars, White Goods and Shoes. FOR GENTS iUiiuuiuiumuiuiiumm Clothing, Hats, Neckware, Shoes, Shirts, Underware. Call and See TENDLR-HEARTED MAN. CHASED BY A HORSE CARRY ING DYNAMITE AROUND HIS NECK. ; considered to be very much greater. The Japanese thoroughly occupy the area over which the fighting extended and are now scoutiDg the hill country to which the Ruesian forces retired. Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms. 1 J. C Hammel, Prop. Leading Hotel in Corvallis. Recently opened. New brick building. ylfurnished, with modern con veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-' capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single; rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. Had Owned the Horse for 20 years and Wished to Give Him a Quick and Easy Death Man Found Himself in Forks of a Tree and Horse in Horse Heaven. Graoeeville.Idaho, May 3. John Eckert, who lives near here had a narrow escape from death Sunday because he wad tender-hearted. There waB a borse in the barn which he had owned for nearly 20 years. Its hold on life was so pre carious that it had become emaciat ed holding on, yet Mr. Eckert hesi tated to cut the thread which bound the animal to this existence. Finally, when the horse was un- able to eat and a tottering skeleton, the kind-hearted farmer conceived a plan for its destruction which would spare his feelings, be quick, sure and painless; He bought two sticks of dyna- mite, a cap and a bit of fuse. He tied the dynamite together, inserted the cap and ruse in one stick, tied the death-dealing bundle around the horse's neck and lighted the fuse. Then he started for the orchard, about 60 yards away, at as brisk run as his 60 years and harrowed feelings would permit. But be had not gone far when he heard a noise behind him. He turned about and beheld the poor old horse, mad with fright at the siaing fuse, trotting close at his heelB and pranciug as energetically as a colt. Mr. Eckert settled down and did some really wonderful running, A barbed wire fence separate the orchard from the barnyard, but he took it like a college hurdler. 1 he horee, not having been trained ti follow the hounds, foozled and to this Mr. Eckhart probably owes the fact that he is still alive He thinks he covered about 50 of eood orchard land in the next two seconds, and then something happened. The next thing he knew be was nicely placed in the forks of an apple tree, about 100 feet good fence was blown down and the borse had vanished into horse heaven Mr. Eckert was in. Grangeville Tuesday to see what could be done toward repairing the disordered functions of his left ear, which re fused to recognized sound. , A POSITIVE NECESSITY. Having to lav noon mv bed for 14 days from a severely braised leg. I only found lelief when I need a bottle of Ballard's Snow liniment. I can cheerfully re commend it as the best medicine for bruises ever sent to the afflicted. It has sow become a positive necessity upon myself. D. R. Byrnes, Merchant, Do versville, Texas. , 25c, 50c, i 00. Sold by Graham & Wortham. - WE DO NOT OFTEN GffikNGE. Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Cbinaware A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. rest. Visit our Store we do the 6 B Doming RUSSIAN GENERAL REPORTS 2000 MEN KILLED AND 700 WOUNDED IN YALU BATTLE. Salem, May 3. Referring to the repoit of a mutiny m the state pen itentiary, which it is alleged took place Friday on account 01 objec tions to the food, Governor Cham- berlam, in an interview this morn inn said he had personally investi- gated the dietary of the penitentia ry and improved it from time to time and that the convicts are now better fed and cared for than ever before. They have meat three times week for breakfast, which they nev er had previous to the present ad ministration. The governor claims that the men in the Oregon pent- thetiary are as well fed as in any state prison. He challenges any one to go out to the priBon and see for themselves. Governor Chamberlain says he is willing to take tbe whole reBponsi' bility of the prison management and does not fear the result. EXPOSURE. To cold draughts of air, to keen and cut- tuts winds, sudden changes ot tempera ture, scanty clothing, undue exposure of the throat and neck alter public speaJt ine and singing, brine on coughs and colds.- Uallard's uorenouna syrup is the best cure. Mrs. A. Barr, Houston; Texas, writes. Tanuarv 31, 1902: "One bottle of Bal lard's Horenouna syrup curea me ot very bad cough. It is very pleasant to take. 25c. 50c, $1.00. Sold by Graham & wortham. New York, Mar 3. A Wall street news agency dispatch from London today states that rumors are current there that tbe Japanese fleet, under command of Admiral Uriu, has captured the entire Ru3 sian Vladivostok squadron. - St. Petersbug, May 3. It is said that General Zassaliich was not re sponsible for the Russian disaster on Sunday, but that be fell into an ambuscade as the result of intercep tion by a Jaoanese spy ot a tele gram from General Kuropatkin containing general orders and plan of eampaign to be followed in meeting the Japanese forward move ment. There is a feeling of appreben sion here over the outcome of the impending battle at Feng Huang Gheng, where the routed Kuesian army baa been rallied. General Kuropatkin is known to have left Liao Lang with 20,000 men to rein force tbe Russian column there and to check the advance of the victori ous Japanese. It is feared that the Japanese have succeeded in landing another armv and are attempting a daBh to cut off the commander-in-chief. General Kuroki's force which is in front of the Russian position at Feng Wang Cheng is believed to number not less than SU.UIA) men, and the Russian force available is vastly inferior. Therefore it is fear ed that General Kuropatkin will find it hard to avoid annihilation, should the Japanese undertake a general attack and at the same time strike at the flank or tbe Kussian army with a fresh body of troops. London, May 3. The Cbefoo cor respondent of the Daily Chronicle cables tbe following under tidav's date: "The Japanese landed troops and attacked and captured Niu Cbwang last evening, the Russians falling back to protect the rail way.' In a report received by tbe empe ror from Ueneral Knropalkio, un der today's date, it is stated that at least from 3,ooo to 4,ooo men were killed in the Yalu river.fight. L. G. ALTAIAN, M. D. Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Reel- denoecor 3rd and Harrison sts. VHours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 p8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A. M, hooerelJeaca 315. G. R. FAKRA. Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham '& Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All calls attended promptly. THE YALU riCHT. aneee fire was so hot that they "re turned to the protection of the Elev enth regiment. Nearer and nearer approached the Japanese, and A charge upon the Eleventh regiment and the beconu battery was immi nent, so the guns were abandoned. Greatest Loss Sustained in Effort to Save the Two Regiments at t Autung Fear It May Be Worse Japs Succeed In Blocking Port Arthur. 'St. , Petersburg, May 5. The Russian losses at the battle of Kiu Lien Cheng were 2000 men and 40 officers, far greater than previously reported. - This is the omcial estimate of Maior-Gendral Kashtalinsky, who directly commanded the division that suffered the brunt of the at tack, and whose report has not been received by the emperor. Many are inclined to place the Russian losses even higher. General Kashtalinsky mentions aleo that more than 700 wounded had arrived at Feng Wang Cheng, and these may not be included in his calculations. He made no at tempt to estimate the Japanese los ses, merely stating they must have been coloseaL The magnitude of the Russian losses had an almost stunning ef fect on the authorities, and aroused general grief, mitigated only by sat isfaction at the bravery displayed by the Russian troops. Kasbtahnsky'B report establishes the fact that the Russians sustained the greatest loss in order to save the two regiments which were occupy ing Antung. The Eleventh regiment was given the post of honor at the rear, with instructions to hold back the on coming Japanese. Tbe Twelttb regiment and the -Third- battery's quick-firing detachment were di rected to retire. By the time the latter movement commenced, the Japanese bad al most surrounded tbe Russian posi tion. The Twelltn regiment was compelled to charge with bayonets and succeeded in breaking through the enemy's line. The Second bat tery's quick-firing detachment, with out horses, could not move the guns, and were compelled to aban don them. The men of the Second battery put their shoulders to the wheels in an effort to push the guns up the mountain side, but the Jap- London, May 5. The opinion gains ground here that the Japan- . ese have at last effectually blocked Port Arthur. No official Japanese reports have been received, but the Tokio correspondents are very posi- . live regarding the matter, and de scribe the determination with which the enterprise was undertaken. The Daily Telegraph's corres pondent declares the entrance to Port Arthur is "absolutely sealed' and adds that the Japanese fleet, in affecting its purpoee, steamed in to the entrance at full speed. The naval officers who made the two previous attempts begged permis sion to carry out the next attack by daylight, that being easier, and their request was granted. bo determined were they to suc ceed, adds the correspondent, that they decided, if necessary, to loss half their men. The number of casualties sustained by the Japan ese has not yet been announced. The correspondent of the Daily Chronicle is also positive the har bor is "corked." In favor of the supposition of Japanese success in blocking Port Arthur it ib pointed out that the previous attempts had left the chan-- nel so narrow that a couple of ves sels sunk in a fair way would prob ably suffice to seal up the entrance, while there is a noticeable evasion. and half-hearted ne6s, in the Rus sian denials of the enemy's success. Reports have been received here that the Japanese captured a quan tity of railroad material after sun- day's battle. This is supposed to indicate that the Russians ' had made great progress with the rail road from the main Manchurian line to the Yalu. If . this is so, it would be a simple matter for the Japanese to repair thiB line, which would materially assist them in their advance through a difficult country. English correspondents with the Japanese forces on the Yalu are permitted to send tbe most ample descriptions of the peo ple and the country traversed, but not one word about the fighting. Estrayed. One bay mare with roached foretop. Star in forehead. About 1000 pounds. Came to my place about 10 days ago. W. F. Whitby. beoul, Corea, May o. tiater re ports of the Russian reverse on the Yalu are to the effect that the Jap anese captured 28 small rapid-fire guns, besides 20 field guns. They also captured 30 Russian officers and over 500 men, many of whom were found hiding in the under brush by Japanese searching par ties. Cossack officers who were captured place the cumber of Rus sians killed and wounded at 800. but it is thought that this under states the Russian loss, which is Colfax, Wash., May 3. As the result of a thrilling man hunt through the woods back of Auburn CbarleB PaulsoD, a tramp logger. from Merrill, Wis., lies in a local undertaking parlor, bis abdomen pierced by a bullet fired by a mem ber of the pursuing posse. Auburn for many years baa been in fested with a lot ot desperate tramps Yes'erdav mo mine four of them went on a spree: about 4 o'clock they paseed the farm of J. F.O'Neil and began to strip the boards from the fences. O'Neil interfered and the tramps were defiant and drew a gun on tbe farmer. Doing eo, Mrs. O'Neill rushed upon them, and threw herself between her husband and the tramps, exclaiming: "If you ehoot my husband you have got to shoot me first." Cries for help were heard and when an officer appeared the tramps took to the woods. . A posae divided and searched tbe woods. Paulson was discovered in an old hiding place of the famous bandit Tracy, aud while trying to make hia es cape, was shot in the back by an of ficer. Hs died in three minutes. The other two men were captured. Pueblo, Colo., May 3. Almost dead from thirst and starvation, having had nothing to exist on for seven days except lemons, John Phillips of Tremo, Cal., has been rescued fiom a refrigerator car in the Rio Grande yards here. Phil lips was a prisoner in the car for seven days. A brakeman passing the car heard his moans and break ing open the door found the man almost dead. He was revived and said he had entered the car at Salt Lake. It was afterward locked and sealed. ' . HI EALTH Come to Starr's on Saturday Hazelwood ice cream.' to eat is the Most Important In buying food-products, several things are to be thought of i. e., Economy, Results, Easy Handling, Reliability, but the most important is Health. Health means everything. In buying clothes, shoes, hats, furniture, etc., if the buyer is deceived and gets an imitation the only harm is loss of money. In buy ing food-products, if imitations are sup plied, there is not only a loss of money, but perhaps an injury to health which is beyond price. Remember these facts ivhen baying baking powder. R.OYA.J BAKING POWDER .'ABSOLUTELY PURE