LOCAL LE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IX BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of Peop le Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items of Public Interest. Miaa Ka'.e Dioiels left the firs of tbe week far a twj m-iQths eojoura iQ Etstera OregoD, Mr'. Sohubart f Oregon City, ar rive! Wednesday and ia tiia guest of Mrs. Amelia Schubeit. John Johnson, proprietor cf the Corva'lU 8team Laundry went to Eu- J gene Wednesday on business. E. W. Moulson left Stanford We3 ne diy lor S!e:n to train the tiank team of Willamette TJoiversity. Services at the Episcopal church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7-30 p. tn. Rav. Gocey officiating. William Hansen arrived Saturday from Nebraska, and left Tuesday for Philomath, looking fur a location. Ghar'e3 Porter has been f jr sev eral d-tys la Portland, taking medical treatment. A. bunch of keys, picked up on the street is beld at the Time office for the owner to claim It. , -The Gull I of the Episcopal church were entertalnel at tbe heme of Mrs. J. E. JoDes. In Job's addition Wed nesday afternoon. Rev. aDd Mr". Handeaker attend ed the convention of the Church of Christ in Albinv. They teturn to day. Mordiunt Goodnough ia to ap pear ae soloist ia a Brand concert to be given at White Temple, in Port land nest Friday night. ' Services at M. E. churcb,' South, tomorrow mornlug and evening. Sac rament of Lord's Supper after morn log service. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The four-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Scott King, has been suffer ing for a week with pneumonia at the family home in this city, and her con dition yesterday was not improved. All the Woodmen in the county are to jiln in a big picnic to be held at MODi-je. June 11th. The college band has been secured to furnish music. Tbe blowout will be a big one. The ecnl r class at tbe college is making preparations for the an nual excursion to Newport. The date has not been defloltely fixed but is expected to be tuber the 21st or 28th of May. Usual services af. the Chursh of Christ tomorrow. Morning theme, "Opportunity asd Opposition." Ev eniug. "Wbera ait Thou?" Baptismal service at the evening meeting. A white flig displayed at the house in the rear of Dr. Pernot's residence warns the passerby that there Is measles ioelde. The house ia occupiel by Mr. Crampton and family, recently arrived from Kansas. Among thoe who tt'oLdel the convention of the Church of Christ which was in session Tharfdiy and Filday, were, Mrs. J. W.Howard, Mrs. O. C. Cblpman. Mrs. Harry Wicks, Mrs. Hornady, Mrs. Proebstel, and Mrs. Qr"er. Marlon Wocd who has been for merly an employe at the college but for several years In a similar posi tion at the University of Idaho, Mos cow, ban raturned to Webfoot to re side. He bai purchased a farm near Tangent. He was In Oarvatlis Wed nesday, buying lumbsr for build ing purposes. The Herkls fatm knowc as the Wells bop yard west of town, baa been sold. Tbo buyers are Mrs . An na E.prampton and husband, Htely .irrived from Kansas, and the price paid was $4,800. The sale was ma le by Ambler & Watters. Mr. HerkU Is to go to California to reside. James Plunkett, the well known Kings Valley man who has been for some time in California, has been In town for several days. He arrived from Los Angeles three weeks ago, and is to reside at Wren. Mr. Plunk ett says that to go to Southern Cal ifornia seeking health is folly. There is an abundance of water now at tbe city hall. In the past the supply has been so meagre that it was almost impossible to get water cn the second floor. A threa quarters pipe across tbe street to Taylor s main connected with a larger pipe la the hall was the occasion of tbe scarcity A cow and larger pipe across the street has changed conditions, and furnished tbe city building with a a sufficient and ea'lsfactory water flow. . The ice factory is to resume op orations next wiek for the coming summer's tradej There has already been a short nil in which about five tons were manufactured. During the winter's shut dpwn, Mr. Ek has re paired the lant, adding several new facilities shd greatly improving appliances alriidy la use. Shipment of the product! to points down the weetslde has already begun, and dur-' lng the summer a large amount will be disposed of to the trade in that eec- tion. Mrs. J. tit Harris, and her son Earl are guests of ' Portland friends. They are to return horns Monday. Miss Hattie Van Hcrospn left Wed nesday to teach a term ot bhool at Pfak, west of Philomath. Mis. Sol Rlebard3on is visiting at tbe home of htr brother, T. H. Well sher. Sbe leaves next Thursday tor her home at Hoqutam, Wash. A-Tbe Gracd Master will visit Cor- vallis Lodge A..F. &A. M. Monday evening April 25tb.; 'AU Master Ma sons are requested to attend. J. Singer has moved with his shoemaking eiop nto th9 room lately vacated by the Blackledge furniture store. vHis family is shortly to ar rive from Portlacd. Congregational church Morning sermon, "Monuments That Eidure;"j evedng eermon, "Moidecai, Cousin of Queen E-ither," or "The Mu for the limes." Watch for him in the cantata. Residents and stringers are always welcome. Dell Strong suffered the loss of the tips of two fingers on his left band Thursday morning. He was operating a ripsaw in tbe Corvallis sawmtll-j. and in an uguarded moment tbe fing ers came ia contact with the swift moving saw. Tbe amputation is about the middia of tbe nail on each finger. Robert Johnson, Clem Hodes, Judge McFadden, Wade Malone and Virgil E. Watters went ae delegates to the democratic state convention, held in Portland Tuesday. Matt Wllhelm and Jobs Smith were elected delegates but neither was able to attend, and tbelr proxies were carried by the oth ers. The late conference of the United Evangelical church held at Hillsboro this week, returned Rev. H. A. Deck to tbe pastorate of the church in this citv. The action i accepted with much satisfaction by the members of the coocrezation. all of whom hold their paster in high esteem. Rev. Deck is in Portland but ia to arrive to day, and will occupy his pulpit at both the morning and evening service tomorrow, Dr. G. W. Maston, a former phy sician of Albany, who made numerous professional visits into Benton, is re ported to be dying at Klamath Falls. Dr. Maston has been practicing his pn f ?ssion there for several years, and was on his way to Keno, a nearby town, when one leg was torn oft at the tcnee in an accident, the details of which a1 re unknown. An amputation followed, and at last accounts fatal results were feared. The first of the delayed Eastern mail arrived Wednesday afternoon. It consisted of 20 big sacks, and was fol lowed a day later with an equally heavy conslgnment.Its arrival, after a delay.cf four and a half daps, together wltb tbe regular Coast and Oregon malls, gave the postoffice - clerks plenty of work to do. The most of Wednesday and Thursday afternoons was spent In wading through the big mass of mall matter. The foolLilU in the vicinity of Corvallis Were white with a mantle of snow yesteiday forenoon. There.was a light fill of snow ia town during tbe early morning, but it was insufficient to cover the ground. The weather for several days has been unpleasantly cold, but Is bearable when there is read news from the east ot street cars blockaded with snow la St. Louis, and blizzards with tbe thermometer at ze ro ia Vermont, New York and other stages. "When the -'Times" went to press yesterday afternoon, nearly all Cor vallis was preparing to attend the Queen Esther performance at the op era house last night. The box eheet opened Wednesday, and long before the day ended, all the desirable seats were taken. There w re still a few re served seats left yesterday atternoon, but all tbe indications were that tbe bouse would be packed by the time the curtain rose on the first act. The sale of seats for tonight's perfotmance will begin about eight o'clock, this, Saturday morning. The Democratic state convention held in Portland Tuesday, nominated Judge James Hamilton for re-election to his present poettion as circuit j'idge of the ueeoud JudieUl district. There was no opposition to his candidacy, bis well-known fitness for the place and his high character and the ex cellence of his past administration having made bis selection a foregone conclusion. For district attorney, of this district, the convention named Lee Travis ot Eugene. R. M. Veatch was named as the democratic candi date for Congress to make the race a gainst Mr. Hermann. Upholstering. Lounges, Couches, Desks, Folding Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular attention given to special orders' and re pairing. All work guaranteed. One door south of R. M. Wade's, Main stree. DR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician & Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be it at liranam & Wortnam a drug store, Go-carts at Blackledge's new store. LAWYER SENATORS ALSEA OBJECTS TO THEM AND SETS FORTH HIS . REASONS. . : Wants Fewer Browaells in the Leg' ielatorc Neighborhood News From B-llfountan Also - From Summit. Under the head '-The Ideal Sen ator" the following pen picture ap peared in the uazette a tew issues before tbe convention met that was to name this "Ideal Senator. ' Editor Corvallis Gazette. li you win allow uie space in your valuable paper, 1 will try to express my judgment as to what constitutes an ideal man for state! senator. He should be a man in the prime of life, so if he gives sat isfar-tion to the people ofhis county they can send him again. He should be a g od business man. capable of acting: for "the county In a conseuvative business way. A man with some idea of law so as tj frame a bill that would stind in law. vHe should have the respect of all political parties for when he is elected he is the Senator for bis opponents as well as those who vote for hinjy Since the convention met and named the man painted above, ' the Gazette in its irresponsible columns has favored us with a real cut of this "Ideal Senator" together with a beautiful biographical sketch of this subject of political idealism. Now when a man baa his picture painted and bung up ioi public in spection we claim the right to a just our glasses end examine the portrait on both sides. The corre spondent thinks a man should know ecough to frame a bill etc, iow iet us consider tnis point a few moments. There was a large perceet of the last legislature law yers with ah able lawyer at the head of each branch. Was their work perceet? The most profitable work a lawyer bas is to overturn or dodge round the spirit as well as tbe letter of the law. We find many of them manifesting utter dis regard tor the law. Look at Henrv E. McG inn the noted lawyer from Portland on the very day of organ izing tne la.-t legislature and with I e . r. - in a iew nours auer ne nad sworn to support the constitution and Jaws of the state, deliberately slap ping the Kuykendah clerkship law in the face, a law which had bcen solemnly enacted at a former session This is only one instance out of a dozen whera laws and articles of the constitution are utterly cast aside by our legislative bodies all under the leadership of lawyere. Then again the very nature of their profession renderslawyesr more susceptible to temptation than most any class or profession of u'n. i All their work is done for fees and some lawyers will take most any kind of a case 'regardless of the facts or justice of the matter at issiie if he can make sure of his fees. We do not mean this is a re proach to the profession, for there are many honorable lawyers, but this fact renders then easier to reach with a corruption fund than most any other class of men. Benton has had some "Ideal Senators" but they were not lawyers. Give us more Tom Cau thorns r Tol Carters, and John Dalys and fewer Joe Simons f McGinns and Brownells, and we will have more wholesome laws and lower taxes. At Summit. Summit, April 21. J. H. Crain and family left Tuesday fur Win- lock, Wash., to reside. Lee Abbe, of Boise City, Idaho, came in on W ednesday s train to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Need- ham. Mark Caves returned this week from Albany. Ed Strouta las been transferred to Albany to work and Mark Caves is tunnel watchman during bis ab sence. Ruth Strouts gave a party to her young friends last Saturday even ing at her home. C. J. Harrison and Ed King re turned Wednesday from Astoria. They met Louis Jones while there. H, Harrison had business in Blodgett this week. Mrs. Jasper Miller returned from Springfield this Week. She visited in Albany and Corvallis. School will commence next Mon day the 25th for a three months term. Mrs. Robert McFarland has gone to vauey points lor a visit Wanted. A girl to do general housework. Phone sor. Mrs. G. F. Brown. London, April 21. The milita ry expert of the Times in discussing conditions at the front rays: '.-:. "so tar as we can judge by tbe, telegrams from the 6eat of war, the Russians mean to msk? their ttand at the Yalu, and in this case they will speedily require all of their skill and - resolution to maintain each. a dangerously advanced posi tion. The Rossin calculation is tha tbe Japanese transports' only land 48,000 men each trip and that a fortnight must intervene . before the second contingent can reach tbe seine of action. Therefore should the Japanese land north of the Lia otung Gulf General Kouropatkin has sufficient men to fall upon the Japanese fores landed7, and over whelm them before tbe troopships can return with reinforcements. The Russian experts say they have nothing to fear from the army of General Kurokai, as it would take fully a month for him to move his troops to the support of the other Japanese army. Therefore, the Kuesians aver, General Kouropat kin is in a position ti crush any at tempt on the part of the Japanese to operate in Manchuria. "If thess fac's are obvious to tbe 1 Russians, it would ssem that they should be equally so to the Japan ess general staff, which is directing the campaign. The appearance cf tbe Cossacks at Chong Sen will cer tainly serve to remind the board that the right flank of General Ku rokai's army is still vulnerable, al though the danger does not seem to be very formidable. The fact that nothing has been heard from Gen eral Mischtchenko and his force of Cossacks for three wetks may mean that the latter means to make a bold dash upon Northern Corea from the Northeast, and endeavor to strike in upon the line of com munication between Seoul and Ping Yaog and the reported advance of the Cossacks upon Chon Sen may mean just this. If tbe Japanese have taken tbe precaution to run a chain of forts and stout block houses across tbe northern part of the Co-ean peninsula, aDd have garrisoned them with tbeir " second line of troops, these raiders should do no s -rious injury ta tbe Japan ese, since the troops on the Yalu ought by this time to have sifted their base clrse up to the river and thus made themselves independent of the land line of communication. Painting and Paper Hanging. All orders promptly filled. Phone 415. Samuel Kerr. Since it became known that the bu bonic plague was spread by rats, the question of means of destroying: them has assumed greater importance. The discovery of a perfect rat destroyer would be of vast benefit to the pub lic health, says the Sew York Sun. M. J. Bosenau, director of the hy gienic laboratory of the United States marine hospital service, has recently investigated a new method for destroying rats by means of cul tures of a certain bacillus.. This method was developed by J. Danyz. The virus which he obtained, while far from being a certain means of exterminating rats in a particular place, may be used as one weapon in the flight against them. A culture of a bacillus isolated from a spontaneous epidemic among harvest mice was selected, and grown in bouillon to accustom it to an ex istence without oxygen. This was ac complished by growing the culture in flasks as completely filled as possi ble. The flasks were placed in an incubator until the culture developed, and then kept at an ordinary tem perature until a deposit formed and the bouillon became prefectly clear. Fl-om the flasks the culture was passed into a collodion sack, which was kept for from a day to a day and a half in the abdominal cavity of a rat, then kept anew in ordinary bouillon and thence again in flasks. This series of operations was repeat ed several times, and at the fourth or fifth repetition a decided increase in virulence for mice was noted. Mice were then renlaced in the ex periments by younir rats a mouth or six weeks old. Next older rats were used. Proceeding in this way the cul ture was specialized, and Danyz final ly succeeded in rendering it regular ly virulent for gray rats, black rats and white rats, whereas it was orig inally only slightly virulent for the gray rats and entirely Ineffective for the others. Dr. Eosenau fed 115 rats with the cultures during a course of various experiments with the virus. Df these only 46 died. The results seem to de pend largely upon the amount of culture ingested. By starving the rats for a couple of days and then" giving them all they would eat a very positive result was obtained. Twenty-seven rats so fed all died within a week. If the rate get only a small amount, however, not only is the ef fect uncertain, but the survivors be come immune and can feed upon the cultures to their hearts' content and be none the worse for it. ' It would seem that the virus is not unlike the laying of a chemical poi son, depending as it does upon the amount ingested. But, while the chemical poison has the advantage of not producing an immunity, the virus has tha very decided advantage of being, so far as is known, harm less for man and domestic animals. I. Mans All Wool Suit $1000 HENKLE & DAVIS Gorvallis. Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants? . Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line of ready made clothing. "We will save you money. 5 A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Now is the time to think about - Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses You were to treat your eyes to. Come to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to make good my guarantee. E. W. S. PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. I0ME 1 F YOU ARE. LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLER & WATERS. Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, ti:i r j vui vauis tuiu r iiiiuuiauu, jr. Pioneer gun Store... Fine new stock of GUNS, SPORTING GOODS FISHING TACKLE,' CUTLERY, Etc SKWIXO MACHINE EXTRAS Stock of 6. Bodes at Big Bargain Citnes Office for Job Printing, Administrator's Sale of Real Properry In the matter of the estate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased. Notice la hereby given thnt under and pur suant to an order of sale made by tbe County Court of tbe State of Oregon Tor Benton County, on the 11th day of March, 19i4, in the above en titled matter, the undersigned, as adminiatra tor, with the will annexed of said estate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased, will from and after Monday, thei8th day of April, 1904. proceed to sell, at private sale, to the highest bidder, forosh in hand, subject to confirma tion by said Court, all oi the following describ ed real property towit: Beginning at a point 37 chains east- of the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 20, T. 11 6. R. 5 W. and run ttience north GO chains; thence east 2.50 chains; thence north 30 chains; thence eaat to the West line of the donation land claim of Philip Mulkey, Not. No. 9"8 in t. 11 8. R.5W.; thence south to a point 9.50 chains south of the northeast corner of donation land clMim of J. C. Roberts, Not. No. M0, same Tp; and R. : thence north 2G degrees ;J6 minutes west 10.62 chains to a point 4.75 chains west of said northeast corn er of said Roberts claim; theuce west to the place of beginning. Also lot 10 in section 22, ana lots 1. 2. :i. 4. and o in section 21 T. 11 S.R. 5 W., except therefrom the following, beginning at a point 50 links east of the southwest corner of snid lot 5 and run thence north 4.09 chains; thence south 7-5 degrees east 10.23 chaluu; thence south 24 degrees east 1.48 chains to point on south boundary Hue of said lot 5 (said point being 4.40 chains west trom soutnea&t corner or. said lot 5) thence west on south boundary !ine of said lot 5. a distance of 10 53 chains to the place of beginning, containing 2:2 acres more or less. Also a strip of land 30 feet wide running along the full length ot the west siie of a piece of land containing 17.83 acres des cribed as follows: beginning at the N. E. corn er of claim No. 55 T. 11 S. R. 5 W .. run thence V. 18 chains: thence S. 9.91 chains; thence E. 18 chains; thence N. 9.91 chains to plaee of be ginning. All the above being In Benton coun ty, state oi Oregon. It being the intention to Include in the above description all Unds described in mortgage given by Jane E. Fisher and husband to the state Land Board, bearing date December 8. lyoo. Said sale Is made for the purpose of paying claims against said estate and charges and ex penses ot administration, remaining unpaid. Dated this March i2, ly04. E. E. WILSON, Administrator with the will annexed ef the estate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased. FOR SALE. Vetch seed at Corvallis Flour Mills Notice of Final Settlement. In the Matter of the Estate 1 of ' Martha J. Butler, deceased.) 7 Notice Is horeby given that the undersigned as administrator of the Estate of Martha J. Butler, deceased, has filed hie final account, as 8nch administrator, with the clerk - ot the county court of tbe state of Oregon, lor Benton county and the said court has fixed Saturday the 7th day of May, 1004, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon as the tfme, and the county court room in the court house in Corvallis, Oregon, as the place, for hearing any and all objections to said nnal accouut and the settlement thereof. Dated this April 2, 1904. J. F. Irwin. Administrator oi the Estate of Martua 1. Butler, deceased, t Every . Suit Guaranteed SEEKERS! I grain, fruit and poultry E.E.WHITE Real Estate Co. I am so happy and so glad I do not now feel blue and tad I laugh and talk and take my ease I come and go jaat as I please I tell you what I sold my home When I listed It wilh White & Stone. I was feeling very blue and sad My wife she made me almost mad She did uot want on the farm to stay She wanted to sell It and move away So I listed it for more than a year And still I tound myself right here. The agents they took my place in hand They were so sure they could sell the land I sometimes think they did not try For they never brought a man to buy. They gave a wink with a knowing amile And 'ried to fool me all the while. With that knowing smile and wink Thay could not fool me dou'tyou think I saw they would not sell my home So I listed it with White Stone You bet I found,them just and true They will do your work all right for you. They will always help if they can They deal with you as man with man. They are always reidy with good adv Ice And they are uot afraid to advertise So if you would bay or sell a home J ust have a talk with White &. Stone Wanted. House and two or three lots in Coival lis, something from 700 to f 1200, Also two or three vacant lots in Corvallis. Ambler & Watters. Notice of Publication. Timber Land Act June 3, 173. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. Corvallis, Oregon, March 3rd, 1901 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the piovlslons of the act of Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the aale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washtngton Territory" as extend ed to all the Public Land states by act ot Aue ust 4, 1892, Benjamin F. Totten of Corvallis, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6377, for the purchase of the S. fi. Ji if Section No. 30, in Township No. 13 S. Bange No. 6 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk, Benton connty, state ot Oregon, on Friday, the third day of June, 1904, He names as witnesses: John L Bexford, of Corvallfs. Oregon. Martin Butler of " ' Abraham Coon, of - " Thomas Coon of Inavale, " Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file then claims in this office on or before said 3rd day of June, 11)04. . Algernon S. Dresser. Register.