J ' i 0) - LOCAL LORE. , - BIG CH1TTIM v i AdreTtlaenients In this eolamri charged for M (be rats of It oeau per line. Wheat 73. W. B. Kiger was over from Lebanon on a business trip Thurs day, Miss Mae Gerhard returns to day from a six weeks visit with Al bany friends. Mrs. M. P. Burnett and her son Leo, arrived yesterday from aa extended visit with relatives at Baker City. There are large offerings of mohair in the local market now. The prevailing quotations are 31 to 32 cents, according to quality. Roy R. Renshaw instructor at the U. of O. has accepted a fellow- shin in Columbia University. The fellowship carries with it $650 an nually for two years. -r-A new brass horn, purchased from a New York dealer m musical instruments, has just been received at the college for the cadet band. ! The new horn will be presided over by Joseph Henkle. . A new iron warehouse has just been completed in the rear of the Blackledge store. It is 18 x 30 feet in dimensions, and extends from the rear of the building to the alley. Among those who attended the Degree of Honor convention at Albany Thursday afternoon and evenine were, Mrs. Nellie Beck- with. Mrs. Taylor Porter, Mrs, Jesse Spencer, Miss Kate Gerhard, and Charles Beck with. Several hundred fleeces of this vear's clip ot wool were offered in the local market Wednesday, but were not sold. The grower is Bay Rickard. The lot is held tor a better figure than was offered. The athletes of the freshman and iunior classes . at the college have a track meet on College field next Saturday afternoon. 'Each class is rich in strong and swift men, and there is much interest in colleee circles as well as down town in the result. Late letters give hope of a fav orable outcome for the operation performed on Miss Bertha Thrash er last Sunday in San Francisco. The generally expressed belief is that the patient will be able to leave the hospital in two or three weeks. Walter Brown who has resided for some time on a farm that he owns near Lebanon, is shortly to move back to Benton, to occupy the Brinn place which he recently purchased north of town. He was in Corvallis Thursday. Trainer Hayward has arrived at Eugene to take charge of theUni versity track team. 1 he manager of the team has arranged the follow ine schedule, according to the Guard: Pacific University at Forest Grove, Mav 14th: University of Washington at Seattle, May 21st; Oregon Agricultural College at Eugene, June 4th. An entertainment for the bene fit of Corvallis poor, mentioned in Wednesdays Times, occurs at the Methodist church next Friday night It will consist of a musical and literary programme, and is to be given under the auspices of the orchestra of the church. The en tire proceeds will be devoted to the benefit of poor families. Small boys are subject to a fine now for mounting and dismounting from moving trams within the lim its ot Corvallis, and trainmen are liable to severe penalties for permit ting them to do so. Parents should tell their boys about the new law. 1 he authorities are determined to stop the dangerous practice. An officer is frequently on the watch to see it the law is being violated. Next Monday evening the sixth debate 111 the series for the Gatch cup, takes place in College chapel. The question is, "Resolved that bunerage bhould be extended the women of Oregon." The debate will be between teams from the Amicitiau and Jeffersonian societies The former team is Horace Brodie, leader, A. t. ells and David Hirstel, and of the Jeff ersouians Ray Selleck, Guy Moore and A. S Hall, leader. The Amicitians have the affirmative. The debate is expected to be one of the strongest of the series. Benton man Boys Three Hundred Tons Standing Bark on Colombia at Half a Cent. 1 G. H. Wamsley of Blodgett, has made a chittim deal that his friends think will yield him a pile of mon ey. The chittim on 4,000 acres of timber land on the Columbia river has been acquired, and the price one half cent a pound on the bark. The land lies in the vicin ity of Knappa. and the purchase was made of logging companies operating in the neighborhood. 1 here is a railroad station and a boat landing at the spot, and the greatest distance that bark will have to be hauled is' two and a half miles. The estimate is that 300 tons of chittim bark are involved in the deal. Mr. Wamsley himself says, he never saw as- much chit tim in all his life as stands within the limit of the territory he has ac quired. An outfit was purchased in Corvallis this week, and Mr. Wamsley and his son are to begin peeling operations at once. Mr. Stoner, another Benton coumv man has acquired a large tract of chittim on the opposite side of the Columbia from Knappa, and left this week to begin peeling lie paid but one-fourth of a cent a pound for the bark he is to peel. j Another deal in bark is that made by William Spencer and Cass Harrison. They purchased standing bark to the amount of what is estimated to be over 100 tons fat a point 30 miles east of Che halis, Washington. They are to pay from one-fourth to one cent a pound to the seller when the bark is delivered. They are 30 miles from a shipping point, but have a fine plank road all the way. They are to leave about May 6th to begin operations, and will take a force of 10 peelers with them. AT END OF LAWSUIT., INQUIRIES COMING IN. . ; A HOT TIME. In his Inside Funny Orders for Medi cine Sent a Drnggist How a Snipper got his Fruit Trees from : a Railroad Company. , It took the county sheriff and a lawsuit to get a shipment of fnnt trees out of the hands of the South ern Pacific railroad company at the Corvallis station the other day. The fruit trees came from Idaho, and were consigned to Johnson Porter, who is setting out - a new peach orchard. On the way bill of the railroad company appeared the sig nificant words, "Hold for Inspec tion." The order to hold was in consonance with the state law which requires that all fruit trees shipped into the state shall be in spected by an officer of the horti cultural commission. The law is supposed to be precautionary for prevention of the introduction of pests and other fruit tree diseases of infectionary character. It so happened that the holding of the trees for inspection in this in stance seemed to mean certain de struction of the trees. The trees were in bundles, and the roots packed in corn shucks to keep them moist. They had been shipped from Nampa, Idaho, on the 1st of April and the arrival at Corvallis was not until the 15th. In the meantime the roots were beginning to heat. It was not known how soon a horticultural inspector could be brought to the scene, and Mr. Porter could not afford to take chances. He had already paid for the trees before shipment, and their destruction meant his loss. He asked for the trees to be delivered to him, but the station agent obey ing the orders of the billing, was obliged to refuse. Mr. Porter then demanded, but railroad men have no other alternative than to obey superiors, and a continued retusai was the result. Determined at all hazards to save his trees from des truction, Mr. Porter resorted to the courts and at once began suit for his property. Proper legal papers were issued, and armed with Jthese, Sheriff Burnett bore down on the railroad station, and the trees were properly delivered. As to Hotel Rates and Aceommodtions for State Grange Meeting. Already delegates to the state grange to be held in Corvallis . in May are making inquiry relative to rates and accommodations. The hotels of Corvallis will grant special rates to the visiting farmers and citizens in general as well as the grangers of Bentpn will be glad to participate in any demonstration of respect and welcome to our guests. - The plan is to hold a four day session beginning May 24th. thus giving one day more that custom ary for the extra business that is to be considered here prior -to the meeting of the national grange to be held in Portland in November. The biennial election of officers, will take place at this meeting, and good roads, rural mails, country high schools, and how to increase and improve the products of the farm, better prices for grain, prunes, and hops, how to beautify the farmer s home, and how to make the farm selfpaying are some of the problems that will be discussed. It is probable that the business sessions will be held in one of the college buildings, and it is probable that its closing session, will occur in one of the town halls for in all probability the fifth and sixth de degrees will be conferred on eighty to 100 candidates at the last evening which will close with ban quet provided by local grangers. As is generally known the meet ings will be open to all grangers in good standing. It is expected that a very large attendance will be had from the first session. An exchange says: Druggist Green is preparing a unique scrap book. It contains the written orders of some customers of foreign birth. Here are some that are copied from the originals: "I have a cute pain m my child s diagram. Please give my son something to release it. "Dear Doctor, pies gif bearer five sense worse-Auntie Toxyn forgarle baby's throat and obleage." "My little baby has eat up his father's parish plaster. Send an anecdote quick as possible by the inclosed girl." "This child is my little girl, I send yotj five cent to buy two sit less powders for a grown up adult who is sike." "You will please give the little boi five cent' worth of epecac for to throw up in a five months old babe. N. B. The babe has a sore stum-mick-" "I haf a hot time in my insides and wich I would like to be ex tinguished. What is good for to extinguish it? The enclosed money is the price of the extinguisher. Hurry pleas. A Remarkable Family. At a reunion of the Ambercrom bie family a few miles across the Willamette the other day, a little one present gazed into the faces of five grandmothers. It was' this way; There was present a grand mother of the child, a great grand mother and a great great grand mother on the father's side of the house, and the grandmother and the great grandmother on the mother's side, making five in all. The oldest member of the party is the great great grandmother at 87. Her daughter, Mrs. Ambercrombie. who recently arrived from the East and who is the great grandmother, is 60. The child is the son of Mr. Hartley, who arrived from the East last May, and who resides in the southwestern part of town. Methodist Cmference. LosAngelea Calif. Account above conference, the South era Pacific Co. will make reduced rates on the certificate plan from main lines points in Oregon south of Portland, and passenger will purchase tickets to Los Angeles, for which agent will collect the highest one way rate, giving a special receipt. On presentation of this receipt duly executed, by original purchaser, Southern Pacific agent at Los Angeles will sell return tickets at one-third fare. Sale dates from Oregon poin ts will be April 19th to May 7th inclusive, also May 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, and 30. The last day on which certificates will be honored for return at reduced rate from Los Angeles will be June 5th, 1934. Ice cream and cfcke at the Carnival Visit the art booth May 25th. City Treasurer. I announce myself a candidate for the office of treasurer of the City of Corval lis, subject to the decision of voters at the next annual city election. Wm, McLagan. Blcakledge keeps all kinds of tables. Wanted. Ten or 20 acre tracts near Corvallis. Ambler & Wattere. Go to Zierolf'8 for fresh oveters- Yaquina Bay A. STO H X A. . In tha T I!n Kind ton Haw Akars fw& HEALTH IS YOUTH. Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age Herbme, taken every morning before -.uui, win Keep yonin rooust health, fit you to ward off disease. It cures con stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, fever, tKin. iiver ana kidney complaints. It purifies the blood and clears the complex loon. Mrs. D. W. Smith, Whitney, Tex as writes April 3, i9o2: "I have used Herbine, and find it the best medicine for constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for it. I can highly recommend it." socts. a bottle. Sold oy uranam oj wortham. , - Supervisors Claims. The following is a true list ot the claims filed by the road supervisors of Benton county, Oregon for the quarter ending March 31st, 1904. H. M. Fleming Supr dist No 2 5 00 12 50 22 50 28 75 7 50 7 50 5 00 25 62 75 L,ewis wentz " 5 E M Dodele ?' 6 A Cadwalader " 9 JR Fehler " n DB Farley " 15 J M Herron " 16 C E Banton " 18 B W Harris " 20 H Hector " 19 2062 And notice is hereby given that same will be allowed by the county court at the regular May term 1904 unless objections thereto be made and filed with the clerk on or be fore said term of court. Published by orderof county court. April 16. 1904. Victor P. Moses. County Clerk. Wall paper at Blackledge's store. For Sale. Fine shepherd puppies. Call or address J. H. Edwards, Bellfountain. Look for the name Crouse & Brande- ger on your spring suit. Found. On Third street, a bunch of keys. Owner can secure them at the Times office by paying for this notice. Iron beds at Blackledge's new furni ture store. ttJe Eate Tor Sale Defiance seed wheat, and choice baled cheat hay at Corvallis Flouring Mills. Seventh Day Adventists. , Will hold regular service at S, U. A, Hall EaBt Main street between Wash ington and Adams streets each Sabbath or Satnrday, as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m., Bible study 3 p. m. Preaching as announced from time to time. Rev. P. j. Cole, Pastor. For Chief of Police. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the office of chief of police of Corvallis to be voted for at .the annual May election. W, G. iane. A Dandy for Burns. Dr. Bergin, Pana, 111.' writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommended it to my friends, as 1 am confident there is no better made. 'It is a dandy for burns.' Those who live on farms are especially liable to many acci dental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment is applied. It should always be kept in tne nouse lor cases ot emergency." 25c, 50c, fi.co bottle, bold by Graham & Wortham. For Sale. Light driving team. Call on or address, Miss Potts, Corvallis. See Blackledge's fine couches. Portland and Return. unly f3.co. ine Southern facific is now selling round trip tickets to Port land from Corvallis for 3, good going Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday, returning fcunday and Monday giving all day Sunday in Portland. The same arrangement applies from Fortland giv- all Fortland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Blackledge keeps large assortment matting. of For Sale. veicn, spenz, umotny and rye grass seed. Poland China hogs, Shropshire sheep. One fresh milk cow, a pair of large geese, a pair of turkeys or trio, two-horse feed power in 1 unning order. Timothy and vetch straw bright from barn, L. L. Brcoks. LATEST STYLES LADIES BOOTS AND OXFORDS S. L. KLINES Our showing on this sea" sons Boots and Oxfords -for women includes more rep resentative lines than, ever before including such makes as the Pingree, Gloria, Queen Quality & Vemo Womens Boots. In all the popular leath ers, heavy and light soles- welts and turns, new heels and toes, $3.50. V Womens Boots. In patent, corona, black vici kid, welts and turns, Cuban military heels at $2,50 & 3.00. Womens Oxfords. Patent, corona, patent kid, Cuban and Military heel, button & Blucher at $3.00 & 3.5o. Womens Oxfords. In black, vici kid, welt and turns, Cuban and Mili tary heels at $1.50, 2.00 and 2.50. Our shoe stock is complete in every respect incluU ing Misses and Childrens Shoes, Oxfords and Sand:K S. L. KLINE'S, Regulator of Low Prices. Oovv Opera Cbipman's Commercial RESTAXIRAjST. 1 GO to Blackledge's for window shades Just received the finest line of cloth ing. We bought this from the best manufacturers and every suit is guar anteed. Call and see us for clothing. See our men's suit at $10, it is a marvel. Henkle & Davis. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given to all persons that the underblgned has been drily appointed admin Is t ratOT of the estate oi Emily A. A right, de ceased, Dy the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Benton County. All persons having claims against said estate of Emily A. Wright, deceased, are hereby requited to present the rame wim ine proper voucners amy vermea as bv law reaTired within six months nf the date hereof, to the undersigned at his home on Beaver Creec, or to C. w. Darts at hta office. In Philomath, Benton county, Oregoa. Sated March 23, 1901. JOHN M . WRIGHT. Administrator f the estate of SmllyA. Vilghtdeceased. New Room, New Furnishings', Everything Complete. NEXT DOOB NOBTH OF SMALL & SON. CLARENCE CHIPMAN. i EMERY'S ART STUDIO South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. Carbon, Platinum and Flatino Portraiture i O. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. : Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties. Jop IouQd )o8 for Tei7e New Spring Style $3.50 Unexcelled in style, mater ial and workmanship. Absolute ly guaranteed in every particular. Special in Men's Spring Suits. Every and in fact ever) thing in this Stitch suit is perfect. ITS MADE TO FIT and it certainly does to try on one of them means good-bye tailor, and money saved. Come and be convinced now! $10 Corvallis, Oregon.