The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 20, 1904, Image 4

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TheComing3 and Goings of Peop le
Social Gossip, Personal Men-
. tion and Other Items of I
Public Interest.
Mr. aid Mre. W. O. Trloe arrived
, Mocdiy froul PoitaLd. 1
B ro, lu Portlatd Uet week to
Mr. acd Mr J. Arthur Htimpaon, a son.
Born. Apiil 15 h, to Mr. and.
Mre. Aboer Wood of Blodgett, a son
Bev. a"d Mrs. T. S. Handeaker
are visiting the'r pa-enta In E igeoe.
Mre. Willlan Crses returned
M nday from a sojourn of several
weeks In P.. rtlai d.
- Workmen are bull ling a new
bridge In tbe street in front of William
Moorea' bouse in Job's addition,
' The roucd trip r3te to St. Louis
Exposition from Corva'lls Is $67.60.
They are good for retura la 90j days.
Mrs. Eugene Simpson has brei
called to Sao Francisco by Ike Illness
of her mother. She left Sunday
Mr. Aehbaugh, whose wife died
recently id S to Francisco while he
waa la Corrallie, arrived -Sit ur Jay
ifom a'tcodince at tbe funeral.
Two rarloa is of Oregon potatoes
lef: tbe CorvallU B'atlon yes'erday
morning for KiCding. California. They
were grown on the f itn of John
Beacb. .
J. D. . Wells and family moved
Monday into a houee near the cjurt
houss The bouse vacated In tbe
northweetern portion of town Is occu
plel by A. N. Harlan, ore of the new
Mr. and Mre. S. L. Kline were
called suddenly to New York last Sat
urday on acotint of the serious Ill
ness of their daughter Hazel, who Is
visiting relatives there.
Several thousand pamphlets,
- descriptive of Benton county fa'ms
and other pr rer'y have just been
printed f r free d'stributlon by the
real esta'e firm of Ambler & Wafers.
.; I Mre.,ljfary Eooer, formerly of
V Oorvallii, who waa iojured In a street
car accident In Portland fur months
ago, la still In S Viflcaci's hospital
as a rpsuU of h(r inj.irles. It la
feared tha' ehe may a'waye be au in
valid. Mort Cockte'l, an OA.C phprmacy
graduate has resign: d his position in
OregoQ City to accept a better one ia
a drug store ia Wyoming. Ha lexves
Oregon City today to take up the
work of hia new position.
The H. H. Kregrr risldnce 'a1:
the corair tf Washington and Third
has been purchased by William Seck
Ur. The priie pnkl wa3 81,500. The
deal was negotiated by Captain Rob
inson, who wai also the aeot In the
receat sale of the Le.eher tract.
Mr. and Mra. Cal'ahan arrived
Sunday from Portland. Their errand
thera was to vlalt Nellie Oal'ahan
Smith, who with her husband is going
to Sacramento to resile, Mr. Smith
baving been transferred to that ter
ritory by his employers.
B. M. Davlsson Is cow at Lamar,
Washington, where he has purchased
an interest in a store. The place is
25 miles from Walla Walla and is
veryema'l. Mra. Davlsaon Is still
at Oregon City, but is to join her hus
band In the near future.
An unusual large acreage of oats
is being sown tn Benton county this
spring and good seed Is la demand.
Tbe rroepects for gocd prices for this
commodity next fall Is etreagthened
by the increasing government demand
in the Philippines and tbe war la tbe
Tar Ea?t.
A rephew and niece cf Mr. Con
ger, lately arrived on a visit from
Iowa, are eick with smallpox at Mr.
Conger's home npar Philomath. Miss
Oocger has the dlseiae ia a mi!d form
tout her brother has a severe attack.
The homo is quarantined.
The fifceea-months-old child of
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ek fell from its
carriage Saturiay striking its face
heavily on the floor of the house.
The end of the nose was split open
crosswise to such an extent that
: three stitches by a surgeon were
necessary lor closing the wound.
Mrs. Eleanor Newhouse, step
mother of Men JNcwnouse or this city
died at Wenatchee, Washington
week. The deceased came to Oregon
from Iowa In 1867, and settled in
Benton county. With her late hue-
band, tbe lata Isaac Newhouse, she
resided for a long time la Corvallis.
Eighteen years ago, the family 1-fi
tot Eastern Washington where they
roelded at Watervlllo. until Mr.
Newhouse died, three years ago.
A serious acoldent overtook Otto
Locke last week. With a four horse
team hitched to a sled, he was start
ing into tbe fle'd. The horses were
abreast and one, whose traces were
not attached to the sled, ewnng round
- in front of tbe others. The outfit be
. came entangled and Otto tried to
straighten them out. One cf tbe
borses In its struggles kaockei him
down and then fell on him. His noee
was uroaeu sua ue was severely iu-
jure! la the shoulder, neck and head.1
Wade ' Malooe, the Alsea mer
chant, waa a passenger on tbe West
side for Portland Monday.
After a 8ucdy visit at home, Vic
tor Spencer left Monday for Portland,
where he le employed in a drag store.
Herman Tartar, d put; state food
and dairy commissioner, after a brief
visit at borne, left tor Por'Und, Mon
day. .- ,
Thestieet grader began opera
tions on Jefferson street yesterday.
Preliminary ploughing has be?n In
progress for several days.
Hereafter the general delivery at
the poetofflce will be open on Sundays
from 12:30 to 1 p. m, instead of 1 to
1:30 as ia the past.
M. Jacobs has been seriously III
at tbe family home ia this city tor tbe
past 10 days. . He ia past eighty now.
He was eligbtly hotter yesterday morn
ing. .
Albany Damocrat : The Corvaliis !
Qtz tte announces that it will not be
responsible for any of the utterances
ot tbe republican campaign column la
it. That ie a strange condition of af
fairs. The district convention of the De
gree i f Honor Is to be b eld in Albany
t day and tomorrow. Among several
delegates who will attend frrn Cor
vallis are Mrs. Sarah Moore,.Mrs. Tay
lor Porter and Mrs. Sheasgreen.
John Banson arrive! Mondiy,
and is vi?Hog old friends in Benton
for a few days. He recently sold his
farm near Oregon City, and has not
since located and up to the present
has made no purchase of another
h.tme. ., "
When the "Times" went to press
yesterday afternoon, Miss Parkenson,
of Foo Chow, China, was advertised to
epeak last night in tbe Methodist
chuicb. Tbe hour for beginning tbe
lecture was 8 o'clock. Miss Parken
son recently arrived from Foo Chow.
A Yaquina Bay paper says: It is
feared that a terrible tragedy has b?en
enacted over on tbe Siletz. A home
steader over there has written the
fallowing letter to a Toledo butcher:
"Please do not ceod me eny more
meete yet alteatty I have butchered
The old Dubrullle house at the
corner of Monroe and Ninth has been
torn down, and Mrs. H. C.Miller, own
er if the lota, has let the contract for
the erecilon of a new two.etory dwell
ing house on the site. The contrac
tors are Adams Brothers. Work is to
begin in the near future.
D. C. Boss returned la3t week
from attendance on a meeting ot the
Oregon Fire Belief Association, of
which he ia a trustee. The meeting
was held at MeMinnville and one of
the ants of the board was the purchase
at 87.000 of a brick buildlog to be
used as a home for the company. An
alditional $3,000 is to be expended in
fitting up the building.
-Mr?. Claud Gatch, Worthy Grnd
Matron of the ord-r, pai 1 an official
visit to St. M try's Chapter of the East
er a Star Saturday night. There was
a large attendance of the membarahip,
an.lcltiation of candidates, an exsm-
plinefttion of the secret work, and a
banquet. Mrs. 'Gatch left Monday for
a similar vieit to Westelde chapters of
tne order. Claud Gatch accompanied
Mis. Gatch to Coivallis, but returned
to 8aim by Monday's boat.
There has been a dearth of East
ern mail In this town since last Satur
day. A consignment arrived Saturday
morning but there was failure Sunday
and again yesterday morning. Mall
was expected yenerday, but with
much misgiving. As a rasult. the lo
cal poetofflce has been barer of mall
matter than at any time during tbe
administration of Postmaster John
son. The occasion for tbe delay la
the washouts ia the railroads on Pow
der river and Burot r.ver in Eastern
Oregon. I was the purpose at one
time to transfer mail matter from the
O. K. & N, and send It to Portland via
Butte over the Northern .but wa9houts
on the latter line frustrated the plan.
Towa Guardhouse in Pennaylvanfi
Tkat Is llevely a Coit1cb
for Prisoners.
Elizabethtown, the county seat of
Essex, in the Adirondaeks, possesses a
comedy jail, according to tbe Philadel
phia Ledger. It is small, having -windows
secured by wooden bars and a
jailyard inclosed by. a solid fence of
three-quarteMnch boards, which a
health ymale could push oyer with his
shoulder. But tie prisoners rarely, if
everjittempt to escape. Some good
stories are told by Judge Kellogg,
Judge Hand and other residents. It ia
a custom to allow the prisoners out
on parol, so that they may cut the
grass on neighboring lawns, do gar
den work, or repair roads for the vil
lage or county. Recently one prison
er, who should have returned at eight
o'clock, did not apply for admission
until nearly an hour later. The war
den angrily demanded to know the
reason, and added: "Don't let this
occur again, or I will not allow you
to corns in. I lock the door at eight
o'clock, and Wont open it in the future
for you." Another accused of end
aw&iting trial for manslaughter, over
stayed his parole and pleaded as an ex
cuse that as it was Saturday he
thought he wtjald go and spend Sun
day with his wife" returning to toenail
on Monday morning. t
. . " Wanted. J.
A girl to do general housework.
Phone 501. Mrs. G. F. Brown,
Realization is Gradually Dawning
on Russians That Japs Blew ;
up the big Battleship.
Philomath,- April 18. Mr. Amb
ler of the real estate firm of Ambler
& Watters, Is a very busy man
these days, showing farms to the
many intended purchasers now ar
riving from tha east, and answer
ing the large number of letters be
is dallv receiving from parties all
over the eastern states who are con
templating removing to Oregon.
Mr. Ambler's eenial face aDDear-
ingon his circular?, is probably
better known all over ; the United
States than any other real estate
dealer in Oregon.
Mr. Jess Moees, and bis brother
Victor Moses, the county clerk,
spent a few days in AUealast week.
There is no more popular man on
either of tbe county - tickets, than
Victor Moses, and he will receive
as large a majority aB any man in
Benton county this year.
Rev Crooks has resigned his pas
torate at Ketzel Chapel. He is ex
pect'mg to take an appointment in
the Evangelical association.
Miss Nellie Moses was visiting et
Granger last week.
Bishop Barclay spent last Sunday
at Philouiatb. -
At Mountain View.
Mr. Gus Losdon is on the sick
Mr. L. L. Brooks was thrown
from a wagon and badly bruised.
Mr. Otto Locke was injured, by a
hors. His nose is broken and the
mas Its torn loose ni his shoul
der. St. Petersburg, April I5 In
formation which has slowly reach
ed St. Petersburg has modihVd o
pinion at first prevailing concern
ing the original cause of thede;
struction "of the Pttropaviovek
There ia gradually developing a dis
position to admit the possibility
that after all Japanese torpedo boa's
may have dropped minfs nt the en
trance to Port Arthur harbor. An
official remarked to tbe Associated
Pres3 tonight:
"It would be far better if. the
ship was actually blown ' up by the
enemy's mine of by a Rus
sian. The latter would be the re
sult of inexcusable carelessness and
wot 1J properly arouse the empe
rorv anger. The former while it
woi:l 1 speak volumes of Japanese
era liaess, could not really be a
voii'd. "
' Ua dark nighte, it would" be al
most impossible for the searchlights
of 1 he batteries to pick up torpedo
be a s, however carefully the light?
were manipulated."
Even if it should finally be estab
lished that a Japanese mine de
stroyed the Pctropavlovsk, it will
not effect the general appreciation
of Vice-Admiral Miikaroff's high
qualities. HispQiicy baa been thor
oughly approved in St. Petersburg,
where it is understood that such
action would hiave n excellent ef
fect on the morals ol" the Russian
fleet. ' As the adrnkl's instructions
were to conserve his ffcet, it was
pointed out that it was his duty to
return directly to the harbor on the
appearance ol a superior force. It
could hardly be expected that the
admiral would lok out for mines
when he had no reason to believe
that they had teen laid, especially
aa only a tew hours before he bad
safely steamed over the spot where
the battle ship was sunk.
St. Petersburg, April 15. A tele
gram from Admiral Alexieff from
Pott Arthur to the Emperor says
that from 9:15 o'clock this morning
to midday the Japanese flett,in two
divisions, bombarded the fortresses
and the town alternately from the
Liao Tshan promontory, firing 185
projectiles. ,
The Russian squadron including
the battle ship Pobieda, replied from
the anchorage by a plunging fire.
The batteries also participated. The
losses on land were seven Chinese
killed and five soldiers and three
Chinese wounded. - - -."'".
The Russian warships sustained
no damage and there was no loss of
life on them. . , . '
This attack is taken-here to show
that Admiral Togo hai not . given
up his purpose of damaging the
rest ot the Russian' ships, now that
there is little possibility of their a-
gain going to sea. . Uc questionably
ve is aware of the effect of his pre
tious bombardment, and the fact
that be has repeated it indicates t i
the officers here that - be believes
mere is a good cnance ot a projec
tile hitting a target. 'In order to
drop a Bhell into the harbor or city
a bigb-a gie tore is necessary. This
is the reason the Japanese squad
ron tot k up a portion at Hao lsban.
Other bombaraments were from tbe
same point, which, at the time, did
cot seem to be within the range of
tbe ttuseian batteries. ..;
It is net known whetVj the new
guns- which have been installed at
Port Arthur command this point,
bat it is certain that Togo's ships
escaped without material damage.
The abandonment of Vice-Admiral
Makarofi'a policy of taking the fleet
to tbe outer roads to return the
Japanese fire is shown in the report
of Viceroy Alezuff that 'his ships
bred over the hills.
Wei Hai Wei, April 16. By De
Forrest Wireless Telegraph from
steamer Haimun, off Core an Coast.
We have received official confirm
ation of the torpedo attack on Wed
nesday morning last, which result
ed in sinking the Russian warship
Pctropavlovsk and ene destroyer.
Tbe entrance to Port Arthur is now
sealed up.
222 South Peoria St.,
Chicaoo, III., Oct. 7, 1902.
Eight months ago I was so ill
that I was compelled to lie or sit
'down nearly all the time. My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently. I
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat and kings were raw
and sore. ; The doctors pro
nounced it Bright 's disease and
others said it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de-
sire to live. A sister visited me
from St. Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. "
I told her I had not and she
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved my life. I believe many
women could save much suffer- .
ing if they but knew of its value.
Don't you want freedom from
. pain? Take Wine of Cardui
and make one supreme effort to
b3 well. You do not need to be
a" weak, "helpless sufferer." You
can have a woman's health and
do a woman's work in life. Why
not secure a bottle of "Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to
day?. m
' Upholstering.
LOunges, Couches, Desks, Folding
Beds, Etc., made to order.- Particular
attention given to special orders and re
pairing. ;A11 work guaranteed. One
door south pf R. M. Wade's, Main streej.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & Wortham's drag store.
For Sale.
Best Plymouth Rock or Brown Leghorn
cockrels or eggs.
J. B. Irvine. Corvalfie.
ftnrvfsllis Rastfirn
j Railroad
Time Card Number 22.
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 P- m
'' " Corvallis 2:00 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 6:2o p. m
Returning: '
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m
tgsteaves Corvallis..'. ...11:30 a. m
..UUU, 1UIMUJ ............ --, f . u.
Albany... 7:00 a. tn
Arrives Detroit 12:20 P. m
4 from Detrori:
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. m
Arrives Albany.. 5:55 P- m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. .-. '
Train Ho 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same dav. - . - - -
For further information apply to .
Edwin Stonb,
: - Manager,
H. H. Cronlse, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
Man's 'All
Wool Suit
Are y outgoing to buy a suit or a pair of pants?
Let us quote you prices. Call and see our line of
ready made clothing. - We will save you money.
Now is the time to think about
Cbat Pair of eyeglasses
You were to treat your eyes to. Come
to me and l will fit your eyes, guarantee
the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to
make good my guarantee.
The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays.
good bargains in stock,
Ranches,' write for our special list, or come and
see us. ' We shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you oyer the country.
1 ; - Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
I - t - ; Corvallis and Philomath, Or.
.Pioneer 6un Store...
-Fine new stock of GUNS, -SPORTING GOODS
Stock ol 6. Hodes at Wq Bargain
Cimes Office for 3ob Printing,
Administrator's Sale of Real Properry
In the matter of the estate of Jane Elizabeth
Fisher, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that nnder and pur
suant to an order of sale made by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County,
on the 11th day ot March, 19j4, in the above en
titled matter, tbe undersigned, as admtnistra
tor, with the will annexed of said estate of Jane
Elizabeth Fisher, deceased, will from and af tar
Monday, the 18th day of
Eroceed to sell, at private ante, to the highest
idder, for cish in hand, subject to confirma
tion by said Court, all of the following describ
ed real property towit:
Beginning at a point 37 chains east of the
southeast corner of the northwest quarter of
southeast quarter of section 20, T. 11 8. R. 5 W.
and run thence north 60 chains; thence
east 2.56 chains; thence north 30 chains; thence
east to the West line of the donation land claim
of Philip Mulkey, Not. No. 958 in t. 11 8. R. fi W. ;
thence south to a point 9.60 chains south of the
northeast corner of donation land claim of J. C.
Roberts, Not. No. 940, same Tp; and R.: thence
north 26 degrees 36 minutes west 10.62 chains to
a point 4.75 chains west of said northeast corn
er of-sail Roberts claim; thence west to the
place of beginning. Also lot 10 in section 22,
ana lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in sec lion 21 T. 11 S.R.
5 W., except therefrom the following, beginning
at a point 50 links east of the southwest corner
of said lot 5 and-run thence north 4.09 chains:
thence south 75 degrees east 10.23 ehains; thence
south 24 degrees eafat 1.48 chains to point on
sou in boundary line of said lot 5 (said point
being 4.40 chains west from southeast corner of
said lot 5) thence west on south boundary
!lne of said lot 5, a distance of 10 55 chains to
the place ot beginning, containing 2:82 acres
more or less. Also a strip of land 30 feet wide
running along the full length of the west sie
of a piece of land containing 17.b3 acres des
cribed as follows: beginning at the N. E. corn
er of claim NO. 55 T. 11 S. Rv 5 W .. run thence
W. 18 chain&i thence 8. 9.9 L chains; thence E.
18 chains; thence N. 9.91 chains to plaee of be
ginning , All the above being in Benton coun
ty, state 6' Oregon.
It being the iutention to include in the above
description all Imd described in mortgage
given oy Jane E. Fisher and husband to the
Htate Land Board, bearing date December 8.
Said sale Is made for the purpose ot paying
claims against said estate and charges and ex
penses ot administration, remaining unpaid.
Dated this March 12, 1904.
E. E. WIL80N,
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased.
Vetch seed at Corvallis Flour Hills
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Hatter ol tbe Estate
Martha J. Butler, deceased,
T Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as
administrator of the Estate of Martha 1. Butler,
deceased, has filed hid final account, as such
administrator, with the clerk ot the county
court of the state of Oregon, lor Benton county
and the said court na fixed Saturday the 1th
day of May. 1904, at the hour oi 10 o'clock in
the forenoon as the time, and the county court
room in the court house iu ' Corvallis, Oregon,
as the place, for hearing ao j and ad objections
to said Quel account and the settlement thereof.
Baled thia April 2, 1904.
J. P. Irwin.
Administrator of the Estate Hartna J,
Butler, deceased. - ;
grain, fruit and poultry
Real Estate Co.
' I nm so happy and so glad
I do not now feel blue and bad
I laugh and talk and take ray ease
I come and go just as I please
I tell you what I sold my home
When I listed it with White k Stone.
I was feeling very blue and sad
My wife she made me almost mad
She did not want on the farm to stay
She wanted to sell it and move away
So I listed it for more than a year T
And still I found myself right here.
The agents they took my place in hand
They were so sure they could sell the land
I sometimes think tbey did not try v
For they never brought a man to buy.
Tbey gave a wink with a knowing smile
Andried to fool me all the while.
With that knowing smile and wink
Thay could not fool me don'tyou think
I saw they would not sell my home
So I listed it with White & Stone
You bet I found them Just and true
They will do your work all right for you.
They will always help if they can
They deal with you as man with man.
They are always ready with good advice
And they are not afraid to advertise
So if you would buy or sell a home
Just have a talk with White & Stone.
House and two or three lota in Coival
lis, something from 700 to $1200, Also
two or three vacant lots in Corvallis.
Ambler & Watters.
Notice of Publication.
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office,
Oregon Cltv, Oregon.
. Corvallis, Oregon, March 3rd, 1901
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the piovlslonB of the act ot Congress of
Juue 3. 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory" as extend- .
ed to all the Public Land states by act of Aug
ust. 1692, Benjamin F. Totteu of Corvallis,
county of Benton, state of Oregon, baa this day
filed In this office his sworn statement No.
637. for the purchase of the S. B. X if Section
No. 30, in Township No. 13 S. Bange No. S West,
and will ofler proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his clulm to said land before Victor P.
Moses, County Clerk, Bentoa county, - State of
Oregon, on Friday, the third day of June, 1904,
He names as witnesses:
John LBexford, of Corvallis, Oregon.
Martin Butler of " "
Abraham Coon, of "
Thomas Coon of lnavale, - - -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 3rd
day of June, 1904.
Algernon S. Dresser,
s v
... A '
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