The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 20, 1904, Image 2

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    Oorvallis Times.
Ofidal Payer of Beatoa Conntr.
It is a business proposition as to
whether or not the people want
Victor Moses retained in his pres
ent position. He has made the
best clerk Benton county ever had,
not even excepting the late B. W.
Wilson or Virgil Watters. He has
purchased a record type writer at a
cost of $175 and has placed it at the
disposal of the county. He keeps
the records with it, and by its use
can do three times as much work
in copying as any man can do by
hand. By use of his machine, he
can put three times as much mat
ter on the page of a record book,
and thereby reduce the cost of rec-
ords to taxpayers to one third of
what it would be if copying . were
done by hand. It is a cold business
proposition, so plain that it cannot
be dodeed, denied, or evaded. Vic
tor Moses ought to be re-elected to
a second term in the office, be
cause he is the best man in the
county for the place, because it is
economy for taxpayers to do so,
and because there should be recog
nition and reward for a man so faithful and so capable
in the discharge of his duty.
Horace W. I,ocke, the candidate
on the democratic ticket for county
recorder was bora in Benton County
27 years ago. Save one year while
he was in business in Lebanon, his
entire life has been spent within a
few miles of Corvallis. He is a
member of the well known I,ocke
family, who were among the pioneer
settlers of the vicinity, and who
along with the other pioneers, re
claimed the wilderness and have
done so much to bring it to its pres
ent state of civilization. All the
family are farmers, and each, as the
years have rolled along has con
tributed regularly and liberally
from his earnings to the support of
the government, both state and
county. Horace Locke was educa
ted in the public schools and is an
intelligent, active and capable young
man. There is no question as to
his competency and fitness for the
office of county recorder, -and his
candidacy should appeal alike to
the old pioneers and to the young
men, bred and born in Benton, as
well as to the other class of voters.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
All orders promptly filled. Phone
405. Samuel Kerr.
For Sale.
One hundred and twenty acres of good
timber land mostly ash, two miles above
Corvallis on Willamette. 51500. For
particulars inquire of R. L. Glass, Cor
vallis. Bamboo furniture at Blackledge's new
At ZieroU's Alfalfa, Red Clover,
White Clover, Timothy, Orchard, Vetch,
Rape Dwarf Essex and all other kinds of
garden seeds.
For Sale.
Poland China boar. 22 months old
subject to register.
Alfred Bicknell,
5 miles north of Corvallis.
Farm of about 160 acres within five
miles of Corvallis, to cost $2,000 to - $3,
000. Ambler & Watters.
For Police Judge.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of police judge at the
city election to be held May 16, 1904.
E. P. Greffoz.
For Chief of Police.
x ncreoy announce myseu as a can
didate for the office of chief of police,
subject to the decision of the voters at
the coming city election.
F. R. Over lander.
, Corvallis Mfg, Co. ......
Sooth Main street can - snpply you
wun au kmda of sash and doors, mould
ng. refrigerators and general finish
ing lumber at way down prices.
Mr. Woodcock's newspaper men
agerie, all tinder one tent, gave an
other of its now celebrated perform
ances yesterday morning. The
editors were all in their cages, and
aided vastly to the success of the
performance. The performing
lions and bears were at their best,
the elephants trumpeted, the monk
eys monkeyed, the cuckoos cuck
ooed, and the parrots parroted.
The clowns were wittier than' ever,
and the chief musician played upon
the great hewgag,
A prominent performer in the
troupe was "Granger" "Yates (for
political purposes) who appeared to
great advantage in his original song
and dance, entitled, "How I Skinned
Waggoner or, the Midnight Cau
cus." He was greeted with great
cheers from the editors cages, and
for an encore, attired in flesh col
ored tights, he gave his celebrated
double clog recital, entitled, "How
I Jobbed the Catholics, and Fooled
the A. P. A.'s When I ran for
District Attorney or, I'm a Daisy.
The troupe went wild at the great
performer's revelations of how he
bamboozled both sides in the well
remembered campaign and . simply
refused to be quiet until Mr. Yates
consented to give another number.
For second encore he assumed the
melodramatic and appeared to fine
advantage in an original sketch,
"The Villian McFadden, or the
Dark Blood Spot on the old" Green
Cheese." Deep silence prevailed in
the cages when the expose began,
but before the performer was half
through, the audible sobs of the ed
itors could be heard, the educated
mule was speechless with grief, and
the great gyascutus, fresh from the
wilds of Africa, had fallen dead . in
his tracks. The number was the
star feature of the performance and
left an impression on the troupe
that-can never be effaced.
The ring master was the recip
ient on all sides of congratulations
upon the success of his menagerie,
which is admitted generally to be
the only thing of the kind in the
known world.
Methodist Conference, LosAigeles
Account above conference, the South
era Pacific Co. will make reduced rates
on the certificate "plan from main , lines
points in Oregon south of Portland, and
passenger will purchase tickets to Los
Angeles, for which agent will collect the
highest one way rate, giving a special
receipt. On presentation of this receipt
duly executed, by original purchaser,
Southern Pacific agent at Los Angeles
will sell return tickets at one-third fare.
Sale dates from Oregon points will be
April 19th to May 7th. inclusive, also
May 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, and 30. The
last day on which certificates will be
honored for return at reduced rate from
Los Angeles will be June 5th, 1994.
"Carnival of Nations."
The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid So
ciety will hold a Carnival of Nations and
a Rose Fair. All ladies are invited to
bring roses and compete for the three
prizes, best collection of roses, best flor
al piece and best single specimen Car
nival is to be held May 25. 26, 27.
5353 Fanion 34473.
Imported black Percheron stallion,
will make the season of 1904 as follows,
Mon., Toes, and Wed., Farmers Barn,
Corvallis; Thusr., State road; Fri. and
Sat., Moiiroe.
T. K. Fawcett, Owner.
For Sale.
One-half interest in. City Restaurant.
Blacksmith and wagon repairer want
ed at Wren Station, Oregon. Tools and
shop all famished. Will go to a good
man on reasonable terms.
Scott King.
Monument Cleaning.
Appjy to
Frank Vanhoosen,
Corvallis, Ore.
Notice to Creditors.
decked? " '
Kotice la hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the anderdgned has been duly ap
pointed administratrix of the est to ot James
Watklns, deceased. bv thaftonntv Onnvtnf th.
state oi Oregon, for Benton County. All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby
required to present the same, with the proper
I??,?h. dur verified u by law required,
within six months tram the date hereof, .to the
undersigned at her residence two miles south
? hi1Ifa,th.0ron. or at the law offioe oi
Wilson, InOorvaUls, Oregon. -,
Marinas KWatkins.
Administratrix ot the Estate oUames Watklna.
Dated this March a, um.
Two Performances by Local Talent of
- the Famous Cantata. -
According to all accounts, the
performance to be given at the
Opera house Friday and Saturday
nights is to be of spectacular char
acter. . One hundred and seventy
five persons are to occupy the stage
at one time, during the pertorm-
ance. . The - crowd will be so large
that the wings will have to be re
moved in order to make room for
the singers. Seventy five in group
will be chorus singers from the pub
lic schools. Fifty others will be
the chorus singers from down
town. The remaining fifty will be
college girls. ,
One of the star features will be
the costuming. . This is provided
by Prof Newton, who has been in
the business of giving amateur op
eras and cantatas for many years
He has drilled people and conduc
ted performances of the kind from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, most of
his time having been spent in the
East. There has been complete
drill in the acting, to such an extent
that the performance will take on
the appearance of a professional
rather than an amateur --production
The costumes used in the. perfor
mance are oriental and cost $5 ,"000.
1 hey will greatly add to the . spec
tacular effects of the production.
Added to this, is an Amazon drill,
a sash drill and a tambourine drill,"
all of them new to the Corvallis
public, and beautiful in effect. The
sale of tickets for the two perfor
mances begins this morning at
Graham & Wortham's.
Portland. .
Wheat valley 81 .
Flour 3.90 to $4. 05 per bll.
Potatoes $ .75 to 1 35 per cent
Eggs Oregon, 18 per doz.
Batter 23 to 24 c per lb.
Creamery 22 to 27per lb.
Wheat 73 per bushel.
Oats 30t032
Flour 1.05 i.isper sack
Butter to 25 per lb
Creamery 65 per roll
Eggs 16 per doz
Chickens rsper pound
Lard 14 per lb
Red cedar Star shingles at the saw
mill, $1.6o per thousand.
Ladies don't buy your spring dress
goods and furnishings until yon first ex
amine Nolan & Callahan's select stock.
To Owners of Bulls.
You are hereby notified not to permi t
your bulls to come on my place.
A. M. Gray.
possess style and quali
ty to which the wearers
point with pride.
"It's never too late to mend,"
So the old saying goes. fthat;
I'll tell you a trick worth two of
A better way it shows.
Buy Dutchess Trousers always,
And you'll never have a rip;
And, besides, they'll always fit you,
In leg and thigh and hip.
$1.00 A RI PRO
For Sale by
16 hands high; weight, 1,200; dark
bay; Pathmark will make the season
from the 13th of April in Corvallis,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of each
week. The rest of the time at Jesse
Brown's twelve miles south of Cervallis
Pathmark .0382, Record a:n sired by
Pathmont a:og4 sired of Pathmark 2:11
4, Bell air 2-14X dam Juliet 2-22 by
Tybolt 2-27; sires of the dam of Volo
2-20. Tybolt was by Altamont, 3,600.
dam Nellie Eohler by Mike, aire of the
second dam of Klamath, 2-07 j. Terms
J 15, $20 and J25. Good pasture free of
charge for mares from a distance. Will
net be responsible Tor accidents.
... Jesse Brown.
Besn the - ylha Kind Ym Haw Ahargftiqpji
All Displayed in Local Show Window
What OAC Athletes Won.';
The trophies won by the OAC
athletes in the meet at Portland Sat
urday aflernoon, are on exhibition
in thenbw window of Nolan &
Callahan. They comprise a ban
ner, a silver cup, nine gold medals
and nve silver medals. The display
has been the attraction for admir
ing groups of people ever since it
was given a place in the window
Monday evening. The trophies and
the men who took them are:
Jackson gold medal.' first in shot
Root silver medal, second in shot
put. -
Smithson two gold medals," one
for first in 50-yard dash and one for
relay race; two silver medals, one
for second in quarter and one for
second in high jump." -
Coates, four gold medals, one
for first place in high and low
hurdles, and broad jump, and one
for relay race. ":
Cooper, gold medal for relay
Williams, gold medal for . relay
race. . .'. " ..
Swann, silver medal for 'second
place in pole vault.
Currin, "silver medal for second
place in mile run. -
TheJanner is the trophy tor
winning the meet, and the cup for
winning the relay race..
During the meet, Currin was
awarded a silver medal and given
second place in the half - mile run,
but after having possession of it
for an hour, the judges made the
award to another man, and the
medal was given up.
According to all accounts the
victory was celebrated in due and
ancient form during the chapel
exercise at the college Monday,
President Gatch entered with the
silver cup on one arm and all the
medals displayed on a card board
under the other arm, and his ap
pearance was greeted with a burst
of enthusiasm that awoke the
echoes on College Hill. :
Marriage Sunday Evening of Keith
Brown and Miss Alexander.
The marriage of Keith Brown
to Miss Lulu Alexander was solemn
ized Sunday evening at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs !Isbell,
who resides at the corner of Eighth
and Adams. The ceremony was
performed at 7:30 and Rev. T. T.
Vincent .was the officiatingminister.
Dell Alexander brother ofthe bride,
was best man, and Miss Effie Kiger
was bridesmaid. Only immediate
relatives of the high contracting
parties were present. After the
ceremony a delicious wedding sup
per was served to the guests.
The groom is lineman for the
Pacific States telephone company,
and has been for many years a re
sident of Corvallis. The bride is the
only daughter of Mrslsbell, is a na
tive of Benton County, and a popu
lar young lady. .
Ten or 12 acre tracts near Corvallis.
Ambler & Watters.
Mohair and wool. Highest market
price paid.
Wm. Crees, Corvallis.
To the Voters of Benton County:
Acceding to the wishes of a large
number of patrons and friends of our
public schools, I submit my name to the
voters of Benton county for the office of
county school superintendent.
Very Respectfully,
S. I. Pratt.
Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7, 1904.
Go-carts at Blackledge's new store.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup.
Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy
cough, oppressed, rattling, rasping and
difficult breathing. Henry C. Sterns,
Druggists, Shullsburg, Wis., writes, May
20. 1901: "I have been selling Ballard's
Horehound Syrup for two years, and
have never had a preparation that has
given better satisfaction. I notice that
when I sell a bottle they come back for
more. I can honestly recommend it."
25c, 50c, i,oo. Sold by Graham &
Our ladies fine shoes and oxfords at
$2, 2.50, 3.00, and 3.50 are the strongest
lines we have ever shown.
Nolan & Callahan. -
Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of chief of police at
he coming city electlMi to '.be held May
16, 1904. and if elected will endeavor to
see that the laws are enforced to the
best of my ability. .
' UeHenkle..
Go to Zierolf s for fresh Yaquina Bay
Summer Goods to the Fron
See the following of the Latest Stales, Makes and "Weaves
- , , - ready for your inspection.
Wash India Silks -Pongee
Silks v
Wash Taffeta Silks '
Crepe de Chine Silks
Colored Peau deSoie -Silks
Black and Colored Taffeta Silks.
Satins all Colors
Waisting Silks
Wool Lace Dress Goods -Wool
Black and Colored .Brilliantines
Scotch Tweed -
Black and Colored Granites -
Summer Underwear
Elegant Dress trimmings.
Dainty Laces
Muslin Underwear ;
Dress Skirts, v
Bring along your favorite
any price in it.
Our Teas that we sell at 25c
50c, 60c and 75c a pound and
our coffees that we sell at 15c
20c; 25c, 30c and 45c a pound
can not be matched elsewhere
in quality and price. Try them
at the
PHONE 483,
Slightly Used Pianos
-""At favorable Prices."-
I have five second hand pianos on hand, of which
four have been but slightly used. Will sell these, in
struments, all of which are good upright pianos, at
greatly reduced pieces and on easy terms, if desired.
New Style Needham Pianos
- on the way; do not fail to see these instruments
before purchasing.
Office and Residence, 6th street, one block west
of the Court House. We live in -Corvallis the vear
round. Call any time. .
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act Jane 1878,
Untied States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, .
March 23rd. 1901.
Kotice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jane 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toall the Public Lana States by act of AO gust 4,
1892, Howard L. Bush oi Ho&kins, county ot
Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in
this office bis aworn statement Ko. 6386, for the
Surchase of the 8. W. X of 8. W. X of Section
o. 90 in Township No. 10 South. Bange No.
West W. 1C, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valu&b le for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
P. Moses, County Clerk, Corral lis, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11th day ot June,
Ha names as witnesses:
Edd O. Frantz, of Ecekins, Oregon.
Abe H. West, ' "d
. Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon.
David H. Simpson of PeeDee Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming; adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims tn this office on or before said 11th
day of June, 1S04.
. Algernon 8. Dresser, -.
, Eeglster.
i Black Satin Prunellas
j Fancy Dress Goods
i Japanese Crepes
f Twine Cloth
! Zepher Ginghams "
j Irish Linen Dress Goods
i Poplin De Soie -
; Linen Batiste
Silk Grenadines
j White Oxord Waisting ;
j All Kinds of Whits Goods -
j Silk Organdies
; Plain and Fancy Ribbons
i New Dress Buttons -
j Fine Embroderies
; White and Colored Petticoats
Royal Worcester Corsets
catalogue and we will duplicate
k77jv are very careful in
Ji WV selecting our Tea's to
f buy only high grade strictly r
KPURE TEA. And in buying V
coffee w e buy only OLD
CROP drinking coffee.
The Eagle Commercial Employmea
Bureau, Boom 204, Goodnough Block,
Portland, Oregon, has fine opportun
ities for young men of intelligence and
ability in clerical, commercial or higher
mechanical lines. Positions positively
guaranteed, Oar registration system is
universally used in the cities of the
East. Write for j,articulars and apflli- '
cation blanks. We give and ask refar-
ence. We are the only up-to-date bay
reaa north of San Francisco. Everyday
calls foi clerks in country stores and
employment houses from Eastern Ore
gon and Washington.
T. D. Campbell has taken charts of
he Benton County Lumber yard hear
the S- P. depot. Will furnish balding
material. See Mr. Campbell "before you