fBtf ft Tffif nrr ; WESSL? A3T3D - SEMI-' Vol. XVII. No. 9. CORVALUS, OREGON. APRIL 20. 1904. B. V. XRV1MB Bdttar sod Proprietor i You can Find all of Cbese Chinas at OUR STORE Carpets, Matting, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Carpet Sweepers, Portiers, Table Covers, Sewing Machines, Trunks, Valises, White Bed Spreads Baby Swings, Etc, Lace and Swiss Draperies. M JAPS SUNK THE SHIP. -i- CALL' AND SEE - TOGO'S REPORT SAYS MAKA ROFF HIT ONE OF HIS MINES. Japanese Admiral Says He Lost No Men or Ships Mast Be Attribut ed Largely to -Heavenly Assistance Other News. WE DO NOT OFTEN CHANGE Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Cbinaware A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store Tve do the rest. B Borning WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY Conv.vius, Okegos. I Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buys County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. 8AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BEATTLISn TAOOMA NEW TOBK-llIi London & San Kran- Cisco Bank Uinited. J. P. Morgan A Co. I CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub lic. LONDON, ENO London San Francisco jsank umiua. . CA.U V Vnlon Bank of Canada. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, FICE BUILDING E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I Office lu ZWlf BaiUiag, CotiUas. Or P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALLIS, OR. Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. O. Address, Box n. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. iwenty years experience. G. R. FARRA. Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All calls attended promptly. E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Ore Li. G. AL.TM AN, M. L. Homeopathist : Office cor 3rd and Monroe Bta. Best- dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, hono residence 315. B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician and Surgeon. ' Office, Room 14, First National Bank Building, Corvallis, Or. Office Honrs, 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m. Tokio, April 16. The long await ed report of Vice-Admiral Togo, de scribing the seventh Japanese at tack on Port Arthur reached the navy department tonight. The re port is as follows: "The attack opened April 11. Two destroyerd ivisions of our tor pedo flotilla and one steamer reach ed the mouth of the river at mid night, April 12. Despite the ene my's searchlights, they succeeded in sinking mines quickly in several places. Another destroyer flotilla, with the special mission of drawing out the enemy, while reconnoitericg April 13, southeast of the LlaoThie Shan promontory outside the har bor, encountered a four-masted de stroyer of the enemy, which they attacked and sunk lh ten minutes. "About the same time they ob served another destroyer coming from the direction of Liao Thie Shan. They attacked it, but ow ing to the long range did not suc ceed in sinking it. It fled and took refuge in the harbor. Our casu alities were only two sailors slight ly wounded. We bad no time to pick up the enemy's drowning ow ing to the approach of the cnemy'e cruiser Bayan. "The third squadron reaching outside the harbor at 8 o'clock in the morning, protected the second destroyer fljtilla and reconnoitered at the same time. At 9. a. m. the cruiser attacked us at long range. The enemy's cruisers Novik, Ask old and Diana, together with the battle ships Petropavlosvk, Pobie- da, Poltava and other vessels joined the Bigan and attacked us. roe third squadron gave battle and gradually drew trie enemy to tbe southeast for about 15 miles. "At this time the first squadron wfiich was bidden in a fog 30 miles distant, received a wireless message, quickly advanced and attacked the 6nemy,, who retreated. We chased them to the barboV entrance, where a ship of the Pitropavlovsk type was seen blown up by a mine, eunk by us tbe night before at 10:30. Two other o! the enemy a ships seeing 'this showed utter confusion. Another ship also was seen iiljwn up by mines, but she could not be ident:fUd, owing to tbe confusion which prevailed tor about an hour lhe remaining ot toe enemy s ships, shooting water from both tides, gralually went into the har bor, and by noon none of the ene- my's ships was seen outside the harbor. . "There were no casualties in the third squadron. The enemy's loss likely. is slight. Our first squadron bad not reached tbe sua range at o'clock in the aftercosn of tbe eame dey and our squadron left tbe mouth of the harbor for our tin porary rendezvous. "Again after preparation at 4 p m., April 14, we went toward Port Arthur with the second, fourth and fifth deetioyer flotilla. The ninth torpedo flotilla reached the mouth of the harbor at 3 o'clock in tbe morning, April 15, and sue ceeded in effecting its mission. At 7 a. m. the third squadron appear ed before the harbor, but was not observed by the enemy. The squad ron found the inner harbor quiet, The first equadron reached Port Ar thur at 9 o'clock the same morning, Observing three floating mines laid by the enemy, the equadron shot and sank them. "At 10 a. m. the cruisers Nias- shin and Kasaga were detached to go under the Liao Thie Shan prom ontory and open an indirect can nonade on the inner harbor, which was kept op for about an hour, The enemy's forts and ships inside replied but without damage. Tbese two ehips in their first trial against the enemy must nave had good el- feet, as the new fortress west of Liao Thie Shan was silenced by them. At half past JL in the after noon they ceased firing and return ed to the fleet. battleship ' Missouri throws little additional light upon the cause of tbe 'recent explosion, all agreeing that the rapid firing was the prima ry cause. Two of the men now in the hospitals will receive recogni tion from the department for valient service. These two men are Sea men McDade and Welles. They were in the magazine when the first explosion occurred and sparks be gan dropping from . the turret to their magazine. ; At the time the trough through which powder is passed was opened and about tour charges of powder on the outside. McDade saw the danger. Knowing the powder on the outside would catch and unless the opening in the magazine was closed that too would explode, he reached his arm through the opening and attempted to un fasten the catch to close tbe open ing, but it refused to work. He then placedris body in the opening until Welles could empty a large powder can,- and when this was done the can was shoved into the opening, partly closing it. The men then filled all the crack b with swab, thus preventing any flames from penetrating the magazine. Ori deck, the men stood at their posts like real heroeB. Not a man flinched, although death stared ev ery one in the face. A HERO PATIENT. PATIENT SAVES MANY LIVES AT A HOSPITAL FIRE. Pulls Patients Away from Windows and Pilots Them to a Safe Re treat A Fa'al Four Story Plunge Other News. Pensacola,. Fla., April 16. In a riot here tonight between police and bluejackets from tbe warships and a few artillerymen from Fort Bar rancas, one enlisted man named Banks, of the Seventh artillery, was killed, and four bluejackets from the Iowa and Alabama were wound ed, although not seriously. Three police officers were at the patrol call box when a petty officer from one of the ships blew a whis tle signal in u se on the ships for the men to assemble. Folly 300 men assembled and rushed the police men, separating tnem. 1 wo ol the policemen backed away from the crowd, firing as fast as possible at tbe advancing bluejackets, who were burling stones, bottles and other missiles at them. It was dur ing this shotting that the artillery man was killed. ' Reinforcerrents from the police station arrived at this juncture, and partly dispersed the bluejackets, Later, oifine to many threats of the men from the warships to kill the police, Admiral Baiker ordered marine guards from two of tbeehips ashore, and they quelled the riot and prevented the trouble. Paris, April" 16. All the papers necessary tor the transler ot toe Panama canal to the United states are now completed. They include inventories and schedules of tbe property belonging to the company in ranama, nere ana eisewnere. These have been carefully gone over and checked by W. A. Day and Charles W. Russell, the assistant attorney-generals who came - from Washington to assist lu the trans fer cf the property and the officers of the company. The most import ant paper is tbe contract for tbe salee. here to night. In the saloon were' Warred, Mrs. Warren and Frank LewiB. The stranger ordered them. t3 throw up their hands. lhe men obeyed, but Mrs. War. ren ran out the- back door and ran around to the front entranoe, where the robbers fired a shot at her, the bullet hitting her in the right side, penetrating the lung. Warren then grappled with the criminal and suc ceeded in ejecting him. and the robber escaped. " Mrs. Warren " is dangerously wounded. London, April 16. While it is authoritatively stated that the Jap anese have no submarine navy at tha present time, and therefore it is impossible that tbe Russian batt'e ship Petropavlovsk could have been sunk by a boat of this cla?e, it is understood that the Japanese ar senals and navy-yarde are working over. time on two or more subma rine boats, which will be ready be fore the Russian Baltic squadron reaches the Far .bast. Pensacola, Fla., April 16. In formation received today from the Paris, April 16. The Matin's St. Petersburg correspondent sends an interview which he had with Grand Duke Vladimir, in which, after giv ing the details of a telegram from Grand Duke Boris relating to the escape of Grand Duke Cyril, Vladi mir said: - "Here we all believe that the ca tastrophe to the. Petropavlovsk was caused by a Japanese submarine vessel. It must have been a sub marine that discharged a torpedo, which, striking tbe battle ship near the engine room, caused an explo sion of the boilers. - We knew that the Japanese had two submarine vessels, but we could not imagine that they would be -mad enough to send such little boats so far from fleet, ot that they would even risk them at the entrance pi Port Ar thur harbor. The- submarine which effected the destruction of the bat tle ship must certainly have suck. Indianapolis, April 17. While the city fire department, reinforced by companies from the suburbs, was being taxed to its utmost fighting the Occidental hotel fire this morn ing, an alarm 'was turned in from St. Vincent s hospital. When the first fire company arrived one life had been lost and several were seriously injured in the panic that followed. For time it seemed that the flames, which started in a pile of rags under the east stairway, would find their way to the upper floors, resulting In a frightful holocaust. At every window on tbe third and fourth floors were crowded the pan ic-stricken men and women scream ing for help to those on the street below. y .- . The panic that raged on the third and fourth floors continued until long after the fire had been extin guished. Patients who had just undergone surgical operations rushed fromtheir beds to tbe windows and attempted to throw themselves to the ground. . Harriet Leaby, an old employe of tbe hospital, leaped from a window on the fourth floor, and when pick ed up was dead. In the rear the men and women were making ropes of bedclolhing by which they es caped to the ground below. " Kate Beach, less fortunate than the rest, lost her hold and fell from the third floor, and is now in a critical con dition from internal injuries . sustained. An unusual number of surgical operation? were performed in the hospital cn Saturday. Many of the patients carried from their beds in the rescues were in a criticalcon diiion, and both physicians in charge fear that many fatalities may result. The patients were car tied to the male ward, which is on the first floor, and was not serious ly affected by the panic which rag ed in the upper floors. Improvised cots and mattresses were brought into use and a general-call for medical assictince- sent throughout the city. Within a short time about 100 physicians ar rived andjt he patients were cared for. Harry Nichols, who underwent an operation for appendicitis a few hours before the outbreak of tbe fire jumped from his bed and ran down tour flights of stairs into tbe street. His condition is critical. James Dawson, an emaciated pa tient, worked heroically among the panic-stricken men and women on the third floor. One after another he pulled away from the windows tho:e. who were preparing to jump to the street below and piloted tbem through the smoke to places of safe ty on tbe first floor. After saving 27 nurses and pa tients from possible injury in this manner, be lost consciousness and was carried into' the male ward, where medical attention was given him. For a time it was thought that he comld nit undergo the ter rible strain to which he bad been subjected. The fire which for almost two hours threatened to destroy the principal retail district was discov ered at an early hour this morning in tbe Occidental hotel. Every fire company in the city, as well as thos8 from outlying suburbs, was summoned. The house was filled with guests, and a panic was nar rowly averted. There were many narrow escapes from the flames and suffocation, the inmates being compelled to leave the buildiDg clad only in their night-clothes. The hotel , which fronts for half a block on Illinois street, south of Washington street, is valued at $100,000, and is gutted. The loss is estimated at $75,000. Owing to the fire proof construc tion of the hospital tbe actual loss to the building will not exceed a $1,000. - New York. April 15. Girls i nam ing from upper windows, out ef which dense columns of smoke were -pouring and tongues of flame were shooting, was the scene that appall- -ed hundreds of spectators, that ' an alarm of fire had gathered this morning about the burning dye works conducted by William Neiste in Williamsburg. The fire broke out on the third -floor of the building and it is learn ed that all but three persons who worked there were successful in gaining the second Btory. When so near safety it was ascertained that the fire had swept down the elevator shaft and had consumed the stairs leading to the floors a bove. Then there was a panic,' and be fore firemen could raise ladders, frantic women were leaping to the ground below. Those who jumped from second story windows escaped with slight injuries. - Simon Trotter, a dyeman employ ed on the top floor, jumped, and was crushed on the pavement be low. He was followed by a young girl, who plunged headlong from a window on the upper floor and met a like fate. A second -girl jumped from the eame window and was caught in a net held by four fire men. She sustained no Injury. ' Washington, April 15. Secreta ry Shaw has advised Senator Mitch ell that Oregon gold will, be used in the Lewis and Clark . souvenir dollars, unless some other senator asks that a portion of tbem be struck from golds in other states that is equally good. Secretary Shaw Fays: ''I will put as much senti ment into tbe proposition as possible. St Petersburg, April 15. A tel egram from Grand Duke Boris to Grand Duke Vladimir, dated at Li ao Yang yesterday, gives Grand Duke Cyril's account of his escape from death in the disaster to the Petropavlosvk. According to his story, Cyril fell at tbe moment of . the explosion to the port side of the biidge, and from there be lowered himself to the deck. He was then swept away by an immense wave . and Bank to a considerable depth, but succeeded in regaining the sur face. By his own efforts he caught a floating fragment of the Petropav- lovsk's steam launch to which he clung for about tea minutes, when ' he was picked up by tbe destroyer Bezshumi.' The telegram adds that Cyril's ' aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Von Kube, perished. Biker City, Or., April 15. Pow-, der is still rising here in the city. Water is overflowing one bridge and tbe river is out of it) banks in sev eral places. Tbe cellars are filled with water. The Sumpter Valley railway is still unable to run trains. Heavy rains it the mountains re ported last night may increase the flood. Another O. R. & N. bridge over Buret river near Durkee, 20 miles east of here went cut this morning. Eastbound JNo. b. which left Portland last night, is tied up here, and orders have ben issued to sell no eastbound tickets for three dayB. It is tbe most serious situation' in many years. Berkeley, CaL, April 17 A masked man displaying two revolv ers entered the saloon of Chris War ren on the country road north "of Kobe, Japan, April 15. It is as serted in naval circles here that tbe Japanese arranged to lay 30 mines at the entrance of Port Arthur, and then entice the Russians out. The mines were placed in position, and fort Arthur was bombarded April 13. Several Russian ships besides the Petropavlovsk were damaged. Nolan & Callahan's new Bpring stock is now complete in all departments. Cures Coughs ano Colds. Mre. C. Peterson, 625 Lake St., Tope ka, Kansas, eays: "Of all cough reme dies Ballard's Horehound Syrnp is my favorite; it has done and will do all that is claimed for it to epeedily cure all coughs and colds and it is so sweet and pleasant to the taste." 25c, 50c, $r.oo bottle. Sold bv Graham & Wortham.