County ClerVe &4 nro ;WI2SLYv.AlTO,;SBMI. Vol. XVII No. -8. CORVALLIS, OREGON j APRIL Hi. 1904. B. F. IRVINB Editor and Proprietor. SitifiL 6' if Raoe Vou Seen Our New Arrivals m FOR GENTS iiuuiumwmuuuuwu Clothing, Hats, Neckwear, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear. Call and See WE DO WBffiQFTfiHJCH Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line Fresb Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain anil Fancy Ctiinaware A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store we do the rest. 6 B Doming WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY CunvALUs Oregon. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buys County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. AN FRAXXISOO OBILAXD f Loudon San Fran- EATTLK f j-isj,, nauk United. AO OM A 1 EW TORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co. BICAGO- National Bank of The Kepub- lic. ONDOX, ENG. London & San Francisco Bank Limited. AXAD.V I n ion Bank of Canada. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-M-Law. POSTOFFICE BUILDING E. E. WILSON", ATTORNEY AT LAW. m la Zierolf Building, CDrviUis. Or Dress Goods, Novelty Trimmings, Silks, Embroideries, Laces, Belts, Oolars, White Goods, and Shoes. P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER CORVALL1S, OR. Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. O. Address, Box n. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. G. It. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All calls attended promptly. E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACB Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Ore L. G. ALTMAN, M. D. Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to i and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, hone residence 315. B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician and Surgeon, Office, Room 14, First National Bank Bnilding, CorvalliSj Or. Office Hours, 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p, m. A PRIMITIVE MAN. ERNEST W. DARLING, SON OF A PORTLAND PHYSICIAN, STARTS NEW CULT IN HEALING. Discards Prcctically All Clothing and Lives Oat of Doors Hie Bed Is & Hole in the - Ground Four Feet by Seven and Two Feet Deep. Portland, April 12. The Journ al cays: A son of a Portland phy sician has created a sensation in the scientific world by the startling and novel method of liviDg which he has adopted, and which he advises all to adopt who desire perfect health and a rugged constitution. He advocates a return io the primi tive way of living by. discarding clothing. Ernest W. Darling, a son of Dr. J. W. Darling of this city, is the man who advocates the return to the ways primeval. Until a year ago he lived in Portland, bat was compelled to seek a sunnier clime on account of his health. For the past year he has lived on the sum mit of a hill on the outskirts of Los Angeles, Ca'. He dees not occupy a house, nor even a tent. The sole habitation of which he can boast, is a bed that consists of a hole in the ground of about four by seven feet and two feet in depth. In that peculiar place, wrapped in blank ets, he seeks rest. He is an ardent lover and studies the works of nature and believes that by his meth od 01 living he is able to commune more closely with its invisible forms and at the same time build up bis constitution, which was shattered by disease. - "Good health is the first requisite for religion, or anything else," he says, when questioned concerning his novel ideas. "I firmly believe that if we take perfect care of our health, avoiding all accident or die ease, we shall live eternally in these bodies of ours. Every person 6houId learn gradually to live out - doors and to live on natural food that is, lood just as it comes from the hand of nalurp. Personally, I pre fer the fruit of the tropic3 bana nas, persimmons, hge, dates which have been proved to give as great strength and endurance as does any mixtd diet. "The objects in living on ..natural food are: "First To make us more natur al in thought and in action. "Second From an economical standpoint, it is far cheaper where these fruits grow. It is well known by travelers in the tropics that we can live on one dollar a motitb, or less. 'Third There is a very decided humanitarian issue in this diet. No animal has to suffer imprisonment and final slaughter io order to feed the fruitarian. The fruitarian will take his meal from the tree and eat the meal that was cookel by God himself." Mr. Darling has evidently found these results in his mode of life, for he has built himself up wonderful ly. When he left Portland a year age he wsighed 90 pounds, while now he weighs in the neighborhood of 175 pounds. It was done w th out a drop of medicine. It was while a student at Leland Stanford, Jr., university that the desire to get "nearer to nature's heart" came upon him, and he secluded himself. le rises at daylight, takes a quick, cold shower bath, then runs half a mile or so, throwing off su perfluous clothing. Then he goes through a series of calesthetic exer cises before eating breakfast, of fruit. He declares that be eats regularly three times each day and always has a good appetite. Air. Darling left bis home near Los Angeles last week. He sailed for Honolulu where he will reside for a time before making a trip to the Samoan Inlands. Before being com pelled to leave Portland he was con fined in a hospital for a time. It id said that he is rapidly regaining his hsalth. : " Niu Chwacg, April 11. A mis understands g of the customs house flash-light signals caused great ex citement here last midnight. Officers in command of forts thought the Japanese were making an attack and opened fire on a fleet of pilot boats to merchantmen out ward bound. Two Chinese seamen were struck by a i shell and killed. Several shots-were fired before the artillery men discovered their rristake. Thi incident shows the mental strain under which the Russians are laboring. Feverish activity prevails among the military, who are doing the best they can to prepare for any Japanese assault. v Dispatches received here .today from Port Arthur state that a fev erish excitement prevails owing to a constant fear and persistent ru mors that the Japanese are ready to make' a final attack on the forts. The information contained in the dispatches shows that nothing is difinitely known of Japan's inten tions. It is also stated that 10 miles off Port Arthur several Japanese war vessels were seen early yesterday morning lying inactive on a smooth sea. The whereabouts of the re maining vessels of this fleet are not known. Vancouver, Wash., April 12. Sheriff Blesecker and City Marshal Bateman today arrested and took into custody Fred Armstrong, alias Frank Strong. On a charge of bur glary. Armstrong is believed to be the masked highwayman who held up at the muzzle of a pistol the bar tender and a number of guests of the Hotel Columbia, in the barroom of the hotel, about a week ago, and who also attempted to hold up C. C. Gridley, an abstractor, at his of fice id this city la3t night. The attempt to hold, up Gridley was frustrated. by the pluck and presence of mind of Gridley, who, when confronted at his office door about ten o'clock by a man wear ing a 'mask and with a gun pointed at bis lace, grappled with the as sailant and threw him into the street and then slammed the door in t.V robber's face and telephoned for the police. Armstrong was for merly sergeant in the Seventeenth Infantry, receiving his discharge abofct a year ago. Afterward be rrarried a daughter of a prominent farmer of this county. Latjr Arm strong and his wife went to Baker City, Or., where he was implicated with two others in a number of highway robberies in that plaoe. Armstrong was identified today by two of the victims of the hotel hold up. He was also recognized by Gridley. Baker City, Or., April 12. W. GoSsett, of pleasant Valley, was badly injured here this afternoon while attempting to board an out going freight train on the O. R. & N. He caught the caboose, but as he swung on his foot slipped and be was thrown to the ground, strik ing on his head. The scalp was torn from the tight Bide of his bead, the frontal bone over the right eye fractured, his nose broken, his neck partly dislocated and a gash cut under the right eye three inches long, down to the bone. The doc tor thinks" he will recover. Mr. Gossettis the proprietor of the Pleasant Valley Lime Works, and is quite prominent in business circles in this part of the state. Washington, April 13. Shortly after 10 o'clock this morning, Pres ident Roosevelt affixed his eigna ture tj the Lewis and Clark Fair bill and msde it a law. Senator Mitchell went to the White House especially to witness the signing of the measure. As the President add ed the last stroke of his signature he turned and said: "Senator, I would be glad to give you the pen with which I have signed this bill as a souvenir, but Mr. Scctt, president of the associa tion, exacted a promise of me Eome time ago that I should give it to him, and I then agreed to do eo. Mr. Scott will present the pen to the Oregon Historical society, and it is expected it will ba on exhibi tion during the exposition. In behalf of the people of Oregon Senator Mitchel extended sincere thanks to the president: The ex ecutive replied he was pleased tobe in a position to do something toward a proper commemoration of the Lewis & Clark expedition. Cures Coughs and Colds. Mrs. C. Peterson, 625 Lake St., Tope ka, Kansas, says: ' 'Of all cough reme dies Ballarrrs Horehound Syrup is my favorite; it has done and will do all that is claimed for it to speedily cure all coughs and colds and it is so sweet and pleasant to the taste." 25c, 50c, fr.oo bottle. Sold bv Graham & Wortham ANOTHER BOAT LOST. ADMIRAL MAKAROFF GOES DOWN WITH HIS SHIP AND 800 MEN. ' Russian Vessel Strikes a Sabmerg- ed Mine Grand Duke Cyril, One of the Few Who " Es capee Ship Turn9 Tur tle and Sinks Oth er News. St. Petersburg, April 13. Strik ing a submerged mine at Port Ar thur today, the Petropavlovsk, the flagship of the Russian fleet went down and carried with her Admiral Makaroff and between 600 and 800 men. Grand Duke Cyril escape, but is wounded. Admiral Makaroff ordered his en tire squadron out to engage the Jap anese fleet of 40 vessels which ap peared off the port early in the day and began an attack which still con tinues. According to the Associated Press informant while Admiral Makaroff was returning after going out to at tack the Japanese fleet the Petro pavlovsk struck a mine on her Star board side amidship and immedi ately began to keel. Before the crew could flood the port compart ments of the vessel, in order to keep her in an even keel, she turned tur tle and sank in a few minutes, car rying down almost the entire crew. Captain Njakovloff, the Grand Duke Cyril and two other officers were saved because they were standing on the super-bridge. The frightful loss of life among the officers and men was due to the fact that they were all at their stations ready for action. The Petropavlovsk turned turtle in a manner similar t the British battle ship Victoria, which was rammed by the Camperdown in 1893, and to the incident in the China-Japanese war, when a Chin ese warship turned turtle, many of the crew remained aboard for sev eral days hammering desperately on the upturned hull. The following, dispatch to the czar has been received from Viceroy Alexieff: "Mukden, April 13. A telegram has just been received from Lieu tenant General Stoessel, command er of the military forces at Port Ar thur. I regret to report to your majesty that the Pacific fleet has suffered irreparable los3 by the death of its brave and capable com mander, who was lost, together with the Petropavlovsk." Another dispatch from Viceroy Alexieff says: Accordmg to reports irom tue commandant at Port Arthur, the battle ships and cruisers went out to meet the enemy, but, owing to the enemy receiving reinforcement1, making his strength 30 vessels, our squadron returned to the roadstead, whereupon the Petropavlovsk touch ed a mine, resulting in her destrue- tion. Grand Duke Cyril,, who was on board was saved. He was slight ly injured. The whole squadron then re-entered port. Ihe Japan ese are now off Cape Liao Shan." Rear-Admiral Girgorovitc.h has reported to the czar that the Rus sian squadron was under Golden Hull when the flagship struck a mine and turned turtle. Even if Rear-Admiral Ouktom- sky, who is now in charge of the fleet at Port Arthur, is able to go to see with four battle ships, which it is not certain he can do, Vice Ad miral Togo could bring against him ROYAL Baking Powcle Is Most Economical Because it makes better and more healthful food ROYAL BAKING a greatly superior force. It is now pointed out that all the Japanese admiral need now do is to be out side Port Arthur, and that trans port can pass with absolute impun ity. Every one admits tonight that the outlook on the sea is decidedly gloomy for Russia. No actual news his yet reaches. London bsyond the Russian official telegrams, but dispatches from' Wei Hat Wei induce the confident be lief here that a naval engagement occurred off Port Arthur of a se vere character and that later tele grams will show that the Russians suffered a severer loss than is yet admitted. A Rumor has reached Rome that Vice-Admiral Makaroffs squadron was attacked by the whole of the Japanese fleet, concealed behind the Miaotoa Islands, and his re treat was cut off and he was forced to fight against odds, with the re sult that all his ships were damag ed, while the Petropavlovsk was surrounded by torpedo boats, struck by five torpedoes and blown up. Another rumor is to the effect that Rear Admiral Molas is among those killed aboard the Petropav lovsk. No great attention is paid to these rumors, but the univereal opinion here is that the official ex planations of the disaster are un satisfactory. It was a magnificently powerful squadron which Admiral Togo had in action today. It was the most powerful individual fleet that ever sailed the Eastern seas. Including the torpedo fleet, there were more than 40 vessels before Port Arthur. Boise, Idaho, April 12. George Levy, the condemned murderer, whose sentence to be hanged next Friday was last evening commuted to lite imprisonment by the state prison board, was called into the warden's omce this morning, about 8:30 o'clock, and notified of the ac tion of the board. "I don't want my sentence com muted,'' he exclaimed. "I refuse to accept it." As soon as he was called to the warden's office, Levy knew that the board had rendered some kind of a decision, and his manner was quits nervous as he entered the office. As soon as he had beard the words that consigned him to a pris on cell for the remainder of his life, he broke out in a disjointed avowal that he wanted the warden to haDg him. The old argument that if he was guilty, he should be hanged, and if innocent, should be permit ted to go free, was used again, and he declared he would not accept the commutation offered him by the board. He talked in an indirect way of suicide, although he made no direct threats of taking his life.. Levy was in a better frame of mind when he left the Warden's of fice than when he was first told of the commutation, but as a matter of precaution, it was deemed best to keep him locked in his ceil for a few days, until he should be in a a belter mental condition. DR. C. H. NEWTH, . Physician & Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store. For Sale. Best Plymouth Rock or Brown Leghorn, cockrels or eggs. J. B. Irvine. Corvalfia. POWDER CO., NEW YORK.