The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 13, 1904, Image 4

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TLe Comings and Goin gs of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Mr. aid Mrs. Moee Mllner wer3
guesta of Uorvailis r litive) over
; Dr. Wlthycomba leotured Friday
oveaiog, to tne boys a', cue Btato re
form school.
Mra. O. B. Connor hit Sunday for
so txteDtfeJ vtalt wun ber brother Id
fcbe East.
Paioters are at work at tte house
f W. B. Lacy at the corner cf Sev
enth acd Washlngtoo.
. w. jvi. dones ana tamuy weie
3alle 1 to their borne la Dallas Friday
toy the iiloeja of a relative.
W.J.Howell returned Frldiy
trotn a two weeks visit to his home
stead on the Yachats. '
Elmer Nash of Bueoa Vlata was
la town Saturday, eorou'e to Aleea
iiere he Is teaching school.
" Mrs. A. J. Hall returned Sunday
to her home at Bueaa Vista after a
brief visit at the home cf her son.
The Commercial restaurant com
pletely renova'ed and refurnished, re
opened to the public at noon Friday,
-. Henry Howell, a graduate ot
OAO In 1899, has received a re-nom
laauoD lor assessor of Lincoln coun-
Jut-Representative Danoeman of
Gilliam county, left Monday after a
visit over Sunday with his family in
(bis city.
Mr a. Grant Elgin and Mrs. Rich
ard Klger left Saturday to attend the
ftioeia.1 of the little child of Mr. and
rl Mrs. Louis Fischer.
Miss Mahel Davie, who has held
a position for sometime In: a drug
store owned by Dr. B, wley at Hoed
Elver, arrived home Sunday and la to
xemaln. ,
An Albany buyer was buying
Horses in Alsea last week. He pur
chased a span of mares from Marion
Hayden an a cost of $300. Their
weight is about 1,500.
. Mrs. Ward Wlaecarver returned
. ftft tvr hnma in MnMlnnvtlla
day titter a visit of several days at
tue home of her parents, Mr. a
aire. R. M. Gilbert.
A party of local fishermen left
Saturday for a few days Ashing at
Stido Lake, near Nashville. Tbey
are, J. H. Harris, W. J. Wilbanka acd
Mr, Price, one ot the ne a' rivals in
, The sunny days have eet people
to work la d ryards and gardens,
od help ia that line Is in demand.
Bfeo anxious for employment cf tbat
triod can easily secure all tbey want,
acd more.
John Wilson and Miss Grace
Ogleaby of Alsra wera married at the
Farmer's Hotel in this city, Friday at
11-30, Rev. Green officiating. A num
ec of guests were present. Mr. and
31x3. Wilson left Monday for Alsea
Valley, where the groom is engaged
la farming.
The seventh month of the public
school j cloeed with a dally attend
ance of 434, or 104 more than at the
aame time last year. A feature In
the Increase 1 attendance is the pres
ence of a considerable number of
children cf newcomers who have
Mettled in Ccrvallie.
A gray pony whom nobedr claims
ia la the hard of the chief ot police
and Is to be sold In tbrre or four dys
If still unclaimed by the owner. The
'animal is about five years old. No
tices postal about explain tba'. the es
tray Is ehrrtly to go under the hamster.
- "Eugene Register A large squad.
ol college mei are taking work every
afternoon on tbc track' under the di
rection of Captain Perkins. The ma
jority of the candidates for the team
-are men ot practically no experience
and it will be necessary to work very
bard to put out a strong team. Man
ager Tomllc8on has not arrange the
Hjuttuuie yet uui it win prjuauiy in
clude meets with tte University ot
Washington, OAC, Paclflo University
and Multnomah Club. Trainer Hay
ward will arrive about April 16, acd
take charge of the team. As the
first meet will not be held before May
SO, he will have sufficient time to get
tte athletes In good shape.
, -: Will Johnson, formerly of OAC,
accepted a position at St. Louis,
whets he is to assist in the prepara
tion and care ot the Oregon exhibit
at the World's Fair, He is supposed
to lie either in toe horticultural or
agricultural departments, and has al
ready begun his duties. He has had
large expertenoe in such matters at
Oregon State Fair, and will prove a
.valuable man for the place. Mr
Johnson, it win be rememoerea, is a
student at a St. Louis medical col
lege. He haa made a floe record
there as a student, having taken the
grade of '-A" In all examinations, and
because of his high standing, was ex
cused from further attendance this
- year la order that ha might accept
the new position which begins on the
Mrs. Effie Gale' class in elocution
is to give a recital in the .Opera house
oo the I9tb Inst. The admission is
25 cents. -.-- ...
Henry Stone has purchased and Is
shortly to occupy the J. H. Simpson
house across the street from Dr. Ca-
tbey's residence. The price paid was
Burt Johnson returned Monday
from Portland, where he went to at
tend a meeting of the finance commit'
tee ot the Graud Ledge of the Knights
ot Pyuria?. -
A number of Dew eidew walks have
been ' ordered In Job's and Wilkin's
additions. A new one was also order
ed in response to a petition from resi
dents on College Hill.
The Tillage Improvement Society
has petitioned the city council to vacate
the street between the two public
school blocks. The petition was pre
sented at a meeting cf the council
Monday night. It was laid on the
table, :
Sheriff Boss of Lincoln county,
was In town Saturday, on business,
He has just been nominated by Lin
coln county republicans for a fourth
term as sheriff. His majority in the
past has increased with each re-election.
Every afternoon now there la a
pleasing band concert on Main street.
It Is by the band of the Wiedemann
company, which is playing at the Ope
ra house this week. It is a good band
and Its selections ere highly appreci
ated by the public.
Seymour Simpson's residence,
known as the Hershner property, has
been sold to two brothers from Ne
braska, who now occupy it with their
families. The figure in the deal Is un
derstood to have been about $2,000,
The trade was negotiated by White &
The judges and clerks were ap
pointed for the coming city eleotion at
a meetlog of the city council Monday
night. The judges are, Caleb Davis,
Joseph Tates and B. H. Colbert; clerks,
Robert Johnson and William Dllley.
The officers to elect are,, police judge,
chlet of police, treasurer, one council
man each in the upper .and middle
wards, and two in the lower ward.
Rehearsals for Queen Esther are
In progress regularly at the college,
Seventy-five to 100 school children are
to appear In toe chorus in the final
performance. 4 Fancy drills by 50 to
75 college young women are to
form another attractive feature ot the
production.. The date on which the
cantata Is to be given Is shortly to be
Frazler, the Portland buyer, Was
in town Saturday for the purchase ot
draught horses. He only secured one
team, although several were offered.
The difficulty seemed to be that the
sellers asked more than the buyer
would give. One fine team was offered
at $600, but Frazler said that the out
side ptlce at which it could be sold in
Pottlaod was $500. The team bought
was secured from August Fischer, at
a figure which has not been made pub
The question of opening streets
through the long strip ot land owned
oj Mrs. Murray in Job's addition was
discussed at a meeting of the city
council Monday night, and the street
committee was instructed to Inaugur
ate condemnation proceedings in the
oourts tor forcing streets through, pro
vided a settlement could not be reach
ed by private negotiations. About 815
has been subscribed by persons who
have occasion to use the proposed
street tor use lu defraying outlay oc
casioned by the proceedings, er in pay
ment of damages In the opening of the
The chief ot police has been di
rected by the city council to require
all property owners to clean up. Un
der the resolution, which was adopted
by unanimous vote, all boxes, barrels,
old pieces of lumber, crockery crates,
brush, tin cans or other rubbish left in
streets or alleys, must be removed. It
is the deslr9 ot the council that the
entire city may be put in order, and
present a neat appearance to the
strangers who arrive. If all begin the
work at once and keep up the cam
paign until the last article Is removed,
a transformation can be wrought that
will maKe a new and beautiful Cor-
Continued from page two
Repeat of the County Clerk sf Benton County, Oregon, shewing the amount
of warrants drawn and for what purpose allowed, as per order of the County
Court from the first day of October, 1903, to the 3tst day of March A. D, 1904, both
inclusive. ... '. -
County court........... ......
Circuit court. .... .... ...............
Justice court ...
Shetins omce
Clerk's office
Recorder's office......
Treasurer's office.
School Supt. office
Assessor's office.
Assessment and collection of taxes..,
Tax rebate...
Current expenses ,
Jail .....
(Jare countv poor
Bridges .....
Ferries ..
Election expense.
Scalp bounty.
Roads and Highways
Pre. examination pros, atty . .......
59 20
447 7o
J33 95
500 00
249 97
228 10
44t 03
7 40
3 80
273 52
397 62
" 57 77
24 00
"7 35
- Total $ toi36 68
Clerk's statement of the financial condition of Benton County, Oregon, on the
31st day of March, A. D. 1904.
October iat, 1903, amount of county warrants outstanding and unpaid 9 9160 54
April 1st, 1904; county warrants issued six months ending Mar. 31 101366s
-. Total $ 19297 22
Anril 1st. ion A Bv countv warrants redeemed and cancelled durins
six months ending March 31st, 1904 1066198
April 1st, 1904 To county warrants outstanding...... $ 8635 24
To county warrants outstanding and' unpaid .... 4 863524
To interest thereon 16550
To balance state tax 12245 00
Total Liabilities t '
Cash in hands of treasurer applicable state tax and county warrants
Cash in hands of sheriff.
. Total Resources
Total resources (Exclusive of county property, amount due on tax '
sale records and unpaid 1903 tax roll)....
Total liabilitiss .'
Net Resources
21.045 74
21532 70
-664 17
22196 87
22196 87
2ro45 74
1151 13
State of Oregon 1 "
County of Benton J
I, Victor P. Moses, County "Clerk of Benton County,- State of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the claims al
lowed by the County Court of said County for the six months ending March 31st,
1904, inclusive, on what account the same were allowed, the amount of warrants
redeemed and cancelled during said six months and the amount of warrants out
standing and nnpaid on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1904. as the same appears on
the records in my office and in my custody.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said
County Court this the 1st day of April A. D. 1904.
. . - ; VICTOR P. M0S3S.
.. . - County Clerk of BentonCoanty, Oregon. -
At Philomath.
Philomath, April oth. The col
lege of Philomath was taxed to its
11 truest capacity to seat the large
crowd at the State Prohibition con
test last Friday evening.
Rev. Smith of Portland presiding
elder of the Evangelical Association
hel I quarterly meeting services at
Beuiah church last Sunday.
Mrs. Kisor who has bcen helping
her daughter in Corvallis in her
m! inery shop returned home for a
few Jays last week. - :
Mr. Adamson and family started
last Saturday for Colorado hoping
to rind a climate that will benefit
his health. He is troubled with
asthma. ' ' ' - '
Bishop Castle started for the East
last week. Bis work will take him
as far as Pennsylvania.
Born April oth to Rev. and Mrs.
G W Fisher a daughter.
Lee Henkle resigned as council
man at Monday night's meeting. He
was serving on the second -year ot a
three years term, of which something
over a year remains. The resignation
was in order to give the council op
portunity to give notice for an elec
tion to fill the vacancy for next year
by vote of the people at the coming
city election. The notion "will require
the election of two councllmen, the
other being to elect a successor to
Councilman Hodes, whose term ex
pires In June. The other councllmen
whose terms expire are ttose in tne
upper ward and Crees in the
middle ward. The resignation of
Mr. Henkle was accepted, and he was
elected by the council to serve for the
rest of the fiscal year.
London. April 8. The" Dalziels
Paris News association wires today
that a report had reached the
French capital tbat a fresh defeat
was sustained bv the Russians in
the vicinity of the Yalu yesterday
Their loss is eaid to have been
heavy. While there is no confirm
atioq of the report, it is generally
believe 3, as it is said the same news
is in the possession ot the foreign
omce at fct. Petersburg.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
UmlAB Jfe Ran TVitt
" cisco Bank Limited.
NEW YORK Messrs. 3. P. Morgan ft Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The'Repnb
Hc. LONDON, ENS . London & San Francisco
. Bank Limited.
CANADA. Union Bank of Canada.
At Monroe.
James Morelock and Ed Walden
are shearing goats on the Houck
place Mr. Houck has about 700
goats and they shear from 75 to
100 head a day.
Mr. Darneille who has been in
the employ of A Wilhelm & Son
for some time is now working for
J. C. McElroy.
Vivian Bayne, Frank Williamson
Ivan Rickard and Mr. Perrin were
over bunday from I bellfountain
playing base ball. The boys here
arejtalkicg of organizing soon.
T. J. Brabham has recently sold
a team of iron gray horses to Mr
Millett tor $340. -
Louie Edwards was in town Sun
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Ore
Ii. G. AMMAN, M. D.
Offioe cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Reel
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A, M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
hone residence 315.
E. R. Bryson,
IcMans All
Wool Suit
Axe you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants?
Let tis quote you prices. Call and see our line of
ready made clothing. We will save you money.
Now is the time to think about
Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses
You were to treat your eyes to. Come
; to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee
the. fit, and' will be here from 7 to 6 to
make good my guarantee.
The Jeweler and Optician.
Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for our special list, or come and .
see us. nWe shall take pleasure in giving you all '
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over tne country. 1 -;y -r - : ' :
... . - -
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,"
Corvallis and Philomath, Or. Y ' ';:
.Pioneer 8un Store..,
Fme'new stock of GUNS, SPORTING GOODS
Stock of 0 Bodes at Bid Bargain
Cimes Office for Job Printing.
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address; Box 11. "
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poetoffice. Beeidence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham &, Wortham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np-stairs back of Graham &
Wells drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
' All calls attended promptly.
Administrator's Sale of Real Properry
In the -matter of the estate of Jane Elizabeth
Fisher, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that under and pur
suant to an order of sale made ay. the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County,
on the 11th day ot March, 19J4, la the above en
titled matter, the undersigned, as administra
tor, with the will annexed of said estate of Jane
Elizabeth Fisher, deceased, willfrom and after
Monday, the iSth day of April", 1904.
Sroceedto sell, at private s lie, to the highest
idder, forceshin hand, subject to confirma
tion by said Court, all of the following aescrlb
ed real property towit :
Beginning at a point 37 chains east ot the
southeast corner of the northwest quarter of
southeast quarter of section 20, T. 11 ts.,R. 5 W.
and run thence north 60 chains; thence
east 2-50 chains; thence north 30 chains; thence
east to the West line of the donation land claim
of Philip Mulkey, Not. no. 958 in x. 11 8. R.Sfr.j
thence south to a point 9.50 chains south of the
northeast corner of donation land claim of J. O.
Roberts, Not. No. 940, same Tp; and R.: thence
north 26 decrees 36 minutes west 10.62 chains to
) a point 4.75 chains west of said northeast corn
er 01 saia Kooercs claim; inence west to me
place of beginning. Also lot 10 iu section 22,
and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and b in section 21 T. 11 S.R.
5 W., except therefrom the following, beginning
at a point 50 links east of the southwest corner
of said lot 5 and run thence north 4.09 chains:
thence south 75 degrees east 10.23 chains; thence
south 24 degrees east 1.4S chains to point on
south boundary line of said lot iLisaid point
being 4.40 chains west from southeast corner ol
said lot 5) thence west on south boundary
line of said lot 5. a distance of 10 55 chains to
the place ot beginning, containing 2:s2 acres
more or less. Also a strip of land 30 feet wide
running along the full length of the west si ie
of a piece of land containing 17.83 acres des
cribed as follows : beginning at the N. E. corn
er of claim No. 55 T. 11 S. R. 5 run thence
W. 18 chains: theiice S. 9.91 chains; thence E.
18 chains; thence N 9.91 chains to plaee of be
ginning. All the above being in Benton coun
ty, state ol Oregon.
It being the intention to include in the above
description all lnds described in mortgage
given by Jane E. Fisher aftd husband to the
state Land Board, bearing date December 8.
1900. - -
Said sale Is made for the purpose of paying
claims against said estate and charges and ex
penses or administration, remaining unpaid.
Dated this March 12, 1904.
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased.
For Sale.
Best Plymouth Rock or Brown Leghorn
cockrels or egga.
J. 8. Irvine. Corvalfia.
Vetch seed at Gorvallis Flour Hills
Notice of nial Settlement.
In the Hatter of the Estate
of J
Martha J. Butler, deceased.) 1 - -
r Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as
administrator of the Estate of Martha J. Butler,
deceased, has filed hta final account, as such
administrator, with the clerk of the county
court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county
and the said court has fixed Saturday the 7th
.day of May, 1904, at the hour of 10 o'clock: in
the forenoon as the time, and the countv Wnrt
room In the court house in Corvallis, Oregon,
n w ucuuig any ty&l aii ODieCUOnS
to said final account and th settlement thereof.
Dated this April 2, 1954.
. , " I. Irwin.
AdministratQrof the Estate ot Martna J.
Butler, deeagfed.
Real Estate Co.
I am so happy and so glad
I do not now feel blue and bad
I laugh and talk and take my ease -
I come and go just ss I please
I tell you what I sold my home
When I listed it with White St Stone.
I was feeling very blue and sad
My wife she made me almost mad
She did not want on the farm to stay
She wanted to sell it end move away
So I listed it for more than a year
And still I found myself right here.
The agents they took my place in hand
They were so sure they could sell the land
I sometimes think tbey did not try
For they never brought a man to buy.
They gave a wink with a knowing smile .
And 'rled to fool me all the while.
With that knowing smile and wink
They could not fool me don't you think
I saw thev would not sell my home
So I listed it with White & Stone
You bet I found them Just and true
They will do your work all right for you.
They will always help-if they can
They deal with you as man with man.
They are always ready with good advice
And they are not afraid to advertise
So If you would buy or sell a home
Just "have a talk with White & Stone.
House and two or three lots in Cotval
lie, something from 700 to $1200, Also
two or thrPA vnennt. lots in Pnrvallta ;
Amhlflr & Wnttem.
Notice of Publication.
Timber Land Act Jane 3, 1878. -Cnited
States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Corvallis. Oregon, March 3rd, 1901
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with tbe provisions ol the act ot Congress ol
June 3,1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory" as extend
ed to all the Public Land states by act of Ang
ust 1, 1892, Benjamin F. Totten of Corvallis,
county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day
filed In this omce his sworn statement No.
6377, for the purchase of the S. B. X ' SecOen
No. SO, in Township No. 18 8. Bange No. 6 West,
and will ofler proof io show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Victor P.
Moses, County CletJt, Benton county, ' State- of
Oregon, on Friday, the third day of June,. 190t,
.He names as witnesses:
Joiin L Bexiord, of Corvallis, Oregon.
: Martin Butlerol ' -.-
Abraham Coon, of ' "
Thomas Coon of lnavale, -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this omce on or before said 3rd
day of June, 1904.
Algernon S. Dresser,