LOCAL LORE. THE TEAK SELECTED PASSED A WAT. TO SAVE BOYS. ( A&rertlsemeota in this column charged at the rate ofl) oenu par line. tor Who the men are Fast STiine Hade They Leave Friday Afternoon.- Wheat 73. Miss Ida Locke returned Sat urday from a ten weeks' visit in Eugene. , -Yesterday the first shipment of mohair from this part of Oregon was made to Massachusetts by S. L. Kline who is recognized as one of the largest dealers in this prod uct in Oregon. A feature of the Wiedemann , performances is an excellent or f chestra. Though the instru mentation is not extensive, the performers are all artists, and the music rendered very delightiuL Ivan Daniels, formerly a Corvallis stationer, is pianist in the organ ization. William and Alfred Locke are home from Portland, where they were for several days at the bedside of their sister, Mrs. Boreland who has been stricken with paralysis. Mrs. Boreland is at the Good Sam aritan hospital and is slowly im proving. A telegram Saturday announced the critical illness at Baker City of Mrs. M. P. Burnett. The dispatch was signed by her son Leo, and sta ted that Sheriff Burnett would probably have to go to the bedside. Telegrams on Sunday related that Mrs. Burnett was better, and on Monday she was still further im proved. A course of lectures will be de livered at the Catholic church at Monroe by Rev. M. D. Smith, a Paulist missionary of San Fran cisco. He will beein at 7-30 in the evening of April 20th, and con clude April 22nd. Everybody is welcome, and all who care to hear a good speaker should not miss this opportunity. The attention of the police and others was diverted Sunday even ing by five pistol shots, fired in rapid succession in the heart of town. Search for the offending party failed of results and the snooting remains a mystery, with the supposition that it was done by some one in that serene state of hilarity, when something bold and bad must be done. '' There is a lull in registration now. The figures for Saturday night of last week were 1,274, against 1,191 two years ago. The increase during the past lew weeks has been comparatively small. But little more of time remains in which to register, the last day being May 1 5th. The rate must increase from now on or many will fail to get their names on the registration books. A suspect of whom it was sus pected that he was Cremeld was discovered on Oak Creek by Bar ber Plaster Sunday afternoon. The suspect was bathing his feet in the cool waters of the stream and Mr. Plaster was fishing, when they hove in sight of each other. The form er's appearance tallied up pretty well with descriptions of the miss ing apostle, and the fisherman hiked out for town post haste and phoned for Sheriff Burnett. The suspect, lying on his back under the shade of a tree was found by the sheriff, but he turned out to be somebody else - than Cremeld' He was a stranger in these parts, Benton still does business on a strictly cash basis. It is probably the onlv county in the state that enjoys that enviable distinction. Some of them have county indeb tedness running into the hundreds of thousands. As warrants are pre sented at the court house. Treasur er Buchanan at once hands over the cash, preventing any interest - charge. It is a healthful condi tion when an individual has no interest charge to pay. It is equal ly good for a county. Benton will continue to pay cash for several weeks to come, in spite of the fact that her levy for county purposes was on y five mills on this year's valuation, or 8.6 mills on last year's valuation. A much smaller audience than the performance deserved greeted, "Down in Egypt" by the Wiede mann Company at the Opera House Monday night The performance was pleasing; and far better than the repertoire companies that usual ly come-to Corvallis. A splendid orchestra enlivens the scene, and the costuming is new and good. All the work is up-to-date and the ap pointments that of the legitimate stage. There are specialties, clean and attractive between each act, some of them alone worth the price of admission. Because of the small audience on the opening nighr, the management has determined to cut the Lorvallis engagement, origin ally scheduled for all week to three nights. The prices are only 15, 25 and 35 cents, or less than half what Corvallisites continually pay ror snows lar less deserving. ' A team to defend OAC in the Co lumbia University meet at Portland next Saturday, was selected in a tryout on OAC field Saturday after noon. Though the events were few, being confined to doubtful places, there was a good turnout of spectators, and much interest was manifest. . Features of the day were the appearance of two men who made records that surprised both themselves and their friends. These were Greenhall in the quarter,!! and Currin who defeated Steiwer by half a second in the half. The time of each was excellent for so early in the season, and both gave promise of further important devel opment hereafter. . -The team is to leave Friday for the contest at the Columbia Univer sity meet; to be held in Portland Saturday. The men will return to Corvallis on Sunday. The events and the men entered for them areas follows: Fifty yard dash, Williams, Smith son, Coates and Moores. 220 Coates, Smithson, Williams Greenhall, and Sewall. 440 Coates, Smithson, Williams, Greenhall and Sewall. Half Currin, Swann, Greenhall, Rumbaugh and Cooper. Mile -Currin, Horton and Rum baugh. Relay Williams, Smithson, Coates, Greenhall, Cooper, Sewall and Rumbaugh. Fifty yard high hurdles Coates, Smithson, Swann Cate and Moores. Low hurdles Coates, Smithson, Swann, Cate and Moores. Pole vault Swann, Coates Moores and Cate. Broad jump, Root, Coates, Cate, and Moores. High jump Coates, Moores, Swann and Smithson. Shot Jackson, Root, Williams and Coates. THB FIRE CHIEF SPAKE. Tames Wilkinson -He died Suddenly at Los Angeles Last Saturday- ' : James Wilkinson, for thirty years or more a resident of Benton, is dead. He passed away at Los An geles, California, "at six o'clock Saturday morning. But little is known of the details, but it is sup posed that he succumbed to an at tack of paralysis. A- letter written by Mrs. Wilkinson Friday evening and received by the family here on Monday indicated that he was at that time as well as usual. It rela ted that the G. A. R. Veterans of Nevada and California had been parading the streets during the day but the weather was too hot for Mr Wilkinson to be out, indicatmgjthat his condition was not precarious. His sudden death a few hours later, announced by a telegram received here Saturday forenoon,, suggests that paralysis or some other violent development must have appeared. Mrs. Wilkinson left Los Angeles with the remains at six o'clock Monday evening, and is expected here this Wednesday evening or tomorrow morning. The funeral is likely to occur tomorrow1 afternoon, though no arrangements along this line will be made until Mrs. Wil kinson has been heard from. The deceased was aged about 64 years. He was born in Illinois, and served through the Civil War in the 3rd Missouri Cavalry, partici pating in the Red River campaigns, and other services west of the Mis sissippi. He came to Oregon early in the Seventies, and for several years operated a farm owned south of Corvallis by John Rickard. Later he purchased the well known Wilkinson farm in the southern part of the county, which he occupied until failing health, two or three years ago, caused his removal to Corvallis. Mr Wilkinson was a kind neighbor, a good citizen, and his death is regretted by a wide circle of friends. WANT WOOL SAMPLES. And the Fathers were Deeply Moved Going to Keep City Hall Cleaa bow. The City Hall building, which in most times past has been famed throughout town as an untidy estab- lishment, is hereatter to be kept clean from bastile to belfry. The fire department took up the matter at a recent meeting and sent the chief engineer before the council to ask that body for assistance in the way of tidying up the building. Mr Renme made a pathetic speech to the Fathers, pointing out wherein there could be improvement and, in dulcet tones, told how cheaply and easily the cobwebs in the corners, the dust on the windows and the tobacco stains on the floors could be removed. The fathers were deep ly touched, and each, figuratively speaking, smote his breast and con sented to a change. The fire chief was given authority to employ a janitor and to have the building cleaned throughout whenever con ditions shall require it, and here after, when the city's handsome public building shall be unclean the blame will be entirely on Fire Chief Renme. And Mohair for Benton Exhihit at the Lewis and Clark Something About it. .... The committed appointed to col lect Beaton county's exhibit 'for the Lewis and Clark fair wish to get as many and as fine samples as passible of wool and mohair. Those gathered this spring will be better prepared and arranged than those secured next season. Locks the size of one's thumb or larger are most suitable to show length. For fine wool or lamb's wool, growers must use their judgment. The name of the grower should be tied to each sample and will ap pear in the exhibit. We shall . be glad of the loan of whole fleeces or goat hides with fleece washed or dyed if such are extra fine. Samples may be left with fc L. Kline or probably any buyer in Corvallis. H. L. French, Chairman of Com Law Passed to Prevent Them From - Boarding Moving Trains. How small boys climb on and off of swiftly moving trains at the railroad stations, always at immin ent peril to themselves, was recent ly described in these columns. Sometimes," with a train moving at considerable speed, halt a dozen of them are seen climbing about on the locomotive, chasing each other on the top of rushing box cars, and in other ways inviting a violent death by accident, - a . melancholy funeral and a deeply bereaved home The matter has been taken up by the railroad company and the city council, and a law has been passed, providing for the arrest and pun ishment of boys who do such things and for the arrest -and punish ment of, trainmen who permit the dangerous practice. The ; . or dinance was prepared at the ' . re quest of (he railroad company, and went through the city council by unanimous vote at a meeting Mon day night. The penalties prescrib ed for both the boys and the. train men are heavy, and there is a strong determination on the part of the authorities to see that they are en forced. The ordinance, which is now in effect, is as - follows: Section one It shall be unlaw ful for any boy or other person to climb upon, ride, or hold on to any car while in motion of any railroad company within the limits of the city of Corvallis without having first prepaid fare for such ride. Section two Any person who shall violate the provisions of sec tion one of this ordinance or any trainman, conductor, brakeman or other employe of any railroad com pany whose cars run through the city of Corvallis, who shall allow any boy or other person to climb upon, ride or hold to the said cars while in motion, within the corpor ate limits of the city of Corvallis, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars nor less than two dollars upon conviction in the police court of Corvallis, Oregon. Philomath Shoot. Twenty Benton county sports men participated yesterday in the shoot at Philomath, among them a number of Corvallis boys. During the forenoon the shoot for the highest average took place and re sulted as follows; M. P. Burnett and E P. Newton tied for first place, 55 out of 65; W. H. Newton, 54; Berry and Henkle,, 53; Emery, 52; Allen, 51, and Kiger, 50. Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoaree, "croupy cough, oppressed, rattling, rasping and difficult breathing. Henry C. Sterna, Druggists, ShuUsonrg, Wis., writes. May 30. 1901: "I have been selling Ballard's Horehound Syrup for two years, and have never had a preparation that has given better satisfaction. I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more. -I can honestly recommend it 35c, 50c, Jl.oo. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Our ladies fine shoes and oxfords at $a, 3.50. 3.00, and 3.50 are the stiougest lines we have ever shown. Nolan & Callahan. Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of chief of " police at he coming city elcttaa; to Jbe held May 16,1904 and if elected will endeavor to see that the laws are-enforced to the best of my ability. Lee Henkle. Go to Zierolfs for fresh oysters. Yaquina Bay To Owners of Bulls. Von are hereby notified not to permit your bulls to come on my place. A. M. Gray. For Bale. Fine shepherd puppies. Call or address J. H. Edwards, Bellfoantain. Look for the name Cronse 3c Brande- ger on your spring suit. Ole Rave Tor Sale i New Spring Shirtwaists! Every- garment shown is strictly new and represents the latest styles. Also the best of materials and work manship. Many different styles in white and colored at prices which can not fail to please every one. At 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 $2, $2.25 and 2.50. Parasols- We have just recieved one of the prettiest lines of summer parasols ever brought to Corvallis. In white Champaigne and fancy colors. At $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 $3, $3.50 and $4. The different departments are crowded with new and pretty things. S. L. KLINE'S, .. Regulator of Low Prices. 3 10 City Treasurer. I announce myself a candidate for the office of treasurer of the City of Corval lis, subject to the decision of voters at the next annual city election. Wm, McLagan. ' Portland and Return. only 13.00. The Soutnern jacinc is now selling ronnd trip tickets to Port land from Corvallis for $3, good going Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday, returning Sunday and Monday giving all day Sunday in Portland. Tbe5 same arrangement applies from Portland giv- all Portland people a chance to -visit valley points at greatly reduced rates, Tor Every Button that Gomes off yew during the first two months of wear, we'll give vou Ten Gents. Should a seam rip, we'll give you One Dollar! ! Dutchess Trousers are made the cream of the market's best trouserings in all the neat fashion able colorings and patterns. . For Sale ay Defiance seed wheat, and choice baled -cheat hay at Corvallis Flouring Mills. Mohair and price .aid. Wanted. wool. Highest market Wm. Crees, Corvallis. to the Voters of Benton County: Acceding to the wishes of a large number of patrons and . friends of our public schools, I submit my name to the voters of Benton county or,tbe office of county school superintendent." v Very Respectfully, -- . & I. Pratt Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7, 1904. Seventh Day Adventists. Will bold regular service at S, D. A, Hall East Main street between Wash ington and Adams streets each Sabbath or Saturday, as follows: Sabbath school at a p. m., Bible study 3 p. m. Preaching as announced from time to time. - ftev. P. J. Cole, " . Pastor. For Chief of Police. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the office of cbiet of police of Corvallis to be voted for at the annual SMay elt etion. -. W, G. Lane. For Sale. vetcn, speltz, ttmotny ana rye grass seed. Poland China hogs, , Shropshire sheep. One fresh milk cow, a - pair of large geese, a pair of turkeys or trio, two-horse feed power in 1 tinning order. Timothy and vetch straw, bright from barn. ; v I,. 1 Brooks. Just received the finest line of cloth ing. We bought this from ' the best manufacturers and every suit is guar anteed. Call and see us for- clothing. See our men's suit at $10, it is a marvel. . Henkle & Davis. Notice to Creditors, Kollce is hereby given to ail person th&t the underi-ipiTerl has teen duly appointed admin lst run r o! the estate of Emily a. VI right, de ceased, by the County t oort of the State of Ore- .nn liir T-ta.riin I nimr. Alt tumwa h.nn claims asalnpt eH eetMte of Emily A. M right, j aewHi, re ni reuy reo.uii.ea 10 present tne tame with the proper vouchers duly verified as hy 1hw rtqviied wnhln six souths ot the date hereof, to the undersigned at his home on Beaver Creek or to C. W . Davis at hts office. i Pinlfmatu, Benton Comity, Oregon. -Dated Mnrch jS. WO. ' JOHN SI.WRTRHT. -Administrator of the estate ot EmllyA Wilghtdsotased . Ulateb Tor It! Opening of Ghipmah's New RESTAURANT. New Room, New Furnishings, Everything Complete. Will open next door to Small's in a short lime. Look out for further announcements, CLARENCE CHIPMAN. EMERY'S ART STUDIO South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. - Carbon, Platinum and Flatino Portraiture O. A. C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties. Jop louijd Styos por Tei7 New Spring Style Y& ) $3.50 ' V JL Unexcelled in style, mater- f 51 I ial and workmanship. Absolute- y 1 ly guaranteed in every particu- I lar. , Special in Men's Spring Suits. Every : and in fact every thing in this Stitch suit is perfect. IT'S MADE TO FIT and it certainly does r-to try on one ofM! good-bye tailor, and money saved. means Come and be convinced now! at Corvallis, Oregon.