The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 13, 1904, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
Official Paper o( Rentes Cantr.
The republican majority in the
Oregon legislature is always sixty
to seventy on joint ballot. The
condition is unfortunate for the state,
and a positive detriment to the ' re
publican party. So enormous a ma
jority naturally tends to make the
legislative body extravagant. Ap
propriations are proposed, and the
. majority carried on with a mad con
sciousness of its power and perpet
uity, yields to every demand, and
the aggregate sum that is finally ap
propriated is simply enormous.
It is a crime that so small a county
as Benton should be compelled to
' yield up $25,000 a year as its part
of what the legislature appropriates,
It would be far better fortherepub-
lican party, and for -the state, if
more democrats were elected to the
legislature, and the overwhelming
republican majority in that body
reduced. It would make the major
ity party more careful and economi
cal in its appropriations, and save
dollars and dollars to every taxpayer.
It is a question of business as well
as a question of party safety for re
publicans themselves to help reduce
this mojority. This is emphatically
true in this non-political year, when
there is no United States senator to
Nearly two columns of the last
issue of Mr. Woodcock's - Gazette
re consumed in an assault on the
Tiim charge fha 0 midnight
caucus by tfce Yates men and efe'
en eliminated Waggoner, Wyatt,
Edwards and Kline and the other
Hermann men from the late re
publican convention. Nowhere in
iwo coitimnS dia tnefC appear
a denial of the fact that the caucus
-was held. Nowhere does it deny
that when the victims walked into
the convention that they were al
lowed to go there to be slaughter
ed. The incidents of that midnight
conclave have become so well
known, and the proceedings so rank,
that Mr. Woodcock's paper with its
political appendage columns and
public announcement that the pro
prietor is not responsible for what
appears in it, dares not make a de
nial. How do the Edward's dele
gates, the Hermann delegates, the
Wyatt delegates and the others like
it? How do they like to hold the
sack while Yates and the others
take them on a snipe hunt at which
all Benton county grins.
Under the auspices of the W.
F. M. S., Rev. W. W. Edmund--son
will give an address at the M.
E. church Thursday afternoon at
3. Supper will be served from 5 to
7. At 7 p. m. the address will be,
"Remioscences of the land of the
Midnight Sun." Public invited.
One hundred and twenty acre of good
timber land mostly ash, two miles above
Corvallis on Willamette. J 1500. For
particulars inquire of R. L. Glass, Cor-vallla.
Al ZierolPs Alfalfa, Red Clover,
Wbite Clover, Timothy, Orchard, Vetch,
Rape Dwarf Essex and all other kinds of
garden seeds.
For Sale.
Poland China boar. 22 m onths old
subject to register. ...
Alfred Bicknell.
5 miles north of Corvallis.
Farm of about 160 acres within five
lle of Corvallis, to cost $2,000 to $3,
00. Ambler & Wa tiers.
It was a Prosperous one for the Presby
teriansOfficers. -The
annual meeting of the Pres
byterian church was held Thursday
evemne. - The roll was called and
those present responded bv testi
mony, prayer or a verse of script
ure. - . . . - " - -
Reports from the " sodsties were
read and revealed the fact that the
church had closed the tnnstnrnsner.
ous year in its history. The Sun
day bchool and Christian Endeavor
nave maae special advance, the lat
ter increasing 100 per cent. - The
pastor reporting for the season sta
ted that 32 names have been added
to the roll of the church making a
total 01 90 during the present pas
torate. Contributions to missions
amounted to ia2. 6a.
r r
- The following officers were elec-
A. 'J - T a-M a o
tea: rim. anaw, elder ior one year
and A. E. Bell trnstre in rtlarv nf
W. O. Heckart, W. A. Bates deacon
in place of V. W. Pnchard, Geo.
Denman superintendent of Sunday
ocnooi ana j . a. Irvine assistant,
J. F, Yates and Dr Airman were re
elected elders for three years, and
H. Flemming, Walter Taylor, and
Taylor Porter deacons for one year.
The appreciation of the meeting
was extended especially to the ladies
to j. i. xatestne retiring superin
tendent ot Sunday School, to Prof.
Shaw president of the Christian en
deavor and to Rev. and Mrs Car
rick for their faithful services. After
a short nroerram consisting of a
Solo bv Prof. Shaw and a reaAmtr
by Miss Miller of the OAC a recep
tion was given to those who had
joined the church during the past
For Police Judge.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of police judge at the
city election to be held May 16, 1904.
. P. Greffor.
Ifolan A Callahan' new spring stock
is now complete in all departments.
Aad saw Mm Draw Cartoons Big
Crowd There His Theme.
Four hundred people or more,
saw Homer Davenport, the famous
Oregon cartoonist, draw cartoons
in the college armory Saturday
night. The lecture was interesting
Hi HtS fxweme, because unlike any
tbeauditprs hal ever heard. The
tall, angular, awkward figure on the
piattorm was in itself an object of
extreme interest, because it was of
Oregon production, and because it
is a figure known and courted by
the greatest men of the nation.
Two deep set, dark eyes shone bril
liantly from under it bold brow and
formed the eharactistic of a face elo
quent of keeness in observation
and lighted up with mental activ
ity. Anon, the figure often stand
ing in calm repose while incidents
were passing under description,
turned quickly to an easel, crayon
m hand. For half a minute or more
while the audience waited intent on
the scene, the hand flashed here and
there over the paper, and with line
here, a dot there, and a few bold
dashes with the crayon, the figure
stepped aside and on the paper the
audience saw the face of some
person famed in life, with features
drawn correctly and with those
characteristics that have made the
name of Davenport familiar where-
ever newspapers are read or art
The lecture was a mixture of
narration and cartoon-drawing.
One feature was quite as delight
ful as was the other, the narra
tion was a swift moving panorama
of incident, painted in words, in
some cases with a touch of an ar
tist's hand. Some of the anecdotes
were told with an eloquence and
delicacy of detail characteristic of
writers whose names are famous
The narration always prepared the
way for the picture that was to be
drawn, and the combination kept
the audience intently interested
throughout the hour and ahalf that
ATw Tia Van tnae cnanb-in rr A
vein of humor was always present,
and the entertainment a source of
pleasure from beginning to end.
Immediately after the lecture,
Mr. Davenport drove to Albany,
and thence left for his old home at
Silverton, to participate in a family
reunion on Sunday. The cartoon
ist was paid $100 for the lecture,
and the athletic association under
whose auspices it was given, netted
fifty odd dollars from the proceeds.
Blacksmith and wagon repairer want
ed at Wren Station, Oregon. Tools and
shop all famished. Will go to a good
man on reasonable terms.
Scott King.
For Chief of Police.
T ,
j. ucrcoy announce myeeu as a can
didate for the office of chief of police,
subject to the decision of the voters at
the coming city election.
F. R. Overlander.
- C rvallis Mfg. Co.
South Main street can supply von
with all kinds of sash and doors, moulti
ng, refrigerators and peneral finish
log lumber at way down prices.
Semi -Annual Report of Gounty Officers, March 31st, 1904.
" .... ... 4 - .
Amount on hand and received from October 1st, 1903 to March 31st, 1904.
- Gen. Fund. School Fund
Amount on hand last report . ,v. 68727 736690
Reed from sheriff taxes 1902 & 3, less $ 7034 42 transferred to dif-
- ferent road funds 41705 65 13769 82
Reed from sheriff taxes 1902 & 3, city of Corvallis .... ......... 4668 33
" - " of Philomath...... ." 29029
-, . - ' School Dist No 9,. . . . ' 5674 n
- " 4 4 4 TJ . 47165
.." - 27 7065
..-... . . 25...... ... - 8141
, ' ' ' I; , 122 20
" . ' ' ' 8 2988
"it . 3 496
f ' , 6. . 2616
' " . ' f !". ' 23 . , . - 112 OO
' : . 4 .14-. i " 10644
. 4 ' 3 575 15
: -.-;. 18 3690
Amount on hand last report institute fund. . .- 5560
Reed school superintendent inst fund - 8400
-. from recorder fees .' 63580
. clerk fees ...i ., '. .. 59495
' ' redemption tax from 1894 to 1902 .. 6081'- 1039
'from clerk S city of Corvallis........ 525
from clerk redemp tax from 1894 to 1802, school diet No 9 5 7l
' from W. H. Boles for school dist No 17 6260
from JS.HolgateJP fines..... .1000
Amount on hand last report bicycle fund. 20 30
. road 17945
Reed from Secretary of State 5 per cent land sale road fund.. 61465
To transferred from county fund & road district miscellaneous 352486
Reed from Max Winkler for Clara Winkler 9680
' clerk for comity fund from city Corvallis 13 28
' road dist No 1 6741
' .-.. 6..... 2000
. - ' 10 1789
' ' ' : s 7so
20......... 4254
' . 1903 tax for road district Noi 17700
' .-"-.. 2.... 15225
Bal on hand last report road district No 3 1886
Reed from 1903 tax for road district 3... 9074 "
- ' ' 4 15000
' ' 5 ... 1958
'-' 6. 16000
' ' 7- 173"
4 ' 9-. ' 1X2 12 .
; ; ; 14930
- ii 37703
Amount on hand last report road dist No n - 33 33
Reed from 1903 tax for road district 12 31497
Amount on hand last report road district No 13 41 13
Reed from 1903 tax for road district N013..... .............. 16588
' . 4 14 88847
; 15... 17897
' 16 9500
Amannt on hand last reoort road dist No x6 740
Reed from 1903 tax for road district No 17 170 80
u . Ob 94
' ' 4 19.... 13000
' 1 ' 30 1935
-' . 21. - ai6 v
Certificate of auditing and allowing claims Not 26, 44, 74 25 35
' fc.9957 18666 53
. Amount paid ont and on hand from October xat, 1903 to March 31st, 1904.
faid part of state tax for 1902 A 190.. 1565200
1 on county warrants 1066198
' interest on county warrants. - 30034
' co. clerk amoqnt due Clara Winkler.. ... , ' 0680
Bal on hand county fond ,...-.. .7. .V. 7I93 44
raid on scnool orders 7753 05
Paid school dist. No. 24 money held In trust 133 68
Bal on hand in school fond. . . ' . 1360 38
Paid city of Corvallis 467358
raiiomatn 39029
1 school dist No 9.........
4 17 i
Bal on hand school dist No 37 -
raid sonool dist no 25
Bal on hand
Bal on hand
Bal on hand
4 8
33.. n
4 3
institute fund....
bicycle , - 4
road ...
4 district No 1.
Bal on hand
Bal oa hand
. t
Bal on hand
195 8.
173 1
112 12
167 19
33 3
377 03
214 97
41 13
20 00
35 45
49 7o
16 12
36 16
113 OO
139 60
Bal on hand road district No 16. - 143 04
170 00
236 c6
25 83
Certificate of auditing and allowing claims Nob 26, 44 and 74..
- t 5699576866653
State of Oregon
County of Benton.
I, W. A. Bnchanan, County Treasurer of Benton County, Oregon, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is a true statement of the amounts received, amounts
paid out, and balance on hand in the County Treasury for the six months ending
March 31st, A.u. 1904. v- s
County Treasurer.
Semi-annua statement of amount received, amount paid to the County
Treasurer, and the balance on hand, tor the six months ending March 31st, 1904.
Monument Cleaning.
Frank Vanhooeen,
Corvallis, Ore.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Kattar ol the Estate of James Watkuu,
Hotlce Is hereby siren to all persons concern
ed. that the undersigned has been duly ap.
pointed adminitftra.rix of the estate of James
Watklns, dpcessert, bythe Oonnty Court of the
State of Ortoa. for Benton County. Ail persons
having claims strainer said eatiite are hereby
required to present the same, with the proper
vouchers, duly vwifled as Ly law required,
within aix mouth s from tne date hereof, to the
undersigned at her residence twa miles south
of Phllomitb, Oreeon, or at the law offioe of
niuoii, in Corvallis. Oregon.
M -jinda E. Watklns,
A iminli-tratilx of the Esuue ufJames Watklns,
deeeosed.. , .
Dated this Sareh St, UOi,. - . -
October 1st, 1903, to cash on hand.......... ........ .................. ........ S 378333
To amount taxes collected.....................;.......... 7365786
To mileage collected... . 4 10
$ 7544419
By cash paid to county treasurer..... .... $ . 7478002
By cash on hand. . 66417
State of Oregon "1
fSS. .
County of Benton J " -
I, M. P. Burnett, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the
foregoing statement is a true and correct statement of the amoun ts received, the
amounts paid to the County Treasurer, and the balance on hand, for the six months
ending March 31st 1904. ,
" ' - M. V RTTRTJTf.Tr
. - wutmi ui iKuwu vuuuLy tjregon.
, - Continued on page four '
Gorrect Glothin for Men.
fgrouse $ Brandegeel v
maliers, tlHcan. Y; j
Good judgment should prevail in buying your spring
suit, its as important for us, the seller, as for you, the buy
er. Some time ago we decided Crouse and Brandegee clothes
were the best for both of us. For you because they Idpk
better, fit better, and wear better than other makes. For us
because their name adds prestige to our own. Equal to fine
custom made in all but price, The makers guarantee and
and ours with every garment.
Complete new spring stock Mens up-to-date Furnishings ,
Suit Cases, Hawes $3.00 hats, W. L. Douglas $3.00 and
$3.50 shoes, best in the world for the price.
:771a are very careful ink
; Wtir selecting our Tea's tok
buy only high grade strictly t
PURE TEA. And in buying
'coffee w e buy only OLDF
ICROP drinking coffee.
Our Teas that we sell at 25c
50c, 80c and 75c a pound and
our coffees that we sell at 15c
20ct 25c, 30c and 45c a pound
can not be matched elsewhere
in quality and price. Try them
at the
Slightly Used Pianos
r"At favorable Prices.''v
I have five second hand pianos on hand, of which
four have been but slightly used. Will sell these in
struments, all of which are good upright pianos, at
greatly reduced: pieces and on easy terms, if desired.
New Style Needham Pianos
on the way; do not fail to see these instruments
before purchasing.
Office and Residence, 6th street, one block west
of the Court House. We live in Corvallis the year
round. Call any time. '
Kotioe for Publication.
nmhw land. Act June . UTS,
Unttad Btatn Land Offiee,
Oregon City, Oregon.
MArch 28n. 190.
Kotlee Is hereby given fbat In - compliance
with the provision! of the act ol Congress of
June s, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toall the Pnbllc Land Bute by act ot August 4,
1892, Howard L. Bush of Hosklns, county of
Benton, state ot Oregon, has this day filed In
this office his sworn statement Vo. 6388, for the
purchase of the S.W. of 8. w. X of Section
No. 90 In Township Mo. 10 South, Bange No. S
West W. It, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for Its Umber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
P. Hoses, County olerk, Corral lis, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11th day ot June.
He names as witnesses:
Bdd O. Fronts, of HostlnsJJjegon.
Abe H. West, ".-
Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon.
David H. Siapioii ot Pee Dee Oregon.
Any and alUwraona claimlDg adveisely the
above-desJbed lands are requested to file
their clnns In this offlce on or before said lltb
ofjune. 1904.
- ' ' Algernon 8. Dresner,
Begfcter. ;
Red cedar Star shingles at
mill, $1.6o per thousand, .
the saw
Ladies donl bnv tout srirlns dress
eoods and fomishines until von first ex
amine Nolan & Callahan's select stock.
The Eagle Commercial Bmploymea
Bureau, Boom 204, Goodnoogh Block,
Portland. Oresron. has fine OPDOttun-
ities for young men of intelligent and
ability in clerical, commercial or Kgner
mechanical lines. Positions Doeitivelv
guaranteed, Our registration system is
universally used in the cities of the
East. Write for liarticulars and appli
cation blanks. We give and ask . refer
ence. We are the only up-to-date bu
reau north of San Francisco. Everyday
calls foi clerks in country stores and
employment houses .from Eastern Ore--gon
and Washington. . f .
T. J. Campbell has taken charge of
he Benton County Lumber yard near"
ibe S- P. depot. Will furnish building
material. ; See Mr, Campbell before you
bay. jT:5'v-:;V''f'';-