The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 26, 1904, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times!
Official Paper of Beaton Cotmtr.
The immediate future is tp see
fhe rural telephone, a fixture in
every well ordered community. The
rural phone is coming, because it is
an inexorable sequence of eternal
fitness. A few dollars for wire and
phone, and a trifle for switching
privileges place the farmer in in
stant communication with neighbors,
with town, with distant city. ' The
need of the hour is made known by
the effort of fa moment. The'J iso
lation that has driven millions from
farm to town is removed by an in
vestment so small in comparison
with the benefit, that it is a bauble.
By the rural phone, inconvenience
is swiftly transformed into conveni
ence, and the country made as re
sponsive to the throb of progress as
is the city. .
The only question in the matter is
what community will be swiftest to
realize the importance of the new
order, and secure the greatest bene
fit by being first to install it. The
town that leads in the movement
and tliertby secures widest connec
tions in its system will realize the
greatest advantage. Russia built
Harbin in the heart of Manchuria
as a swift and certain means for be
coming master of that rich province.
Corvallis can tieadjacent rural com
munities to her by bands that will
never sever if she will realize the
value of rural phone connections,
and act swiftly and aggressively
upon the realization. The home
seekers, of whom thousands are
coming will best like-the farm that
a moment's effort will bring in com
munication with neighbors homes
or the neighboring town. .That
makes the farm more valuable, be
cause more salable, and tends to
make more residents in the commu
nity. More residents, makes more
people to pay taxes, more people to
buy merchandise, and more people to
make wealth. The question cannot
be debated, because all the reason,
all the fact, all the truth is on one
side. There is but one possible con
clusion, and that is the wider the
rural system and the quicker it is
installed the better, and the longer
the delay in acting, the greater will
be the loss of what is a golden op
portunity. Every man in Corvallis
ought to lend ear and aid to the
present rural telephone movement.
It is self preservation, because if he
don't do it he will lose and lose
heavily, ' . .
Gives Health, Vigor and Tone.
Herbin is a boon for sufferers from an
eamia. Bv its use the blood is quickly
regenerated and the color becomes nor
mal. The drooping strength is revived.
The languar is diminished. Health, vig
or and tone predominate. New life and
happy activity result. Mrs. Bell H. Shir
el, Middlesborough, Ills., writes: "I
have been troubled with liver complaint
and poor blood, and have found nothing
to benefit me like Herbone. I hope nev
er to be without it. I have wished' that
I had known of it in tnv husband's life
time. 50c. Sold by. Graham & Wortham.
Carrie Walton Nickerson.
Carrie Walton Nickerson was
bom in South Dakota. September
17; 1SS4, and came to Oregon with
her parents locating at Philomath.
In May last she was united in
marriage with Sumner Nickerson.
and died at her home in Springfield
March 16, 1904, after an illness of
four months. The disease was
quick consumption. The funeral
was conducted Iroin the Methodist
Episcopal church by Rev. J. C.
A husband, father, mother, four
brothers, two sisters and many
iriends mourn her death.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to Day all orders endorsed and
marked not paid (or want of funds up to
and including those of March 19th,
i'Jo4 . Interest will be stopped on same
fiom this date.
Dated Corvallis, Mar 23, 1904.
V. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer of Benton Co, Or.
Rooms aud Board.
Oi,v bU-ck west of College Armory
Si ".' V 1 arrangements for etudenti.
Wells, Windmills and Pnmp.
I .;in new pieparrd to do all kinds of
well, windmill and pump work. See me
b you have your work done. Send
O ck-rs to Simpson's Hardware store,
A. N. Harlan. '
if mrMt
3 5lf.
Albert Marti SfteW.jfSHali ;FlnJ
i Drowning in Siletz litter, -ti''
Albert Martin who in conjunc
tion with Abe Logan was tried for
the murder . of U. S. Grant last
November and who has at this
time a motion pending in the Unit
ed States district court for a, .. new
trial, last week saved the life of W.
S. Hall of the firm of Hall . Broth
ers of the Siletz, by a heroic deed.
Last December, Judge Bellinger re
leased Albert Martin from custody
on approved bonds and Martin has
been at Siletz, his home, since.
W. S. Hall owes his life to Mar
tin beyond a doubt. Mr. Hall and
Mr. Mosier were floating down the
Siletz river in a boat. Nearing,
what in the summer is a ford, they
struck a wire cable stretched across
the river and the boat was at once
capsized. In the struggle for life,
both men seized this cable and by
means' of it. Mosier reached the
shore. Being a large man, Mosier's
weight crowded the cable 7 or 8
feet in the raging waters 200 yards
wide. Hall clung to the cable with
a death grip and seemingly past
recovery. Martin seeing the di
lemma ot Hall plunged into the
torrent to rescue him. With pow
erful strokes he reached the drown
ing man and after diving, repeated
ly at last loosened Hall's grip from
the cable.
Then with his unconscious bur
den he battled his way through the
swift current to the shore. Hall's
limbs were stiff and his flesh, turn
ing black. After rolling and work
ing with Hall for twenty minutes he
was resuscitated.- Albert Martin
seems to have much of God given
hnmanity in . his makeup though
his skin be dark.
One Benton County Place Goes for
Nearly ten Thousand Dollars.
New deeds filed for record are:
W. M. Castle and wife to John
Pimm, 109 acres west of Philo
math, $3,500.
S. A. Logan and wife to " E. E.
White, part of lot nine block, six,
old town, Corvallis, 350.
V. M. Miller and husband . to
Richard Dunn, one-fifth interest in
Kings Valley Flouring mill, $600.
G. W. Fuller and wife to C.
Schoel, two lots in Wilkins addi
tion, $200.
F. M. Read and wife to S. Y.
Evans, 320 . acres near .Monroe,
S. Y. Evans and wife to W. H.
Dean, 420 acres near Monroe,
Ann Smith to Frank Glass,
small tract south of Corvallis, $1.
Prohibitionist Name a County Ticket
Convention Held Thursday.
The prohibitionists of Benton
held a convention and placed a
county ticket in the field Thursday;
The convention was presided over
by Mr. Swan, and Prof Sheak' of
Philomath was secretary. The de
liberations occurred in the circuit
court room, and consumed a large
part of .the afternoon. It is but
just to say'that, though its proceed
ings were lively and interesting, the
convention was an entirely "dry"
one. The ticket nominated is as
Senator, Rev. E. F. Green; rep
resentative, Prof. B. E- Emerick,
commissioner, A. W. Herbert, Cor
vallis; clerk E. F. Bryant, Corvallis; 1
assessor, Mr. VVertzbaugrier, Jfmlo
math; school superintendent, O. V.
White, Philomath; recorder H. E.
Horton, Corvaflis; Treasurer,
George Bennett, Philomath; survey
or, S. E. Watkins, Philomath; cen
tral committee, Green, Sheak and
The contrast between the 'simplicity
f the old time entertainment and the
luxury and extravagance of today is no
where more strikingly presented than in
profusely illustrated article on "Modern
Banquets" in the Cosmopolitan for
March. Gorgeous dinners' at which
guests dine on horseback, or in huge
Easter eggs and kettles constructed for
the occasion in great ball rooms, -- ban
quets in cellars, and on roof gardens,
amid bowers, and flower banked grottoes
make up a striking series of pictures
1 showing the mad rush for the novel
! v.hii-h the wealthy American host has
entertd upn.
Ike Best Cough Symp.
j L. Annie, ex-Probate Judge, Ottawa
Co.. Kansas, writes: "This is to say that
I have Vitil Ballard's Horehound Syrup
j for ars, .-uwl that I do not hesitate to
. r.i t : . ' it as the best cough syrup I
i hve erer used. isc,- 50c and $1.00.
! Sc'.d by Graham & Wells. "
For Sale. '. ..
Test Plymouth Rock or Brown Lpghoi n
coikrels or eggs. -
J. B. Irvine. Coryalfip.
In Benton CircuitCConH Jnrtee'Hanjili
ion upneia oy supreme -t,ours.- -
- A decision." of Judge Hamilton
from the circuit court of Benton"
was affirmed in the supreme . court
Tuesday, " The case was the Hundred-Thousand-Dollar
suit in which
the Coast Land & Livestock Com
pany foreclosed a mortgage on
lands in Benton, Lincoln and Polk
counties for collection of certain
notes against the Oregon-Pacific
Colonization Company. The latter
is a company that bought the lands
of the Coast " Land & Livestock
Company, giving four notes aggre
gating nearly $100,000 as a part of
the purchase price, said notes being
secured by mortgage on the lands.
In the process of the foreclosure
the defendants, after the land had
been advertised enjoined the sale.
On July 8th of last year the de
fendants at a special term of , the
circuit court moved that the decree
of foreclosure be set aside and that
the sheriff's return be quashed, the
latter on the - ground that S. F.
Cook was not vice president and
agent of the defendant company.
J udge Hamilton held against the
deiendants, and the property was
again advertised, and bought in by
'the Coast Land & Livestock Com
pany. Meantime; appeal was taken
by defendants to the supreme court
and the result is affirmation of
Judge Hamilton's decision, and the
holding by the court that '- Sheriff
Burnett's service in the 'case was
complete and his'return legal: '
The decision gives the Coast
Land & Livestock Company per
fect title to the lands, of which
there is about 63,000' acres.
An Ode to Lagrippe.
Burns could rhyme on - toothache
and describe it with a will.
But if he'd of had lagrippe he'd be
writing on it still. '
For Bruns it took Scotch . whiskey
to oil his flowing pen,
But I must get my . inspiration on
the lines of sober men. .
As for Bunyan's man with muck
rake who couldn't see a crown,
I don't know as I can blame him if
'Twas King Lagrippe "that held
him down.
I tried to scrap him bravely and
make him let me be,
But I've found the pesky villian
more than enough for me.
So whao he gets you squarely stay
snugly by a fire
For it is indeed quite foolish. to pro
voke the. devil's ire. . '
'Tis then this oft masked demon
loves to let you feel his power
His aches and pains beset you, and
sad melancholy lower,
Till you feel like Satan has a vic
tim and eternal gloom's his bower.
O happy days of sunshine bright,
happy das'S of spring,
That wake the. sleeping daisies and
inspire the birds to sing
Come drive away the shadows
winter's fog and rain;
Drive out King ' Grippe," the
rant and let me plow again.
Robert H. Gei.iaty,
Philomath, March 21, '1904.
A pair of gold rimmed spectacles and
a steel thimble. Believed to have been
dtopped on streets of Corvallis . -Finder
please leave at Times office. t
Vetch seed at Corvallis Flour Mills
House and two or three lots in Coival
lie, something from 5700 to $1200, Also
two or three vacant lots in Co rvallis.
Ambler & Watters.
Notice of Publication.
Timber Land Act June 3, 1ST8.
United States land Office,
Oregon Citv. Oregon.
Corvallis. Oregon, March 3rd, 1901
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with -the -provisions ol the act of Congress ot
June 3. 1878, entitled, "Au act tor the sale ol
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, aad Washington Territory" as extend
ed to an the Public Land states by act of Aug
ust 4, lb92, Benjamin F. Totten of Corvallis,
county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this (lay
filed in this office his sworn statement No.
6377, for the purchase of the S. . .i Sec' 'ea
No. 30, in Township No. 13 S. Bange1 No. 6 West,
aud will ofter proof lo show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud to estab
lish his claim to said land before Victor P.
Moses, County Clera, Benton connty. State of
Oregon, on Friday, tbe third day of June, 1904,
He names as witnesses:
John L Bexford, of Corvallis, Oregon.
Martin Butler of "
Abraham Coon, of "
Thomas Coon of inavale, "
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in uiib omce on or Deiore Bald 3rd
day ot June, 1904.
Algernon S. Dresser,
For White Plymouth Rock Eggs
Call on or address, W. A. Bates, at
Corvallis Flouring Mills, Corvallis, Or.
One setting, 75 cen's; 2 settings, $1 ,25
for -Cor'yMU-ii.izen ropoawm
;A HsyanCs Cotincjt to TUojrt Strtof.,
, A Corvallis citizen hands in the
following resolutions and recom
mends that they be passed at the
next meeting of the citjr council: ,
1st That from and after-5 April
i, 1904, the heigth pfv any build
ing erected on Main street shall
not be more than nine feet, the
foundation of the same to be of
Oregon mud and the roof to be of
the most inflammable material.
' - 2nd. All sidewalks on Front
street shall be built of plank of un
equal widths, and . no two planks
shall be of the same thickness. It
shall be the duty of the chief of
police to instantly remove any
plank that has no knot hole in it.
No repairs to any walk shall be
made without - .first obtaining the
permission of the city council.
3rd. The removal of all old
shacks and ' half burned buildings
is strictly prohibited. They are
useful ' as adornments, and any
hand that would ' lay them low
should perish. '
4th. All refuse materials, such
as slop barrels, tin cans,- boxes
crockery crates. ' old sidewalks,
shall be thrown into the street, and
any effort to remove the same shall
be stopped by the chief of police.
5th. All ponds on Ma n stre;t
shall preserved for fishing purposes
for the use' of the mayor and mem
bers of the city council, - Any but
sider, who attempts by stealth ; or
otherwise to remove or take ' fish
therefrom shall be punished ; by
death. " 4 s - ' '
6th.' No caved-in seWer shall be
filled up, and "any street committee
or member thereof 'who attempts to
do so shall be banished for life
7th,' No water shall be used for
extinguishing fires without the
consent of the Water Company.
8th- Any attempt to . bring
mountain water in Corvallis is
hereby strictly forbidden, and any
person who mentions the subject
shall at once be taken in custody
by the chief of police. -
9th. All cows must be securely
staked across the sidewalk in front
of any man's premises, and any at
tempt to molest such cow while on
the said sidewalk shall be deemed
a misdemeanor, and the offender
shall, upon conviction be s.ent to
the penitentiary.'
10th All show bills shall be
.torn down at least once a month
and be thrown into the street, and
the chief of police is hereby in
structed to see that they remain
in such street for a period, . of not
less than one year.
nth. No person shall walk at a
rapid gait on Main street until after
all dogs have been previously tied
up. Any man who' nrekes a dog
move off the pavement, or speaks
in a discourteous manner to such
dog; shall be shot.
1 2th. If any real estate man
fails to sell property to a home-
seeker, it is hereby made his duty
to see that no other real estate man
succeeds in making such sale.
For Sale.
Thoroughbred Brown ' I,eghorn
eggs at Smith & Boulden's or at
the ranch. 1 s "for 50 cents.
Mrs. Peter Herkess.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
x March S3rd. 1904.
Notice is hetoDy eiven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 3878, entitled "An act for the sale of
limner lands in tnefetatesot uaiiiornia Oregon
Nevada and Washington.Territorv" as extended
toall the Public Lana Stales cy act of August 4
3892, Howard L. Bush of Hoskins, county of
Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in
thia office bis sworn statement No. 6380, for the
purchase of tha S. W. of S. W. . of SecUon
No. 20 in Township No. 10 South, Bange No. 6
Wtst W. 3t.. and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable forits Umber
establish his claim to said land before Victor
or stone tnau lor agricultural purposes, ana to
P. Moses, County Clerk, Corvallis, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11th day of June,
1904. .
He names as witnesses
Edd O. Frantz, of Hoskins, Oregon.
Abe H. West, " "i . '
Lincoln Allen of Kings Valley, Oregon. .
David H. Simpson ot PeeJDee Oregon.
Any and all Deraons claimine- adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 11th
day of June, 1904. ' -
Algernon 8. Dresser,
Red cedar 'Star shingles at
the saw
mill, $1.6o per thousand.
Go to Zieroli'a for fresh
Yaquina Bay
Physician & Surgeon
" Office over postoffice. Kesidence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham'a drug store.
Homeopa this t
Office cor 3rd and Monroe st-s. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to i and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phbne residence 315.
tlX . 1 V-.!' .S'fei
We make our Spring Announcement with feelings
of gratitude to our friends for their very liberal
patronage during the past year. We open the
Spring Reason , with the Choicest Stock of High
grade Merchandise we have ever offered the people
of Corvallis and vicinity. We extend to our nu-
'inerous patrons a hearty invitation and' warm wel
come to our store. We are novv ready for investi
gation, come in and look. Our goods and prices '
will talk for themselves when you get acquainted
with them. If you have money to spend this
Spring we want it and will make a stiff bid to get
it if you can be influenced by style, quantity, qual
ity, workmanship, or price. .
2Pound Cartoons
Are now in either Bulk or Package. 1
it :
3 PHONE 483,
Portland and Return.
Only $3x0. The Southern Pacific is
now selling round trip ' tickets to Port
land from Corvallis for $3, good going
Saturday p. m, or any train on Sunday,
returning Sunday and Monday giving
all day Sunday in Portland. The same
arrangement applies from Portland giv
all Portland people a chance . to visit
valley points at greatly reduced rates.
Lounges, Couches, Desks, Folding
Beds, Etc., made to order. Particular
attention given to special orders and re
pairing. All work guaranteed. One
door south of R. M. Wade's, Main street.
" W. W. Holgate,
To the Voters of Benton County:
Acceding to the wishes of a large
number of patrons and friends of our
public schools, I submit my name to the
voters of Benton county for tbe office of
county school superintendent.
Very Respectfully,
S. I. Pratt.
Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7, 1904.
For Sale.
. Poland China boar. 22 months old
subject to register.
Alfred Bicknell,
5 miles north of Corvallis.
My hens laid jnore eggs during the rainy
winter months than any equal number ol hens
In Oregon. If you desire to fill the egg basket,
I've got the cnlckens that were bred for this pur
pose. They are layers ar that's what vou
wah rt rid of your "seraos" and obtain tbo
roughbreds it costs no more for feed. Order
your egga for hatching purposes now Eggs
$1.00 per 15, at residence on North Ninth St.
OTTO . L. HERSE, Corvallis,6r.
E. It. Bryson,
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box II.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
G. il. FARRA,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs, back of Graham &
Wells' drug store; Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104.
All calls attended promptly.
DR. 0. H. NEWTH,
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis: Ore
Notice for Publication,
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878,
United States Land Office',
Oregon Citv, Oregon,
Januarv,18th 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions o the act of CoDgress June
3 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber
lanis in fr-f s es ot California, Oregon, Ne
vada nnd Wiiintrton Territory," as extended
toull tin' Vih)-- j.. utl States by act of August
4. 192, Bhtd' v T rey of Falls Citv, county of
Polk, sinie i.i (ii hH8 this day "filed in this
effite Ms f" ' !'-ment No63l7, for the pur
chase oT the l.f.Ts i ; '1 ol Section No 2 in Town
ship "So :3 Ss o -'o ? west, and will offer
proof to show tVj' x'-a lend sought is more val
uable for it. tii,.;,i ; ' stone than for agricul
il pnrp"-r.-. . T to t-stahlieh his claim to
i-Aixi lird v-.c'rT 1 to P- Moses. Clerk of Ben
tnn Ooum-v, at t . iv; Oregon, on Wedneday,
tiie SOiii - : ' X&Q4.
He'r.arres as witneFFP!
t :ier:kle of Philomath, Oregon,
ct) Kvue "
Frank Spencer l "
above eeseribe.1 la no s are rei ested to file
tnir claims in this ulfice on or jefore said 30th,
day of aiarch 1904,
, - Algernon Brepser,