The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 23, 1904, Image 3

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    ' . t y v
I .-!.( rtnwr' ?lfl w eMjll
- 'I.
, I
r LOO A.L, LORE; S J.l ?KGPF ( CKfFIEUt: t'O J
tftdvamaemeniamthis eolum otMraed '.ior
yunwiMti qaDH ir una.
t'Dissappearaace- of hi. Wife,,, and her
Ketorn His Treachery.
Wheat 72. . - '
Circuit court next' Monday
Republican primaries next Sat
urday; democratic next Tuesday.
Miss Roth. Flion of Albany,
is the guest of her sister, 'Mrs. 7 A.
C. Scbmitt 7 :
' The Misses Danneman enter
tained a number of friends Satur-
' day evening. -."
Rev. Father
j There has-been a hunt in Corval
j lis and vicinity for Apostle Creffield
j for a day or two. Reports have
been in circulation that he was in
hiding in the , vicinity. ' A young
. man who had never seen himrepor-
ted that he had walked from the
northward towards Corvallis with
trie tugrave, ana tnat tne latter as
town was approached had suddenly
quit his company and : run - away.
"There is also an linronfirmprl rri-
jrnor afloat that a Certain"' young
Springer went to woman Of the Roller faith admitted
Monday on a business
to another Roller that she had seen
th bogus saint. A belief that he
la College Debate Four Societies, now
""out of Contest Two More Dates. .;,
' The fourth of the series of seven
debates for the Gatch cnp" took
place io College chapel Saturday
night. It was between teams from
the Sorosis and Jeffersonian literary
societies, and resulted in a victory
for the latter. The question wa,
'Resolved that environment exer
rises a rreater influence in the
formation of Character than, doej
' . J-
Cases for the Circuit CourK-RefculEfr
; 'Term Next Monday,! ,
i Following is the list of cases up:1
ior adjudication at the coming term
of the circuit courtt which", begins
next Monday: '
A. B. Hammond v$ W F Crosby.
Action on promissory note. - -
Wm. Groves vs John M Osburn.
' James I, Lewis vs John McGee,
Sr., Action," ' - .. - - ,
Palmer. Ayers vs EW Strong.
heredii v." The snrrM;. n9 Wri had 1 Action.
the affirmative, and their team was k.. nana, vs A Wilhelm, Adm
' . . n.-t.-.J was in hidinein theyicimty .reaul'
compwn 01 (-.k. !tedin a 011 of vacant houses M
a visit to the
well . as , the 1 Roller : headquarters
is in Corvallis on
family of her son. J. J Flett
Mr. Patty, former driver of )Was found. A day or two ago it
Wells Fargo, has removed ' with developed that Mrs. Creffield hid
his family to the By Geer farm, a disappeared from the family' home
mile west of town. ' " r1 across. Mary's river and this increas-
Mrs. MacLean and children ' belief that Creffield hadstealthUy
, left Mondav for Fort Morgan, visited Corvallis in his flight: from
Hn m imn Dr. MacLea. the vehgence that awaits
where he is rector of a Sonrisbing
An adiourned term ot the cir-.?
cuit court is to convene
Miss Roberts,-leader. Miss Bonney,
and Miss Raber, The Jeffersonian
speakers were, A. S. Hall, leader,
R. R, . Selleck and Guy 'Moore.
The judges were.' Prof. Berchtold,
; Prof. Cordley and Mrs. Skelton. ;
It requires three more debates to
determine the question 5f who is to
h,old the ' pup the .ensuing year.
Four of the eight societies are elim
inated, by defeats in the late de
bates, and the fpur still in the ring
house Saturdav. It is the usual
'preliminary meeting of the court,
; instituted by Judge Hamiljon to fix
matters so that the jury may get to
work promptly after the -jregular
term begins. The adjourned ses
sion is called to meet at njne a. nr:
Saturday. . , ;
' Many special trainMlacfcfc of'ties
pass back and forth now pver the
C. & E. between Corvallis and Al
bany. The ties are from westside
sawmills. They are taken to Lath
am on the east side . for treatment
to preserve them and : are then
brought back and distributed for
use in the westside and P. & Y.
tracks. , . , : ;
An unconfirmed dispatch, f dated
' Tokio, March 22nd, declares that
Port Arthur has fallen r Tokio
newspapers print the story in extra
editions. They state that tKe battle
began both on land.'.: and sea
sea and continued throughout Satur
day, Saturday night and Sunday,
S and that it was renewed on Monday
morning, when the Russians surrendered.
of Estate of Samuel Rickard. De
ceased. Appeal from county court.
t Mary H . Whitby vs. John M
Osburn, ; etal. Suit-confirmation
sale real propertyl .
. J H Lewis vs H J Ruiter. Action.;
Fred S Elliott & : Ernest" Elliott;
vs Ada Elliott, Emmett W. Elliott,
Seth Elliott, Lilly M. Elliott, Annie
ElliottrEE. Wilson and M. R.
Elliott. Suit partition real property.;
J K. Fehler & E T WerUbaugh
The total number of electors
that had registered up to yesterday
morning was ,1 ,046..,., Tle JotaJ fig.
tires for the same day twoyearsago
were 967. The increase is 70.
Only about seven weeks remain for
registering, which with nearly 2, 6S
voters, means that the rate of regis
tration must increase , or many will
fail to get their names on the elec
tion rolls.. The last day for register
ing is May 15th. .
There are but at cases on the
docket for the regular term of cir
cuit court which convenes Monday.
The number is the smallest since
away back in the early days of
courts iu Benton. The criminal
docket includes the Guier case, the
Small case, and the case against
W. H. Wagner. Wagner was un
der two charges of assault at the
November term and on trial . was
. acquitted of one of them, j It
" is probable that the other will be
Caves and settling of dirt in a
lateral sewer on Adams between
Eighth and Ninth streets present
conditions of danger. To the north
of the beaten track along which ve
hicles pass the settling of the dirt
has left a trench of unknown depth,
which, of course, is filled with water.
A similar condition isjpresented to
the south of the track, and woe may
come to the passer-by that veers
either to the right or to the left.
Both openings are underwater, and
the depth can only be surmised.
Benton is again out of debt
with a snug balance in the hands of
the treasurer. The call in another
column cancels all warrants outstan
ding, and relieves the county from
further interest payments for the pres
ent. The condition, with only a five
mill levy for county purposes, or a
levy of only 8.6 mills on the valuation
of last year ought to be a source of
satisfaction to the people of the
. county. But for the enormous State
m. - a .
taxes anu estate scnooi taxes, per
sons outside of Corvallid would have
small taxes to pay this year. In
Corvallis the seven mill city levy
and the six mill school levy, cut a
large figure.
To the Voters of Benton County:
' Acceding to the wishes of a large
number of patrons and friends of oar
public schools, I submit my name to the
voters of Benton county for the office of
county school superintendent.
Very Respectfully,
& I, Pratt
Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7. 190.
him in
Portland. Nothing can be learned
of where she went, or the means of
fatff oriitKr irr 1-T Gtirtnncifirvn ic
; 'il 1 that she has joined Creffield.
at inecourti .. Areward of $100 is offered for
the capture of the outlawed apostle.
Lewis Hartley circulated a subscript
tion paper for contributions for the
reward, heading theijist with a do
nation of $40. O. V. Hurt contrib
uted $20 and Mr. Starr $10, Nearly
the whole of the sum was contribu
ted by husbands whose families are
or have been identified with, the
Rollers." '
lhe Portland Welcome tells , in
plain "language the revolting story
of Creffield' s treachery. The change
for which he is wanted is adultery,
preferred-by B. E. Starr, an injured
husband. The paper saysthatjtbe day
the warrant was issued, 12 other
Portland j Irasbands whose families
had been betrayed appeared in turn
at the district attorneys office and
asked permission to lodge a ; charge
of the same nature against Creffield
A development as the 1 imes
goes to press is the return of Mrs
Creffield. She appeared v at the
family home between g audio yes
terday, coming from, nobody knows
Where. Sheriff Burnett and Chief
Lane visited her at three 'o'clock,
but were unable to get admissions
from her. She absolutely refused
to talk on the subject ot Creffield's
must continue' to fight but thejer, vs School Dist, No. 13, Benton
question of supremacy. ' For . this
purpose three more debates will be
required. . Two of these are already
scheduled, as follows: Ferontans
and Pieriansp April 16th; Amicitias
and Jeffersonians. April 23rd 'The
two teams that win on these dates,
will thereafter - go against ; each
other in a final debate for the cup.
Fw March now Forty Seven tlnckes
of Rainfall Since September.
So far 8.8 inches of raia has
fallen during March. : The total
since the first of last September is
47 incnes. rne total tor tne 12
mouths beginning January 1st and
ending December 31st last year was
34.13 inches. That is to say, 12.87
inches more rain has fallen since the
1st of last September than fell dur
ing the entire 12 months of last year
me ranuaii lor the year 1902 was
54.03 inches, or 7.03 inches more
than has fallen since the 1st of Sep
tember. . The entire rainfall for the
12 months of 1901 was 44 inches.
or about three inches less than has
fallen since last September. About
24 inches of the rain fall for the lat
ter period has fallen since February
1st. " .
The moon has lost all it9 old
time prestige as a weather maker
as a result of the past eight weeks
of steady downpoun At stated
times throughout the period old
inhabitants after consulting cales
dars, predicted that the coming
change ot moon would usher in
better weather. , But every pre
diction tailed to the intense morti
fication of the prophets and to ' the
great and lasting detriment of the
moon as a weather gauge. The
17th was a date to which all the
moon-prophets looked calmly for
ward as sure to bring a change lor
the better; but the 17th was a day
of howling blast and alternating
rain and snow, and so have 'been
all the days that followed it. Ac
cordingly, the moon is in bad odor
now, but by and by all the old
believers will forget the past and as
ot yore, again watch the moon and
the almanac tor new and better
Are the Latest-Nolan & Callahan's
has Them. , .
Tell your tailor to leave the six
top buttons off your Spring Trous
ers.'-:; : - '.
They will only be in the . way-
Yow are an up-t-dater,' and are
going to wear "buttonless suspend'
ers the rest of your life.
They are made just like other
suspenders, only in place of straps
ml ri hiirtnn ri aioc aviHc .or ms n -
ate in neat nickle-plated daps that fporaticm Vs F P Sheasgreen
take a secure ho d on the trousers I w"u "" P"11-" iB
band a ad willot let go under the
most s'renuousircumstaiices. Cast-
offs are provided both in frout and
in the back. 1
Queer, istft it, that the time
honored suspender button joke has
been so long an setting inventors at
work to do away with the treach
erous button. v
The first one hundred pairs. o
these new '"Buttonless Suspenders"
to reach Corvallis are at Nolan &
Callahan's now so you can buy a pair
tomorrow and be one of - the first
hone hOjBdred pioneers to tell your
grand-children when you are bald
Andgray that you remember the
day when trouser buttons were cut
off forever. Price 50 cents. .
For Sale. ',
Poland Chins boar. ' aa . months old
abject to register. t. . .. :
- Alfred Biekaell,
i miles north of Corrallia.
County Oregon. & J EWyatt, Geo.
Cooper, J A Parks, as, Directors of.
said Dist & ? E J Newton, Clerk.
Writ- Alternative mandamus.
State of Oregon, vs William H.
Wagner. Crime of assault and bat
William Milton Howell, vs Adam
Wilhelm & Sons. Suit-injunction
Wiley Gadsby, vs J C Hammell.
Action. Motion to Dismiss. .
State of Oregon vs Chas. Small
Recog. v ';.
Delila Read vs Thos. G Read
Suit-divorce. ,
John B. McLennan, vs Elien
Weiss. Application to register '
Teal property
A F Peterson vs J H Reed. Act
ion on promissory note.
' C H Monroe vs S . Y Evans.
Action. . .
Mary E Herbert, T M Coon, etal.
vs A L Coon. . Suit for partition &
sale real property. .
The Charter Oak Mill Co. , a cor-
uess under firm name of Central
Planing Mills & Box Factory.
Action. . -'
State of Oregon, vs James Guier.
Crime of rape.
Carl G Hodes vs Heman W
Hall and Flora Hall. Action on
promissory note.
.J f -IV
First Glimpses
All over the store the new Spring things are crowd
ing in. swiftly ..turning the tjerfect Winter store into a
perfect Sprlng and Summer store. .
New Arrivals:-
'Beautiful Wash Goods
Exquisite Spring Silks -
o Taffeta and Fancy Ribbons
Fancy Lace Hosiery '
Black Dress Goods
v Plain and Fancy Veilings
New AUover Laces
Ladies' Belts, Latest styles
New Sorosis Petticoats
New Spring Trimmings
New Kid Gloves.
We are showing this Spring a larger and better stock
than ever before. - At the first opportunity make a tour
.of this store and you will find-many beautiful things
to admire,-at
. Regulator of Low Prices.
' ' Rooms and Board.
Ooe block vest of College Armory.
Special arrangements for Btudents.
Notice to Creditors.
c'd J
Matter of the Estate
William Groves, dec
Notice is hereby given that the noder-
signed has teen duly appointed the k
ecntrix of the estate of William Groves,
deceased, by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Benton County asd
has qualified. All. peraous having claims
against said Estate are hereby notified
to present the same to the ' undersigned
at the office of W. S. JUcFadden. First
Nat'l Bant building in the City of Cor
vallis in said County, duly verified with
in biz months from the date hereof.
Dated March Io, 1904. -' -
Emma K. Gkovbs,
Executrix of the Estate of William
Groves, deoeased.
. ' . . . Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of chief of . police at
lie coming city election to '.be held May
16, 1904 and if elected will endeavor to
see that the laws are enforced to the
best of my ability. . ", .-
-1 Ik . Iee Henkle. .
Time Card -Number 22.
" My Spring Display. ' .
My spring display of fine millinery of
goods will be ready for your inspection
March 3ist instead of March 25th, if it
rains pitchfork points foremost.
Mrs. J. Mason.
. For Sle.
Vetch, speltz, timothy and rye grass
seed. Poland China hogs. Shropshire
sheep. One fresh milk cow, a pair of
large geese, a pair of turkeys or. trio, a
two-horse feed power in tunning order.
Timothy and vetch straw bright : from
barn, ;.
L.Li Brooks. .
- Now is the time to think 'about
Cbat Pair of 6ycgia$$$ g
You were to treat your eyes to. Come S
' to me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee
1 the nt, and will be here troni i to b i o
' make good my guarantee.
-- - - - The Jeweler and Optician.
. Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays.
Wells, Windmills and Pumps.,
I am now prepared to do all kinds of
well, windmill and pump work. See me
before you have your work done. Send
orders to Simpson's Hardware store.
-- A. N. Harlan.
...12:45 p. m
... 2:00 p. m
... 6:2o p. m
65 a. m
...11:30 a, m
...12:15 p. m
Seventh Day Adventists.
Win hold tegular Berviee at S, D. A.
Hall East Main street - between Wash
mgton and Adams streets each Sabbath
or Saturday, as follows: Sabbath school
at 2 p. m., Bible study 3 p. m. ' . i.
Preaching as announced from time, to
time. r:, . . .
Rev. P.j. Cole,..
. ' - Pastor.
Invaluable for Rheumatism. ' "
I have been suffering for the past fern
years with a severe attack of rhenmatis t
and found that Ballard's Snow linimen
waa the only thin? that (ave me : satis,
faction and tended to alleviate my fiains
March 24,1902. John C Degmra. Kins
nan, Ilia. 25c. 50c and I ao. Sold by
Graham & Worthmn.
a For Yaquina:
; Train leaves Albany. .
' " Corvallia.
' " arrives Yaquina
t Returning:
. Leaves Yaquina .
' Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany.......
3' For Detroit: . -
. Leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit. . . . .......ia:20 p. m
4 from Detroit: .
' leaves Uetrolt. ........... .1:1)0 p. m
Arrives Albany :55p;-ni
'V TrainN6. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound "train,
as weU as giving two or titree hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. . - - . . ..
' Train No 2 connects with the'S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport ami adjacent beaches,
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day. ;w; vq .;;,::H.:i. .: ,K - j ;
A For further information apply to C 5 "' :
. -.-.--..--- ;-r -. . - - . Manage,
H. H. Croniae, Agent Corvaliia. .
Thoa. CockrcU. Agent Albany.
' ' For Sale.
67 acres farming land, six miles from
Corvallis, one mile of railroad and school
on county road with mail route, well
fenced, running water, . no buildings,
price $ 2,000. Address owner.
Howard Bicknell, '
x - Corvallis, Ore.
Portland. ,
Wheat valley 81 : v
Flour 3.90 to $3.95 per MI.
Potatoes I ,60 to 1 00 per sack
Eggs Oregon, 16 per do.
Butter 23 to 24 c per lb.
Creamery 30 to per lb. '
Corvallfe. v
Wheat 72 per bushel.
Oats 3Qto32 '
Flour 1.05 i.iopersack .
Butter 15 to 25 per lb
Creamery 65 per- roll
Eggs 15 per doz
Chickens 15 per pound -Lard
13 per lb 1
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all persons that the
uuuciMijuni dw ueen amy appointed admin
istrator ot the est-te of Emuv A. WriohL .
ceased, bv the Onnntv ( Mart nf tht ntatA n( am.
gon, toy Benton ( ounty. All persons having
claims against sain estate of Emily A. Wright,
deceased, are hereby requJied to present the
same with the proper vouchers duly verified sa
by law reqvired within six aontbsol the date
hereof, to the undersigned at his home ea
Beaver Creek, or to C.W. Davis at bts office,
la Philomath, Bcntcm ooanty, Oregoa. .
Sated March 2S, ISO.
. Administrator ef thu misbIa nf l.fli A
i -
Soutlhi Main St., Corvallis, Ore. -
Carbon, Platinum and Pianino Portraiture
. . . 1 . . . t ,
Art Calendars. Sofa Pillow Cover? ,
And other Photographic Novelties. ,
Sllol-Llstei !
To Gentlemen:
Do you -wish to choose from an elegant line
of Negligee Shirts, in plain, colored, figured, and
open work, for Spring wear ? Come - in and see
a large assortment at
75C. $1.00, $1.2, $1.50.
"Seeing is 'believing."
We are closing out our All Wool Underwear
- at cost. ' . ,
$1.50 Lamb's Wool, Extra Quality, for;.:.:..-. $1.12
1.25 "'Guaranteed .88
Bargains also in Men's and Boys' Clothing.
"A complete new line of Men's "Kingsbury"
Hats in all styles. - ...
Corvallis, Oregon