The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 23, 1904, Image 1

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    Bounty Clerk's &So
--AT, w . f i - "J I
Vol. XVII. Xo.
Zdltor and Proprietary
mm .1 -m i it
. ; We are Receiving .r , "
Some of Our ' 1
..... - ,
Early Shipmen ts
Every day Brings New Goods to
- Our Store, .
The Flag of vFance Floats Over
.' Niu Chwang in Place of the -: :
- v Rae8ian- Latter ; la Ac-"
cused of Breaking Neu- - ;t
trality Lawg Oth- ...
er ' News.
,,Our ad.ybut our goods jehaflgahaods
every day. - Your'money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported. .:. ;
Plain and Fancy Chinawar e
A lasge and varied line. .
Orders Filled Promptly and Cirni-;
plete. Visit our Store we do the
rest. '
6 B Borning ;
Niu Chwang, March 18. A band
of mounted Mancburian brigands
swooped down upon : Jiussian out
posts near ra La Caan, a town be
tween Port Arthur and this place,
yesterday, taking tbe czar's troops
entirely by surprise. , A. brief but
desperate battle followed. . The
brigands fought with the fierceness
of fanatics. There was no limit to
their recklessness. A -They apparent
ly bad not the slightest regard for
consequences. ., Tbeir only aim ap
peared to be to cut the Russians to
pieces, v.-.-- ';- ' -i, '
Manchnrian brigands are the ter
ror of the thinly-populated district?
throughout the . theatre of war.
Since tbe opening of hostilitha they
have been harassing Buesiaus to
such an extent that tbey are re
garded as a scourge. It was these
brigands, it is now claimed, wbo
blew up the bridges on tbe railway
near Niu Ghwane immediately; af
ter the torpedoing of the. Russian
fleet at Port Arthur. - ; : ' . ; '
For a time -yesterday tbe' Rus
sians withstood the at ' aek of : the
Briginde, but tbey were finally
forced to retreat, leaving two Max
lm guns on the held. it appears
the Russians mistook- the., brigands
for Japanese at d raturally figured
that tbe attacking lorce was backed
up, pofsiblv, by unlimited numbers
The Rosfian flag no longer floats
ov r Niu Chwane. From poles, a-
bove public buildings in. tbe town
theflaj tif France flies today Thej
czar's oanners weie ' nauinc at wn
this morning.. . L
The streets are full of rumors,
bi,i g;d upon the coming of tbe Jap-
aoece. One is to the fleet that
three Japanese gunboat an(d two
big cruiecrrt have been s'ghled from
Sable Paint on the Cbiuese coast,
opp n e xng Kaw. Another story
is to.ibe eliact Ibat 5,UUU more Jap
anese have landed at Ta Ku Shan,
a seaiiort on the Korean bay, be
tween Daley and Wiju. This force
is said t be proceeding toward Niu
Chwanir, and the inhabitants of the
town are tarror-stneken. This
move of the Japanese -will enable
them to attack Niu Chwang simul
taneously from land and sea. , r .
. The Russian forces - of Mukden
hsve issued imperative orders that
none but Rupsia,n military and na
val i:ffirs and tbeir men' shall be
permitted to travel over the Chi-ni-s
Eastern railway. .-.This rsil
mad ruo from Pirt Arthur through
Mukden to,-Hrhiri,'.wherfc it con-
oects'with th trans-Siberian- road.'
This Ukihg of tbe road forSmilitary
purposes shows tbot the Ra-sians
fret tbeir" desperata .pohitinn.. As
mxsch ot the road lies inChioeee
And Music Store.
Pji tland, March, 19. The Ore-
goma n says: - JSoreas : loosed the
winds of fury upon the North Paci
fic Goset yestsrday and a storm . of
almost cyclonic propartions, raged
in Portland all day and night in a
carnival of destruction. Houe
were blown down, bridges wrecked,
wires pot out of commission and
other damage wa? -wrought. ' The
storm God vented his wrath by
dealing cut to tbe city.tb most se
vere wind storm that it, has experi
enced in years, arly in the after
noon the Grand-avenue' bridge .a-
cross Sullivan's Gulch collapsed
and ia a tDtal wreck. Two booses
W8re blown down in other parts of
the. city. ..The steamer lone, -which
was due to arrive at Vancouver- at
5 T. m . dial ncif. roiioh nnrt i.imfil n
late hour last night. It was blown
out of its course arM'-delayed sever
al hours. The Exposition building
on 'Washington street arid the bridged
at .-Nineteenth and Washington,
usrd by the City & Suburban. Rail
way, were both settling last night
and lears are entertained. that they
may collapse at any time. All car
traffic across the bridge' has been
abandoned. It was reported last
night that a steamer .on , the river
was blown against a pier of the
steel .bridge, but the . bridge .' men
know nothing of the accident if it
occurred., The telephone lines in
tbe city suffered to a great extent!
Many phones were put out of com
mission. ; Telegraph ; lines vyere
down yesterday afternoon in every
direction, except toward the Paget
Sound. As the storm is moving to
ward the -northeast, these wires
may go out any time. ..' A report
late laet. night from Vancouver
stated the wind had blown the pon
toons of the viaduct loose and there
is ganger of the destruction of the
wHole structure. V'--;'V;". :
One of the freakish pranks of the
stcrm was witnessed at the Empire
Theatre last night during the re
publican county contention.' - A
man ' whose name could ?not . be
learned wag standing on . the steps
calmly smoking a cigar. A sudden
cyclone gust caught bis form in its
er -ep and, lifting him off from the
v esx htm iownr-in the- skeet.-
The surprised and. much-ioUed in
dividual grasped for his disappear
ing hat and yelled out, "Who in
h 1 hit me? When he realized
what bad happened, he pulled him
self together and sought a place to
remove a quantity of plastic real
estate that be had unwittingly pick
ed up. The wind came' very near
causing a serious accident at the
corner of Third and Pine streets
yesterday afternoon, when it blew
the cover from the top of a large
truck and landed it on the backs of
two large spirited horses. The an
imals plunged onto the sidewalk in
their fright and ran .down the side
walk in froit of the Worcester build
ing, where they turned into. Pine
street and collided with another
team. The animals were finally
etopped after doing some little dam
age to the harness and vehicle.
.- Japan. ' . '
KtvMj, ;..;.- j. 1 , -jr. I ., .'.iiMi -
Jiu-jitsu, . Is Said, t j , Bd tbe - Sci
ence ; of Anatomy The Jap
Floprs the Heavy-weight - ;
. " . Champion of tbe Past- .
fie Coast and A I- s ' '
- eo Two Prize T. -
Fighteri. . ' "
New York, March 18. John M
Peters, sori of a- Brooklyn ' Manu
facturer, who was" found near - his
father's factory laet November with
two bullet wounds in' bia head, has
jbeen discharged "from the hoepital
I in better health than ever before,
tern fy, the oraer 01 Kus-in uom- hllt ,.irtl l. f tv.- k-iw bii -in
1 1: : - 1 : , . 1 1
a,anuv:s may .be tslcen by some
powers 88 a breach-of fttutrel.ty. r; I
1 1 Cordially invite you to inspect my New Stock of
. Goods consisting of
Various Musical Instruments,
Bed Lounges and Coaches,
Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads,
Maple and Ash Bedsteads, etc. '
Woven Wire Springs,
Good Line of Mattresses,
Extension Tables, Center Tables,
Go Carts
Sideboards, Kitchen Safes, , j
Kitchen Treasures,. ,'t -Dining
Chairs, High Chairs,
. Children's Rockers, and -.- . -Many
Style of Other Rockers. . :
Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in
Window Shades, Curtaia Poles. -New
Line, of Wall Paper. --..-
Also Sewing Machines, new and second-hand. Second-hand Pianos jj
tijr sale and for rent. A few stoves and a few pieces of Graniteware left. " C
O. J. BLACKLEDGE. .' ...
Office In Zierolf Building, Corralhs. Or
B. A. CATHEY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Office, Boom 14, First' National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. . Office Honrs,
10 to 12 a, m., a to 4 p. m.
si Paris, March 20. According -to
a dispatch to the Rappel from its
Shanghai correspondent Tbe Jap
anese navy is utilizing an instru
ment invented by a British Engin
eer by means of which the slighted
sound proceeding from an enemy's
vessel is made audible, thus ena
bling a ship to tell of the approach
of an enemy. - - -
Vienna, March 18. From Arad,
Hungary, a report states that a
miner named Klimptan, suspecting
his wife with undue familiarity
with a lodger named Kohout, ex
ploded a stick of dynamite nnder
the dinner - table today, blowing
himself, wife, lodger and four chil
dren to atoms.
- Cured Consumption. .
Mr. B. Evans, Charwater, Kan., writes:
"My husband lay sick for three months.
The doctors said he had quick consump
tion. We procured a bottle of B-llard's
Horehound Syrnp, and it cured him.
That was six years ago and since then we
have always kept a bottle in the house.
We cannot do without it y For coughs
and eolda it has no equal." 25c, 50c and
$ IJM. Sold ky Graham St Worthaa.
hia brain. The doctors succeeded in
removing one. His case attracted
much interest arnongPurgeons, who
tully expected hie death. Peter?,
when found, sftei The shooting, said
he discouered thieves in the factorp
sDd was wounded by them. ' L.ter
he admitted having attempted sui
cide because .of - epilefttic attacks.
These have not' recurred since he
shot himself. .
Washington, March 12. The
President has again taken op Jiu
jitsu, and this time it is the real
thing; His instructors are two Jap
anese who are masters in the art of
I doubling a man up in agony with a
ing an arm with the twist of the
wrist. -. --r v
They are thin little fellows, with
frail looking. bodies,' but they are
bundles of steel. They were
brought over from Japan by Samu
el' Hill, son-in-lawof James J. Hill,
who introduced them to the presi
dent. They had 4ieard that Mr.
Roosevelt took some lessons in jiu
jitsu from Prof. O'Brien two years
ago and they aeked him to let them
show him what they ould do.
The president told Captain Loef-
uer, nis aoorKeeper, to admit no
callers, hot even senators' or cabinet
members, -and turned bis office over
to the Japs. 'Their exhibition caus
ed Mr. Roosevelt to stop wiDking
and gaep. They showed him what
jiu-jitsu really is and they were
engaged on tbe spot. 1 he president
is now spending an exceedingly
strenuous hour with them on two
afternoons a week and he always is
promptly on band, no matter what
bupiuess has to be dropped. -
1 here are seven degrees in jtu-
jiteu. The presidents instructors
have it up to tbe htth degree, and
MRoosevelt4tecds io havfe all
five of them. . a. ...,:.
Jiu jiteu is really the science of
anatomy, wonderfully developed.
It brings into play unheard of mus
cles and turns them all into steel,
while superfluous flesh melts under
tbe exercise like' snow in a blast
furnace. That is the feature that
especially appeals to the president
just now, as be weighs more than
two hundred pounds. -' ;.
When the two Japs reached San
Fraccisco one of them ' was match
ed egaintt the champion - heavy
weight wrestler of. the Pacific Coast,
who stirred up the Japs by public
ly declaring that jiu-jitsu was a
useless fad, and that the strength
it was supposed to develop was the
oretical or imaginary. ' , -
- The strangle hold -which is the
terror of all wrestlers, was allowed
in the contest, The Jap waited for
the wrestler to get him into a good
strangle hjld. Then the Jap press
ed bis chin into the arms that
clmcbed bis neclc, grasped nis an
tagonist around the chest, tighten
ed nis muscles a bit and in a min
ute the wrestler 'rolled over in a
faint, .with the blood' pouring from
his nose and mouth.'-.:.- .-
' Then' the Jap took on two big
prize nguters and quickly 1 rendered
both of them helpless with a few
lightning twiet-J. - ,
With tbe two Japs is a Japanese
woman, who is also- an expert1 in
tbe art, and 'she is teaching jiu-jitso
to a large class of Washington to
cietv women, whose husbands are
the senators that criminal and mor-
al offenee committed by- MormoBB
in Utah,- and especially by hia
brother apostles, have ? been ' done
not only without" his consent, , bat
even without'his knowledge. .' "
Smobt will take the bull by tha
horns. ' He will meet his opponents
face to face.'? H9 will came- out in
the open and defend himself in the
eyeshot and earshot of the public.
From his place "in the senate he
will attempt to explain away the
grave charges that have been made
against his character as a man and
citizen. ..- i"lr?! ' 1 '"'zz.
The states' of : the Union are "'
flame witb anti-Mormon sentiment, '
Representatives of hierarchy -'have
taken to the "underground." Apos
t'es and elders who era wanted as
witnesses have "gone into hiding."
; feabpoenas have been issued ' for '
32 important witt 836?. Some art
in Utah, some id Idaho and Wyom
ing, One is .in England, and "one i
in Alaska and others in distant
parts Of the south. '
-"Protestants believe tbey live the
Polygami8ts everywhere on the run.
They are scouring the west for wit
nesses. They have plenty of money
to carry on the fight and they are
determined to finish the work they
are in. ' Keports from western states
are alarming the republicans. Pub
Ho Eeutiment there is so strong a
gainst polygamists that republicans
fear to continue their alliance with
the Mormon hierarchy. They hes
itate, however," to break away.
They are watohing intently the
trend affairs are taking in Utah,
Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho and
Washington. ; ' ' -
Anti-Mormon partiete are forming
in all these states. Former party
allignments are. disappearing. - The
issue everywhere is polygamy. The ,
presidential efectoral votes of Bix
states are at stake. Twelve seats
in the Uuited States senate are in
the balance. To oppose polyga-
miEts is to iq vita the hostility of
the Mormon church. To placate
tbe Morrrona is to enliet the Unit- .
ed opposition of Gentiles republi
cans as well as democrats.
- New York, March 28. Twenty
thousand bricklayers and laborers
and about 2000 ironworkers are on
strike, and unless a settlement can
be reached at a conference today,
the strike probably will spread un
til about 100,000 men are involved.
The employers, considering it im
probable that any settlement will
be reached,- are preparing 1 for the
strike which they think will follow.
Members of other! unions who
will be out of work ''because they
cannot proceed with building with
out tbe - bricklayers, are eaid to be
indignant that the bricklayers
should tie up the whole building in
dustry, ".-ft,-; f. 0v:.
Twenty-five hundred lithograph
ers have struck rather than be lock
ed out Tbey quit when they found
that tbey must sign the arbitration
agreement or be discharged. ' . , -
. t.-
ln a panic-
Washington, D. C, March 18.
Senator Smoot has practically de
termined to take a desperate risk in
his effort te retain bis eeit in -. the
senate. - In response to . argent ad'
vice from his republican associates
he will make a spetch in open ses
sion in defense of bis position. -
Republican leaders have assured
him that this is the only means, by
which he can hope to win bis fight.
Tbey have pointed ont to him tkat
a tremendous and widespread oppo
sition ha been awakened by the in
vestigation .of his case,, which' can
never be overcome by evidence pre
sented by witnesses -in his behalf
before the committee
So far as the country is concerned
tney eay, tne yeraict in tiis case
has already been rendered. This is
Mormon hierarchy, of which Smoot
is a member has . been adjudged a
foe of political and social order.
A friend of his warned -him that
he must be. prepared to convince
San Antonio, Tex., March 20.--.
A special to the - Express ' from El
Paso says: J "Cuyco," whose real
name is Antonio Fernandez, a mat
ador, was mortally wounded today
in the bull ring at Juarez by a bull
to which he had just administered
the death thrust.. The bull tight
waB attended by about 3000 per
sons, two-thirds ot whom were A-
mericans. many women being present..:"-
'... ,
It bad been announced , that
"Cuyco" would' kill the last bull,
The animal was especially vicious'
and gorged two horses early in the
fight. When the time arrived for -tbe
death thrust, "Cuyco" stepped.
Lready, and when the bull advanced
drove the sword to the heart. The
buil fell "Cuyco" turned to bow
to the judges and tbe cheering
crowd. The bull rose and gorged
him throngh and through. '
Stockton, March 18. Charles
Vencke, a miner in tbe Gwin mine,
Calaveras county, plunged 2000
feet to his death last night through '
the breaking loose of the skip which -had
just brought a number of mi
ters to the surface.
After the men had stepped from
the skip, Vercke got on it to go to
tbe top of the hoisting works and
oil" the big wheel over which the
big wheel over which the cable pas
se?. Just as he started to move up
tbe bable slipped and the cable
started on its downward drop. Tbe
startled miners shouted a warning:
to tbe man to jump, but he had no
time to save himself,: and went: to
the bottom of the shaft to an in
ster.t death. . Tbe. skip was wrecked
and the body was badly tnsrigl d.
. Washington, March 1. - F !:-er-al
services were held ai .- . i'ii il'e
Episcopal church in this t-uy at 10
o'clock this mrning over the re
mains of Mrs. Maggie-Mitchell Grif
fin, daughter of Senator Mit helL.
Many J Oregon and Washington
friecds of the family attended. The
pallbearers were Senator Fulton,
Representative Hermann, Harvey
N. Scott, Milton Boise, Oskar Ha
bsr and Harry Robinson. Inter
ment waa in Rock Creek, cemetery,
,T. D. Campbell has taken charge of
the Benton County Lumber-yard - near
the S. P. depot. Will furnish building
material. See Mr. Campbell before you
buy. - . :".
. Girl wants place to do housework.
Inquire at Times office.