LOCAL LORE.- lumnamww iu - ' t 0 rate ofll eenn per line.., ..- A PiRlt to the Death, Maybe Sops of Relief. ' Wheat 72. - ' William CreeS left yesterday for Portland whither he goes for electrical treatment. Mrs. E. A. Wilkins entertain ed a number of lady friends Thurs day afternoon. J. M. Nolan returned yester day from a business trip to Portland. S. N. Wilkins left yesterday for Portland where is to be a 'taem ber of a class of embalmers that is to undergo an examination today, before the State Board of Health. ... The next debite in the Gatch cup series takes place in college chapel this, Saturday 'evening. It will he between teams from the Sorosis and JefFersonian societies. . James Guier, recently bound over to the circuit court on a charge of rape, was arrested . yesterday on a bench warrant issued by Judge Hamilton and his bond increased to $1,000. His former bond was JSroo. . h- T. Harris, speaker of the Oregon house of representatives, and a formidable candidate for the republican nomination for congress in this district, was in town yester day. He left at noon for points down the Westside. Six hundred and eighty five ! pounds was the weight of a huge Berkshire sow purchased the other day at the Lilly meat market. The porker was from the college and was two years old. The carcass was mammoth in proportions and attracted much attention. W. H. Hiaes, of Pattonsburg, Davis county, Missouri, writes, asking information as to the where abouts of his brother, J. B. Hines. who was iormerly a resident of Corvallis. A letter for the missing brother accompanying the request. can be had by calling at the local. postoffice. - Frot. A. C Schmitt, who has served so acceptably as supply for Miss Chamberlin in the department of German and history at the col lege has r-signed his place, his re signation to take effect on the 24th, inst. Prof. Schmitt is a son-in-law Of the late Judge Flinn, , whose death made a vacancy in the presid ency of the First National bank at Albany. Cashier - Langdon has been elected to the position, and Prof. Schmitt has been elected to the cashiership. - Creffield, the Holy Roller apos tle, is wanted by Portland officers Tesse Spencer' barber shop is again suffering from an invasion of cockroaches from the old restaurant building, and it seems unlikely that there is enough grease and phos phorus in the town to arrest the influx. By placing small quanti ties of these ingredients combined, at various stations on the runways of the bugs. Mr. . Spencer has in the past been reasonably successful in poisoning them. After partaking of the grease and phosphorus, the cockroaches swell up and die from heartfailure, and in the dark their corpses glow with the brilliancy of a lightning bug.. It shjuld be stated also that Mr. Spencer supplemented this1 method of 6ghting the cockroaches, by ex treme vigilance and activity - upon his own part. . When he saw a stray bug racing along the wall or across.ihe floor, he immediately at tacked it in person and the ferocity with which he would . throw chairs and men and other things out of the way, in order to -each and pur sue his prey, is doubtless ore of the principal observations which, led to a recent promulgation of the scien tific fact that a man does not always see snakes when he has the delirium tremens. A little more profound consideration ot Spencer's case, however, would have as certainly disclosed another scientific fact, namely, that a man may not be suffering from delirium tremens al though all the symptoms are pres ent. The latest invasion of the barber shop by cockroaches is occasioned by an extensive raising ot floors and tearing down of - partitions in the old restaurant building adjoin ing and the tonsorial parlors afford even a richer field than prev iously, for scientific investigation. Here it is readily proven that sane man's realities may be to him what hallucinations are to the sane. The bugs have eaten up all of Spencer's poison and the horde of invaders seems not to have been in the least repulsed. Friends are not disposed to attach as much impor tance to the circumstance as the pro prietor does. At first they assisted turn in a desultory manner, but. so many became mained by the misdi rected efforts of Spencer that they finally deserted him to a man. When he found that he would be compel led to wage the warsingle-handed, bpencer addressed a tew words, in the nature of an appeal, to tire last 'departing " comrade. "I expect, said he, "to die, if need be, in de- tense ot my Ulinee, and it this re sult should ensue, I hope the boys will rescue my poor mangled corpse from these ghoulish varmints." He might have said more, but at that moment a brigade of cockroaches swarmed through a crack in an un expected quarter. Razors beganto AGAlHSTlXARY.WeymjS. Decision in College Debate Amicitiaas "J ".won The 'Argument- - ' In a debate in - College" chapel Thursday sight, three Amichian society bays proved to ' the satis faction of the judges that, the pro posed primary nominating ' law HITTMPRItX Peelers-Watching he Market So Dealers A big Sale. - are Chittim, and what its price will be this season is a subject of wide ! cbuiecture now. Dealers figure on ought not to be adopted tn Uregon. ,.- y peelers discuss k, and onlookers The question was."; "Resoiv-ed that i wonder about it. It is said to be the proposed primary nominating the standard topic of conversation over in Alsea. It Is almost a head quarters for .' chittim, over , there, Wade Malone having bought 96, 000 pounds, or about, ten carloads of bark last season. ,- The amount represents only a part of the Alsea product, large quantities having been, hauled and sold to Monroe and Corvallis buyers.; : The average price paid by M r. Malone, includ ing the low price of the earlier and First Glimpses or law should be rejected." In sum ming : up their arguments. - the boys laid down these propositions; 1st. it's success in other states has been extremely doubtful. r 2nd. It increases factional strife thereby weakening parties. , 3rd. It costs too much and this cost is unfairly distributed ' 4th. Portland would be too pow erful in state politics. 5m. ucxer canaiaaies wm uw jancy figures ot the later season, be secured. ' was 8 cents, makine the amount 6th. The wealthy man has a ' paid out by him for the baik about great advantage. 7th. The winning nominee may represent but a small minority; 8th. The office holder is no longer directly responsible to a party therefore be greater. 10th, Instead of weakening boss- ism it would give him v greater and more dangerous power. v The debate was between the Amicitians and Philadelphian liter-" arv societies. The subiect. on both sides was handled in a manner highly creditable to the speakers, to the society they represented, and the institution in which they are students. Each speaker had fifteen minutes of time, and the leader of each team had five min utes for closing. The Amicitia team was, Horace Biodie, leader. David Hirstel and A. S. Wells.Kall Portland boys. The Philadelphian' speakers were,. H. C. Darby, lead- Elmer Rawson and Clarence Beaver. Darby and Beaver are Marion county boys, and Rawson hails from the vicinity of Vancouv er. The judges were, Tot. bbaw, Prof. Berchtold and Prof. Skelton. The decision was by unanimious vote of the judges on a criminal cnarge tnai rne ure- tiv -Mh uncertain aim. and rhodnor gonian says will likely land him m closed beVmd Snencer-s last hone of the penitentiary. The charge is made by B. E. Starr, whose wife is named in the complaint. The alle gations seem to be that under the cloak of religion the scoundrel was a betrayer. The Times always held him up as a fraud, and was criticised for it. Its position is a faithful ally. Latest reliable reports from the seat of war are to the effect that Spencer is battling manfully and j holding his own, although the shop is said to be a total wreck. An en couraging circumstance is .' that mends prevailed upon Charley more tnan vmoicatea oy tnereveia- j Small to operations in res Uons m the Portland courts, where building in- the hope that it is the statement that he is liable ' to a dozen charges of the sort. The 1 scamp is in hiding; While Oral Davidson and Carl Steiwer, two students were practi cing basket ball Tuesday afternoon, they came together in such a man 1 ner that the tatter's head stuuck the cheek bone of Davidson inflicting a severe fracture. The bone was broken inwardly, but the parts were sucessf ully drawn to place by a phy sician. The proximity ofjthe wound to the eye rendered study impossible and Mr. Davidson on Thursday went to his home at Harrisburg. While iie is likely to recover speed ily from the injury, it is said that he will not return to school this year. The young man has been un fortunate in experiencing consider able illness the present year. The mail via the new morning and evening route from Albany ar rived yesterday morning. It com prised a heavy newspaper mail, in-' eluding Portland evening papers, Valley papers and a large budget of eastern mail. A large Portland let ter mail was also a part of the con signment. The whole aggregated almost two-thirds of the mail that usu ally arrives at noon andthat consign ment was correspondinglv reduced. The arrangement relieves the heavy congestion always on when all the the mails of the day poured in at the local office afmidday, and gives the office force opportunity to han dle the mails with greater facility and dispatch. The departing mail in the evening closes at six o clock. The arrangement, as it becomes more and more understood will con tinue to grow in favor. ' the migration thence will subside and at least afford Spencer a chance to recover his wind and spit on his hands. Wells, Windmills and Pumps. I am now prepared to do all lands well, windmill and pump work.. See me before yon have your work done. Send orders to Simpson's Hardware store. A. N. Harlan. - For Sale. veicn, speuz, umoiny ana rye grass seed. Poland China hogs. Shropshire sheep. One fresh milk cow, a pair of large geese, a pair of turkeys or trio, two-hone feed power in 1 mining order. Timothy and veteh straw bright from barn. L.L. Breaks. ; To the Voters of Benton County: Acceding to the wishes of a large number of patrons and . friends of our public schools, I submit my name to the voters of Benton county for the office county school superintendent. Very Respectfully, S. L Pratt Philomath, Oregon, Mar. 7, 1904. 117,000. Mr. Malone expects that as much bark as was peeled last year will be available in Alsea again this season. ;; -: - - it is generally believed that the bark will never drop again to the 9th. Corruption in office would jiow figures of former times. Wheth er however, prices will soar again as they did last year, is a ' question that only the - future can answer. No dealer 'offers to contract at any figure. He couldn't contract if he would, because, after the experience of last year no peeler would be like ly to contract if he could. Every thing connected with the subject of price is conjecture. It is said that there is enough of the bark in Eastern warehouses to supply the world's demand for five years. It is also related that when . the prices went skyward in the United States last summer that large quantities of the bark that had previously been shipped from this ' country to London were reshippedtoNew York and that immense profits were real ized in the transaction. It is also declared that a large San Francisco firm which has been the chief Pa cific Coast operator in cascara in the past, has purchased large areas I of chittim land in Clark County, J Washington,' aud with an army of SPRING FAB IIGS; . r All over the store the new Spring things are crowd ing in. swiftly turning the perfect Winter store into a perfect Spring and Summer store. New Arrivals: The winners laid considerable j employes is to do its own peeling For Sale. . Poland China boar. 22 months old subject to register. Alfred Bicknell, 5 miles north ot Corvallis. Remember Nofan & Callahan's Rem nant and Rummage sale will close Wed nesday evening Feb 33. stress on the proposition that a boss would have equal if not great er power under the proposed law than is possible under the conven tion system. The boss .and his friends are, they contended, organ ized, and at any time can concen trate their whole strength on, and nominate a given candidate. Their opportunity to do this will be en hanced, because with ' numerous candidates 'the opposition will have its strength divided, and the bosses J candidate be nominated, and that perhaps by a minority. The boys read extracts from' newspapers pub lished where the law bad been tried to prove their contention. - The negative disputed the - contention, however, and insisted : that the adoption of the system would elim inate boss rule. ,' ; The affirmative also contended that the system had not been suc cessful in other states, and that its tendency was to eliminate' poor men as candidates fof office. In order to succeed in their candidacy they urged that candidates had to begin their campaign far ahead of nominating time, and had to use money in order to get voters to the polls, and that this . fact gave wealthier men an advantage as candidates. The negative urged thaf its indifferent success in other states was because" the law there is defective, while the proposed Oregon law is perfect. The affirmative held up the added expenses ot the system as a fatal objection to it. If the proposed law is better it must be enough better than the present system to make up for the added cost, they said. If it promi ses to be just as good but no better than the present system, then the added expense condemns it. If it is not as , good as the present system then every consideration as well as the item of greatly increased expense calls - . 'loud ly for its rejection. Then they pro ceeded to show that the expense for merely nominating candidates would be fully as mtrch as the cost of an election, or, in other words," that if the law should be adopted the cost of electing county and state officers would be simply doubled. To this argument, the negative made no answer. .. - With much force the negative maintained that the proposed law would be in line with progress, and tended to place in the hands of the people more complete power in the nomination of candidates to office. They contended that the present system has been outgrown, and in sisted that the operation of the. law in Minnesota, in Cleveland and other large cities of the West had been attended with beneficial results. Some of the speakers manifested a grace and ease of speech far above what might have been expected from boys of their years. They also showed a mental grasp of the sub ject most pleasing to their auditors I and creditable to themselves . Beautiful Wash Goods Exquisite Spring Silks . Taffeta and Fancy Ribbons Fancy Lace Hosiery Black Dress Goods Plain and Fancy Veilings New Allover Laces V Ladies' Belts. Latest styles New Sorosis Petticoats New Spring Trimmings New Kid Gloves. We are showing this Spring a larger and better stock than ever before. At the first opportunity make a tour of this store and you will find many beautiful things to admire, at - v ' S, L. KLINE'S, Regulatorrof Low Prices. this season. All these things are cited as signals that show that sky prices are not likely to he in yogue again this season. On the other hand, there are signs that point in a different dir ection. The well known Wilhelm firm at Monroe, which bought im mense quantities pf bark at, top figures in the latter part of last sea son closed out the remainder of its holdings a couple of weeks ago at figures that are said to have brought the firm out even if not more than even on the season's business. What these figures were, nobody knows. They are placed by good guessers at 16 cents, or more. . The lot com prised three carloads, and the trans action involved $10,000 or more. This transaction leads many to be lieve that if there is now a five years' supply of bark in Eastern warehouses, the holders of it pro pose to have a price that will still leave a handsome figure for the peelers who are going to market bark this season. - Another statement of interest is, that at the present time the top New York price for chittim for de livery the coming season is about 10 to 11 cents, and that a small amount could be contracted on that basis, which would mean nine or ten cents in Corvallis. There is al so excellent authority for the state ment that recently m New York City the bark could be purchased in any quantity at 15 cents, deliv ered free of charge to . the buyer. This was old bark, and of course, lighter than when it originally went on the market. - A large number of Lincoln coun ty peelers passed through Corval lis a few days ago, enroute to the vicinity of Chehalis, Washington, where chittim trees are said to abound. A GOLDEN OPPORTUMIT Y. I Now is the time to think, about Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses 4 You were to treat your eyes to. Come j to me and I will fit your eyes, gnarat tee jt the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to v& make good my guarantee. E. W. S. PRATT, j8 V The Jeweler and Optician. $t Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. -fa EMERY'S: : ART ; STUDIO. South Main St., Corvallis, Ore. Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture O. A, C. ATHLETIC SCENIC VIEWS.1 Art Calendars.- Sofa Pillow Covers, And other Photographic Novelties. For White Plymouth Rock Eggs Call on or address. W. A.- Bates, at Corvallis Flooring Mills, Corvallis, Or. Ona setting, 75 cents; a settings, $1.25 -4- FOR SALE. Vetch seed at Corvallis Hour Hills ' ' ... Seventh Day Adventlets. will bold regular service at S, D. A, Hall East Main street between Wash- lDgtonjmd Adams streets each Sabbath or Saturday, as follows: Sabbath scbooi at 2 p. m., Bible study 3 p. m. Preaching as announced from time to time. - ; Rev. P. j. Cole, Pastor. Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have been suffering for the past fern years with a severe attack of rhenmatis t and found that Ballard's Snow linimen- was the onlv thine that cave me satis. faction and tended to alleviate my pains- joarcn 24, 1902, Joun C Deenan, Kins nan, IUs. 25c, 50c and fi oo. Sold by oFanam oc wortnanu ' Stop-LootListen! 1 To Gentlemen: Do you wish to choose from an elegant line of Negligee Shirts, in plain, colored, figured, and open work, for Spring wear ? Come in and see a large assortment at 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. "Seeing is believing." SPECIAL. We are closing out our All Wool Underwear at cost. $1.50 Lamb's Wool, Extra Quality, for $1.12 1.25 " Guaranteed.. .88 Bargains also in Men's and Boys' ClothJng. A complete new line of Men's 'Kingsbury" Hats in all styles. ' ' Corvallis, Oregon.