The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 19, 1904, Image 1

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    Vol. XVII. No. 4.
Editor and Proprietor,
. We are Receiving -Some
of Our.
Early Shipments
0TO23 s '
Every day Brings Jew Goods to
Our Store.
Japan's Last Attack on Foit Ar
thur Was a SuccessH-The Towe
ls Now Deserted by All ' .
but the Military
Other News. " .
s.- k- s- "5? i- -x- -y -ifi'-tzs -y
i Plain
- -
Our ad.,, but our goodschange Kan3i ''
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and , Quality is the idea.
Line Fresh Groceries I
Domestic and Imported.; ? i 1 ;
Tokio, March 17. The Navy de
partment has received a dispatch
stating that seven Kussian warships
have been seep passing port Laza
reff. ' No information is given as to
whether "they were part of Port Ar
thur squadron or whether they were
the Siberian equadron and accom
panying colliers under Captain
Kurry orders baya been forward
ed to Admiral logo to aetacn a
squadron from his command and
send it in pursuit.
Pott Lazareff ia just north of Genj
san on the Northeastern coast of
Corea. It was off this poit that
the Russian Siberian Squadron was
reported to have . been seen two
weeks ago.
There. is no question that the re
cent bombardment of Port Arthur
was fruitful of results,. from a' Jap'
anese standpoint. More than one-
quaiter of the new portion: of -the
town is in ruins, while several of
the big guns in the fort on Tiger
Tail peninsula were , blown front
their mounts and disabled. '
Despite the denials from Russian
sources, the Japanese government
has information from it3 spies show
ing conclusively that the bombard
ment was so terrific that for a time
it seemed the entire town would be
destroyed. The town is now prac
tically deserted by a 1 but the mil
itary , t ' . " ' " '
The latest reports from . Corea
state that the Russians are occupy
ing . an area haying a-40-mile base
extending from Wiju toChangTong
and south to the Park Chou river.
bank of the Yalu 'river and that
earthworks have been .thrown up.
Advices from Chong Ju. a town
northwest of Aoju, Bay that the
people ere in a state of panic, owing
to the treatment of women and the
seizing of grain by the Russian sol"
diers. .i - ; - . ' - ..
Paf is, March The Tokio cor
respondent of the Matin sends this
information, ' which he says comes
from reliable authority, concerning
the Japanese military situation up
to March 10: .
"The first army of 7 0,000 troops,
under.: General ! Kuroki, occupies
Northern Corea. The brigade land
ed at Gensan forms part of a second
army of similar strength. ; The mo
bilization of the latter baa been
completed, and the troops will sail
shortly for an unknown destina
tion. The mobilization of a third
urmy began on March 7."
. .
St. Petersb'ure, March 16. Cap
tain Ivkoy, of tbe Manchurian com
missanat service, has been sum-marllylcourt-martialed
ajidsbot for
acting as a spy in' the pay of - the
Japanesei' When arrested on sus
picions J of espionage, documents
found in Ivkov's possession left no
doubt cf the truths of the charges
that h'ej had long - been revealing
militarr eecrets to the Japanese.
The : tfagic story became public
through a simple announcement in
4be arniy organ today that Ivkov
bad been excluded from the service.
ana Fancy
large and varied line.
Orders Ellled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit our Store we do the
Shanghai, March ; 17.- The die
armament of the Russian gunboati
Manrtjur has now-been completed,
and all of the essential parts of the
guns are in the possession of the
Chitifss port authorities. '.
The officers and crew have taken
passage on a French eteamer for
Rusi-ia, after having firtt pledged
tbero?"ivfs ta take no part in the
war unless first exchanged.
"New Yoik, March 16 Two Rus
sjan bluejackets, whose bodies were
recovered from"' the Variag, ' have
been btiried at Cbemulpo with full
honors' by' the Japanese, says a
World's dispatch from Seoui. Twenty-sailors
carrying the Japaeese
nag draped with crepe, headed the
cortege,, Behind them walked two
more sailors bearing wreathes of
flowers'.. Then followed the coffiae,
which were covered with a Russian
flag aed rested on a gun-earriage
drawn by sailors. A guard of hon
or of bluejackets from the United
states and French gunboats in the
t al-bc're' a cceeOKT th t ncaTrisrgeH
in line. .
The Rev. Mr. Briddle read the
funeral' eervice, ; and praised the
valor the dead had shown. All
the Japanese residents went to the
grave and bowed . to the coffins.
The Japanes fired three volleys as
the coflbns' were lowered.
1 sNsw" Furniturs
?? , V
-I Cordially invite you to inspect my New Stock of
Goods consisting of ' ' . '
' Sideboards,' Kitchen Safes,. J V
5 Various Musitnl Instruments,
Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads,
Maple-and Ash Bedsteads, etc.
Woven Wire Spring?,
Good Line o" JIattressee,
Extension, Tables, Center Tables,
Go Carts
Kitchen Treasures,. '
D.inirig Chairs, High Chairs, .
Children's Rockers, and .
Many Styles of Other Rockers.
Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture jnst in
Window Shades, Curtain Poles. ,
New Line of Wall Paper.
Yinkaw, March 16. It isauthen-
tica'ly leported that for a week
past thete has been a small and
changing military garrison at Hai
Chenjf. but that a large force has
been- fttioried at the io valuable for
tified and strfttegical town ot Ash-
ang Chat g, where tte Japanese ar
my cor. its advance during
thf wsr bttween China and Japan.
The oi.l reliable repotts at the
pregj-nt 'n?inKrit from?' the main
Maacharan ci'Uos strow ja quiet
movemert a Inns; ! rxijwav Such
77J r.cjties sip Mufe'ie: ptt-rfi ate ff jbs
''liima!a hte, ate ucdii'turnt-cl, and are
not in ponsefstoii-. ot ut limtd iievvs of
out lileevervts. m
Tse coitf inovemenls ot ihti Pong
Hung Chens' military rojdiitf tbe
diepfituh of rider.- to, and frott'tQe
Russian siivc nee toicas. -:
A Creditable native arrtved" there
todav, brn gsng a jej'ort. as Tate as
March I2 from Wong Ftng Chung
to the efiect that the mam boity of
tne concentrated Russian forces bad
crossed the Yaiu, leavn.g sntall
bodies of. troops at Aotong and oth
er points to guard toe rivt-r.
A.tortDight ago a lew spits visit
ed Antunp, but since then no Jap
anese have t;.een setn wt of the
Yato. ... ; . r.
' Foreigner? choosing to remain in
the interior must nows-jgnan agree
ment lestricting their movements
and stipulating thst a special pass
is necessary when leaving their
Also Sewing Machines, new and-second-hand. Second-hand Pianos
tor sale and for rent, A few stoves nnd'a few pieces of Graniteware left,
- E. E. WILSOX, .
Office ta Z.crolf Building, CorxalL's. Or
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Boom 14; First National Bank
Building , CorvalUs, Or. .Offic Hours,
10 to 12 a. m., 2 to '4 p. m.
Port Arthur, March 16. Every
thing is quiet here. There is do
sign of the enemy. The advices
from Fong Cheng, about" 45 miles
west" of Wiju, '8 ay the Russian
troops are Showing admirable spirit
in surmounting the difficulties and
hardships of the march over tne
frczen tracks of Eatt Manchuria.
Wanted. . -Girl
wants place to do housework.
Inquire at Times office.
The War Loan.. Was Subscribed
Five Times More Than The
Amount Mob at Telluride
Exiles Union 'Miners.. "r
-. - ' Other News.
Tokio, March 15. Lsading Jap
anese financiers estimate the cost cf
tne war at $265, 000,000 a year; al
so that even now Japan is in a po
sition to maintain war for a year
and a half without being driven to
the necessity of borrowing money
abroad. .
Necessarily, the country's finan
cial policy is to- keep all possible
gold within it. Its banker's estimate
that for months not more than'one
eigbth of the war's cost must be ex
pended outside of Japan and this
chiefly for coal, steel and cordita.
' The war loan of $00,000,000 was
subsctibed five times over and $3o,
000,000 was taken, patriotically,
above O5, the price of the issue. A
wealthy Japanese deliberately bid
I45 for bonds he could have had at
95 or a little more.
The emergency has developed un
expected financial resources. Sj it
has been decided to double sugar,
income and business taxes, and to
raiss the tax on tobacco, saki and
other commodities so as to bring in
an extra $2o,ooo,ooo yearly.
A raise in the land tax from 2
to 4 per cent J, will fetch $15,000,000
additional. Postponement of rail
way and other works will save$2o,
000,000 to the country. To meet
the balance needed the government
can draw : upon1 its unexpended
funds in the postal service and up
on its savings in other departments
which' have been conducted not on
ly economically, but profitably.
. The old spirit which made the
hobi eeMHfrofe JafettadyVateiigacrii
fice their goods. at an instant's call
seems to have pervaded the entire
populace. There would be an out
pouring of every bit of personal
property, did need " demand such
sacrifice, from the humblest of la
borers to the richest of the mer
chants, v '
Officials regard the financial sin
ews as being almost secondary in
the strqggle, so confident are they
of Japan's great ability to pieet all
demands that the' war may bring.
Telluride, Col., March 15. After
months ot more or less stormy
scenes this city was last night given
a further surprise in the ejectment
from the camp of entire families cf
union miners and their sympathiz
ers. One hundred members of the
citizens' alliance, which. - includes?
many .well-known business men, -
set an example in lawlessness, by
marching fully armed to the homes
of their opponents, or these whom
they regarded with disfavor. -
The raid took place shortly after
midnight and was directed princi
pally against those miners and sym
pathizers who were on a Ttrevioun
occasion ordered from the city.
Whole families were compelled ' to
fall into line of march and were
driven to the railway station, where
they were guarded by pickets tin-
til a train for deportation was doe.
In -several cases a determined re
sistance was made by miners or
friends, who refused to surrender,
or summon their families for an ex
odus. In two cases the resistance
became so effective that pitched bat
tles followed, in which several men
were severely beaten, one being
rendered unconscious. The mob,
toward the close, of the roundup,
became more lenient toward the
families of the evicted, but warned
them that they wouH ? expected
to leave the city inj.:-"!'--! - .
When the train . - : :v . be de
ported miners weie h i arrived,
at 2 o'clock this mormo, the men
were warned that they must not a
gain return to Telluride under pain
of immediate death. Several of the
miners who were thus compelled' to
leave declared they would return
at a later time and in sufficient
nuntbers to prevent a recurrence
of what -they style "whole-sale
white-capping." It is not believed,
however, that serious trouble will
Chicago, March 15. Through
the accidental dropping of a box of
toy torpedoes in the plant of the
Chicago Toy Novelty company this
morning three, and probably four
lost their lives, a building was
wrecked and a fire started.
The explosion took place shortly
after the workmen and girls eua-
ployed in the factory had assembled,
and tor a time created a panic . in
the vicinity of tbe works, a3 first
rumors were ta the effect that a
much grsater number of--lives had
been Ibsfr' Foreman Gordon, who
was carryirg a dux, is saia 10 nave
slipped over some obstruction on
the floor, hurling the box iorward.
Its detonation was followed by, a
terrific blast as tbe other explosives
in tbe building were set off.
In the panic following, the streets
were instantly filled with employes
from the surrounding manufactor
ies, the police vainly struggling to
restore order and rescue any who
might be injured and still penned
in the wrecked building, from which
flames immediately began to issue.
rThe firemen gsioed control of
the fire within a few minutes, and
later recovered tbe mangled body
of Gordon -and the blackened
corpses of two other employes. One
other employe is missing and is be
lieved to be in tbe ruined building.
n 1
Seoul, March 16. Tbe'Corean
superintendent of trade at Kyong
rlungr, onthe lumtn river, has re
ceived a note from the goeral
commana at Viadivrs'ok, saying
that since Corea has joined Japan, .
Russia considers that Corea is a
belligerent, and' will act according
ly. Two thousand Cbrean troops
now at Seoul will be tent to the
North next week.
The Japanese have obtained, de-
I finitely tbat a strong force orRus
jeian field artillery is on the north
Healthful cream of tar
derived solely from gn
refined to absolute purity,
of every
. 3.'
pound of Royal Baking Powder.
:: Hence it is" that Royal - Baking'
produces food remarkable both
flavor and whoiesomeness.
in fine