LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Coinings and Goings of People, Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items Public Interest. of ' Boy Heater baa ben engaged as trainer flf the 1904 McMlnnvtlle Col lege track team. - . R iaa Kelson has returned to bis h6me la Iadepeod jnee after a visit of several days la Corvallis. Naiov L. Wbltaker ba beeo ap pointed administratrix of the estate of Jaiob Whltaker, with bond at $14,000 Mr. H. 8hrl1er, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Turner, deptrfd Monday f .'r ber home in Dallas.; John Bw1aod, Charlea LHlarJ and Ed Cline have been appointed ap praiser o the guardianship es'ate of Oora and Janes A. Harlan minors. Marinda E. Warklns has teMi appointed admlolatriirix He estate of James Watklns. with bond at $3.B00. Tbe estate Is aapiaistd at $10,350. Order has been issued In the pro bate court to E. E. Wilson, aimiui trator, with will aioex'd, to sell the real property iu ine Jaie E. Fisher estate. His final account has been ap proved, and J. E. Williams has been released from tbe guaid aoethip of Erwin WaRgoner. who has attained his legal majority. Miss Eattie Spencer left Sutd ty for Cove, Eastern Oregon, for an ex tended so nun. She was accompan panled as fir as Portland by ber father, Jesse Spencef. Tbe First Spiritual Union of Cor vallis will bold services Sunday In Barrett, Lyceum. Duors open at 2-30 Service ac 3 p. m. A cordial invita tion Is extended to all. ' Miss Naomi Cowan of Lebanon, has been enpa?ed as teacher of tbe Cooper-Newton school, three and a half miles we -it of Corvallis, aedbe gan ber duties Monday. At a r?oent meeting of the Mac cabees W. L. Sharp was elected le presenta'lve to attbd the sta'e ' eon ventlod of tbar. order which convenes In Portland, Mirch 22nd. - Io the prabat.e court, the 9 h of April bat t e-tn fixed for final settle ment In tbe Una Neugas estate. The same due has also been fixed for final settlement la tbe eetate of John Mttobell. Member) of the college staff left 8undav to hold a series of farmers' Institute lo Eastern Oregon. They are to be absent lea days or two weeks.' Amoug those who went are Dr. Wltbycouioe, Prif. Knisely and Prof. Coote. In the estate of William Wyatt A. J. Williams has filed bis bond as executor. The amount Is $16,000, and the sure ies . are, Frank Wyatt, Wilson Scott, John and Samuel Wy att Z. H. Davis, George Wyatt and N. P. Newton have been appointed appraisers. At the recent meeting of tbe county court John Swlck, Alex Eennie and Amos Vance reslgnel as judges and clerks of eldctlon. The vacan cies were filled a follows, E. E. Baber Corvallis number I. Geo. E. Lilly. Corvallis number 3; John Tantls, Sum mlt nnmhaf H The county court has granted the petition of H. Scbeele, John Gredig and others for a road and the latter has been declared a publlo highway. Tbe application of A. M. Mann and others for a road near tbe Independ ence school house has bean continue ! until the April term of court. Pedd lers licenses has been fixed as fellows, and tbs county treasurer ba been ordereltn collect accorllngly: Foot ped ller, $10 per quarter: one-bone vehicle, $20 per quaiter; two-horse vehicle, $30. Seveity flva members of Alpba Bebekah lode of this city went by special train to Albany Friday even ing for a visit with the Buelah lodge in that city. An elaborate entertain-; meat was accorded the visitors. Tbe festivities continuing until midnight. A banquet and programme were among tbe featurea of the evening, Mrs. H. 8. Pernot of this city, appear ing on the program lo a repp nse to an a dd rasa of welcome. The Corval llBltes returned hiine tbe fame even ing by special train, and are warm in their praise of tbe entertainment pro vided tetn by tbe Alb my member ship. Arrangements are all complete for the Insta'la'iou of the rew m ri Ing and eveniug mail set vLe between , Corvallis and Albany. Tbe first trip will be made tomorrow evenlug, tbe first morning mall airivlns from Al bany at 8-30 o'clock Friday morning. The echfdule calls for the stait to be made from Corvallis at 6-30 In the evening. Ttdito Brothers have the contract, and for tbe present a com fortable three seated hack, capable of carrying a number of passengers will go on the route. Tbe rate of fare has not yet beea fixed. There is no provision for tbe carrier on the new route to deliver mall along the way. Trips wllt.be made every day includ ing Sundays. -Mr. and Mrs. Grant Elgin went to Portland Sunday. ... - W.8. Wlnnlford, the husband of Florence Feagles, died recently In a Portland hospital., , --Miss Pearl Simpson Mr,. Monday Jtfor her . new borne near Spokane, Washington. Mort Cocurell, of Oregon City, ar rived yesterday to attend the funeral of Edward Bosendorf. .' . Miss Msyer returned to her borne In Por'latd, Monday, after a vieit of several weeks with iher niece, . Mrs. John Allen. . ; Henry Gaynor, the shoe merchant of Dallas, returned home Monday, having visited Corvallis friends since tbe O. A. C. Dallas basket-ball game. By a unanimous vote of the dis- "ttrict convention of the ' Knights of Pythias, held at Albany, Friday, it was d elded to hold the next district convention in Corvallis. A mother's meeting wll be held at tbe home ot Mrs. Prudence Chipman. nexc Friday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. All mothers invited. The marriage of Miss Flora John eon and AIodzo Allen occurred in Per "land last evening. The groom's mother, Mrs. Emery Allen, was in at tendance from this city. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. TJ. will be held at the u sual place, on Thursday, March 17. at 3 p. m. A cordial invitation Is extend ed to all. - ;: - Rev. H. A. Deck went to Brooks, Monday list, to be absent over Sun day. He goes to assist In a protract ed meeting In progress at that place. Pr f. D. W. Metzker. of Dallas, will oc cupy -Ma pulpit here. ..next Sabbath, morning and evening. t, Errick Butler, who is taking a course in telegr-tpby In Por'land, was called home Saturday on account of the serious illness of bis younger brother, Marcus, who resides with his parents on tbe Eadamaker farm, a-rr-oaa ths river. . Tbe stricken child bas an attack ot pneumonia. , ' - :' It has .developed that Injuries sustaioed by Mrs. Wellsher in a fad last week were more serious than at ft ret supposed. Several of the tendons in the ankle were torn and e' rained, and a bone of the.ankle was cracked. She la still suffering Irom the effects of the accident., v;j A very pleasant surprise was giv en tbe Misses Bice at their home near College Hill Friday evening, March 11th. Pit, flinch, and various other games were the amusements of the evening. Those present were : The Miases P.eed, Lingren, Mattley, Rood, DsHarm, Herron, Herbert, Williams, Libbie and Lulu Elee. Messrs. Cathey, Kelly, White, Huff and Belknap. Brownie Prltchard, with Cate Bros, has been appointed solicitor for the Portland Journal and placed in charge ot tbe carrier list. As a result of the new mall service via Albaoj,. the Port land evening papers' are reaching out for tbe Corvallis field, and Mr. Brooks representing tbe Journal, bas been lo town for a couple of days. His paper begins next Sunday to issue a regular Sunday edition. ' Harold Belt, who has ' become well known la the Northwest as a baseball pitcher, left yesterday for Salem, whence, in a day or two, he goes to Aberdeen Washington.' He bas received numerous off -ra to pitch this season, among them being a pro position from the Salem manager, ore from a British Columbia team, and one from tbe Aberdesn team for which he pitched last season. News of the tragic death of Daa Cox, who was a resident of Corvallis two years ago, is announced. During a recent heavy windstorm, with two companions, Fred Pilklngton and Her bert Leonard, Cox was camped on TJo lon creek, eight miles , southwest of Riddle. While the men wereelumber ing side by side In one bed, a small-sized tree went crashing through tbe fent .. under which , they slept ' at such an angle ' that It missed Pilkington and Leonard and struck Cox squarely on the head, kill ing him instantly while he was a eleep as lc were and maebihg his skull into a sickening mass. Harvey Sargent dismantled his shooting gallery Monday, with tbe In tention ot devoting bis time to the sale cf his gopher guns. He is having 3000 of them manufactured 1000 here, 1000 In Sin Francisco, and 1000 in Chicago. The object in having them manof tetured in different states is that by so doing he will ' tret , be re quired to pay a license for peddling in those states. Mr. Sargent, having obtained a Canadian pateDt about a year ago, it will be necessary for him to have some of the guns manufactur ed In Canada within a specified time in order to hold that patent, ue ex pects to visit that country this year, perhaps after visiting tbe St. Louts fair. A large audience was present at tbe musical lecital given In colUge chapel Saturday night, the program of which appeared in Wednesday's "Times." All the numbers were rend ered with 8B.il! and spirit, and were heartily applauded. Miss Veroa Ker ker, Harty Kerker and Max Miller ap peared In violin solos, and tbe playing ot each was exceptionally meiitorlous, a. very acceptable number each was given by the colleee orchestra and tbe Lidiea Chorus, tba latter responding witn "steal Away to an enco.e ot "Annie Laurie." Piano solos by Mr. White and Miss McDonald, a vocal solo by Miss Lilly, and a duetbv Mrs I Pernot and Mls Allen were all well J rerdered, and loudljr arpjauded. JUDGE FL1NII PASSED AWAY AT HIS AL- BANT HOME LAST FRIDAY. ' ' LaGrande Lady Takes a Shot at a Burglar Monroe Items Other News. Albany, Or.. Mrch il. Judge L. Flinn, a promt Lent and honored pioneer citizec of Albany, died at his home at 6:30 o'clock this even ing after an illness of two weeks. Judge Flinn had been troubled with a heart affection for. several years and a complication of diseases in his last illness proved fatal. ' Judge Flinn waspreaident of the First. National Bank, and a stock holder in the Albany Electric Light & Water Company, and a member of other corporations. . As a con servative business man he was without a peer in -: Albany and his death has cast a gloom over the city. : '- Lawrence Flinn was a native of Ireland, born November I, I837. He came to America when a child and was raised on a. farm in Ver mont. Graduating from Middle bury College in I863, he studied law in Elizabeth town, N. Y. In i864 he came west to San Francis co, by way of the Isthmas of Pana ma, and in 1865 arrived in Linn county, - Oregon. After teaching school for a tew : years, Mr. Flinn look up tbe practice of law, being very successful. . He. -: served - as county judge from 1880 to 1884. In connection with S. E. Young and George E. Chamberlain, Mr. Flinn purchased the First National Bank in 1876, and bas since served as its president. . Judge Flinn was a regent of the Oregon State Normal school rat Monmouth and of Albany College, and had long served as a director of the public schools of Albany. The deceased is suryjved by a wife and three daughter, Mrs, Alfred Schmitt and Misses Anna and Ruth Flino. . Monroe News. J. N. McFadden and Johnny Whitaker were in town purchasing; farm implements. . -ArWilhelm- & Sons have recent ly shippejd 50. cases ofeggs. Fred Ddmeille has gone to work for James 'Herron. y M.ba Robison, of Corvallis, com menced school at ; the Barclay sohool house, Monday. Erie Hall is putting upa new wire fence on the McFadden' farm. The Jackson children that were hurt with a dynamite cap are . get ting aloDg nicely. La Grande, Or., March 11. At an t-arly hour this morning Mrs. F.' O 1'- tt, who resides on the corner of h and O. streets, whose husband is dining-car conductor, wa a- wnk-ined by a knock at her front doo .' Upon asking who was there a ui d replied it was an O. R. 'Sc.' NV t-allrboy with a message from h r meband. M-s Olliett opened the door and a in sked man held a lighted match in i.Tface. ' She at once slammed and locked the door, ran for a load ed uun and fired three rhots at the intruder, but failed to hit him. v A neighbor across tbe street was a- roused by the shots, grabbed a rifle and ruBhed to tbe door, firing at the man. Ihe would-be intruder made good his escape without injury. Moiave, Cal., March 12. An un known negro was taken from the local jail by a mob last night, and after being tarred and feathered was either shot to death or killed by being struck over the bead with a heavy piece of iron. The negro was arretted yesterday afternoon for an unmentionable crime, and wat confined in the Mo- jave jail, preparatory to taking him to uaKereneld. ' 1 he tacts concern ing the crime became noised about the town, and ' before the officers could place tbe man aboard the train a determined crowd had gath ered about the jail, which is an in significant affair, and unguarded, and within a short time the prison er was in their hands. It was the evident intention of tbe leaders of the mob to go no fur- Pioneer Fine new stock of GUNS , SPORTING GOODS FISHING TACKLE, CUTLERY, Etc, ...... StocK of G; Bodes at Big Bargain thertban te apply a cost of tar and feathers, and to that end there had been provided a big pot of u hot. tar and a number of feather . pillows. This form of punishment was meted out to the negro,' wbo continued to resist the efforts of his raptors. His resistance angered some of those in the mob, with the result that in the midet of the scuffle the aegro was shot either in the head or (truck with some heavy instru ment." .. The revival at tbe - church ot Christ began Sunday evening with a large audience and good interest. The pastor will preach .each night this week. ',: T. D. Campbell has taken charge of the Benton County Lumber yard near the S. P. depot. Will furnish building material. See Mr. Campbell before yon buy. :. : K G. ALTAIAN, M.D. Homeopatbist Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison sta. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 . to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, Phone residence 315. . - "; -.v ; Notice. , ? Wanted, a man to do general ' farm work. Apply to James Herron, Bruce. Oregon. 1 Notice of Final Settlement, ' Notice is hereby given that the under signed, administrator .of the estate of Lina Nengass, deceased, with will aa nexed, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton . County his final account as the administrator of said estate and that Saturday the ' 9th day of April 1904, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. ' . V .M.Jacobs. Administrator of tbe Estate of. Lina Neugass, deceased. . . : . 'i-f. - : -"" . Administrator's le of Keal Property Irf the matter of (lie esiate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased. 1 Notice la hereby (riven 'that .under and nur- suanttoan oriar of f ale mJe ov the Countv Court of the State of Oreeo for Benton County, on the 11th day-otMaroh, .1904; in the above en titled tiiutterLthe tinde'rstf nad, as admlnistra tor. with the vill annesed oFeaid estate of Jane Elizabeth Flstter, deceased, will from and after Monday, the l8th daj? of April, 1904,. proceed to sell, at private sale, to the highest U&dder. for csh in' hand, subject to connrma. ptlon by said Court, -all of the following oesorlb- td real projierty towit: Beginning at a point 37 chains east ot - the southeast corner of the jnj&rthwest quarter of southeast quartaref 'setBSa 80, T. 11 s. K. S W. and run thencejkorF. GO . chains; thence east 2.bQ chains;eas' north 30 chains: thence east to the West Irne-btihe donation land claim of Philip Mulkey, Ho, No. 958 in 1. 11 8. R. 5 W. ; thence south to a point 9.50 ohains south of the northeast corner of donaUon land claim of J. C. Roberts. Not. No. 940, sameTp; awl R.: thence north 26 degrees 36 minutes west 10.62 chains to a point 4.7o chains westof eatd northeast corn er of s:il 1 Roberts claim ; thence west to the place ol beinnbing. Also lot lOin section 22. and lots 1. 2. 3. 4. and i in section 21 T. 11 S.B. 5 W.t exrept tnerofrom the following, beginning at a point wt iuiks east ot tne - soutnwest corner of sutd lot 5 and run thence north 4.09 chains: thence south 75 degrees east 10.23 chains: thence south 24 degrees east 1 .48 ohalus - to point on south boundary line ot said lot ' 5 (said point being 4.40 chains west from southeast corner ot said lot 5) thence west on south boundary line f said lot 6. a distance of 10.55 chains to the place ot beginning, containing 2:82 acres more or less. . Also a strip of land 30 ieet wide running along the full length of the west si e of h piece of land containing 17.83 acres des cribed as follows: beginning at the N. E. corn er of claim No. 65 T. 11 S. R. 5 W.. run thence n . 18 chains: thence S. 9.91 chains; thence E. 18 chains; thence N. 9.91 chains to plaee of be ginning. All the above being iu Benton coun ty, state o! Oregon. - - it oeing me intention to lociuae in tne aoove description all linds described ,in mortgage given Dy Jane E. Fisher and husband to the State Land Board, bearing date December S. ism. , Saidr sale Is made tor the purpose of paying claims against said estate and charges and ex penses 01 administration, remaining unpaid. Dated this March 12, 1904. E. E. WILSOU. Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased. In the County-Court of the State of Oregon . In the Hatter ot the Estate ofi Wm. F. Bjer, Deceased. ) Citation. To Ida M. Hale. Wm F. Bver. Nellie M Porter, Rllla A. Abrams, and Grace H. Bver, heirs and devisees of Wm. F. Byer, deceaasd, ureenng: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton, at the Court room thereof at Corvallis. in the County of Benton, on Satur day, the 9th day of April, 1901. at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and tbere to show cause if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made as prayed for In the pett, tlou of W, N. Alford, administrator of said es tate of Wm. F. Byer, deceased, ot the following described real property towit: Lots numbered 7, 8, and 9 in Block number, ed 4 in Hausman's Addition to the City of Koth Brownsville. Linn county, Oregon; Lot numbered 23 la Block numbered 5 in- Hyde Park. Washington County. Oregon; and Lot numbared 8 in Block numbered 10 in Riverside Addition to Albina, now within the City of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. And you are further notified that this citation is served upon yon and each of you", by publi cation thereof in the Corvatlfs Times, news, paper tor four weeks, under an order made by the Hon. Virgil E, VVatters. Judge of said Court bearing date ot Mar-h, 8, 1904. Witness, the Hon. Virgil E. Watters Judge of the County Court of the State of Oreeon, foi the County of Benton, with the seal of said Court affixed this Sth day of March a. d, 1904. ATTEST ' - VICTOR P.MOSES. ' Clerk. (Seal,) 0un Store... Lumber and Building Material - From now on we will keep in stock a Full Cine of Building Cumber We have arranged with the Curtis Lum ; , . ber Co. to handle their lumber at Corval - ' lis. We are now prepared to offer Spe- ; cial Prices on a large stock of material. Gentral Planing Mills & Box Factory. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for our gpecial list, or come and see us. We shall take pleasure in sivinsvou all LOOKING FOR the reliable information you wish , also showing you over the country. . AMBLER & WATERS. ' : Real Estate .. .Loan, and Insurance, -'"; Corvallis and Philomath, Or. E. E. WHITE Real Estate Co. TO HOMESEEKERS. You have come from the land of ice and snow,- And you dont know juat where you want to go: You have not yet run short of cash And you want to invest so as not to smash. . . Perhaps your'e a farmer want someone to snow . Where the largest aud best crops un failingly grow - And tell and assure you exactly where You will surely be dealt witn just and lair, : . '- ;;:,ivi , ; , s - .-; ' Where they will not try to cheat ' : and Deal vou. If you are earnestly trying to purchase a home'. , 1 Just call at the office of White & Stone. Un Mam street, Uorvallis, they will be found - ; 4 . Always ready and willing to show you around; If you would be used very nice and po- lite. . -'r. ' :- Yon should make the acquaintance of E, E. White. , t We are certain to please with the. farms to be Shown - By our gentlemanly solicitor H. M. Stone. . They will tell you where the best prunes IjrOW i y They have been in ..the business and surely knew. ' And where to grow fine erraio, but if ";. dairvme you would try They can tell you .just where a fine , rancn to Duy. . - . They do your buspess, deal in city And the renting of houses is in their hands. So when yen come here, a stranger and alone, Just call at the office of White & Stone Or. Wells, the Albany V S will be at Fruits livery stables every Friday of each week. ' Bring your horses and have them examined free of charge. Go to Zierolf'a for fresh Yaquina Bay oysters CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. Time Card Number 22. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany. .12:45 P- m ' " Corvallis 2:00 p. m " arrives Yaquina 6:2o p. m I Returning: .- ' . Leaves Yaquina. 6:45 a. m Leaves Corvallis ...11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit. ..12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: , Leaves Detroit i:0o p. m Arrives Albany i...... 5:55 p. m Train N0..1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P-south bound train, as well as giving two or three, hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. , . Train So 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach tbe Springs tbe same day. For further information apply to . Edwin Stork, Manager. H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. - Thos. Cockrell,. Agent Albany. H: S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon 1J Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets, Hours 10 to 12 a, m., 1 to 4 p. m. r Orders may be left at Graham & Wortham's drug store. it ! Willamette Yallej Banking Companf. COBTAXUS OREGON. Responsibility. $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchange Issued payable at all finan cial centers la United States, Canada and Europe. . . Principal eorreepondent. PORTLAN D lomion & San FranRlcoRnk Limited; Canadian Bank of Gomnum. .. SAN FRANCISCO London & San Frauein- o Bank Limited. NEW YORK Meairs. J. P. Morgan & Co. CHICAGO First National Bank.. : CONDON, ENG. London A San FranclBco Bank Limited. SEATTLE AND TAOOMA London San FranciKco Bank Limited. Proclamation. Whereas, tne Secretary of State ot the State of Oregon has notified me in wr!tiag that pursuant - to the ' pro Tisionaofan act entitled, "An act making ef. fective the initiative andreterendnni proviB Joneof Sectl nl of ArtielelVof the Constlta-' tlou of the State of Oregon, and regulating e lectlona thereunder, and providing penalties for violation of provisions of this act," approved February 21th. 1903, the State Prohibition Al liance duly filed Iti his olhce on February ft, 1901, an initiative, petition containing 8,816 sig natures properly attached thereto and certified in accordance with law, demanding thit a pro posed law, the tenor and effect ' of which is hereinafter particularly sec forth, providing for elections In any county or any precinct therein or any subdivision therein or any sub division of 4 county consisting of any number of entire ana cont!gBtus products of such coun ty to determine whether the sale of intoxlcat1 lng liquors shall be prohibited in such county.. or subdivision thereof or any such precinct and for other purposes as hereinafter stated shall be submitted -to the legal electors ot the State ot Oreeon for their aDoroval or rejec tion at the general election to be held on. thfe 6th day ot June, being the first Monday of June 1WH. "".j .. 1 ; - Now therefore, I, Geo. E. Chamberlain,; Governor of the State of Oregon, in -obedience to the provisions of said act hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby make and issue this Proclamation to the people of the 8tue ol Ore gon, announcing that the said State Prohibition Alliance has filed said initiative peUtlon with the requisite number of signatures thereto at tached, demanding that there be submitted to. the legal electors of the State of Oregon tor their approval or rejection at the regular election to be held on the 6th day ot June, being the first Monday of June, 19M, a proposed law provid ing for elections in any county or precinct therein or any subdivision therein or any sub division of a countv consisting of any number ol entire and contiguous precincts of such county to determine whether the sale of intoxi cating liquors shall be prohibited In such coun ty or subdivision thereof, and tor other pur poses connected therewith as hereinafter stat ed, having tor Its purpose and belng'brlefly of the tenor and effect following," that is to say: AbUl to propose, by initiative petition, a law providing for elections in any county or any precinct therein or any subdivision of a county, consisting ot any number of entire and con tiguous precincts ot such county, to determine whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited in such county or subdivision thereof or In such precinct; providing tor the tiling of perltions for such elections and the form and effect thereof, and for notices of such elections and for tne time and manner of hold ing and conducting the same; -declaring what shall constitute a subdivision of the county within tbe meaning of this law; declaring what acts shall and what shall not constitute a violation of this law; declaring the qualifica tions of petitioners and of electors at such el ections: applying to such elections the prov M ins ot Sections 1900. 1901, 1902; 1903, 1904, 1905, 1900, 117, 11108, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, and 1975. Qf Bellluger & Cotton's Annotated -. Codes and Stitutes of Oregon; providing for printing and distributing ballots for such elections; pre scribing tlieduties of public officers in relation to such election.-, and in relation to the enforce ment of the provisions of this law: providing lor the issuance by tne County Court of orders prohibiting the sale of iutoxicating liquors within certain limits and declaring tbe duties of such courts in reference thereto; limiting thetuue tvithin which the question of prohib iting such sale oi intoxicating liquors may again be submitted 1 1 vote in the same district: providing peuiltks and punishment for the violation ot any of the provisions pf this law; providing for the return to any liquor dealer or other tersou of a proportionate amount of any license fee which he may have paid, whenever , the district in which he shall be engaged in business shall be declared to be prohibition territorv; and applying to all elections held under the provision1 of this law the ; provisions of the general election law of the. state aud declaring certain rules of evidence applicable to prosecutions under this Act. Done at the Capitol at Salem this 10th day of February, A. D., 1904. Gbobge E. Chahbeklain. - Governor. By the Governor, h F. I, Dunbab. fjecretury of State. (Sea L.I E. R, Bryson, l - Attomey-At-Law. . 1 POSTOFFICB BUILDING