The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 12, 1904, Image 1

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    -ami 2 ,iiir,voD
Vol. XVII. No. 3.
Kdltar nl Proprietor.
4 W 1 W . 1.1 Ij-lrftlviii'-.i.V----U I UIJ' ill.' II HHII:-
v t - hi ii i i u II vj i v i. i j. i i r ii i i ii v u , ii v in iiiii u n w x y i a.
t - -
We are Receiving
Some of Our
Early Shipments
Every day Briugs New Goods to
Our Store.
. ..... "T
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinaware
A large and varied line.
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. Visit bur Store we do t lie
B Horning
One Hu Forty -Two Children, and
Over a Hundred Nephews and -,
.. Nieces Living ia Polyga-
... my and Make Bold
1 Confessions of It
Other NewB.
----- . - .
Washington, March 8. The
chief witness yesterday afternoon
and today in the investigation of
Mormoniam carried on by the sen
ate committee, was Mrs. Kennedy,
who yesterday testified that she was
married by Brigbam Young to J.
F. Johnson, a polygamist and mem
ber ef the Mormon church, aftir the
manifesto of I89O. - She yesterday
stated that she was married in Jua
rez, Mexico, when she was 17 jears
old, on May 19, 1836. by Brigbatr
Young; she, by arrangement with
Johnson, driving from her home' at
Diaz to the place of ceremony. She
testified that she had lived with
Johnson for five years, part of the
time with tbe nrst wife, and that
she had two children by Johnson,
one of whom is now Jiving. At the
end of five Tears she separated from
Johnson and married Mr. Kenne
Tbe witness stated that she had
been brought up in the Mormon
faith and that her parents formerly
lived in Utah.. She said she did
not, when married' regard polyga
my as anything but tbe natural
This morning tbe witness stated
that she knew no reason for her
journey of 75 miles from -Diaz to
Juarez to be married as plural wife
to Johnson, and did not know
whether any effort had been made
to have the marriage performed at
Diaz or not.
Mrs. . Kennedy stated that she did
not inform the man .who married
her that Johnson was already mar'
ried, and as far as she knew, tbe
celebrant might have believed be
was marrying Jobnson to bis first
lfe. She baa beard that Apostle
Teasdale objected to her plural mar
riage end had refused to marry her,
notwithstanding the intercession
by her mother and that he had in
formed those who asked him toper-
form the ceremony that all this
plural marriage work had been done
away with.
Questioned concerning tba mar
riage ceremony in 1889, the witness
declared be couldn't remember bow
it was performed. Couldn't repeat
it, but when close examined by Sen
ator Har admitted he knew the
ordinary wedding service. The
witness said be lived with both
wives who had eeparate homes - in
Richmond, Utai. At the time of
his sero-id marriage his home was
with his mother, bis father was on
"underground," that is,, in . hiding
because of persecutions going on for
polygamy. So be had a wife al
ready when be waa mamedby mm
to tba woman he calls his legal
wife. : His father had six wives, he
had 20 brothers and 17 sisters. He
did not know how many nephews
and iieces he had, probably 100.
Three of his brrothers had married
plural wives, two eieters bad mar
ried into polygamous families. His
father lives with his first 1 wife and
comes to the home of his mother
.once a month. "Fathsr is, a very
busy man," he added.
Charles Merrill, son of an apostle,
testified he was the son of his fath
er's third plural wife and himself a
polygamist. . He was first married
in-1887 to a wife who died in 1899.
In 1891' he married Chios Hen
dricks by whom he had five chil
dren: In1888 he married Anna
Stoddatd by whom he had four
children and waa living with her
when he married Chloe Hendricks,
whom he calls his legal wife. Mer
rill said he now has two wives and
is cohabiting with both. He denied
that tba woman he married in 1888
is his legal wife, explaining that
when he married in 1808 he bad a
wife living and that he understood
that under tbe laws that marriage
is now legal. Therefore bis mar
riage in I891 after tbe death of his
first wife in 1889. made the last
marriage legal.; .
London, March 8 Every indi
cation is that tbe czar is ready to
retire gracefully from the field
should tbe opportunity offer. High
legation officers bave been in receipt
of miormation within tbe last 4
hours that enables them to, should
they feel disposed, act in tbe inter
eets of peace and be confident that
Russia will "not object. The czar is
said to have intimated to St. Peters
burg authorities tbat he would wel
come European mediation and this
has been transmitted to tbe repre
sentatives here who have conveyed
the news to the representatives of
leading nations most directly inter
ested. 1. Tae -czar favors arbitra
tion and is said to be willing to re
fer the entire matter to the Hague
tribunal and to hold up hostilities
pending a settlement
Russia, so military experts say,
has found that she is in no trim for
war in tbe far east. She had her
ships hemmed in by a superior
force, her bases of supplies and even
her coaling stations are not accessi
ble to ber cruiser fleet and the
equadrons at Port Arthur and Vlad
ivostok are bottled up most tightly
The railroad that was to prove such
a boon in war time has proven any
thing but a blessing, and as a tool
it is a dull one. Transportation of
troops goes on slowly, .on sea tbe
Russian is impotent and on- land
protection is all that can be hoped
for, no conquest can be made and
protection of acquired territory is
even questionable in many cases,
New Furniture
And Music Store.
Cordially invite you to inspect my New Stock of
Various Musical Instruments,
Bed Lounges and Couches.
Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads,
Maple and Ash Bedsteads, etc.
Woven Wire Springs,
Good Line of Mattresses,
Extension Tables, Center Talle,
Go Cart9
consisting of
Sideboards, Kitchen Safes,
Kitchen Treasures,
Dining Chairs, High Chairs,
Children's Rockers,, and
Many Styles of Other Rockers.
Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in
Window Shades, Curtain Poles.
New Line of Wall Paper.
Also Sewing Machines, new and second-hand. Second-hand Pianos
ior aala and for rent. A few stoves and a few pieces of Graniteware left.
Offioe In Zierolf Building, CorvaUis. Or
B. A. CATHEY, M. D.f
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Room 14. First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Honrs,
10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m.
O "IflndThedfort'sBlack-DranRlit
a flrood medioine for liver disease.
It cured my eon after he had spent
$100 with doctors. It is all the med
icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE
MARTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of Thedford'g
Black-Draueht and .take a dose .
tonight. His great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels, stirs np the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
or one.
Thedford's Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contasrion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright 's disease
which claims as many victims .
as consumption. A 25-cerit
package of Thedford's Black-,
Draught should always be kept
in the house. -
"I used Thedford's Black
Draught for liver and kidney com
plaints and found nothing to excel
blehead. III.
fort Jams, jn. x., AUrcb 9.
Mare than 100 homes in the lower
part of town have been flooded
the second story, and - 3OO families
have been made temporarily borne
less by a sudden rise in tbe Dele
ware River, caused by an ice gorge
Tbe electric light plant was flooded
and tbe town is in darkness.
All day tbe river has been rising
Just before dark thejee began mov
ing. it stopped at a big gorge three
miles down the river, aod a large
body 01 water immediately backej
over the town. So sudden was
tbat many people i-taudins 00 tb
banks were obliged to wade eboul
der'deep in the streets and bun
dreds were imprisoned in 'thei
Boats were put in commission
rescue the inmates. The water sub
sided for a while, but tOin bfgan to
go up again at the rate of four feet
an hour.
The Port Jarvis divirion of tbe
Ontario & Western Railroad is
blocked with ice and the Erie tracks
and shops are nnder several feet of
water. The flood has extended to
the principal business streets.
A.ssction of the iron bridge of tbe
Matamora? & Milforn Railroad has
been carried out, destroying com
munication with near-by towns.
If True, Movement Is Accounted
Best Strategy Since Time of .
Napoleon Russians Driv
'. 1 en Back in Land En
gagementOther News.
London, March 10. From, Tien
tsin, advices are sent that by a se
ries of rapid marches the Japanese
bave succeeded in surprising the
Russian force sent to throw up in
trenchments at Fung Wang Chang,
and compelled them to abandon the
position, the Russians being out
numbered and unable to secure the
commanding position planned. The
Japanese army then marched north
ward to an eastern pass to Takung
Ling, and is now moving on Hai
Tcbeng and Lio Yang where a force
of 35,000 Russians are strongly in
trenched. - Air engagement is im
minent at the latter place. And if
the Japanese are successful tbe line
of communication with Port Arthur
will be cut, endangering the safety
of the foitrees, while Niu Chwang
and its port, Yinkaw, are almost
certain to fall. -
In tbeir present movements, tbe
Japanese are following exactly the
same tactics as secured them suc
cess in the Cbinese-JapaneBe War,
and are moving over precisely tbe
same ground. Tbe rapidity of the
Japanese movement has bewildered
the Russian commanders, and tbe
result is tbat many small parties
have been cut off and compelled to
This is the Only sews on this
subject yet received in London, and
to some of tbe military critics it is
inconceivable that Japan can have
really executed such aisndued, un
expected and successful turn of tbe
Russian position on tbe Yalu river,
which, it is thought, would bave
necessitated the employment of a
much larger force than it is believ
ed Japan can possibly have at this
dition's land movements of the Jap-
aneee, who - were probably- landed
from transports at some point wast '
of the Yalu river. . ; , ' ?
London, March 10. The Daily -Telegraph,
commenting on reports -that
the Japanese have taken Fung
Wang Chang, says if the, newa of
this strange and marvelous collapse. -of
Russian power on land is true, -there
is nothing to prevent the Jap-. -aneee
from seizing Mukden and the.
railroad. There has been nothing, ;
to compare with this move, the pa
per oontinaes, since Napoleon stag- r
gered Europe by appearing on the. .
Plains of Italy, having descended .
from the Alps as from the clouds. ,
ItB effect throughout the , East wilt
be stupendous. The other news
papers prefer to wait for authorita- '
tive details . before aocepting thia -news.
Rumors of mediation in tba
Far East continue to circulate on
the continent, but evidently the
British government has no idea that
mediation is possible. :
Washington, March 9. The gov
ernment here has received advices
by cable from Cbefoo, opposite Port
Arthur, to tbe effect that J apaoese
land ' forces have appeared at
Fung Wang Chwang and at Ta
shan. No details are furnished.
Tbe first named place is about 45
miles north of An Tang in -Manchuria,
and the latter is a few miles
inland from the mouth of the Yalu
According to the calculations of
tbe naval officers here they believe
this movement has placed tbe Jap
anese on the Russian flank and per
haps in the rear and on their line
of communicatiou. It is believed
that yesterday's attack upen Port
Aitbur and Talien Wan was a di
version perhaps to cover the expe-
Wilkesbarre, - Pa., March 9. ,r ;
More than $1,00.1.0 n w -r'h of is
property has been dee m . fi t,y tba ;
flood of the Wyoming V, !-,- and I
over 2,ooo families reuiit-rxi home- -
If 88. Though tbe river is falling-at
Willkesbarre tonight towns in the? '
vicinity of Bloomsburg are expert
encing the worst flood in their his- ;
tory. - zr
Three spans of the great steel
bridge erected by the state at Cata-
wassi were swept from their piers
early in the afternoon, and this -evening
the two remaining spans
lhe rennsylvanis railway brides .
over Catawasai Creek went out this -
The ice moved at Danville early
in the afternoon, and carried . th :
great covered river bridge from its .
piers. The bridge was 2,ooo feet." ;
in length.
industries all along the Susque
hanna river from Pittstonto Nanti- '
coke are closed down on account ef
the bgh water, and in many places -,
water is flowing into the mines. Ia -the
central portion of Willkesbarre
today business was crippled on ac-
count of basements being filled with .'
At Plymouth the entire ' busiueas -
section of the town is nnder water.
The ice is gorged there and the wa- -ter
backed up so rapidly this after
noon tbat many families found it
impossible to leave their homes and .
are now living on the upper floors.
Communication by railroads has
been cut off.
; The people living in tbe lowlands
had to be rescued today by the po
lice in boats. Practically the same
conditions prevail all along ths
river as far as Danville, sO miles
below here, and the loss to proper
ty will be greater than that sustain
ed in any previous flood. No town
along the river front has escaped.
The ice gorge at Clark's Island,
below the town at Cattawassi, has
forced the water into Front and
Water street's aod scores of families
have been compelled to leave their
Seattle, March 9. The Dawson
correspondent of the Poft-Iotelli-geneer,
under data of February 23
The upper Stewart River coun
try is alive with timber, wolves this
winter. Near Fraser Falls, as ma
ny as 100 in a single pack have
been seen. They often follow trav
elers, but not in such great numbers.
Nature Lends
Every one knows that Royal' Baking
Powder is absolutely pure. Hence the
housewife uses it with implicit confidence
and without question, and she is justified"
in so doing.
But how few realize that Royal Baking
Powder in its chief ingredient is a direct prod
uct" of the healthful and delicious grape! This
constituent of the grape; crystallized and promd
to an impalpable powder, is the cream 0:
tar which forms the active principle cf every
pound of Royal Baking Powder.
Fruit properties are ' indispensable to the
healthfulness of the body, and those of the, .
grape as used in the "Royai" are the most
valuable and healthful of all.
Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder
produces food superlative both in flavor
and wholesomenessi