''-3 ...(.. ..Vl- iff- iL 33m T etftarcoO SSIdT -A-TT3 dBT.-t I j .... i . Vol. XVII.No. 3. 1 v . t , CORVALLIS, OREGON. MARCH H. 1904. : i M m We are Receiving Some" of Our Early Shipm ents 'POE SPRING. Every day Brings. New Goods to Our Store. .DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, SHOES, CLOTHING, ETC. " : GOME AND SEE. J. H. HARRIS. TERIBLE ACCIDENT. TWO YOUNG MEN OF INDE PENDENCE MEET A SHOCK. ING DEATH. WE . BO -NOT , OFTEN GII&WqB ' I Our ad., but our goods change hands ' everyday. Your money exchanged M. for Value and Quality ; is the idea? 1 X Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported Plain and Fancy Chinaware W ' a large and varied hne. g Orders Filled Promptly and Com- f plete. Visit our Store we do the ? s rest- x Z I ' - & B. Bornitifl. :.$ pew Furniture 1 And Music Store. SOUTH MAJiN ST. CORVALLIS, OR. I Cordially invite you to inspect my New Stock of h Goods consisting of j various musical Instruments, Sideboards, Kitchen Safes, p Kitchen Treasures, Dining Chaira, High Chairs, ' & Children's Rockers, and Many Styles of Other Rockers. 'g Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in ? Window Shades, Curtain Poles. ' jjj New Line of Wall Paper. C " ... .-6 Also -tawino- Mifiliimui ....... it i , . . jj o-., uvi ccuuu-uauu. . oecona-nand Pianos 7. tsal8 and for rent. A few stores and a few pieces of Graniteware left. ' - . v. Bed Lounges and Couches. Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads, Sj Maple and Ash Bedsteads, etc. Woven Wire Springs, 3j Good Line of Mattresses, 3 Extension Tables, Center Tables, 5 Go Carts Blown to Pieces by the Explosion ot one Hundred Pounds of Dynamite Wonderful Op eration on Negro Stab bed by His Sweet- . heart. . - ' Independence. March K n nr kilt, most Qltt-fiSRlncr anil hnrnhb accidents that ha. occurred in Polk county, causing ' the death of two young men, happened at 8 o'clock this morning about one and one half miles north -of Independence, .where Curtis Baker was dynamit ing stumps with John Barton on Mr. Barton's hop land. Mr. Baker went down work this mornincr anr! an how rrt e v l.V Cabe. a vonnsr bov of abont 1 1 of age, went down with him lor the purpose 01 visiting Him and seeing him bfast Btumns. While Mr. .. ton was heatine the dvnnmito ;n can or not water Drenaratnrv tn . . , . blastiQff. tie dvnamile. from anm unknown cause, exploded and set on the reet of the hundred -r j : . ' oi uDsme mat was near by. The boys, McCabe and Baker, were in ft inntly killed. . The bodies were picked ud and hurled in midair a distance of over l.sO feet.. Their limbs were torn from their bodies, which were disemboweled. mH their faces were maoeled bevnnd recognition, hannir hppn inmn in. ly blackened bv the charve nf der. A house standinsr at 'a rlia or a few hundred yards is in com plete ruins, the windows demolish. ed, the casings and woodwork wrenched loose, and the whole house practically off frcm its found ation. The earth where the hnrrnr occurred was torn up to a depth of xour ieet, ana lor a SDace of -?0 to 40 feet in diameter. A small pig was feeding a few yards distant and lDFtaouy tinea . Mr. Barton was at wntt nnl.i - .... enori aisiance awav, and it was a miracle that Mr. Woo J, a young man who was in the field. wa nnt also killed. He had started to the spot where the boys were and was called back bv Mr. Bnrr, whn wished him to help him with some oi nis wortc. not for this he too would hvae fallen a victim in tho explosion. The coroner of Dallas was called up, but be concluded that an nffi. cial investigation would not have io oe maae and the bodies worn picked up and taken to the under taking parlors for burial. Gilbert McCabe wan flvnnnarmfen of about 18 years of age. His fath er died here about a year ago and his mother is livictr i n tha a.ef His father bequea'hed him the tile factory at this place, which is being manazed bv thn hnva - J 1 nomas Pomeroy. McCabe had stated that he had no woik to do this morning on the' farm and thought he would go out and make a visit. He got up early and left with his friend for th hntfr, where the accident occurred. Mr. Biker was a young man of about 62 years of aire, and well known here,, having been in this city for a number of years. His death comes as a terrible shock and calamity to the stricken family. No blame ia placed for the accident. It is thought that the sudden con traction "caueed by the hot water in the freezing process was the nnBa of the explosion. ; : on with its work with almost nor mal steadiness and regularity.. The cuv waa & targe one and required Six Stitches. The nlnnr. woo ed and a gathering of Wood was re moved, s After the wonnd had Koon ea .bmergon was extremelv wmV but is rallying slowly, and the ew geoua neiieve ne will recover. Madisan . Wis ffh -7 tt; started at 3 o'clock this morning from crossed electric wires and completely gutted Wisconsin's beau thai capital building. . The loss waa $800,000. The insurance was only 16,000. The fire waa not dis covered until it waa under ereat L J mi . . ucuuway. j.ne locar nremea were uuaoie 10 cope witn tbe lire and ap-1 : , .ui",lou uu piace . at pealed , to Milwaukee department r: j o dock this afternoon and bom but the aid pjtmn tnn lot. ' barded the town and shora hniter. The loes involves the building of LATE WAR NEWS. JAPANESE FLEET BOMBARDS VLADIVOSTOK. n.. . purpose was to Uraw the Fire of Russian Shore Batteries Bat teries at Port Arthur Have H mm i a. - cent Attacks. VladivDstflk. Murnh R A t j uugpim -iapiun uaiLieenipB ana two I cruisers appeared off this nlace t a new capitol.. -A special session of we leeisiature will h pbIIbH probably renew the agitation to re move the capital from , Madison to Milwaukee. The east and woat wingg-were entirely ruined.. The ouiidmg cost $1,000,000.- Governor Lafollette personally directed the fight against the flames. Students and citizens assisted in re moving the records and law books. The vaul s are believed to be in tact. ; Fire Chief Bernard Wfi.9 BPrirtnaltr iojured by falling bricks. - Lima. Pdru. March A. :TKo earthquake in years occurred here met evening and did much damage ( me city and surroundins conn- try. A number of lives have been lost. TM 1 - J. . lueuuasswaB louowerl bv an extremely high tide at Callai and a violent sea alone the Coast. ' Tt In at. . .1 , . . . . eu several minutes, dnrincr whioh tns earth rocked violently anrl mmK Hng WftB deeo and nrofonnd . The earthntiatra Sfirvta AAnfinn J xvarua. VUUUU VI ed this morninsr and wnro tKn rnnat 0 i wa v uw UiWOt severe known in a Quarter nf a . iuxy. - t Tha-damace to life and nronertv ujust nave oeen ornat trn 41. . O - tivui- WO character of the tremors, but no fig- moo ui lUBses are yet, ODtalnable. Further advices are awaited With xevensn anxiety. Redding, Cal., March 4 Wil nam Clements and his daughter, """ groaning weaver reek, near uougias uity, last evening in a bus gy. had a thrilling e-rnnrienna Tt. creek was a ratrino- inmnt .rit buggy struck a holeandcapsized.The occupants were tnrown out and the ouiai waB carried down stream. Cle meets cancht 1ia mM onj:u a superhuman effort strapped her to tne horss. and Ihon laim a ct,.. J M U ibe bueiv was wrprVpd ni. ments tainted whn tha ihn reacned. Xhe horse, which had al so reacbed the shore, ntartori fe with the cirl. but aha TY1 ana noA 4- a tree herself and walked toDouglae, tWO mileS distant. mhara oka tained help for her father, who was uuwpieieiy over come. I I , O. J. BLACKLEDGE. f E. E. WILSON, 4TV0Tyj?Y AT l.Al O.Y..v B. A. CATHEY, M. D - . Physician and Surgeon., w ,,J'P"1'?,,!-.w'l Or. Office Honrs. 1 .. 4 1' in... Philadelnhia. March e. Thmos . - j- uvulae rjmereoo. a colored man rr-hn . stabbed in the heart Monday by his oweeiueari, nas Deen the eubject of an unusual operation. His heart was lilted out of the body and six stitches were taken to close the big cash made bv the? The org'an was replaced and Emer son is recovering." ; . Alter the assault Emerson walked Without a8si8tanCfl to tha hnenltol a distance of five blocka. and ro . - 1 ww- -n no nn n JS al ? n ... ' fu uuuer me innuence oi ether as soon as the wound had been exam ined. On the operating table the" heart was exposed by along inci sion which necessitated the break icg of several r?b. Th cnorsf ; jeorgeon inserted two fiogtrs aad- liiied out the heart. ' It was drawn Sata Cruz. nal...ManT. a a masked hizhwav man thiamAmin. at the point of a pistol held up two uiou uu iijeir way to town. The orst One ennnnntsrail nao yjiia Hammond, a Salvation Army man. The highwayman threatened to blow out his brains. "God bles. you shoot." said thn SaIof.-nJt complacently. The bandit in ap- yareui aieguEi lowered his weapon and walked away. St. Petersburg, March 4. Seri ous concern is manifest in official circles here over the statement that America tOfl a V haa nmrniooJ T . . j f.vuiLDcu o avail the assistance of her warshins" in the event that Russi cognize the right of China to grant u, i ci rrM iiH i nrfl Tf a m oi - "j uiui ia-u LUU- su about to.be sent to Manchnria. The stite department at Wash ington desires neutrality, but the worn was given out three weeks a go that the integrity of ChiDa must be preserved regardleea of Russian ambition. les for 55 minutes. The fleet armroarthfid from tha;. rection of Askold Island, athe east entrance to Ussuri Bay, and about luuas souineast oi .Vladivostok. Entering Ussuri Bay, the enemy formed, a line of battle, but did not approach to a closer range than a mile and one-third. They directed their fire against the ehore batteries ana me town, but no damage result ed, as most .of their 200 lyddite aliens iauea to ourst. The Russian hatr.aricc nnmman ed bv General Vet-note md a... ujuuuu, aia not reply, awaiting a Kivaer approach or the enemy. The Japanese fire ceased at 2:20 p. m., and the enemy retired in tbe aireciion or Askold Island. Simul taneously two torpedo-boat destrov ers appeared near; Askold aland and two more near Cape Maidel. Ibe Japanese ships were covered with ice. . . v 1 he attack resulted in no loss to the Russians, but Root, tha limn... w w V.HUbOV uu ruoies tsioo.ooo.) in ammu nition. Most Of tha nrnipp.t.ilaa mora six and i2-inch shells. . The population of Vladivostok was warned this mom nor nf tv.. - 1 u presence on the horizon nf a h a . i i . i ... v ... net i, ana me nrosnent nf aitanir Hn jug mc aay, om it remained tran qui! ft. '9- r. XKTIK and are boying all sulUble craft At noon Friday tha steamers, conveyed by the cruiser Takao and two torpedo boats, land- -ed men and stores 10 miles below Hwangjd. Cossacks ase keepine a. sharp watch on the Japanese move- SL rflflrokiis - i . xt Kussian commandant at Vladivoa- ' tok has issued a proclamatioB. warning tha inhah?t.- .-.i.Tl . 17-mile radius to leave immediate ly Ukin? theiy peraonai effects but 00 froa stores nor cattle. , ( This Droclamntin. evidence that the Russians expect an early attack upon Vladivostok. . - It IS knnan K . - .. ua. at pari or. ins Japanese fleet was dispatohed in the-directiou of Vla;..v ... : is reported to have been seen in that vicinity, but its movement have been ehronded in mi. . bor is ice-bound, but the Russians 1 nave been hrealr.rio-: . enable their vessels to get out. i: arinur enonid be taken by tbe Jananpaa .k..j . . x the Russians, Vladivostok will be ine neji point ot naval attack, and the action taken h. tha nn ant is indicative of a fear that it may be near at hand. ' Niu Chwanir. March A Wan. o- v- v iv ail rivals from Port Arthur confirm the rnmora in cirnnlatinn hn . loob Week that the waatarlir hot. . .... . , U4. 1 u .1UD have been greatly damaged by the tiapaneee Boeu me. jUesaltory bom- uaiuuxaui cununnm. i.ii r Kaa . uwo uao been an absence of concerted action On tne Dart Of thp Jananaaa ... I 7- . f.. uwuw not' ships tor a couple of days. All of tne civilian population has been ex piea irom tne town. . A heavilv-laden train nro A . . rf w.h.m VI co ua- railed near the town Saturday, but it. la rint Irnnwii Viv- . J uunu .uu luu-u uamage Was done. Tha wrarlr naa inJ .w wnuocu by an obstruction being placed on tbe track by Japanese agents. 1 he at tern nt to rana! r tha. A.,. 1 .. v. i y - dock bo that it would accommodate tne oatiie snip Uzarovitch has been abandoned, and she will remain in a disabled condition until the i of the war, or until she can be Bent to viaaivostok, where the drydock is latsre enoush to tccnmmni-i- her. Niu Chwaner is now fin) o cupied by a small detachment oi cavai'y. , St. Petershiirc. Mo Zl ei vu i. an Otncer Of tha Rn-dion Mi.;B.. t n da in aeecrihintr tha fi. t- attack on Port Arthur, writes a de- nial of the story that the Russian officers were ashore. And a caaiili. that the Japanese used false lights. At 11 o'clock that r.;nl.. ..... drill to repel torpedo attacks was executed by the Russian fleet and at midnight four Russian torpedo boats that had Bimulated the enemy headed back toward n.u. t.1 crews of the fleet retired. - v ... The captain of the Pallida had descended from the bridge when he had been fur a loot ships's lights, white above red, ac cording to , the Russian method,' were observed. Tha - ""f'loiu BUD r.03ed they were Russian boats te-i. turning irom the drill nntil he no ticed a different stvla nf at. ant. .v.f. ' was being followed. ' The crews were then called to quarters; the euns were loaded . grape and fire was opened. A ter rific explosion under the Pallada submerged tbe ornisarc riuv kn. ' did not stop the firing or maneuv enng. Measures were taken at ones to close the breech. Soon after tor pedoes were exploded under the Retvizan and the a.t.uu, X UIQ. ended the attack. Cleveland. O ' T Q k m- 1 wa. wivu f. iUlOT burplars were captured last night by Mrs. Fannie. BlaRVhi.rn a Ow of i5 veara. whn ia f ; v.... . J 1 " w .9 HI UUU 11JUE cnlar. v Sbe ueed a hickory club on the men as thev emerorad f.nm cellar, knocking them down one by one. The burglars were .bo daz.d that they were unable to get awav, and were soon made helpless by the sturdy widow's b'onra. . Tha were eurnmonfd and took the men into cusiodv. . - - Paris. March i. The .nrn,j ent of the matin of Tokio say6 that a banquet eiven Thnrsrla-r .. v, American war correspondent, the vice-minist3r ot foreign affairs, in thankiDS the Amerinnn riDiinn t o 1U1 support hitherto given to Japan, ucbiaicu luai, me government reck oned unon receiving .n mna r n - uu'i r fective assitance from the United aiate8 in the iuture. AQe corresDOndent nava ho. v.n " usa nas reason to believe that the vice mini.tar alluded to the proposed loan in connection with which Bar on Kaneko has eone to the Tin.-foj fj -w WLI,OU atates. The subscriptions to the war loan opened March 1 now amount to -9,ooo,ooo. St. Petersburg. Mamh k , OH wa V AUORatr ' number of Jews being sent to the .iuu.uyiun j&uBsian government ia utterly di8DroRori.ii.not. t v. portion of Hebrews to the entire population., It is estimated that fully 12 per cent, of the reinforce ments to the rant-a nf tha Jews and over 30,000 of them are now proceeding to the scene of op erations to take nait. In l.a 1 r -uv TfBtc tt- . eainet Janan. Nn rth, - . vtaos ltx liussia-has contributed so largely Notwithetandincr thaoa n-.r loyalty, popular hatred of the Jews uuuunues unaDated and fears are entertained that whnlaaaia . - uj.aoa- ere of the Jews will occur at the easier holidays. London, March 7. Thft Daily Mail's Cbefjo correannn.at.r J.. scribes a visit he made to Chemul po. ' He sava the nonntrv thanna . Ping Yans is imnassahlH the thaw. The villages are desert ed and horses and provisions cannot be obtained, everything having uoou uuuj.i up uy me Japanese. "I am informed," Bays the corres pondent," that there will be no ad vance until 100,000 men have been concentrated at Pi D cr Vn nn Tt is thswing inland and tbe water way? bave greatly h.lpsd the trans-' portation arrangements. Th Jan- anese are Lu'v -at n-.r." hn; Astoria. . Mamh. . t---t . -uuroai: - while attempting to boards the eteamship Clavering yes terday morning a. she lay off the mouth of the river, outside of the lightship George Woods, bar pilot, fell overboard into the rolling sea. W hen rescued he hausted, and could not have enr-.. vived much longer. In company with others, Pilot W OOdS wa9 in a email hr.af , uuu w tv uti;i was conveying them to thefilava,. mg. Arriving along side of the big liner a stepladder was put out for him to climb nn 'an4 . i j in some manner he missed his foot ing ana tell, and waa soon battling with the Waves. TT waa fnrrlnA some distance from the ship, . and about half the time was hidden from view bv the rani no aaa Thnooi occupying the small boat went in pureuit oi me almost-drowned man, and tliey finally succeeded, in pall ing him aboard, more dead than a live. He soon revived, however, , and then the officers and crew as- : sisted him in boarding the steamer. After changing clothes and hover ias around a hot fire for a Mm- h I V j recovered from his experiecc?.